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errro20 Election Visas Appieaton Application for Temporary Graduate or Skiled Regional Visa 485P To be eligible to be granted a subciass 485 visa through the Post-study work stream, you must have already taken steps to meet certain requirements and obtain dacunentation before you lodge your application. Ifyou do not meet the requirements below, you may not be able to lodge or to be granted a visa Age On the date of lodging this application wil you be 18 years of age or over and under $0 years of age? Yes ‘Australian Federal Police Have you and all persons included inthis application who are 16 years of age or over, applied in the lat 12 months to the Australian Federal Police for@ check of eiminal records? Yes ‘Two years study in Austral Have you met the Australia study requirement in the six morths before the date of application? ‘See: Study requirement in Australi Yes Eligible Australian institution and qualification Do you meet the requirement of having completed an eligible qualification at an eligible Australian educational instution? ‘See: Ellgble aualifcations Yes Note: To meet the requirements fortis visa you must have completed an eligible qualifcaton and an eligible Australian educational institution, First student visa Did you apply for and were subsequently granted your frst student visa to study in Australia on or ater S November 20117 Yes Note: To meet the requirements for this visa you must have applied for and had been subsequently granted Your frst student visa to study in Australia on or after § November 2011 Language requirements Do you hold current passport ftom the USA, UK, Canada, New Zealand or the Republic of retand (to demonstrate you have met the English language requirement) or have you undertaken an English test within the last 36 months that demonstrates you have met the English language requirement? Yes Note: To meet the requirements for this visa you must hold a current passport fom the USA, UK, Canada, New Zealand or the Republic ofireland or have undertaken an English test wthin the last 36 months that demonstrates you have met the English language requirement. psfontne imi gov auvisas/app/uutes wm errro20 Electronic Visas Appeation Health insurance Do you and all applicants included in this application hold health insurance? Yes ‘You must attach evidence of adequate health insurance after the lodgement of this application onthe ‘tach documents to a lodged application’ page. Note: To meet the requirements fortis visa you must have adequate heath insurance. Provide the following details as they appear in your passport. Family name UNGARALA Given names. PAVAN KALYAN Sex Mate Date ofbirth 23.JUL 4997 Relationship status Never Married Place of birth Tomnity BHIMAVARAM. Country ofbith moi Country of residence Select your country of usual residence ffom the lst provided. You willbe asked later inthis application to provide your ful residential address in this eauntry. Country ofresidence ‘AUSTRALIA Passport details Provide details ofthe passpor that you wll use to enter Australia, Enter these deals exactly as they appear in your passport. Passport number RrBTs6a4 Country of passport ry Nationaty of passport holder INDIA Passport date ofissue 19 DEC 2017 Passport date of expiry 18DEC 2027 Passport place ofissue /isSuiNg yas aKHAPATHAM authority Itis strongly recommended thatthe passport be valid for at least six months. Identity card details Detals of identity card or identity number issued to you by your government (applicable) for example National identity cara Identity number Country ofissue 318896221746 moa you have an Australia visa label in your current or previous passport, enter the visa number \isa number Health Examination Have you undertaken a health examination for an Australian visa inthe last 12 months? psfontne imi gov auvisas/app/uutes am errro20 Electronic Visas Appeation No Yes, please give details Please enter the HAP ID (it knows) youhold etizenship of any countries other than the country listed in your passpot, provide details ‘Are you currertly, or have you ever been, known by any other names (including names before marriage, aliases or any alternative spelling in any of your names)? No o you have any members of your family unit (ther than a spouselde facto partner) included in this visa application? ‘All the information provided in this application is important to the decision to grant a visa the information included on this page is incorrect, may lead to denial of permission to board an aircraft to Australia, even if visa has been granted Please confirm that the following information is correct and that itis in the correct fields. you are unsure of what is required for each feld, press the Previous’ button at the bottom of this page This wil return you tothe previous sereen where you can select the @next to the flelds for which you require herp. Family name UNGARALA Given names: PAVAN KALYAN sex Mate Date of bith 23 JuL1997 Country ofbith ma Passport number RIBT3684 Country ofpassport moa leallthe information above correct? Yes Provide detalis of ALL your family. Include family members who are not accompanying youto Australia as well 2s deceased family members. Where appropriate, you are requted to provide deta ofthe fllowing family members Your parents All your brothers and sisters (Including ful, half, step and adopted brathers and sisters) {All your children (including chideen fom previous marriagestrelstionships) {All ther members of your family unit. Information about which family members are considered to be a ‘member of your family unit fo travel or migration purposes is avalable by refering to form 14961 Including family members in Your application. Farm 14961 s available fom the department's webste https wwmuhomeattars.govaulalforms or offces of the department. Family name UNGARALA, psfontne imi gov auvisas/app/uutes am errro20 Given names Sex Date ofbith Relationship status Relationship to you Country ofresidence Deceased Family name Given names Sex Date ofbith Relationship status Relationship to you Country ofresidence Deceased Family name Given names Sex Date ofbith Relationship status Relationship to you Country ofresidence Deceased Electronic Visas Appeation \VENKATA CHALAPATHI RAO Mate 46 AUG 1973 Martied Parent moa No UNGARALA LAKSHMI THULAS! Female 4 JAN 1978 Martied Parent moa No UNGARALA \VINAY SURYA TEJA Mate 9 JUL 4998 Never Married Brother moa No Provide details of your current residential address. Note: A Post Office box address isnot acceptable as a residential address Failure to give a residential, ‘address wil esuttin your application being invalid Address Subub/rown State of Teitory Postcode Country 14 Greenwood st Burwood Victoria 3125 ‘AUSTRALIA Your contact telephone numbers Home phone Work phone Mobile/Cel psfontne imi gov auvisas/app/uutes +61 416942636 an errro20 Election Visas Appieaton ‘Migration Agent Provide contact deals fr your migration agent Migration Agent Registration Number (WARN) or offshore Agent ID (ifallocated by tne 1794066 Department) Family name cal Given names: Lisong Business or Company name MEIC Client Reference Number Postal address details Addiess PO Box 16121 SububyTown Collins Street West ‘Australian State of Teritory —Vietoria or State or Province outside Australia Postcode 8007 Country AUSTRALIA Telephone number +61 424 690668 ‘The Department prefers to communicate electronically as this provides a faster method of communication, Cortespondence, including notiteaton ofthe outcome ofthe application, may be sent to Email address Note: The holder ofthis email address may recelve a verifcation email fom the Department ifthe address has not already been verified. I'the address holder receives a verifcaton ema, they should click onthe link to verity their address before this application is submitted Did ths migration agent provide assistance in completing this form? Yes EES ))mmigration Advice and Application Assistance Scheme {Are the services of your migration agent being provided through the Immigration Advice and Application ‘Assistance Scheme? @ ‘You are required to answer the following questions for yourself and any other person included in the psfontne imi gov auvisas/app/uutes om errro20 Electronic Visas Appeation application. Inthe last 5 years, have you, or any other person included inthis application, visited, olived outside your country of passport for more than 3 consecutive months (ther than Australia)? No Do you, of any other person included inthis application, intend to enter a hospital or a health care facilty (including nursing homes) while in Australia? No Do you, of any other person included in this application, intend to Work as, or study tobe, ortrainto be, @ doctor, dentist, nurse or paramedic during your stayin Australia? Do you, oF any other person included in this application, intend to work, oF bea trainee, at a child care centre (including preschools and ereches) wale in Australia? Do yous oF any other person included in this application, intend to be ina classroom situation for more than 3 months (e.g. as either a student, teacher, lecturer, or observer) while in Australia? Have you, or any other person included in this application: + everhad, or curertly have, tuberculosis? {been in cose contact witha family member that has active tuberculosis? + everhad a chest xxay which showed an abnormality? During your proposed vist to Australia, do you. or any other person included in this application, expec to incur medical costs, or require treatment or medical folowup fr blood disorder heart disease hepatitis B or C andlor iver disease HIV infection, including AIDS Kidney disease, including dalysis mental illness pregnancy Fespiratory disease that has required hospital admission or oxygen therapy other? Do yous of any other person included in this application, requte assistance with mobllty or care due to a medical condition? \isa applicants are encouraged to be immunised against infectious diseases before traveling to Australia. Visa ‘applicants who are unable to range thei immunisation before departure fom their home county are encouraged to seek advice on artval in Australia, The Australian state and tertory health authorties assic people to obtain general medical help and advice, including immunisation. Parents are strongly encouraged to have ther children immunised against hepatitis B, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), poliomyelitis, haemophilus intuenzae type-b (ib), pneumococcal and meningococcal infections, mumps, measles, rubella and varicella (chickenpox). Babies between the ages of 2 and & months of age (ony) ae also ‘encouraged tobe immunised against rotavirus, Parents should bring any immunisstion records for thelr children with them to Australia, Rubella vaccinations are strongly encouraged for women of child-bearing age. psfontne imi gov auvisas/app/uutes on errro20 Electronic Visas Appeation Mew ther detais about character requirements Has any applicant ever been charged with any offence that is curently awaiting legal ation? No Yes, please give details Has any applicant ever been convicted ofan offence in any country (Including any conviction which is now Femoved fom offcal records)? No Yes, please give details Has any applicant ever been the subject ofan arrest warrant or Interpol notice? No Yes, please give details Has any applicant ever been found gui of a sexually based offence involving a child (inducing where no conviction vas recorded)? No Yes, please give details Has any applicant ever been named on a sex offender register? No Yes, please give details Has any applicant ever been acquitted of any offence on the grounds of unsounchess of mind or insanity? No Yes, please give details Has any applicant ever been found by a court not ft to plead?” No Yes, please give details Has any applicant ever been directly or increctly involved in, or associated with, activities which would represent a risk to national securty In Australia or any other country? No Yes, please give details Has any applicant ever been charged with, or indicted for: genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanty, torture, slavery, or any other crime that is ctherwise ofa serious international concern? No Yes, please give details Has any applicant ever been associated wth a person, croup or organisation that has been or Is involved in criminal conduct? Yes, please give details Has any applicant ever been associated with an organisation engaged in violence or engaged in acts of olence (including var, insurgency, feedom fighting, terrorism, protest) either overseas or in Australia? No Yes, please give details Has any applicant ever served in a military force, police force, state sponsored / private mila or intelligence agency including secret police)? psfontne imi gov auvisas/app/uutes a errro20 Election Visas Appieaton Has any applicant ever undergone any milteryiparamiltary taining, been tained in weaponsiexplosives orn the manufacture of chemicalbiological products? No Has any applicant ever been involved in people smuggling or people trafficking offences? No Yes, please give details Has any applicant ever been removed, deported or excluded ftom any country (Including Australia)? No Yes, please give details Has any applicant ever overstayed a visa in any country (Including Australia)? No Yes, please give details Has any applicant ever had any outstanding debtsto the Australian Government or any public authority in Australia? No Yes, please give details Provide Australian Federal Police check details fo all persons included in this application who are 16 years of age or over Name PAVAN KALYAN UNGARALA Date ofRequest 4 AUG 2020 Reference Number 314315423130 Provide details of al countries in which you, your spouse/de facto partner or dependents (accompanying or not) have lived or 12 months or more (since turning 16 years of age) during the last 10 years. The 12 month petlod of residence may be made up of a number of shorter periods. You must account for every year Name PAVAN KALYAN UNGARALA Country ‘AUSTRALIA Date fom 1 JAN 2020 Dateto 6 AUG 2020 Adress 14 Greenwood st SuburbfTown Burwood Australian State or Terry Wietoria oR State or Province outside Australia. Postoode 3125 Have you or any person included inthis application previously been to Australia, held or curently hold visa for travel to Australia? Yes psfontne imi gov auvisas/app/uutes amt errro20 Electronic Visas Appeation Have you or any person included in tis application ever been refused an entry permit or visa to Australia? Have you or any person included in tis application ever had a visa cancelled? No ‘Are you ot any person included in this application currertly awaiting a decision on another visa application (not including this apolication)? ‘You have indicated that you or another person included inthis application, have held or currently hold an Australia visa. Provide all relevart detals. ‘Warning: In general, 2 person can only hold one visa ata tine. If you are granted a visa while you stil have a courtent visa, the fst visa wil cease automatically when the new visa is granted Name PAVAN KALYAN UNGARALA Type ofvisaheld Student Place ofissue India, Mew Delhi Date vise wasissued 4 0CT 2018 Visa number Please provide details of Australian andlor overseas post-secondary qualifications ‘You must provide atleast one eligible qualifcation completed in Australia. ‘See: Ellgble aualifcations Qualfcation Masters (by coursework) degree Course Name Master of Professional Accounting and Finance Institution Name Deakin University Campus Burwood Postcode of campus 3125 Country AUSTRALIA Date fom snow 2018 Date to 9 JUL 2020 Do you hold a curent passport ftom the USA, UK, Canada, New Zealand, or the Republic oflreland (to psfontne imi gov auvisas/app/uutes amt errro20 Election Visas Appieaton demonstrate you have met the English language requirement)? Have you undertaken an English test within the last 36 months? Yes yes, provide detalis ofthe most recert English test Name oftest ELIS Date oftest 14 AUG 2018 Test reference number ‘1emo1s2ssuNGPo01 Court whee tes wos moa Main tanguage Telugu Other (speci) Warning: Giving false or misleading information or documents is a serous offence, | dectare that +The information provided inthis form is complete, correct and up-to-date + understand that if any raudulent documents or false or misleading information has been provided with this application or if fl to salisty the Minister of my identity, my application may be refused and |, and ‘any member of my family unt, may become unable to be granted a visa for a specified period of ime. + understand that if documents are found te be fraudulent or information to be incorrect ater the grant ofa visa, the visa may subsequently be cancelled + understand that this application is approved, any person not included in this application wll not have automatic right of entry to Australia by way of this application. + |Lwllinform the department of any changes to my personal circumstances (Including change of address) wile my application is being considered. + | authorise the Australian Government to make any enquiries necessary to determine my eligibility for permanent stay in Australia, and to use any information supplied inthis application for that purpose. ‘The agencieslorganisations to which information may be disclosed include: ‘9 Federal, tate or Tertory government agencies, Federal, State or Tertory lawenforcement agencies, State or Tertary housing authorties (including private landlords), Local government authorities, Financial institutions; Eclucational institutions and, Private businesses (including telecommunication and internet service providers, insurance companies). + Ihave read and understood the information supplied to me inthis application, + |Lunderstand that a Temporary Graduate visa is a temporary visa, and that being granted a Temporary Graduate visa wll not guarantee that | ll be eligble forthe grant ofa further visa to remain in ‘Australia, including a skiled migration visa + Ihave read the information contained in the Privacy Notice (orm 1442) + understand the department may collect, use and disclose my personal information (including biometric information and other sensitive information) as outlined inthe Privacy Notice (Eoum 14821 Yes + understand that if my visa ceases to be in effect and | do not hold another visa to remain in Australia at that time, | vl be an unlawul non-ctizen under the Migration Act 1958. As such, | wil be expected to depart trom Australia, and be subject to removal under the Migration Act 1958 psfontne imi gov auvisas/app/uutes som errro20 Election Visas Appieaton Yes Values statement | dectare that | wil respect Australian va ‘Australia and wll obey the laws of Austral sa listed at the beginning ofthis appleaton during my stayin | understand that by selecting "Yes |, and all members of my family unt included in my application who ace aged 18 years or over, are taken to have signed the Australian Values Statement, Please note: If'No'is selected, the applicant and the family unit incuded inthe application who are aged 18 years or over, wil not meet eligibility criteria for the grant ofthe visa application, Yes Print Application (1278 (rtemet) 2006/13.1) Aecessibtty Copyright & Disclaimer Online Securty — Prvaey. psfontne imi gov auvisas/app/uutes wn

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