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= ee IPOWERMENT (CHNOLOGIES Innovative Training Works, Inc. First Edition Preface ... Unit 1 ‘ Lesson 1 ~ Introduction to Information and Communication Technologies .. Lesson 2 - Rules of Netiquette ..... = Lesson 3 — Advanced Word Processing Skills . Lesson 4 — Advanced Spreadsheet Skills .. Lesson 5 — Advanced Presentation Skills. Lesson 6 - Imaging and Design for Online Environment .. Lesson 7 — Online Platforms for ICT Content Development Lesson 8 — Basic Web Page Creation . Lesson9 - Collaborative ICT Development .... Unit 2 Lesson 10- interactive Multimedia .. Lesson 11- Platform for Change Lesson 12- ICT Project for Social Change .. Lesson 13~ ICT Project Publication and Statistics Lesson 14~ ICT Project Maintenance Lesson 15~ The Disadvantages of ICT References Index Empowerment Technologies by Innovative Training Works, Inc. isa specialized module designed to provide students with the foundation of knowledge and skills needed to succeed in environments that require the use of computer and the Internet. It covers topics for building essential 21st century skills in working, collaborating, and creating contents online. This book will ald in teaching competencies that are essential in the Information ‘Age, such as the state of ICT technologies; online safety, security, ethics, and etiquette; productivity tools with advanced application techniques; imaging and designing for online environment; multimedia tools; and powerful tools to create a social change, which are aligned to the standards set by the Department of Education for the senior high school level. This is divided Into two units: the first unit allows the students to discover the world of ICT in general and also helps them Improve their skills in various applications. Real-life applications are integrated throughout the text in the exercises. The second unt allows the students to develop, promote, and publish a campaign for social change using various free tools and services. This book consists of: + Lesson Objectives ~ a list of milestones to be achieved in every lesson. This is an effective way to make sure that the path to learning has been achieved; + Pre-Test/Post-Test ~ a set of questions administered prior to and after every lesson to determine the baseline knowledge and the effectiveness of the lesson in increasing the students’ knowledge of content; + Lesson Motivation - stimulates the student's interest about the topic. It may involve asking thought-provoking questions, answering surveys or activity through scenarios, or skill-based approach; + Lesson Discussion — topics are presented accorc attained in every lesson; + Skill Exploration ~ culminating activities for the lesson to enhance the creativity and critical thinking skills of the students. This allows them to explore various solutions to reablife situations; + Key Terms - key words learned with definitions. This section helps the students to remember the terms that are newly introduced, uncommon, or specialized in the lesson; and 1g to the objectives to be + Lesson Summary ~ a gist of the topics given in each lesson. At a glance, the students wil be able to recall the main points covered in the lesson. ee The massi to shape the wor ICT in general ar several real-life s ‘Communication Technology (ICT) has continued ines. This unit allows you to discover the ee of your skills in various application reates ise these applications and resour duction to Information and Communication Technologies ‘The state of ICT technologies Online systems, functions, and platforms At the end of this lesson, the students should be able to: improve their knowledge on how ICT affects their everyday lives and the state of our nation; compare and contrast the differences between online platforms, sites, and content; understand the features of Web 2.0; understand the future of the World Wide Web through Web 3.0; and learn the different trends in ICT and use them to their advantage. iple Choice: Circle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer. ‘Aweb page that allows interaction from the user a. static social b. dynamic d. comment ‘This refers to the feature where users are able to categorize and locate information through tagging. a. hashtags taxonomy b. folksonomy d. rich user experience ‘A feature of a dynamic website that allows users to put their own content a. _richuser experience user part b. long tail d. mass participation Itprovidesa common framework toallow data to be shared and reused across platform, ‘enterprise, and community boundaries. a. W3C c Web1.0 b, Semantic Web d. Web20 ‘According to this magazine, two Philippine cities are part of the top 10in their research, about “The Selfiest Cities around the World.” a. People < Reader's Digest b. Time d. Candy This s the operating system for blackberry phones. a. Blackberry OS. Windows Mol b. Symbian d. 10S Pinterest isa social media website that can be classified as a. bookmarking site microblogging b. media sharing d. blogs and forums Currently, this is the fastest mobile network. aos « 46 b. 36 d 56 is designed to help people who have visual and reading impairments. bookmark d. accessibility ‘This type of social media website focuses on short updates posted by the user. “a. blogging & social media b. microblogging d.hashtagging groups with five members each. Take tums answering the q the following honestly. How many times have you checked your phone this morning? How many status updates have you posted in Facebook or Twitter today? Did you use the Internet for an hour after you woke up this morning? Do you follow a celebrity via his/her social media account? ‘Ifyou happen to be “guilty as chargedin most of these questions, chances are, you are gital native. And chances are, from the moment you were born, you were surrounded by ‘As the popular saying goes, “Love makes the world go round” But before you start oking for someone to fal in love with, you could argue how the Internet has made the orld go round for decades. Likewise in the motivation activity, the Internet has probably your world go round. In this lesson, we will understand how Information and ommunication Technologies have improved our lives in such 2 short period of time. mation and Communication Technologies Information and Communieation Technology (ICT) deals with the use of different communication technologies such as mobile phones, telephone, Internet, etc. to locate, ve, send, and edit information. When we make a video call, we use the Internet. When we send a text or make a call, we ise cellular networks. When we run out of load or battery, we use payphones which use a lephone network. Havinga unified way to communicate is one of the goals of IT. In terms of economics, ICT has saved companies a lat of resources (time and money) with the kind of ommunication technology they use, nowadays. In a similar way, we spend less because of As it normally costs us a peso to send a text message or SMS, with the Internet, we can end multiple messages and only be charged by a fraction. ‘in the Philippines Several international companies dub the Philippines as the “ICT Hub of Asia, It is no. secret that there isa huge: growth of ICT-related jobs around the country, one ‘of whichis the all center or BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) centers. : Accordingto the 2013 edition of Measuring the | Information Society by the International Telecommunication Union, there are 106.8 cellphones per 100 Filipinos in the year 2012. “That would mean that for every 100 Filipinos you meet, there is a high chance that they have ‘a cellphone and approximately for the seven of them, they have two. red by the Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industries, NSO, ICT industry shares 19.3% of the total employment population here in the 0 add to these statistics, Time Magazine's “The Selfiest Cities around the World” of 2013 places two cities from the Philippines in the top 1 and top 10 spots. The study was ‘conducted using Instagram, a popular photo sharing application. With these numbers, there is no doubt that the Philippines is one of the countries that benefits most out of ICT. ICT, Me, and My Community To fully understand the importance of ICT, let us first look at our: ‘community. Look for a small business around your community. ‘Conducta short interview of the business owner using the following guide: ‘Company/Establishment Name: Address: Nature of Business: Guide Questions: 1. What are the different ways for customers and/or suppliers to contact you? 2. How often do you use a phone or cellular phone for business? Estimate only. Does your establishment have Internet connection? If yes, what is its Purpose? Ifo, would you consider having itin the future? Why or why not? Does your business have a website? if yes, how does it help the company? lf no, would you consider having one in the future? Why or why not? (if applicable) Would you consider giving free Wi-Fi access in the future? If you already have it, does it help boost sales? Report the results in class and notice the trend on most of the reports presented. Web 2.0: Dynamic Web Pages The Internet has been a vital tool to our modern lives that is why it is also important to make the best of the Internet, When the World Wide Web was invented, most web pages were static. Static (also known as flat page or stationary page) in the sense that the page is 'as is” and cannot be manipulated by the user. The content is also the same for all users. is referred to as Web 10. However, the World Wide Web is more than just static pages. Pretty soon, Web 2.0 came to the picture. b 2.0s the evolution of Web 1.0 by adding dynamic web pag ite differently than others. Examples of Web 2.0 include social networking sites, kis, video sharing sites, hosted services, and web applications. Web 2.0 allows users with the page: instead of just reading a page, the user may be able to comment te a user account. Web 2.0 also allows users to use web browsers instead of just ir operating system. Browsers can now be used for their user interface, application (or web applications), and even for file storage. Most websites that we visit today ion 1.1. Static vs. Dynamic Look for ten websites and classify them as static or dynamic. What makes each website or dynamic? Use the table below. tures of Web 2.0 The key features of Web 2.0 include: 1, Folksonomy - allows users to categorize and classify/arrange infor freely chosen keywords (e.g, tagging). Popular social networ ‘Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc, use tags that start with the pound sign (#). This isalso referred to as hashtag. 2. Rich User Experience — content is dynamic and is responsive to user's input. ‘An example would be a website that shows local content. In the case of social networking sites, when logged on, your account is used to modify what you see in their website. 3. User Participation — the owner of the website is not the only one who is able to put content. Others are able to place a content of their own by means of ‘comments, reviews, and evaluation. Some websites allow readers to comment on an atticle, participate in a poll, or review a specific product (e.g,,, online stores). 4, Long Tail ~ services that are offered on demand rather than on a one-time purchase. n certain cases, time-based pricingis better than file size-based pricing or vice versa. This is synonymous to subscribing to a data plan that charges you for the amount of time you spent in the Internet, or a data plan that charges you for the amount of bandwidth you used. 5, Software as a Service - users will subscribe to a software only when needed rather than purchasing them. This is a cheaper option if you do not always need to use a software. For instance, Google Docs is a free web-based application that allows the user to create and edit word processing and spreadsheet documents online. When you need a software, like a Word Processor, you can purchase it for a one-time huge amount and install it in your computer and it is yours forever. Software as a service allows you torent” software for a minimal fee. 6. Mass Participation - diverse information sharing through universal web access. Since most users can use the Internet, Web 2.0's content is based on people from various cultures. Web 3.0 and the Semantic Web ‘The Semantic Web is a movement led by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The WAC standard encourages web developers to include semantic content in their web pages. The term was coined by the inventor of the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee. Lee also noted that the Semantic Web is a component for Web 3.0. ‘According to the W3C, ‘The Semantic Web provides a common framework that allows data to be shared and reused across application, enterprise, and community boundaries” The aim of Web 3.0 is to have machines (or servers) understand the user's preferences to be able to deliver web content specifically targeting the user. For example, when doing a web search in Web 2.0, the topmost result is based on the preference of several users ‘who already searched for the item. The search engine then labels it the most common answer to the search query. Though there are instances wherein several preferences are considered like geographic location, Web 3.0 aims to do better. This is through studying personal preferences of an individual user and showing results based on those preferences. The Internet is able to predict the best possible answers to your question by learning’ from your previous choices. For example, if you search the Internet for "Where is the best place to go shopping?” ‘Web 3.0 will aim to give you results depending on how you have made choices in the past. If you have purchased several shoes online, the Internet will gi with the highest rated shoes around your vicinity. Another example is when you search for the best restaurant to First, it may look for your previous visits from other restaurants and if you whether good or bad, In return, Web 3.0 will search for restaurants that havea good rating, and budget that fit your preference in the past. Web 3.0 is yet to be fully realized because of several problems: 1. Compatibility. HTML files and current web browsers could not support Web. 2. Security. The user’s security is also in question since the machine is saving his: her preferences. | 3. Vastness. The World Wide Web already contains billions of web pages. 4, Vagueness. Certain words are imprecise. The words “old” and “small” would depend on the user. 5. Logic. Since machines use logic, there are certain limitations for a computer to be able to predict what the user is referring to at a given time. Trends in ICT As the world of ICT continues to grow, the industry has focused on several innovations. These innovations cater to the needs of the people that benefit most out of ICT. Whether it is for business or personal use, these trends are the current front runners in the Innovation. of ICT. 1. Convergence Technological convergence is the synergy of technological advancements to work on a similar goal or task. For example, besides using your personal computer to create word documents, you can now use your smartphone. It can also use cloud technologies to sync files from one device to another while also using LTE technology which means you can access your files anytime, anywhere. Convergence is using several technologies to accomplish a task conveniently. Social Media Social media is a website, application, or online channel that enables web users to create, co-create, discuss, modify, and exchange user-generated content. According to Nielsen, a global information and measurement company, Internet users spend more time in social media sites than in any other type of site. With this, more and more advertisers use social media to promote their product. There are six types of social media: a. Social Networks. These are sites that allow you to connect with other with the same interests or background. Once a user creates his or her a he or she can set up a profile, add people, create groups, and share Examples: Facebook and Google+ Bookmarking Sites. These are sites that allow you to store and man: various websites and resources. Most of these sites allow you to a and others to easily search or share them. Examples: StumbleUj terest News. These are sites that allow users to post their own news items or links to other news sources, The users can also comment on the post and comment: may also be ranked. They are also capable of voting on these news articles of the website. Those who get the most amount of votes are shown most prominently. Examples: reddit and Digg Media Sharing. These are sites that allow you to upload and share media content like images, music, and video. Most of these sites have additional social features like liking, commenting, and having user profiles. Examples: Flicker, YouTube, and Instagram Microblogging. These are sites that focus on short updates from the user. Those subscribed to the user will be able to receive these updates. Examples: Twitter and Plurk f. Blogs and Forums. These websites allow users to post their content. Other users are able to comment on the said topic. There are several free blogging platforms like Blogger, WordPress, and Tumblr. On the other hand, forums are typically part of a certain website or web service. Mobile Technologies The popularity of smartphones and tablets has taken a major rise over the years. This is largely because of the devices’ capability to do tasks that were origi personal computers. Several of these devices are capable of using high-speed Internet. Today, the latest mobile devices use 4G Networking (LTE), which is currently the fastest mobile network. Also, mobile devices use different operating systems: a. 10S — used in Apple devices such as the iPhone and iPad b. Android ~ an open source operating system developed by Google. Being open source means several mobile phone companies use this OS for free. © Blackberry OS - u: ickberry devices d. Windows Phone OS — a closed source and proprietary operating system developed by Microsoft® Symbian - the original smartphone OS; used by Nokia devices f, WeOS - originally used for smartphones; now used for smart TVs g. Windows Mobile ~ developed by Microsoft® for smartphones and pocket PCs Assistive Media Assistive media is a nonprofit service designed to help people who have visual and reading impairments. A database of audio recordings is used to read to the user. You may visit for several of their audio recordings. n 1.2. Identifying the Correct Web Platform for Social Change _ 1, _ Identify a problem in your community (eg, littering, garbage disposal, blocked drainages, etc) 2. Imagine that you are going to create a website to persuade: leaders and members to solve this problem. 5 3. Fillout the form below. You may refer to the sample provided after Community Problem: Vicinit Campaign Name: aa ‘Type of Social Media Used: Website Used ‘What will be the content of your social media site? Why did you choose that type of social media? Why dic you choose that website? Sample Community Problem: Severe flooding during rainy days due to blocked drainages Vicinity: Lapiz St. Oleander Village, Bray. Pulo, Quezon City Campaign Name: ‘Anti-flooding Movement” Type of Social Media Used: Blogging Website Used: WordPress ‘What will be the content of your social media site? ill contain pi he fl -a during rainy days. Itwillal ures of the drainages that are blocked with garbage. | also plan to update it every once in 2 ile. Anyone he site will be able to comment on these updates. Why did you choose that type of social media? Pe ‘community are avid readers of bl hem several blogs that concern the community. * Why did you choose that website? contains professional Your Turn to Shine 1. Why do you think microblogging platforms have become popular when regular blogging platforms already exist? 2. What do you think of Web 3.0? Do you think it will be realized someday in the future? ‘Take the Challenge! Research on one momentous event in Philippine history wherein ICT played a huge role in making ita success. [key Terms + Web 1.0 - static websites without interactivity + Web 2.0 - websites that contain dynamic content + Web 3.0 ~ a concept of the World Wide Web that is designed to cater to the individual user + Static refers to web pages that are the same regardless of the user + Dynamic — refers to web pages that are affected by user input or preference + Folksonomy ~allows users to categorize and classify/arrange information + Hashtag — used to"categorize" posts in website Convergence -the synergy of technological advancements to work ona similar goal or task + Social media ~ websites, applications, or online channels that enable users to ‘create, co-create, discuss, modify, and exchange user-generated content tesson Summary Information and Communications Technology or ICT plays an integral part in the development of the Philippine economy. The Philippines is dubbed as the “ICT Hub of Asi When Tim Berners-Lee created the Internet, most web pages were static, which are now teferred to as Web 1.0, A static web page Is a page that has content that the user cannot manipulate. On the other hand, a dynamic web page, introduced in Web 2.0, is a page where its contents depend on the user or the website visitor. There are several key features of Web 2.0, namely, folksonomy, rich’ user ‘experience, user participation, long tall services, software as a service, and mass participation. Folksonomy deals with information tagging; rich user experience deals ‘with how a site uses user information for a personalized content; user participation means that those who view the website can also put their own information; long tail services offer services on demand as opposed to a one-time purchase; software as @ service contains how users would subscribe to a software as opposed to purchasing ‘them; and mass participation deals with diverse information sharing through universal web access. Web 3,0 aims to improve on Web 2.0 by adding user-specific content through user preferences. However, the realization of Web 3.0 Is hampered by several problems, namely, compatibility, security, vastness, vagueness, and logic. The trends in ICT include convergence, social media, mobile technologies, and assistive learning. Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web. People Magazine conducted the research on “The Selfiest Cities in the World” Web 2.0 introduced static web pages that allow users to interact with the web page. Folksonomy allows users to categ Technological convergence is the synergy of technological advancements to work’on a similar goal or task. ‘According to Nielsen, users who use theinternet spend more time in social media sites than in any other type of site. Blogging sites are sites that focus on short updates from the user. ‘Android is a mobile operating system for Apple devices. Assistive media is a nonprofit service designed to help people who have visual and reading impairments. 1. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) deals with the use of different communications technology to locate, save, send, and edit information. Write $0 if the social media website is a social network, BS for bookmarking site, SN for social news, MS for media sharing, MI for microblogging, and BF for blogs and forums. Facebook Plurk Twitter Tumblr reddit Google+ Instagram Pinterest __9. Blogger __10. Stumbleupon Rules of Netiquette Online security, safety, and ethics Internet threats Protecting reputations online Copyright Contextualized online search and research skills it the end of this lesson, the students should be able to: ° consider one's and others’ safety when sharing information using the Internet; consider one's and others’reputation when using the Internet; determine and avoid the dangers of the Internet; be responsible in the use of social networking sites; and browse the Internet efficiently and properly through proper referencing. ite Yes if you agree with the statement and No if you disagree on the blank before each mber. My computer has an antivirus so itis okay to open most email attachments like e-cards and video files. Your friend told you that his college application was rejected due to the fact that you posted a video of him doing crazy stuff at a party. You posted the video several years ago but later took it down to protect your friend's reputation. Can your friend be right that the college found the video? You and your best friend play a lot of video games. One time, she asks you for your password so she can help you level up and get in-game money. She promises to keep your password a secret. Is it okay to give away your password? You received an email stating that your mother's bank account is going to be forfeited if you do not respond to the email. Is it safe to reply? You forgot that your essay for English class is due tomorrow. While doing your research, you found a website offering free essays. I it okay to use the essays from this free essay website? A virus is 2 malware that multiplies and infects other computers through flash drives. Keyloggers are software that show pop-up ads even if you are not using your browser. Search engines scan websites for search results even if you have set your post to"private” S There is a danger in posting information about a future vacation. . Letting people know your birthday is probably a must if you want to get as many aifts as possible. But having it in your profile makes you vulnerable to identity theft. iiitesson Motivation Most of us use the Internet every day. Sometimes, we do not pay attention on how much information we share online. Below is a questionnaire about how much information you have shared so far. Put a check (v’) under Shared or Not Shared. ; How Safe Are You? Firstname Last name. Middlename Current and previous school) Yourcellphone number ‘The name of your mother and father ‘The name of your siblings Youraddress Yourhome phone number Yourbirthday How many checks did you have for Shared? You probably answered Shared in the first ‘two items. If that is the case, try using a search engine like Google then type your first and last name. Did you get links to your profile page? Try switching to image search. Did your pictures appear? if you have a unique name, chances are, it did. Do not feel bad ifit did not appear though: in fact, itis probably for your best interest not to have pictures of yourselfin a search engine. So how did these things happen? How can search engines locate me? Is there any danger of being found by search engines? [Besson biscussion How many hours do you spend on the Internet per day? Can you live without the “Internet for a week? How many aspects of your life depend on the Internet? How many times have you complained about your Internet connection speed? As teenagers, you are all exposed to many things powered by the Internet. Whether is socializing, playing games, reading sports news, shopping, etc., the Internet has given ou one of the most powerful tools that your parents, during their teenage years, did not Wve. Because of this, do you not think that itis also important to wield this powerful tool roperly? Without proper training, a swordsman can easily injure himself when wield sword; the same could be said for you whenever you use the Internet. e Online Safety and Security The Internet, truly, is a powerful tool. It can be used to promote your business, gain new friends, and stay in touch with the old ones. Its also.a source of entertainment through, games, online communities, and everything in between. But like most things in this world, there is always the “other side of the coin” The Internet is one of the most dangerous places, especially if you do not know what you are doing with it. But there is no need to worry; is never that late. Hopefully, by the end of this lesson, you are able to consider how you go about your use of the Internet. Let us go back to the "How Safe Are You?” test. Let us visit each item and see how risky it is to share them. 1. Firstname Theresa rskin sharing your firstname. Chances are, a hacker may already know. plenty of stuff about you even if you only give out your first name.Likewise, you Cannot just walk in a room and start introducing yourself to everyone. You do. rot know whom you can come across with. 2. Lastname: If sharing your first name is a small risk, having both your fst and last is more risky. You will be vulnerable to being searched for using search engines, which. include image search. Matching a name with a face Is a modus to several ceybercrimes like identity theft. 3. Middlename Sharing your middle name alone is probably not the most risky of these shared information, but sharing your full name would be. 4 Currentand previous schoolls) ‘Most people who steal identities study their subject. They can use this information for verification purposes. 5. Yourcellphone number ‘Your celiphone number should never be posted over the Internet. The Interne {is a public place. It i the same as posting your number on a billboard. Yo would not want random strangers to text or call you, or worse, pretend th: they are someone else. 6. Thenameof your mother and father Risky, yet not as risky as posting their full names, especially your mothers maiden name. In fact, you may have already encountered many websites that require your mothers maiden name as an answer to a secret questio whenever you lose your password, 7. Thenameof your siblings Disclosing this is a huge risk, Strangers may pretend or use their identity dupe you. & Youraddress Hopefully, you answered “no” to this one. Giving the Internet your number ‘one thing: giving them your address is a whole other level. It would be mua ‘easier for criminals to find you, 9. Yourhome phone number This shared information is more risky than sharing your personal pho umber. Scams usually use this Information to deceive you, one of which when a stranger pretends to know your parents or pretends to be you. 10. Yourbirthday Letting people know your birthday is probably a must if you want to ge ‘many gifts as possible. But having it in your profile makes you vulnerable Identity theft. The Internet is defined as the information superhighway. This means 1as access to this highway, can place information, and can grab that inform: formation, even things that you have set privately, can be accessed one way or ai \is is why social networking sites like Facebook continue toimprove their security features e threat of cybercrime is very real. While you maynot experience the threat now, whatever formation we share today could affect our future, ips to Stay Safe Online ‘The Internet is a public place and itis up to you to protect yourself. Here are some tips fo help you stay safe when using the internet. 1. Be mindful of what you share online and what site you share it to. 2. Donot just accept terms and conditions; read it. 3. Check out the privacy policy page of a website to learn how the website handles the information you share. 4, Know the security features of the social networking site you use. By keeping your profile private, search engines will not be able to scan your profile. 5. Donot share your password with anyone. 6. Avoid logging in to public networks/Wi-Fi. Browsing in “incognito (or private) mode/’a feature of the browser, will not protect you from hackers. 7. Donot talk to strangers whether online or face-to-face. 8 Never post anything about a future vacation. It house at this date” 9. Add friends you know in real life. 10. Avoid visiting untrusted websites. 11. Install and update an antivirus software on your computer. Use only one anti- virus software to avoid conflicts. 12. Ifyou have a Wi-Fi at home, make it a private network by adding a password. 13, Avoid downloading anything from untrusted websites. You are most vulnerablein peer-to-peer downloads (torrents) as the download is most likely not monitored by the site owner. 14. Buy the software; do not use pirated ones. 15. Do not reply or click links from suspicious emails. similar to posting, “Rob my Most people would dispute that there isno such thing as private over the Internet and may be right. There are hackers who can find a backdoor even if your profile is already to private. You have no control of whoever is looking at your friend’s screen whenever open your profile or chat with you. You have no control over people getting access to our friend's account and seeing your private stuff. [SE]skitt Exploration ploration 2.1. Privacy Policies Visit a social networking site and look for the site's privacy policy. The pically found at the bottom of the page and sometimes labeled only as “Privacy W summary on how the website handles both your private and public info Internet Threats Here are some of the threats you should be aware of when using the Internet: 1, Malware stands for malicious software a. Virus ~ a malicious program designed to replicate itself and transfer from ‘one computer to another either through the Internet and local networks or data storage like flash drives and CDs b. Worm - a malicious program that transfers from one computer to another by any type of means. Often, it uses a computer network to spread itself. For example, the ILOVEYOU worm (Love Bug Worm) created by a Filipino. Trojan - a malicious program that is disguised as a useful program but once downloaded or installed, leaves your PC unprotected and allows hackers to get your information “Rogue security software ~ tricks the user into posing that itis a security software. It asks the user to pay to improve his/her security but in reality, they are not protected at all. d. Spyware a program that runs in the background without you knowing it (thus called“spy”). It has the ability to monitor what you are currently doing and typing through keylogging. *Keyloggers~ used to record the keystroke done by the users. This is done . to steal their password or any other sensitive information. It can record ‘email, messages, or any information you type using your keyboard. fe. Adware ~ a program designed to send you advertisements, mostly as pop- ups ‘Spam — unwanted email mostly from bots or advertisers. It can be used to send malware 3, Phishing — Its goal is to acquire sensitive personal information like passwords and credit card details. This is done by sending you an email that will direct the ser to visit a website and be asked to update his/her username, password, credit card, or personal information. +Pharming - a more complicated way of phishing where it exploits the DNS (Domain Name Service) system. Protecting Reputations Online In the past, doing something embarrassing was not much of a big deal. It happened; people would laugh at it, and they would move on. Nowadays, embarrassing moments are captured using any device you could imagine. What is worse is that people can easily upload it to the Internet, where it can be stored forever. This could impact not only your reputation but also the people around you. What is worse is that people tend to ignore this fact, and suffer from it later in their life. ‘Once you post something over the Internet, search engines Keep themin their archives for search results, This makes anything you post to last forever even if you delete it in your page. Something you and your friends find funny today may be something that could harm someone's reputation later. Before hiring, companies do a background check on the applicant, way to check your background is to visit pages that are related to you. disreputable information about you, it may harm your reputation even if this i has been discarded. Think Before You Click Here are things you might want to consider before posting something over the Internet: 11. Before you post something on the web, ask these questions to yourself:! you want your parents or grandparents to see it? Would you want your future boss to see it? Once you post something on the web, you have no control of who: sees your posts. ‘ Yourfriends depend on you to protect their reputation online. Talk to your friends about this serious responsibility. Set your post to “private/'In this way, search engines will not be able to scan that post. Avoid using names. Names are easy for search engines to scan. Ifyou feel that a post can affect you or other's reputation, ask the one who posted it to pull it down or report it as inappropriate. Copyright Infringement Ifyou create something—an idea, an invention, a form of literary work, or a research, you have the right as to how it should be used by others. This is called intellectual property. In other words, the copyright law includes your rights over your work, and anyone who uses it without your consents punishable by law. Try grabbing any book then browse its first few ges and you will find a page with a disclaimer with the words:"No part of this book may copied, reproduced..." That is a copyright page. As a responsible user of the Internet, you have to consider that not everything out ete is free for you to use. Just like your own, contents that you see from websites have their spective copyrights. There are several instances where employees or business owners ce copyright infringement and are sentenced to a huge fine due to reckless copying of terials. jere are some tips that could help you avoid copyright infringement: 1. Understand. Copyright protects literary works, photographs, paintings, drawi films, music (and lyrics), choreography, and sculptures, but it generally does protect underlying ideas and facts. This means that you can express som: using your own words, but you should give credit to the source. Be responsible. Even if a material does not say that it is copyrighted, it valid defense against copyright. Be responsible enough to know if som a copyright. Be creative. Ask yourself whether what you are making is something, fram you or something made from somebody else's creativity. It is add your own creative genius in everything that will be credited to Know the law. There are some limitations to copyright laws. For instance in the ilippines, copyrights only last a lifetime (of the author) plus 50 years. There are also provisions for “fair use” which mean that an intellectual property may be used without a consent as long as it is used in commentaries, criticisms, search engines, parodies, news reports, research, library archiving, teaching, and education. If you have doubts that what you are doing does not fall under the policy of fair use, seek permission first. Figure 1. Fair Use logo Another misconception Is that fan-fiction is not copyright infringement. In reality, itis and some copyright holders ignore them but they can opt to use their rights. Source: wikitlow Online Research Have you ever searched the Intemet for certain information where the search engine retumed a different result? For example, if you were to search for “The Madonna‘ as the representation of Mary in the form ofan art, you would probably use the keyword“Madonna” to search foriit on the net. But if you use that same keyword nowadays, you are more likely to stumble upon’Madonna;'the music artist instead. And if you used “The Madonna''to search for“The Madonna’ in the first place, you will be directed in the right place. = nn — E Figure 2. Google Search results when you use "Madonna” as your keyword sre Figure 3. Google Search results when using “The Madonna” as your keyword The information that we needs more likely already in the Internet. It is just a matter of. to look for it and how to use information from the most credible source. Here are some in conducting online research: 1. Havea question in mind. Focus on a question you want answered. Fits aseries of questions, start with one. Never search everything on one go. Narrow it down. Search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo use several filters to determine the most appropriate result for you. These search engines use your previous search history and your geographical location, and send you the result which is the most related to you. Try to search “weather” and most search engines would return the weather conditions of where you are. But if all of these filters fail, you should remember to narrow down what you are searching for. For example, if you were to look for Torn Sawyer, the animation series, you would better use the keywords “Tom Sawyer animation” rather than just "Tom Sawyer” Another example is if you were to look for science research experiments, it would be better to include what branch of science it is or what type of study itis. Advanced Search. The best way to filter information you get from search engines is by using the advanced search. This will allow you to filter out information you do not need. normally do, then click the advanced search option on the options button located at the upper right corner of the page. Figure 4. Google's Advanced Search Option Once you are done you can now filter your search results: Figure 5. Screenshot of Google's Advanced Search In Microsoft® search engine, Bing, you can use certain keywords and symbols for your advanced search: Finds web pages that contain all the terms that are preceded by the + symbol; allows ‘you to include terms that are usually ignored Finds the exact wordsin a phrase Finds or excludes web pages that contain a group of words Finds web pages that contain all the terms or phrases Excludes web pages that contain a term or phrase Finds web pages that contain either of the terms or phrases By default all searches are AND searches. ‘You must capitalize the NOT and OR functions. Otherwise, Bing will igno them as stop words, which are commonly occurring words and number that are omitted to speed a full-text search. Stop words and all punctuation marks, except for the symbols noted i this topic, are ignored unless they are surrounded by quotation marks preceded by the + symbol. a multiplication is computed first over division, addition, and term grouping and Boolean functions are supported in the preferred order: a 1. parentheses() 2. quotation marks” ” 3. NOT+- 4. AND& 5. OR] + Because ORis the function with the lowest precedence, enclose OR terms in ~~ parentheses when combined with other operators ina search, ‘Source: Microsoftcom Look for a credible source. Some wikis, though filled with updated information, are not a credible source, This is due to the fact that anyone can edit its content. ‘When using wikis, check out the link of the cited text (indicated by superscript number) to be navigated to the footnote where the list of sourcesis located. Click. iformation and see if itis credible. “£7 id ed Ak, Chak ar Msn ay ony, oe 6ST 13SEC) 1. ee ree 8) ee Mota ante ‘twp coe ame 0681, SENSE SII5002 48 nat Oem 15 {Aan gn 8) Te Trl cet Et Fee ayn lenin, Une ag, sel zat, mss +A and cones eared ld Cte stn sade tn 1. hear Ta (Ba eyo rei er Far pT SOUSTEOAULTING 1a, (16, "a yin dn Eg Nw ‘ot oe Pan pT 4 Mest eymttgoste SE bm J Ene MA Ging tan A Mag Ree A een OR sin AA Toraowdn Tms § Woven ohn ‘et nat best rhc) en ie Ch 29 4 16-7 0 NO SH 3 Ry, pean Car ef erie 1095 ‘iy Men aman oop) 13 scm 1 ar 05. ere Bi SEN HS 15 Lupa Grae Be, 16“ iu) Po a9 oi mn i wer etna sn, mtmen fp Sel SB 10 TRO 17 Caress BI fe Spar tM Me dium Ros 1 sme “(se Mmett Soe y,Ina e aa 19+ Sr Mab 26) Sp Gael te nj Be sitio Se ew Sg "ay ae a Made a Dea spe eso a yeti 2 Sgr Gna eh ry Ps 2 seta 20) alameda Pin Stoel sneer “2 “ia Dna Be IBUTE AHI) Figure 6. References found atthe bottom of every Wikipedia page contain links t the entry's sources of information. ‘The more credible sources are scientific journals, established news and magazine websites, online encyclopedias, and scholarly databases. You can also check the URL of a website if it ends with a .org, gov, and edu. A website that ends with .com is intended to be a commercial websites ‘and may be slanted to promoting a product or service. You should consider the intent of the information on the web page. In most cases, .edu websites are best for research as government and organization websites may have a tendency to make information favorable for them. Unfortunately, not all websites follow the standards in domain name conventions. Some sites use the suffixes like .com loosely; some sites are not credible even though they use a .edu suffix. Another tip to validate if the information is correct is to have multiple sources of information. Having two or more websites will tell you whether the information is reliable or not. Give credit. if you are going to use the information from a source for educational purposes, give credit to the original author of the page orinformation. To properly cite a reference, you may use the format below: Name of the person or organization (the author of the information). Title of the home page in italics (title is shown in title bar but is sometimes missing or unrelated). URL. Date last seen. Examples: Lapiz, Adrian Harold L. “Oleander’s Fun Facts about Bananas.” http://oleander. ‘ Viewed on September 7, 2015. “mccounting: What you should know! Jargon Online Network. http://www.,html. Viewed on April 13,2015. Exploration 2.2. Cyber News Report Form groups with three members each. Research for several news and ‘events related to cybercrime. Using your cellphone or any video-recording device, report it as if you were: a newscaster. Present in 1-2 minutes recording. Your Turn to Shine 1. Doyou agree or disagree with the provisions of the copyright law? Defend yo answer. 2. How would you feel if someone posted something embarrassing about you! ‘What would you do? Take the Challenge! Together with your group from the cybernews reporting, create «: materials promoting “Think before you click” It could be in a form of small posted along the hallway or bulletin boards as approved by the school. This campaign. is an awareness program for the younger batches of your school. Cybercrime ~a crime committed or assisted through the use of the Internet Privacy policy ~ tells the user how the website will handle its data. Malwares - stands for malicious software Virus - a malicious program designed to replicate itself and transfer from one computer to another ‘Worm —a malicious program that transfers from one computer to another by any type of means Trojan - a malicious program that is disguised as a useful program but once downloaded or installed, leaves your PC unprotected and allows hackers to get your information Spyware ~ 2 program that runs in the background without you knowing It. It has the ability to monitor what you are currently doing and typing through keylogging. ‘Adware —a program designed to send you advertisements, mostly pop-ups ‘Spam - unwanted email mostly from bots or advertisers Phishing — acquires sensitive personal information like passwords and credit card detail Pharming - a more complicated way of phishing where it exploits the DNS (Domain Name Service) system Copyright ~ a part of the law, wherein you have the rights to your work, and anyone who uses it without your consent is punishable by law Fair use ~ means that an intellectual property may be used without a consent as long as it is used in commentaries, criticisms, search engines, parodies, news reports, research, library archiving, teaching, and education Lesson Summary ‘Most teenagers spend their time online. itis vital to consider what infor re because the Internet is a public place. There are several ways to stay safe or ‘essential that we know and apply them. Several internet threats include malwares, spams, and phishing. Malwai form of a virus, worm, Trojan, spyware, or adware. We are responsible online. itis also our responsibility to protect other's reputation. We should be mindful of what we post when others are involved. Copyright laws protect the authors or producers of literary works, photographs, paintings, drawings, films, music, choreography, and sculptures from having their work used without their permission. It is important for everyone to understand the laws to avoid being sanctioned. When fesearching online, remember to narrow down your topic. Use advanced search features. Look fora credible source and cite your references. ‘(Eb ppost-test A 1. virus 2. rogue keylogger adware spam 6. phishing fair use spyware 9. private 10. malware 11. incognito 12. internet 13, trojan 14, copyright 3. pharming, Matching Type: Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on. ‘the space before each number. 8 designed to send you advertisements sends an official-looking email and is designed to steal sensitive personal information a provision that allows you to use copyrighted work, without consent with certain limitations a browser feature that is synonymous to“private"” browsing replicates and can transfer from one computer to another exploits the DNS system states that anyone who uses your work without your consent is punishable by law runs in the background and monitors what you are doing unwanted email mostly from bots disguised as a useful program but is not the information superhighway 3 tricks the user into posing that it is a security software ‘a malicious software an option to hide a post so that search engines could not scan it used to record the keystrokes done by the user ) [eee Advanced Word Processing Skills + Mail merge and label generation + Integrating images and external materials [ane ana ei! ee ee [iss waar» a [hee reer vera ledaet = = pn ees | [EO] Lesson Objectives ‘the end of this lesson, the students should be able to: 1. use some advanced capabilities of Microsoft® Word commonly used to increase productivity and efficiency; 2. effectively use these features to help improve the productivity of an organization through maximizing the potential of Microsoft® Word; 3, create form letters or documents for distribution to various recipients; create labels and envelopes for distribution; and -tich documents for printing or publi ircle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer. What feature of Microsoft® Word allows you to efficiently create documents that have the same general content but may have different recipients or purpose? a. __mailmerge < sendmerge b, ~ print merge “d. viewmerge Which of the following is not a component of the mail merge? a address — formdocument b. filename d. datafile What are the steps in creating a simple mail merge? a. Create form document; preview; insert place holders; print b. _ Preview; insert place holders; create form document; print Create main document; create data source; insert place holders; preview d. Create data source; insert place holders; preview; print Where can you find the Start Mail Merge button? a. file tab c. references tab b. mailings tab d. home tab What tells Microsoft® Word exactly where to place the information coming from the data file to the main document? a. datasource placeholder b. insertion line d. insertion tag What types of document can you create using mail merge? a. envelopes posters b. letters d. labels What button allows you to see the result of your mail merge even before you print or send it out? a. preview results < _ address block b. _ insert merge field d. greeting line ees 10. W. ie 1B. 14, ae ‘What file contains the information you need to merge with your main document? a. address block «datafile b. contactlist d. directory What essential component of mail merge is required from users when generating labels? a. datafile < placeholder b. form document d. merge field What image compression/file type is capable of displaying simple animation? a. bmp « Jpg b gif d. png Among the text wrap options, which one allows you to place an image or external material in line with the text, treating the image just like how a text is treated? a. inline with text © through b. square tight Which image compression type allows you to display images in full color just like in digital pictures? a bmp «Jpg b. if diff Under what ribbon group doesInsert —» Smart Art fall? a. apps media b. illustrations d. pages When inserting charts on your document, what Microsoft® Office application pops up to allow you to enter and manage the parameters of your chart? a Access c. Note b. Excel Word What external material allows you to insert organizational or structural templates: like organizational charts and flow charts on your document? a. chart screenshot b. pictures d.smartart Answer the following questions in three sentences or less. 1. How important is the mail merge feature of Microsoft® Word in organizations? Give an instance where it would be better to use the feature of Microsoft® Word in labeling envelopes. ‘When do images or graphics in Microsoft® Word hurt the document rather than help? Motivation were tasked to create and send out formal invitations for a promo campaign y is running. You were also initially given a list of ten names of loyal customers to. From the scenario above, describe briefly how you would most likely complete the task of sending ten invitations with individual names of recipients using Microsoft® Word 2013. Give examples of documents that you can personalize and send or distribute. 2: You are making a report on the positive effects of using solar energy to the ent. To make your report more appealing, you thought of putting a picture of a into your report. You also considered presenting graphical data on the trends of initiatives on the use of solar energy. Describe briefly how you can insert pictures or images in a Word document. What other kinds of images or materials can be inserted in a Word document? e professional world, sending out information to convey important information “Because of ICT, things are now sent much faster than the traditional newsletters or ail. You can now use the Internet to send out information you need to share. What Id still do things much faster—an automated way of creating and sending uniform ith different recipients? Would that not be more convenient? ge and Label Generation portant reasons in using computers per se is its ability to do recurring itomatically. But this ability has to be honed by learning the characteristics and of the software you use with your computer. After all, no matter how good or your computer and software may be, it can only be as good as the person using it. this particular part of ourlesson, we will learn one of the most powerfuland commonly atures of Microsoft® Word called “Mail Merge” As the name suggests, this feature ou to create documents and combine or merge them with another document or It is commonly used when sending out advertising materials to various recipients. simplest solution for the scenario above is to create a document and just copy and several times then just replace the details depending on whom you send it to. But Fyou have hundreds or thousands of recipients? Would not that take too many hours? you have a small database of information where you can automatically generate ers? Mail merging basically requires two components: the document that contains the message and the document or file that generally contains the list of names and addresses, ‘asin our scenario. When these two documents are combined (merged) during mail merging, feed your printer with enough paper until all mailers are printed out. Each document includes the individual names and addresses you need to send it to. Let us assume this is the mailer that you would want to send: aay 28 2014 ew ion, We ma ernounes ard eve you 0a ait ed (nara rome, or wi you oe quod Boing one of our Factores ‘ohant you brvosing and ‘crying ou prc ine yo aoe. Inca promo stare he mechanics oo promo ‘Se cane to ware ou car see wd cote ‘Se ancang now procs ‘Pleee do ot haste conic us stu yu have fret ‘eure aug eSoft ro aa of ‘te new prs cur elie We nat fond cory ‘mova bioes wih yo. Aon ark you any uch and more power, You pane merchandising, Ped Dragon, We, Figure 1. Sample Form Document © Two Components of Mail Merge 1. Form Document ‘Our sample letter above is what we call a form document—the first component of our mail merged document. It is generally the document that contains the main body of the message we want to convey or send. The main body of the message is the part of the form document that remains the same no matter whom you send it to from among your list. ‘Also included in the form document is what we call place holders, also referred tos data fields or merge fields, This marks the position on your form document where individual data or information will be inserted. From our sample document, the place holders are denoted or marked by the text with double-headed arrows (<< >>) on each side and with a gray background. On a printed standard form, this will be the underlined spaces that you will see and use as guide to where you need to write the information that you need to fill out. In its simplest form, a form document is literally. a “form” that you fill out with individual information. A common example of a form document is your regular tax form or applitation form. Then there is also a form letter which is exactly like the one in our example above. List or Data File The second component of our mail merged document is the list or data is where the individual information or data that needs to be plugged in (mera= the form document is placed and maintained, One of the best things about the mat merge feature is that it allows data file to be created from within the Microsoft® Word application itself, or it gets data from a file created in Microsoft® Excel or other data formats. In this way, fields that needed to be filled up on the form document can easily be maintained without accidentally altering the form or main document. You can easily add, remove, modify, or extract your data more efficiently by using other data management applications like Excel or Access and import them in Word during the mail merge process. Label Generation Included in the mail merge feature on Microsoft® Word is the Label Generator. It just makes sense that after you print out your form letters, you will need to send it to individual recipients in an envelope with the matching address printed directly on the envelope or ‘on a mailing label to stick on. By using virtually the same process as a standard mail merge, Microsoft® Word will print individual addresses to a standard form that it has already pre- formatted. Simply put, it creates a blank form document that simulates either a blank label or envelope of pre-defined size and will use the data file that you selected to print the information, typically individual addresses. So even in generating labels, the two essential ‘components of creating a merged document are present: the form document and the data file, Only in this case, you did not have to type or create the form document yourself because it was already created and pre-formatted in Microsoft® Word. All you need to do is select the correct or appropriate size for the label or envelope and select the data file that contains the addresses (data) to be printed. You can also preview your merged labels before printing if you want to, eset Exploration Exploration 3.1. Mail Merge and Label Generation Now that we have learned the components needed to accomplish a successful mail merge, let us put theory into practice. Let us take a look at the steps to create a simple mail merge document. Following our scenario, take the following steps to create and merge a simple covering letter toa list of names that you were tasked to send the letters to. To prepare for this activity, let us build a list of at least ten names of people with their corresponding title, company name, and address. You may use the following fields: title, name, company, address line 1, address line 2, and address line 3. Refer to the table on the next page for the format of the list as an example. You may just write down your list on a piece of paper to make it handy and available when you need it during the course of this activity. Exchanging names and addresses with your classmates could be a good idea to build your list quickly. Title Name Company | 45 Oro Drive ‘Madam | Maria Santos Steps in creating a simple mail mergé 1. Open Microsoft* Word and start a acco cneianeienl a new blank document, You can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+N after {2 letters Microsoft® Word has been loaded or | EA Ema Mesiages ‘opened, Envelopes. 2. On the Mailings tab, from the Start |i labels. Mail Merge group, choose Start Mail. pirectory Merge—eLetters. green sctcy JR step py step Mail Merge Weard. ‘Type the letter below. You will be typing in only the common parts of the letter, The text that does not change for each copy you print. Doar 3 Wie woul tke to announce and inte you fo aa of our Sr {quarter prom, tor which you are quaified! Batre O00 of our (yal euctomare, wo woul ike fo thank you for stig ond ‘earying our prodit nein your store. ded ni rome arth mechan ofr promo catalog rom where you ca 202 and choose rom ‘ur exctng now prodkcts. ‘Please donot hestate to contact us should you have further Inquiies regarding the cota ofthe promo or about any of {he new products our catalog, We look foward to coins, ‘more business wit you. Again, thank you vry uct an more power. Your partner in merchandising, ‘Red Dragon, no. Save your letter and name it "Sample Letter’ Insert the fields you need in the letter (Name, Company, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, Address Line 3, and Title). You may want to make special markings on these fields as you are typing it. Most common marking you can do is by typing it in capital letters or ALL CAPS so you can easily identify them later. aly 28, 2014 NAME ‘COMPANY ADDRESS LINE ‘ADDRESS LINE 2 ‘ADDRESS LINES Dear TITLE, Gta repeertes em oa San marcns ere SpGereiaieermrane espace nas gerne ere cae fe pei Ceara ewe cere Seen eee meceeerane pie ‘Again, thank you very much and more power. Your partner In merchanetsing, Feed Dragon, tne the main document once more. You can use Ctrl+S to quickly do this step. the Mailings tab in the Start Mail Merge group, choose Recipients—>Type a New List. the Customize ns button on alog box for the ddress List. 13, 14, 15. 16." az 18, 19. Select a field that you do not need then click the Delete button. A confirmation dialog box appears. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box. The dialog box closes, and the unnecessary field disappears. Repeat steps 8 and 9 for each field you do not need. After removing the excess fields, the next step is to add the fields you need. To add a field that you need in your document, click the Add button Type the field name on the prompt inside a small Add Field dialog box and click the OK button. Repeat steps 11 and 12 for each new field you need in your main document. Click the OK button on the Customize Address List dialog box to confirm your changes. ‘The New Address List dialog box will appear again ready for you to type in your data. ‘Type the individual data from your list corresponding to Name, Company, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, Address Line 3, and Title. Press the Tab key each time to enter the next field, To add a new record, press the Tab key after inputting the last field. When you press the Tab key on the last field in a record, a new record is automatically created and added on the next line. Repeat steps 16 through 18 until you enter all the records you want. ‘Once you are done typing your data, click the OK button on the Add New List dialog box to save your data. A special Save Address List dialog box pops up, allowing you to save the recipient list. ™ Type a name for the address list. Name it "Client List” 21. Click the Save button. You should be back on your main document soon after. 22, Selecta field placeholder (ALL CAPS) in the main document. Click the Insert Merge Field command button. 24. Choose the proper field to insert into your text. For example, if you are replacing the text name in your document with a name field, choose the Name Field from the Insert Merge Field menu. The field is inserted into your document and replaces the ALL CAPS text. Continue adding fields until the document is complete. Repeat steps 22 through 24 as necessary to stick all fields into your document. 26. Save the main document. 27. Choose Finish & Merge to edit, print, or send your merged documents through email. 29. You should get a merged document close to this one: a July 28,2074 Arnold Reyes ABCine. 23Sierra St. Alabang ‘Muntinlupa Cy Dear Sir, We would like to announce and invite you to avail of eur 3rd quarter promo, for which you are qualified! Being one of our loyal customers, we would Ike fo thankyou for trusting and carrying our product line in your store, Included inthis promo kit are the mechanics of our promo and the catalog from where you can see and choose from our exciting new products. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have further inquiries regarding the details of the promo or about any of the new products in our catalog. We look forward todoing more business with you. Again, thank you very much and more power. Your partnerin merchandising, Red Dragon, Inc If you decide to print the document, the Merge to Printer dialog box appears, from which you can choose records to print. Choose All to print your entire document. Alternatively, you can specify which records to print. Click OK. The traditional Print dialog box appears. Click the OK button again to print your documents. 30, Save and close your document. rating Images and External Materials Integrating or inserting pictures in your documentisfun and itimprovesthe impression ir document. A common use of inserting a picture on a document is when you are ing your resumé. Though seemingly simple to do, your knowledge on the different of materials that you can insert or integrate in a Word document and its characteristics Ip you create a more efficient, richer document not only in content butalso in physical A better understanding of the physical form of your well as the different ls you integrate in it would allow you to be more efficient and versatile in using ft* Word. us consider the interesting aspects of inserting or integrating images and other | materials which is categorized as an advanced feature. Kinds of Materials ‘There are various kinds of materials Microsoft® Word is capable of integrating to make your documents richer, more impressive, and more informative. Picture Clip Shapes SmartArt Chart Screenshot Art ica - lustrations Figure 2. The illustrations group menu under the Insert tab showing the kinds of ‘materials you can integrate with Word 2010 The screenshot above shows the kinds of materials that can be integrated or inserte in your Microsoft® Word document. One can easily get excited and instead create a collage of what is generally called images and arts rather than an enriched text document. important thing to remember is that images and other materials are not to be inserted as images for design purposes only, but they are used to enhance or improve the effectiveness of the message you want to convey. Let us describe each of them. 1. Pictures. Generally, these are electronic o digital pictures or photographs yo have saved in any local storage device. There are three commonly used types @ picture files. You can identify them by the extension on their file names. ‘a. JPG. This is pronounced as"jay-peg;’ and is the short form for jpeg or Joi Photographic Experts Group. Like all the rest of the image file extension it identifies the kind of data compression process that it uses to make more compatible and portable through the Internet. This type of ima file can support 16.7 million colors that is why it is suitable for use wh working with full color photographic images. Unfortunately, it does support transparency and therefore, images of this file type can be diffic to integrate in terms of blending with other materials or elements in yo document. But if you are looking for the best quality image to integy with your document, then this is the image file type for you. JPG does work well on lettering, line drawings, or simple graphics. JPG images relatively small in file size. b. GIF. This stands for Graphics Interchange Format. This type of image is capable of displaying transparencies. Therefore, it is good for blend with other materials or elements in your document. It is also capabl displaying simple animation. Apparently, this may not be too useful a printed document but if you are sending documents electronicall through email, or even post documents into a website, then this could! quite impressive. The downside is that it can only support up to 256 co aE so itis good mostly on logos and art decors with very limited, and generally = solid colors. .GIF is much better for logos, drawings, small text, black and : white images, or low-resolution files. _ .PNG. This is pronounced as "ping" It stands for Portable Network Graphics. Ie wes built around the capabilities of GIF. Its development was basically for the purpose of transporting images on the Internet at faster rates. It Is also good with transparencies but unlike .GIFs, it does not support animation but it can display up to about 16 million colors, so image quality for this image file type is also remarkably improved. .PNG allows the control of the transparency level or opacity of images. 2. Clip Art. This is generally a GIF type; line art drawings or images used as generic representation for ideas and objects that you might want to integrate in your document. Microsoft® Word has a library of clip arts that is built in or can be downloaded and used freely. There are still other clip arts that you can either purchase or freely download and use that come from third-party providers. Shapes. These are printable objects or materials that you can integrate in your document to enhance its appearance or to allow you to have some tools to use for composing and representing ideas or messages. If you are designing the layout for a poster or other graphic material for advertising, you might find this useful S ‘Smart Art. Generally, these are predefined sets of different shapes grouped together to form ideas that are organizational or structural in nature. If you want to graphically represent an organization, process, relationships, or flow for Infographic documents, then you will find this easy and handy to use. Chart, Another type of material that you can integrate in your Word document that allows you to represent data characteristics and trends. This is quite useful when you are preparing reports that correlate and present data in a graphical manner. You an create charts that can be integrated in your document either directly in Microsoft® Word or imported from external files like Microsoft® Excel. Screenshot. Sometimes, creating reports or manuals for training or procedures require the integration of a more realistic image of what you are discussing ‘on your report or manual. Nothing can get you a more realistic image than a screenshot. Microsoft® Word even provides a snipping tool for your screen shots $0 you can select and display only the part that you exactly like to capture on your screen. Image Placement In practice, inserting an image or any other material in your document is quite easy especially if the material already exists in your local storage device. It is just a matter of opening up the image file through the Microsoft® Word dialog box or wizard. Sometimes, ifthe image you would like to insert is on a web page currently displayed on your screen, it could be copied and pasted. The real challenge is where to put the image you inserted or where to move it. In this part of the lesson, we will study the different characteristics of text wrapping options that you can use with the image you integrated in your document, Figure 3. Wrap Text drop-down menu in Word 2010 showing the preset options 1. In Line with Text. This is the default setting for images that are inserted or integrated in your document. It treats your image like a text font with the bottom side totally aligned with the text line. This setting is usually used when you need to place yourimage at the beginning of a paragraph. When placed between te: in a paragraph or sentence, it distorts the overall appearance and arrangemer of the texts in the paragraph because it will take up the space it needs verticall pushing whole lines of texts upward as in the example below. Example: Od Mh Sere ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubil Curae; Vestibulum bibendum condimentum tristique. Quisque feugiat laoreet lorem at pharet ‘Sed ipsum elt, dignissim in sodales in, feugiat sagittis ligula. Pellentesque molis lorem ac nt gravida, quis omare metus suscipit. Ut quis egestas neque, vitae sagittis dui. Donec ut venenl purus. lum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curse: jum bibendum condimentum tristique. Quisque feugiat laoreet lorem at pharetra. Sea elt, dignissim in sodales in, feugiat sagiltis ligula. Pellentesque mollis 2c nulla gravida, quis orare metus suscipit. Ut quis egestas neque, vitae sagittis d eo ut venenatis purus. 2. Square. This setting allows the image you inserted to be placed anywhere within the paragraph with the text going around the image in a square pattern like a frame. Example: Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curat ‘Vestibulum bibendum ‘condimentum ‘tristique. Quisque feugiat Jaoreet lorem at pharetra. Sed ipsum elit, dignissim in sodales in, feugiat ‘sagittis ligula. Pellentesque mollis lorem ac nulla gravide, quis omare metus suscipt. Ut quis egestas noque, vitze sagittis dul. Donec ut ‘venenatis purus. 3. Tight. This is almost the same as the Square setting, but here the text “hugs” or conforms to the general shape of the image. This allows you to get a more creative effect on your document. This setting can mostly be achieved if you are using an image that supports transparency like a GIF or PNG file. Example: estibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orcl luctus ot ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; tristique. Quisque feugiat laoreet ‘dignissim in sodales in, feugiat sagittis ligula. Pellentesque mollis lorem ac ‘ulla gravida, quis ‘ornare metus suscipit. Ut quis egestas neque, vitae sagitis dul. Donec ut venenatis purus. 4, Through. This setting allows the text on your document to flow even tighter, taking the contours and shape of the image. Again, this can be best used with a .GIF or PNG type of image. Example: stibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;| estibulum bibendum condimentum tristique. Quisque. feugiat lorem at pharetra. Sed ipsum elit, dignissim in sodales in, eugiat sagitis ligula. Pellentesque mollis lorem ac nulla gravida, quis meius suscipit. Ut quis egestas neque, vitae sagittis dul. Donec venenatis purus. er 5, Topand Bottom. This setting pushes the texts away vertically to the top and/or sre pottom of the image so that the image occupies a whole text line on itsown asin the example. Exampl Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cublia Corse Vestibulum erneraum condimentum tristique. Quisque feugiat laoreet lorem at phere. Sed ipcum elt, dignissim in sodales in, feugiat saaitis igula. Pellertenae mollis lorem ac Pea gravida, quis omare metus suscipit. Utquis egestas neque, Viae sagittis dui. Donec ut venenatis purus. 6. Behind Text: This allows yourimage to be dragged and placed anywhere on your ae ene but with all the texts floating in front of i. It effectively makes your image look like a background. Example: Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucib. bibendum condimentum tristique. Qui dignissim in sodales in, feugiat sagit - mare metus suscipit. Ut quis egestas neque, vit ssque mollis lorem ac nul ‘sagittis dui. Donec ut venenatis purus 7. inFrontof Text. As it suggests this setting allows your image to be placed, right top of the text as if your image was dropped right on It,That means whateve part ofthe text you placed the image on, it will be covered by the 1Tage- Inou Parraple below, notice the difference between using a.PNG file (on the left) with a transparency effect, and a JPG file on the right. Example: \Vestibulum ante ipsum pri ‘Vestibulum bibendum Sed ipsum ei, dignis: nulla gravida, quis omare metus susci tut venenatis purus. Exploration 3.2. Integrating Images and External Materials “Scenario: You were tasked to create and send out an informative campaign letter to the sponsors ofan environmental advocacy foundation. The letter contcls images votnted to.asolar campaign and charts that wll show the progress of the ‘movement. In this activity, we will use the document below as our guide to the resulting document we want to come up with. Download the following files through the following links or URLs; save them on your ‘Desktop. Solarjpg - httod/1drvins/1mw5Kg Joe png- http//1drv.ns/IrmvvbI7 Sample letter doc - http://1devms/1mvvKLP Alternatively, you may want to create your own letter and insert a clipart or a small image in it. The steps that we are going to perform focus mainly on inserting images to a Word jocument. Open the Sample Letter.docx from your Desktop. Place your insertion point or cursor to where you want the image or picture to. appear. Just right at the very beginning of the first paragraph will do, Go to the Illustrations group under the Insert tab on the ribbon or menu, Click on Picture—> Insert Picture from File, The Insert Picture dialog box will pop up almost similar to your file explores window. Navigate to your Desktop and click on the Solar.jpg file. Click the Insert button to insert a copy of the Solarjpg picture on your documer Your document should look like this for now: Right-click on the image then click on the Wrap Text sub-menu. On the fly out, click on the Square option. Remember that this setting will allow text to flow around your image like a rectangular frame. Drag your image to the desired location on the document so that your document! should look like the one below. Seqnmone 204 Repeat steps 2 through 6. Only this time, place the insertion point at the very end of the document and insert the Joepng image. This is actually the digital signature of our fictional character, Joe Green. Your document should now look like this: alii Ee “ai 2a SSs2 es Stace aes SaaS ae ). Again, right-click on the image then click on the Wrap Text sub-menu. This time, on the fly out, click on the Behind Text option. This should allow you to place the signature image arbitrarily along the printed name on the document, so it would look exactly like a real signature. We chose this option because our signature image, in this example, does not have transparent background. If it were, then setting it In Front of Text would be a better option. Now we need to work on the chart. This will require us to work with the wizard to set up the parameters of our chart. On your document, place your insertion point ©r cursor on the position where you want the chart to appear. + In the Illustrations group under the Insert tab, click on Chart, This will bring up the Insert Chart dialog box. On the right pane, inside the Insert Chart dialog box, scroll down to the Pie row, and select Exploded Pie in 3D. showing the default data that Microsoft® Word anus for the chart. For the sake of our example, modify the data on the worksheet otha the heading “Sales” willread “Volume” and the labels 1stto 4th QTR will jead “Europe,” “America,” “Middle East,” and “Asia,” respectively. 14. An Excel worksheet will pop up 15. Drag the chart’s corner handle to suitable size. 16. Click on the chart’s Text ‘Wrap option and select ‘ Top and Bottom. 17. Drag the chart to the center of the page in between the second and third paragraph of your document. The resulting document should now look like our sample document on the right. Sa See See ae wat rom 18, Saye your document, ploration 3.3. Mail Merge and Label Generation 1. Letus expand your list from 10 to 20. Again, it might be a good idea to collaborate and exchange names and addresses with your classmates. Also, add additional fields on your list so that it includes Email Address. 2. On Microsoft® Word 2010, open your merged document. Go to the Mailings tab and modify your recipient list so that you have Email Address on the last column and ten more additional entries on your list. Examine as well how you can quickly add an address block and a greeting line through the ribbon. Generate labels using your recipient list. 5. _ Referto the rubrics on page 60 to see how you will be graded in this activity. Your Turn to Shine 1. Ona piece of paper, create a simple flow chart that summarizes the steps in creating a merged document. 2. Describe how or in what ways you can manage the recipients'list. 3. Inyour own words, describe or enumerate the steps in generating labels. Take the Challenge! Identify atleast two other opportunities to create and distribute orsend a merged document or labels and make samples of each. : ploration 3.4, Integrating Images and External Materials 1. Recreate your flow chart on how mail merge works using Microsoft® Word by inserting a series of shapes on your document. 2. Find out what a Text Box is and how itis used. 3, Createa screenshot of the Microsoft® Word Home screen and puta label on each. part of the screen. 4, Take some pictures of yourself (selfie) using a digital camera or a cellphone. Transfer the pictures to your computer and create a collage of your pictures using Microsoft® Word. 5. _ Refer to the rubrics on page 60 to see how you will be graded in this activity. Your Turn To Shine 1. Whatare some ways you can use to acquire images that can be inserted in a Word document? 2. Describe the steps on how you are able to transfer your pictures to your computer. Take the Challenge! Collaborate among your friends or classmates and make a newsletter about news and events in your school. Rubrics for Exploration 3.3 and 3.4 All skis in ‘Most skilsin_— | Someskilisin | Few orno skis ‘Advanced Word | Advanced Word | Advanced Word _| from Advanced Processing are | Processingare | Processing are | Word Processing applied, applied. applied, are applied, ‘The output Theoutputis |The output The output is exceeds the complete issomewhat | incomplete, expectations: complete, The output istree | The outout Theoutputhas | the output from errors, contains minimal | several errors. | contains many errors. errors. Thegroup wes |The groupwas | The groupwas | The group used abletofinishthe Jabletofinish | able tocomplete | theleast efficient taskinthemost | thetaskinthe | thetaskbut used | method in effective way | projected amount | methods that | finishing task without wasting | oftime ‘consumed more time and effort time or resource bo tom ‘Mail Merge — a feature that allows you to create documents and combine ot merge them with another document or data file Form Document - the document that contains the main body of the message! want to convey or send Data File — includes the individual information or data or the recipient’ information Merge Field/Place Holder - marks the position on your form document where individual data or information will be inserted PG - file extension for the Joint Photographic Experts Group picture file -PNG - file extension for the Portable Network Graphics image file -GIF ~ file extension for the Graphics Interchange Format image file Clipart — line art drawings or images used as generic representation for ideas ane objects Smart Art ~ predefined sets of different shapes grouped together to form id that are organizational or structural in nature ‘Text Wrap — adjusts how the image behaves around other objects or text Word processors, though a common tool in the workplace, can be quite tricky at times jally if you are typing a letter or making simple invitations. By doing so, the amount of res that we utilize, particularly in Microsoft® Word 2010, is only superficial. Infact, even most common tasks you usually do can be automated further making your work more jent and effective, In this lesson, we have discussed mail merge and the two essential components, the document and the data file, that you need to have in order to productively use this ture, Form document is a standard document that contains generic information that is stly constant within the document, Data file, on the other hand, contains the list of zangeable information that needs to be inserted in the form document to complete it. These files are the main components that are combined together (merged) to produce iple personalized copies of the same form document without tying up your time and prt. We also discussed that the same exact process and components are utilized when create (address) labels for the distribution of your form document or letter. The only rence is that the form document used during label generation is already predefined, iatted, and builtin Microsoft® Word. All you need to do is to supply the data file that it need to use during the actual label printing or merging process. Moreover, we also discussed another advanced feature of Microsoft® Word which is integration of images and other external materials. We discussed each kind of material describing and differentiating each of them so we can ider the different effects on ir document. We also tackled how images and other materials are placed within the ment and how to manipulate them by using the layouting option specifically, text, apping, Text wrapping allows you to place your images where you want it to be in your ument, Knowing the different characteristics of each text wrapping option can save you ot of time from figuring out how and where to put the image, Score: Date: ‘What feature of Microsoft® Word allows you to efficiently create documents that have the same general content but may have different recipients or purpose? a. mail merge send merge b. print merge d. view merge 2. Which ofthe following is not a component of the mail merge? a. address form document b. filename d. datafile 3. Whatare the steps in creating a simple mail merge? a, Create form document; preview; insert place holders; print b. _ Preview; insert place holders; create form document; print Create main document; create data source; insert place holders; preview d. Create data source; insert place holders; preview; print 4. Where can you find the Start Mail Merge button? a. filetab references tab b. mailings tab d. home tab 5. What tells Microsoft® Word exactly where to place the information coming from the data file to the main document? a. datasource placeholder b. insertion line d. insertion tag 6. What types of document can you create using mail merge? | a. envelopes < posters b. letters d. labels 7. What button allows you to see the result of your mail merge even before you print or send it out? a. preview results «address block b. insert merge field d. greeting line 10. Ma 12. 13, 14, 15. ‘What file contains the information you need to merge with your main document? a. address block datafile b. contact list d. directory What essential component of mail merge is required from users when generating labels? a. datafile © place holder b. formdocument d. merge field What image compression/file type is capable of displaying simple animation? a a Po d. png Among the text wrap options, which one allows you to place an image or externa ‘material in line with the text, treating the image just like how a text is treated? through b. d. tight Which image compression type allows you to display imag in digital pictures? a. bmp © ipa b. gif diff full color just like Under what ribbon group does“insert —» Smart Art”fall? a. apps < media b. illustrations d. pages When inserting charts on your document, what Microsoft® Office applicati Pops up to allow you to enter and manage the parameters of your chart? a Access Note b. Excel 4. Word What external material allows you to insert organizational or structural templa like organizational charts and flow charts on your document? a. chart screenshot b. pictures dd. smartart ‘Questions in three sentences or less. How important 's the mail merge feature of Microsoft® Word in different organizations? 3. When do imag ‘Ses OF Graphics in Microsoft® Word hurt the document rather than help? eee Advanced Spreadsheet Skills ‘Commonly used Microsoft® Excel functions Conditional functions Use of Microsoft® Excel in market research LO} Lesson Objectives the end of this lesson, the students should be able to: 1. familiarize the most commonly used functions in Microsoft® Excel; 2, _ use several conditional functions available in Microsoft® Excel; and 3, _ use Microsoft® Excel as a viable tool in market research and product development. ‘A program designed to create spreadsheets which can later be used to analyze statistical data a. Microsoft® Excel Microsoft® Publisher b. Microsoft® Word d. Microsoft® OneNote ‘Anumber format that puts a dollar symbol before each value by default a percent < comma b. accounting d. date/time ‘A function that adds a range of cells a. ADD SUM b. PLUS d. TOTAL This is the tab in the Format Cells dialog box where you can change the orientation of a text. a. alignment c file b. orientation d. view ‘A function that gets the average of a range of cells a. AVERAGE MEAN b. SUM d. MEDIAN Which among the following is not part of the syntax for AVERAGEIF a. average range logical test b. range 4. criteria ‘A function used to count the number of:cells that contains something in them if the criteria are met a. COUNT COUNTING b. COUNTNOW 4. COUNTIF ‘A function used to add a certain range of cells ifa condition is met a. SUMIF «TOTAL b. ADDIF d. PLUSIF The shortcut key for the Format Cells dialog box a Cth +F cc Ctl+1 b. Shift +F do Alt+T A syntax in the AVERAGEIF function that includes the value or label that determines if the cell is part of the range to be averaged a. Range Average Range b. Criteria d. Logical Test Form groups with five members each. Try to come up with a product or service that you sell or offer around the campus. It can be sweets like polvoron or yema, small souvenirs keychains or bag tags, or services like foot spa or harana (serenade) for hire. ‘Add a personal twist to your product. if itis a food product, add something that you kc could be marketable. You may add malunggay to polvoron. The keychain may contain ricature of the buyer. You can also create artworks and sell them as a product or service. Ona sheet of paper, fill out the information of your product. A sample is shown below: Product Information Product or Service Name: Group Name: Group Members: Peeasiek sol ie RUDI Nc 1s i foie gt eae oe Oe Product Description: Ingredients/Materials: pb eee ai POO. cb to geen > Geos ti eet Saigo Estimated Sale Price: Whether you work In the field of accounting or not, the truth Is whatever you do wuld be accounted for. This is because the resources you use cost you expenses, Whether become a scientist, an engineer, a yoga instructor, a bartender, or an airline pilot, it is vtant to understand how a company spends to be able to deliver a product or service. te factors could easily be computed using spreadsheet programs like Microsoft® Excel Google Sheets. Estimating the Product Cost using Microsoft® Excel Let us assume that we are going to sell milk tea with the following information: Product Information Product Name/Brand: Starbuko Organic Milk Tea Company/Group Name: Starbuko Foods Corporation Product Description: isa special nic_ ingredient lh Made for Filipinos. Ingredients/Materials: tea, water, condensed milk. ice, special sweetener Estimated Sale Price: 25 PHP per cup We will use Microsoft® Excel to find out if our estimated sale price is reasonabl considering the actual price of the ingredients. 1. Copy the information below: | AA s c | | al Starbuko Organic Milk Tea [ 2 Cost of Ingredients 3 No. [ingredient Price/Glass i 4 | 1/Organic Tea (1 sachet) PHP 12.00 5 [_ 2[Pure Drinking Water PHP 0.20 6 | 3|Sweetened Condensed Milk _| PHP 13.00 7 [_4lcup PHP 2.00 | 8 Total f Note: Values with PHP or Philippine peso sign use the Accounting Number format. Its default uses the dollar symbol (§). To change this, click the drop-down arrow at the currency button then select More Accounting Formats, then change the symbol to. PHP. | 2. Use the SUM formula to get the summation of the values from Cé to C7. The SUM | formula is =SUM(C4:C7). Type this on cell C8 as shown below: AA B cee S| ee Starbuko Organic Milk Tea Zea Cost of Ingredients _3_|No. |Ingredient [Pri 4 1| Organic Tea (1 sachet) ji S 2|Pure Drinking Water 6 3|Sweetened Condensed Milk 7 4/Cup Total 3. ~ Check if our estimated price will earn us profit. Type the additional information shown below then apply the arithmetic formula for subtraction: Starbuko Organic Milk Tea Cost of Ingredients No. | Ingredient Price/Glass i 1| Organic Tea (1 sachet) PHP 12.00 2|Pure Drinking Water PHP 0.20 3|Sweetened Condensed Milk _| PHP 13.00 | 4lcup Total |Estimated Price Profit 4. The result is PHP2.20. Our estimated price is not profitable. Let us make a adjustment. Include the information below and deduct the Total from the Ni Sale Price: Starbuko Organic Cost of Ingredients Ingredient Price/Glass Organic Tea (4 sachet) PHP 12.00 Pure Drinking Water PHP. 0.20 |Sweetened Condensed Milk _| PHP cup Total Estimated Price Profit] PHP (2.20)| Adjusted Sale Price| ‘The result is PHP7.80. This is definitely profitable at this price. However, this dos not guarantee our product's success. Save your file as L4 Cost of Ingredients:xlsx. Now it is your group's turn to do this for your own product. Remember to research the ingredient’s price and if applicable, divide the quantity of a certain ingredient so that its cost will only cover one serving, For instance, a 300 mi condensed milk will cover abou three servings of milk tea, so you have to divide its price by three. Analyzing Data using Microsoft® Excel Itis now time for usto collect data from our target market. In reality, researchers woul also come up with survey questions before they release the product. The data they gather would help them determine if the product has any chance of succeeding in a target mark For your group's product, come up with several questions that will help you determir how your sample from your target market would perceive your product. Your target mari for this activity is the people in your school (teachers, students, personnel). Sample Survey (for food products) Name: Ag Income/day: (optional) Instructions: Circle the letter of your answer. 1. Onascale of 1-5, how would you rate the product's quality? 2). eal [sees cS a4 e 2. Onascale of 1-5, how would you rate the product's taste? Salo p ee as a4 e 3. Onascale of 1-5, how would you rate the product's presentation? at 2 ee a4 e 4, Are you satisfied with the product? a Yes b. No 5. Would you recommend the product to a friend? . a. Yes b. No 6. How much are you willing to pay for this product? a. PHP15 and below b. PHP16-25 c-PHP26-35 d. PHP36-45 fe. PHP46-55 Suggestions or comments: ‘Add more questions fitting for your product. if your product is not a food product, Jace the "taste" rate with durability or function rate. Have this survey form approved by ur teacher then produce around 15 copies of these. Before we do actual product testing, your group has to produce your sample product. luce samples for 15-20 people. Start your product testing in your school by letting students, teachers, and/ personnel taste/test your product. Afterward, gather the data and place them in is spreadsheet is on the next page using the milk tea icrosoft® Excel. A sample of t ample. Mat 8] ci teh E FIGiHi Tid) KiLiMiNjoje : Sve Rea 2am: T — a T Tey 3 ina wale 25 |VE/RO] — pe g i i slalelg lege ieee uo uastnsine [ree NamelAge| _studentfrexcer | 6/8/2/ 2] #1 8|2 12/212) © [Dele Guz Iisnne | 16 Sune s[-al-a{_afveshres]_ [1 alhageomit_[yennie [16 Student af al at fes|res| [7 alzeta [0 4 Siotee al-al-alabvesties| —} 17 afpres ——Todtne [34 Sudan a, s|-3 caves ves] [7 9-| sei nosars [Vea = [a7 Student al-at a]_afvesives| 17 30] elantonio Inte [a Student {a al ales ves] 7 31 7Mengeto Iades [a Teacher {sal ales 17 3a |i bay ania Gece ala] al aves] [7 13 | “ofangelas ‘a Teak S| 3} al ano les] [17 14 | s0lsinondo [patria | a2 ee a|-a| 3} shveshves| [7 15 [diletpson —lewisine [ae == SLs at sveslves] 17 46 s2[sa. wala uta [3 Student lal al sfvslves| 7 aalespola [bea] 35 Student al sf al sess ez 18 [salto [sue [a5 Student Stal al sles|ves| 7 19 asftapix [ain] 57 eae al al-al_slves es eB Figure 1. Raw Survey Results of Starbuko Milk Tea Survey Tip: To change the orientation of a text, press Ctrl+1. To open the Format Cells ialog box > Alignment tab>under Orientation, specify the degrees you want. Obviously, this data is raw. Assuming that we have a huge sample, we have to apply several formulas to be able to easily analyze the result of this survey. Let us start by a simple average formula to determine the average rating of Quality, Taste, Presentation, and Product. The syntax would be =AVERAGE(cells involved). Example: Using figure 1, determine the average for Quality: -AVERAGE(F5:19) Determine the average for all your criteria and place them at the bottom of your survey results similar to the screenshot below: 2 Criteria_| Average | [Quality 3.933333] 23| fTaste 4.0666667| 24| [Presentation] 2.933333] 25| [Product 4.4666667| Next, determine how many people said YES or NO if they were satisfied with the product or if they would recommend it to their friend. For this, we will use the COUNTIF function. Using the =COUNT function will allow us to count the number of cells that contains something. However, in this case, we Just need to count the ones that have YES or NO in them. For this, we have to use the COUNTIF function. COUNTIF Function Syntax: =COUNTIF(range, criteria) Range - the cells where the counting will take place Criteria — the label or value that determines if itis to be counted Example: Using figure 1, the formula for getting the number of YES for the criteria is = COUNTIFUS:I19/YES") Determine the number of YES answers in both criteria and place them at the bottom of ur survey results similar to the screenshot below: 7 Toner Reon a If we were to determine if we should sell your product or service to teachers or students, can use the AVERAGEIF function. \VERAGEIF Using the AVERAGEIF function, we can average a range if the cell beside it equals to teacher” and/or“student” AVERAGEIF uses the following syntax: = AVERAGEIF(range, criteria, average range) Range - the range of cells where you want to look for the criteria Criteria - a value or label that determines if a cell is part of the range to be averaged ‘Average Range (optional) - the actual range of cells that will be averaged, if omitted, range will be used instead Example: Using figure 1: 31) 555, Quality [Reacher [Favenacere 33,| [student | (AVERAGER ange. 2A ef Result: ei [ote 22 | [Teacher | 43953933) B In other instances, you may also want to use the SUMIF function which works similarly to the AVERAGEIF function, except it gets the summation rather than the average. ess, Exploration Exploration 4.1. Bazaar Using the formulas you have learned, accomplish the following by analyzing your data, Use the data you have gathered. 1. Determine the number of people who are willing to pay a certain amount. 2. How many of the certain group (e.g, teacher/student) are willing to pay more? 3. How many of the certain group (eg, teacher/student) like the presentation of the product/service? Your Turn to Shine 1. Determine otherinstances where you can use the COUNTIF, SUMIF, and AVERAGEIF. functions. 2. How does Excel help analyze statistical data? 3, _ List down other functions you were able to realize that are not part of this lessor then briefly describe each of them. Take the Challenge! ‘Try to sell your product or service in school. Then, check your profits. Encod the data of your profits in Microsoft® Excel then use the formulas you have learnes to determine if your product or service was profitable or not. Log the customer's ag range as well. ‘Your teacher shall grade your output using the rubric below: ‘Allskilefrom —[Mostskils in |Someskilsin | Feworno skis thetopicare |thetopicare | thetopicare _| from the topic applied. applied. applied. are applied. 7 [the output | Theoutputis | Theoutput | The outputis Content Greeedsthe complete, issomewhat | incomplete. expectations complete. The outputs |Theoutput | The outputhas | The output Correctness | free from errors | contains severalerrors, | contains many minimal erors, errors. Thestudent | Thestadent | Thestudent | Thestudent wasableto |wasableto |wasableto | used the fish thetesk | finish thetask | complete the | leasteffective inthemost. | intheprojected | taskbut used | methodin Efficiency | ctrectiveway | amountoftime. | methods that _| finishing the without wasting consumed task ‘me and effort. more time or resource Themember | Themember | Themember | The member teamwork |oanefectve |contrbutedio Jerenediie | didnot amv! teamplayer, |thegroup. [effort in contributeto pated accomplishing | the group. the group's task Borers «Accounting Number Format - a number format that is used for accounting + Orientation -the angle at which a text is displayed + Count—a function used to count the cells with content in a range = Suma function used to compute for the summation of the number of arange «Average —a function used to compute for the average of the number of a range «= COUNTIF ~a function used to count the cells with a specified content within a range = SUMIF ~a function used to compute for the summation of a range if a certain condition is met + AVERAGEIF a function used to compute for the average of a range if a Range - the range of cells where you want to look for the criteria Criteria — a value or label that determines if a cell is part of the: averaged 3 ‘Average Range ~ the actual range of cells that range will be used instead will be a\ | G}tesson Summary Microsoft® Excel provides an automated way of displaying any statistical data. It « be used to automatically compute for several factors that are not easy to notice especiall when faced by a large data. Microsoft® Excel includes several arithmetic and basic functio that help you compute faster. With Microsoft® Excel, organizing and analyzing data are much simpler through th: use of conditional functions such as COUNTIF, AVERAGEIF, and SUMIF. These function: workalmost the same as Count, Average, and Sum with the exception that you can provid. Smart Art. Use dark fonts on dark backgrounds to gain proper contrast. Use bullets to simplify your message. ). Insert artwork in each slide of your presentation. It may not be related but at least it would draw the audience's attention. Biii}tesson Motivation It is now time for your group to present the result of your small business venture in class. What better way to present it but with the use of a presentation tool. Below is a list of presentation tools. Research about them and write their advantages and disadvantages. 1. Microsoft® PowerPoint 3. Apple® Keynote 4. Google Slides 5. Haiku Deck 6. PhotoSnack i group is free to decide which presentation tool/program you can use. There are plenty of tools you can use to present data. Whether it Is scientific data, istical, or a book report, a presentation tool has you covered. ing an Effective Presentation Designing your presentation is the fun part of creating a report for it gives you a \ce to be creative. Placing animations, transitions, and art could be on your mind right /. But whether or not these features would help is generally up to you. Sometimes, these is could actually distract your audience rather than help you. Here are some quick tips ating an effective presentatidn. Now that you know the tips, it is now time to create the presentation for your ba: result, Bazaar Results Presentation Use the guide below for this presentation. Remember that itis only a guide and itis to you to make appropriate changes. It is also wise to place the information in a Word before placing it in the presentation. Minimize. Keep slide counts to a minimum to maintain a clear message and keep the audience attentive. Remember that the presentation is just a visual a Most information should still come from the reporter. Clarity. Avoid being fancy by using a font style that is easy to read. Make s that its also big enough to be read by the audience. Once you start making yo Presentation, consider how big the screen is during your report. Tip: A font size of 72 is about an inch (depends on the screen size). A one-ind letter is readable 10 feet away; a two-inch letter is readable 20 feet away. Simplicity. Use bullets or short sentences. Summarize the information on t screen to have your audience focus on what the speakers saying than on readi the slide, Limit the content to six lines and seven words per line. This is known the 6x7 rule. Visuals. Use graphics to help in your presentation but not too many to distrac the audience. In addition, instead of using a table of data, use charts and grap Consistency. Make your design uniform. Avoid having different font styles a backgrounds. Contrast. Use light font on dark background or vice versa. This is done so that is easier to read. In most instances, Its easier to read on screen if the backgrou is dark. This is due to the brightness of the screen. Product/Service Name, Group Name, and Group Members Initial Product/Service Information: What is your product or service? include a photo if avaliable 3-4 _ | survey: What were the questions you asked in the sample before the bazaar took place? 6 _ | Survey Results: Display the results of the survey and how it affects the product upon its release 6 “ (during the bazaar) 7__| Bazaar Sale Result: Was your product or service profitable? 8 _| Improvements: if you were to release the product again, what would be the changes? Below is a sample output for a serenade service: rinvciton |") Serenade Services Service information >-Offers a serenade service at the vicinity of the school »A wide variety of contemporary love songs PGuitarist Singers Costumes for ambiance Survey On a scale of 1-5 how would you rate our service? Would you recommend our service to a ‘friene? > How much are you willing to pay for this How much are you willing to pay > Do you have any comment or iggesions Ona scale of 1-5, how.would you rate ‘our service? ‘Would you recommend this service to 3 friend? How much are you willing to pay for this service? Notable comments and suggestions Add flowers More songs Have a list of songs > Keep up the good work Changes before the Bazaer Song list >Added new songs Plastic flowers as an additional purchase (PHP 20) »Price set to PHP 20 Bazaar Sale Result Summary We spent 100 PHP for 5 pieces of plastic flowers. None was spent for materials and equipment. We accumulated 200 PHP >We earned 100 PHP from our service. Improvernents » Better advertising » Cover services outside the campus >» Add more talent > Capture the “bromance’ market Gust for fun) ‘As you can see from the sample presentation, not all information are presented in the al aid, 1g Hyperlinks in Microsoft” PowerPoint Using hyperlinks in your presentation is an easy way to navigate slides during your sentation. In your group’ case, it may be wise to insert action buttons for most slides or lace hyperlinks to your Excel file in case your audience asks a specific question. to insert hyperlinks: >Guitarist 1, Select an object or highlight a text. Singers > Costumes for SABRES Go to Insert > Hyperlinks (under links category) or use the shortcut key Ctrl + K. The Insert Hyperlink dialog box would appear. OF; Rahn the Het pte Link to Options: a. Existing ~ creates a hyperlink to website or a local file saved in your hard drive, Just browse your file in the dialog box or type the web address. b. Place in This Document - creates a hyperlink that allows you to jump toa specific slide in your presentation © Create a New Document ~ creates a hyperlink that once clicked, creates a new document on your specified location E-mail Address ~ creates a hyperlink that opens Microsoft® Outlook that automatically adds your specified recipient on a new email When done, click OK to apply your hyperlink. Tas 5 digiruse requests 12) Mahe! Kong Bayan - Chip Embedding Objects in Microsoft® PowerPoint Embedding objects is easy using Microsoft® PowerPoint. With this option, you can insert an Excel file that would look like a table to a presentation. Embedding an Excel File to your Slide presentation 1. Goto the Insert tab. 2, On the Text group, click on Object. 3. The Insert Object dialog box would appear: object pe © crate new ‘bitmap image Ogee tom ie |cootievamecontt Sy Create oroductReginrasion hetvex Control Module IMicosom Equation 3.0 ‘Micoaof Este 97-2003 Worksheet Microsoft ree Binary Worksheet iS Inserts 3 new Adobe Acrobat Secunty Settings Document Ss, chject inte your prevention Ep] Options: 2. Creates New - creates a new file from scratch. You can select on a wide variety of files listed, b. Create from File - creates a file from an existing file saved on your hard drive; simply browse the file to use it. Putting a check on the “link” option will allow you to modify the Excel file inside your presentation. Once you are done, click OK. [Skill Exploration oration 5.1. Adding Hyperlinks to Your Presentation ‘er your group and improve your presentation using hyperlinks. 1. Insert action buttons on your presentation (action buttons are found on Insert>Shapes). 2. Create action buttons that will allow you to navigate to the next slide, previous slide, and first slide. 3. Insert hidden slides at the end of your presentation then insert an object containing your Excel files. Create hyperlinks to this slide from the slides that contain the charts corresponding to the data. Your Turn To Shine 1. What is the significance of using hyperlinks that navigate around your Presentation instead of just using keyboard shortcuts? 2, Cite three instances where objects can help you improve your presentation, Take the Challenge! Present the bazaar results using any presentation/slideshow program your group is comfortable using. Make sure every member takes turn reporting, Rubrics for Reporting Alskillsfrom | Most skillsin | Someskilsin _ | Feworno skills ‘skalls thetopicere | thetopicare | thetopicare | from the topic applied. applied. applied. Is applied. The output | Theoutputis | The output | The outputs Content exceeds the | complete, Issomewhat | incomplete, expectations. complete. Theoutputis |Theoutput | The outputhas | The output Correctness | free from errors. | contains several errors, | contains many minimal errors. errors. Thestudent | Thestudent | Thestudent | The student wasableto | wasableto | wasableto _| used the finish thetask finish the task | complete the | leasteffective inthemost | inthe projected | taskbut used | method in ence: effective way | amountof time. | methods that | finishing task. without wasting consumed time and effort. more time or L resource. Thestudent | Thestudent | Thestudent | The student did isanettective | contributed to | exerted little | not contribute Teamwork | team player. _| the group. ceffortin tothe group, ‘accomplishing the group's task. Cikey Terms Minimize - keeping slide counts to a minimum + Clarity ~ making sure the fontis readable + Simplicity ~ using bullets or short sentences; applying the 6x 7 rule + Visuals ~ using graphics that attract, not distract the audience + Consistency - making your designs uniform Contrast - using light font on dark background or vice versa + Hyperlink —a text or object that contains a link to another file, web page, a place ina document, a link to anew document, or an email address + Embedding - the act of placing objects within the presentation To create an effective presentation, minimize the contents to maintain a clear message, vid being fancy by using fonts that are easy to read, keep things simple through the use bullets or short sentences, use visuals like charts and graphs but avoid using ones that tract the audience, be consistent by having uniform font styles, and be mindful of the ntrast. Use hyperlinks to create links to an existing file or web page, a place in the document, create a new document or to send email to a specified recipient. Embedding objects allows you to insert files inside your presentation (e.g., an Excel |-You can do this by simply going to the Insert tab>Text>object. You have two options en inserting an object: (1) create new, which creates a new file you specified; and (2) te from file, which allows you to create a new one based on an existing file already saved our hard drive. 1¢ or False: Write T ifthe sentence is correct; otherwise, write F. 1. 10. Use as many slides as you can so that the audience can clearly understand your message. PowerPoint Presentation is a form of visual aid. Most ofthe contents of your report must be presented through your PowerPoint Presentation and not from the speaker himself/herself. To insert a hyperlink, go to the Home tab then click the Hyperlink option. To embed an object, go to the Insert tab and under the Text group, click Object. There are two options when inserting an object: create new from file and create new from existing file. Action buttons are found in the Insert>Smart Art. Use dark fonts on dark backgrounds to gain proper contrast. Use bullets to simplify your message. Insert artwork in each slide of your presentation. It may not be related but at least it would draw the audience's attention. Basic principles of graphics and layout Creating infographies Onjine file formats for images Principles and basic techniques of image manipulation Uploading, sharing, and image hosting EQhtesson Objectives At the end of this lesson, the students should be able to: 1. understand the basic principles of graphics and layout; create a simple infographic using web tools; understand and use several file formats used on the web; easily manipulate images using a simple image editor; and upload and share images using Photobucket. Name: Score: Section: Date: (Eipre-test Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space before each number. Balance is to even distribution; emphasis is to a. attracting design b. colors d. weight Movement is to guiding the eye; rhythm is to create a. attraction c. visuals b. organization unity These are visual elements creating a sense of unity where they relate well with one another. a style © variety b. proportion d. emphasis Ituses several design elements to draw a viewer's attention. a. style c variety b. proportion d. emphasis ____5._Itmakes complex data become more visually appealing to the average user. a. tables Infographics b. _ piktocharts d. slideshows 6. The following are common image file formats used in the Internet EXCEPT a. JPEG < PNG b. GIF d. BMP 7. Afree image manipulation tool that has batch edit, viewer, and paper print features a Picasa GIMP b. PhotoScape 4. Irfanview ___8. tis the process of editing multiple pictures at once using one setting. a. batch editing © paper printing b. animation d.- collage making 9. The file extension JPEG stands for 2. _ Joint Photographic Experts Group b. Japan Photo Excellence Guild ¢. _Jotter Prime Element Garnish d. None of the above ___10. A file format typically used for screenshots a PNG RAW b. GIF d. JPEG LLM] Lesson Motivation What is the most visited website in the world? Think about it for a second. No, itis ot Facebook nor Twitter. Here is a clue, the site's mission statement is “to organize the orid's information and make it universally accessible and useful: You have probably essed it by now, yes—it Is Google. OrrDecember 2014,, a renowned website for ranking web page popularity, fanks this website number one in the entire world, Why do you think Google ranks number ie despite the countless search engines and websites in the Internet? [BB)Lesson piscussion Creating a web page is like creating a work of art. There are certain things that you to consider in order to get your message across. In the previous lesson, you learned to create an effective PowerPoint Presentation. Some of those tips can help you in faphics and layout design. ssic Principles of Graphics and Layout 1. Balance. The visual weight of objects, texture, colors, and space is evenly distributed on the screen. When visiting a website, check if one side holds the same amount of weight on the other. The colors should also have a similar visual weight. 2. Emphasis. An area in the design that may appear different in size, texture, shape or color to attract the viewer's attention. 3. Movement. Visual elements guide the viewer's eyes around the screen. Figure 2. The edge of a drawer leads the eye toward the green frog. Its bright color, which stands out in this picture, also helps draw the viewer's eyes. 4, Pattern, Repetition, and Rhythm. These are the repeating visual element on a} image or layout to create unity in the layout or image. Rhythm is achieved wh visual elements create a sense of organized movement. Figure 3. This image uses pattern and repetition which create harmony for the entire image. 104. Empowerment Technologies 5. Proportion. Visual elements create a sense of unity where they relate well with Figure 4. A screenshot of web page shows how the font size of headers is proportional to the size ofits content. This is done so that the viewer can easily see what the article is all about. ©, Variety. This uses several design elements to draw a viewer's attention. Figure 5. Bing uses a combination of text and images to make the site more appealing but not distracting from the site’s purpose. graph Information graphics 0? infographics are used to represent information, statistical data, knowledge in a graphical manner usually done in a creative way to attract the viewer's tention. Infographics make complex data become more visually appealing to an average Sf. and Design for Online Enirorment 105 Creating Infographics Using Piktochart Retrieve your data from lesson 4's Take the Challenge. We will create an infographic your customer's age range using, a free online app that allows you to cr your own infographic. Each member of the group will create his/her own infographic usi the same data. 1. Create a Piktochart account by going to and click sign ‘on the upper right corner of the page. Pikto Make Your Own Infographics ee Figure 6. The Sign Up button of Piktochart is located on the upper right of the screen. 2. Fill up the information on the Sign Up page; alternatively, you can connect wi Google+ or Facebook. EPiktochort Figure 7. Piktachart's Sign Up page 106 Empowerment Techrologiss ee | 3. Once you have created an account and logged in, select @ template for your infographic. Since your data relates to marketing or sales, simply hover over the Presenta Board theme under Free Themes then select Create, Tae see 4. The Piktochart editor will open (may take a while to load depending on your Internet connection). The Presenta Board theme consists of three blocks (parts). Select the blocks and input the information as you see fit. 2.6 RE Figure 8. The Piktochart editor. The center of the page that takes up the most space is your working area, and your editing tools can be found on the left. 5. While editing a block, you can use the various tools on the left side of the page: a. Graphics ~ allows you to insert lines, shapes, icons, and even photos b. Uploads ~ allows you to upload images for your infographic Background - changes the background of a selected block d. Text — allows you to insert text to your infographic with the option to add text frames €. Styles — allows you to modify the color scheme of your infographic £ Tools - allows you to create charts (similar to the ones in PowerPoint), maps (for demographics), and videos Editing Tips: + Double-click text to edit the content. + When working with objects, the toolbox on top of the topmost block ill allow you to manipulate it. This is similar to working with objects in PowerPoint where you can arrange an object to be on top or bottom of another. + When working with charts, double-click the chart to open the datasheet editor. + You may rename the title of your infographic on the top toolbar. 6. To save your work, click on Save on the top right of the page. To save it in your BILYANG HUSBAND computer,clickonDownload. ances In the Download options, select the medium-sized and Sales Result ae ‘the PNG file type. wea = Online Image File Formats Unlike images that are found in our computer, you have to consider that website ‘mages should be more compressed because data travels over the Internet and not everyone 1 a fast Internet connection. Consequently, we have to use compressed images on our ebsites. Likewise, even though a wide variety of websites already support high-definition (HD) photos, you do not have to use HD all the time. In fact, most of the time, you do not en have to. Heré are common image file formats used on the web. All of them are already discussed in lesson 3. Here, we will take a look at their use in the web. 1, Joint Photographics | jpeg or Jpg photographs, high No No Experts Group compression 2. Graphics Interchange | if Somes Yes Yes ‘generated graphics Format 3 Portable Screenshots high Newer re ‘compatibility oe bs aphics There are plenty of other image file formats used in the web but most of the ill be using these three because of their compatibility with all major web browsers. When inserting text to a web page, you can simply copy a text to your HTML editor, or you can upload it on a website as a PDF file. Most browsers support “add-ons” so that you an open PDF files without leaving the browser. Principles and Basic Techniques of Image Manipulation Most of the time, we just capture an image and upload it on our Facebook account. rom there, Facebook does the rest by formatting our image to best fit the standards set by facebook. But once you run your own website, you will have to edit your images. Itseems a simple task but you have to strike the balance between the right image quality and the time or the page to load these images. Personal websites do not necessarily have to downsize the filesize of the images. But if you have a wider target audience, you need to make the necessary changes. Here are some ips to help you edit images for your website: 1. Choose the right file format. Try to make a real-life photograph into GIF to see the difference between PNG, GIF, and JPEG. Knowing the purpose is the key to finding out the best file format. 2. Choose the right image size. A camera with 12 megapixels constitutes to a bigger image size. Monitors have a resolution i megapixels, it will not display everything, Thus, itis not always wise to make our image big, most especially in a website, Know how much space you want the Image to consume. Or havea “preview” image where the audience has the optic + to’see full size” 3. Caption it. Remember to put a caption on images whenever possible. fit is na related to the web page, then remove it. Creat \g and Manipulating Images Using PhotoScape There are plenty of image manipulation tools but if you are going to create a websits you have'to use the one which is efficient. PhotoScape is a good tool because it is feasib! for beginners and advanced users alike. Figure 10. PhotoScape OnPhotoScape’s main screen, you will see the many features it has that you can use creating web content as follows: 1. Viewer — as the name implies, is a picture viewer with features the same ‘most image viewers like changing image orientation Editor alters the appearance of a single image Batch Editor - alters the appearance of multiple images Page ~ arranges several photos to create a single one; similar to 2 mosaic. Combine - links several images together to form a bigger image Animated GIF - allows you to create an animated GIF from several pictures Print - readies pictures for printing Splitter - divides a single photo into multiple parts ‘Screen Capture — captures the screen and saves it 0. Color Picker ~ grabs a pixel from your screen to be used in editing 1. Raw Converter ~ converts RAW images (uncompressed images usually digital camera) to JPEG awn age rnaw 12, Rename allows you to rename batch of photos 13. Paper Print ~ useful tool for printing your own calendars, sheets, lined paper, graph paper, etc. For this lesson, we will only focus on the ones that we can use for our future website aject: the Editor and Batch Edit. Editor Edit For this exercise, take a photo from your camera. it can be a selfie, a groupie, or a random photo. Make sure that you are the one who took it and that itis worth spending time with editing. Once you have it ready, place it in your computer in a directory most convenient to you, - a EE = Pratscope| se ewer | Ear Be Dektoy iy Ubores : Open PhotoScape then choose editor. +B Olander 2. Choose the folder where the image you want to 5 ‘conbuter manipulate Is located using the file explorer onthe, gts : upper left. | SB Gade 10 9c ass 7 Figure 11. PhotoScape’ File Explorer 7 eal ‘Once you have selected the folder, you will see a preview of all the images found on that folder at the bottom of the file explorer. Figure 12. Preview of the images found on the selected folder From the preview, select the image youwant to use. The image will now be shor on a much bigger preview inside your work area similar to what is shown bel 5. Notice the properties of the, image like the file name, the image size (in pixels) ‘and the file size found on the bottom of the preview. Ts akin ag Figure 13. Image properties found on the bottom of the image preview On the image above, notice that the photo is 4000 x 3000 pixels and has a size of 3.3 MB. Most monitors today do not support that resolution and would probably fill up the entire web page. Due to this big resolution, the file affected even though this is JPG file. 6. _ Manipulate the image using the tools on the bottom. a. Home tab - this is where you can add a frame, resize, sharpen, and add filters and effects to your image stm (Pmostane’) “0 1° @@a@@e Gomsieacis) i 12 S908 Esme) = eee mene (ao 5) Coe ain) ins) Cente I-) cee If you have similar problem as mentioned in the Previous step, try to reduce the size of the image. Most monitors with the aspect ratio of 16:9 Support resolutions of 1366 x 768. Try to resize your image to lower than 800. Crop - thisis where various tools can be found in order to properly crop an image to a desirable size Tools — includes other tools like red eye correction, mole removal, mosaic effect, and brush tools. For more information about the tool, simply click it anda tip will be displayed describing how to use it. 7. ClickSave located on the lower right of the program. The Save As dialog box will appear. Save it in your activities folder with the file name editorexer pg. Check the file size and see how much space you saved. Batch Edit Batch editing is one of the most useful tools when trying to easily manipulate all images at the same time. This is most useful when you create a gallery of photos for a Website. You can make their sizes uniform to what you have specified, For this exercise, you will need to take at least ten pictures and save in your desired folder. It is highly recommended that your photos share the same orientation (portrait or landscape). 1. Select the folder where your photos are located, then on the Preview window, drag the photos you want to be part of the batch edit to the work area (center). Use the tools on the right to edit your photo. This is similar to the options in edit ‘except the Crop and Tools tab which are replaced by the Filters tab. The Fil tab is used to add a certain filter that will apply to all your photos. Resize the pictures so that they do not exceed 800 pixels in width. Add you want. 4, Click on Convert All button found on the upper right. Figure 14. The tools used for batch editing found on the right side of the program 5. The Save dialog box will appear that will allow you to change the location, the name of the images, and the file type. Since we are working on photographs, we are going to keep it as JPEG. For this exercise, save the batch images in a new folder labeled as “batch” inside your resources folder. ocaton of ved Hes | create your outst Feller unde the ist hanged photo E\Adron\Pecuresiad Protos soutout ‘© crete output folders under each changod photo (yout oer emp (2) eta, arg soved fas @ seve athe same mae save annem nae (eat ‘eat Data a Photo Date @ Todey's ose 1) testna we change to testing ‘you save your aha at lw quay, te fia se Be ena Sut ew ose ks reson. ‘manta he Ex formation ors prec e onte Figure 15. The Save dialog box when batch editing Inserting, Uploading, and Sharing Photos over the Internet Sharing your photos over the Internet has never been so easy using social media. However, itis highly recommended to put your social media photos private and separated from the ones that are posted over the Internet. In that case, you need an image host. Image hosts are websites specializing in storing photographs. These photographs can easily be embedded to a web page or website. There are plenty of image hosting sites out there; some of them have fee while others are free where you can pay for more storage space or bandwidth. Storage space is pretty straightforward: it is like having a 16GB flash drive where it limits you to just 16 GB. Bandwidth limits hinders an access to your image once a certain bandwidth quota is reached (measured by megabytes or gigabytes). This quota is reached when alot of people have loaded the image using their own computers on a certain amount of time (usually by ‘a monthly basis).

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