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Chapter 0: introduction

Chapter I: Self esteem

Chapter II: earthly attachments

Chapter III: connectivity

Chapter IV: work ethics

Chapter V: Purpose

Chapter VI: the greatest changes

[Chapter 0] Introduction

Throughout time, human being searched for success formula, a way to a brighter future, an
enlightened path out of failure. each person in his life have its own way to achieve his goals ,
but no one can give a plain scheme ,at the end it’s all within the person’s heart and will to
accomplish his happiness .

So we may ask what does it take to achieve my goals?. How can hard work benefit my
career? Or do I need a lot of efforts to be happy in life?. Well, while these are keys to attain
goals, none of them are useful without a positive success mindset .

Most of the time dreams, goals, success desires are a necessity to accomplish what we want.
Men needs a reason to live, a purpose to keep pushing towards, we are a creature that falls off
quickly but that also create it’s own way through the intemperate of our subconscious,we fall
so we stop considering our efforts ,we fail once and our faith begins to shorten small failure
by small failure until arriving to a critical sensation, sloth and sloth is sin and with this sin
comes more fatalities, making us lose the essence of our passion, of our work, having to
forget what we enjoyed one day. Preferring to keep ourselves in our comfort zone,the comfot
of the stable failing person. But this is wrong, none of that is comfort, all this being drowning
in depression and hiding our pain with the lies of disabilities, with the comments and opinions
of the community, because we just cannot trust our own self. Negativity, sadness and an
unbearable pain that is, a negativity that is the main cause of surrender but that also is the
cause to our come-back, because we need to fight fear with fear, failure with more fails until
all the negatives combine with themselves and give us a positive outcome that is the reason
we are here discussing. The road to success

“Then you will have success if you are careful to observe the decrees and laws that the LORD
gave Moses for Israel. Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged.”
Chronicles 22:13
[Chapter I] Self esteem
Your self-esteem is so crucial to your emotional health that everything you do is aimed at
either increasing your feelings of self-esteem and personal value, or protecting it from bad
influence of other people or circumstances.
Confusing pride and self esteem
Most of us are mixing the feeling of self esteem with pride, we tend to forget the main reason
our acts are realized and see in it an individual accomplishment.
Self-esteem, the feeling of liking and respecting yourself, is the foundation principle of
success and happiness. It is vital for you to feel fully alive.
Pride is very different from self-esteem. Pride is simply defined as one’s feelings of excessive
self worth whereas self-esteem can be synonymous to self-worth, but not necessarily that
high. Hence, self-esteem is a stable level of self-worth. It is rather the aggregate sum of one’s
feelings of worthiness.
"We are like dwarfs sitting on the shoulders of giants. We see more, and things that are more
distant, than they did, not because our sight is superior or because we are taller than they, but
because they raise us up, and by their great stature add to ours." –
John of Salisbury (Metalogicon)
High self-esteem does not necessarily equate to pride. If you contest with anyone just to prove
that you are right then that is pride. When you perform your dance really well in front of
everybody because you believe that you are good then that is a show of high self-esteem. It is
very much different compared to if you claim that you are the best and that no one can defeat
you in the dance. This fallacious or misguiding thought makes the proud person suffer from,
not just an overly high self-esteem (pride) but excessive amounts of it.

Self esteem at its turn bring another satisfying feeling which is “self-efficacy” This is defined
as how effective you feel you are at doing or accomplishing your daily work. When you feel
that you are really good at something, you experience positive feelings of self-efficacy.
Self efficacy defined by Albert Bandura as a personal judgement of "how well one can
execute courses of action required dealing with prospective situations". Confidence in self-
efficacy determines whether an individual will be able to display effectively dealing with
behaviours and how long effort will be sustained in the face of obstacles.
there are two types of self efficacy, in front of an obstacles there are those who imagine
solutions and means to avoid or changes constraints, while others consider danger, heavy
consequences and look into means to avoid or to changes the outcome of captivity to the
difficult situations
Self-esteem is a form of personal trait. It is greater than any single belief and is in fact bigger
than anyone’s single feelings or emotions. On the contrary, pride is more of an attitude and
because it is in excess, it is a sin. whereas self-esteem is just one of the normal traits that
everyone has. In this regard, pride however it manifests is really bad, no matter what its level
is while self-esteem even at high levels can still be good, it is in addition the first one must
belief in to start a success mindset.

“As for those who were held in high esteem—whatever they were makes no difference to me;
God does not show favoritism—they added nothing to my message.”- Galatians 2:6
We are to never forget our past and our sacrifices because how great we made it in life, we
couldn’t have made it without those related to us, our entourage. And we need to show
gratitude to our fellows, friends and family. Never forget the roots that fed us and rose us to
the success we may attain. Therefore these roots can be a suffering that ignite somehow the
feeling of pride but that also can pushes us towards managing our mind with wisdom.

Self-Esteem is built up upon four important values.

Distinguish Your Values and learn to favorise ones over others

Living your life consisting of your deepest values is crucial for you to enjoy high self-esteem.
People who are clear about what they believe in and value their beliefs, and who refuse to
compromise their values like and respect themselves far more than people who are unclear
about what is really important to them.
This immediately brings up the question, “How much do you value your life?” People who
truly value their lives are people who highly value themselves and by this we put high self
esteem in ourselves. People who value themselves highly use their time well which brings us
to time management and responsibility over sloth.

Time is money

The “Law of Reversibility,” says that feelings and actions interact on each other. If you feel a
certain way, you will act in a manner matching your feeling. However, the reverse is also true.
If you act in a certain way, your actions will create within you the feelings that are consistent
with them. This means that when you act as if your time was extremely valuable, the action
causes you to feel like a more valuable and important person. By managing your time well,
you actually increase your self-esteem, and by extension, you become better at whatever you
are doing.

The very act of living your life is consisted of your values, and using your time effectively,
improves the way you see yourself and not how you are seen, and increases your self-respect.

Strive for the unknown

The factor that affects your self-esteem is your sense of being in control of your life and work,
your feeling of excelling whatever you do.
Everything that you learn about time management, and then using it in your work, causes you
to feel more in control of yourself and your life. As a result, you feel more effective and
efficient. You feel more creative and powerful. Every increase in your feeling of effectiveness
and productivity increases your self-esteem and improves your sense of personal well-being.

Know What You Want before what you are given

Another factor directly affecting your self-esteem is your current goals and objectives, and the
activities that you take to achieve those goals. The more your goals and your activities are
congruent with your values, the better you feel. When you are working at something that you
believe in, and which is consistent with your natural talents and abilities, you are more in
harmony with yourself, and you do your work better.
And this same factor introduces us to the means of personality growth and how to rise our
own will to light.
Not knowing what we want is a high factor that influences self esteem badly, we have
preferences, thoughts, desires and needs. Somewhere, we can develop an opinion on literally
anything in life and just by submission to another opinion is by itself an opinion.
Because we are human beings, with agency and authority on our way of thinking and where to
place our verdict in what's right to us.
The problem, however, lies within the misplace of our opinions and we look in what others
like for us and we fall in the politically right and the popular belief, we misplace our keys.
it's important to ask "what would arrange my life” “hat is good" and distinguish it from what
is "not what i want". life is not a mirror store where all images are reflections to one only
source, it's crucial to be the one we are and not the one that suits others.
Even if the image we made of ourselves is false to the rest of the community, even if we don't
make people comfortable, what really matters is the comfort we feel deep within us and
reflecting what we are to god

“Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric.”
—Bertrand Russell
[Chapter IV] work ethics

We are always looking for an improvement in our body and our spirit so we comfort our mind
in good stories and illusions like falling in love, finding a low rental home in the center of the
city, being well paid for a relaxed job etc....
Thinking that success is in a tutorial or a manual to read and just by buying the key to success
mindset will automatically improve our life and install an autopilot to our subconscious. But
once using all the manuals in the world and watching too many exercise videos, we encounter
the feeling of defeat every time we compare our actual life to the perfect life community try to
sell to us through guide book and attaining a level of mindset that refuses all reactions and
prefer hiding the reality in illusions. Commonly named


In our modern civilization, sloth is described as “I don’t care” feeling. It is a state of falling
out of love with God and the things of God and wondering around without caring about

“Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first”. - Revelation 2:4

On account of sloth, the idea of right living and the gift of a transformed humanity inspires
not joy, but aversion or even disgust because it is seen as too difficult or as requiring the
setting aside of currently enjoyed or sinful pleasures. Through sloth, many experience sorrow
rather than joy or zeal in following God and receiving a transformed human life. They are
distressed at the prospect of what might have to occur should they embrace the faith more

Sloth also appears to shut down the will to advance making us loose focus in what's important
and concentrate rather on the “trouble” or effort involved in walking in the Christian way.
And while sloth may sometimes look like boredom and a casual laziness about attaining
spiritual peace, it can also be manifested by a frantic “busyness” with worldly things as
mentioned previously so as to avoid spiritual questions or living a reflective life, we loose the
special feeling in our daily life and see everything as basic or at the same level.

We loose motivation

Motivation is what makes the reason we are living, it makes what we're doing interesting
whether in work in hobbies or even in small actions we relate too.
Loosing this motivation is very common, not in sloth however but rather in overdoing which
brings us back to over-attachment, producing too much effort in what we do at the point
where we don’t do it heartily but out of necessity and because we have to in order to live, in
order to attain certain recognition or more.
And jumping more in this sensation is devastating, as we can no longer work to attain
satisfaction of our work but it becomes attaining the good feedback or an approval by others
making us craving for the public opinion.

If there is a necessary step to avoid falling in lack of the essence of work, it would be
Take a rest

Know your limit of daily efforts in work, have a step back when you find all the work isn’t
triggering your emotions but more your pockets. Hearse emotions won’t pay the bills,
motivation is not going to feed the kids and the woman. But there’s always moderation of
what we do
“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for
God loves a cheerful giver.” - Corinthians 7:6

Can snore upon the flint, when resty sloth
Finds the down pillow hard.”

Redefine the way you see Competence and Success

Dr.Valerie Young in “The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women” explains that impostors
have an “unsustainable definition of competence.” For some, the word “success” simply does
not resonate because they feel they don't have enough ability to accomplish their task
brilliantly. For others, this might mean that they only deem themselves successful if they’re
awarded the equivalent of a “gold medal” at work; a “you did great” review every time, the
right answer to every question, or the knowledge of every single point of their field. In other
cases, they may only feel accomplished if they get ahead without any help at all.

The impostor effect

Getting away from this kind of mentality requires a huge shift in beliefs. To do this, you have
to keep reminding yourself that you’re never going to be perfect all the time and that, if you
equate success with perfection or not failing, then you will prevent yourself from learning and
growing from worthwhile failures.
Learn team work and caring about collective winning. True that relaying on others more than
on one's capacity is not good however, focusing on the only strength we got will not bring
complete satisfaction and will eventually strengthen your feeling of pride and egocentricity.

The feeling of the fraud

In “The Empress Has No Clothes: Conquering Self-Doubt to Embrace Success”, Joyce Roché
first arfican-american female to be vice president of Global Marketing for Avon Inc explains
how she discovered she was dealing with the "impostor" syndrome and the coping
mechanisms she adopted to quiet the sensation of self-doubt that was preventing her from
enjoying her successes.
One of the most effective means to quit this feeling explained in her book was simply making
a "list". "Either with a pen and paper or with someone you trust, write down an inventory of
your accomplishments,”. “This will give you the ability to internally validate yourself”. She
simply demonstrate
Enjoy the achievement written in your list and let no feeling of failure torment you
The Placebo effect

Men had always been a fragile personality, we lean to depression once we encounter failure,
we tend to give up if our first contact is not as we expect it and once this stage attained some
may find it painful to remember these memories so we stop and close our eyes on life.

When it comes to our hopes and dreams, we quickly conclude a negative outlook either from
a bad rating or a hard beginning .we are prone to believe that we have restrictions either from
our own mind (mental or physical competences), which can with time, even after succeeding
and overtaking this feeling, can be the trigger to “the impostor effect” or from external
influences holding us from getting to what we want. But apart from the impact of others upon
our mind as mentioned earlier, comes the placebo effect.

The placebo effect is a perfect example of how mindset really can be powerful. In scientific
experiments, a group of participants were told they received medication that will heal an
ailment but actually they were given a sugar pill (the placebo). Still after the experiment the
participants believed it’s had a positive effect sometimes even cured their ailment even though
nothing has changed. This is the power of mindset.

A particularity of the human being that make him apart from other life-forms is his ability to
create his own path out of sadness, as we said earlier men give up very easy by nature , he
might fear to continue too early , but we are a creative being we see lights where there isn’t
meaning we create to our depressed mind a way, a goal to what we hold on.

When we set goals and dreams we don’t hold tight to it enough and lack faith in its
completion. Most of us don’t because we hold on to negative mindsets and limiting trust in
ourselves that stop us from fully believing we are capable or that it’s at all possible. We tend
to listen to the opinions of others despite them detouring with our own or bow to societal
pressures that make us believe we should think and act a certain way. There are many reasons
why we possess these types of mindsets but a success mindset can be achieved.

“But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a
wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.” – James 1:6
[Chapter III] connectivity
“It’s easy to stand with the crowd, it takes courage to stand alone.” Gandhi

In our present time, connectivity of the people with each other is at it top of use. People are
more and more close to each other and it is simpler day after day to relate to a community, the
problem resides in the relation that bound us to this very same community.
As an example to that marketing is the plainest, new products are always coming and going
one after the other. As always you buy the regular brands of milk, the usual brand of tea and
you are being fine with that. However as you try to resolve your social life and make friends,
your tastes doesn’t match as everybody is liking the blue pill, while you consume the red pill
everyday and you enjoy it. Both your desire of integrating and your well being interfering in
each other, you are stopped in a dilemma, be who you are, or be part of the horde.

Be part of the horde

For the weakest of the minds, the question is unquestionable. As in our world today, being
well surrounded is the most crucial part to integrate society. Why trying hard to be me when
there is already someone I can be. You begin tasting the lack of taste and marching your
choices in reference to the inconsistent rating of the majority in a matter of consumption,
media or knowledge, you stop questioning and you prefer acting before events overtaking you
and so you lose track of the crowd.
Cultural assimilation is the process in which a minority or a culture comes to resemble those
of a dominant group. Which in our case means that we are letting go of our culture or past
actions in order to resemble the community that colonizes us. A colonization that make
changes in our way of life, changing the meaning of our reality and lose the thread of our
values and assimilate to the politically correct better known as general truth.
Jumping from a supermarket product selling to a mind philosophy, the impact of the crowd
can change depending of our own desire and what we really want

Be who you are

As Bertrand Russell said earlier, the feeling of having unusual opinions must not be feared as
there is no such a thing as having correct ideas, the stronger we express our thoughts, the
more it will touch other brains and thus starting to influence crowds yourself and ending at the
head of the horde.
As the first step of improving our own , authenticity must be taught ,men have to believe in
his own name , making his trace in life and not to look up for any human to resemble so god
made us live to present his name and his only and not to praise anyone else .

When we set goals and dreams we don’t hold tight to it enough and lack faith in its
completion. Most of us don’t because we hold on to a negative mindsets and limiting trust in
ourselves that stop us from fully believing we are capable or that it’s at all possible. We tend
to listen to the opinions of others despite them detouring with our own or bow to societal
pressures that make us believe we should think and act a certain way. There are many reasons
why we possess these thoughts but a success mindset can be achieved.

The hardest situation to face when it comes to retrieving the hope and success mindset is to
find the proper entourage. People tend to ask, they need a response to their depression but
quickly encounter people that don’t share their same interest and more usually make us fall in
the communal truth we talked about.
The way to enlighten its own mind and get back the faith back in our heart is to be armed with
the good persons, to get advice from those who share and appraise the word of the lord

The thoughts of the righteous are just; the counsels of the wicked are deceitful.

The lone wolf

Some instants you will find loneliness is your only companion, dying to find the way you are
so eager to take, but you will learn to love loneliness, a million word is sometimes not as
effective as one righteous decision because loneliness does not mean despair, loneliness
means meditation . fill your heart with the one truth we are to approve and with the only true
decisions you make and meditate on it carefully
No one shall intimidate you with the way you need to live, and if nobody stands by your side
know that the righteous is with you. Every step and every actions we make is blessed with the
words of God our lord.
You have enough time to develop yourself and attain peace in your mind. This may be the
biggest advantage of being alone. You can develop yourself effectively while you're alone.
Helping advancing in your quest to self esteem and building a strong will within yourself. As
the community’s hardest enemy, loneliness doesn’t restrict your opinions, because you're not
sharing your ideas to anyone. No one can be offended while you're alone. You are a mystery
to people. That way, you get close to the community but indirectly. People try to figure out
what it is that you do while you're on your own and so you are shown interest even without
submission to any ideology.

Loneliness can be such a blessing, meditating and not losing what is important to you over
what society burden you with. For some people loneliness provides an environment for the
better functioning of the mind, for some others, it consumes them. Some people have a knack
for converting their loneliness into something productive, while others get ruined by it. Some
people choose loneliness, others end up being alone. So, for resuming, it depends on how your
mind works. If your loneliness feel natural or you feel more comfortable being alone than
being surrounded by people, you can use it to your advantage.

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