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Rosewood Exploitation in the Brazilian Amazon: Options for Sustainable


Article  in  Economic Botany · January 2004

DOI: 10.1663/0013-0001(2004)058[0257:REITBA]2.0.CO;2

32 845

2 authors:

Peter H. May Lauro Barata

Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro University of Campinas


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May, Peter H. (Department of Development, Agriculture and Society, Federal Rural University
of Rio de Janeiro—CPDA/UFRRJ, Av. Presidente Vargas, 417–8o. andar, 20071-003 Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil; email: and Lauro Barata, E.S. (Natural Products Lab-
oratory, Institute of Chemistry, State University of Campinas—UNICAMP, C.P. 6154, 13083-
TIONS FOR SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION. Economic Botany 58(2):000–000, 2004. The authors re-
port on ongoing work in the Brazilian Amazon to assess the current and prospective manage-
ment of rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora Ducke) populations threatened by a half-century of
predatory extraction for the valuable essential oil linalool used widely in perfumery. The report
synthesizes prior research on rosewood exploitation and markets and recent research to develop
new essential oil products derived from rosewood leaves and stems. The study suggests alter-
native rosewood production systems, to guide investment in management and certification of
sustainable rosewood oil supplies.


ÁVEL. Os autores relatam estudos passados e atualmente em curso referente ao manejo de
populações de Pau-rosa (Aniba rosaeodora Ducke) ameaçadas por meio-século de extração
predatória para a produção de óleo essencial, rico em linalol, extensivamente usado em per-
fumaria. O trabalho sintetiza os resultados de pesquisas sobre a exploração e mercados do
Pau-rosa, fundamentada em entrevistas feitas com representantes governamentais, cientistas
locais, comerciantes e produtores de Pau-rosa. O estudo sugere alternativas para a organi-
zação de um sistema sustentável de produção de Pau-rosa que conduzam ao investimento,
manejo e certificação de fontes sustentáveis de óleo essencial de Pau-rosa.
Key Words: rosewood; Pau-Rosa; Aniba rosaeodora Duckei; Aniba duckei Kosterm.; linal-
ool; Amazon; Brazil; trade; industry; management.

SPECIES DESCRIPTION AND Rosewood trees are found in the vicinity of

DISTRIBUTION Burity Velho, Maués, and the Jamundá and Oya-
According to the Flora Neotropica (1995), poc Rivers in the State of Amazonas, Brazil.
rosewood comprises two species, both members Collections over the past five years by research-
of the Lauraceae family, namely Aniba rosaeo- ers at the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences of Pará
dora Ducke and A. duckei Kostermans (syn. A. (FCAP) and Brazilian Corporation for Agro-pas-
rosaeodora var. amazonica). These species are toral Research (EMBRAPA-Amazonas) are
indistinguishable, and the nomenclatures are ac- summarized in Fig. 1. Today, harvesting and dis-
cepted as synonymous in current usage. Com- tillation operations are limited to the municipal-
mon names are rosewood (Eng.), Pau Rosa (Br.), ities of Parintins, Rio Madeira, Presidente Fi-
and Bois de Rose femelle (Fr.). Some disagree- gueiredo, Manicoré, and Maués, although pop-
ments exist as to the exact botanical status of ulations of Aniba species still remain in other
parts of the Amazon, and, historically, trade
these species. In Brazil, where most of the re-
originated in French Guiana and from the former
search on Aniba has been carried out, some
territory of Amapá and from the state of Pará.
groups regard A. rosaeodora as a synonym of
Commercial rosewood oil today is obtained
A. duckei while others take the opposite view.
solely from Brazil, and the only port of export
is that of Manaus in the state of Amazonas.
1 Received 20 February 2001; accepted 22 Novem- Aniba species in general are known to have
ber 2003. aromatic characteristics. Due to depletion of ac-

Economic Botany 58(2) pp. 000–000. 2004

q 2004 by The New York Botanical Garden Press, Bronx, NY 10458-5126 U.S.A.
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Fig. 1. Map of rosewood collection and occurrence. Based on Ohashi (1999).

cessible rosewood trees for exploitation, there evidence to infer that the species is nearing ex-
may have been some tendency to substitute oth- tinction, thus making it necessary for producers
er Aniba species, leading to a change in the re- to exploit other species or to adulterate the oil
fractive indices of the oil, which can contain to meet demand. Several sources suggest that
from 0.7% to 1.2% pure linalool. Field studies other species of the genus Aniba are being used
have found that various species are ‘‘confused’’ by industry to ‘‘increment’’ their oil sales. In a
with rosewood and extracted in its place, wheth- producer’s opinion this practice is not wide-
er purposefully or by accident. Furthermore, spread. It is possible that other Aniba species are
samples derived from oil of distinct populations being used to produce rosewood oil of inferior
have found substantial range in these properties quality, but this would not be easily saleable as
and in the fragrance of the oil obtained, sug- pure rosewood, due to the latter’s distinctive
gesting substantial genetic variation in the raw bouquet.
material, and/or adulteration of the oil with other
species of Aniba. This variation has been re- ROSEWOOD OIL PRODUCTION
cently verified through CG-MS (gas chromatog- INDUSTRY IN AMAZONAS
raphy-mass spectrometry) analysis of samples of Since the turn of the century, but particularly
rosewood leaves obtained from distinct popula- between the 1940s and the 1970s, rosewood has
tions (Barata unpubl. data). been used for the large-scale production of the
Oil producers themselves recognize two plant essential oil linalool and of fragrances for the
sources but make no attempt to keep the distilled perfume industry. Indigenous to certain areas of
oil separate. Producers and technicians agree the Amazon, the sparse occurrence of the spe-
that the aroma of rosewood oil can vary from cies as well as predatory conventional exploita-
batch to batch, although they disagree on the tion practices, which imply the destruction of the
reasons for this variation. While producers argue entire tree, led to its inclusion on the national
that buyers mix pure rosewood oil with the in- endangered species list on April 3, 1992 (IBA-
ferior synthetic linalool, technicians rely on this MA 1992). Based on a series of discussions with
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producers and other local organizations, in May number of ‘‘palms’’ in circumference, used to
1998, the Brazilian Institute for Environment determine purchase price by the industry. Based
and Natural Resources (IBAMA) promulgated a on one distiller’s estimate, trees of 4 palms will
new set of regulations, allowing controlled ex- yield 1 t of wood; 5 palms—2 t, and 12 palms—
traction of rosewood from the Amazon to con- 14 t (Zanoni Magaldi pers. comm.). The extract-
tinue, but required the preparation and approval ed logs are then cut into pieces of 1 m length,
of sustainable management plans, and refores- and carried manually (using a head sling called
tation proportionate to extraction (IBAMA a jamanxı́) to the nearest riverbank for transport
1998). to market. Alternatively, mobile distilleries have
Negotiations with the industry were founded been mounted on barges that receive wood di-
in a series of factors that had contributed to the rectly from the forest.
decline of the industry and of serious threat of Rosewood oil producers typically purchase
species extinction. The introduction of synthetic logs directly from harvesting crews on the basis
linalool to the market during the 1980s provoked of a prior sale contract, tying up an advance of
a marked decrease in rosewood extraction activ- 50% of the value against receipt of raw material,
ities. Today, its importance to the perfume in- although some firms offer no advance payment.
dustry has been significantly reduced when com- Currently approximately 2000 workers are in-
pared to the demand levels of previous decades. volved in both the extractive enterprise and pro-
Limited almost exclusively to manual labor, the cessing rosewood, a dramatic decline from the
extraction of rosewood logs has a low impact on 1970s, when the industry employed over 30 000
the overall local ecosystem. However, these ac- workers. The processor pays $100/t of rose-
tivities do have a high impact on the local pop- wood, and sells the extracted essential oil (av-
ulation of the rosewood species. eraging 10 kg t21 rosewood) to the domestic and
Rosewood distillation is concentrated today in international market for an average of $280. Fi-
Manaus itself, and in the interior cities of Par- nancial costs for advances to harvesters (50% of
intins, Maués, Presidente Figuereido, and Nova final purchase price, at monthly interest rates
Aripaunã, all in the state of Amazonas. Only 10 over 25%), distillery operation costs (fuel—usu-
distilleries were in operation in the early 1990s, ally spent rosewood, equipment maintenance,
and this has declined to six currently operating, and so on), direct salaries (about 15% of gross
albeit on precarious footing, today. The existing margin), taxes, transport, export fees, and ad-
distilleries range in annual production scale from ministrative expenses must be deducted from the
20 to 70 barrels each holding 180 kg of oil. Total gross margin of $180 (64%). Profits are there-
estimated annual output is now about 50 t, fore unlikely to be considerable. However, the
which represents only a fraction of that in the industry has been able to survive primarily due
1940s and 1950s (Leite et al. 1999). to the high price offered in the dwindling market
The distilleries are usually only active during for pure commercial rosewood oil (averaging
a few months of the year, due to a supply chain approximately $42 kg21 FOB from 1997 to
that restricts extraction to the rainy season 1999, SECEX/DECEX 2000), and to lack of in-
(Dec.–April) when swollen rivers flood into the vestment in distillery equipment, which is seri-
backlands where trunks have been cut during the ously outmoded and inefficient.
dry season (May–Oct.), enabling them to be
transported to market. A ‘‘scout’’ unit of seven TRADE IN ROSEWOOD OIL
precedes harvesting crews. The scouts often Rosewood trade has experienced a long
must penetrate four hours into the forest to lo- downward trend since the 1960s, when synthetic
cate increasingly scarce merchantable trees. linalool substituted rosewood oil in the lower
These are then marked to define proprietorship. grade perfumery market. In the 1970s, rose-
The harvesting crew itself usually consists of 30 wood’s market share was further eroded by entry
members. Although they may harvest trees over of Chinese Ho (Cinnamon camphora) wood and
20 cm dbh (diameter at breast height), typically leaf oil in international commerce, substituting
only those over 30 cm dbh are actually cut, due for rosewood in mid-range perfumes, cosmetics,
to the higher quality aroma alleged by the in- and household products. Today, rosewood essen-
dustry obtained from older trees. Producers de- tial oil and its derivatives are only used as a
termine the diameter of the tree based on the principal scent in a few top-of-the-line per-
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Fig. 2. Rosewood oil exports, 1937–2003. (Sources: Associação Comercial de Maués, 1997, citing Ohashi;
SECEX/DECEX, various years.)

fumes, and as a component of ‘‘bouquets’’ in a buyer is Firmenich, which purchases rosewood

wider range of scents. Synthetic linalool is wide- oil in natura and produces compositions for the
ly available at a price of US$12 kg21, and Ho food and cosmetics industry for resale in São
oil for $11–14 kg21, thus easily undercutting Paulo. Since a share of these compositions is
rosewood in most fragrance applications. exported, total exports are greater than the pure
As a result of this competition and dwindling rosewood figures shown in Table 1.
supplies, exports, which constituted on average The volume of officially reported exports
75% of total rosewood oil production during the serves as a basis for estimating total production,
heyday of the industry, have declined. From an if it is assumed that approximately one-third of
average of 360 t in the period between 1945 and total supply is destined for local and regional
1974, rosewood oil exports declined sharply markets. However, there is some disagreement
during the 1990s to only 36 t yr21 on average in in the literature regarding total production vol-
the period 1997–1999 and 26 t yr21 in 2000– ume: Mitja and Lescure (1996) citing Coppen
2003 (Fig. 2). As a result, average prices are on (1995), suggest the production level may actu-
the rise (Fig. 3). The rosewood oil export market ally be closer to 100–130 t yr21.
is currently less than US$700 000 yr21.
According to destination information (Table ROSEWOOD EXTRACTION AND THE
1), exported rosewood oil is principally pur- THREAT OF SPECIES EXTINCTION
chased by United States merchants, accounting Rosewood oil of international commerce is
for an average of 63% of total sales in the 1985– derived from tree trunks through steam distilla-
1987 triennium. Other principal buyers in this tion exclusively from chipped wood and bark
period included France (16%) and Switzerland derived from Aniba rosaeodora and A. duckei.
(13%). In 1997–1999, however, while United These methods imply the destruction of the tree.
States buyers remained in first place (75%), To determine the amount of rosewood being
Switzerland no longer imported directly, and exploited, it is first necessary to consider the es-
France (10%) and the UK (11%) emerged as sential oil yield obtained. In most of the litera-
principal European buyers. More recently, dur- ture on the subject, the yield ranges from 0.7%
ing 2000–2003, the United States remained the to 1.2%. Harvesters recognize at least three dis-
principal buyer, but Belgium reasserted itself as tinct types of rosewood, named ‘‘pau-rosa mu-
an important market. The principal Brazilian latinho’’ (dark, dense wood, rich in oil), ‘‘pau-
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Fig. 3. Export volume and value of rosewood essential oil: 1980–2003. Source: SECEX/DECEX, various

rosa itaúba’’ (yellow colored, less dense, aro- industry, of an average 50 t yr21 oil, it would be
matic) and ‘‘pau-rosa imbaúba’’ (low in essen- necessary to process 5000 t of wood yr21 at a
tial oil). Although wood from which distillate 1% yield. If trees currently harvested average 5
has been extracted is typically used directly in palms in circumference, each providing an esti-
the boiler as a fuel, it is possible to increase mated 3 t of wood for processing, at this output
yields at an industrial level by re-processing level, the number of trees harvested yr21 would
wood from which oil has been extracted, to at- average about 1700. Indeed, IBAMA has ac
tain a level of 1.2% oil. However, the industry cepted an annual rate of extraction of 1000–
commonly applies the average yield of 1%, a 2000 trees (IBAMA 1997). The industry sug-
figure that is also accepted in the literature. This gests that total consumption is only 1000–1500
implies an average yield of 10 kg essential oil trees, assuming 3–4 t of wood per tree (Com-
t21 of rosewood. mercial Assoc. of Maués 1997). However, the
At current production levels estimated by the industry asserts a need for restraint on extraction

SOURCES: 1985: AEZFM (1986, CITED IN CLAY AND CLEMENT 1993); 1986–87: COPPEN 1995; 1997–
1985–1987 1997–1999 2000–2003
Destination average % average % average %

USA 28.3 63% 27 75% 12.5 47.5%

Switzerland 6 13% — — 0.2 0.7%
France 7.3 16% 3.8 10% 4.7 17.8%
Germany 1.3 3% 0.2 0.5% 1.0 3.9%
UK 1 3% 3.9 11% 2.9 10.9%
Netherlands 0.3 1% — — 1.0 3.8%
Belgium — 0.7 2% 4.4 16.8%
Spain 0.7 2% 0.2 0.5% 0.5 1.9%
TOTAL 44.9 100% 35.8 100% 26.3 100%
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of younger trees under 4 palms in circumfer- populations of the species in areas more distant
ence, indicating that some extraction of younger from streams, and from the existing distillation
trees has occurred. An IBAMA (Brazilian Insti- industry, such as in the Tapajós and Xingu river
tute for Renewable Natural Resources and the basins.
Environment) regulation (Portaria No. 001/98) A variety of different interpretations regarding
prohibits cutting trees smaller than 20 cm dbh. the blame for the decline in production and ex-
To consider the implication of this harvesting ports of rosewood oil are given. At one extreme
rate, this volume at most represented only about are environmentalists and technicians at the Bra-
0.03% of total wood extracted in the Amazon in zilian government environmental protection
recent years (e.g., in 1997, 28 million m3 of agency IBAMA, who lay the blame on preda-
hardwood was extracted in the region (FOE/Im- tory practices that have decimated the stands
azon/Imaflora 1999), with an average of about (IBAMA 1997). A purported decline in quality
0.7 t/m3). In terms of its contribution to Amazon of oil due in all probability to increased usage
deforestation, therefore, rosewood extraction is of different species, younger trees, and mixture
quite minuscule. Evidence reviewed below sug- with synthetic linalool would attest to this hy-
gests that the effect of rosewood extraction on pothesis.
local forest integrity is also low, since individual In marked contrast, rosewood oil producers
trees are dispersed and extraction practices are swear that the threat of extinction is exaggerat-
of reduced impact. However, it is necessary not ed, and that many of the stands that have been
only to consider this industry’s role in Amazon exploited up to as long as 60 years ago are re-
deforestation, but also to consider the potential juvenating naturally, requiring only careful man-
loss in biodiversity resulting from genetic ero- agement. This group, which includes as its
sion of rosewood itself. members the last surviving remnants of the in-
Since the extractive system obtains at most dustry based on rosewood, considers the prob-
one marketable mature tree ha21 (.20 cm dbh) lem of raw material supply the least of its wor-
in the regions of highest rosewood occurrence, ries, in light of the erosion in market share that
this is an extensive practice. Forestry scientists has occurred with the rise in synthetic linalool
cite from 27 trees (Mitja and Lescure 1996) to and linalyl acetate at far more accessible prices.
66 trees (Carvalho, cited by Rosa 1996) ha21 The industry also lays part of the blame for de-
found in native forests, most of which (90%) are cline in oil extraction on the industry’s incapac-
juvenile (Mitja and Lescure 1996). The latter au- ity to advance funds to forest workers during the
thors found only one tree per 7 ha .10 cm dbh, spiraling inflation of the late 1980s and early
and 1 tree ha21 with dbh ,10 cm, with an av- 1990s, which led many of those skilled in iden-
erage of 1 marketable tree per 3 ha. Although tifying rosewood to abandon this activity for the
industrialists claim that from 2–3 trees ha21 may goldfields and alternative employment. Due to
be found, their estimates are suspect, as their the crisis of the industry, few trained forest
activities are considered predatory. Under cur- crews are now available to resume extractive ac-
rent legally required management practices, only tivity.
marketable trees may be extracted. We thus con- In the middle ground are scientific organiza-
clude that the density of rosewood occurrence in tions in Belém (FCAP) and Manaus (the Na-
the wild is low. tional Institute for Amazonian Research—INPA)
At current rosewood extraction rates estimat- and the Center for Agroforestry Research of
ed above, and the range of 1.0 to 0.33 trees per Amazonas (EMBRAPA-CPAA) whose staff
hectare described in these recent botanical stud- have recently conducted field studies on rose-
ies, the industry requires access to an additional wood (Leite et al. 1999; Mitja and Lescure
area between 10 000 and 30 000 ha yr21 of for- 1996; Ohasi et al. 1997; Rosa 1996). These sci-
est, even at today’s low production levels. Due entists found that most of the trees near acces-
to continuous extraction over the past sixty sible streams, the access routes of extractivists,
years, there is little rosewood remaining in eas- have been decimated, but that many trees are
ily exploitable areas up to 2 km from riverbanks still standing in the ‘‘terra firma,’’ more than
in most of Amazonia. However, researchers at four hours walking distance from stream banks,
the Agricultural and Forestry Sciences Faculty where access is more difficult. Also, younger
of Pará (FCAP) found there are still considerable trees that have not been exploited in the past,
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since they do not yield enough oil to merit the ferent shade conditions at a research station in
attention, may now be coming of age for ex- Benfica, on degraded yellow latosols at a site in
traction. the Bragantine zone of eastern Pará, an area out-
Furthermore, natural regeneration appears to side rosewood’s natural occurrence that suffers
be occurring under mother trees, which may periodic dry spells. These plantings, with indi-
characterize rosewood as a climax species. In viduals that are now aged four to six years, were
general, the extraction of rosewood does not im- carried out as part of a research project on rose-
ply destruction of other trees, since extraction is wood sponsored by the Overseas Development
accomplished manually, and logs are carried out Administration of the British government
of the forest by laborers or, in some cases ob- through a technical assistance project entitled
served by Mitja (pers. comm.), by mini-tractor. ‘‘Evaluation of the Aromatic Plants of Pará
Seedlings are not extracted since they are not State’’, involving chemists C. Green and J. Cop-
cost-effective or as useful for essential oil, so pen, on behalf of the UK Natural Resources In-
there is potential for managed yield over exten- stitute, and scientists at the Emı́lio Goeldi Mu-
sive areas. Mitja and Lescure (1996) found seum and at FCAP in Belém.
many juvenile plants in a 10 m area surrounding Growth in this stand was slow, having
each mother tree. These findings were echoed by reached only about 1 m in height after two years,
Rosa (1996) in studies conducted in the Tapajós but attained up to 4 m after four years (personal
National Forest. Nevertheless, the affirmation by observations by Peter May in 1994, and Lauro
the industry that natural rejuvenation will make Barata in 1997, respectively). Growth in full sun
up for declining supplies is hotly contested by was very poor at first, with many yellowing and
scientists, who argue that there is insufficient ev- raquitic plants, while those planted under shade
idence to define the potential for rosewood re- in alleys within a secondary forest were per-
generation. Our field observations suggest that forming well after four years. In contrast, after
natural regeneration is indeed occurring, but that six years, the opposite is true: the trees planted
ecological studies are needed to define the in the open are flourishing, having reached
length of appropriate extraction cycles. heights of 6–7 m with substantial foliage, while
the shaded seedlings are languishing. This evi-
ROSEWOOD PLANTATION EXPERIENCE dence reinforces the climax characteristic of this
Rosewood is currently still derived nearly species.
100% from native stands, increasingly scarce Another experimental plantation of about 1 ha
along tributaries of the Amazon River. Several was established c. 1970 by scientists at INPA at
attempts to plant rosewood in homogeneous the Ducke Forest Reserve near Manaus. As far
stands have been made in the past, as we de- as we are aware, no follow-up analysis has been
scribe below. published on its performance. Early studies by
A plantation containing 300 rosewood trees Alencar et al. (1978, 1981) characterize silvi-
was established in 1973 at the state forestry sta- cultural performance of naturally occurring rose-
tion of Curuá Una in the Tapajós river valley in wood in the same reserve. Studies cited by Vi-
the state of Pará. These are now 30 years old. eira (1970) suggest that rosewood trees would
Ohashi et al. (1997) and more recently Barata have far more rapid growth under sunlight than
(BASA 2000) included these trees in biological in shade, in agreement with the more recent re-
and ecological studies, to derive seedlings and sults in Benfica (see above). A number of insect
study oil chemical composition and fragrance in pathogens were identified that endanger silvi-
planted specimens. It appears from chemical in- cultural practice.
dications that part of this plantation was estab- Industrialists, responding in part to demands
lished using a related Aniba species called ma- by the Brazilian government since the 1940s that
cacaporanga (Aniba fragrans). rosewood oil producers plant about 9 trees for
Several demonstration and experimental plots each barrel of essential oil produced, have es-
were established beginning in 1992 by foresters tablished other plantations. Although this param-
at FCAP in Belém (Coppen 1995; Green et al. eter was not generally adhered to by the indus-
1993; Ohashi et al. 1997; Rosa 1996). About 50 try, some plantations have been established in
seedlings were planted on the FCAP campus, Maués, Amazonas. One of these plantations was
and an additional 1000 were planted under dif- initiated in 1994, with 470 seedlings planted on
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a 1 ha plot, and an additional 300 planted on of mature rosewood found in nature. In con-
another of the same size, both on land used for junction with an international fragrance enter-
crop production and then left to regenerate nat- prise, tests are underway to determine the ac-
urally, with a low level of maintenance after ceptability of this oil to the perfumery industry.
planting rosewood. Recently, a local producer The results suggest that by coppicing young in-
has established another plantation from 10 000 dividuals of planted rosewood at most five years
seedlings. Approximately 3 000 of these are now of age, leaves and stems can be obtained to sup-
in the field under different levels of luminosity port an essential oil enterprise (Barata 2001;
planted both in alleys within the forest, and in Barata and Discola 2002).
full sunlight, and are developing well. Those As noted above, plantation of rosewood for
planted under secondary forest are performing extraction of essential oil from wood, while
better than those in open sunlight. Under these technically viable, would require an exceedingly
conditions, seedlings of 2.5 yr achieved a height long time horizon before production could com-
of up to 2.5 m. mence. If it were to be possible to derive linalool
In general terms, it can be affirmed that rose- from leaves and stems, the period could be re-
wood has potential in plantations, but that there duced to five years or less, enhancing its attrac-
is insufficient knowledge of genetic variation to tiveness to investors. If such plantations could
assist in selection and yield improvement. Re- be established as intercrops with shorter cycle
search is needed to correlate oil characteristics crops such as cassava or, better yet, other aro-
with source material, to guarantee that planta- matic plants, the basis exists for a diversified
tions are undertaken with the best genetic ma- community enterprise. For example, in the Jap-
terial possible. Barata and Ohashi (BASA 2000) anese colony of Tomé-Açu in southern Pará,
are testing the essential oil characteristics of plantings of rosewood within black pepper (Pip-
most plantations established to date, repeating er) plantations have been reported. Such inter-
the prior analyses (Ohashi et al. 1997) of Curuá cropping reinforces rosewood growth rates due
Una sample results and of the demonstration tri- to the availability of fertilizers used on the pep-
al on the FCAP campus in Belém carried out per plants.
with Curuá Una material. Both of these have
been confirmed to demonstrate significant vari- CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS
ation in the percentage and aroma of the oil, Despite heated debate, local actors are con-
which reaffirms the chemical variability of the vinced that the future of the industry is threat-
species. ened by dwindling accessible raw materials and
Production systems organized around planta- by increasing pressure from environmental reg-
tions could be feasible, but would take several ulation to avert extinction. Sustainable produc-
decades to yield a product currently acceptable tion of essential rosewood oil will require efforts
in the market, thus discouraging producers. to strengthen the existing regional industry, as
POTENTIAL FOR EXTRACTION OF well as opportunities for plantation production
ESSENTIAL OIL FROM ROSEWOOD and the development of new products using
LEAVES leaves and stems that can be cut without harm-
ing the tree. Concerted action in this direction is
Many scientists have discerned that rosewood foreseeable, since industrialists and scientists are
leaves and fine stems also generate an essential now cooperating in an active search for solu-
oil rich in linalool (Araújo et al. 1971; Gottlieb tions.
and Mors 1958; Ohashi et al. 1997). None how- The following general steps are suggested as
ever has assessed the industrial potential of such a program of action to assure sustainable sup-
extraction, or assessed the quality of the aroma. plies of rosewood oil:
To overcome this lacuna, Barata (BASA 2000)
undertook a comparative analysis to gauge the 1. Ecological studies to better define the length
influence of environmental features (soil, har- of appropriate rotation cycles and manage-
vesting time, etc.) on the yield and sensorial ment systems as a contribution to existent
quality of the oil. From chromatographic data, it IBAMA regulations;
has been confirmed that planted rosewood pro- 2. Certification of sustainingly managed native
duces essential oil somewhat different from that rosewood stands, including best practices for
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natural and artificial regeneration according plant origin. FAO Forestry Dept., Non-Wood For-
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