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Loretto, PA 15940



Student Teacher Mrs. Melanie O’Farrell Grade: Kindergarten

Subject Math _
Time Needed for Lesson 25 minutes Lesson Concept Number Concept of 8 __

PA STANDARD(S) (Write out standards):

Standard - CC.2.1.K.A.2

Apply one-to-one correspondence to count the number of objects.

Standard - CC.2.2.K.A.1

Extend concepts of putting together and taking apart to add and subtract within 10.


Students will gain greater understanding of how numbers are related and connected to one another. They will
relate numbers to 5 and 10.
How is mathematics used to quantify, compare, represent, and model numbers?


OBJECTIVE(S) (Be sure to include all four parts):

Students will count with understanding and recognize “how many” are in sets of objects.
Students will use one to one correspondence with counters to show number 8.
Students will break the number 8 into parts using yellow and red counters
Students will show what they know about eight by drawing the correct amount of legs on their spider.
Go Math workbook
Whiteboard and marker
Red and yellow counters (8 of each)
Play Dough
Playing Cards or number cards

ACTIVITIES (There are three sections here):

OPENING (Introduction, purpose, hook)

Yesterday, we learned about the number seven. Now, we are going to add one more to that number.
Seven is like the days of the week and our song (seven days of the week). Sing “Days of the Week” song.

BODY (Bulleted step by step/differentiation must be included)

Now, if we add one more to 7 what number do we have? Show on fingers-eight. Our magic number is eight.
Sky write the number 8. Since you do not have the counters at home, you will watch me as we show the
number 8 on the ten frame. (Put 7 red counters) have students count as you touch counters. How many yellow
counters do I need to put in the ten frame to make 8? Allow time for answer. Have students put 7 and 1 in
workbook. Then model 5 red and 3 yellow. Have student count to check if it’s the “magic number” 8. Have
students write in workbook. Introduce Sammy the Spider. Spider have eight legs. How many on each side?
Have students count. Model 4 red and 4 yellow counters. Does that make 8? Have students fill in workbook.
Then put 8 red on 10 frame. How many yellow should we add to make 8? Allow time for answer. Ask if
everyone agrees with answer. Have students add 8 and 0 to workbook. Call on individual students to count
sets. If the set has eight have the students circle the set. Go through rest of sets the same way. In the last part
have students show what they have learned about eight. Have student draw Sammy the Spider. Ask students
how many legs Sammy should have. How many on each side. Have students show their work.

CLOSURE (Wrap up and brief summary): How will you plan to restate the lesson objective?

Have students find ways to make eight using their cards at home (4 and 4, 6 and 2, 3 and 5)
Have students use their playdough to mold an 8.


Use hands if student does not have cards.

Use paper to draw two sets that add up to eight.

ASSESSMENT: (How you will determine that student has mastered objectives?): Consider formative and
summative assessment measures for all levels of differentiation.

Students complete worksheets for homework. Students will complete work with 75% accuracy. Students will
model different sets that make up the number 8.
SELF-ASSESSMENT/REFLECTION: (Complete this section if you have taught this lesson to peers or in
clinical placement):

What went well?

Students were able to use one to one correspondence to count the number 8 in sets and Sammy’s legs.
Students quickly identified that 8 comes after 7. Students were able to identify sets of eight. The spider, Itsy
Bitsy song, and understanding that a spider has 8 legs (4 on each side).

What did not go well?

Students were less focused on the counter/ten frame section. Some students did not understand how many to
add to get to eight.

What would I change?

I would definitely implement the Go Math interactive aspect on the Smart Board. I would also give all students
counters so they are able to manipulate the counters to make 8.

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