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This page intentionally left blank List of illustrations Part |: Defining the field 11 Why study vernacular architecture? (1978) 1.1 Traditional house of Southern Sotho, Lesotho 1.2. ‘Puddling’ clay and water, Antipolo, Philippines 1.3. Middle Bronze Age granite ‘hut circles’, Dartmoor 1.4 National Museum of Handicrafts, Delhi 1.5. Destruction of a machiya, Kyoto, Japan 1.6 Tourist accommodation in Corfu 1.7 ‘Bustee housing’, Calcutta, India 1.8 Village street, Pelekas, Corfu 1.9. Functional building, drainage windmill 1.10 Tuareg tent of hide, Sahara desert, Mali 2. The importance of the study of vernacular architecture (1993) 2.1 Cotswold village, Gloucestershire, England 2.2 Stone and adobe houses, Taxco village, Mexico 2.3 Architectural drawings of Asante ‘fetish house’ 2.4 Abandoned houses, Pirineos, Spain 2.5 Meeting house of the Cowachin, Vancouver Island 3. Problems of definition and praxis (1999) 3.1. Main Street, Maryville, Tennessee 3.2. Sea Ranch, California coast, designed by Charles Moore and Partners 3.3. Stone wall and relieving arch, Lefkara village, Cyprus 3.4 Map of world culture regions and areas, EVAW 3.5. A torogan great house, Mindanao, Philippines 3.6 —Badjao stilt house, Sulu Sea, Philippines 3.7 Medieval houses in use, Cluny, France 3.8 A cabane of dry-stone, with corbelled roof, Quercy, France 7 18 9 22 24 25 27 28 29 30 32, 33 34 38 39, UST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 3.9 Notched log construction, Borgund, Norway 3.10 Notched log construction, Nethers, Virginia Part ll: Cultures and contexts 4 Learning from Asante (2000) 4.1, Dense vegetation, central south Ghana 4.2. Asante forest farm, by the coast, Ghana 4.3 Asante elders, assembled to confer 44 Asante funeral dancers, miming the deceased 5. Cultural traits and environmental contexts (1999) 5.1. Hopi spatial organization, Moenkopi pueblo, Arizona 5.2. Navajo hogan (dwelling), Canyon de Chelly, Arizona 5.3 Woman building an enkang, Maasai Mara, Kenya 5.4 Shrine of goddess Durga, Bhaktapur, Nepal 5.5. Terracing and siting of Newar farms, Central Nepal, 5.6 Functional farm buildings, Padonia, Slovenia, 5.7 Building a funerary structure, Bali, Indonesia, 6 Huizhou and Herefordshire: A comparative study (2001) 6.1 Small town and lands of Xidi, Huizhou, China 6.2 West Mercian landscape, Herefordshire, UK 63 Ox drawing a plough, Tuxian province, China 64 — Sericulture, raising sikworms in China 65 Covered bridge, Huizhou, China 66 — Anopen market, Shendu, China 6.7 Houses by the churchyard, Berriew, Powys 6.8 Temple and modern house, Tangmo, China 6.9 Raised cruck frame, Willersley, Shropshire 6.10 Brick walls, with matoufang ‘horse-heads’ Hongeun, China 1. Tianjing skywell and verandah, Huizhou 12 West Mercian box-framed houses, Ludlow, Shropshire 6.13 Carved interior details, Xidi, Huizhou 7 Tout confort: Culture and comfort (1986) 7.4 Advertisements for electric appliances 7.2. Awnings to cool meta-workers’ shops, Isfahan, Iran 7.3. Julia Morgan designed indoor pool, ‘Hearst Castle’, California 7.4 The gassho farms of Gokayama, West Central Japan 7.5 Swahili makuti house, Lamu, Kenya 7.6 Minangkabau ‘saddleback’ roof, Negri Sembalan, Malaysia 40 a4 a7 4g, 49 52 53 55 57 58 60 63 64, 65 66 “9 72 72 73 74 76 76 7 78 79 80 81 83 24 87 92 94, 95 9% 98 9 a 78 79 Malay houses on piles, Malay peninsula Pile house of the Dai, Yunnan, China Airconditioner on an Arab house, Saudi Arabia Part Ill: Tradition and transmission 8 Vernacular know-how (1982) 10 8.1 Tookmaking blacksmith, Iran 8.2 Paiute shelter type, Nevada, USA 8.3. Lamba intanda (house), and named parts, Zambia 8.4 — Thatching of roof, Dartmoor, Devon 8.5 Arab noria for raising water, Ballearic Islands 86 La Pichora, windmill adapted to drive a noria, Mercia, Spain 8.7 Mundsley mill, with fan-tail and ‘spider’, Norfolk, UK 8.8 — Gurunsi compound, repaired, Nangodi, northern Ghana 8.9 Cabins re-roofed in comugated iron sheeting, Beechworth, Australia 8.10. Shanties of waste materials, Mathare Valley, Kenya 8.11 Comer bracketing, temple, Kyoto region, Japan Earth as a building material today (1983) 9.1 Des Architectures du Terre exhibit, Centre Pompidou, Paris, 1981 9.2 ‘Borrow pits’ of desertic soils, Kano, Nigeria 9.3 Roof domes of adobe bricks, Isfahan, ran 9.4 Parabolic domes of the Mousgoum, Cameroun, in 1912 9.5 Newly moulded mud bricks, Mali 9.6 Cob walling. Aston, south Devon, 9.7 Flat roofs of the Dogon plateau town of, Sanga, Mali 9.8 — Medical Centre at Mopti, Mali (Andre Ravereau, 1976) 9.9 Clinic of the Medical Centre, after ‘modernizing’, Mopti Handed down architecture: Tradition and ‘transmission (1989) 10.1 10.2 10.3 Traditional Iban Dyak longhouse, Sarawak, Borneo Moder Iban longhouse, Brunei, Bomeo Diffusion: a Toba Batak house roof, Sumatra 100 102 104 109 m1 112 113 115 116 116 118 120 122 124 125 129 130 132, 133 134 135 136 138 141 141 143 146 147 148 UST OF ILLUSTRATIONS UST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 10.4 10.5 10.6 107 Houses in a Fijian village Stack of Cotswold stone tiles Early splitting of granite rocks, Dartmoor, Devon Transmission between carpenters and apprentices, Nanjing region, China 11. Technology transfer: A vernacular view (2003) 11.1 Kits of tools, Eastern Slovenia 11.2. Abuilder’s yard, Bohemia, Czech Republic 11.3. Chinese tiled roof, Nanjing, China 11.4 Pivoted potter's kick-wheel, Uttar Pradesh, India 11.5 Postand-console suppor structure, Serbia 11.6 Diffusion of post-and-console, Nepal 11.7 Diffusion of saddle-roof, Toraja, Sulawesi, Indonesia 11.8 Bidons, oil drums used for building Nairobi, Kenya 11.9 Bull's Trench brick kiln, North India 11.10 Clamp kiln, dismantled after firing, North India 11.11 Railroad employees’ houses, Khartoum, Sucian 11.12. Ollantaytambo, grid plan of ancient Inca settlement, Peru Part IV; Cultures, disasters and dwellings 12. The cultural context of shelter provision (1978) 12.1 12.2 12.3 124 125 126 127 13 Earthen housing and cultures in seismic areas (1984) 134 13.2 133 134 135 13.6 137 Village of Cavusin, with landslip debris, Cappadocia, Turkey Ruins of Gibellina, following earthquake, Sicily Children’s paintings, Gibellina, Sicily Post-disaster metal housing, Gibellina Rebuilding of houses, Cavusin, Turkey Children’s paintings, Gibellina Adjacent paintings, Gibellina Fault of San Andreas tectonic Plate, California Map of quake belts across the world Map of soils in quake belts Map of vegetation and climate in the belts Map of earthen building in seismic areas Map of major linguistic groups Map of principal religions in quake belts 153 156 158 160 163 164 166 167 168 170 m1 172 174 176 Ww WwW 179 185 186 186 187 190 192 193 193 197 198 200 201 203, 204 206 208 13.8 Map of agricultural economy in the belts 13.9 Earthquake damage, Coalinga, California 13.10 Gecekondus, or squatter housing, Ankara, Turkey 13.11 Mosque at Gediz, after 1970 earthquake, Turkey 14 Factors affecting the acceptability of resettlement housing (1984) 14.1. Earthquake damage, Eski (Old) Muhipler, Turkey 14.2 Bayer domes, emergency housing, Akcaalan, Turkey 143. Traditional Kiitahya house, Turkey 14.4 Plan of upper floor of Kiitahya house 14.5 _ Interior of salon in the upper floor 14.6 _Uninhabited postdisaster houses, Kirankéy 147 _ Extensions to the postdisaster house, Gokler village 148 House built with gasterbeiter money 14.9 Plan of the government house, as provided 14.10 Extended govemment house as a small farm 14.11 Plan of an extended government house 14.12. Interior of post-disaster government house 14.13 Main room of government house 14.14 Seli-building houses, Eski Muhipler, Turkey 14.15. Settlement plan, Yeni Muhipler, 1970 and 1983 15. Rebirth of a Rajput village (1992) 15.1 The village of Jubbo, Lahore state, Paki 15.2 Map of the ‘Land of Five Rivers’ 15.3. Plan of Jubbo village 154 Courtyard of a Jubbo house 15.5 Plan of Rajput house in Ravi region 15.6 Telex appeal to Oxfam, 4 October 1988 15.7 Further telex to Oxfam, 9 October 1988 15.8 The bund, or protective levee, Lahore 15.9 Children crushing sugar cane, Jubbo 15.10 Tawala, cattle yard, while rebuilding continues 15.11 Interior of rebuilt dwelling, Jubbo 15.12 Modelling the roots of the Tree of Life Part V: Conservation and continuity 18 Conserving the vernacular in developing countries (1986) 16.1 Partially collapsed nailed house, Gediz, Turkey 162 Family dismantling house to rebuild, Turkey 209 212 218 220 223 225 226 228 229 230 231 232 233 236 237 237 238 241 242 243 247 250 251 252 253 254 256 257 258 258 259 260 261 267 268 269 UST OF ILLUSTRATIONS UST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 7 163 16.4 165 16.6 167 168 169 16.10 16.11 16.12 16.13 Machu Picchu, with pitched-roof houses, Peru House of Anne Hathaway, wife of Shakespeare, Wanwiekshire House of Japanese poet, Mukai Kyoral Sheikh Lutfullah Mosque, Maidan, Isfahan, Iran House of Mahdi in Omdurman, Khartoum, Sudan Dixcove Castle, Ghana coast The Great Mosque at Djenné, Mali ‘Acoma, the ‘Sky City’ on a mesa rock, New Mexico, USA Painted lelapa of a Ndebele homestead, Pretoria region, South Africa Haida longhouse, Victoria, Vancouver Island ‘As a World Heritage Site, Acoma restoration Re-presenting and representing the vernacular: The WT 178 179 17.10 W4 17.12 7.13 7.14 17.15 17.16 2.17 ir museum (2001) Arlington Row, Bibury, Cotswolds, England Farm buildings, Maihaugen Museum, Norway ‘Seurasaari Museum near Helsinki, Finland Smallholding, Nederlands Openluchtmuseum, Arnhem Chainmakers' workshop, Avoncroft Museum Freilichtmuseum, Cloppenburg, Lower Saxony with its massive brick and timber Hofenlage Hoffman’. Niedersachsishes Freilichtmuseum Bayleaf, Weald and Downland Museum, Singleton Entrance to St Fagans Muscum, Wales Kitchen in a Norwegian farm, Trondheim Costumed embroiderer in artisan’s house, Turku, Finland Buried Maori village, Rotorua, New Zealand ‘Cowman's bedroom in a farmhouse, Cuzals, Quercy, France Publicity leaflets of open-air museums Visitors’ guides to open-air museums Chinese Regional Architecture Museum, Guilin Dwellings built by Kikuyu for a Kenya Museum Nicobarese meeting house, Handicrafts Museum, Delhi an 273 274 275, 276 277 277 278 280 282 284 287 288 289 289 290 293 293 296 300 302 303 304 305 306 307 309) 310 31 18 Part 9 20 Perfect and plain: Shaker approaches to design (1990) 18.1 Plan of New Lebanon Shaker village, New York State 18.2 Proportions of Shaker buildings, New Lebanon 18.3 New Lebanon Meeting House, New York State 18.4 Section through New Lebanon Meeting House 18.5 Brick dwelling house, Church Family, Hancock, Massachusetts 18.6 Interior of Church Family building 18.7 Round Barn, Hancock, built 1826 18.8 Interior of the Round Barn 18.9 Built-in Shaker furniture 18.10 Weaving loom and Shaker iron stove Vk: Suburbs and selfbuilders Individualizing Dunroamin (1992) 19.1 Advertisements for semi-detatched houses 19.2 Semi-detached houses of knapped lin Worthing, Sussex 193 Detached houses with ‘Tudor’ framing details, Reading 19.4 Variations in fagades and plans, semi-detached houses, Oxford 195 Swept gable type, inspired by CF. Voysey, 1905 19.6 Villas by Maurice B. Parkin and J. Gordon Allen, 6.1912 19.7 Topiary defines private domain, Kidlington, Oxfordshire 19.8 Designs for stained glass 19.9 Typical council housing estate, Angmering, Sussex 19.10. High-rise apartments, Killingworth, Yorkshire (now demolished) 19.11 Adaptation of @ semi-detached house Oxford Round the houses (1983) 20.1 Rietveld!'s Schréder House, in context, Utrecht, Netherlands, 1924 20.2 Allotments, Ljubliana, Slovenia 20.3 Cruck-framed house, Didbrook, Glouce: 315 317 318 319 320 321 322 322 323 325 326 333 336 337 337 338 339, 340 342, 343 344 345, 347 349 350 351 352 UST OF ILLUSTRATIONS UST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 20.4 Leadenporch House, Deddington, Banbury region, Oxfordshire 20.5 ‘Station Road, in London suburb of Pinner 20.6 Traditional buildings in High Street, Pinner 20.7 Suburban houses in winter, Ottawa, Quebec 208 Artificial stone, Old Oak Estate, Acton, London Kaluderica: High-grade housing in an illegal settlement (1989) 21.1. Zemon vernacular buildings, Belgrade, Yugoslavia 21.2 High-tise blocks and rural periphery, South Belgrade 21.3 Peasant farm and smallholding, Kaluderica, Serbia 21.4 Sophisticated self-build, Kaluderica 21.5 An incomplete house, with use of arches 21.6 Semi-detached houses to pattem book design 21.7 On completion, decoration and details. 21.8 View of ‘wild settlements" in Kaluderica Part VII: Meeting the challenge of the twenty-first century 22. Tradition by itself... (2000) 23 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 22.5 22.6 Continuity of Bozo settlement tradition Bani river, Mali Gathering hay from a kozalec, Slovenia Use of materials. Cuzco Example of pueblos jovenes (young towns), Peru Corralones, or gated slums. Santa Cruz, Lima, Peru Standpipe tap and lavatory, corralones, Lima Ethies and vernacular architecture (2000) 23.1 23.2 233 23.4 23.5 23.6 23.7 23.8 23.9 Fisherman's houses, Looe, Comwall Mass, low-cost housing, Costa Rica Dogon village, Bandiagara escarpment, Mali, West Africa Hindu lontars, or manuals, Bali, Indonesia Resettlement housing, Kete Krachi, Volta River, Ghana Nabdam family compound, Northern Ghana Iban longhouse threatened by excavation Brunei Vernacular houses, Santorini, Cyclades, Greece Vaulted post-disaster houses. Santorini, some extended 353 356 357 358 360 365 367 368 371 372 374 374 377 377 383 385 385 386 388 390 391 395 396 398 400 401 402 403 405 406 407 24 Necessity and sustainability: The impending 8 crisis (2002) an 2 24.1 Kanaga symbol of creation on Dogon 5 granary. Mal a2 & 24.2. Masked kanaga dancers in Dogon dama 53 funeral ritual 4305 24.3 Section of a Matakam compound, Cameroun 415 24.4 Student's model of Marsh Arab mudhif, Lausanne, a Switzerland 416 24.5 Migrants asleep on sidewalk, Calcutta, India 418 24.6 Self-builder of bamboo house, Central Java, Indonesia ate 24.7 Consolidated bustee, Calcutta, India 420 24.8 _ISVA students on location, Dartmoor 423 Illustration credits All photographs were taken by the author and are copyright Paul Oliver, except in the instances listed below, copyright in their Photographs by the late Valerie Oliver: 6.6, 6.10, 6.11, 6.13, 7.6, 8.11, 10.4, 105, 10.7, 11.2, 11.3, 11.12, 163, 17.10, 17.11, cour- tesy Paul Oliver Photograph by Yasmin Cheema: 15.4 Photographs by lan Davis: 14.5, 14.3 Photographs by Joseph Fortin: 3.5, 3.6 Photograph by Graham Paul Smith: 20.8 Drawings of Eski Muhipler and Yeni Muhipler by Shelter and Settle- ments Unit members, Oxford Polytechnic School of Architecture 144,147, 14.9, 14.13 Drawings of Asante shrine: the late Michael Swithenbank, courtesy Mrs Swithenbank Drawing of Matakam Compound, courtesy Piere Pelloux of the Beaux-Arts team Map of global culture areas, researched, compiled and drawn by Paul Oliver for the Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, courtesy of Cambridge University Press Maps: Sketch drawings by Paul Oliver Shaker map and sections derived from WPA Historic Buildings Research, by AH. Mosley, 1939 Advertisements and early drawings from the collections of Paul Oliver and lan Davis

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