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Даукеев атындағы «Алматы энергетика және байланыс университеті»

коммерциалық емес акционерлік қоғамы

«Автоматтандыру және басқару» кафедрасы

Кафедра «Автоматизация и управление»

№9 лабораториялық жұмыс

Мамандық: Автоматтандыру және басқару

Группа: АУк 20-14
Орындаған:Cмадияр Нұрислам
Тексерген: Сейтбекова А.

Алматы, 2020 г.
Задание 1
Screens hotofsite Resou The perspective Target Special Most liked Design
rce direction of design, audienc "chips", design Notes
Address which is illustrated e which elements
by this resource targeted maximally
by the attract the
site attention of
the target
http://cwor Nice color There are not
 Responsive design will For any The actual scheme. enough graphic
samyih- become mainstream. user. topic itself is images provided,
aktualnyih- and they look
napravleni Universal housing design. "the year of fuzzy, which is
y-v-sfere- Flash. Modular design. big changes in very unpleasant
web- for the user.
dizayna-i- Experimental and design and
razrabotki- interactive design. even more
godu.html Scalable web design. active use of
(Everything will bring mobile
changes and profit, devices".
improve the layout, and
make sites easier and
more productive.)

http://webe Design in mobile devices. Catchy, unusual, I didn't really

For any The current Development of web and bright like the
ournal/33.h design in the new year. interested topic is about images. A nice introductory font
tml User return technologies: blue background in the notes.
remarketing and RTB user. adaptive is selected,
design and the which does not
distract from
growth of reading this
mobile apps. information.

http://www Continuous scrolling. For any Five web nothing  Comments

.siliconrus. Large print. Adaptive interested design trends
com/2013/ mobile design. Flat user. 2014.
12/web- design. Technique Of
design- Parallax Scrolling.

http://itnew The main focus will be For any The quality of This information no pictures. adaptive design. user or the material on is brief and
ovosti-it- Applying a modular specialist. the site. accessible.
industrii/w design.
eb-dizayn- Development of effective
v-2014- tools for web design.
godu- A surge in experimental
samie- and interactive design.
http://www Simplicity is the priority For any Brief and In principle, the Ads, Comments. of design for mobile user or accessible development of
articless/15 devices. Free space. Etc specialist. information, the site is not
-web- images. bad, for me
design- personally.
trends- Everything is
2014/ clear and
Задание 2

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