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Hi everyone! Welcome to makesense TV! Thank you very much for being here and I
hope that everyone is doing great today! Before we start off with our talk, go ahead and
hit that heart react and show us some love! Also, let us know and you may comment in
the comments section where you're from or where you're connected from | and
throughout the webinar feel free to comment any questions, reactions, and insights that
you have gathered from the speaker! So now, sit back, relax and enjoy the rest of the

Now if you want to tune in to more makesense TV, we host webinars all the time so go
ahead and like our FB page 

Slide 2
Just to introduce myself [NAME AND WHAT DO YOU DO IN MKS
volunteer/ambassador/supermobilizer and what NGO?] and we will be your hosts for
today’s webinar

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Our topic for today is Household Zero Waste and we are very excited to hear from our
guest speaker to talk more about HOW TO PRACTICE A ZERO-WASTE LIFESTYLE
AT HOME for this evening!

[you may share insights and excitements about the topic here]

Slide 5
To start off with the webinar, let me introduce to you our speaker! 

[Introduce the speakers and list down his/her credentials] Our speaker has been
working as an environmental engineer for different organizations for the last 20 years.
With a doctorate degree in Environmental Science (major in Industrial Ecology), she is
an expert in different areas such as smart agriculture, climate change, green
infrastructure, and sustainability. Currently, our speaker is also writing a book on zero
waste. As an advocate, she is eager to share her knowledge on how to protect mother
nature. Let’s welcome, Engr. Gabie Villaluz!

[After introducing, unshare your screen and give the floor to the speaker/s]

Slide 6
Before we end our webinar, let me promote makesense and the different programs that
are currently ongoing. Just check out the FB page of makesense and you may find the
sign ups for the re_action program if you want to volunteer and help out others during
this time of pandemic! You will be able to learn and be an advocate for the people
around you!
Slide 7
You may sign up through this link, and be part of the
community of passionate volunteers eager to make change from home! As always sign
ups are open everyday and we accept anyone and everyone to be part of the program!

Slide 8
If you would like to check out other webinars under makesense TV, you may visit and
like our FB page, and follow us on Instagram @makesenseph

We hope you enjoyed the webinar! Thank everyone and stay safe!

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