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Title: Sustainable Challenges of Global Organizations

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Table of Contents

Abstract 2

Introduction 3-4

Literature Review 5-7

Ecological Growth 5-6

Worldwide Ingenuities 6-7

Analysis and Discussion 7-11

Food safety and Why does it matter? 7-8

Climate change 8

Energy 8

Global finance's future 9

Social Sustainability 9

Investment in the Long Term: How to Close the Gap? 9-10

An Atmosphere Favorable to Ecological Corporations 10-11

The Ecological Growth Objectives 11

Recommendations and Conclusion 12

References 13


In business, the word sustainability is often used in the belief that the existing broad
trend can be met by only slight changes in the balance between economic growth and related
environmental and social issues. Nonetheless, there are huge challenges to the very existence of
our global economy, including individual enterprises and development. Any of the major issues,
such as population development, renewable energy, access to freshwater and global climate
change, are addressed. When society shapes its collective response to these threats, the inference
is that not only technological advancement but also political action must be felt by all intelligent
citizens, including in particular scientists. As society forms its collective response to these
challenges, we may conclude that all intelligent people, including scientists, will experience not
only technological advancement but also political action. The concept of achieving human
development goals, while at the same time preserving the capacity of ecosystems to provide the
natural resources and ecosystem services on which the economy and community rely, is energy


The aim of this paper is to give business organizations effective responses to the
effects of global challenges and sustainable development. This offers a summary model of the
success of the enterprise with this approach. This paper is a conceptual paper based on a review
of relevant literature theories, results of research and reports. The analysis presented the
following context for research: many countries face global challenges; these global challenges
impact companies as external factors; it can be implemented in organizations by CSR (Corporate
Social Responsibility), CG (Corporate Governance) and sustainability policies and practices, and
it is an important response to global challenges to combine corporate social responsibility,
corporate governance and sustainability principles. Economic issues affect and will continue to
impact company organizations. Leading business organizations around the world are gradually
embracing CSR, CG and sustainable principles. CSR, CG and sustainable principles will
improve the long-range organizational success of companies at a strategic level as they help
companies meet global challenges and establish good relationships with all stakeholders in
societies. The interpretation and implementation of the findings or recommendations in this
research can be limited by different cultural or socio-economic contexts. As an organization,
consistent success is essential to creating an outstanding organization and sustaining it. There
was a mistake. Sustainable output ensures that the company delivers quality goods and services
effectively and efficiently, is helped by low absenteeism and low employee turnover (Berlin C.,
Dedering C., Jónsdóttir G., Stahre J).

But how do you protect colleagues from burnooses and work holism? Healthy efficiency
and participation The best way to achieve improved results is by commitment. The emphasis is
on three key areas: The co-worker associates with the raison d'être of the organization. Schaufeli,
and colleagues, describe commitment as an optimistic, satisfying, labor-related state of mind
defined by energy, dedication, and absorption. I care about the job the coworker does. You can
boost your performance: work is demanding and your need for mastery supports. The first two
things will best be tackled by ensuring that the company (or its mission) is transparent and that
new hires are chosen to recruit the right people (Berlin C., Dedering C., Jónsdóttir G., Stahre J).

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the organization and to monitor and report on
future progress, SPIs (Sustainability Performance Indicators), or measures of sustainable growth,
shall be used. In the three areas covering cultural, environmental, or social aspects of sustainable
development, SPIs can be classified. Industries of manufacturing have to act. For the next two
decades, the demographic projection of Europe will lead to an aging population, which will most
probably lead to a crisis of jobs and skills for the industry. The procurement pool for the
automotive sector should also have a skills shortage in 2020. For the economic development and
survival of nations, manufacturing industries are crucial and so they need to become conscious of
the trials and act in due course (Virakul, Busaya).

Arbitrating by contemporary demographic inclinations in Europe, as indicated by the

dark columns in Figure, about 20-30% fewer people are expected to replace the existing working
population (20-55 years). Furthermore, the health industry should demand more and more people
care for the aging population of Europe.

The shortage of staff to fill the manufacturing sector would be dramatic as its recruitment
applies to a limited segment of a limited diversified society. Figure provides an example of the
employment group, presently over represented by men aged thirty-five to sixty-five. To order to
increase the selection, it is important to look at what other groups in society might pursue
recruitment (Virakul, Busaya).

Literature Review:

This paper outlines some of the problems and explores how to address

Ecological Growth:

Sustainability has been a popular term in the corporate world over the
last four decades. Some organizations have modified their organizational structures by renaming
what once was called Climate, Health & Safety Department Sustainability Divisions, known as
core principles that help preserve a license to operate, protecting the environment and workers
'health and respecting the communities in which they operate. Enterprises, for example
Sustainable Mining and Sustainable Chemistry, joined forces to encourage greater industrial
businesses in expectation of a solid basis for green business goals or standards (Virakul, Busaya).

The gray field displays the pool of future employees for manufacturing companies in
order to understand better the concept of Social Sustainability and what it is doing for
manufacturing firms, a Millions of age distribution of countries in the EU. Both management and
business leaders, including the European Co., have identified these issues in a development plan
and there are preparatory attempts (primarily a literature study) to formulate socially sustainable
policies to deal with them. "SO SMART" (Socially Sustainable Man with Factories of the
Future) and CSA (Coordination and Action) are some of the movements that the Europeans
would be promoting (Virakul, Busaya).

In this paper, the relevance of the population crisis to the creation of comp Sustainability
and its many dimensions are addressed with different aspects of social sustainability.
Nonetheless, the majority of concepts of sustainability come from WCED: a plan that meets
current requirements and does not require rations 'capacity to fulfill its needs' concept of
sustainable development. The world's environmental and development committee. A multi-stage
literature analysis was undertaken to better understand the idea of social sustainability and what
it means for man-made companies. Literature showed that European people recognized these
model socially-sustainable approaches to deal with the "SO SMART (Socially Sustainable

European Social Sustainability Compound), which still comprises sustainable development by
the World Commission without the ability to comply, and applies to enviro in the literature
sector. As described earlier, diversity as a social diversity promotes a robust approach to
understanding the idea of social sustainability and the importance of human literature research. A
wide array of literature, including scientific literature, has been sought, but since the term social
sustainability still takes shape as Europeans have understood, other popular contemporary
literature formats, surveys, and reports have been included if they include a relevant perspective,
media representations, or figures (Virakul, Busaya).

Worldwide Ingenuities:

The United Nations General Assembly created the World

Environment and Development Commission in 1983 under the leadership of Gro Harlem
Brundtland, a separate and autonomous body. The Commission formulated environmental
policies for the attainment of sustainable economic growth in all nations by the year 2000, to
formulate a global Agenda for Reform. Even though the Commission's purpose was not achieved
in the time frame it required, the Commission enabled the most educated citizens to agree that
The economic development issues could not be separated from social and environmental issues
and sustainability was no final state, but a form of action and decision-making process which met
current requirements without jeopardizing upcoming generations' ability to meet their own
necessities. This articulated the conviction that to attain ecological growth, elements of each
creation were incorporated into their social problems and their environmental and cost-
effectiveness correctly and holistically (Bansal, Tima).

The 2015 UN concession to 17 worldwide objectives for manageable improvement

featured manageability issues that are not carefully monetary, rather including natural and social
issues concerning globalization, strengthening, and equity. As of late, it has gotten progressively
significant to think about human viewpoints in all business exercises and procedures.
Consequently, the UN worldwide objectives for maintainable advancement center around social
maintainability, tending to sexual orientation uniformity, and decent variety. As indicated by the
European Commission contentions for practical advancement, the nature of HR is a key serious
issue, requiring consistent administration thoughtfulness regarding a few components of
monetary, social, and natural changes. This is particularly significant in times of mechanical

cutting back, where the organizations should all the while having individual assets for adapting
and be flourishing to address vital difficulties for building practical work conditions. In
confronting new snags identified with the expanded development of work and anticipated future
segment changes in the public arena, it has gotten progressively significant for corporate
directors to give cautious consideration to how to enlist and hold workers. Aside from the
financial advantages of workability characteristics, a reassessment of work starts basic social
procedures, at the same time requiring changes in labor perspectives and picture molding
exercises to draw in new work (Bansal, Tima).

Analysis and Discussion:

The following are the k ey sustainable challenges related to social

and environmental sustainability dimensions of global organizations and why do they matter to
the globe (Hutt, R.).

Food safety and Why does it matter?

By 2050, 9 billion people will be poured into the

planet. On the other hand, the market for food is 60% higher than it is now.

The United Nations set a cease-fire, achieved food security and improved nutrition and
promoted sustainable agriculture as the second of its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
for 2030. We need to tackle several problems, including gender equality, population aging,
growth of skills and global warming, to meet these goals. Through the implementation of
efficient business models and public-private collaborations, the agricultural sectors will become
more competitive. And by decreasing greenhouse gases, water, and unwanted contamination,
they need to become sustainable (Hutt, R.).

Climate change:

In the past 50 years’ average Earth's surface temperature, due to human

activity, has increased by around 1 ° C. Global greenhouse gas emissions have increased almost
80% since 1970. We now witness and feel the impact of climate change with weather conditions
such as drought and storm becoming more frequent and more complex and changing
precipitation patterns. The insurance firms report that economic damages connected to the
environment have tripled since the 1980s. (Hutt, R.).


The input of energy is important to increase the complication of a structure from a

modest state. Such an entropy decrease in part of the system must be achieved at a very distance
from balance if it takes place naturally, mostly due to the intense temperature of a system within
it. Therefore, the Life on Earth was formed in circumstances distant from balanced due to the
huge heat differential between the earth and the sun, clearly when a simple mechanism became
more complicated and was maintained by the resulting vast energy flow to the planet. Production
of additional resources from human collections organized in communities, tribal, villages, and
towns often resulted in spontaneous complexity changes, leading to major gains in people's
collective capacity to support themselves, including food, weather-protection and enemies and
education. Also static, dynamic groups must be preserved tremendously continued energy inputs.
(Hutt, R.).

Global finance's future:

The worldwide monetary calamity has exposed noteworthy flaws in
the fiscal system and other risks that may result from a globally interlinked economy. Some
years after the recession, sluggish growth, the unorthodox monetary policies of major economies
and government budgets continue to be the problem for the global economy. We must find ways
to avoid shocks and make the financial system more robust. (Hutt, R.).

Social Sustainability:

Social sustainability is about understanding and mitigating company

impacts, both positive and negative, on people. The consistency of a company's partnerships and
interaction with its stakeholders is important. Companies affect the situation for staff, staff,
clients and local communities, directly or indirectly and it is necessary to proactively handle

The social authorization for corporations to trade is highly reliant on their efforts to
promote environmental stability. Moreover, a lack of social advance in businesses will hinder
operations and business growth, including poverty, disparities, and the poor rule of law. The
company's social license is primarily focused on its social protection activities. Moreover, a lack
of social advance in businesses will hinder operations and business growth, including poverty,
disparities, and the poor rule of law (Hutt, R.).

At the same time, efforts to attain communal stability can open up new marketplaces,
contribute to sustaining and attracting trade associates, or build new products or service lines for
innovation. Internal morality and loyalty of workers will increase while increasing efficiency,
risks and tension between the business and the Community. (Hutt, R.).

Investment in the Long Term: How to Close the Gap?

For economic growth and

social welfare long-term investment is significant. If new infrastructure is constructed or
maintained, funding is required to maximize its economic benefits. Yet, seven years after the
global financial crisis, the world continues to experience weak economic growth and slash
government budgets. As a result, long-term investments typically do not have major impacts on

global growth. The challenge is to find ways to fund basic programs and services in a financial
world that is demanding. (Karbassi, L.)

Investment growth in the United States was consistent with its typical pattern of
investment growth. In short, private investment growth was poor mainly because of the anemic
rate of recovery. Companies have marked up their investment plans for pre-crisis countries to
represent a "new normal" post-crisis growth of slow and unpredictable demand for their
production. Strengthen public spending stimulates more private sector investment under
conditions of low aggregate demand. However, public spending still fell short of pre-crisis goals,
worsening the decline in private investment rather than strengthening it (Tyson, L. D. A.).

During cyclical expansions R&D investment typically rises faster than GDP and the
current duration is in line with historical trends. Indeed, R&D investment, as a part of the
economy, is now at its highest point, which is good for future productivity growth. As the
investment acceleration theory predicts, much R&D is investing in high-tech sectors in which
current and future demand is heavy. There is also proof of an increasingly skewing distribution
of the returns on capital in those sectors (Tyson, L. D. A.).

An Atmosphere Favorable to Ecological Corporations:

The legitimate search for

profit – a key factor for economic growth – is coupled with the development need to be done in a
way that values the dignity of human beings, environmental sustainability and decent labor.
There are a wide range of factors within the environment that allow sustainable business growth,
whose relative importance can vary in different stages of development and in different cultural
and socio-economic contexts. However, certain fundamental factors are commonly regarded as
critical. The conditions explained below are interconnected and mutually reinforcing (Karbassi,

1) Global stability and security. Peace and political stability constitute important
preconditions for sustainability entrepreneurship creation and growth, while war and civil
conflict are major disruptions to investment and development in the private sector.
2) Strong management. Effective administration. Core prerequisites for market economies
and businesses to produce superior performance, attentive to social principles and long-

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term priorities are democratic political structures, open and accountable public and
private bodies, successful anti-corruption efforts and responsible corporate governance.
3) Global conversation. Civil conversation in order to achieve economically, fair and
helping each other for governments, employers, employees and society as a whole, it is
necessary to have social dialogue, based on freedom of association and the right to
collective bargaining, both through institutional and regulatory structure.
4) Equal human rights and fair labor standards are upheld. Values will be the foundation of
success. A distinctive characteristic of communities that effectively combine prosperity
and decent work is the respect for human rights and international labor standards, in
particular freedom of association and collective bargaining, abolition of child labor,
forced labor, and other forms of discrimination.
5) Community of entrepreneurship. Governmental and social awareness, in particular for
startups and small businesses and targeting groups such as women and the youth, of the
main development position played by businesses and strong public and personal support
for entrepreneurship, innovation, creativity and mentoring concept. (Karbassi, L.).

The Ecological Growth Objectives:

The concept of achieving human development goals,
while at the same time preserving the capacity of ecosystems to provide the natural resources and
ecosystem services on which the economy and community rely, is energy security. While the
idea of environmental sustainability has been important for ever since then, it can be claimed that
with commencement of every day the importance is growing, as the populace continues to rise,
yet humanity cannot enjoy its natural resources. Aware of this, worldwide worries for the wisely
use of available capital have also been articulated (Dugarova, E., & Gülasan, N.).

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Recommendations and Conclusion:

There was a lack of thought that especially explores

the European context in the literature on social groups that should be drawn to increase diversity
and. The authors find many of these research and review lacunae to be of great importance for
the above Mentioned SMART-project. When the production sector is an enticing job opportunity
for people from all classes of society, European manufacturing companies will continue their
journey towards social sustainability. Even quite significantly, they can then transform into a
sustainable company that can survive the turmoil and become an enticing source of European
labor force jobs, growth and stability. The Energy industry plays an essential role in progressing
sustainability applications through creative material planning, production, processing, use and
disposal in ways that allow mankind to satisfy global environmental, economic and social
requirements without sacrificing future generations' development and success. In response, this
study report defined a collection of key Grand Challenges for Sustainability Research in
chemistry and chemical engineering to help chemical industries identify a sustainability agenda,
which was coordinated in February 2005 and brought together a wide range of disciplines and
organizations. Such major challenges include study of life cycles, sustainable resources, and

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1) Berlin C., Dedering C., Jónsdóttir G., Stahre J. Social Sustainability Challenges for
European Manufacturing Industry: Attract, Recruit and Sustain. 20th Advances in
Production Management Systems (APMS), Sep 2013, State College, PA, United States.
pp.78-85, ff10.1007/978-3-642-41266-0_10ffffhal-01452101f
2) Virakul, Busaya. (2015). Global challenges, sustainable development, and their
implications for organizational performance. European Business Review. DOI: 27. 430-
446. 10.1108/EBR-02-2014-0018.
3) Bansal, Tima. (2012). The corporate challenges of sustainable development. Academy of
Management Executive. 16. 122-131. 10.5465/AME.2002.7173572.
4) Hutt, R. (2016, June 21). What are the 10 biggest global challenges? World Economic
5) Karbassi, L. (2017, March 20). Do business in ways that benefit society and protect
people. United Nations Global Compact. Retrieved from
6) Dugarova, E., & Gülasan, N. (2017). Challenges and Opportunities in the Implementation
of the Sustainable Development Goals.
7) Tyson, L. D. A. (2016, March 2). How can we close the investment gap? World
Economic Forum.

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