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Mendez, Jhanlarry Philip A.

Grade XII - STEM Faraday

Calonia, Raxie Mi C. June 26, 2019
Tantoy, Kiara Sophia O. Mr. Catalino Gesta


Caraga Regional Science High School (CRSHS) is a public high school located in
Barangay San Juan, Surigao City, Philippines. Also known as Science High, it is one
of the leading schools in the Division of Surigao City with its performance may it be
in the academic or non-academic scene. With its high MPS during the annual National
Achievement Tests (NAT), and being consistent in making its name in Division,
Regional, National and International level contests, made CRSHS the institution that
it is now. To get in to the said school is not easy, especially for those incoming Junior
High School students for the selection will be done in three parts. First, is that a
standardized mental ability and aptitude test will be administered, second is the
proficiency test where the examinee should be able to get a 75 percent proficiency
level in order to proceed to the next step which is the interview of both the student
and the parents. The richness of Caraga Regional Science High School does not only
revolve in its academic and extra-curricular attainments. Its history is also as
grandeous as its achievements.

Caraga Regional Science High School started coming to life through the effort of
Former Surigao del Norte Governor Sol Forcadilla Matugas. In the birth of DepEd
Caraga Administrative Region or Region XIII on February 23, 1995, it was required
to establish a Regional Science High School by the virtue of Republic Act 7901. This
Republic Act made known to the people that Region XIII would be known as the
Caraga Administrative Region. In this, Matugas came up with an idea and found a
way to make Surigao City the bearer of one of the region’s top high schools, for it was
her task to find a place to build the said school. She tasked then Schools Division
Superintendent of the Surigao City Divsion to seek support from former Surigao City
Mayor Salvador Sering, who agreed and donated an area of 10,000 square meters
located in Barangay San Juan, Surigao City. The realization of Caraga Regional
Science High School finally started in 1999 with a six classroom, a science laboratory
and computer laboratory rooms. It started a humble beginning with only 120 freshmen
qualifiers coming from the elementary schools of the same division and nearby towns.
In the year 2003-2004, Caraga Regional Science High School caught the attention of
the entire nation when it maintained its place, making it a topnotcher in the National
Secondary Achievement Test (NSAT), putting the name of the school in the Hall of
Fame. Ever since it, bacame the gem and pride not only for Surigao City but also for
the former governor.

The picture shows the main building of the said school. In the past, it
accomodated the dorm where students from different parts of the region came to live
while studying in the same school, the first science and computer laboratory of the
institution. Now, in present times, because of the increasing number of students the
school cater, it houses all the classrooms of the ninth namely Galileo, Archimedes,
Dalton, Newton, three of the four lecture rooms of the tenth grade specifically Bohr,
Darwin and Boyle, the Speech Laboratory, Finance Office, Prayer Room and the
Office of the School’s Property Custodian.

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