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Learning activity 2

Evidence: Forum “Talking about my interests”

In this activity you are going to talk about your interests. Read the following
questions related to interests, then go to the thematic Forum “Talking about my
interests”, and post a comment with your answers to these questions. To answer
the questions use gerunds and the vocabulary studied in this learning activity. Use
at least one gerund in each answer. Highlight gerunds with green and vocabulary
words with blue.


• What sport do you enjoy watching?

• What activity do you enjoy doing with your family?

• What is something you hate doing?

• What is an activity you like doing on weekend?

1. What sport do you like to watch?

I enjoy watching football. My favorite teams are the national team of the Republic
of Colombia.

2. What activity do you like to do with your family?

We enjoy visiting the beach and the water parks, I like to sunbathe and enjoy
family walks

3. What is something you hate to do?

I hate cooking on weekends, I prefer to go out to eat with my family.

4. What activity do you like to do on weekends?

I like to play soccer with my friends, we really enjoy it.

Steps to participate in the forum:

• In the main menu, click on Activity 2, then click on Evidence: Forum “Talking
about my interests”.
• Enter to the sequence, click on Responder, then click on Enviar.
• Select one of the partner’s commentaries and then express your opinion
clicking on the button Responder.
• Type the subject and the content with your opinion, then click on Enviar.
Criterios de evaluación
Usa la forma de gerundio con la estructura y el vocabulario requeridos.

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