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Teaching and Teacher Education 33 (2013) 56e68

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Error management behavior in classrooms: Teachers’ responses to student

Maria Tulis*
Department of Psychology, University of Augsburg, Universitätsstr. 10, 86159 Augsburg, Germany

h i g h l i g h t s

< Observational data and questionnaires are combined to investigate error climate.
< Classroom routines are dominated by adaptive error management behavior.
< Only few interactions include emphasizing mistakes as learning opportunities.
< More maladaptive patterns of mistake-handling activities in mathematics were found.
< Teachers’ dealing with errors influences students’ error attitudes and emotions.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Only a few studies have focused on how teachers deal with mistakes in actual classroom settings.
Received 24 May 2012 Teachers’ error management behavior was analyzed based on data obtained from direct (Study 1) and
Received in revised form videotaped systematic observation (Study 2), and students’ self-reports. In Study 3 associations between
1 February 2013
students’ and teachers’ attitudes towards mistakes and their impact on students’ domain specific
Accepted 7 February 2013
emotions were investigated. Together, the presented studies contribute to the understanding of the
interplay between teachers’ everyday instructional routines surrounding mistakes and students’ beliefs
about (learning from) errors. The findings also emphasize the relevance of how students perceive their
Error management culture
teachers’ attitudes towards mistakes.
Error climate Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Teacherestudent interaction

1. Introduction Research on classroom goal structures (e.g., Gonida, Voulala, &

Kiosseoglou, 2009; Roeser, Midgley, & Urdan, 1996) has shown
Making mistakes and overcoming failure are natural elements of impressively that classroom practices have an impact on students’
learning processes for all students. A knowledge-based, cognitive- individual orientations and attitudes. In this sense, it can be
constructivist perspective on learning and instruction presupposes assumed that teachers’ error management behavior in the class-
adaptive ways of dealing with errors and learning from mistakes room is likely to influence students’ attitudes towards learning
(cf. Hiebert & Carpenter, 1992; Reusser, 2000). If learning is from mistakes (Steuer & Dresel, 2011). For example, teachers’
considered as an active process that requires practice for both maladaptive ways of handling students’ mistakes are likely to in-
procedural as well as conceptual learning, classroom learning en- crease students’ fear of failure and may foster maladaptive moti-
vironments should encourage students to explore and discuss their vational patterns, such as avoiding academically challenging
(mis-)conceptions. However, little is known about adaptive class- courses or experiencing generalized negative emotions in relation
room practices for dealing with errors and the reciprocal effects of to the school subject (e.g., Dweck, 1986; Goetz, Pekrun, Hall, &
students’ and teachers’ attitudes towards learning from mistakes. Haag, 2006). Research on organizational error management sup-
ports these assumptions (Degen-Hientz, 2008; Van Dyck, Frese,
Baer, & Sonnentag, 2005).
Consequently, teachers need to be sensitive to students’ errors
* Tel.: þ49 821 598 5610; fax: þ49 821 598 5289. and should establish a positive error climate which is constituted
E-mail address: by the quality of everyday classroom experiences within mistake

0742-051X/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Tulis / Teaching and Teacher Education 33 (2013) 56e68 57

situations. However, there is little empirical research addressing Gallimore, 2005; Le Tendre, Baker, Akiba, Goesling & Wiseman,
how teachers respond to student mistakes in classrooms. Although 2001; Pauli & Reusser, 2003; Seidel & Prenzel, 2006). Theories
everyday classroom situations can be observed systematically, and research on classroom goal structures (Ames, 1990, 1992) prove
relatively few studies have focused on observations of teachere that actual classroom practices influence students’ attitudes and
student interactions surrounding mistakes in actual classroom set- beliefs. A large body of empirical findings demonstrated that
tings (cf. Wuttke, Seifried, & Mindnich, 2008). The following ques- teachers’ mastery or performance goal directed instructional
tions remain unanswered: Which mistake-handling activities are practices influence students individual goal orientations. Consis-
adaptive, which are maladaptive? Are there domain specific dif- tent with this theoretical framework, it is assumed that teachers’
ferences or similarities between teachers? How does teachers’ everyday error related practices have a substantial impact on error
everyday error management behavior influence students’ subse- climate in the classroom which in turn has an influence on stu-
quent attitudes towards errors and domain-related emotions? dents’ attitudes towards mistakes. Teachers’ attitudes towards
The goal of this article is to provide first answers to these (learning from) mistakes establish a positive or negative error
questions. Therefore, patterns of teacher’s responses to student culture in the classroom by determining the kinds of mistake-
mistakes were observed and combined with students’ self-reports. handling activities that are expected and supported (Cobb,
In particular, three studies are presented: Study 1 aimed to identify Stephan, McClain, & Gravemeijer, 2001; Depaepe, DeCorte, &
teachers’ error management behavior in regular everyday class- Verschaffel, 2006). For example, teachers who provide opportu-
rooms in three different domains. The purpose of Study 2 was to nities to discuss students’ misconceptions and encourage students
replicate the findings of Study 1 for one specific domain in which to learn from errors by correcting errors themselves may foster
the most adaptive error management behavior was found. In this adaptive ways of dealing with mistakes (Anderson, Hamilton, &
Study, nine videotaped economics lessons were examined and Hattie, 2004; Heimbeck, Frese, Sonnentag, & Keith, 2003; Meyer,
these observations were combined with students’ self-reports of Seidel, & Prenzel, 2006). Furthermore, it has been shown that
their perceived error climate in the classroom. Finally, the focus of clear standards in the classroom and a trustful and emotionally-
Study 3 was to analyze the impact of teachers’ error management safe learning environment are associated with a positive error
behavior on students’ own attitudes towards learning from mis- culture (Goldin, Epstein, & Schorr, 2007; Spychiger, Kuster, & Oser,
takes as well as associations with students’ more generalized 2006). Students who are confident that they will not be ridiculed
domain specific emotions. when making a mistake are more likely to develop positive atti-
tudes towards mistakes and report less negative emotions (e.g.,
1.1. Error management culture in the classroom Edmondson, 1999; Malmivouri, 2006; Tulis & Riemenschneider,
2008). In contrast, if teachers ignore or punish students’ errors,
Classroom settings in which constructivist learning approaches students will avoid taking risks and be more likely to hide their
are utilized allow for open communication about different solu- errors instead of communicate their misconceptions (Rybowiak,
tions and, as a result, sharing of error knowledge (i.e., knowledge, Garst, Frese, & Batinic, 1999).
how something does not work and what someone does not know). Reciprocally, teachers’ (and students’) responses to errors are
As a consequence, students are able to recognize their mis- likely to be influenced by their attitudes towards errors (Rybowiak
conceptions and therefore initiate learning processes. These set- et al., 1999). A positive attitude towards making mistakes is char-
tings are characterized by a positive “error culture” (Oser & acterized by adaptive affective-motivational, cognitive and behav-
Spychiger, 2005; for an English book review see Minnameier, ioral approaches to learning from errors (cf. Steuer & Dresel, 2011;
2006). In contrast, a negative error management culture, which Tulis & Ainley, 2011), such as openness to feedback, adaptive
generally eliminates communication about errors and learning emotional responses to errors, facing and communicating diffi-
from mistakes, emerges when students suspect to be negatively culties and misconceptions, and failure tolerance (Cannon &
evaluated for their mistakes or when students expect that errors Edmondson, 2001; Clifford, 1991; Keith & Frese, 2005; Rybowiak
will be attributed to a lack of skills. For both examples, “culture” et al., 1999). Similar to the concept of mastery orientation, failure
implies that there is a system of shared norms and values and a set tolerance (Clifford, 1984; Clifford, Kim, & McDonald, 1988) is char-
of common practices (Reichers & Schneider, 1990). The ways in acterized by treating mistakes as learning opportunities and
which teachers handle mistakes may be nationally embedded and experiencing less negative affect after failure (Boekaerts, 1993;
may differ between countries (Li & Shimizu, 2009; Osborn & Planel, Diener & Dweck, 1980; Meyer & Turner, 2006; Tulis & Ainley, 2011;
1999; Santagata, 2005; Schleppenbach, Flevares, Sims, & Perry, Turner, Thorpe, & Meyer, 1998). It can be assumed that teachers’
2007; Stevenson & Stigler, 1992; Stigler & Hiebert, 1999). For error management behavior has an impact on students’ individual
example, U.S. students produce similar mathematical errors and error attitudes (Steuer & Dresel, 2011). However, no theoretical
the same number of errors as Chinese students, but teachers’ re- consensus has yet been reached regarding the conceptualization of
sponses differ significantly (Schleppenbach et al., 2007). U.S. adaptive or maladaptive error management behavior, or di-
teachers were more likely to follow errors with statements or im- mensions of a positive error climate, respectively.
mediate corrections, whereas Chinese teachers asked follow-up The literature on error climate, which includes both teachers’
questions to prompt student discussion. Similar to these findings, behavior and how individuals deal with errors and social in-
Stigler and Hiebert (1999) reported that Japanese teachers teractions, suggests a number of interrelated, but nevertheless
emphasize the positive function of mistakes and encourage their distinguishable aspects of an adaptive learning environment. In
students to discuss misconceptions. particular, four teacher-specific error management behaviors are
Whereas a body of empirical research has demonstrated dif- considered adaptive. The first, error tolerance by the teacher, in-
ferences on the macro level, i.e., between countries, there is less volves teachers’ willingness to acknowledge and discuss students’
research focusing on differences between teachers and between mistakes. The second, irrelevance of errors for assessment, refers to
school domains within the same country. It can be assumed that regarding students’ mistakes as learning opportunities rather than
the variation of teaching patterns following errors depends on the as negative indicators for performance. In this sense, errors are not
individual perception and shared perception of errors in the social being punished but are discussed with the student or with the
learning environment of the classroom (e.g., Clarke, Emanuelsson, whole class in order to use the mistake as a learning opportunity.
Jablonka, & Mok, 2006; Givvin, Hiebert, Jacobs, Hollingsworth, & Third, teacher support following errors includes teachers’ patience
58 M. Tulis / Teaching and Teacher Education 33 (2013) 56e68

and support of the student to correct the error by him- or herself. Oser’s “Bermuda triangle of error correction”, with teachers redi-
Finally, an absence of negative teacher reactions (verbal and non- recting an incorrectly answered question to another student, was
verbal) implies that teachers do not express annoyance or ridi- identified as one of the most common strategies of U.S. teachers.
culing students if they make an error (Oser & Spychiger, 2005). This response pattern was observed more than 30% of the time.
Despite this knowledge of best practices, remaining issues include Overall, the reviewed findings of Hiebert et al. (2003), Santagata
the occurrence and frequencies of these responses to students’ (2005), and Stigler et al. (1999) indicate four types of teachers’ error
mistakes, their postulated adaptive or maladaptive nature, and management behavior (in mathematics): ignoring the error,
their consequences for students’ individual attitudes towards directly solving the error, returning the correction to the student
learning from errors and emotions. With respect to the first issue, a who made the mistake, and redirecting the question to another
few observational studies, which are reviewed in the next section, student. In these studies, ignoring the error was rarely observed.
provide first evidence for the frequency of response patterns. Although a large body of literature supports the usefulness of
studying the domain specificity of motivational orientations and
1.2. Empirical findings on teachers’ responses to student mistakes attitudes (e.g., Bong, 2001), few studies have focused on domains
other than mathematics. In one study, Mindnich, Wuttke, and
Empirical studies concerning teachers’ error management Seifried (2008) analyzed video-based observational data from 15
behavior include classroom observations as well as students’ and German economics lessons held by three teachers. They identified
teachers’ self-reports (Heinze, 2005; Santagata, 2005; Spychiger, 85 error management situations. In contrast to mathematics les-
Mahler, Hascher, & Oser, 1998; Stigler, Gonzales, Kawanaka, Knoll, sons, teachers ignored students’ mistakes or failed to pick up the
& Serrano, 1999). Because whole-class discourse situations repre- learning opportunity in 40% of these situations. Observational
sent a dominant classroom activity in many countries (Hiebert et al., findings reported by Oser and Spychiger (2005) also suggest
2003), this form of instructional practice has been the focus of most domain specific differences with regards to both the frequencies of
studies. Video studies, such as TIMSS (Stigler et al., 1999) identified student errors and teachers’ error management behaviors. In his-
different teaching patterns regarding students’ errors in the domain tory classes, error-correction and learning from errors was less
of mathematics (see also Hugener et al., 2009). For example, almost pronounced than in math classes, although maladaptive responses
27% of student mistakes in German math lessons (grade 8) were were observed infrequently in both domains. These findings sug-
directly solved by the teacher, about 48% were returned by the gest that teachers’ attitudes and their responses to mistakes may
teacher to the students as a challenge and about 10% of the mistakes differ between domains. Study 1 aimed to provide further un-
were ignored (Hiebert et al., 2003; Stigler et al.,1999). Similarly, Oser derstandings of domain-related differences in teachers’ (mal-)
and Spychiger (2005) found that Swiss teachers, in multiple subject adaptive error management activities.
areas, often try to evade mistakes beforehand or simply correct
students’ errors by stating the correct answer. The authors describe 2. Study 1
a common instructional practice, labeled the “Bermuda triangle of
error correction” (see also Brophy & Evertson, 1974), during which 2.1. Aim and research questions
another student is asked to answer the question or correct the
wrong answer of the first student who responded incorrectly. The In order to gain insight into teachers’ error management prac-
latter is left behind without having the chance to think about and re- tices, systematic classroom observations were conducted. For this
correct the error (see Fig. 1). Based on data from 60 videotaped math purpose, a self-developed coding scheme was used by independent
lessons, Santagata (2005) reported that teachers often correct stu- observers (pairs of undergraduate pre-service teachers) during
dents’ mistakes (31% of the time in Italy; 25% of the time in the real-time naturalistic/direct observations in regular everyday clas-
United States). Approximately 30e40% of the time, the student who ses. Coding was based on an observation training protocol and
made the mistake was asked to correct his error. However, less than inter-coder reliability was tested (Cohen’s Kappa). The main goals
one fourth of the teachers in both countries gave a hint to the stu- of Study 1 were to: (a) describe teachers’ error management
dent in order to direct him to the right answer. The phenomenon of behavior in everyday classrooms, and (b) explore differences be-
tween three subjects: mathematics, German, and economics.

2.2. Method

2.2.1. Coding scheme

Teachers’ responses to students’ mistakes were coded into 11
categories. Table 1 shows examples according to each category. To
encompass a broad range of responses, including non-verbal re-
actions, the categories were distinct but not mutually exclusive. The
theoretical distinction between adaptive and maladaptive error
management behavior (see 1.1) was adopted based on Spychiger
et al. (1998) with the exception that “correction by the teacher”
was not a priori classified as a maladaptive response pattern. Six
categories of teacher behaviors were derived based on previous
observations on error management behavior (Mindnich et al., 2008;
Santagata, 2005; Stigler et al., 1999) and research literature on error
climate (Oser & Spychiger, 2005): 1) ignoring the mistake; 2)
correction by the teacher; 3) correction by the student; 4) redirecting
the question to another student; 5) negative teacher reactions (ex-
pressions of annoyance, ridiculing students); and 6) teacher support
following errors. The latter was divided into (a) emphasizing the
Fig. 1. Bermuda triangle of error correction (Oser & Spychiger, 2005). learning potential of the mistake by encouraging the student, and (b)
M. Tulis / Teaching and Teacher Education 33 (2013) 56e68 59

Table 1
Categories of teacher responses, absolute frequencies and proportions (Study 1).

Category/Type of response Definition/Examples fo %

Maladaptive [1] The teacher ignores the mistake, switches without any comment to another topic 30 4.0
Ignoring mistake

[2] The teacher is angry, negative evaluation of the student’s mistake 39 5.3
Criticizing student

[3] The teacher picks another student to correct the mistake made by the first student 109 14.7
Redirecting the question to another student (“Bermuda triangle of error correction”)

[4] The teacher laughs, makes jokes of the student’s answer, humiliates the student 28 3.8

[5] The teacher is upset, shaking his head, grimacing with pain 33 4.5

[6] The teacher states the correct answer e the error is directly solved by the teacher 117 15.8
Correction by the teacher

Adaptive [7] The teacher starts a discussion with the whole class, asking the whole class for 105 14.2
Discussion with whole class (different) solutions

[8] The teacher repeats the question and/or gives a hint to the student in order 160 21.6
Correction by the student to get the correct answer
(error correction is returned to the student who made the mistake)

[9] The teacher waits at least 5 s without reformulating the question or giving a hint 72 9.7

[10] The teacher praises the student’s thought or approach, highlights positively the 26 3.5
Emphasizing the learning potential student’s active contribution, emphasizes the learning potential of the mistake

[11] The teacher stops negative reactions from classmates (e.g. laughing) and turbulences 22 3.0
Impeding negative reactions from class

Notes. fo: absolute frequencies for each category. %: proportions for each category (S ¼ 100%).

providing time for the student to rethink his answer (“waiting”). pair of trained observers randomly selected one lesson of 45 min
Negative teacher reactions were also divided into two sub- (irrespective of the lesson topic) and used the coding scheme. All real-
categories: (a) humiliating behavior (e.g., laughing), and (b) expres- time observations took place in different German schools in and
sions of annoyance, disappointment or hopelessness. Based on around a midsize Bavarian city. They were from “Gymnasium” schools,
previous findings on error climate (e.g., Oser & Spychiger, 2005) and which is the school type with the highest teaching level and academic
attribution theory (Weiner, 1985), both of these subcategories were demands in the German school system. Classes ranged from grade 5
considered maladaptive because teachers communicate maladap- (10e11 years old) to grade 13 (18e19 years old).
tive attributional information to their students through the Codings were carried out on the basis of event sampling, i.e.
expression of hopelessness or humiliation following students’ er- coding was induced for every error management sequence which
rors. Based on the findings of Meyer et al. (2006) that a strict sep- was defined as the teacher’s immediate response (verbal and non-
aration of learning situations, in which errors are considered helpful verbal) to a student’s mistake. Thus, every event that was treated as
to trigger discussions about misconceptions, from performance a mistake by the teacher followed by his/her specific reaction was
situations, in which errors are punished and negatively evaluated, regarded as an error management sequence (see Santagata, 2005).
also the notion of irrelevance of errors for assessment (Spychiger In other words, emphasis was placed on the strategies teachers
et al., 1998; see also Steuer & Dresel, 2011) was categorized. This used to handle what they considered as mistakes. Students’ errors
idea was operationalized by two observation categories: (a) (reco- were mainly identified by the teachers’ verbal comment (e.g., “No,
ded as maladaptive behavior) criticizing the student (i.e., punishment that is not correct.”, “Wrong!”) and/or indirectly by non-verbal
of errors, negative evaluation), and (b) discussion with the whole class behavior (e.g., shaking the head). The coding scheme contained
about misconceptions underlying the error at hand. The last cate- the above described 11 categories and a timeline, divided into se-
gory was teachers’ behavior with respect to impeding negative re- quences of 5 min each (minute 0e5, 5e10, 10e15 and so on). As all
actions from classmates. This category referred to teachers’ codings were based on event sampling, the timeline only served as
responses to the other students in the class in order to prevent an orienting guideline for the observers during the lesson.
maladaptive reactions (e.g., laughing). The dominant instruction Observation data for 16 math classes, 17 German classes and 15
method and structure of each observed lesson was also recorded. economics classes were available for further analyses. Fifty-eight
percent of the observed teachers were female (in mathematics:
2.2.2. Sample and procedure 41.7%, in German: 62.5%, in economics: 33.3%). Most of the
Observer training was conducted during the university course observed math classes (46%) were grade 9 and grade 5 (23.1%). The
accompanying the school practice sessions. Training was administered rest of the observed math lessons were equally distributed over the
two weeks before the observations took place and involved viewing other grade levels (6, 7, 8, and 10). Most of the German classes were
and coding videotaped sequences. Undergraduate teaching practice grade 8 (25%), and grade 5, grade 6, or grade 9 (16.7% each). About
includes several hours of direct observations in different classes 12% were grade 11, 8.3% were grade 10 and 4.2% were grade 13. For
(different grades and subjects) in order to provide pre-service teachers economics classes, 50% of all lessons were observed in grade 10,
insights into everyday classroom practices of different teachers. Each with 16.7% in each grade 8, grade 9, and grade 12.
60 M. Tulis / Teaching and Teacher Education 33 (2013) 56e68

2.3. Results lessons than in mathematics. Although uncommon, results suggest

that humiliating or discouraging error responses [4 and 5] were
2.3.1. Preliminary analysis and reliability more likely in mathematics than in German or economics.
Inter-coder reliability (Cohen’s Kappa) was calculated for each Accordingly, math teachers were less likely to emphasize the
pair of observers. Greve and Wentura (1997) report K  .75 as good learning potential of their students’ mistakes [10]. It was also
to excellent, and Landis and Koch (1977) suggest K  .80 as almost evident that adaptive error management behaviors, such as dis-
perfect agreement and .60 < K < .80 as substantial agreement. Based cussion of misconceptions with the whole class [7] or giving the
on these cut-off values, three observations were omitted because student the opportunity to correct the mistake [8], was observed
they did not meet the criteria. For the remaining 45 lessons, all most frequently in economics classes.
Kappa-values (.78 < K < 1.00) as well as the percentage of direct
observer consistency (Min ¼ 97.3%; Max ¼ 100%) were satisfactory. 2.4. Summary of the findings of Study 1
In all three school subjects (mathematics, German, economics),
instruction was mainly focused on class work (87%). Individual Overall, adaptive responses were more frequently observed than
seatwork (5%) and group work (8%) were observed infrequently and maladaptive response patterns. Humiliating or punitive reactions to
only in a few classrooms. A total of 741 teacher responses to stu- errors and ignoring students’ mistakes were rarely observed. How-
dents’ mistakes were identified. Frequencies and percentages of ever, only very few teacherestudent-interactions included rein-
occurrence per lesson were calculated for each category of the forcement of error risk taking and emphasizing mistakes as learning
coding scheme and then averaged across lessons. Table 1 shows the opportunities (also see Oser & Spychiger, 2005). In general, the re-
absolute frequencies and proportions of all coded responses to sults of Study 1 replicate the empirical findings of Santagata (2005).
students’ mistakes. In general, once a mistake had occurred, teach- However, these findings must be carefully interpreted because of
ers most often encouraged their student(s) to correct the mistake by several confounding factors, such as different teachers, lesson topics,
giving a hint or reformulating the question [category 8] or correcting and school grades. Nevertheless, they reveal the likelihood of
the mistake by themselves [category 6]. Also occurring quite often, a domain specific differences in error management. Results indicate
wrong answer triggered a discussion with the whole class [category that math teachers are more likely to express negative reactions
7] or the task of correcting was given to another student, i.e. the following errors (e.g., humiliating responses) and redirect the
phenomenon called “Bermuda triangle of error correction” [cate- correction to another student. Although, the “Bermuda triangle of
gory 3]. In some situations, the teacher gave the student more time error correction” was observed in all three subject domains to a
to think about the correct answer without any additional feedback substantial degree, its maladaptive outcomes have not been inves-
[category 9]. Maladaptive responses, such as ignoring mistakes tigated empirically. Oser and Spychiger (2005) assume that leaving
[category 1], criticizing the student [category 2] or humiliating re- the student behind without a chance to think about and re-correct
actions [categories 4 and 5] were coded very infrequently. However, the mistake will likely result in a decrease of positive affect and
teachers who positively highlighted the student’s active contribu- motivation. To address this assumption, students’ emotional re-
tion or emphasizing the learning potential of the student’s mistake actions to their teachers’ responses were also observed in Study 2.
[category 10] were observed even less often. Negative reactions of Video technologies were also used to improve observations.
classmates rarely occurred, which is in line with previous observa-
tional findings (Meyer et al., 2006). Hence, interventions by the 3. Study 2
teacher [category 11] were rarely observed.
3.1. Aim and research questions
2.3.2. Teachers’ error management behavior in different school
subjects To increase our understanding of the types of error responses by
To explore teachers’ error management behavior in different the teacher that are associated with a positive error climate, Study 2
subjects, domain specific proportions were calculated. Fig. 2 shows combined data from student self-reports and classroom observa-
that the “Bermuda triangle of error correction” [3] was observed tions. Video based observations (two camcorders and external mi-
most often in math classes. A correction by the teacher stating the crophones) with a limited number of teachers were conducted. As
right answer [6] occurred considerably more often in German economics teachers were found to show the most adaptive response

Fig. 2. Domain specific responses to students’ mistakes (%).

M. Tulis / Teaching and Teacher Education 33 (2013) 56e68 61

pattern following errors in Study 1, nine videotaped economics Table 2

lessons (by 3 teachers) were coded by two trained observers to Sample of Study 2.

identify teachers’ error management behaviors. In addition, to un- Teacher Grade/class N students N lessons
derstand the relationship between teachers’ classroom behavior A 7A 30 1
and students’ individual perceptions, questionnaires were used to 7B 30 1
measure students’ perceptions of their teachers’ attitudes towards 8 29 1
errors and error climate in the classroom.
B 9A 27 1
Another addition to Study 2 was the observation of students’
9B 27 2
affective responses to their teachers’ error management behavior. In
particular, students’ affective states following the “Bermuda triangle C 10 A 17 2
of error correction” were identified using visual cues to examine the 10 B 16 1
postulated maladaptive effects of this specific teacher response
pattern. We acknowledge that this approach was limited in several S 176 9
methodological aspects (e.g., observers were not blind to the
teachers’ responses; observations may be biased because humili-
ating teacher behavior is expected to provoke negative affect). (d) Does redirecting the question to another student have mal-
However, similar to the category “correction by the teacher”, both adaptive effects on students’ subsequent affect?
adaptive and maladaptive effects of redirecting the question to It was hypothesized that the phenomenon “Bermuda triangle of
another student seem plausible. To reduce expectancy bias, ob- error correction” would trigger observable negative affect in the
servers were not informed about the presumed consequences of student who made the mistake.
this response pattern. Analyzing students’ affective reactions by
using visual cues was perceived as a first attempt to explore the
effects of this specific response pattern. In addition, the following 3.2. Method
hypotheses and research questions were addressed in Study 2:
3.2.1. Sample and procedure
(a) Replication of the findings of Study 1: Three teachers from a suburban secondary school1 in Bavaria
It was hypothesized that, in general, adaptive teacher responses volunteered for Study 2. They were informed that everyday
would be more frequent than maladaptive responses to student instructional practices were the focus of the study. In total, seven
mistakes. economics classes from grade 7 to grade 10 were observed; class
(b) To what degree do error management patterns vary between sizes ranged from 17 up to 30 students (for a detailed description
and within teachers in the same domain (i.e., economics)? see Table 2). Nine economics lessons (45 min each) were video-
It was assumed that error management behavior depends on the taped. All video data was coded by two trained observers to identify
interplay between teachers’ attitudes towards errors on the one teachers’ error management behavior. In a second analyzing pro-
hand and situational/social cues on the other hand. Therefore, it cedure, students’ affective responses to their teachers’ error man-
was hypothesized that the teacher’s error management agement behavior were coded. In this second observation process,
behavior would differ between classes (see also Stigler et al., only those students that were addressed by the teacher’s response
1999). However, as attitudes are often stable, it was expected following the error were coded.
that some responses would be more typical for the teacher and,
therefore, more frequently observed than other responses in all 3.2.2. Coding scheme
classes taught by the same teacher. The coding scheme from Study 1 was used. Five categories for
(c) How do observations correspond with students’ self-reported students’ affective states were also added, coded as “positive” (the
perceptions of their teachers’ error management behavior? student’s verbal or non-verbal reaction is characterized by a clearly
It was hypothesized that students’ self-reports should reflect the positive affective state, such as enjoyment, pride, interest or satis-
observed error management activities of their teacher. On the faction), “negative” (the student’s verbal or non-verbal reaction is
basis of students’ perceived error tolerance of the teacher (i.e., characterized by a clearly negative affective state, such as shame,
the extent of supportive error management behavior by the anger, or uncertainty), “neutral” (no observable reaction), “ambig-
teacher), we compared the class with the highest values for uous” and “not observable” (e.g., the student’s face could not be
perceived error tolerance (“high error climate class”), and the seen or the student’s verbal response could not be heard).
class reporting the least adaptive mistake-handling activities of
their teacher (“low error climate class”). Using ANOVAs, classes 3.2.3. Error climate questionnaire
were compared with respect to observational data of the In all classes, students’ perceived error climate was assessed
teacher’s error management behavior, and other dimensions of with a questionnaire comprised of two subscales from the “Error
students’ perceived error climate, including students’ own at- Orientation Questionnaire” (Rybowiak et al., 1999) and four scales
titudes towards making mistakes (a detailed description of the from the “Error Culture Questionnaire” (Spychiger et al., 2006). In
questionnaire follows in 3.2.3). It was hypothesized that adap- total, 36 items were rated using a 5-point scale ranging from 1
tive error responses (correction by the student [6], encouraging (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). The following six sub-
student [10], waiting [9], and discussion with whole class [7] dimensions of error climate were measured (sample items and
would be more frequently observed in the “high error climate internal consistencies are presented in Table 3): 1) error commu-
class.” In contrast, maladaptive error management behavior nication, which assessed students’ communication and openness
(ignoring mistake [1], criticizing the student [2], redirecting the for discussion of errors and misconceptions with their classmates
question to another student [3], humiliating/laughing [4], and (three items; Rybowiak et al., 1999); 2) covering up errors, which
disappointment/hopelessness [5] was expected to be observed measured students’ desire to avoid and hide mistakes (five items;
more frequently in the “low error climate class”. Finally, it was
hypothesized that students in the “high error climate class”
would have more adaptive error-attitudes. “Realschule” (middle track of the German school system).
62 M. Tulis / Teaching and Teacher Education 33 (2013) 56e68

Table 3
Sample items, descriptive statistics and internal consistencies.

Scale Sample items M SD a

Error communication If I cannot rectify an error in economics by myself, I turn to my colleagues. 3.15 .58 .68
Covering up errors It is disadvantageous to make one’s mistakes public in our economy class. 2.02 .66 .78
Error tolerance by the teacher If someone in our economy class does something wrong, the teacher will 3.17 .50 .73
patiently explain the problem.
In our economy class mistakes are nothing bad for our teacher.
Error strain/Fear of mistakes I am often afraid of making mistakes in economy. 1.85 .64 .73
I feel embarrassed when I make an error in my economy class.
Rule clarity If I get an error feedback in my economy class, I often don’t know why. 3.03 .53 .80
I often do not understand what my economy teacher wants me to do.
Students’ attitudes towards errors Mistakes help me to improve in economy. 2.81 .52 .73
When a mistake in economy occurs, I analyze it thoroughly.

Rybowiak et al., 1999); 3) error tolerance by the teacher, which management sequences (i.e., Mclass ¼ 13.11 mistakes occurred in
assessed the extent of supportive error management behavior by each class, SD ¼ 4.11). Negative reactions of the classmates were not
the teacher, including explanations, patience and help (seven observed. As depicted in Fig. 3, maladaptive behavior (categories [1]e
items; Spychiger et al., 2006) and addressed the attitude of the [5]) was generally observed less frequently than adaptive responses
teacher to avoid and hide his/her own mistakes (two items); 4) to students’ mistakes (categories [7]e[10]), except the phenomenon
error strain/fear of mistakes, which addressed whether students fear of “Bermuda triangle of error correction,” which was coded in 35% of
the occurrence of errors or react to errors with anxiety and shame all responses. Correction by the teacher [6] accounted for 15.5% of all
(five items; Spychiger et al., 2006); 5) rule clarity, which measured coded responses, followed by correction by the student [8] (12.6%),
perceived transparency of norms versus uncertainty regarding the discussion with whole class [7] (10.3%), waiting [9] (9.8%) and
teacher’s expectations and standards (eight items; Spychiger et al., emphasizing the learning potential of the mistake [10] (9.2%).
2006); and 6) students’ own attitudes towards (learning from) errors To address the question of differences in error management
(eight items; Spychiger et al., 2006). behavior within teachers, profiles based on relative frequencies for
each teacher were examined (Table 5). Regarding maladaptive re-
3.3. Results sponses, all teachers showed a similar pattern with one exception: In
class 9B (teacher B) 25% of error responses were coded as “criticizing
3.3.1. Preliminary results and reliability student” [2] and 10% of the teachers’ responses to students’ mistakes
Inter-coder reliability (Cohen’s Kappa) for all observations was were coded as “humiliating/laughing” [4], as depicted in Fig. 4.
K > .85 and therefore satisfactory. Teacher-centered, whole-class Regarding adaptive error management behavior, results indicated
instruction was observed most of the time in all classes, with differences between and within teachers, especially for the cate-
the exception of a short seatwork sequence in one class and a 10-min- gories “correction by student” [8], “waiting” [9] and “emphasizing
phase of collaborative work with pairs of students in another class. In the learning potential” [10]. For these categories, percentages of
general, bivariate correlations between the six subdimensions (see observed occurrence varied between classes, ranging from 0 to 27%.
Table 4) were in the expected directions and demonstrated the in- Finally, students’ attitudes and perceived error climate were
dependence of the selected error climate variables. The highest compared between the low and high error climate classes. ANOVA
positive correlations (r ¼ .55) emerged between error tolerance by results revealed differences between class 9B (“low error climate”)
the teacher and students’ attitudes towards (learning from) errors and class 8 (“high error climate”) in error tolerance by the teacher
and rule clarity, respectively. Furthermore, error tolerance by the (F(6, 167) ¼ 2.190, p ¼ .046, h2partial ¼ .07), students’ attitudes to-
teacher was positively associated with communication about errors wards errors (F(6, 167) ¼ 2.243, p ¼ .042, h2 partial ¼ :08), and
in the class. Students who reported an adaptive error-attitude re- covering up errors (F(6, 167) ¼ 8.895, p < .001, h2 partial ¼ :24).
ported high perceived rule clarity, high communication about errors, Students in class 8 reported little need to avoid or hide errors, and
and low covering up errors. Rule clarity was negatively associated reported feeling supported by the teacher as well as a positive
with error strain and with covering up errors, and both latter vari- attitude towards mistakes. This is in line with the observational
ables were negatively related to error tolerance by the teacher. findings, showing that the teacher of class 8 encouraged students to
However, error strain was not significantly correlated with students’
attitudes towards errors or with communication about errors.
3.3.2. Teachers’ error management behavior and students’ 40
perceptions 35
A frequency analysis indicated that a total of 174 teacher re- 30
sponses (Mclass ¼ 19.33, SD ¼ 4.47) were coded for 118 mistake- 25
Table 4
Bivariate correlations.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
(1) Error communication 0
(2) Covering up error e.12 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
(3) Error tolerance by the teacher .21** e.43**
(4) Error strain/Fear of mistakes e.08 .31** e.21**
(5) Rule clarity .09 e.51** .55** e.49** Notes. Category numbers are explained in Table 1.
(6) Students’ attitudes towards errors .20** e.46** .55** e.07 .40**
Maladaptive responses: categories [1] – [5], [3] = Bermuda triangle of error correction.
Adaptive responses: categories [7] – [11], [6] = Teacher states the correct answer.
Notes. N ¼ 176 students.
**p < .01. Fig. 3. Economics teachers’ response pattern to students’ mistakes (% of all responses).
M. Tulis / Teaching and Teacher Education 33 (2013) 56e68 63

Table 5
Proportions of different responses by teacher.

Maladaptive responses (%) Adaptive responses (%)

Teacher [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] S
A 2.0 0.0 27.4 0.0 0.0 19.4 5.1 23.6 8.3 14.2 0.0 100%
B 5.4 9.9 33.1 3.3 0.0 13.3 10.3 5.2 7.1 12.4 0.0 100%
C 0.0 1.5 41.2 0.0 0.0 16.6 11.9 12.1 14.2 2.5 0.0 100%

Notes. Category numbers are explained in Table 1.

Maladaptive responses: categories [1]e[5], [3] ¼ Bermuda triangle of error correction.
Adaptive responses: categories [7]e[11], [6] ¼ Teacher states the correct answer.

correct the error by themselves by giving a hint or reformulating expressed by the student who made the mistake. These negative
the question more often than the teacher of class 9B. Moreover, in reactions were also observed when the whole class was asked to
class 8, error correction was more often returned to the student find the right solution [7]. In contrast, students who were encour-
who made the mistake. Twice as much as in class 9B, the teacher of aged to learn from their mistakes [10] or students who were given
class 8 directly corrected the mistake by himself and only in the more time to think about the correct answer [9] exclusively
“low error climate class”, negative responses were observed, such expressed positive affective reactions. Interestingly, repeating the
as criticizing, humiliating or laughing by the teacher (Table 6). question to the student who made the mistake and guiding the
Interestingly, redirecting the question to another student to correct student to find the correct answer [8] triggered both positive and
the mistake was observed more frequently in class 8 (“high error negative affective reactions. Mixed results were also observed
climate”), whereas discussions with the whole class about the when the error was directly corrected by the teacher [6].
mistake and different solutions were coded more than twice in
class 9B. 3.4. Summary of the findings of Study 2

3.3.3. Students’ affect In summary, the results of Study 2 replicated the findings of
Frequency analyses of students’ affective reactions to their Study 1, identifying more adaptive than maladaptive responses to
teacher’s error management behavior (see Fig. 5) show that student mistakes by economics teachers. However, a high per-
teachers’ maladaptive responses were consistently followed by centage of all responses (35%) were categorized as the “Bermuda
negative affect. As expected, students who were criticized [2], hu- triangle of error correction.” Observational results were generally in
miliated or ridiculed [4] after making a mistake explicitly showed line with students’ perceived error climate measured by ques-
negative reactions. More importantly, redirecting the question to tionnaire. One exception was that redirecting the question to
another student [3] was also commonly followed by negative affect another student was observed more frequently in the “high error

Fig. 4. Error response patterns of teacher A, teacher B and teacher C.

64 M. Tulis / Teaching and Teacher Education 33 (2013) 56e68

Table 6
Comparison of classes with high- and low error climate.

Dimensions High error climate (class 8) Low error climate (class 9B)
M (SD) M (SD) t(55) p
Self-reports Students’ attitudes towards errors 3.07 (0.64) 2.63 (0.53) 2.828 .007
Error tolerance by the teacher 3.41 (0.40) 3.03 (0.67) 2.349 .023
Covering up errors 1.84 (0.62) 2.57 (0.71) 4.142 .000
Error communication 3.20 (0.75) 3.27 (0.57) 0.449 .656
Error strain/Fear of mistakes 1.82 (0.61) 1.82 (0.55) 0.048 .962
Rule Clarity 3.12 (0.55) 3.03 (0.60) 0.628 .533

% Observed % Observed
Observations [1] 4 0
Ignoring mistake
[2] 0 25
Criticizing student
[3] 36 25
Other student/redirecting question
[4] 0 10
[5] 0 0
[6] 20 10
Correction by the teacher
[7] 4 10
Discussion with whole class
[8] 16 5
Correction by the student
[9] 4 5
[10] 16 10
Emphasizing the learning potential
[11] 0 0
Impeding negative reactions from classmates

[1] generalized emotions in one specific subject (mathematics).

[2] Mathematics was chosen for three reasons. First, mathematics is a
[3] subject in which making errors is an essential part of learning, and
[4] the distinction between “right” and “wrong” is more pronounced
[5] than in other subjects. Second, a large body of research has shown
[6] that students report less positive emotions in this domain (e.g.,
[7] Middleton & Spanias, 1999). It can be assumed that dealing with
[8] mistakes in the mathematics classroom not only has an impact on
[9] students’ attitudes towards mistakes but also on students’ domain
[10] specific emotions. Third, Study 1 revealed more maladaptive error
responses by math teachers compared to other domains.
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Questionnaires were conducted 4 weeks after the beginning of
positive negative neutral, ambiguous or not observable the school year (time 1) and 5 months later (time 2). Students’ self-
reported attitudes, perceived error tolerance by the teacher, and
Notes. % of observed affective reactions. domain specific emotions (anxiety, anger, boredom and enjoy-
Category numbers are explained in Table 1.
Maladaptive responses: categories [1] – [5], [3] = Bermuda triangle of error correction.
ment) were assessed at both measurement points. In particular, it
Adaptive responses: categories [7] – [11], [6] = Teacher states the correct answer. was hypothesized that students’ error-related attitudes at time 2
would be influenced by the perceived attitude and error manage-
Fig. 5. Students’ affective reactions to teachers’ error management behavior. ment behavior of their teacher at time 1, after controlling for stu-
dents’ attitudes towards mistakes at time 1. Furthermore, it was
hypothesized that students’ individual beliefs about making mis-
climate class” than in the “low error climate class,” and observa-
takes at time 1 would impact their math-related emotions at time
tional results point to its negative affective consequences. Profiles
2. Specifically, an adaptive attitude towards errors was assumed to
of error response patterns suggest differences between and within
be negatively associated with subsequent domain specific anxiety,
teachers. Similar to Meyer et al. (2006), maladaptive reactions of
anger, and boredom, and positively associated with enjoyment.
the classmates did not occur in these observations.

4.2. Method
4. Study 3
As in Study 2, perceived error climate in the math classroom was
4.1. Aim and hypotheses assessed using the error tolerance by the teacher scale (seven items;
Spychiger et al., 2006). Students’ attitudes towards errors (eight
The focus of Study 3 was to analyze the impact of perceived items) were also assessed with the same scale used in Study 2. All
error management behavior on students’ own attitudes towards items were presented on a 5-point scale ranging from 1 (strongly
learning from mistakes, as well as associations with students’ more disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). Internal consistencies (Cronbach’s
M. Tulis / Teaching and Teacher Education 33 (2013) 56e68 65

alpha) were satisfactory (a ¼ .71 and a ¼ .82, respectively). The two Table 7
subscales were positively correlated at time 1 (r ¼ .29) and time 2 Hierarchical regression analysis predicting students’ attitude towards error at time
(r ¼ .36), respectively (p < .01). Students’ math-related emotions e
anxiety (eight items), anger (eight items), boredom (nine items), Predictor Model 1 Model 2
and enjoyment (six items) e were measured with the “Academic B SE b B SE b
Emotions Questionnaire e Mathematics” (Pekrun, Goetz, Titz, & Students’ attitude towards 0.59 0.046 .50*** 0.56 0.047 .47***
Perry, 2002). Responses were given on a 5-point scale ranging errors (time 1)
from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). Internal consis- Error tolerance by the 0.15 0.056 .11**
tencies were satisfactory (.86 < a < .94). Bivariate correlations teacher (time 1)

showed the expected directions at both measurement points: R2/DR2 .25/.25*** .26/.01**

Positive associations among all negative emotions (.50 < r < .75) Notes. Dependent variable is students’ attitude towards errors (time 2), ***p < .001;
and negative associations between enjoyment and negative emo- **p < .01.
tions (.38 < r < .65).
positive attitudes towards mistakes for positive emotional states
4.2.1. Sample and procedure during learning (Tulis & Ainley, 2011).
Students from 25 fifth grade classrooms (N ¼ 685 students) at
25 different schools2 in Bavaria participated in Study 3. The pro- 5. General discussion
portion of female students was 54% and the average age was 10.4
years (SD ¼ 0.61). Class size ranged from 19 to 32 students. Student The presented studies aimed to examine an activity funda-
participation was voluntary and with parental agreement. Data mental to students’ learning and everyday experiences in the
were collected 4 weeks after the beginning of the school year (time classroom: teachers’ dealing with mistakes. The three empirical
1) and at the end of the first term (i.e., after 5 months, time 2). All studies in this article build upon each other: Study 1 addressed the
measurements were operationalized with respect to the subject of general occurrence of error management behavior in everyday
mathematics. classes and focused on the frequency of teachers’ adaptive and
maladaptive error management activities. On this basis, video ob-
4.3. Results servations within one specific domain (economics classes) were
conducted to replicate these findings (Study 2). Observational data
In order to analyze the impact of error management behavior on was also combined with students’ self-reports of perceived error
students’ individual error-related attitudes, hierarchical linear climate in Study 2. In addition, the phenomenon called “Bermuda
regression analysis was performed. Students’ attitudes towards triangle of error correction” (Oser & Spychiger, 2005) and its
errors at time 2 were used as the dependent variable. Students’ postulated maladaptive effects on students’ affect was examined.
attitudes towards errors at time 1 (model 1) and teachers’ error Finally, Study 3 analyzed the impact of students’ perceived error
management behavior perceived by the students at time 1 (model management behavior of their teacher at the beginning of the
2) were entered block-wise in the analysis. The results indicate that school year on students’ own attitudes towards learning from
teachers’ dealing with mistakes has a substantial influence on mistakes and domain-related emotions at the end of the first term.
students’ perception of errors as learning opportunities at time 2 The current findings contribute to existing attempts for a
(see Table 7). theoretical conception of error management behavior and respec-
Hierarchical linear regression analyses were applied to examine tive error climate in several ways. First, the results provide evidence
associations between domain specific emotions at time 2 and at- for a broad range of adaptive versus maladaptive responses (Oser &
titudes towards errors (time 1), controlling for students’ emotions Spychiger, 2005; Rybowiak et al., 1999; Steuer & Dresel, 2011).
at time 1. For each emotion, separate regressions were calculated Although limited due to methodological aspects, findings regarding
(see Tables 8e11). Even after controlling for students’ emotions at students’ affective reactions point to the maladaptive nature of
the beginning of the school year, students’ attitude towards mis- redirecting the question to another student (“Bermuda triangle of
takes was a significant negative predictor of all negative emotions error correction”, cf. Oser & Spychiger, 2005). However, further
(anger: b ¼ .08, anxiety: b ¼ .17, boredom: b ¼ .21) and a research using enhanced measurements of students’ emotions
positive predictor of enjoyment (b ¼ .13) at the end of the first half should explicitly focus on this issue to confirm these findings. With
of the school year. respect to adaptive responses, students in all domains were often
encouraged to correct the mistake by themselves (see also Hiebert
et al., 2003; Santagata, 2005). Thus, it seems that adaptive error
4.4. Summary of the findings of Study 3 management behavior is not a question of the school subject.
Nevertheless, in all domains and especially in mathematics,
In summary, the findings from Study 3 emphasize the positive teachers place little emphasis on the learning potential of errors
impact of teachers’ error management behavior on students’ own through positive acknowledgment of incorrect solution strategies.
attitudes towards learning from mistakes. Furthermore, associa-
tions between these attitudes and domain specific emotions have
been found. Students who hold an adaptive orientation towards Table 8
their mistakes are more likely to report positive domain specific Hierarchical regression analysis predicting students’ anxiety at time 2.

emotions (and less negative emotions) in mathematics. This is in Model 1 Model 2

line with other research findings that highlight the importance of B SE b B SE b
Anxiety (time 1) 0.61 0.033 .64*** 0.60 0.033 .63***
Students’ attitude towards 0.12 0.053 .08*
Eleven classes from “Hauptschule”, which is the school type with the lowest errors (time 1)
academic demands in the German school system and 14 classes of “Gymnasium”
R2/DR2 .40/.40*** .41/.01*
(with the highest teaching level and academic demands) were involved. It should
be noted that in the Bavarian school system, students meet with a new teacher after Notes. Dependent variable is students’ self-reported anxiety in mathematics (time 2),
transitioning from grade 4 to grade 5. ***p < .001; *p < .05.
66 M. Tulis / Teaching and Teacher Education 33 (2013) 56e68

Table 9 Table 11
Hierarchical regression analysis predicting students’ anger at time 2. Hierarchical regression analysis predicting students’ enjoyment at time 2.

Model 1 Model 2 Model 1 Model 2

B SE b B SE b B SE b B SE b
Anger (time 1) 0.65 0.036 .63*** 0.61 0.037 .58*** Enjoyment (time 1) 0.69 0.035 .65*** 0.62 0.040 .58***
Students’ attitude towards .30 0.062 .17*** Students’ attitude towards 0.27 0.076 .13***
errors (time 1) errors (time 1)
R2/DR2 .39/.39*** .42/.03*** R2/DR2 .42/.42*** .43/.01***

Notes. Dependent variable is students’ self-reported anger in mathematics (time 2), Notes. Dependent variable is students’ self-reported enjoyment in mathematics (time
***p < .001. 2), ***p < .001.

These findings, combined with the results of Study 3, highlight the than in the other two domains, suggesting domain specific differ-
importance of including these aspects of adaptive error manage- ences. One explanation might be that errors may be more salient in
ment into teacher training. math classrooms because solutions are either correct or incorrect.
Secondly, the results of Study 3 indicate that how teachers’ Incorrect solutions may be more negatively evaluated in mathe-
deal with mistakes has a substantial influence on students’ matics than in other subjects because of this “either correct or
perception of errors as learning opportunities and, in turn, on incorrect” view. It has been shown that teachers’ instructional
students’ domain specific emotions. Together, these findings practices are related to their beliefs about their subject (e.g., Staub &
contribute to the understanding of the interplay between teach- Stern, 2002). Another explanation may be that math teachers are
ers’ everyday instructional routines surrounding mistakes and more likely to follow an error prevention approach to avoid the
students’ beliefs about (learning from) errors. They emphasize the recall of erroneous or misleading information (cf. Ayers & Reder,
relevance of students’ perceptions of their teachers’ error-related 1998). Further replication of domain specific differences in teach-
attitudes. In Study 2, students’ perceptions of their teachers’ er- ers’ maladaptive error management behavior is required before any
ror tolerance corresponded to observational findings of the conclusions can be drawn. However, the presented findings do
teacher’s actual error management behavior, and error tolerance suggest that we need to investigate differences in error manage-
by the teacher was positively correlated with students’ attitudes ment behavior between different school subjects. Results of Study 2
towards errors. On the other hand, both, error tolerance by the emphasize that future studies should also control for context spe-
teacher and students’ attitudes were negatively associated with cific (i.e., class specific) differences. Therefore, studies should be
covering up errors. Thus, the current findings provide evidence designed to investigate error management behavior and error
that students adopt error-related attitudes based on their climate between different subjects but within the same class and
everyday experiences with their teacher’s management of mis- teacher. It was also found that most of class time was spent on
takes e similar to how classroom goal structures influence stu- teacher lecturing and class work discourse. As this instructional
dents’ individual goal orientations (e.g., Gonida et al., 2009). practice is common in many countries (e.g., Hiebert et al., 2003;
However, no significant correlation between error strain and Stigler et al., 1999) and teachers’ error responses are an essential
students’ attitudes towards learning from errors were found in element of the classroom climate, the coding scheme developed to
Study 2. It is possible that students hold an adaptive view about measure teachers’ error management behaviors can be applied in
learning from mistakes but nevertheless try to avoid making different countries.
(public) errors in order to avoid negative evaluations. Future
studies are needed to investigate the relationship between 6. Limitations
different components of teachers’ behaviors regarding student
mistakes and students’ error-related attitudes. The presented findings are limited in some aspects. First, video
Third, the current findings demonstrate that overall, teachers’ based observational data were not used in Study 1 for economic
responses to students’ errors are more often adaptive than mal- and feasibility reasons. Although direct observations demonstrated
adaptive (with the exception of the “Bermuda triangle of error good inter-rater reliability, real-time assessments are at risk of
correction”). This is in line with other observational findings observation bias. Second, as Study 1 did not focus on a special
focusing on mistake-handling activities (e.g., Hiebert et al., 2003; school subject, different domains were analyzed but no detailed
Santagata, 2005). However, previous studies were mainly con- information about each lesson topic was collected. It could be
ducted in the domain of mathematics. The current findings suggest argued that the lesson topic (e.g., algebra versus geometry in
that the dominance of adaptive teacher behavior is also true for mathematics) may affect the type and frequency of students’ mis-
other subjects. takes, which might have an impact on teachers’ error management
Although maladaptive patterns of teacher-responses were less behavior. However, empirical studies point to the likelihood that
frequently observed, they were found more often in mathematics teachers’ everyday error management behavior in classes is not
related to specific topics or the kind of students’ mistakes
(Santagata, 2005). Third, differences between teachers within the
Table 10
same domain were not addressed in Study 1. Although this was
Hierarchical regression analysis predicting students’ boredom at time 2.
considered in Study 2, gender-related differences were not
Model 1 Model 2 addressed in any of the current studies. Male or female teachers
B SE b B SE b may differ in their error management behavior, and teachers’ re-
Boredom (time 1) 0.62 0.039 .58*** 0.55 0.039 .52*** sponses to male or female students’ errors might also differ. For
Students’ attitude towards 0.38 0.067 .21*** example, studies investigating teachers’ gender-related beliefs of
errors (time 1) students’ success and failure in mathematics indicate disadvan-
R2/DR2 .33/.33*** .37/.04*** tages for girls (e.g., Tiedemann, 2000). In addition, students’ per-
Notes. Dependent variable is students’ self-reported boredom in mathematics (time 2), ceptions of teachers’ error management behavior might be
***p < .001. influenced by individual learner characteristics, such as gender or
M. Tulis / Teaching and Teacher Education 33 (2013) 56e68 67

achievement level. For example, there is empirical evidence sug- Acknowledgments

gesting that low-achieving students perceive their teachers as less
positive than high-achievers (e.g., Ditton, 2002). This work was supported by the Department of Psychology,
Study 2 investigated video-taped lessons of the same school University of Bayreuth. I thank all observers for their assistance in
subject and three lessons of each teacher. However, it is unclear to carrying out the studies and I wish to sincerely thank the reviewers
what degree these findings generalize to other domains. Moreover, for the comments on the initial submission.
as teachers’ participation was voluntary in Study 2, the sample is
not representative. It can be assumed that the involved teachers are
open-minded to research studies. However, they had to be
convinced before participating in the study (in consideration of Ames, C. (1990). Motivation: what teachers need to know. Teachers College Record,
strict data privacy). Therefore, an extraordinary selection effect can 91, 409e421.
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