IHG Engineering Design Guidelines Revisi

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IHG Engineering Design Guidelines

6.5 Sewage Disposal Systems

6.4.1 General

Where municipal sewers are not available, provide a complete sewage treatment plant capable of treating the effluent from the building sanitary system and discharging the treated effluent
where dictated by local authorities.
The following table provides a summary comparison of the type of plants available with the final selection being based on a specific in country comparison.

6.4.2 Comparison of different STP Technologies

S.N Item MBR Extended Aeration SAFF FAB SBR

1 Type of Membrane Bio Reactor is an Extended Aeration is a modification Submerged Aerated Fixed Film Floating Aerated Biomedia Sequencing batch reactor
Process extension of the activated of activated sludge process where the Reactor is an attached growth process, Reactor is also an attached (SBR) utilizes a fill & draw
sludge process incorporating retention time is as high up to 24 where the biomass grows on media. growth on a free floating reactor with complete mixing
submerged ultrafiltration hours and high MLSS concentration plastic media. during the batch reaction step.
membranes, high MLSS and high sludge age. All SBR system has five steps.
concentration and excellent
effluent quality
2 Pre- Treatment Absolutely mandatory to No pre-treatment is required. Absolutely mandatory since if the pre- Very important as the No pre-treatment is
protect the ultra-filtration treatment is not properly designed the floating media is more prone required.
membranes. Typically 3mm media will choke thereby affecting the to choke and backwash
screening will be used in front effluent quality. frequency will largely
of the biological process and depends on the pre-
grease must be removed via a treatment done.
grease trap or DAF.
3 Process MBR consists of a biological The process involves proper mixing of This is typically an attached growth This system is very identical In SBR Process, during the
Involved process with relatively low the sewage or effluent with aeration process where the biomass is allowed to the SAFF system, except operation, volume & substrate
F/M-ratios (typically < 0,1 by diffusers or surface aerators and to grow on plastic type media. The that the floating media offers (raw waste water or primary
kgBOD/kgDSd), dimensioned thus maintaining a high MLSS process generally consists to two surface area for the biomass effluent are added to the
with or without denitrification concentration and the retention time is successive aeration tanks where the to get digested and has reactor .The reactor may be
and high MLSS concentration very high. The sludge retention time is media is completely submerged in the higher BOD removal per mixed only or mixed and
(up to 15 g/l, typically 8 – 12 very high. waste water. Both up flow and down cubic meter. Thus requires aerated to promote biological
g/l), followed by submerged flow processes take place. The raw lesser footprint for the reactions with the effluent
ultrafiltration membranes waste water goes in an up flow pattern aeration reactor. waste water.
which physically separate the in the first aeration tank and
active biomass from the subsequently in a down flow pattern in
cleansed water (instead of the next tank.
secondary clarification via The organic material present in the
gravity). waste water is degraded by a
population of microorganisms attached
to the media. Organic material from the
liquid is adsorbed on to the biological
film or slime layer. In the outer portions
of the slime layer, the organic material

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IHG Engineering Design Guidelines

is degraded by aerobic
microorganisms. As the
microorganisms grow, the thickness of
the slime layer increases, and the
diffused oxygen is consumed before it
can penetrate the full depth of the slime
layer. Thus an anaerobic environment
is established near the surface of the
4 Secondary A secondary settling tank is A secondary settling tank is required. A secondary settling tank is required. A secondary settling tank is There are five steps as follows:
Settling Not required! required. fill, react, settle, draw & ideal.
5 RAS (Return Activated sludge must be The activated sludge is returned for Sludge is recycled back to the SAFF Although the MLSS is The activated sludge is
Activated returned from filtration step to maintaining a high MLSS Reactor from the secondary settling normally maintained higher returned for maintaining a high
Sludge) System biological reactor. concentration. tank. due to the attached growth MLSS concentration
thus doesn’t requires any
sludge recycling but normal
practice is to give a back-up
sludge recycling line so that
if there is too low BOD
loading, the sludge can be
6 Nitrification Nitrification is always Nitrification and de-nitrification Nitrification is achieved. Nitrification is achieved. Nitrification is always achieved,
achieved, de-nitrification if generally do not take place. But if the de-nitrification if required!
required! detention time provided in the
secondary settling tank is higher than
the normal, then the processes may
take place.
7 Space Lowest, due to high MLSS and High due to larger detention time. Because of the presence of media, Since there is a higher High due to larger detention
Requirement not needing a secondary land requirement is low and there is surface area exposure, the time.
clarification tank (app. 50 % sufficient reduction in the overall area required is lesser than
lower than other systems) volume of the plant. SAFF system.
8 Power Quite high, due to additional Very high due to higher oxygen Low power requirement Low power requirement. Low power requirement
Requirement air scouring for ultra-filtration requirement.
9 Maintenance Membranes require cleaning Optimum Low, but the system needs to be Low, but the system needs Optimum.
approximately every 4-8 carefully designed since the media are to be carefully designed
months (required frequency is prone to clog/ choke. since the media are prone to
very site specific). clog/ choke.
10 Skilled Labor Required, for cleaning of Not required Required and the tubes need frequent Required as the FAB media Good operator skill required.
membranes and general cleaning. needs an expert care and
systems maintenance understanding.
11 Power Failure Power failure interrupts Power failure disrupts the process Power failure disrupts the process to The power failure disrupts Power failure disrupts the
system-operation. After power and purification may occur. The some extent but due to the presence of the process and greatly process and purification may
supply is re-established, sludge tends to settle down. the media the aerobic process disturbs if there is a occur. The sludge tends to
system-operation starts again continues. The stabilization of the temperature change. settle down.
without problems. process takes faster than FAB process.

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IHG Engineering Design Guidelines

12 Efficiency MBR produces highest quality Very efficient. High BOD loads can be Higher BOD loads cannot be efficiently Higher BOD loads cannot be Higher BOD loads cannot be
tertiary quality bacteria-free removed up to 98%. removed maximum 90% BOD removal. efficiently removed efficiently removed maximum
effluent which safely allows maximum 90% BOD 90% BOD removal.
direct recycling without further removal.
steps. Highest efficiency at
all; BOD>99%, COD > 95%,
no bacteria and viruses in
13 Sludge Sludge is totally digested and Sludge is totally digested and can be Sludge is digested and can be disposed Sludge is digested and can Sludge is totally digested and
can be disposed off easily. disposed off easily. off. be disposed off. can be disposed off easily.
14 Disadvantages 1. Power Requirements High space required and high power 1. Pre- treatment is absolutely 1. Pre-treatment is absolutely Process controlled more
increased in comparison requirement. necessary, or else the media necessary, or else the complicated.
to other systems may get clogged. media may get clogged.
(additional operation of 2. Not suitable for very higher 2. Not suitable for higher
membranes) flows, above 2-3 MLD. flows.
2. Membranes have a life-
time generally 5-8 years.
15. Cost System costs higher than The electro-mechanical cost is lesser The electro-mechanical cost is higher The electro-mechanical cost The electro-mechanical cost is
conventional technologies but civil cost is invariably high, due to but Civil cost is reduced due to smaller is higher but Civil cost is reduced but Civil cost is
(app. 30 % higher), but allow high area requirement for aeration aeration tank. reduced due to smaller higher.
reduced civil costs and tank. aeration tank.
provide much better effluent
quality which is safe for reuse.

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IHG Engineering Design Guidelines

6.6.3 Design Criteria

Design of all sewage treatment plants must conform to all local health codes. If local health codes are not available,
the sewage treatment plant should be designed on the basis of the following minimum standards.

The system should be complete with the following minimum main components as hereinafter specified:

 Sewage treatment plant

 Chlorination equipment (only if discharged to surface waterways or used for irrigation. Not required for
effluent to seepage pits or the like).
 Pump house
 All piping, fittings, valves, hangers, etc. to complete the mechanical installation

Clarifier surface and weirs should be designed for peak flow rates and not normal daily flow rates.

The plant should be modified to include tertiary treatment if required by the final point of discharge or terminal point
use of effluent. Particular emphasis must be addressed to tertiary treatment if effluent is to be used for irrigation.

Disposal of effluent may include leaching fields and or seepage pits where discharge to surface waters is not
permitted. For disposal of sludge, drying beds may be considered. However primary consideration should be
given to the use of local disposal facilities.

6.6.4 Specification and application

Source Sewage Flow/Person (5-day B.O.D) Organic Loading

Guests 230 litres/day 0.060 kilos

Resorts and Japan Tropical 350 litres/day 0.086 kilos

Countries 300 litres/day 0.075 kilos

Employees 50 litres/day 0.010 kilos

Restaurant 35 litres/cover 0.045 kilos/cover

Laundry 25 litres/kg

Without recovery 15 litres/kg 0.005 kilos/kilo

With recovery Assume 7, 5 kg linen/occupied room

Typical total consumption figures are 400-600 litres/guest in moderate and 600-800 litres/guest in tropical climate
zones, which includes all of the above. They differ primarily by hotel type (business v. Resort), facilities (laundry),
number of restaurants, and employees etc.

The plant should be based on 5 day B.O.D (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) capacity as scheduled above, with
loading of 0.37 kilos per m.3 (23.0 lbs. /1000 cu. Ft.) The preferred system is the extended aeration plant.

Standby Provisions

All compartments should be sectionalised and equipment furnished in duplicate, or two complete plats shall be
installed, each size for 50% of the load, to facilitate maintenance and repairs.

6.6.5 Environment and energy conservation

Discharge of treated water to soak-a-ways or water courses should be monitors on a regular basis to ensure out
fall content is not hazardous to the local environment. Assess suitability of site with regard to reed-bed filtration
for the treatment of grey/waste water for the development.

6.6.6 Space Allocation

The sewage disposal plant should be situated at a lower level than the development, adjacent to roadway or hard
standing or at a maximum distance of 30 metres from the nearest road. Access route from roadway to plant area
should avoid occupied areas, either internally or externally (e.g., bathing areas tennis courts, etc.).

6.6.7 Commissioning and Testing

The performance of the system should be demonstrated by taking hourly samples of the raw sewage and final
effluent over a twelve hour period, freezing each sample as it is taken. The samples should be taken at periods

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IHG Engineering Design Guidelines

which approximate the flow rates specified by the plant. The samples shall be combined and a 5 day B.O.D run,
the results of which must verify the treatment plant’s capacity, prior to acceptance, at less than 20ppm. Plant
performance, other than guarantees, must be specified to start one year after start-up, demonstrating plant
performance under minimum 50% loading.

6.7 Grease Traps

Grease traps shall be kept as close as possible to the kitchens in temperature controlled spaces but shall not be
located within the kitchen. Grease traps, where possible, shall be located in temperature controlled and ventilated
rooms. Where separate rooms are not available they shall be located in limited use back of house corridors.

Grease traps shall be fitted with siphon storage tanks that will store a minimum of 14 days of grease.

Grease traps shall not be direct buried. If it is necessary to be installed below the ground, purpose made pits shall
be constructed to house the grease traps. This will facilitate water proofing, buoyancy and maintenance issues.

Enzyme type grease traps can be used, but only after careful investigation to ensure that enzymes are readily
available in the local market and that the local technicians are capable of operating and maintaining these types
of traps.

As an option, a proprietary unit such as “Fatstrippa” may be used, which has considerable benefits, refer to Volume
3 of this manual)

6.8 Storm water Drainage System

6.8.1 General

Provide a complete system of storm drainage piping inside the building, collecting water from all roof areas, setback
areas, plazas, etc. Connect to headers and, in turn, connect to house drains which will discharge into a storm sewer,
combination sewer, ocean, rain water cisterns, or swale, as conditions dictate. All drainage below gravity level
should be collected and drained into a sump and then pumped into the storm house drain. Pumps should be in
duplicate and be provided with emergency power where available.
In those areas where the water supply is limited, the storm piping may discharge into a cistern for use of non-
potable system.
6.8.2 Design Criteria

As a minimum, unless otherwise dictated by code, design storm drainage based on records kept for the area for 10
minute, 25-year interval storm. Coordinate with Architect and IHG to provide balconies with drains piped to the storm
drainage system.
Gravity drainage should be used wherever possible to avoid the use of pumps

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