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You need help.. Contact me: or skype: iqualityarticle4all.. I can help you with
phone interview and approval into other network such as W4, Clickbooth, CPAWay, CPAGrip,
YeahMobi etc
Hi dear,

Thanks for your order. I really appreciate it. I guarantee your approval
into Maxbounty and rest assured that this is the best investment
you’ve ever made this year, week, month or decade…

Follow me, let me take you through the process…. And get you approved
quickly and start making the $$$ as soon as possible….

You must be aware of the HIGH ranking of Maxbounty in the CPA

industry. Maxbounty ranked number one in 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015.
That’s 4 years consecutively. Want to know why?

Yes, it’s because they’ve got a lot of converting offers, good support,
payment on time and award winning tracking system.

Are you excited?

Ok… now let get in straight and teach you what you need to do to get
into the number #1 award winning CPA industry and start promoting
their hot converting offers to make your bank FULL 

What is needed?

Website? {NO}

You need help.. Contact me: or skype: iqualityarticle4all.. I can help you with
phone interview and approval into other network such as W4, Clickbooth, CPAWay, CPAGrip,
YeahMobi etc
Huge affiliate marketing experience? [NO]

You don’t need a website to get approved into maxbounty. Period! But
having one will be a great advantage…

What you really need is to carefully fill the application form with
professional tough which I will tell you below.

The following are the important sections of the application form you
need to be careful and seek advice on:

 Contact info

 Post Address

 Promotional Methods

 Payment info

Follow the steps below to get approve:

STEP 1: Fill the contact information box correctly with your real
information and also fill the “postal address” section well with real
information of yours.

Note: specify a valid phone number and instant messenger handler. If

they detected that it is invalid, your application will be rejected.

STEP 2: Fill the “promotion method” section as follows:

How would you describe your experience level?


"I have a little bit of experience but I have never received payment from a network"

You need help.. Contact me: or skype: iqualityarticle4all.. I can help you with
phone interview and approval into other network such as W4, Clickbooth, CPAWay, CPAGrip,
YeahMobi etc

"I have some experience, and have received atleast one payment from a network"

Describe your past experience in affiliate marketing:

tell them your experience or say something like this: (don’t lie )

"I have promoted product on Clickbank and CJ mostly information products and I
have some success doing so"

How do you currently promote offers?

Hear you state the method you are intending to use to promote offers.
Make sure to say it in professional tonne. Use affiliate marketing
terms, e.g. LP for landing page; PPC – Pay Per Click; Verticals,
Conversion, CTR – Click Through Rate, ROI –Return On Investment,
angles etc.

Make sure you state your method of promotion clearly, concise and
moderately in details.

Don’t say:

“I will be using PPC, PPV and Facebook” or “I will use PPC ” or “PPC, PPV and

But say

“I will be promoting offer using PPC – Pay Per Click on BingAds Network. I also use
PPV – Pay-Per-View on Trafficvance, Leadimpact networks. I like trying my hand
on paid facebook advertisement method to promote offers that convert well ”

Note: your method of promotion must not be blackhat; affiliate

network will be happy to reject you instantly..

What offer(s) are you looking for?

You need help.. Contact me: or skype: iqualityarticle4all.. I can help you with
phone interview and approval into other network such as W4, Clickbooth, CPAWay, CPAGrip,
YeahMobi etc
Tell them, if you’ve a specific campaign you’re looking to promote.
mention it here; e.g Weight lose supplement, brain supplement, finance,
business op, etc

Is this account for incentive traffic?

choose NO, only choose yet if you’re will be using incentive traffic. As
a newbie I will advise you to choose “No”

STEP 3: next is the “Payment Info” section

Make sure your name is the same as the name you specified at the
"contact info" section. Don't worry, you can change the payment
method in the profile settings after getting approved.

Congratulations! I am happy to tell you that this is all what you need
to get approved into Maxbounty. Nothing else, except if you’re
from country that they don’t allow into their networks such as
China and India.

What Next?

Telephone interview with your assigned affiliate manager..

To make your application get approved fast. Go ahead and make the
phone call with your assigned affiliate manager.

The phone interview session is simple friend. We will just be asked

mostly 3 things:

1. Your experience in affiliate marketing: just tell them what you

fill in the form
You need help.. Contact me: or skype: iqualityarticle4all.. I can help you with
phone interview and approval into other network such as W4, Clickbooth, CPAWay, CPAGrip,
YeahMobi etc
2. What type of campaign you will like to promote: tell them the
type of campaign you like to promote…
3. Your method of promotion: tell them clearly as I told you when
filling the phone….

Bum! You’re approved 

>>>You’re afraid to talk on phone? I will help you with that…



You need help.. Contact me: or skype: iqualityarticle4all.. I can help you with
phone interview and approval into other network such as W4, Clickbooth, CPAWay, CPAGrip,
YeahMobi etc
Are you afraid that they will hit you with another hammer of rejection

I have tried my best to give you the best guide ever on how to get
approve almost 100% guarantee.

But if you need help, contact me : or my

skype – iqualityarticle4all

I can help you get approve into the following CPA network too:

1. W4
2. CPAWay
3. CPAGrip
4. Yeahmobi
5. Furthermobi
6. Peerfly
7. Clickbooth

If you are afraid to speak on phone.. contact me.. I can help you.

Are you in a country where Maxbounty doesn’t accept, like China or


Contact me, we may help you find solution.

You need help.. Contact me: or skype: iqualityarticle4all.. I can help you with
phone interview and approval into other network such as W4, Clickbooth, CPAWay, CPAGrip,
YeahMobi etc
Contact info:


Skype: iqualityarticle4all

You need help.. Contact me: or skype: iqualityarticle4all.. I can help you with
phone interview and approval into other network such as W4, Clickbooth, CPAWay, CPAGrip,
YeahMobi etc

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