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STQM 3413 : Kaedah berangka / Numerical methods

Assignment 5 / Tugasan 5 : Nilai eigen / Eigenvalues & Interpolasi dan penghampiran

polynomial / Interpolation and polynomial approximation.
Due date / Tarikh akhir : 2/12/2020 (10pm)
Semester 1, Session 2020/2021

1. Find the first three iterations obtained by the Power method applied to the following
2 1 1
1 2 1  .
 
1 1 2 
Take x(0) = (1, −1, 2 ) and use seven significant rounding digits.

2. For the function, f ( x ) = 1 + x , let x0 = 0, x1 = 0.6, and x2 = 0.9. Construct

interpolation polynomials of degree at most one and at most two to approximate
f ( 0.45 ) and find the absolute error.

3. Use a Lagrange interpolating polynomial of the second order to evaluate ln 2 on the

basis of the data below:

k 0 1 2
xk 1 4 6
yk 0 1.386294 1.791760
Use seven significant rounding digits.

4. Construct the Lagrange interpolation polynomial of degree 3 for the data set given

k 0 1 2 3
xk −1 0 1 3
yk 4 −1 −2 8

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