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Ms. Jung Case Study

Cassondra Brotzman

ESE 691

Instructor Dawson

July 25, 2016


Ms. Jung Case Study

Ms. Jung Class is is demonstrating four strategies with her classroom they are stating

expectations clearly, implementing the classroom rules and procedures, supporting expectations

consistently and reevaluating the established norms. The first strategy is stating expectations

clearly. She states the expectations before school is over to all the other third grade teachers to

get them in line for Monday.because 12 of her students will be going to a different classroom and

Ms. Jung will be getting six new students. Ms. Jung class is implementing the classroom rules

and procedures at the beginning of the day when the bell rings the first thing she is planning is

to teach them the rules and the procedures in her chart she lists this time from 8:30 am to

9:00pm. The next strategy is Supporting expectations consistently she created a chart and a

star sheet to determine each students schedule in her classroom as well as the students schedules

that are different than the other students. The final strategy was reevaluating the established

norms by having a schedule made for outside of her classroom she had her own classroom

schedule as well as a schedule for outside of the classroom she is worried about the amount the

movement of students leaving the classroom for outside activities and then coming back to her

classroom for the subjects that she teaches(Evertson, & Poole,2003). She is used to her own

schedule and the change of twelve students leaving her class and her getting 6 new students

means that she needs to reevaluate her schedule some so that it works for her and the students.

Looking at Ms. Jung’s schedule and her star sheet the norm that may have an effect on

not as much traffic going from her classroom. Call the students out that are going to their

specials and have them line up in a line according to where they are going. That way the students

will be going when you tell them to instead of everyone getting up and rushing. A line will make

things less traffic in the hallway. Each line will have a leader and they will be responsible for

keeping the line quiet and in a line. If a student needs to leave when you are teaching to go to

something else then have them quietly get up from their desk and walk out of the room that way

the student will not be disturbing your lesson and the students will be less distracted since the

student is being quiet. If the student was noisy getting up they would be disturbing your lesson as

well as the students would be really distracted by the noise and may begin to talk to their peers

instead of listen to the lesson that you are trying to teach them. Ms. Jung should state that when

we form a line and have a line leader their responsibility is to keep the line in formation as well

as to be quiet until you enter the room you need to be in. If you have to leave the classroom for a

different class while I am teaching to leave quietly so you do not disturb the lesson that I am

teaching. If you have to go to the bathroom or get water please grab the water or bathroom pass

we have a blue one for boys and pink one for girls only one student is to go at a time unless it is

an emergency. Keith will not have to abide by the bathroom pass rule because of his condition he

can go anytime he needs to (Evertson, & Poole,2003).

The procedures that she must teach Lew are how he needs to leave the classroom for his

tutoring session and what time his tutoring session for math is and what time his tutoring session

for reading is. She would tell Lew that it is important that when we leave the classroom we need

to leave as quietly as we can be so not to be noisy but if you are just try not to do that again

because it is important not to disturb my teaching and not to distract the students from their

lesson that they are learning. Ms. Jung would tell him Lew you will be going to your Title I Math

Tutoring session from 10:00 am to 10:25am (Evertson, & Poole,2003). Ms. Jung would also tell

him Lew your Title I reading session is at 11:00am to 11:25am (Evertson, & Poole, 2003).

The procedure that she needs to teach Myra is that she will need to be quiet when leaving

the classroom for her special education session in math. Ms. Jung would tell her Myra you will

be going to your Special Education session at 1:00pm through 1:54pm.

The procedure that Ms. Jung needs to follow with one of her new students named Jay is

to not assume that he is unable to take care of himself so just ask him if he would like your help.

She also needs to remember to kneel to his level when talking to him (Watson, n.d.). Another

thing is to make sure the room has a way for his wheelchair to move around anywhere in the

room. There are many more things that she could learn to do for Jay she just needs to research

tips for working with students in wheelchairs.

Following these strategies and norms I think that the new additions to Ms. Jung’s class

will understand the new norms and everything will run smoothly in Ms. Jung’s classroom.


Evertson, C. & Poole, I. (2003).Norms & expectations.The Iris Center. Retrieved from

Watson, S. (n.d.). Tips For Working with Students in Wheelchairs. Retrieved July 25, 2016, from

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