Grammar Review Units 1-2

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Personal pronouns, verb to be, possessive adjectives, articles, demostratives

1. Translate the following sentences


1 Yo soy un estudiante. I am student

2 Hay una sombrilla en la caja. There is an umbrella in the box

3 Esta es una cartera. This is a wallet

4 No hay alumnos en la escuela. There aren’t no students in the school

5 Hay un llavero en tu bolsa? Is there a keychain in your bag?

6 Estás trabajando en la escuela? Are you at school?

7 Dónde está la llave? where is the key?

8 Qué es esto? what is this?

9 Qué son estos? What are these?

10 El bote de la basura está sobre la mesa. The trash can is on the table

11 La libreta no está en la mesa. the notebook is not on the table

12 Los lentes no están junto a la pluma. the sunglasses are not next to the pen

13 Hay un periódico en frente de la ventana. there is a newspaper in front of the window

14 No hay tickets debajo de tu cartera. there are no tickets under your wallet

15 Sus libros están en la mochila. his books are in the backpack

16 Está el borrador en tu escritorio? Is the eraser on your desk?

17 Nos vemos la próxima clase. see you next class

18 Dónde está una sombrilla? Where is an umbrella?

19 Dónde está la cartera? Where is the wallet?

20 Está Lucy en casa? is Lucy at home?

21 Nosotros no estamos tristes. we aren't sad

22 Dónde estás? where are you?

23 Dónde está Pedro? where is a pedro?

24 Ustedes son maestros. you are teachers

25 Ella no es una doctora. she isn`t a doctor

26 Hay tres perros en mi casa. there are three dogs in my house

27 Sus audífonos no están detrás de la computadora you hearing aids are not behind the

28 Estas son memorias. these are flash drives

29 Esta es una salida de electricidad this is an electricity outlet

30 Estas no son universidades these are not universities

31 No hay un bote de basura en el jardín there is no trash can in the garden

32 Dónde está el enchufe de la luz? Where is the light outlet?

2. Complete the following sentences

A. 1)__I__ am Mary. 2) My nickname is estrellita because I love stars.3) ___my__ best friend is Lolis. 4)
__I_ am a student. 5) ___My_ favorite music is Banda.
6) __there_ 7) ___is_ a computer in front of the televisión. 8) __there__ 9)_are__ three televisions in
_the__ house, but we only watch 10) __the__ television in the living room.

B. They 1) _are__ Lupita and José. 2) ___their__ school is in front of my house. 3) __their___ school is
closed these days. 4) __the___ students are in 5) __your__ houses. 6) __they___ have to give the
homework via whats app. 7) __there___ 8) _is___ a big tree in 9) __the__ garden. 10) _their_ school is

C. 1)__she__ is Sofia. 2) __she_ 3) _is_ very nice. 4) _her__ car is red. 5)_her_ favorite food 6) _is_pozole.
6) _she__ 7) __isn´t__(negative) Sophia. 8) __her__ name is spelled S-O –F- I- A. 9) __there___ 10)
__isn´t9___ (negative) a P-H in her name.

D. Luis 1)_is__ a mechanic. 2) ___his___ favorite music is regge. 3) __his_phone number is 578263548. 4)
__he____ 5)__is__ a very good sports player. 6) ___his___ nickname is Lewis. 7) ____he___ 8)__has__
a big picture of Maradona in 9)__his__ room. 10) _his__ picture is from Argentina.

E. 1) _there_ 2) __isn´t___ (negative) clases in my school. 3) _the_ teachers are at home. 4) _the_ 5)
There_isn´t__ (negative) a cafetería. Sometimes, 6) _the_ headmistress Alma goes to ENOL, 7)
_there__ 8) _aren´t__ (negative) many secretaries but 9) _there_ 10) _is__ a phone number and we
can called.
Mtra. Maricruz Torres Armenta

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