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Physics 505 Homework No.

5 Solutions S5-1

1. Angular momentum uncertainty relations. A system is in the lm eigenstate of L2 , Lz .

(a) Show that the expectation values of L± = Lx ± iLy , Lx , and Ly all vanish.

p Solution
hψlm | L± | ψlm i = h̄ l(l + 1) − m(m ± 1) hψlm | ψl,m±1 i = 0, since ψlm ψl,m±1 are
orthogonal. Note in the special cases m = ±l for L± , the square root kills the expectation
value! Lx = (L+ + L− )/2 and Ly = −i(L+ − L− )/2, so these expectations must be zero
as well.
End Solution
(b) Determine ∆Li = hL2i i − hLi i . Verify the generalized uncertainty relation holds
for all pairs of angular momentum components. Comment on ∆Lx ∆Ly for the cases
m = 0 and m = l.
2 2
hLz i = mh̄, Lz = m h̄ , ∆Lz = 0. The state ψlm is symmetric in x and y, so L2x =


Ly = L2 − L2z /2 = h̄2 (l(l + 1) − m2 )/2. ∆Lx = ∆Ly = h̄ (l(l + 1) − m2 )/2.



∆Lx ∆Lz = 0 ≥ | h[Lx , Lz ]i |/2 = | h−ih̄Ly i | = 0 .

This is not very exciting! Similarly, ∆Ly ∆Lz = 0, also not exciting. However,

∆Lx ∆Ly = h̄2 (l(l + 1) − m2 )/2 ≥ | h[Lx , Ly ]i |/2 = | hih̄Lz i | = h̄2 m/2 .

In the case m = 0, there is no angular momentum about the z-axis. The particle is found
as close to the z-axis as possible. In this case the minimum uncertainty product for the
x and y components is 0 and this is well satisfied since all the angular momentum is in
the x and y components (but with vanishing expectation value). The only case where the
equality sign would be used in the uncertainty relation is the case l = 0 in which case all
components and their squares are zero.

The case m = l corresponds to the maximum angular momentum component along

the z-axis. One might visualize the particle in the xy-plane rotating about the z-axis.
Of course, it can’t be exactly in the xy-plane and its out of plane motion produces some
components of Lx and Ly which average to 0, but have some spread around the average.
The uncertainty relation becomes

∆Lx ∆Ly = h̄2 (l(l + 1) − l2 )/2 = h̄2 l/2 = | h[Lx , Ly ]i |/2 = | hih̄Lz i | = h̄2 l/2 .

In this case, the angular momentum components in the x and y directions have the mini-
mum possible uncertainty product.
End Solution

c 2012, Edward J. Groth

Physics 505 Homework No. 5 Solutions S5-2

2. Fun with angular momentum commutators.

(a) Suppose the vector operators A and B commute with each other and L. Show that
[A · L, B · L] = ih̄(A × B) · L .

We use the summation convention and the completely anti-symmetric tensor and just
grind it out!
[A · L, B · L] = Ai Li Bj Lj − Bj Lj Ai Li
= Ai Bj (Li Lj − Lj Li )
= Ai Bj [Li , Lj ]
= Ai Bj (ih̄ǫijk Lk )
= −Ai Bj (ih̄ǫikj Lk )
= +Ai Bj (ih̄ǫkij Lk )
= ih̄(A × B)k Lk
= ih̄(A × B) · L .
End Solution

(b) Suppose V is a vector operator which might be a function of x and p, so it doesn’t

necessarily commute with L. Show that
[L2 , V ] = 2ih̄(V × L − ih̄V ) .
You might need the relation derived in lecture for a vector operator, [Li , Vj ] = ih̄ǫijk Vk .
Again, grinding it out works:
[L2 , V ] i = Lj Lj Vi − Vi Lj Lj

= Lj Vi Lj + Lj [Lj , Vi ] − Lj Vi Lj + [Lj , Vi ]Lj

= ih̄ (Lj ǫjik Vk + ǫjik Vk Lj )
= ih̄ (ǫjik Lj Vk + ǫjik Vk Lj )
= ih̄ (ǫjik Vk Lj + ǫjik [Lj , Vk ] + ǫjik Vk Lj )
= ih̄ (2ǫjik Vk Lj + ih̄ǫjik ǫjkl Vl )
= ih̄ (−2ǫijk Vk Lj − ih̄ǫijk ǫjkl Vl )
= ih̄ (+2ǫikj Vk Lj + ih̄ǫijk ǫjlk Vl )
= ih̄ (+2ǫikj Vk Lj − ih̄ǫijk ǫljk Vl )
= ih̄ (+2ǫikj Vk Lj − 2ih̄δil Vl )
= ih̄ (+2ǫikj Vk Lj − 2ih̄Vi )
= 2ih̄ (V × L − ih̄V )i .

c 2012, Edward J. Groth

Physics 505 Homework No. 5 Solutions S5-3

Note that we used the fact that ǫijk ǫljk = 2δil . This is easy to see. Pick an i, say 1. Then
the only non-zero values of ǫijk are those with j, k = 2, 3 or j, k = 3, 2. In the second
tensor, the only non-zero values will occur for l = 1, the sign will be the same as the first,
and there are two contributions.
End Solution

3. Classically, a particle moving in a spherically symmetric potential has the Hamiltonian

p2r L2
H= + + V (r) ,
2m 2mr 2
where pr = r · p/r. For quantum mechanics, we must define
1 1 1
pr = (r · p) + (p · r) , (1)
2 r r

with the Hermitian operator  

h̄ ∂ 1
pr = + . (2)
i ∂r r
Show the operator defined in equation (1) is the same as that in equation (2). Show that
pr in equation (2) is Hermitian (consider ψ(r, θ, φ) and ϕ(r, θ, φ)) and that when used in
the Hamilton, pr of equation (2) gives the correct Schroedinger equation. Also show that
the operator (h̄/i)(∂/∂r) is not Hermitian!
r = rer . The momentum operator in spherical coordinates is
h̄ h̄ ∂ 1 ∂ 1 ∂
∇= er + eθ + eφ .
i i ∂r r ∂θ r sin θ ∂φ

The first term in equation (1) becomes (h̄/2i)(∂/∂r). The second term is a bit more work.
It’s most easily evaluated in a mix of Cartesian and spherical coordinates. Note that the
momentum operator in the second term operates on r, 1/r, and whatever might be to the
right. When it operates on whatever is to the right, we get a term that’s the same as the
first term. So let’s just evaluate the second term when the p operates on r and 1/r.
1 r  h̄ ∂ x ∂ y ∂ z
p· = + +
2 r 2i ∂x r ∂y r ∂x r
1 y2 1 z2
h̄ 1 x
= − 3 + − 3 + − 3
2i r r r r r r
h̄ 3 x2 + y 2 + z 2
= −
2i r r3
h̄ 1
= ,
i r
c 2012, Edward J. Groth
Physics 505 Homework No. 5 Solutions S5-4

and putting this together with the two other pieces, we see that indeed, the operator in
equation (1) is the same as that in equation (2).

The adjoint of pr is  
h̄ ∂ 1
p†r = + .
−i ∂r r
We consider
∞ π 2π    
h̄ ∂ 1
2 ∗
hpr ϕ | ψi = r dr sin θ dθ dφ − + ϕ (r, θ, φ) ψ(r, θ, φ) .
0 0 0 i ∂r r

The angular integrations can be done independently of the radial integration, so we just
assume they have been done (or will be done) and drop the angular variables from the
discussion. We’ll use an integration by parts to move the derivative from the ϕ to ψ. The
derivative also acts on r 2 .
Z ∞   
h̄ ∂ 1 ∗
hpr ϕ | ψi = − + ϕ (r) ψ(r) r 2 dr
0 i ∂r r
Z ∞ Z ∞

h̄ 2 1 ∗ 2
=− ψ r dr + ϕ ψ r dr
i 0 ∂r 0 r
 ∞ Z ∞ Z ∞ Z ∞ 
h̄ 2
∗ ∂ψ 2 ∗ 1 ∗ 2
=− ϕ∗ψr − ϕ r dr − ϕ ψ (2r) dr + ϕ ψ r dr
i 0 0 ∂r 0 0 r
 Z ∞ Z ∞ Z ∞ 
h̄ ∗ ∂ψ 2 ∗ 2 2 ∗1 2
= 0+ ϕ r dr + ϕ ψ r dr − ϕ ψ r dr
i 0 ∂r 0 r 0 r
Z ∞    
h̄ ∂ 1
= ϕ∗ + ψ r 2 dr
0 i ∂r r
= hϕ | pr ψi ,

and pr is Hermitian. Note that the evaluation of the limits gives 0 since the integrand
must converge at both ends!

If we do the same calculation with pr bogus = (h̄/i)(∂/∂r) we find

h̄ 2
hpr bogus ϕ | ψi − hϕ | pr bogus ψi = ϕ ψ ,
i r

which is not zero in general, so pr bogus is not Hermitian.

Finally, the Laplacian, in spherical coordinates, is

1 ∂ 2 ∂ 1 1 ∂ ∂ 1 ∂2
∇2 = r + sin θ + .
r 2 ∂r ∂r r 2 sin θ ∂θ ∂θ r 2 sin2 θ ∂φ2

c 2012, Edward J. Groth

Physics 505 Homework No. 5 Solutions S5-5

If we multiply this by −h̄2 , we get p2 for the Schroedinger equation expressed in spherical
coordinates. We’ve already seen in lecture that the angular part is L2 /r 2 . So it remains
to show that the first term times −h̄2 is the same as p2r . The first term is

1 ∂ 2 ∂
2 2 ∂
−h̄ 2 r = −h̄2 2
+ .
r ∂r ∂r ∂r r ∂r

Squaring pr ,   

2 1 ∂ 1
p2r = −h̄ + +
∂r r ∂r r
2 ∂ 1 1 ∂ 1 ∂ 1
= −h̄ − + + +
∂r 2 r 2 r ∂r r ∂r r 2
2 ∂ 2 ∂
= −h̄ + .
∂r 2 r ∂r

End Solution

4. What if we like x instead of z?

(a) Find the eigenfunction, ψ, of L2 and Lx with eigenvalues 2h̄2 and h̄, respectively.
2 2
Since the eigenvalue of L is 2h̄ , the eigenfunction has l = 1. The eigenfunctions of
Lz with l = 1 are
r r
3 +iφ 3 1
Y1,+1 =− sin θ e =− (x + iy)
8π 8π r
r r
3 3 1
Y1,0 =+ cos θ =+ z
4π 4π r
r r
3 3 1
Y1,−1 =+ sin θ e−iφ = + (x − iy) .
8π 8π r

If we rotate the coordinate system about the y-axis so the new x-axis is along the old
z-axis then there will be one unit of angular momentum along the new x-axis. This means
replacing z by x, y by y, and x by −z. With these replacements, the eigenfunction Y1,+1
will have one unit of angular momentum along the x-axis (and of course, it will still be an
eigenfunction of L2 with eigenvalue 2h̄2 . The desired eigenfunction is then
r r
3 1 3
ψ=− (−z + iy) = − (− cos θ + i sin θ sin φ) .
8π r 8π

c 2012, Edward J. Groth

Physics 505 Homework No. 5 Solutions S5-6

We can check this by operating with Lx in polar coordinates.

  r !
h̄ ∂ ∂ 3
Lx ψ = − sin φ − cos φ cot θ − (− cos θ + i sin θ sin φ)
i ∂θ ∂φ 8π
h̄ 3
− sin φ sin θ − i sin2 φ cos θ − i cos θ cos2 φ

i 8π
r !
= h̄ − (− cos θ + i sin θ sin φ)

= h̄ψ .

End Solution

(b) Express the ψ just found as a linear combination of eigenfunctions of L2 and Lz .

Of course, if we want to write

∞ X
X +l
ψ(θ, φ) = clm Ylm (θ, φ) ,
l=0 m=−l

we find the clm by projecting ψ onto the Ylm ,

Z π Z 2π

clm = sin θ dθ dφ Ylm (θ, φ) ψ(θ, φ) ,
0 0

but in this case, it’s easier just to look at ψ and the Y1,+1 , Y1,0 , and Y1,−1 and decide what
we need:
1 1 1
ψ = Y1,+1 + √ Y1,0 + Y1,−1 .
2 2 2
The sum of the squares of the coefficients is 1, as it should be.
End Solution

5. Algebra all the way. We used algebraic techniques in lecture to deduce that L2 and Lz
could be simultaneously diagonalized (that is, eigenfunctions could be eigenfunctions of L2
and Lz at the same time) and that the eigenvalues are l(l +1)h̄2 and mh̄, respectively, with
l and m integers or half integers and with l ≥ 0 and m = −l, −l + 1, . . . l − 1, l. We then
abandoned the algebraic technique and solved a differential equation to find the orbital
angular momentum eigenfunctions. Here we will outline the use of algebraic techniques to
deduce the orbital angular momentum eigenfunctions. We start by introducing x± = x±iy.

c 2012, Edward J. Groth

Physics 505 Homework No. 5 Solutions S5-7

(a) Show that the following commutation relations hold (you may use relations already
derived in lecture):

[Lz , x± ] = ±h̄x±
[L± , x± ] = 0
[L± , x∓ ] = ±2h̄z
[L2 , x+ ] = 2h̄x+ Lz + 2h̄2 x+ − 2h̄zL+ .

[Lz , x] = ih̄y and [Lz , iy] = (−i)(i)h̄x = h̄x, so [Lz , x ± iy] = h̄(±x + iy) = ±h̄x± .

[L± , x± ] = [Lx ± iLy , x ± iy] = ±i[Lx , y] ± i[Ly , x] = −(±h̄z) + (±h̄z) = 0.

[L± , x∓ ] = [Lx ± iLy , x ∓ iy] = ∓i[Lx , y] ± i[Ly , x] = +(±h̄z) + (±h̄z) = ±2h̄z.

For the final commutator, we use the following,

[AB, C] = ABC − BAC = ACB + A[B, C] − [C, A]B − ACB = A[B, C] + [A, C]B .

Also, from lecture

L2 = L− L+ + h̄Lz + L2z .
[L− L+ , x+ ] = L− [L+ , x+ ] + [L− , x+ ]L+ = 0 − 2h̄zL+ ,
h̄[Lz , x+ ] = h̄2 x+ ,
[L2z , x+ ] = Lz [Lz , x+ ] + [Lz , x+ ]Lz = h̄Lz x+ + h̄x+ Lz = h̄x+ Lz + h̄2 x+ + h̄x+ Lz ,
and adding it all up, we have

[L2 , x+ ] = 2h̄x+ Lz + 2h̄2 x+ − 2h̄zL+ .

End Solution

(b) Show that

Lz x+ |l, li = x+ Lz |l, li + h̄x+ |l, li = h̄(l + 1)x+ |l, li ,

L2 x+ |l, li = h̄2 l(l + 1)x+ |l, li + 2h̄2 (l + 1)x+ |l, li = h̄2 (l + 1)(l + 2)x+ |l, li .

This means that x+ is the ladder or raising operator for states in which m = l.

c 2012, Edward J. Groth

Physics 505 Homework No. 5 Solutions S5-8

This is a piece of cake after part (a).

Lz x+ |l, li = x+ Lz |l, li + [Lz , x+ ] |l, li = x+ Lz |l, li + h̄x+ |l, li = x+ (l + 1) |l, li .

L2 x+ |l, li = x+ L2 |l, li + [L2 , x+ ] |l, li
= x+ L2 |l, li + 2h̄x+ Lz + 2h̄2 x+ − 2h̄zL+ |l, li

= x+ h̄2 (l(l + 1) + 2l + 2 + 0) |l, li

= h̄2 (l + 1)(l + 2)x+ |l, li .

End Solution

So, any state |l, mi can be found by applying the operator x+ to the state |0, 0i l
times and then applying L− l − m times.

|l, mi = CLl−m l
− x+ |0, 0i ,

where C is a normalization constant. We can show that |0, 0i is independent of angle.

L |0, 0i = 0, so rotating the state with Uδϕ introduced in lecture just gives back |0, 0i.
This means, |0, 0i must be a constant.

(c) Determine |l, li (equivalently, Yll (θ, φ)) up to a phase using the x± . Hint: r commutes
with L, L2 , and x, so it is just a constant as far as all these operators are concerned.

|l, li = Cxl+ · 1 = C(x + iy)l · 1 = C (r(sin θ cos φ + i sin θ sin φ)) · 1 = Cr l sinl θeilφ · 1 ,

where C is a normalization constant to be determined and we have replaced the constant

|0, 0i by 1 (which will be omitted in the subsequent discussion).
Z 2π Z π Z +1 l
2 2l 2l 2 2l
hl, l | l, li = 1 = |C| r dφ sin θ sin θ dθ = 2π|C| r 1 − x2 dx .
0 0 −1

c 2012, Edward J. Groth

Physics 505 Homework No. 5 Solutions S5-9

One can look up the integral or integrate by parts l times.

Z +1 +1 Z +1
2 l 2 l
l−1 2
1 − x2
1−x dx = 1 − x x + 2l
x dx
−1 −1 −1
2l 22 l(l − 1) +1
2 l−1 3
l−2 4
1 − x2

= 1−x x + x dx
3 −1 3 −1
22 l(l − 1) 2 l−2 5

= 1−x x
3·5 −1
3 Z +1
2 l(l − 1)(l − 2) l−3 6
+ 1 − x2 x dx
3·5 −1
2l l!
= x2l dx
3 · 5 · · · (2l − 1) −1
2 l!
3 · 5 · · · (2l + 1)
2l l!
=2 .
(2l + 1)!!

We deduce that, up to a phase,

1 (2l + 1)!!
C= l ,
r 4π 2l l!

and r
(2l + 1)!!
|l, li = l
sinl θ eilφ .
4π 2 l!
Note that this is almost Yll (θ, φ). It’s missing (−1)l , but this phase is determined by
End Solution

From here one could go on to use L− to determine (up to a phase) all the angular mo-
mentum eigenfunctions (for integer l). The normalization constants were given in lecture.
However, it’s unlikely that this will lead to new insights, so this problem ends here!

c 2012, Edward J. Groth

Physics 505 Homework No. 5 Solutions S5-10

Appendix. Since we were somewhat rushed with the coverage of Plm s and Ylm s, I include
a few items here. Much more can be found in any reference on mathematical functions
such as Abramowitz and Stegun or any quantum text.

Associated Legendre equation. After separation of variables θ and φ (so the solutions
for φ are exp(±imφ)) the equation for θ becomes
1 ∂ ∂
sin θ + l(l + 1) − f (θ) = 0 .
sin θ ∂θ ∂θ sin2 θ
This is the associated Legendre equation and it’s customary to change the variable to
µ = cos θ.
2 d d
(1 − µ ) 2 − 2µ + l((l + 1) − Plm (µ) = 0 ,
dµ dµ 1 − µ2
where the non-singular (at µ = ±1) solution has been written as Plm (µ) which is known
as an associated Legendre function. When m = 0, the equation is known as the Legendre
equation with regular solutions Pl0 (µ) = Pl (µ) which are Legendre polynomials.
(−1)l d
Pl (µ) = l (1 − µ2 )l .
2 l! dµ
Pl (µ) is an lth order polynomial in µ and is either even or odd depending on whether l is
even or odd. The normalization (be careful when consulting references, not everyone uses
the same) is Pl (1) = 1. The associated Legendre functions are given by (m ≥ 0),
 m  l+m
2 m/2 d (−1)l 2 m/2 d
Plm (µ) = (1 − µ ) Pl (µ) = l (1 − µ ) (1 − µ2 )l .
dµ 2 l! dµ
For m = l, the associated Legendre function is particularly simple. The farthest right
factor is a polynomial in l in which the highest power is (−µ2 )l Since the polynomial is
differentiated 2l times, only this term survives. The (−1)l cancels the (−1)l in front. The
l derivatives produce a factor 2l! which combined with the other factors in front produces
(2l −1) · (2l −3) · (2l −5) · · · 3 · 1 which is often abbreviated (2l −1)!! where !! is read “double
factorial.” So Pll (µ) = (2l − 1)!!(1 − µ2 )l/2 = (2l − 1)!! sinl θ. The associated Legendre
polynomials with different l, but the same m ≥ 0, are orthogonal on the interval −1 to
+1, Z +1
2 (l + m)!
dµ Plm (µ)Pl′ m (µ) = δll′ .
−1 2l + 1 (l − m)!
The normalized, orthogonal, complete eigenfunctions of L2 and Lz (for orbital angular
momentum) are the spherical harmonics which are defined in terms of the associated
Legendre functions for the polar angle and the azimuthal wave for the azimuthal angle.
For m ≥ 0, these are
2l + 1 (l − m)!
Ylm (θ, φ) = (−1)m Plm (cos θ)eimφ ,
4π (l + m)!

c 2012, Edward J. Groth

Physics 505 Homework No. 5 Solutions S5-11

and for negative m, we use

Yl,−m (θ, φ) = (−1)m Ylm

(θ, φ) .

The ortho-normality relation is

Z π Z 2π
sin θ dθ dφ Ylm (θ, φ)Yl∗′ m′ (θ, φ) = δll′ δmm′ .
0 0

The completeness relation is

∞ X
∗ 1
Ylm (θ, φ)Ylm (θ ′ , φ′ ) = δ(θ − θ ′ ) δ(φ − φ′ ) .
sin θ
l=0 m=−l

Some of the low order spherical harmonics are,

Y00 = +

Y10 = + cos θ

Y11 = − sin θeiφ

3 cos2 θ − 1

Y20 = +
Y21 = − sin θ cos θeiφ

Y22 = + sin2 θe2iφ
5 cos3 θ − 3 cos θ

Y30 = +
sin θ 5 cos2 θ − 1 eiφ

Y31 = −
Y32 = + sin2 θ cos θe2iφ
Y33 = − sin3 θe3iφ

c 2012, Edward J. Groth


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