Duhok Polytechnic University Petrochemical Department Third Stage Subject: Petroleum Refinery

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Duhok polytechnic university

Petrochemical department

third stage

Subject: petroleum refinery

Flash point ex.1

Prepared by : Mohammed Adalat Rashid


ASTM D92-Flash&Fire point test method

First we measured diesel flash and fire point

Secondly we measured kerosene flash and fire point

Thirdly we measured the mixture of diesel and kerosene flash and fire

1. What is the flash point and fire point you observed?
In our experiment we got to results (102.3C) & (60.3 C) &(68.8) of flash
point and (104C) & (61.8 C) &
(70.2)of fire point .

2. Compare the result in number 1 , 2 and 3.

- The results were different as expected because of the accuracy
measurement device which wasn’t quite accurate, and the flash point
apparatus was old and harmed and the substance was vaporated to air

3. Do you think there was an error in the result of this experiment?

- There was errors during the experiment the most noticeable errors
a. Gas leakage from the gas bottle.
b. The apparatus were extremely harmed and it wasn’t accurate.
c. The crude wasn’t mixed properly.

4. If this experiment is performed not in ambient pressure, do we get
different results?
- Of course it will be different because the pressure affects forming of
the vapor above the crude, in lower pressure vapor forms more
quickly and the opposite is true.

5. explain the experiment:

In our test we took out flash and fire point three times

1.for diesel

2.for kerosene

3.kerosene and diesel

In first test we got flash point of diesel (102.3 c) when the standard
flash point of diesel is between (52 to 96 c) the error of the test
coming back to the quality of the diesel we used. And for second test
we got flash point (60.3 c) for kerosene when the standard is between
(37 to 65 c) and this is a good point for our test for third test we got
flash point (68.3 c) and this is a good point for our test .

And we have many effect on flash point like

• Pressure

• Oxidant

• Apparatus sheltered

• Others: tester configuration, sample size ignition source,

temperature control, sample homogeneity, drafts and operator.

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