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I hardly keep myself on track and on time. 2.38 S To some extent

I hardly check the tasks and activities I ask students to
2.34 S To some extent
I have difficulty in the process of monitoring students if they
2.23 S To some extent
responded to the prepared tasks/ modules by themselves.
I have difficulty in the process of monitoring students if they
2.23 S To some extent
responded to the prepared tasks/ modules by themselves.
I have difficulty setting personal goals for online class/modules. 2.21 S To some extent
I have difficulty maintaining my students engaged and interested
during online classes and/ or when they accomplish the tasks in the 2.14 S To some extent
prepared modules.
I have difficulty teaching/ preparing the modules in a place with
2.10 S To some extent
many distractions.
I am challenged by aligning the online tasks and modular activities
2.09 S To some extent
to curricular standards.
I have difficulty at setting goals and deadlines for myself. 2.07 S To some extent
I have difficulty designing inclusive and fair type of instruction
2.03 S To some extent
for all types of students.
I find it difficult to prepare tasks and activities that are
2.03 S To some extent
interactive and engaging.
I have difficulty sustaining a strong Internet connection/ mobile
2.02 S To some extent
data during online classes or online meetings.
My computer, laptop, or cellphone lags during online meeting and/
2.00 S To some extent
or when I prepare learning modules.
I hardly design motivating questions and prompts for students to
1.98 S To some extent
respond to.
I hardly prepare lessons/ modules for my classes due to the lack of
1.97 S To some extent
time and resources.
My unstable internet connectivity causes me not to respond to my
students questions concerning modules and other related concerns to 1.94 S To some extent
online/modular classes immediately.
I have difficulty printing learning materials because I lack
1.92 S To some extent
resources such as printer and scanner.
I have difficulty planning my work in advance so that I can check
1.90 S To some extent
students answers on time.
I am challenged by the use of technical skills such as turning the
audio and camera on/off during meetings and using alternative 1.85 S To some extent
assessment tools for the new normal educational setup.
I am being challenged to call someone who can help me if I have
1.82 S To some extent
computer problems.
I have difficulty installing software and applications that could
1.80 S To some extent
make online/modular classes more convenient.
I am uncomfortable conducting searches, setting bookmarks, and
1.79 S To some extent
downloading files.
I am uncomfortable surfing the Internet 1.74 NA To a little exten
I have difficulty keeping a record of what students
1.72 NA To a little exten
assignments/modules are and when they are due.
I have difficulty using the computer, cellphone, laptop or printer. 1.45 NA To a little exten
I easily quit when I find the lessons difficult to teach and
1.28 NA To a little exten
General Average Weighted Mean 1.95 S To some extent

3.26 – 4.00 A – Always/ To a very great extent

2.51 – 3.25 MT- Most of the Time/ To a great extent
1.76 – 2.50 S – Sometimes/ To some extent
1.00 – 1.75 NA– Not at all/ To a little extent


I put my trust in God. 3.86 A
I try to grow as a person as a result of the experience 3.59 A
I try to see the challenge in a different light, to make it seem
3.53 A
more positive.
I try to come up with a strategy about what to do. 3.38 A
I try to come up with a strategy about what to do. 3.27 A
I make a plan of action when I encounter problems. 3.18 M
I turn to work or other substitute activities to take my mind
3.17 M
off things.
I concentrate my efforts on doing something about it 3.17 M
I try to find comfort in my religion. 3.17 M
I take additional action to try to get rid of the problem. 3.15 M
I talk to someone to find out more about the situation. 2.88 M
I make sure not to make matters worse by acting too soon. 2.88 M
I try hard to prevent other things from interfering with my
2.73 M
efforts at dealing with challenges.
I try to get advice from someone about what to do. 2.71 M
I focus on dealing with this problem, I set aside other things
2.70 M
for a while.
I try to get emotional support from friends or relatives. 2.65 M
I try hard to prevent other things from interfering with my
2.61 A
efforts at dealing with this.
I let my feelings out when I need it. . 2.61 M
I put aside other activities in order to concentrate on this. 2.59 M
I discuss my feelings with someone. 2.56 M
I keep myself from getting distracted by other thoughts or
2.53 M
I make fun of the difficult situation. 2.42 S
I focus on dealing with this problem, and if necessary let other
2.42 S
things slide a little.
I restrain myself from doing anything too quickly. 2.29 S
I get upset and let my emotions out. 2.09 S
I feel a lot of emotional distress and I find myself expressing
2.09 S
those feelings a lot.
I refuse to believe that it has happened. 1.97 S
I pretend that it hasn't really happened. 1.92 S
I give up the attempt to get what I want. 1.79 S
I admit to myself that I can't deal with it, and quit trying. 1.77 S
General Average Weighted Mean 2.72 M


3.26 – 4.00 A – Always
2.51 – 3.25 M - Most of the Time
1.76 – 2.50 S – Sometimes
1.00 – 1.75 N – Never

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