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Int. J. Civil Engg. Conc.Structs 2016 P K Bhargava and Atul Kumar Agarwal, 2016

ISSN 2455-7714,

Vol. 1, No. 3, October 2016
© 2016, All Rights Reserved

Passive Cooling Techniques for Design of Energy

Efficient Buildings
P K Bhargava1 and Atul Kumar Agarwal2

imperative to evolve building designs that

Introduction would utilize solar and wind energy to the
Provision of thermal comfort in buildings fullest possible extent for ameliorating
is an important consideration in design of thermal environment indoors.
buildings for efficiency and well being of
The term “ Passive system “ is intended
occupants. Two well known methods for
to imply best possible utilization of natural
creating comfortable environment in the
energy like solar and wind energy for
interior of buildings include adoption of the
creating functionally efficient environment
use of electrically operated mechanical
in the interior of buildings. Development of
devices such as air conditioners, heaters,
Passive Systems involves following steps;
blowers etc, and natural systems based on
judicious utilization of solar and wind • Determination of outdoor climatic
energy. Though the earlier one is more conditions at the building site in question.
dependable, the estimated electricity • Determination of desired conditions
consumption on account of Heating, indoors
Ventilating and Air Conditioning, lighting
• Evolution of systems which on
and water heating is about 30 per cent that
incorporation in the design of building
constitutes a significant proportion of the
would ensure creation of desired
total electricity consumption in the country.
thermal environment indoors with
In the present energy scenario in our country
optimum utilization of solar and wind
where gap between demand and supply of
energy and minimum consumption of
electrical energy is continuously increasing,
conventional energy.
the escalation in cost of power and
associated environmental concerns have
created awareness about efficient use of
Climatic Classification
energy in every walk of life. Since building • Classification of climate in respect of
sector is a major consumer of electricity, it is building design means zoning the country

Quantum School of Technology, Roorkeee
Scientist 'F' CSIR-Central Building Reseach Institute, Roorkee

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Int. J. Civil Engg. Conc.Structs 2016 P K Bhargava and Atul Kumar Agarwal, 2016

into regions in such a way that the

differences of climate from region to
region are reflected in the building design,
warranting some special provision for
each region. Based on the following
criteria, the country has been divided into
five major climatic zones, via, (i) Hot –Dry
(ii) Warm –Humid (iii) Cold (iv)
Temperate and (v) Composite.
A given station is categorized under a
particular zone if its climate conforms to that
zone for six or more months, otherwise it falls
under the composite zone. A map of India
depicting various climatic zones is shown
in figure1.

Table: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Climatic Zone Mean Mean TSI is defined as the temperature of calm air,
monthly monthly
at 50% relative humidity which imparts the
maximum relative
Temperature C O
Humidity %
some thermal sensation as the given
Hot-Dry above 30 below 55 environment. Mathematically TSI is
Warm-Humid above 30 55above expressed as
Temperate above 25 above 75
Cold between 25-30 75below
TSI = 0.745 ta + 0.308 tw – v + 0.841
Composite below 25 all values Where ta = dry bulb (globe)
temperature, °C.
Criteria paragraph
explained tw = wet bulb temperature °C
in the
v = air speed in m/sec
Comfort Requirements
Comfort conditions depend upon air The thermal comfort of people lies
temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, between TSI values of 25 and 30°C with
as well as on clothing, acclimatisation, age, maximum per cent of people being
sex, and type of activity of the people. Based comfortable at 27.5°C. On lower side , the
on exhaustive studies carried out on thermal coolness of environment is tolerable
comfort at C.B.R.I. Roorkee, a Tropical between 19 and 25°C (TSI) and below 19°C
Summer Index (TSI) representing the (TSI) it is too cold. This clearly indicates that
combined effect of temperature, relative for achieving comfortable environment
humidity and wind speed was evolved. The indoors, heating up to 19OC is necessary in

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Int. J. Civil Engg. Conc.Structs 2016 P K Bhargava and Atul Kumar Agarwal, 2016

winter, where as steps need to be taken to responsible for raising the temperature of
achieve indoor conditions conforming to TSI exterior surface of the envelope and also for
values around 27.5OC in summer. creating temperature gradient across the
thickness of envelope. As a result of this,
Passive Cooling Techniques heat is conducted indoors causing thereby a
Development of passive cooling rise in the interior surface temperature.
techniques is based on two basic concepts. Hence, reduction in the temperature of
First of all the internal heat which comprises exterior surface is necessary for keeping the
of the heat liberated by building occupants indoor surface temperature at a low value.
and the heat generated due to various Transparent window facing sun also permits
activities performed indoors should be direct entry of sun. This also contributes to
reduced to minimum by provision of the rise in the temperature of indoor surfaces.
proper ventilation system such as local Hence, control of direct entry of sun through
exhaust right above the source of heat. windows is an essential requirement for
Secondly, the heat which penetrates through preventing rise in interior surface
the building envelope should be temperature. Based on these considerations,
minimized. The three different ways of heat various methods have been evolved for
entry from outside to inside the buildings curtailment of heat flow through building
are (i) Direct penetration of sun through envelope. A few of them are discussed
windows (ii) Conduction of heat through below;
walls and roof (iii) Infiltration of outside air
Optimum Orientation
when its temperature is higher than indoor
air temperature. Based on these concepts It is well known that the amount of daily
different techniques of passive cooling of solar radiation incident per unit area on N
buildings have been conceived. In context and S facing walls is much less as compared
with cooling of buildings in hot dry and to that on the walls facing other directions.
warm humid climates, the passive Hence, for minimum solar heat gain by the
techniques mainly aim towards reduction building envelope, it is desired that the
in heat penetration through building longer axis of building should lie along East-
envelope and provision of fenestration for West direction. Further, the effect of
inducing desired natural ventilation orientation of a building on heat penetration
indoors. Few of these techniques are through envelope also depends on the
discussed below; aspect ratio (length/breadth) of the building.
For a building with square plan (aspect ratio
Reduction in Heat 1:1) and glass area equally distributed on all
the four walls, the effect of orientation is nil,
Penetration through while for a rectangular building with aspect
Building Envelope ratio 2:1, the fabric load is reduced by 30 per
Solar radiation incident on building cent due to change in orientation from worst
envelope is the main source of heat to best.

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Shading of Windows seasonal cooling energy. Hayano also

reported that heat gain through a wall is
Louvers, overhangs or awnings provided
reduced by 75 per cent simply by growing a
on windows help control direct entry of sun
thick layer of wines on the wall. A row of
into the room especially during summer
trees is reported to produce 50 per cent
months. Optimum dimensions of the louver
reduction in heat gain through an adjoining
depend on the duration of sunshine on the
West facing wall.
window façade. Windows of the same
dimensions but oriented differently should
Shading of Roof
have different dimensions of louvers to be
effective. A simple box type of louver may Roof receives the maximum solar
be suitable on an eastern façade, a slightly radiation as compared to walls oriented in
more complicated vertical and horizontal different directions. Therefore, shading of
louver system on the southern façade and roof has been recognized as an important
egg crate type on the western façade. The step in achieving reduction of external heat
northern façade receives only very early entry in buildings. Several methods have
morning or late afternoon sunshine and been attempted to exploit this aspect of
hence no elaborate systems are needed and passive cooling. Planting of deciduous
only rain shade is sufficient. It is reported plants or creepers atop the roof is the
that overhang with optimum dimensions can simplest method for shading the roof and
produce cooling load reduction of 12.7 per lowering its temperature. A well designed
cent in summer without causing any green roof with a covering of plants with
sufficient change in sunshine hours received large foliage and horizontal leaf distribution
in winter. It is worth mentioning that an acts as high quality insulation and reduces
overshadowing of the windows must be the heat entry through roof in summer.
avoided as it reduces availability of daylight Surface temperature of roof top without
indoors, which in turn results in increased vegetation was observed more than 150 C
consumption of energy for artificial lighting. higher than that of the roof covered with
vegetation. Computation of heat flux through
Shading of Walls the roof also revealed that heat flux of 200
W/ m 2 entered the room through the
The walls exposed to sun are shaded by
uncovered roof where as at the roof section
providing appropriate texture thereon or by
covered with vegetation, about 10 W /
erecting some external screen in front of the
m2was transferred upward from inside of
wall. These provisions cut the direct solar
the room. This indicates that the vegetation
radiation on the walls and may also add to
cover plays significant role in reducing the
the aesthetics of the building. An
heat entry through the roof in summer. A
experimental study carried out by Akbari et
layer of closely packed small inverted
al in USA revealed that shading of houses
earthen pots has been found to be very
by nearby trees reduces the cooling load and
effective in reducing the heat transmission
causes about 30 per cent reduction in
through the roof in hot-dry climate. Addition
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Int. J. Civil Engg. Conc.Structs 2016 P K Bhargava and Atul Kumar Agarwal, 2016

of a layer of loses gravel on the roof of

Berkley Laboratory USA indicate that by
buildings also help increase thermal
changing the overall albedo of a city from
resistance of the roof. Gravel property as well
an existing value of about 0.2 to a white
as the inter granular trapped air jointly
washed of 0.4 may result in saving of
contribute towards the reduction of heat flow
electrical energy by 40 to 50 per cent.
through the roof. The thickness of the gravel
layer is more effective than the size of the Painting of Roof
gravel. Investigations carried out in CBRI on
One of the very effective method of
heat flow through roofs demonstrated
lowering the external surface temperature of
through field measurements that removable
the roof is to paint it with a coating which
insulation which can be rolled during night
has minimum absorption for solar radiation
also contributes significantly towards
and high emission for long wave radiations.
reduction in heat flow through roofs.
Studies carried out in Delhi also showed that
Exterior Surface Olar depending on the level of ventilation, air
temperatures within the white coloured
Reflectance buildings were 40 to 80C lower than the dark
Surface colour of the external wall affects buildings during mid summer conditions.
both the percentage of solar radiation Recent studies carried out in CBRI have also
absorbed by the external surface and also the demonstrated the roof temperature reducing
long wave radiation emission. Hence heat effectiveness of a layer of broken glazed tiles
flux transmitted into the building is over the roofs.
considerably reduced when external surface
is painted with a colour with minimum Evaporative Cooling
absorption of solar radiation and high Well known phenomena of cooling
emission in long wave region. Such data for caused due to evaporation of water have
a few materials are given in Table 1. been used in a number of ways for cooling
Simulation studies conducted at Lawrence the interior of buildings. In 1991, Al-Turki
Table 1: Reflectivity and Emissivity of developed a model to study the effect of
Different Coatings intermittent spraying of water on the roof on
Material Reflectivity Emissivity the cooling load of a building. It was revealed
(Solar Radiation) (Long wave that evaporative roof cooling could reduce
the cooling load by 40 per cent in hot dry
Aluminum foil Bright 0.95 0.05
climates. Results of computation of the
Aluminum paint 0.50 0.50
interior surface temperature of a typical
White wash new 0.88 0.90
concrete roof for water sprayed and
Grey colour light 0.60 0.90
unsprayed conditions also indicated
Grey colour dark 0.30 0.90
significant decrease in temperature due to
Red brick 0.40 0.90 roof spraying. Further, intermittent spraying
Glass 0.08 0.90 was found to be more effective as compared

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to the continuous spraying. The

Table 2: Recommended Thickness of
effectiveness of roof surface evaporative Insulation for Roof
cooling has been extensively studied in CBRI Thickness
and a package unit for automatic surface Insulating Density Thermal in cm for
Material Kg/m3 Min Conductivity Unconditioned
evaporative cooling system has been Max W/m K Conditioned
developed. Buildings

Roof and Wall Insulation Cellular 450 0.081 5.0

concrete 600 10.0
Provision of insulation on walls and roof
Foam concrete 320 0.070 5.0
of a building increases their thermal
400 10.0
resistance and curtails conductive heat flow
Light weight 400 0.081 5.0
through the building envelope. bricks 450 10.0
Recommended thicknesses of some of the
Thermocole 16 0.041 2.5
insulating materials for roofs of 20 10.0
unconditioned and conditioned buildings
ground. Hence the outdoor hot air during
are given in Table 2. Introduction of air cavity
its passage through a tunnel constructed at
in a wall also increases its thermal resistance.
a depth of about 4 meter below the earth’s
Studies on estimation of thermal properties
surface gets cooled. This cool air is passed
of such a wall revealed that the overall heat
through the building and thus the indoor
transmission coefficient (U-value) of a 27.5
environment is cooled. The cooling
cm brick cavity wall (11.25 cm brick + 5.0 cm
efficiency of the aforesaid system depends,
air gap + 11.25 cm brick) is 1.63 W/m2.K
interalia, upon the length, size and material
while that of a 22.5 cm solid brick wall with
of the pipe and its depth below the ground
1.25 cm cement plaster on both side the U-
surface, local climatic conditions and the rate
value is 2.26 W/m 2 .K. Here it is worth
of air supply through the pipe.
emphasizing that the thermal performance
of the above cavity wall is slightly better than
that of a 35 cm solid brick wall.
Nocturnal Ventilation
Theoretical as well as experimental
Cooling by Earth air Tunnels studies on assessment of contribution of
night ventilation towards cooling of
Near constancy of temperature at a few
buildings during the following day have
meter depth in side the ground has been in
been carried out by several investigators for
use for cooling of buildings in hot climates
different types of structures under different
in different parts of the world for centuries.
climatic conditions. It is also reported that
It is reported that temperature at a depth of
potential of night ventilation for lowering the
4 meter below the surface of the earth
day time temperature indoors below the
remains nearly constant round the year. In
outdoor temperature is proportional to the
summer the outdoor air is at a temperature
ambient diurnal temperature range. A
higher than the temperature inside the
numerical study on the thermal performance
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of a passively cooled ancient building in Conclusion

Banaras carried out by Tiwari et al also
In developing countries of the world
revealed that reasonable thermal comfort
situated in/near the tropical zone more than
temperature indoors is achieved by natural 80% population is forced to live and work
ventilation utilizing cold air through in horrible thermal conditions. Thermally
windows. In a high thermal mass uncomfortable conditions are not only
unconditioned building the provision of harmful to the physical and mental
night ventilation produces up to 30 C development but are a main cause of lower
reduction in the following day peak work output. The limited financial and
temperature. The overheating period is also energy resources of such countries cannot
reduced ; the reduction varies from 39% to provide comfortable living and working
96% as the air flow increases from 10 to 30 environment to their people without the use
ach. In light structures, the reduction in peak of passive cooling techniques. The
indoor temperature due to the provision of techniques can be integrated in the design
night ventilation was only about 0.20 C. It of buildings in an effective and acceptable
was inferred that efficiency of night manner without hampering the aesthetics of
ventilation is closely related to the three the buildings. To promote the use of these
parameters; (i) difference between indoor technologies nationwide awareness,
and outdoor air temperatures mainly during dissemination and training activities are
night (ii) rate of air flow through the building required to be organized on priority. In this
during the night period and (iii) the thermal scenario hybrid passive system emerges a
capacity of the building. The cooling viable option that may provide greater
efficiency is higher for lower outdoor reliability and attract wider application of
temperature and high rate of air supply. passive techniques in the design of buildings
High range of daily air temperature also in hot climate.
augments efficiency of night ventilation. The
rate of air flow through buildings depends References
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7. Research and Development in Solar
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