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Name: __________________

Everything that we know and learn in science is because of a scientist who had a
question. A lot of scientific advances are actually brought about because someone
found out they were wrong about something!
You will write a profile of a scientist of your choosing (list below, see me if your chosen
scientist isn’t listed). Each scientist can only be profiled by one student!
What Your Profile Should Look Like
It’s up to you! You may choose to create a poster, a powerpoint presentation, a video, a
website, or a brochure, or any other format you choose. Get creative!
Suggested Web Tools: Canva, Google Sites, Wix, and more!
What Your Profile Should Include
□ Scientist Name & Picture
□ Dates of birth and death
□ Where the scientist was born, educated, and did their major work
□ What field of science they worked in
□ Notable work
o What major discoveries/developments did they make?
o Diagrams or pictures to explain discovery
□ Contribution to Society
o How has society changed because of this scientist and his/her work?
Write a paragraph to explain
□ Awards
o What (if any) awards or recognition did the scientist receive?
□ Collaborators
o Did your scientist work with any others in their key discoveries?
o Was their work used by another notable scientist in one of their
□ Fun Facts
o Was there an interesting story surrounding their work?
o Were they notable in any other field?
o Anything you found particularly interesting about the scientist
Your profile is due ____________________________________.
Name: __________________

Suggested Scientists
Al-Battani Percy Julian
Mary Anning Hedy Lamarr
John James Audubon Esther Lederberg
Alice Ball Tsung-Dao Lee
John Bardeen Antoine Phillips van Leeuwenhoek
Niels Bohr Ada Lovelace
Norman Borlaug Benoit Mandelbrot
Katie Bouman James Clerk Maxwell
Otis Boykin Barbara McClintock
Jocelyn Bell Burnell Lise Meitner
Rachel Carson Gregor Johann Mendel
George Washington Carver Dmitri Mendeleev
Nicolaus Copernicus Antonio Meucci
Francis Crick Ibn al-Nafis
Marie Curie Isaac Newton
Marie M Daly Emmy Noether
Charles Darwin J Robert Oppenheimer
Asha de Vos Louis Pasteur
Charles Drew Linus Pauling
Thomas Edison Ivan Pavlov
Albert Einstein Cecelia Payne
Michael Faraday Gregory Goodwin Pincus
Alexander Fleming Marisa Ponpuak
Rosalind Franklin Carl Sagan
Galileo Galilei Jonas Salk
Jane Goodall Erwin Schrodinger
Temple Grandin Hayat Sindi
Otto Hahn Young-Sook Son
Tanzima Hashem Nicola Tesla
Stephen Hawking Alan Turing
Walter Lincoln Hawkins Alfred Russell Wallace
Jabir ibn Hayyan Gladys West
Werner Heisenberg Daniel Hale Williams
Dorothy Hodgkin Carl Woese
Grace Hopper Chien-Shiung Wu
Edwin Hubble Ibn Yunus
Thabit ibn Qurra Al-Zahrawi
Mae Jemison Abu Ishaq Ibrahim al-Zarqali
Katherine Johnson
Name: __________________

Scientist Profile Rubric

Scientist Name
& Picture

Date of Birth & death

Info Places of birth, education, work /3
Scientific Field

Major discoveries/developments
Notable Work /5
Diagrams/pictures to explain

Awards /2

Who did they work with, or who used

Collaborators /2
their work for further developments

What interesting
Fun Facts facts/stories/information have you /2
found about them?

Paragraph form
Contribution to
How are our lives different/affected /5
by the work of this scientist?
-no spelling or grammatical errors
-thorough thought and creativity
Presentation /10
evident in the profile
-profile is neat

Total /30


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