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Webinars www.getwsodo.


Webinars are some of the most effective ways to train and coach your audience in a live
or pre-recorded setting. Here they will have full engagement with you because people
commit a certain amount of time to connect and hear what you have to say.

Webinars help you create bonding and build trust with your clients and eventually create
more sales.  Ideally use a video instead of just slides, so people can experience you in
real time.

Flow of a webinar
*If you are doing it in a live setting, what you can add is some live Q & A segment.

You want people to be excited throughout the webinar, so you want it to be fast-paced,
but not overwhelming. A common mistake people make is when they’re trying to give
too much content because there is only so much information that a person can receive
in an hour.


1. Start with excitement, introduce yourself and the topic (Use the headline from your
Landing page).

2. Why is the topic important: that allows them to create a connection with the topic,
and stay in the webinar until the end.

3. Create a gap: to take your clients from the place they’re at, to the place they want to

4. Establish credibility: Why the author (personal connection) why they are the expert,
and why the content.

5. Tell some case stories (stories of your clients in the context of the product or service
you are offering). We recommend you tell 3 stories, using the PAR (Problem
Application Results) formula for storytelling.

6. Establish some benefits they will get by the end of the training. 

7. Future pacing the benefits: Show them a reality that may be.

First: Serve Module 9. Session Notes Ajit Nawalkha

8. Mention the workbook: a document that people will fill while following the webinar. It
increases the engagement because they’ll be physically working with you.
9. If you don't have an interviewer, go straight into the problem. If you have an
interviewer, this is the time to bring him in, if not, go deep into the client’s pain you
are trying to solve. *By this point, you should already be in 20-25 minutes in your
training. The next 30+ minutes will be about what you have to teach/train.

10. Go into the actual training: Go through 2 big concepts (of 15 minutes each). Your
aim should be to help them get a result. Give the people enough material so they
can experience change. a) Explain the concept b) Give an exercise c) Tell them a
story regarding the content d) Summarize **Repeat steps from point 10 if you are
presenting the second technique

11. Address what is stopping them or holding them back (mental chatter)

12. Future plan: Here is where you briefly talk about the product and the big outcome.

13. Create Price Contrast: Go through the benefits of what you have to offer, talk about
the real (big) price it costs, and then talk about what you have to offer.

14. The "two roads" close: Give them 2 options, one being to continue as they had with
the benefit of the webinar, and the other option is to move forward and create
greater results. The second close allows you to transition smoothly into your sales

15. The Sale: Here you can go over case studies again, and then make an offer. Tell the
whole price and then mention the special discount for attending the webinar. This is
for the people who want to take action right away, because of the experience you
gave them.

16. Benefits of the product: Everything is already there in your sales letter.

17. Second call to action: You talk about the risk reversal (your guarantee).

18. Features of the product and bonuses, and continue inserting calls to action.

19. Address questions (FAQ).

If you want a long term business, you want happy-excited clients, so try not to push the
sale if they are not ready. You don’t want clients to feel they were pressured into
anything. Push enough for them to know this is important in their transformation, but
they have to be ready to take the next step.

First: Serve Module 9. Session Notes Ajit Nawalkha

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