Hazrat Umer - Caliph

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Hazrat Umer (RA) as an Administrator

Hazrat Umer (RA) was a great administrator, his examples are exceptional not only in the
history of Islamic, but also in the history of modern civilization. Moreover, he was among the
first people in his times who knew how to read and write well. He used to live like a very humble
ordinary man during his reign, but he was tough and the most able ruler of his time. He had no
pride, no pomp and no grandeur. This is the teaching of Islam, this what present day Muslim
rulers have forgotten, and is what we must restore and get back.

During the Khilafah of Hazrat Umer (RA), vast areas of the Roman and Persian empires
and the whole of Egypt were brought under Islamic rule. He was a gifted orator, and was very
much concerned for the welfare of the citizens under his rule.

Hazrat Umer (RA) undertook many administrative reforms and closely supervised public
policy too. He also established an advanced administration for the lands that were newly
conquered. He always obeyed the principles of justice and equality which makes him a just
administrator because every citizen was treated equally by him.

For the welfare of his people, he made great advancements and progress. During his era,
he worked systematically and also organized the Public banks or treasury (Bait ul Maal). The
taxes that included Zakat (one of the pillars of Islam) and Jiziya were collected in the treasury. It
was distributed among needy and poor people, it also provided income to the widows, orphans
and elderly people or the people who were disabled and could not earn money. He kept record of
everything including the population.

Hazrat Umer (RA) established military offices and police department too, for the peace
and betterment of his people. The police force at that time was known “Ahdath” and the police
officers were known as the “Sahibul Ahdath”.

Hazrat Umer (RA), at that time, provided the concept of provinces for smooth running of
his empires. He divided them into different provinces and made provincial governors too. They
were known as “Wali”. The provinces were further divides into districts. He ran his states in such
a systematic manner that even in this modern era and the time after him, his techniques of ruling
states are appreciated as well as are being followed.
Hazrat Umer (RA) developed a judicial system too, where the judges were called as
“Qazis”. He keenly observed them and chose them wisely, so that the judges would further take
decision and a just way.

Hazrat Umer (RA) used to carry food himself at night for his people that no one sleeps in
hunger. According to him, not even any animal that was being ruled by him should sleep hungry.
He loved his people and cared for them more than his own self. As he worked dutifully and
enthusiastically for his citizens, he provided shelters and houses to thousands of people. All of
his efforts were not made only for Muslims but also for non-Muslims, that he even treated
minorities with respect and love and never made any discrimination amongst his citizens.

He made his people live in peace and harmony, for that he did everything he could.
Hazrat Umer (RA) ruled the Islamic state for ten years six months and four days. He left a
memorable legacy for Muslims after Him.

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