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1 A) Apply suitable examples for Properties of the task environments . (10)

2 B)Write the order of visits of the nodes and the path returned by BPS, DPS (10)
and UCS. Consider Sis Source G is Destination.


3 A) Define and solve a crypt arithmetic problem using the following(10)

descriptions: i) State ii) Operator iii) Initial State iv) Goal Test v) Solution
4 B)Pind an assignment of digits (0, ..., 9) to letters so that a given arithmetic (10)
expression is true. For example, BASE +BALL= GAMES.
J A) Defin e in yo ur own words the followi ng term : agen t, age n t fun ction , ratio nality, autonomy, (10)
reflex agent, model-based agent, g oal-based agent, utility- based ag ent, learni ng agen t.
2 B) Explain the 8 -Queens Problem. Brief about some appro ach es to solve it. (10)
3 A) Elaborate on Turing Test, Cognitive modelling, L aws of thought and Rational Agent: (10)
approaches in AI.
4 B) Does Breadth First Search find optimal path leng th in general. Explain . (10)


1 A) Define and Solve the following Problem: Water Ju g Problem using con straint specification(lO)
2 B) Find a n assig n m ent of digits (0, ... , 9 ) to letters so that a g iven arithmetic expression is true . (10)
For example, BASE+ BALL= GAMES.
3 A) Exp lain the fo llowing with an ex ample; i) M odel based reflex agent. ii) Go al based reflex( IO)
4 B) Given a situation of A utomatic Air .lane Navigation system. Discuss the role of 'PEAS'. (10)

1 A) Define and Solve the fo llowing Problem: Water Jug Prob lem using con traint specification(lO)
2 B) Explain briefly abo ut Depth Limited search and Iterative deepening depth first earch with the(lO)
help of a d iagra m.
3 A) Write 'PEAS' description fo r at least TWO agent types and exp lain the operatio n. (10)
4 B) Discuss about blind search techniques with an example for each search technique. (10)

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