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TIMOTHY J. BIBLARZ AND EVREN SAVCI University of Southern California
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Families
This article reviews new scholarship on lesbian, and relationships, including parenting. Many
gay, bisexual, and transgender families. The of the studies during this period, reviewed
past decade witnessed rapid expansion of data by Patterson (2000) in JMF, showed that
and strong research designs. The most notable lesbian and gay couples, parents, and their
advance was in studies on variation among children averaged at least as high as their
mostly planned lesbian comother families. heterosexual counterparts in relationship quality,
Cumulative evidence suggests that although psychological well-being, social adjustment, and
many of these families have comparatively high parental investment.
levels of shared labor and parental investment, Beginning in September 2000, when The
they may not be as ‘‘genderless’’ as previously Netherlands extended the right to marry to
depicted. Gay men’s diverse paths to family include same-sex couples, the ensuing decade
formation and planned parenthood have also brought significant expansion of legal rights and
been explored, but almost no research studies recognitions. Same-sex marriage became legal
their children’s experiences. Conceptualizations
in Belgium, Norway, Sweden, Spain, South
of sexual orientation expanded to include
Africa, Canada, and Mexico City, and in the
bisexuals and others, and some understanding
United States in Massachusetts, Connecticut,
of the experiences of transgender people has
begun to emerge. Future work should explore Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Wash-
relationships among members of the families ington, DC. Dozens of other nations and states
they create. granted same-sex couples rights associated with
  marriage via domestic partnerships, civil unions,
  and the like. A number allowed second-parent
In the 1990s, marriages between same-gender adoption by same-sex couples. Of course, homo-
partners were not legally recognized anywhere phobia and discrimination are still prevalent, and
in the world and families formed by gay men, there was a push back by opponents (e.g., Cali-
lesbians, and bisexual and transgender people fornians voted to amend the state constitution to
faced considerable opprobrium and intolerance. limit legal marriage to that between a man and
Researchers were documenting what most social a woman, bans on same-sex marriage passed
scientists already knew but what much of the by popular vote in dozens of U.S. states, and
public, perhaps inundated by ‘‘virtual social some states passed restrictions to exclude gay
science’’ (Stacey, 1997), did not: that sexual
men and lesbians from adopting children). Not
orientations and gender identities per se have
all of the newsworthy events regarding lesbian,
almost nothing to do with fitness for family roles
  gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) fami-
  lies were about marriage and adoption. The first
  ‘‘pregnant man,’’ a female-to-male transgender
Department of Sociology, University of Southern
California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-2539 man who had chosen to keep his reproduc-
( tive organs during his sex-change operation,
Key Words: bisexual, family diversity, gay, gender, lesbian, gave birth to his baby. A team of scientists
sexuality, transgender. at Newcastle University in England announced
480 Journal of Marriage and Family 72 (June 2010): 480 – 497
  Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Families 481
the successful production of sperm from female interactional, and sources of identity for their
embryo stem cells. members. Research on lesbian mothers (which
Accompanying this activity was the rapid dominates this scholarship) and their children
expansion of social science research on LGBT is reviewed first, followed by work on gay
family issues in the first decade of the 21st fathers and their children and a section on
century. Long in coming, many nationally new developments in studies of LGBT youth.
representative data collection projects now The comparatively rare studies of bisexual and
include questions that, with some measurement transgender people are also discussed, followed
error, allow for the categorical identification by a brief section on how legal rights affect
of gay male, lesbian, and bisexual (less LGBT relationships. We follow this with a
so transgender) people, partners, and parents brief discussion of a smaller body of theory-
(limitations of categorical conceptualizations driven scholarship that focuses on how ‘‘the
are discussed later). These include the U.S. family’’ operates symbolically and as a state
Census and many of the surveys conducted institution in the larger culture. We also discuss
by the Census Bureau (e.g., the American the implications of these approaches for the
Community Surveys and the Current Population possibilities for LGBT families research and
Surveys), the General Social Surveys, the suggest that speaking to each other across
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent disciplinary differences will enrich scholarship.
Health, and many other health-oriented surveys. Finally, we offer fruitful directions for future
A number of other data collections, such as the research.
National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study  
Banks, 2006), the Atlantic Coast Families Study
(Fulcher, Sutfin, & Patterson, 2008), the Avon Most studies of lesbian mothers and their
Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children children focus on two broad types: those who
(Golombok et al., 2003), and the National gave birth to children in the context of a
Study of Gay and Lesbian Parents (Johnson heterosexual relationship and later formed a
& O’Connor, 2002), are not random/probability single-mother family or lesbian stepfamily and
samples in the usual sense but have many other lesbian single or, more often, comothers who
strengths. chose to have a child or children together through
Research designs also advanced notably in donor insemination (DI) or, less often, adoption.
tracking change over time (e.g., Kurdek, 2008; In the former case, the parents are often referred
MacCallum & Golombok, 2004; Vanfraussen, to as the biological mother and stepmother
Ponjaert-Kristoffersen, & Brewaeys, 2003a), within lesbian stepfamilies. In the latter case they
matching samples on potentially confounding are frequently termed the biological mother and
variables such as route to parenthood (e.g., social mother within lesbian comother families.
Bos, van Balen, & van den Boom, 2007; Over the past decade, the weight of research
Fulcher, Chan, Raboy, & Patterson, 2002), has shifted from unplanned/postdivorce lesbian
in-depth observation of family processes (e.g., stepfamilies to planned (mostly DI) lesbian
Bos et al., 2007; Golombok et al., 2003; Sutfin, comother families.
Fulcher, Bowles, & Patterson, 2008; Van- The picture painted by recent research is
fraussen, Ponjaert-Kristoffersen, & Brewaeys, mostly a continuation of a story from earlier
2002), and cross-national comparisons (e.g., research—that families with two lesbian parents
Bos, Gartrell, van Balen, Peyser, & Sandfort, (biological, social, or step) exhibited a number
2008). One of the strengths of this field is of strengths. Research has repeatedly shown
that social scientists value and employ diverse that lesbian parent couples have high levels of
methodologies (surveying, interviewing, partic- shared employment, decision making, parenting,
ipant observation, and so on), research designs, and family work, in part in the service of
and types of data that vary depending upon the an egalitarian ideology (Dunne, 2000; Fulcher
discipline involved, the research area of specialty et al., 2008; Patterson, Sutfin, & Fulcher, 2004;
and investigation, and the questions being raised. Vanfraussen et al., 2003a). Lesbian couples
This article reviews scholarship on LGBT also averaged higher satisfaction with their
families produced in the last decade. The relationships with each other and with each
majority of work treats families as performed, others’ parenting (e.g., Bos, van Balen, & van
  482 Journal of Marriage and Family
den Boom, 2004; Bos et al., 2007). Lesbian of their interaction with their child somewhat
DI mothers had a strong desire for children higher than those who had sons. Similarly, boys
and devoted a great deal of time and thought in lesbian comother families scored lower than
to choosing parenthood, and they tended to girls in comother families in self-rated feelings
equal or surpass heterosexual married couples of parental acceptance (Vanfraussen et al.).
on time spent with children, parenting skill, and Another study (Bos, Gartrell, et al., 2008) found
warmth and affection (Bos, van Balen, Sandfort, that both U.S. and Dutch boys (ages 10 – 11)
& van den Boom, 2006; Bos, van Balen, & with lesbian DI mothers were significantly less
van den Boom, 2003; Golombok et al., 2003; likely than their girl counterparts to report
MacCallum & Golombok, 2004). being open/out to their peers about having a
  lesbian mother(s). A recent study found that
  a good number of preadoptive lesbian parents
Variation Within Lesbian Families: who preferred to adopt a girl did so precisely
Challenging Definitions of Egalitarianism because they believed boys with lesbian parents
Variability when children arrive. In a series would encounter more heterosexism than girls
of mostly longitudinal studies, Kurdek (e.g., (Goldberg).
2007) found that lesbian couples without Lesbian mothers raising sons may face unique
children shared housework more equally than tensions in wanting social and socioeconomic
all the other comparison groups, and they success for their sons when that may mean
usually scored highest on positive dimensions colluding with cultural ideas of hegemonic mas-
of relationships. Other work found that, similar culinity that encourage male achievement but
to heterosexual couples, warmth decreased and involve the subordination of women. To teach
conflict increased somewhat among lesbian their sons to reject dominant definitions of
couples when they transitioned to parenthood masculinity risks potentially subjecting sons to
(Goldberg & Sayer, 2006), differentiation ridicule and obstacles in the extrafamily envi-
between partners in childcare (though not ronment. In turn, boys with lesbian mothers may
housework) and paid employment developed also have more to lose in the way of homophobic
(Goldberg & Perry-Jenkins, 2007), and children abuse by their peers finding out—in threats to
sometimes had a closer relationship with traditional heterosexual masculinity—than girls
one or the other parent over the early life do in threats to traditional femininity.
course (e.g., Gartrell et al., 2000; Goldberg,  
Downing, & Sauck, 2008). This kind of Variability by race and social class. Within the
research began to complicate (stereo)typical broad picture of less gendered divisions of family
views of egalitarianism, balanced bonding, and labor and high parental investment in lesbian
power equality in lesbian couples’ relationships comother families, a number of intriguing
(Dunne, 2000; Malone & Cleary, 2002), differences have unfolded. Studies have begun to
suggesting, unsurprisingly, that the family look at the diversity of lesbian parent families.
dynamics of lesbian couples change with Most of the patterns above describe samples
the arrival of children and shift further as of lesbian families that are disproportionately
children age. middle class, White, and highly educated.
  Analyses of the relatively new national data
Variability by gender of children. Another sets showed that lesbian couples are far more
important research development involved the diverse demographically and socioeconomically
role of gender of children in lesbian parent and dispersed geographically than those who
families, reflected in Chrisp’s (2001) humorous have populated the hitherto small sample
title ‘‘That Four Letter Word—Sons.’’ Some studies (Gates & Ost, 2004; Sears & Badgett,
studies have found that lesbian mothers and 2004; Sears, Gates, & Rubenstein, 2005). For
couples preferred to have daughters (Dempsey, example, lesbian couples living in areas with a
2005; Dundas & Kaufman, 2000; but see relatively low concentration of same-sex couples
Goldberg, 2009), and they adopted girls (e.g., Mississippi, South Dakota, Alaska, South
more frequently than did heterosexual couples Carolina, and Louisiana) had the highest odds of
(Shelley-Sireci & Ciano-Boyce, 2002). In raising children. Additionally, same-sex couples
Vanfraussen et al.’s (2003a) study, lesbian of color were more likely than their White
mothers who had daughters rated the quality counterparts to be raising children (e.g., Gates
  Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Families 483
& Ost, 2008). They were also more likely to enjoyed somewhat closer relationships with the
live in areas with a high concentration of people children (Bos et al., 2007; Dempsey). Almack’s
with similar race/ethnicities than in areas with a (2005) study of 20 lesbian couples in England
high concentration of same-sex couples (Gates who planned and had their first child together
& Ost, 2008). found that the decision regarding what surname
Moore (2008) suggested that the White, to give to the child lay squarely with the birth
middle-class lesbian parents targeted in most mother. This privileged, taken-for-granted status
studies to date tended to share a commitment of the birth mother speaks to the all-permeating
to a particular definition of egalitarianism status of biologism as an ideology not only
influenced by second-wave feminism, which among heterosexuals but also among lesbians.
sees egalitarianism in relationships as shared Other studies found that children felt more
paid work, shared housework, and shared positively about the biological mother than the
childcare. Egalitarian ideology for the Black comother and that this can sometimes give
lesbian stepfamilies she studied was different, rise to comothers’ feelings of jealousy toward
however, as these couples emphasized the the primary parent (Chrisp, 2001; Sullivan,
importance of financial independence, labor- 2004), and unease among comothers with their
work participation, and sharing the provider role identity as mother (Gabb, 2005). In some cases
over equal share of housework and childcare. the children’s behavior ‘‘excluded the ‘other
Black lesbian biological mothers in these mother’ because she was not ‘directly related’ ’’
families did more housework and child-care (Gabb, 2004, p. 169).
and in turn were understood to have greater  
responsibility and power in decision making Negotiating identities and social positions. Les-
on issues involving the children. Lev (2008) bian motherhood is a negotiated identity between
similarly argued that treating all lesbian families the marginalized position of lesbianism and the
as genderless-egalitarian by default inhibits our mainstream and esteemed position of mother-
understanding of variation in lesbian families hood (Hequembourg & Farrell, 1999). The dif-
and the different dynamics they might entail. ferent experiences of biological mothers, social
Gabb’s (2004, 2005) UK work was among mothers, and stepmothers are reflected in the
the few convenience samples to include a good different negotiation techniques employed by
proportion of working-class lesbian comothers each group. Research showed that especially
and their children and found that mother and White, middle-class, coparent DI couples pur-
father roles were generally not shared equally sued having the social mother legally adopt the
between the two mothers. Mothers were aware children in the service of offsetting her nonbi-
that in child-care and playtime their behaviors ological relatedness and reducing the salience
often divided into feminine and masculine of biology to others, such as the nonbiologi-
categories. In many cases one mother (frequently cal grandparents (Hequembourg, 2004). These
the biological mother) played a more maternal couples consciously sought to avoid using lan-
role, such as primary caretaker, whereas the guage and making distinctions with the children
other mother (a mix of social mothers and and others that invoked biology. In contrast,
stepmothers) fulfilled a more paternal role. lesbian stepfamilies struggled over the rela-
  tive parenting rights of the biological mother
Variability by biological relatedness. A par- and stepmother. The continuing presence of the
ticularly interesting related development has father and paternal grandparents also made it
been research that compares lesbian biological harder for lesbian stepmothers to establish a
mothers, comothers, and stepmothers. Echo- parent identity (Hequembourg; Hequembourg
ing some of Moore’s and Gabb’s observations, & Farrell). Couples assigned important parts
but in very different contexts (e.g., in The of the child-care work, such as feeding and
Netherlands and in White, middle-class sam- bathing the baby, to the comothers to sup-
ples), these studies found that, relative to their port their identities as mothers (Hequembourg
partners, lesbian biological mothers had stronger & Farrell). Even so, new research suggested
desires for children (Bos et al., 2004), provided that stressors induced by unequal biological,
more of the primary child-care (Dempsey, 2005; legal, and social statuses in relation to their
Dundas & Kaufman, 2000; Goldberg & Perry- children placed lesbian comothers at somewhat
Jenkins, 2007; Johnson & O’Connor, 2002), and greater risk of splitting up (Andersson, Noack,
  484 Journal of Marriage and Family
Seierstad, & Weedon-Fekjaer, 2006; Gartrell adoption, assisted reproduction technology,
et al., 2000, 2006; MacCallum & Golombok, and related rights and privileges, research on
2004; Vanfraussen, Ponjaert-Kristoffersen, & outcomes for children with LGBT parents
Brewaeys, 2003b). (mostly L) has intensified over the past decade.
  Although the claim that there are no differences
Abusive lesbian relationships. In the past at all or that parents’ sexual orientations do not
decade, another emerging area of research has matter for any aspects of children’s development
been on abusive lesbian relationships. This is unsustainable (Stacey & Biblarz, 2001); chil-
work split open commonsense understandings dren raised by lesbian parents (mostly comoth-
of abuse as having a clear abuser-victim divide ers) have been found across a large number of
where gender is used as the most reliable tests to be generally similar to children raised by
category of differentiation between the two. heterosexual parents on dimensions of psycho-
Interviews with lesbians who identified as vic- logical well-being, peer relations, and social and
tims or perpetrators of abuse, as well as with behavioral adjustment. These included parents’
service providers, revealed that feminist orga- and teachers’ ratings of behavioral problems
nizations tended to overlook the particularities in 5- to 12-year-old children (Bos et al., 2007;
of lesbian abusive relationships (Ristock, 2002). Gartrell, Deck, Rodas, Peyser, & Banks, 2005;
Service providers were more likely to respond to Golombok et al., 2003; MacCallum & Golom-
abused women if they conformed to stereotypes bok, 2004); 8-year-old children’s play narratives
of ‘‘good, innocent victim’’ who, by definition, that measured the quality of family interactions,
were expected to embody ‘‘respectable feminin- parent-child relationships, and children’s adjust-
ity,’’ and many lesbians who have been abused ment (Perry et al., 2004); and 10- to 12-year-old
did not fit these assumptions, in particular if they children’s level of self-esteem, anxiety, depres-
were angry, had used violence themselves, or sion, and feelings of social acceptance (Bos
were larger or less feminine than their partners. et al., 2006; Vanfraussen et al., 2002). MacCal-
Research also showed that a simplistic abuser- lum and Golombok’s study included assessment
victim split, which was explicitly sought by of the data on children’s socioemotional devel-
service providers, could not contain many opment by a child psychiatrist who did not know
lesbian dynamics. For instance, Ristock (2002) which children had lesbian comothers and het-
found that some of the lesbian women who erosexual parents, and still found no differences.
identified themselves as abusers revealed stories Five- to 10-year-old children’s perceptions of
of racist verbal abuse by their ‘‘victim’’ partners peer acceptance and relationships with peers
but reported that they had never considered these were not significantly different depending on
remarks to be abusive. Abusive relationships whether they were living with lesbian moth-
proved even more complicated in the context of ers or heterosexual parents (Golombok et al.;
lesbian mothering, where children’s relationship MacCallum & Golombok). In studies of 7th-
to each mother/partner, whether children were to 12th-grade adolescents, researchers found
born into the relationship, and whether children no differences by gender mix of parents in
lived with the couple were also important factors. ratings of quality of relationships with peers,
For example, women who eventually worked support received from friends, time spent with
things out were more likely to have children friends, number of friends, and the presence of
born into the relationship than a were women a best friend (Wainright & Patterson, 2008).
who had not (Hardesty, Oswald, Khaw, Fonseca, Also, no differences were found in adolescents’
& Chung, 2008). Abusive lesbian relationships depression; self-esteem; school connectedness;
posed difficulties to existing frameworks used grade-point average; tobacco, alcohol, and mar-
by service providers and challenged assumptions ijuana use and abuse; and delinquent behavior
those frameworks made about gender and power (Wainright & Patterson, 2006; Wainright, Rus-
(Hassouneh & Glass, 2008). sell, & Patterson, 2004), nor in adolescents’ odds
  of having had sexual intercourse, age at sexual
  initiation, and number of sexual partners (Davis
Children of Lesbian Parents & Friel, 2001; Wainright et al.).
With an eye toward producing data that can The areas of children’s gender and sexual
inform legal and policy decisions on LGBT behavior and preferences remained understud-
people’s access to marriage, parenting, custody, ied, but a few findings of differences have
  Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Families 485
been observed. Echoing Tasker and Golombok’s environment parents set up for children—to
(1997) finding that young adult daughters with affect the development of children’s gender
lesbian mothers were more likely to have had repertories.
a homoerotic relationship or attraction, Bos Kane’s (2006) research on parents’ responses
et al. (2006) found that, at an earlier, preado- to their children’s gender nonconformity was
lescent stage (around 10 years old), daughters unique in interviewing heterosexual, gay male,
conceived through DI by lesbian comothers had and lesbian parents. She found that even though
a less firmly heterosexual identity than compara- most parents welcomed, and sometimes encour-
ble daughters from heterosexualized two-parent aged, gender nonconformity among their young
families who were conceived conventionally. daughters, they had a more complex reaction
Findings so far suggest that lesbian parenting to their sons’ gender nonconforming behaviors.
or sexual orientation per se is not strongly Most of the parents of sons were comfortable
linked to differences (or a broadening) in with certain stereotypically feminine qualities
children’s gender repertoires. The preferences in their sons, such as domestic skills, nurtu-
of 4- to 6-year-old boys and girls for rance, and empathy, but their responses to their
traditionally masculine and feminine activities sons’ interest in icons of femininity (e.g., Barbie
and occupations did not vary between lesbian dolls, nail polish) ranged from not enthusiastic
comother and heterosexual parent families to overtly negative. Kane argued that homo-
(Fulcher et al., 2008). In one study (Bos et al., sexuality never coming up in interviews about
2006), girls in planned lesbian families actually gender nonconformity of daughters yet it com-
had lower aspirations to traditionally masculine ing up in responses to their sons ‘‘suggests how
occupations, but few differences were found closely gender conformity and heterosexuality
on most of the other dimensions of gender are linked to masculinity’’ (p. 163). Further,
development. although heterosexual mothers, gay fathers, and
Fulcher et al. (2008) found that children’s lesbian parents voiced a concern about how the
activity preferences were less gendered in boys would be treated by the larger society as the
families where the parental division of labor reason for why they worried about boys’ femi-
was less gendered (i.e., more equally shared nine behavior, heterosexual fathers linked their
by both parents). Because (especially White, concerns to their own personal responsibility
middle-class) lesbian coparent families averaged and masculine competence.
more egalitarian divisions of parental labor, this New research from The Netherlands and
may have been an indirect pathway by which Belgium supported earlier evidence (e.g., Bozett,
parental sexual orientation came to influence 1989; Mitchell, 1998; Tasker & Golombok,
children’s gender attitudes and behaviors. 1997) that children with lesbian mothers
In a recent innovative extension of this were modestly more likely than those with
‘‘indirect pathways’’ model (Sutfin et al., 2008), heterosexual parents to experience homophobic
lesbian comothers of 10-year-olds were found teasing about their family configuration or
to decorate their boys’ and girls’ bedrooms their own sexuality, sometimes in the form of
and provide them with toys that were less exclusion by peers and gossip (Bos & van Balen,
stereotypically masculine and feminine than 2008; Vanfraussen et al., 2002). The NLLFS in
the decorations and toys provided by their the United States found that by age 10, 43%
heterosexual counterparts. They were also less of children had experienced teasing and ridicule
concerned that their children conformed to about the sexual orientation of their mothers
traditional gender behaviors. In turn, children (Gartrell et al., 2005, 2006). Rivers, Poteat, and
with parents (gay or straight) who held Noret (2008), however, found no differences
less gender-stereotypical attitudes and who in UK adolescents’ experience of more serious
provided less gender-stereotypical physical bullying and victimization by sexual orientations
environments had less gender-stereotypical of parents, nor did Wainright and Patterson
attitudes themselves (e.g., toward boys playing (2006) for adolescents in the U.S. Add Health
with dolls or wearing nail polish and girls having survey.
short hair or playing football). Thus, parental In an important innovation, the first cross-
sexual orientation may work through more national study on these issues (Bos et al.,
proximate determinants—parental division of 2008, comparing the United States and The
labor, parental gender attitudes, the physical Netherlands) found that U.S. 10- to 11-year-old
  486 Journal of Marriage and Family
children with lesbian DI comothers were the process by which gay men conceptualize
significantly more likely than their Dutch and then actualize becoming fathers and how
counterparts to say that kids had said mean fatherhood changes them and (2) studies of
things to them about their mother(s) being a family processes among gay fathers (often
lesbian, and U.S. children were less likely to be couples) raising children. Gay men who chose
out to their peers about having a lesbian mother. to become parents simultaneously ‘‘challenge
The U.S. lesbian mothers were also significantly conventional definitions of masculinity and
more likely than the Dutch mothers to report that particularly paternity and even dominant gender
their children had behavioral problems and felt and sexual norms of gay culture itself’’ (Stacey,
anxious and depressed. Reasonably ruling out a 2006, p. 30). Although most men in one study
number of alternative explanations, the authors initially thought coming out as gay meant that
speculated that the more tolerant climate and they would forever be childless, fathers (and
greater cultural acceptance of LGBT people and some nonfathers) went through turning points in
families in The Netherlands relative to the United their lives—experiences with children (nieces,
States could partly account for the differences nephews, cousins, and others), the death of a
they observed. loved one, seeing another gay couple adopt
Finally, an interesting study of adult children a child, a partner’s ultimatum—that activated
with LGB parents (Goldberg, 2007) extended a procreative consciousness or discovering
earlier work (Mitchell, 1998; O’Connell 1994) wanting children some day (Berkowitz &
in finding that the adult children felt that they Marsiglio, 2007; Peterson, Butts, & Deville,
were more tolerant and open-minded as a result 2000). Sociohistorical shifts in definitions of
of their growing up with LGB parents. This families have also helped free gay men to have
may have been the legacy of processes started the thought that they can be both gay and father
much earlier in the life course. Four- to 6-year- children (Berkowitz, 2007). Most men were
old boys and girls being raised by two mothers aware of both general prejudices against their
were more tolerant of gender nonconformity in becoming fathers—the possibilities of people
boys than their counterparts with heterosexual thinking they were pedophiles, that they would
parents (Fulcher et al., 2008), and Belgian bring up gay children, that their kids would
10-year-old boys and girls with lesbian mothers get harassed at school, and so on—and the
were significantly less likely than those with various legal barriers imposed by the state. In
heterosexual parents to feel that their own sex another study, gay male couples who adopted
was superior to the other sex (Bos et al., 2006). children moved from a preadoption focus solely
  on the couple relationship, to ‘‘picking up and
GAY MALE FAMILIES, GAY FATHERHOOD putting down’’ (Gianino, 2008, p. 213) the idea
of pursuing parenting for a period of time, to
The past decade saw more research on gay then overcoming negative stereotypes about gay
fatherhood than the one before it, but much less parenting to initiate a process of adopting a child.
than the volume devoted to lesbian motherhood. Stacey (2006) analyzed the variety of paths
Like the lesbian motherhood scholarship, work to parenthood for a sample of gay men
on gay fathers shifted from studies of gay living in Los Angeles. On the ‘‘passion-for-
men who became parents in the context parenthood’’ continuum most gay men fell
of heterosexual marriages or relationships to between the poles of ‘‘predestined fathers’’
planned gay parenting, where out gay men chose and ‘‘parental refuseniks’’ (p. 49). Predestined
to become parents through adoption, foster care, fathers sometimes pursued parenthood at the
traditional surrogacy (the surrogate uses her cost of parting with a partner who was unwilling
own eggs), gestational surrogacy (the surrogate to become a parent. The paths to fatherhood
plays host to an embryo produced by in vitro also varied according to the resources available,
fertilization), or coparenting with (most often) given the expenses of surrogacy and the fact
a lesbian woman or couple (e.g., Berkowitz that gay men usually do not make the top of
& Marsiglio, 2007; Gianino, 2008; Johnson & donation agency lists. Somewhere in between
O’Connor, 2002; Lewin, 2006; Mallon, 2004; these options were others such as independent,
Stacey, 2006). open adoptions, and individually negotiated
The new research on gay male families coparenting arrangements with women, mostly
fell into two broad categories: (1) studies of lesbians, who were interested in male sperm
  Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Families 487
donors who were willing to be a part of the open about their families to their child’s
children’s lives (Stacey). friends’ parents and extracurricular teachers and
Research has also found that gay male kin for- coaches (Johnson & O’Connor, 2002). They
mation more generally is complex and unsettles also had the highest levels of use of positive
stereotypes about gay male sexuality (Stacey, discipline techniques and were much less likely
2004, 2005, 2006). For instance, the prac- to spank their children relative to percentages
tice of gay male cruising (looking to pick observed in studies of heterosexual couples and,
up sexual partners in public places such as surprisingly, even than the lesbian coparents in
bars and parks), which disrupts conventional the same sample. Many studies indicated that
family norms and practices, opened up possi- when two gay men coparented, they did so
bilities for various kinship ties and domestic in ways that seemed closer to that of women
arrangements. Stacey (2004) came across both (lesbian and heterosexual) than to married
very conventional heteronormative-like families heterosexual men (Brinamen, 2000; Mallon,
(e.g., breadwinner/homemaker) as well as fami- 2004; Schacher, Auerbach, & Silverstein, 2005;
lies that comprise several gay men living in the Stacey, 2006). The relative parenting strengths
same household, most of whom had met each of gay cofathers are not surprising in that these
other through cruising. Yet even in the most are men who were willing to persevere through
heteronormative-like arrangements, couples did the many challenges, obstacles, and expenses to
not have the usual hierarchy that values paid have a very wanted child together.
work over homemaking; in fact, paid work was  
seen as a compromise that took the working  
partners away from spending time with their Children of Gay and Bisexual Fathers
children. Cruising as a common form of meeting No research that we are aware of directly studies
other gay men also resulted in ties that crossed the coresidential sons and daughters of gay
class, racial, and national boundaries much more fathers. Barrett and Tasker (2001) took a step
strongly and often than one finds in heterosexual
in this direction by asking 101 gay (92) and
family arrangements. This, coupled with the fact
bisexual (9) male parents about their children’s
that gay men most of the time did not embrace
experiences (most of their 179 children were
ideals of heteronormative masculinity and hence
born within heterosexual marriages). Gay fathers
were ‘‘more likely than their macho brothers to
were asked how their eldest child felt about
pursue educational, creative, or aesthetic sources
their sexual orientation on 21 dimensions. The
of gratification’’ (Stacey, 2005, p. 1929), often
fathers described their daughters as significantly
times opened up possibilities for them to achieve
more sympathetic and supportive than their sons.
upward social mobility.
Fathers also believed that having them as a gay
The gay male couples (disproportionately
or bisexual male parent was highly beneficial
White and middle class) in the National Study of
in helping their children have tolerance of other
Gay and Lesbian Parents (Johnson & O’Connor,
people, but here again fathers felt the effect
2002) coparented more equally and compatibly
occurred more so for their daughters than for
than the averages observed in studies of hetero-
their sons. In contrast, fathers felt that having
sexual parenting couples. They shared or divided
them as a gay or bisexual male parent was more
child-care and housework in ways very similar
beneficial to their sons than to their daughters in
to the lesbian comothers in the same study. That
helping their children’s acceptance of their own
is not to say labor was shared equally in absolute
terms; as in the lesbian couples (where biological
mothers took on more of the childrearing), in the  
gay father couples one partner tended to do more LGBT YOUTH AND FAMILIES
housework and childrearing than the other. Sil-
verstein, Auerbach, and Levant (2002) used the The work above focuses on having lesbian and
term ‘‘degendered parenting’’ because personal gay and, rarely, bisexual parents (as far as we
choice, aptitude, and fairness rather than gender know there are no studies of children who had
guided the division of labor in their sample of transgender parents). A second body of work
gay cofather families. studied LGBT youth, most all of whom had
Gay cofathers who had a child within the presumptively heterosexual parents. This work
relationship had the highest rate of being explored issues such as the process of a youth’s
  488 Journal of Marriage and Family
coming out, the unique risks faced by LGBT and preferences over the course of childhood
youth, and factors that reduced those risks. and adolescence have received some attention,
Research on LGBT youth is a complicated where first awareness of same-sex attraction,
matter. Shall researchers pay attention to first same-sex sexual contact, and first disclosure
self-identification, or same-sex attractions or to significant others all proved to be important
romantic feelings toward a peer of the same life course events (Maguen, Floyd, Bakeman, &
sex to determine who qualifies as subjects in Armistead, 2002). Outness (or degree of disclo-
a study? Shall they take into consideration sure about gender identity or sexual preferences
the frequency of these in comparison to the or orientation) has been found to be associ-
frequency of attractions to others of a different ated with less psychological distress (Morris,
sex? Of course, these are valid questions for Waldo, & Rothblum, 2001), but disclosure has
the adult population as well. For adolescents, not necessarily become easier. Giertsen and
however, sexual identification is less likely to Anderssen (2007) studied Norwegian lesbians’
have fully formed, so those selected for inclusion rates of coming out to parents and others over
based strictly on sexual identity barely represent the period 1986 – 2005. Although lesbians in the
the youth who might have same-sex desires, more recent period tended to come out at an ear-
fantasies, attractions, and so on (Savin-Williams, lier time in their lives, the weight of the evidence
2001). When adolescents were asked about what did not support the hypothesis that it would be
they found relevant when trying to identify easier to come out now than in the earlier period.
‘‘sexual minority’’ status, sexual behavior and Gay male and lesbian youth were also
self-identification were less significant than considered alongside bisexuals (and sometimes
sexual attraction (both the cognitive idea of transgender youth) in a large, clinical- and social
attraction as well as physical indicators), and work – oriented literature that focused on the
being or desiring, or both, to be in a committed causes and consequences of coming out and
relationship (Friedman et al., 2004). family acceptance or rejection (e.g., Gorman-
One study of presumptively heterosexual Murray, 2008; Heatherington & Lavner, 2008).
parents’ awareness of their children’s LGB Very little of this research directly studies the
orientation (trans youth were not included in heterosexual parents of LGBT youth.
the study) found that youth whose parents were Topics explored in the clinical literature
aware were similar to youth whose parents were (a thorough review of which is beyond the
unaware in socioeconomic status, age, and racial scope of this paper) included harassment
background (D’Augelli, Grossman, & Starks, and victimization experienced by children in
2005). They differed, however, in several ways: everyday life and in institutional settings
Youth whose parents were aware were more and their effects on internalized homophobia,
likely to identify as gay or lesbian than as binegativity (or self-hate among bisexuals),
bisexual, which potentially points to the fact transnegativity, youth’s alcohol and drug abuse,
that bisexuality may be more complicated as suicidality, depression (e.g., Morrow, 2004),
an ‘‘identity.’’ They also were aware of their and homelessness (e.g., Hunter, 2008). The
sexual attractions at younger ages, and they were availability and effects of different kinds of
more gender atypical as children than youth social support (e.g., Wright & Perry, 2006)
whose parents were not aware. At the same and best therapeutic and counseling approaches
time, although youth with aware parents reported were also explored (for a review, see Crisp &
more verbal abuse in the past, they also reported McCave, 2007).
less internalized homophobia, less fear of future Although research that focused on problems
parental victimization, and more current family faced by LGBT youth, such as high suicide
support (D’Augelli et al.). Bos, Sandfort, de rates, came from an exceptionally well-meaning
Bruyn, and Hakvoort (2008) found in a Dutch place (helping youth), it tended to overlook
sample of 13- to 15-year-olds with same-sex differences within groups. In an important
attraction that good social relationships with critique of research on sexual-minority youth,
peers and especially with fathers buffered against Savin-Williams (2001, 2005) showed that not
the children’s having higher risks of poor school all LGBT youth are at risk and explored factors
performance and poor mental health. that distinguish between those who are at risk and
The complicated developmental trajectories those who are not. He argued that the tendency
of discovery of same-sex sexual attractions to narrowly define sexual-minority adolescents
  Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Families 489
based on identity rather than same-sex attraction treatment requirements for granting identifica-
and other factors contributed to an image of gay tion papers or change of gender identity on the
youth pathology and problematic behavior that official records of transgender people (Spade,
may not be fully consistent with the data. 2008) and pointed out the hierarchies this cre-
ates by distinguishing between the ‘‘fully trans’’
and ‘‘not trans enough.’’
Trangender people had a number of health
Academic research on transgender people and issues associated with transitioning, including
their family relationships is almost nonexistent. short- and long-term side effects of various
Because transgender people are undergoing a medical therapies, yet as a group they were
gender identification change, their families have underinsured and faced a number of other
to adjust to having a relative of another gender, barriers to accessing good health care, including
and hence transgender people undergo a very the inhibitory effects of their past experiences of
different kind of coming out (Israel, 2006). These harassment and abusive treatment by doctors and
issues are obviously vastly different than one’s nurses (Donovan, 2002; Williams & Freeman,
child, partner, or parent coming out as gay and 2007). These kinds of pressing issues have
point out the need for research in this realm occupied the small existing literature, such that
while complicating the idea of LGBT families less work has been done studying transgender
as an umbrella term. people in the context of the more traditional
Transgender youth (sometimes referred to areas of family studies research, such as their
as gender variant youth) face a number of dating behavior and formation of intimate
unique challenges in a context where few for- relationships in adulthood, issues around their
mal or informal sources of social support exist having children, parenting behaviors, and
for them. Parents tended to react with alarm children’s experiences with transgender parents,
when their children engaged in extreme gen- family/work relationships, and so on.
der nonconforming behaviors (Kane, 2006) and
children, confused about their parents’ alarm,  
often tried to please parents by gender con- BISEXUALITY
forming at the cost of depression, anxiety, When bisexuals are included in studies, they
and low self-esteem (Mallon & DeCrescenzo, tend to be collapsed with gay men and lesbians.
2006). Trans youth have experienced abhor- Reviving a conversation about bisexuality (e.g.,
rent treatment and rejection by mental health Kinsey), which was somewhat aborted as
professionals who have tried to correct their bisexuality came to be viewed by many as a
‘‘gender identity disorder’’ with brutal aversion temporary stage or as gay men or lesbians having
therapies intended to produce gender confor- heterosexual sex, Rust’s (e.g., 2001) work
mity (Grossman & D’Augelli, 2006; Mallon & on the meanings of bisexual identity exposed
DeCrescenzo), though some practitioners who limitations to the categorical conceptualization
know about transgender issues have worked of sexual orientation as consisting mostly of two
to develop more transaffirming therapies. types: homo- and heterosexual. Especially when
Trans youth who came out often faced crises definitions of sexuality went beyond sexual
throughout their family systems. Once out, encounters and included romantic attractions,
developing a sense of realness about their new objects of fantasies, and so on, studies found
gender became extremely important and an that individuals often did not fit neatly into
urgent need developed ‘‘to match one’s exterior monosexual categories (e.g., Rust, 2000; Savin-
with one’s interior’’ (Mallon & DeCrescenzo). Williams, 2005).
In addition to social avenues to reduce disso- New longitudinal work by Diamond (e.g.,
nance (changing behavior, mannerisms, sartorial 2009) suggested that bisexuality was both a
styles, etc.), hormone replacement therapies, solidly third type of sexual orientation that
gender transition therapies, and gender transi- for many women did not eventually transition
tion surgeries were among the medical forms to a lesbian or heterosexual identity over a
of assistance. Scholars have been critical, how- 10-year period and that it was reflective of a
ever, of the medical establishment’s and state’s heightened capacity for sexual fluidity at least in
involvement in constructing and policing trans- the early adult life course. Other research showed
gender identity by making surgery or hormone that many sexual minority teenagers preferred
  490 Journal of Marriage and Family
bisexual identities over gay and lesbian identities LEGAL RIGHTS AND LGBT RELATIONSHIPS
and rejected categorical conceptions of sexuality A literature on how legal rights and statuses were
(Savin-Williams, 2005). experienced by LGBT families also emerged
One such identity was ‘‘mostly straight’’ this decade, coincident with its many changes
(Morgan & Thompson, 2006; Thompson & in laws and policies that directly affected LGBT
Morgan, 2008). In a sample of college women, families. One of the first studies in this area
20% identified as mostly straight as against (Solomon, Rothblum, & Balsam, 2004) used
exclusively straight, bisexual, mostly lesbian, a novel research design (it compared gay
or lesbian. Evidence that mostly straight male and lesbian couples in Vermont who
constituted a distinct sexual identity for some had civil unions with gay male and lesbian
women was that women who identified as such couples in their friendship networks who did
had patterns of sexual fantasies, attractions, and not, and it also compared these groups with
behaviors that were statistically significantly their married heterosexual siblings) to reduce
different from exclusively straight, bisexual, selection effects and isolate the potentially
unique effects on relationships of the civil union
and lesbian women (Thompson & Morgan).
legal status. Few significant differences were
Specifically, mostly straight women were found between gay male and lesbian couples
significantly more same-sex oriented in their in civil unions and their counterparts not in
sexual attractions and sexual fantasies than civil unions regarding divisions of family labor,
exclusively straight women but significantly less home ownership, and social support from friends
so than bisexual women and lesbians. and family, with the exception that lesbians
Very little family research in the past decade and gay men in civil unions were more ‘‘out’’
paid special attention to bisexuals. Research than other lesbian and gay male couples. In
on bisexual college students (Sheets & Mohr, a 3-year follow-up, same-sex couples not in
2009) found that support from family and friends civil unions were more likely to have ended
had positive effects on life satisfaction and their relationships than same-sex couples in
reduced feelings of binegativity. Unfortunately, civil unions (Balsam, Beauchaine, Rothblum,
this study relied solely on self-identification & Solomon, 2008). Other research showed that
to measure bisexuality. A study of familism among cohabiting same-sex couples, those who
chose to legalize their relationship or hold a
and bisexual Latino men defined bisexuality
commitment ceremony had been together for a
somewhat more broadly as having had a history longer period (Oswald, Goldberg, Kuvalanka,
of bisexual experiences or a sexual encounter & Clausell, 2008), suggesting a reciprocal
with both a man and a woman at least once in the association between relationship duration and
past 2 years (Muñ oz-Laboy, 2008). It found that legal status.
because of tight family connections, bisexual Similarly, research found few significant dif-
Latino men usually experienced their bisexuality ferences between couples who had engaged
outside of the domain of their families. Family in different kinds of legal unions (mar-
support came at the cost of not sharing their rieds in Massachusetts, domestic partnerships
intimate lives with their families. in California, and civil unions in Vermont;
Unfortunately, research on bisexuality has not Rothblum, Balsam, & Solomon, 2008). A com-
fully connected with family research, and so a parison between Canada (where same-sex mar-
number of core questions remain unanswered. riage is legal) and the United States suggested
For example, how do parents react differently that an important variable affecting relation-
when their children adopt bisexual versus gay or ships may be whether certain legalized forms
lesbian or more or less fluid sexual identities? of committed relationships were available to
LGBT people, regardless of whether couples
Are bisexual women and men who have children
choose to engage in them (Shapiro, Peterson,
more or less likely to have them with same-sex & Stewart, 2009). For example, lesbian moth-
or other-sex partners? How is the experience ers in the United States reported more family
different? How do parents and children navigate worries (e.g., ‘‘my child being accepted in his
relationships when bisexual parents shift from or her peer group,’’ ‘‘someone challenging my
a different-gender relationship to a same-gender partner’s rights to our children’’) than lesbian
relationship? mothers in Canada (married or not).
  Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Families 491
Another major way in which gay and lesbian Although some scholars of the family have
parents entered legal arenas was through second- been pushing for a recognition of the plurality of
parent adoption. Many couples in one study kinship and familial arrangements that people
found that their cases were treated like a stranger have (and calling for the use of the term
adoption and found the experience difficult ‘‘families’’ instead of ‘‘the family’’), critiques
and sometimes humiliating (Connolly, 2002). coming from queer studies question whether
Couples engaged with the law in different ways ‘‘queer’’ and ‘‘family’’ are compatible concepts
throughout the processes: They sought second- at all. Butler (2004), for example, asked whether
parent adoption (before the law); at times they kinship is not ‘‘always already heterosexual’’
manipulated the process to their benefit, such as when she looked into the gay marriage debate in
postponing their case when they encountered France, where under PACS (civil partnerships),
an unsympathetic judge (with the law); and gay and lesbian couples were allocated most of
they resisted offensive procedures and people the same rights and benefits as heterosexual
(against the law; Connolly). Couples who had married couples but not the right to adopt
separated were more likely to share custody if children. The argument in France against LGBT
the second parent had previously adopted the people raising children was that childrearing is
child (Gartrell et al., 2006). the cornerstone for the transmission of culture
The distribution of legal rights over the past and that heterosexual parents are crucial for the
decade was in great flux. Second-parent adoption child to learn the symbolic order because they
rights were granted in some states, denied provide both a male and a female referent. The
in others. Same-sex marriage in California argument was that heterosexuality lay at the
and Maine was legalized and then revoked. very heart of cultural transmission and cultural
Domestic partnership and civil union options purity, which, in turn, placed the figure of
grew somewhat at the same time that many the child at the very heart of anxieties about
states enshrined bans on the marriage of same- cultural purity and transmission. In light of
sex couples in their constitutions. This context the gay marriage debate both in the United
of uncertainty and rapid change in law has made States and France, Butler questioned whether
the task of delineating the effects of law on we can create alternative forms of recognition
LGBT families especially difficult. and what it meant for the state to have
  monopolized sources of recognition available to
  its citizens. Studying the differences in the logic
FAMILY AS A SYMBOLIC ARENA of homophobia between the early 1990s antigay
  rights campaigns and the 2004 anti-gay-marriage
Most of the studies we have reviewed treat campaigns, Stein (2005) showed how the target
families as interactional and as a source of these campaigns shifted from (masculine)
of identity (an approach sometimes called gay men to (fatherless) lesbian-headed families.
‘‘doing family’’). This approach produces Arguments for the ‘‘best interest of children’’
insight into how partner and parenting dynamics, insisted on the need for fathers and male role
relationships with families of origin and models. This helped to establish lesbian mothers
destination, and individual and family life as the new target of these campaigns.
course trajectories are negotiated by LGBT Edelman (2004) also took issue with the polit-
people. Some recent, theory-driven work coming ical uses of ‘‘the child,’’ and what he termed
from a more macro and critical perspective ‘‘reproductive futurity.’’ He argued that tradi-
situates the family as partly a state institution tional Western politics tend to be predicated
through which the boundaries and meanings on the concept of ‘‘making the future a better
of citizenship and belonging are defined and place,’’ and the child works as the symbolic
as an arena that is simultaneously constituted image of that future. As queers are symboli-
by and constitutive of symbols and meanings cally separated from the act of reproduction,
that circulate around gender, culture, sexuality, ‘‘queerness names the site of those not fighting
socialization, and the self. In this section we for children’’ (p. 3), and queerness is positioned
review a sample of this work—particularly the as a ‘‘relentlessly narcissistic, antisocial, and
scholarship that addresses the implications of future-negating drive.’’ Queers were positioned
these conceptualizations of the family for the as a threat to the child and to the future the child
larger body of LGBT families research. belongs to.
  492 Journal of Marriage and Family
Instead of trying to seek recognition within mattered for children’s adjustment and achieve-
an order that places queers in opposition to ment, research continued to accumulate that
‘‘the social’’ and to the future, Edelman (2004) children raised by lesbian comothers did as well
called for a refutation of that very order by as or better than those raised by heterosexual
queer subjects. Similarly, focusing on what parents. (5) Timidity about covering controver-
kind of a social order queers might belong to, sial issues (e.g., abuse in relationships, breakup
Halberstam (2005) pointed out that queer lives rates, inequalities between partners, differences
often fall outside of ‘‘heteronormative time.’’ in children’s gender and sexual repertoires, and
That queer temporality falls outside of the so on) declined; we can speculate that recog-
‘‘birth-marriage-reproduction-death’’ sequence nition that differences are not deficits (Stacey
inevitably locks queers into an extended & Biblarz, 2001) and an interest in research
adolescence in heteronormative eyes, given that that could serve the community began to out-
marriage and reproduction are seen as important weigh worrying too much about what anti-gay
steps into adulthood. This seeming logic of advocates might latch onto from the literature.
‘‘queers are to straights what adolescents are
to grown-ups’’ (Halberstam, back cover) is also
Directions for Future Research
facilitated by queer culture being positioned as
a subculture and the general understanding that An important direction for future research is to
a subculture is something one eventually grows loosen B and T from L and G and conduct more
out of to join the mainstream culture. independent studies on family relationships and
This scholarship explores the political impli- processes for bisexual and transgender people
cations for queer subjects of the deeply over the life course. For example, trans men and
entrenched symbolic place held by ‘‘the fam- trans women find themselves in situations where
ily.’’ Whereas many push for acceptance of the they are asking family members to call them by
multiplicity of family forms, the critics question a new name, change the gender pronoun they
whether such acceptance is possible within a use to refer to the trans member of the family,
social order where so many layers of heteronor- treat them as a daughter instead of a son (or as a
mativity are so deeply enmeshed in the very son instead of a daughter), and introduce them to
concept of family. friends accordingly. Parents’ investment in the
  gender of a child can go so far as to have parents
  experiencing the transition as a loss (sometimes
THE PAST 10 YEARS death) of a son or daughter they used to have.
We see the major advances in LGBT family stud- This feeling speaks volumes to the powerful role
ies over the past decade as follows: (1) Research gender plays in parents’ relationships to their
moved beyond mostly White middle-class depic- children. Trans people also establish (or have
tions of lesbian couples and began to explore to reestablish) relationships with their partners;
the substantial diversity within these families they have children, balance work and family,
across many dimensions of family structure and and so on. We hope that the next decade will see
social location; revealing this diversity chal- creative research in these areas.
lenged the homo/hetero binary and what was Some very important research has begun
perhaps an overly unified picture of lesbian fam- prying open the gay and lesbian versus
ilies. (2) Pioneering research began to unpack heterosexual categorical dichotomy to consider
the diverse pathways to gay male family for- the wider range of sexual preferences and
mation and the diverse types of families gay orientations that people actually choose, but so
men formed, and a literature began regarding far it has been mostly limited to women, so
planned gay fatherhood. (3) A nascent literature the exploration of sexual fluidity (or fixedness)
on bisexuality, sexual fluidity, and transgender in men is fruitful terrain for future research.
people initiated some understanding of people Moreover, the dating and couple relationships
who do not fit (or refuse to fit) into one of two of bisexuals have received almost no attention.
categories; this literature suggested that earlier For individuals who have intimate and sexual
work went too far in presupposing that sex- relationships with both men and women, how
ual self-identification was the only important are the relationship dynamics of having a
aspect of people’s sexuality. (4) On most all partner of the same sex different from or
of the social and psychological dimensions that similar to having a partner of the other sex,
  Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Families 493
and what kinds of adaptations or transitions are be roughly similarly shared by lesbian stepfam-
involved in passage from one to the other? Also, ilies. These interactions between gender mix of
family structures, processes, and relationships parents, biological relatedness, and relationship
that include bisexual or more sexually fluid status to children in the context of incomplete
parents and their children have hardly been institutionalization are an important area for
explored. Most of the past decade’s work on future exploration.
bisexuality has been on young people, leaving Recent research suggested that lesbians and
open the question of whether conclusions may their sons may face unique challenges that
have changed had researchers had data on lesbians raising daughters do not face. Is this
middle-age and older people and longer life indicative of a more general tendency for greater
course trajectories. ease in parenting and parent-child relationships
Our review revealed that, although significant within parent-child couplings of the same sex?
progress has been made, there is still little Is it indicative of a modest ease in parent-
research on LGBT families of color and daughter relations that does not exist in parent-
on LGBT families across the socioeconomic son relations regardless of the parent’s gender
spectrum. The research that has been done or sexual orientation? Where do gay fathers fall,
suggests some reconsideration of common and sons and daughters of gay fathers? All of
suppositions about what egalitarianism and this needs to be further researched.
sharing mean across LGBT families in different There is almost no research on children living
social locations. We also know little about the with gay fathers. Filling this gap is important for
unique family processes that may unfold when understanding contemporary family diversity,
families are subjected to both the concomitants and it would aid the scholarly effort to
of racism and of homophobia. disentangle the implications of the sexual
orientations as against the genders of parents for
Recent research found that in families with
children’s development. Gay fathers are male
two mothers, biological mothers may enjoy some
of course but not heterosexual, so comparative
modest advantage in their relationships with
studies of gay fathers and the children they
children. Differentiation between biological and
are raising would push knowledge forward on
other mothers was most visible in a study the distinctive effects of heterosexuality plus
of U.S. African American lesbian two-mother masculinity vis-à-vis their separation.
families and in a UK sample that had a Evidence is strong that children raised in
good number of working-class lesbian mothers, gay parent families enjoy high levels of
whereas White, middle-class lesbian comothers psychological well-being and social adjustment,
in one study took conscious actions to inhibit but less is known about their gender repertoires
the children’s and others’ privileging of the and sexual orientations. To date, no studies have
biological relationship. Thus, research needs to tracked a large sample of children raised by
explore whether the amount of differentiation gay and lesbian parents well into adulthood to
that occurs by comothers’ biological relatedness know what their sexual identifications become.
to the child depends on the family’s position in The rise in the number of planned lesbian and
the social structure. Obviously, if so, research gay parent families over the past two decades
needs to ask why. has produced a large cohort of children who
Finally, if some biological advantage does are growing up, giving researchers in the next
exist in lesbian comother families, is it socially decade the opportunity to study these children
formed by the preexisting beliefs and biases in adulthood.
of the comothers themselves and/or by the Research in the next decade will also benefit
subtle privileges bestowed the biological par- from extending the cross-national studies that
ent by friends, family members, grandpar- Bos and Gartrell have begun, because this
ents, social policy, the legal system, and so can help clarify the role of societal contexts
forth, or is it something else? For example, and family- and individual-level variables in
Hequembourg (2004) applied Cherlin’s (1978) shaping the patterns of relationships between
incomplete institutionalization theory—origi- members of LGBT families. Overall, LGBT
nally developed to understand role uncertainty families research will benefit from being in
and relationship conflicts in heterosexual-parent touch with the broader symbolic and institutional
stepfamilies—to analyze patterns that seemed to aspects of family, kinship, parenting, and
  494 Journal of Marriage and Family
childhood. The sociopolitical and historical psychosocial adjustment and gender development
contexts under which our research is taking place in planned lesbian families. Working Paper, Social
are indispensible in making sense of the LGBT and Behavioral Sciences Department of Education,
families we study. In return, scholarship on University of Amsterdam.
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these families but also much about heterosexual (2003). Planned lesbian families: Their desire and
motivation to have children. Human Reproduction,
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