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Volume 1, Number 3, 2003

© Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.

Biotechnology: Impact on Biological Warfare and Biodefense



development of a new class of advanced biological
warfare (ABW) agents engineered to elicit novel effects.
weapons, indirectly or serendipitously, from national
programs or develop their own intrinsic BW capability.
This bioterror threat represents a significant challenge to
In addition, biotechnology will have applications sup- organizations and agencies responsible for directing
porting ABW weaponization, dissemination, and deliv- biodefense efforts. To date, most discussions regarding
ery. Such new agents and delivery systems would pro- the creation of a national biodefense strategy have fo-
vide a variety of new use options, expanding the BW cused largely on addressing existing threats posed by a
paradigm. Although ABW agents will not replace threats select group of naturally occurring pathogens and toxins.
posed by traditional biological agents such as Bacillus Although agents traditionally associated with biological
anthracis (anthrax) and Variola (smallpox), they will warfare likely will remain the predominant threat over
necessitate novel approaches to counterproliferation, de- the next 10 years, implications of current and emerging
tection, medical countermeasures, and attribution. biotechnologies on development of novel BW agents
should also be considered and factored into any long-
term biodefense strategy.
INTRODUCTION This article is intended to highlight the impending po-
tential for biotechnology to revolutionize concepts un-
The concept of employing disease as a weapon has derlying development, weaponization, and limitations
existed for centuries. The low cost, minimal barriers to of biological agents for BW. It is now possible to build
acquisition, and potential impact of biological agents as on previous reports devoted to communicating biologi-
weapons have influenced a number of countries to pur- cal threats posed by molecular biology3–6 by identifying
sue biological warfare (BW) throughout the 20th cen- key technologies that could support efforts to engineer
tury.1 International agreements, such as the Biological novel biological warfare agents. However, the problem
Weapons and Toxins Convention (BWC), have ar- of outlining specific technologies of high “dual-use”
guably done little to deter foreign BW programs; ironi- application in a public forum without assisting individ-
cally, information regarding the former Soviet Union uals with malicious intent precludes extensive technical
suggests that such programs reached new heights of so- discussions here. Rather, we will focus on how biotech-
phistication following ratification of the agreement.2 nology, when applied to biological warfare, holds
This is in part because of the ease with which BW pro- promise to challenge biodefense efforts targeted to
grams can be concealed within legitimate research. counter threats presented by traditional agents, includ-
Thus, it is logical to expect that states that seek to ac- ing counterproliferation, detection, and development of
quire weapons of mass destruction will continue to pur- medical countermeasures. Ultimately, in order to be
sue biological warfare. well situated to meet future challenges, some resources
The threat that BW proliferation poses to civilian and in all areas of biodefense need to be diverted toward de-
military populations is compounded by the possibility velopment of next-generation approaches sufficient to
that terrorist organizations may either acquire these counter emerging threats.

James B. Petro, PhD, Theodore R. Plasse, MS, and Jack A. McNulty are with the Counterproliferation and Technology Office,
Defense Intelligence Agency, Bolling AFB, Washington, DC. Dr. Petro is also with the Joint Military Intelligence College, Bolling
The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Defense Intel-
ligence Agency, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. government.


TRADITIONAL AND GENETICALLY ence trends hold promise to change this, allowing BW
MODIFIED BW AGENTS agent developers to identify biochemical pathways criti-
cal for physiological processes and engineer specific
Historically, biological warfare agents of concern have ABW agents to exploit vulnerabilities. These future de-
included a relatively select group of pathogens and tox- velopments do not mitigate threats from traditional BW
ins, referred to as traditional BW agents. Traditional BW agents; as described earlier, advances in biology already
agents are all naturally occurring organisms or their toxic hold promise to improve traditional agents.
products. From the perspective of a biological warfare sci- Applying discoveries made by emerging biotechnolo-
entist, traditional BW agents have serendipitously evolved gies to biological warfare likely will parallel the biologi-
a select group of traits: toxicity, stability, and ease of pro- cal sciences by creating a biological systems-based
duction. However, until recent decades, the serendipity approach to agent development. Systems-based models
that aided researchers in choosing select organisms also derived from integration of data obtained through ge-
limited BW applications to the characteristics of available nomic and proteomic observations will be critical com-
agents. For example, environmental stability, infectious ponents of this approach.7 Advanced BW agents will be
dose, time to effect, clinical progression, and lethality are able to target specific biological systems, such as the car-
all properties intrinsic to candidate traditional agents that diovascular, immunological, neurological, and gastroin-
may limit their utility for biological warfare. testinal systems. Using an ever-increasing information
With the advent of recombinant DNA technology, re- base, BW designers of the future will have the capability
searchers have developed standard methodologies for alter- to engineer agents that target biological processes, pro-
ing an organism’s genetic makeup. Application of this tech- ducing a wide range of effects including death, incapaci-
nology to enhance traditional biological warfare agents has tation, or neurological impairment. Not only will advances
led to the classification of genetically modified BW agents in biotechnology facilitate novel agents engineered to at-
as a separate category of BW agents. Examples of potential tack human systems, they will increasingly permit modifi-
modifications include antibiotic resistance, increased aero- cation of existing agricultural pathogens and development
sol stability, or heightened pathogenesis. Importantly, ge- of new anti-agricultural and anti-material BW agents.
netic modifications may alter epitopes or sequences used The effect that biotechnology may have on biological
for detection and diagnostics, necessitating that multiple warfare threats facing both military and civilian populations
points of reference be incorporated into these systems and is graphically represented in Figure 1. The threat presented
highlighting the need for security regarding biodetection by traditional agents has been increasing since the early 20th
strategies. However, genetically modified BW agents will century but eventually will level off because of two major
remain closely related to the parent agent at the genetic factors: (1) development of targeted medical countermea-
level and should be generally identifiable using traditional sures probably will reduce threats posed by current biologi-
diagnostics. Ultimately, these modifications serve to in- cal warfare agents, and (2) the number of natural pathogens
crease effectiveness of a traditional BW agent or counter- and toxins that contain properties suitable for biological
act known aspects of the target population’s biomedical warfare is finite. Like traditional agents, the threat posed by
defense strategy without significantly manipulating the genetically modified traditional agents eventually will
parental organism in a manner that might compromise plateau partly because, ultimately, only a finite number of
natural properties suitable for biological warfare use. properties and genetic modifications can be used to enhance
a traditional agent without altering it beyond recognition of
the parental strain or serotype. Importantly, the large, yet fi-
ADVANCED BIOLOGICAL WARFARE nite, number of potential genetic modifications may well
(ABW) AGENTS represent a multiplicative threat relative to that posed by the
traditional agents; thus, the height of the threat bars are not
Technologies developed across multiple disciplines in fully to scale. Unlike threats posed by traditional and ge-
the biological sciences will have a profound global impact netically modified traditional agents, the capability-based
and concurrently have the potential to revolutionize bio- threat posed by ABW agents will continue to expand indef-
logical warfare by facilitating an entirely new class of initely in parallel with advances in biotechnology.
fully engineered agents referred to as advanced biological
warfare (ABW) agents. Emerging biotechnologies likely
will lead to a paradigm shift in BW agent development;
future biological agents could be rationally engineered to
target specific human biological systems at the molecular
level. This is a departure from the traditional model of
BW agent development, which is focused on the naturally Biotechnological advances already have revolution-
occurring agent, not the target organism. Biological sci- ized many processes associated with bacterial and viral


Advanced Biological Agents

Genetically Modified Traditional Agents/
Biochemical Agents

Traditional Agents

Pre-Genomic Era Genomic Era (Age of Biotechnology)

1940’s 1999 2003 2020

Human Genome

FIG. 1. Timeline describing impact of biotechnology on biological warfare threat. This timeline depicts the relative threat level
presented by traditional (e.g., naturally occurring bacterial, viral agents), genetically modified traditional (e.g., antibiotic-resistant
bacteria), and advanced biological agents (novel BW agents created using biotechnological applications).

production as well as purification of proteins from bio- produce a desired protein.8,9 Much of this technology eas-
process systems. Many of these newer approaches are ily could be diverted toward nefarious ends.
specifically designed to decrease the technical expertise Transgenic plants could be engineered to produce large
necessary to produce quantities of biological agents that quantities of bioregulatory or toxic proteins. The bioreg-
would be sufficient for a group with nefarious intentions. ulator/toxin proteins could either be purified from plant
Application of these technologies toward production of cells or used directly as a BW agent. Thus, in the future,
BW agents may lead to increased yield of high-quality transgenic plants might serve as bioproduction reactors,
product from decreased resources, greater consistency eliminating the need for standard mechanical equipment
among product batches, and marginal requirements for normally associated with this process. This method
“cutting-edge” expertise. Importantly, this shift also may would primarily be limited to the production of protein-
radically alter signatures that intelligence analysts and based BW agents, such as toxins or bioregulators; how-
law enforcement professionals use to identify proscribed ever, it would provide a covert mechanism to produce
activity. However, biotechnological advances have not large quantities of such agents as a field of transgenic
been limited to enhancement of industrial mechanisms plants that may be indistinguishable from nontransgenic
for agent production. crops.
The ability to introduce foreign genes into animal and Transgenic insects, such as bees, wasps, or mosqui-
plant DNA in a manner that permits the targeted organism toes, could be developed to produce and deliver protein-
to produce new proteins not previously encoded in its ge- based biological warfare agents. By employing future
netic material may have future applications for biological discoveries related to insect ontogeny and genetic manip-
warfare. Transgenic systems have proved to be a relatively ulation, a mosquito potentially could be genetically al-
inexpensive way to produce large quantities of medically tered to produce and secrete a highly potent bioregulator
useful proteins. Recent examples of such animals include or toxin protein in its saliva. The insect would then intox-
goats that secrete insulin or spider silk in their milk. Future icate people with the protein by inoculation during its
applications of transgenics technology will be targeted to- feeding process. Because many bioregulators and toxins
ward development of transgenic plants and insects that are thought to be effective at exceedingly low doses, an

individual may succumb to infection after having been for agent delivery, including lipid-based15 and other non-
bitten by a few transgenic mosquitoes. Development and colloidal vectors,16 also has potential for delivery of for-
employment of genetically engineered insects for this eign genes, albeit with a significant reduction in speci-
purpose could have ecological implications that may fa- ficity. The ultimate expression of this technology would
vor offensive use against targets in a foreign country and be development of a vector that encapsulates, protects,
not as a defense against invading military forces in a do- penetrates, and releases DNA-based BW agents into tar-
mestic theater of operations. get cells but is not recognized by the immune system.
Such a “stealth” agent would significantly challenge cur-
Weaponization rent medical countermeasure strategies.6
Research related to the use of nanoparticles in the stor-
age and delivery of pharmaceuticals and vaccines will
yield findings with direct application for improved
weaponization and storage of BW agents. Currently, mi-
The wide range of effects that can be designed into
croencapsulation technology is focused on development
ABW agents will expand options for employment signif-
of processes to encapsulate biologically active organisms,
icantly and ultimately may decrease the current threshold
proteins, and even DNA within a coating nanoparticle
for use of biological warfare. Among these new use op-
substance. Encapsulated products would be protected
tions, for example, would be the opportunity to covertly
from environmental hazards, increasing their capacity for
target a civilian population for strategic effect with mini-
storage and survival. In addition, some research on mi-
mal risk of attribution. Other properties favoring devel-
croencapsulation technology is designed to increase the
opment of ABW agents may include the following:
ability of bioproducts to be disseminated as an aero-
sol.10,11 All of these features are indirectly applicable to
• Customizable aspects of advanced agent development
BW agent weaponization, storage, and dissemination.
may allow for predictable, desired results following
In addition to microencapsulation of bioproducts using
agent release.
microscopic particles, extensive research is being per-
• Unusual clinical presentation could allow a biological
formed to dissect genetic and molecular mechanisms that
warfare attack to be mischaracterized as a natural out-
regulate biofilm formation.12,13 Biofilms are colonies of
break and remain undetected.
bacteria encased in secreted exopolysaccharides (complex
• Development of novel agents previously unknown to
sugars) that adhere to each other and a solid surface. Com-
the medical community would yield BW agents that
plex sugars produced by bacteria not only contribute to
are difficult to diagnose and treat.
biofilm generation, but also protect the colony from envi-
• Advanced agents could be developed to circumvent
ronmental hazards and may even play a role in aiding bac-
vaccines or treatments designed to counter traditional
teria to avoid the host immune system. Discoveries in this
field might one day be diverted toward enhanced storage
• Agents could be tailored to target a specific population
and delivery of bacterial biological warfare agents.
based on genetic or cultural traits.
• Sterilizing, oncogenic (cancer-causing), or debilitating
agents could be created for use as a strategic weapon
A systems approach to the creation of novel BW against a target population for long-term effects.
agents likely will occur concurrently with development
of more advanced methods for agent delivery. Because When coupled with traditional motivations for pursu-
ABW agents will be targeted against specific biochemi- ing biological warfare as an asymmetric weapon (low
cal pathways, the effective dose likely will be reduced cost-to-effect ratio, few technical barriers, force multi-
compared with that of traditional BW agents, which is al- plier, etc.), these new use options likely will make BW
ready very low. Thus, vectors (organisms or mechanisms more attractive. Thus, advances in biotechnology re-
to transmit a biological compound) that previously could search may lead to a coming revolution in BW develop-
not be used for biological warfare now would become ment for technologically proficient rogue nations and
potential delivery vehicles because of the reduced possibly sophisticated terrorist organizations.
amount of ABW agent required to elicit a desired effect.
Use of a vector, particularly viral vectors, to carry and
express foreign genes could permit targeted delivery of CHALLENGES FOR BIODEFENSE
nucleic acid–based BW agents. Engineered viral vectors
hold potential to ensure successful delivery of genetic By supporting development of ABW agents, emerging
material with exquisite specificity to a targeted cell biotechnologies will present novel challenges to biode-
type.14 In addition, development of alternative strategies fense strategies. Currently, concepts pertaining to bio-

defense are largely rooted in proven medical treatments Intelligence and domestic security communities will
and prophylactics. Although these strategies are critical need to engage the published literature head-on by estab-
to addressing immediate bio-threats, they will be inade- lishing closer continuing relations with basic and applied
quate against ABW agents. Thus, new initiatives designed bioscience research communities and developing sys-
to deal with broader threats that may result from misuse tems to monitor access to questionable combinations of re-
of technology need to be pursued in parallel with existing search findings via pattern recognition. Also, where possi-
and planned programs. These initiatives must be tailored ble, the national security community will need to become
within each component of the national biodefense infra- more engaged in educating academic and industrial re-
structure. searchers regarding foreign exploitation efforts and estab-
lishing approved mechanisms for communicating suspi-
cious activity. Because the application of biotechnology
toward development of novel agents will require detailed
Historically, counterproliferation efforts have been fo- information that may provide a specific signature, identi-
cused largely on monitoring foreign proliferation of fying potential malefactors based on their information re-
weapons systems, “dual-use” biological production equip- quirements should be possible. Additional counterprolifer-
ment, and a handful of biological agents. This approach ation efforts could then be targeted against individuals of
appears to satisfactorily address primary concerns related concern.
to nations acquiring BW technology; however, informa- In the future, biotechnology likely will have an impact
tion from defectors, such as the Iraqi WMD Chief on the equipment and expertise that supports biological
Husayn Kamel,17 reveal that states with even marginal warfare. Novel equipment and production strategies
technological proficiency are not deterred from pursuing probably would alter signatures associated with BW ac-
traditional BW programs. Advances made possible tivity, blending them with background signatures of le-
through applied biotechnology, which portends a change gitimate research. Furthermore, decreasing technical bar-
in the information, equipment, expertise, and access to riers to engineering ABW agents through development of
agents that can underlie BW programs in the future, will technical kits and detailed protocols for advanced labora-
compound this problem. Thus, intelligence and domestic tory techniques will reduce the need for highly trained
security professionals must supplement their current ap- scientists. Counterproliferation professionals will need to
proach. The need to safeguard the sources, methods, and remain cognizant of equipment and techniques associ-
analytic strategies of intelligence professionals precludes ated with cutting-edge biotechnologies with high dual-
discussion of specific options in this forum. However, use potential and more carefully monitor foreign acquisi-
many in the intelligence community are aware that “busi- tion of those underlying technologies and capabilities.
ness as usual” will not be sufficient to address emerging This will become increasingly difficult to do amidst a
threats, and they are working to develop and implement rapidly growing background of legitimate biotech re-
novel methodologies. search and manufacturing activities in many areas of the
Development of advanced biological warfare agents developing world. In addition, the national security com-
and genetically modified traditional agents will be facili- munity will need to factor in the effects of emerging tech-
tated largely by availability of technical information nologies on standard signatures associated with BW ac-
from the Western scientific community. Foreign male- tivities and adjust its strategies accordingly.
factors already have a variety of options for addressing Most important, biotechnology will significantly affect
their technological needs: openly published literature, global proliferation of agents of concern in a manner that
freely accessible knowledge databases, interactions with will be difficult to monitor or regulate. Modern DNA se-
unsuspecting researchers at symposia, and opportunities quencing technology permits absolute characterization of
to have students trained in cutting-edge technologies in any organism’s genetic material. To date, genomes of
Western laboratories. These options will increase in the many organisms, including humans, fruit flies, nema-
future. todes, bacteria, and many viruses, have been determined.
Unfortunately, the potential threat presented by prolifer- All this information is stored in digital data files that are
ation of biotechnology information cannot be contained as commonly accessible via a currently nonattributable
easily as that presented by research in nuclear fission; un- manner over the Internet. Coupled with advances in
like much of the fission research, which has few applica- DNA synthesis technology, it is becoming increasingly
tions except development of nuclear weapons, all biotech- possible to reconstruct viruses from genomic digital data
nology research builds on previous findings across a files, a process that is becoming increasingly recognized
variety of disciplines. Thus, restricting the spread of dis- as “digital proliferation.” The recent production of infec-
coveries in the biological sciences may well impede tious poliovirus from synthetic DNA18 is merely the tip
progress in development of new therapeutics and vac- of the iceberg when it comes to potential implications of
cines, including those that will be essential to biodefense. this technology toward proliferation of agents of concern

or, for that matter, gene sequences that can be assembled search that focus efforts to address individual agents
to create ABW agents. As the number of commercial based on distinct physical attributes. Although this pro-
DNA synthesis enterprises and the prevalence of this cess yields countermeasures that protect against the in-
technology in smaller laboratories increases, standard ap- tended organism, sometimes with exquisite specificity,
proaches to monitoring the spread and acquisition of or- the wheel must constantly be reinvented to apply under-
ganisms on the CDC select agent list will become less ef- lying principles toward novel threat agents. In the com-
fective. ing environment where ABW agents can be engineered
to circumvent standard medical countermeasures, there
Environmental detection will be an increasing need for research into novel strate-
gies for protecting military and civilian populations from
Currently, biodefense is challenged by the absence of
agents of unknown properties and origin.
real-time environmental detectors for biological agents
Employment of ABW agents most likely would result
of concern. Detection systems currently under develop-
in targeted individuals presenting with symptoms not
ment focus largely on detecting hazardous bioaerosols by
normally associated with known traditional BW agents.
size, antigen recognition, or nucleic acid sequence. Al-
Thus, it will be necessary to rapidly diagnose and iden-
though a number of technical considerations must be ad-
tify underlying principles of the disease-causing agent. A
dressed regarding sensitivity, selectivity, false positive
number of potential approaches profile specific biochem-
rates, and methodology for use of these systems, they are
ical and molecular responses to infection with different
based on fundamental approaches that ultimately will
organisms. For example, recent studies monitoring pro-
permit detection of a select group of traditional biologi-
files of gene expression in immune system cells follow-
cal warfare threat agents. Unfortunately, the nature by
ing exposure to a variety of microorganisms suggest that
which ABW agents are engineered automatically will
it may be possible to specifically identify an infectious
permit them to circumvent systems currently under de-
agent based on early stages of the immune response.19,20
velopment to address threats posed by traditional agents.
Also, the reemergence of mass spectrometry as a power-
Thus, allocating a limited amount of resources toward
ful tool for profiling a complete array of proteins and
development of more general detection strategies would
peptides in clinical samples21 may hold promise for iden-
be prudent.
tifying components of infectious agents and potentially
Systems are needed that profile a variety of physical
could serve to reveal whether an ABW is altering expres-
characteristics likely to be incorporated into ABW
sion levels of bioregulatory genes. These strategies are
agents, including gene sequences from humans and a va-
still at the conceptual stage and would require additional
riety of microorganisms not previously identified as
resources to be adapted as diagnostic systems for biode-
high-threat agents. This will ensure detection of a wide
fense. Ultimately, development of a generalized diag-
range of pathogens, including both traditional and ABW
nostic system based on searching for characteristic host
agents. Ideally, these systems would integrate readouts of
responses among individuals potentially exposed to tra-
a variety of properties including particle size and nucleic
ditional or ABW agents would be a major step forward
acid profile. Because these detectors will need to recog-
for biodefense.
nize components from traditional and nontraditional
The process for developing prophylaxis against tradi-
threat organisms as well as some human gene sequences,
tional biological warfare agents has yielded many effective
elaborate pattern recognition software will be critical to
vaccines; however, the current strategy of developing indi-
distinguish the presence of threat agents from a large
vidual vaccines against distinct pathogens will not be ca-
background of environmental contaminants and mini-
pable of protecting against ABW agents. Thus, research
mize false positives. Fortunately, bioscience discovery
into vaccines that confer a general increase in immune sys-
almost certainly will enable creation of such next-genera-
tem activation should be pursued. Preliminary findings in
tion environmental detectors in the future. Once appro-
a number of immunological laboratories suggest that
priate generalized detectors are available, their doctrine
classes of immune system cells are capable of responding
for use should be the same regardless of the agent de-
with the potency of the adaptive immune system to a vari-
ety of pathogens recognized by the innate immune system
based on structural moieties (features of proteins) con-
Medical countermeasures
served among wide classes of pathogens.22–24 Possibly,
Advanced biological warfare agents will pose the vaccines that stimulate these cells could be created, pro-
greatest challenge to development of appropriate medical viding a more rapid immune response to a wide variety of
countermeasures. Current strategies for medical diagnos- bacterial and viral pathogens. In addition to developing
tics, prophylaxis, and therapeutics for BW agents may be standard vaccines, resources need to be directed toward
inadequate to address emerging ABW threats. This is study of these generalized vaccination strategies as well as
largely due to standard paradigms in basic and applied re- the potential for immunomodulatory compounds that

could boost immune responses following an attack with providing an additional avenue to pursue attribution.
traditional or ABW agents. Naturally, parallel studies into Such long-term approaches would require interaction
the potential negative effects of generalized immunomod- with corporations on an international level, would likely
ulation, such as autoimmunity or hypersensitivity, will require a minimal investment, and could have a major
also need to be conducted. impact by helping attribute an attack to its source.
Developing therapeutics to mitigate the effects of ABW
agents will be a unique challenge. Currently, therapeutics
are either engineered against specific molecular pathways NEED FOR “NEXT-GENERATION”
or interactions critical for agent pathogenesis or identified APPROACHES TO BIODEFENSE
through high-throughput screening of libraries of com-
pounds until one with an inhibitory effect on the targeted A variety of steps should be taken to ensure that our
agent is identified and validated for further study. These biodefense capabilities provide sufficient protection from
approaches should remain viable for yielding novel com- emerging threats. First, resources should be allocated to
pounds to respond after a biological warfare or bioterror permit evaluation of emerging biotechnologies that may
attack has occurred. However, the major question regard- foster ABW agent development and prioritize threats pre-
ing therapeutic development raised by the potential for sented by those agents. Unclassified recommendations
ABW agents to integrate human bioregulatory genes or from intelligence professionals regarding both traditional
otherwise affect gene expression is, “How does one treat and ABW agents should be considered when determining
an attack on the genome?” Preliminary studies designed research priorities. Importantly, these assessments should
to dissect the cellular pathways for RNA interference be based primarily on foreign technological capabilities.
(RNAi)25 and development of short hairpin RNA Depending on intelligence agencies to provide a justifica-
(shRNA) molecules26 hold potential to address this ques- tion for exploring novel countermeasures based on foreign
tion, as they could lead to generalized therapeutic strate- biological warfare intentions could hinder biodefense ef-
gies designed to rapidly mitigate effects of some ABW forts by forcing the research community to continuously
agents. In addition, gene therapy research may provide in- remain behind the curve on emerging threats.
sight regarding viable delivery vectors for therapeutic Second, a federally funded venue for experimentally
shRNA sequences. However, these preliminary studies validating biotechnology threat assessments needs to be
are a far cry from a deployable therapeutic vector; re- established. Appropriate allocation of biodefense re-
sources need to be allocated to support aspects of this and sources will require some research that has limited impli-
other research devoted specifically to biodefense. cations for the general bioscience community but signifi-
cant application for nefarious scientists. This research
should be consolidated and conducted at a single federal
ATTRIBUTION facility. Its research findings could also be factored into
prioritizing funding allocations for general research. In
Some current thoughts regarding attribution are fo- the interest of national security, many of the findings of
cused on developing a post-incident ability to identify an threat assessment research probably should not be pub-
agent’s source by comparing genetic polymorphisms lished openly;27 however, public confidence in this effort
against a database of different strains and isolates from could be maintained by establishing an independent
the environment and laboratories around the world. Ad- panel of bioscience experts responsible for approving
vanced biological warfare agents would make attribution and reviewing research at the facility. Moreover, steps
via this route nearly impossible. However, the potential will need to be taken to assure allies and other interna-
for attribution could be increased by incorporating soft- tional observers that such biodefense threat assessment
ware into DNA synthesizers that “tags” products with research is not being withheld from general publication
signature sequences. Although concerns regarding the ef- to cover up treaty violations.
fects of incorporating “genetically silent” DNA tags into Third, some federal bioscience research funds should
synthetic DNA sequences will need to be addressed, such be allocated to promote development of next-generation
markers would provide some measure for attributing systems for environmental detection, medical diagnos-
agents based on synthetic DNA. Also, many of the mate- tics, prophylactics, and therapeutics. Such systems will
rials involved in production and refinement of organisms need to provide broader analysis and identification of
and toxins into BW agents are commercially available. agents of concern. Researchers investigating the funda-
Introducing trace amounts of inert, identifiable material mental properties underlying development of these next-
that ultimately would become part of the agent into cul- generation systems should be focused on identifying
ture media and components used in refinement and agents based on the presence of a panel of indicators,
weaponization may provide insight regarding the source keeping in mind that such agents probably would contain
of materials used for agent engineering and production, genetic material from a variety of organisms, including

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