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10/11/2020 HUMSS 4 PRELIM EXAM


Select one best answer from the choices given. Tick the circle of your answer.

1. Email address *

2. Which of the following is NOT a field of the social sciences? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.


Political Science



3. Field of study that is focused on the use and application of the different 1 point

concepts, theoretical models, and theories of the social science disciplines to

help understand society and the different problems and issues it faces. *

Mark only one oval.


Social Sciences

Applied Social Sciences

Behavioral Sciences

4. A discipline that provides guidance, help and support to individuals through 1 point
the application of psychological methods that includes case history data,
personal interviews, and aptitudes tests. *

Mark only one oval.

Social Work


Applied Social Sciences

Counselling 1/9
10/11/2020 HUMSS 4 PRELIM EXAM

5. Field of study where practitioners help individuals, families, groups and 1 point

communities enhance peoples’ skills and ability to use their own resources
and that of the community to resolve social and community problems. *

Mark only one oval.

Life Coach

Social Work

Communication Studies


6. Which career opportunity will mostly need an applied social science 1 point
practitioner? *

Mark only one oval.

Computer Science




7. Which of the following does follow “School and Community Collaboration”? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Allowing yourself to be counselled means that you have a problem only in the school
and have issues in academic success, that is only concern with the school

Counselors’ ensures learner’s holistic development and success through barangay,

teacher and parent coordination

A counselor’s job is in only to see counseling as its objective and final approach to
student improvement

The school is an independent institution, it does not need help from other schools in
improving learner-community engagement. 2/9
10/11/2020 HUMSS 4 PRELIM EXAM

8. Which of the following is a function of guidance counselor in the school? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Alan was rejected by the counselor because he was a Negro coming from the rural area
of Maguindanao. The guidance counselor only accepts Catholics with white and fair

Mrs. Bautista is delivering a speech on multicultural acceptance in their Career Fair. She
emphasizes the value that everyone should be accepted based on their qualified skills and
capabilities as companies’ judge them to that extent.

Counselor Jona demanded an apology letter from the bullying student Mark. She also
filed expulsion of the student and even broadcasted in her twitter the misdeed of the
student. It is the school policy that bullying has no place in a civilized society.

Being cultural means that must adhere to our own culture. We must reject some
cultures that is not good in the society or impedes the development of the society.

9. Which of the following does NOT belong to the group, with regards to the 1 point

functions of a counselor? *

Mark only one oval.

Rejecting a student with special needs and advising to enroll into a school that focuses
with special needs.

Provides a comprehensive school counseling program for students who bully and have

Filing a police report for a student that have done sexual harassment.

Helping a student to apply for a job.

10. Counselors collaborate with mental health practitioners when a student 1 point

needs referral. The statement concludes that *

Mark only one oval.

…school officials also need help especially if they accept students with learning

…counselors are helpless when it comes to behavioral problems of the child and
needs more specialized people in handling it

…the collaboration of both private and public sector defines no boundaries, especially
if we are addressing the needs of the student.

…sometimes we do not tolerate incompetence and therefore we allow specialized

people in handling specialized problems. 3/9
10/11/2020 HUMSS 4 PRELIM EXAM

11. Which of the following does NOT belong to the group? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Counselors in rehabilitation facilities, usually employ training seminars and case

management services for drug dependents and other physically disabled individuals

Vocational counselors can also be mental health practitioners, they can prescribe
medicines if needed.

Marriage counselors focus more on the legal aspect of family and marriage

Guidance counselors have no background in psychology

12. Mostly school counseling is done ____. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

…with the presence of police authorities

…inside the institution between only the counselor and counselee

…inside the home of students

…with friends and peers

13. Which of the following is a part of marriage and family counseling? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Pastors and Church leaders cannot counsel marriage and family due to religious

Taking custody of off-springs

Resolving marital disputes

Drug rehabilitation

14. Which is NOT true about counseling? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

It caters mostly people with mental disabilities

It is most provided in the clinical setting

It most given to groups of people

It is a helping profession 4/9
10/11/2020 HUMSS 4 PRELIM EXAM

15. Guidance and counseling in college is mostly ___. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.


Career Planning

Academic Performance and Career planning

Relational and Marriage

16. Guidance and counseling offices in the elementary schools mostly deal with 1 point

problems that are ___ in nature *

Mark only one oval.





17. As a professional counselor, Ms. Santos treat others with honesty, 1 point
straightforwardness and fairness. She also deal conflicts of interest and
avoids exploiting others. What ethical conduct does Ms. Santos practiced? *

Mark only one oval.

Respecting the rights




18. Guidance Counselor Gelo Jimenez maintains and updates his professional 1 point
skills and expertise. He seeks support and supervision to maintain the
standard of his work. This means that Mr. Jimenez practiced ____? *

Mark only one oval.

Respecting the rights



Integrity 5/9
10/11/2020 HUMSS 4 PRELIM EXAM

19. Jasper and Ellen are newly married couples and are preparing for the latter's 1 point
pregnancy. During her pre-natal check-up, it was found that her baby is at
risk of having an inherited disorder. They do not expect it and they want to
seek help through counselling. To which group of counselors should they go
to make informed decisions about Ellen's health? *

Mark only one oval.

Marriage and Family counselors

Mental Health counselors

Behavioral counselors

Genetics counselors

20. Counselling includes the following roles EXCEPT * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

cope with a crisis of the clients

encourages clients to speak up everything at one sitting

teach the clients about social skills , effective communication , spiritual guidance ,
decision-making come and career choices

assist the clients in realizing a change in behavior or attitude

21. Hazel was diagnosed with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) when she 1 point
was a teenager . As a young adult now, she wants to be helped again in
controlling her OCD symptoms. Does Hazel need counselor's jurisdiction? *

Mark only one oval.

Yes, because counselors can give her tips and strategies to lessen the symptoms.

Yes, because counselors can give her prescriptive drugs to take for OCD not to occur
too often.

Yes, because counselors are authorize to undiagnosed her with OCD.

No, because Hazel's special need is in-born therefore she should have her own
specialists to evaluate her. 6/9
10/11/2020 HUMSS 4 PRELIM EXAM

22. Nikko is feeling jealous when it comes to the friends of his girlfriend . He 1 point
cannot seem to accept the fact that his girlfriend enjoys very much the
company of others. In this situation, do you agree that Nikko needs
counselor's assistance? *

Mark only one oval.

Yes, because counselors can give him recommendations what to feel if that will
happen next time.

No, because jealousy is something one can overcome without someone's help.

Yes, because counselors are also love advisers and their advices are 100% effective in
every relationship.

No, because counselors only prioritize serious matters and jealousy is not a serious
matter to deal with.

23. Abigail keeps questioning herself if she is in the right job because she seems 1 point
to be getting more unmotivated as time goes by. Her spirit for doing her job
will has gone down this past few months. She does not know what to do and
wants to look for professional guidance. To whom should she go? *

Mark only one oval.

Mr. Cruz, a vocational/career counselor

Mr. Olivero, a mental health counselor

Ms. Diez, a lifestyle counselor.

Ms. Torres, an educational and social counselor.

24. Active listening means that * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

listening to the words being repeated numerous times

listening to what has been said

listening to the words , the gestures , and other body language

listening to the words and focusing to the non-verbal language

25. If effective communication between the counselor and the client is 1 point
unsuccessful what do you think might happen? *

Mark only one oval.

application of non-verbal communication during the whole duration of the counselling

might work.

only active listening can be achieved because of the barriers in communication

no communication will take place at all between the couselor and client

it is common for the intended message to be misunderstood 7/9
10/11/2020 HUMSS 4 PRELIM EXAM

26. Which of the following is NOT a competency of Guidance Counselors? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

capable of designing and implementing programs that expose students to the world
and value of work

properly guiding the students toward becoming productive and contributing

individuals through informed career choices with reference to appropriate bureaus

effectively manifests right and appropriate life choices to every client and assures a
perfect resolution to any problems.

ability to administer and maintain career guidance and counseling programs

27. When was the Institute of Guidance Counselors established? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.





28. An area of specialization is considered the fastest growing field and 1 point
essentially involves counseling of older citizens. *

Mark only one oval.

Garontological counselling

Gerontological counselling

Gerontoriogical counselling

Gerontal counseling

29. Marital or relationship counseling includes * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

corporate consulting

crisis intervention counseling

bulimia counseling

divorce mediation 8/9
10/11/2020 HUMSS 4 PRELIM EXAM

30. Drugs as area of specialization has several options such as * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

corporate consulting

crisis intervention counseling

bulimia counseling

divorce mediation

31. Health as an area of a specialization offers possibility for * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

corporate consulting

crisis intervention counseling

bulimia counseling

divorce mediation

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 Forms 9/9

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