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Based from the findings which were obtained from the study, the researchers conclude

that the Grade 11 students of MMSU Laboratory High School, Senior High School use gestures

in public speaking. Most of the respondents have said that these gestures were helpful for both

the speaker and the audience. These results confirm the importance of gestures in social

interaction especially in public speaking.

Since gestures often help to emphasize certain points of speeches and strengthen the

speaker’s message, the speaker is more able to highlight or stress what he/she is saying. These

gestures are able to aid the speaker to give impact and make the audience focus on what he/she is

saying. With these, communication is somewhat more interactive. These movements also draw

attention to what the speaker is saying at that moment and gives highlight to the important parts

of the speech which gives a positive impact for the speaker.

Furthermore, the most common type of gesture used by these students is descriptive

gesture which are characterized as gestures that visualizes the speakers’ message. These help the

audience envision the size, shape, movement, location, function, and number of objects. 

Hence, using gestures are recommended for students to use during public speaking.


Based on the results of study, the following are recommended:

1. For the students. They are recommended to use gestures in public speaking because

these help lend emphasis and vitality to the spoken word. They are also recommended to
gestures which are only appropriate and understandable for the audience in order for

them to not misinterpret these.

2. For the teachers. They are recommended to guide and give advices to the students as

they do public speaking in order for them to effectively give the message of their


3. For other researchers. They are recommended to involve more students as their

respondents to ensure the accuracy of their results. They could also let these students

speak publicly in order for them to observe these gestures form an actual context.

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