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T Name Course Roll No.

Proposed Topic Brief Description/outline of the Assignment Suggestion/(s)

The concept of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanism is competent to Proceed. Too broad a topic,
provide an alternative to the traditional methods of resolving disputes. ADR offers to you may limit the area by
settle all type of matters including civil, commercial, industrial and family etc., where
specifiying it to the analysis of
peoplearen't able to start any type of negotiation and reach the settlement. Mostly, any one technique and then
ADR uses nonpartisan third party who helps the parties to communicate and discuss modify the title accordingly.
the differences and resolve the dispute. It is a method which allows individuals and the description suggests your
groups to maintain co-operation, social order and provides opportunity to reduce work would be inclined
Afshar Regula Alternative Means of Dispute
hostility. ADR provides various modes of settlement including- arbitration, towards Arbitration so you
1 Alam r 5 Resolution in India
conciliation mediation negotiation and lok Adalat Here negotiation means may choose For eg:
Proceed. Once you start
exploring content try to make
The proposed paper shall aim to discuss lok adalats as a means to deliver justice at Title a bit catchy, since your
the grassroot level. Component areas of the paper shall include the evolution, focus would be on
Mohamma function and jurisdiction, etc of the lok adalats. Also focus will be on lok adalats Constitution, if this is reflected
d Haris Regula 17BLW0 giving effect to the values envisioned in the constitution and how they play a key role in the title too it will be really
1 Mir r 30 Lok adalats in India in enforcing the fundamental right of justice for all. good.
Ilsa Regula How Arbitration was introduced in India and how it has evolved from 1998, current
1 Mukhtar r 25 Evolution of Arbitration in India situation of Arbitration. Proceed
The Draft Code of Conduct for This project will discuss the recently proposed Draft Code of Conduct for
Adjudicators in ISDS: A step Adjudicators in Investor-State Dispute Settlement. It will focus on the provisions of
Mohit towards reforming the the Code, on their strengths and limitations, and on the question whether or not or it
Kumar Regula International Investment is a good enough step towards regulating the arbitrators' conduct in the largely
1 Tanwar r 40 Arbitration system unregulated ISDS system. Proceed.
Proceed. The description
suggests an explanatory write
up, make it analytical by
analysing the significance of
these forms of ADR and
situations in which they are
best applicable. Relate it with
present day legal problems
where cumbersome legal
processes are causing delays
and these forms may be
applied for better results.
Once you explore the content
think of modifying the title too,
Asma Regula The project is about various forms of ADR that include negotiation, mediation, present title doesnt suggest
1 Shuaib r 19 Various forms of ADR conciliation, arbitration, mini trial etc. any direction.
Proceed. Your assignment
should reflect the role of
Arbitral tribunal in Arbitration
and in this context
composition and conduct
should be explained. Analyse
the relevant provisions and
case laws and then modify the
BALLB Arbitration Agreement, In this assignment, the Concept of arbitration will be discussed along with the title accordingly. Present title
Zene (Hons) Composition and conduct of detailed description of Composition and Conduct of the Arbitral tribunal, The is not suggestive of the flow
1 Qamar SF 58 Arbitral tribunal advantages and disadvantages of Arbitration. of your work.
Proceed. Do mention the
genesis of these awards and
Talat Regula Enforcement of foreign arbitral The project tells about how foreign awards become a part of current system of ADR enforcement in India then
1 Chaudhary r 60 awards in India and how they are enforced and implemented relate to present laws.
T Name Course Roll No. Proposed Topic Brief Description/outline of the Assignment Suggestion/(s)
In this project I will cover the key differences between institutional arbitration and ad
hoc arbitration which would include the commencement of proceedings, appointment Proceed. Do relate it with the
of arbitrators, flexibility on procedure and supervision, costs and enforcement. My latest amendment 2019 that
project will also provides comparisons between rules and practices in two we have in India and you may
institutions, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) on one hand and ad hoc also compare it with a Country
Mariya Adhoc Arbitration v Institution arbitration under the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law if it doesn’t exceed the page
1 Shahab SF 24 Arbitration - A critical analysis (UNCITRAL) arbitration rules on the other hand. limit.
Proceed. The effectiveness of
the modes have to be
Alternative Dispute substantiated with case laws
Resolution: A comparative and other practical examples.
study of its various modes I will discuss the various prevalent forms of the alternative dispute resolution. The You may take a cue from
Arisha Self with special reference to their primary objective of this research is to compare the various modes of ADR while commercial arbitration in this
1 Nusrat finance 08 effectiveness. giving a special reference to the effectiveness of each mode in contemporary times. regard.
Proceed. In the title you may
“LEGAL SERVICES use Analysis instead of study
AUTHORITIES ACT, 1987: A since study is very in dept
CRITICAL STUDY ON THE and after semi colon it could
BACKGROUND, be " A critical analysis of the
SALIENT FEATURES, The Assignment focuses on the legal service act- 1987, it's relevancy with efficacy of the Act" even this
Sanyam Regula DEVELOPMENT AND Alternative mechanisms of dispute settlement especially in form of Lok Adalat, will reflect inclusion of salient
1 Mishra r 50 EFFICACY OF THE ACT” Nyaya Panchayat and Legal aid . features and development.
Proceed. You may approach it
in a comparative mode, that
how the amendments have
made it better but still there is
a scope for betterment.
Mention various forms but
focus on application of
arbitration in various legal
Anshuman Regula Understanding the concept of My assignment will deal with the basic concepts of ADR mechanism, focussing on domains as against traditional
1 Srivastava r 15 Alternative Dispute Resolution the meaning, origin, scope, methods and developments in the field of ADR legal system.
Proceed. Your work should be
case laws based, reflecting
Rahul Regula History of ADR and it's various In this assignment, I discussed how ADR evolved in India and also mentioned it's role of judiciary in making
1 Gupta r 47 forms various forms and also discussed how these forms worked in India. ADR effective.
Proceed.Title may be
Alternative Dispute Resolution rephrased as ADR in India:
in India: A study on concepts, ADR is a mechanism which gives people relief either by way of Problems and Prospects,
AAMIR techniques, provisions, conciliation,arbitration or mediation and helps the needy and poor people by giving focus on how it furthers the
rAZA REGU 17BLWO problems in implementation free legal aid, speedy trial and try to resolve the issue and helps the courts from aim of free legal aid as per
1 KHAN LAR O2 and solutions overburdening of the petty cases. Constitution.
Proceed.Title to be
rephrased.Along with
description of International
Arbitration, analyse the
Self application of Arbitration Act
Faisal Financ International arbitration helps resolve disputes in a final and binding manner without 1996 in it. RelevantCase laws
1 Hassan e 13 International Arbitration formalities of legal system. to be referred.
Proceed. Too broad a topic,
Alternative Dispute Resolution was as an alternative to the traditional dispute choose one mechanism.
resolution mechanism, litigation, which had become costly, time consuming, did not Preferably Conciliation and
Self ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE give the parties control over the outcome of their disputes and was generally then explain its significance
Arifa Financ RESOLUTION SYSTEM IN cumbersome. ADR refers to a variety of techniques for resolving disputes without with the help of relevant
1 Diwan e 7 INDIA resort to litigation in the courts. provisions and case laws.
T Name Course Roll No. Proposed Topic Brief Description/outline of the Assignment Suggestion/(s)
Proceed. Your description
suggests you want to explain
the significance of Arbitration
as a mode of ADR in resolving
commercial disputes bearing
International character. In line
with this try to find reason of
preferance od Arbitartion and
Modes of Alternative Dispute I plan to discuss the history and evolution of ADR in India along with special focus the possibilities of application
Anvita Regula Resolution and International on international commercial arbitration and the enforcement of domestic and foreign of other modes or mixed
1 Goel r 16 Commercial Arbitration awards. modes in such processes.
What is arbitration or the concept of arbitration. What is the Historical background of Proceed. The title is too broad
arbitration in India and and description should match
What are the types of arbitration? or have nexus with it. Make it
How the process of arbitration is done? specific. You may focus on
What are arbitral award and how are they enforceable? exploring arbitral awards, their
Self Merits of arbitration enforcement and relevant
Mehwish Financ 17BLWS And the case laws related to arbitration process case laws related to Arbitral
1 Khalil e 133 Arbitration awards
Proceed. Change the
perspective, instead of
explaining ADR in India
discuss out of court
Self The assignment seeks to discuss the mechanism of alternative means of resolution settlement; trends in India.
Raghav Financ Alternative Means of Dispute of disputes and the means of redressal of disputes in India and how it can help to Include panchayats and fast
1 sharma e 41 Resolution in India decrease the burden of the judicial system . track courts
Proceed. Rephrase the title, it
should reflect conceptual
Anas Regula Lok Adalat under Legal understanding as well as
1 Khan r 14 services authority act 1987 Critical appraisal about lok Adalat problems of implementation.
B.A. Evolution of Arbitration in Proceed. Focus only on
LL.B. India: A comparative study of This paper would review the evolution of arbitration in India since the Arbitration Act, Amendments, remove
(Hons.) Arbitration Act, 1940, 1940. It would review the evolution from both, legislative as well as judicial evolution from the title, just do
- Arbitration and Conciliation perspectives. The paper intends to compare the concepts of earlier legislation to the a comparative study.
Rupal Regula Act, 1996 and the recent new concepts that were introduced through the Act of 1996 as well as through recent Evolution will eventually be a
1 Gupta r 48 amendments. amendments, i.e., in 2005, 2015, etc. part of it.
.B. In this particular topic, researcher would like to discuss about the scope of Section-5 Proceed. Good approach, try
(Hons), of Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996, and how it altered the intervention of to discuss in detail relevant
regular, judiciary in the matters of Arbitration and Conciliation and how ironically in plethora of case laws, explaining courts
Kumail 7th 17BLW0 Extent of judicial intervention judgements courts have upheld the intervention by interpreting that section-5 is not approach rather than simply
1 Fatima sem. 23 in case of arbitration. talking about the absolute restriction but reduces intervention. mentioning the ratio.
The concise objectives of this research are to ascertain, examine and analyze the
concept and law relating to ADR, to further ascertain, examine and analyze the
framework, avenues, practices and procedures relating to ADR and more specifically
relating to four individual ADR processes namely Mediation, Conciliation, Lok Adalats
& Permanent Lok Adalats and Arbitration and to further ascertain and analyze their
necessity, advantages and shortcomings and further to evaluate their efficacy and
accomplishments again and to further formulate plausible remedial measures for
overcoming the shortcomings and propose suggestions for their better and more Proceed. Focus on online
Daniya Regula Concept and Scope of effective implementation and progress. ADR and its effectiveness and
1 Khan r 20 Alternate Dispute Resolution modify the title accordingly.
This assignment will include some of the significant areas of Arbitration such as the
validity of the Arbitration Agreement, its enforcement and multi-party agreement. In
addition to this conduct and composition of the Arbitral tribunal will be discussed
BA Arbitration Agreement, which will include its condition, criteria, restrictions, disqualification, jurisdiction,
Shazia LLB(H) Composition and conduct of power and obligation of an arbitrator. Along with this the selection and appointment of
1 Sameen (SF) 51 Arbitral tribunal an arbitrator(according to UNCITRAL Model) will also be included. Proceed. Rephrase the title.
T Name Course Roll No. Proposed Topic Brief Description/outline of the Assignment Suggestion/(s)
Proceed. Mention case laws
and try to ascertain its
Pranav significance by comparing the
shrivastav self Role of ADR in matrimonial resolution of similar disputes
1a finance dispute under traditional system.
The most conventional form of dispute resolution in India is in the court of law but
Self there are other forms which much more flexible such as mediation, conciliation,
Iman Financ Alternate means of Dispute negotiation and arbitration. These topics are are what I am going to discuss with their
1 Khan e 20 Resolution in India position in India.
My project on ADR is going to deal with the growth of consent based resolution
mechanism , historical importance of ADR , current picture of ADR in India - statutes
governing it, forms of ADR currently prevailing in India , Benefits of having ADR
mechanisms and issues faced by ADR mechanisms in India.

AMIT Regula Evolution , concept and scope In short , i will try to provide a detailed and informative picture of Alternative Dispute
1 RAWLANI r 11 of ADR. Redressal in India.
Recourse against Arbitral This assignment will cover options available to the parties to a dispute who are not Proceed. Title to be rephrased
Nishant Awards, Finality & satisfied with the outcome of arbitration proceedings. It will also explore the suggesting direction and do
1 Bhardwaj SF 35 Enforcement of Awards enforcement procedure of such awards. analyse relevant case laws
Proceed. Title to be rephrased
Muskan Self suggesting direction and do
1 Sharma finance 34 Arbitral Tribunal Composition of Arbitral Tribunal analyse relevant case laws
Ashish Understanding Alternative
Suryavans Regula means of Dispute Resolution It will be of the concept, nature, process, working and the various forms of the ADR
1 hi r 18 in India in India.
Self Recourse against Arbitral Proceed. Title to be
Arsalan Financ Awards, Finality & rephrased. focus on finality,
1 Ahmad e 09 Enforcement of Awards enforcement and challenge.
Proceed. modify the title. Try
to explain the merits of
Devesh conciliation with case laws
Kumar Regula and analyse the relevant
1 Shukla r 21 Conciliation Nature, Scope and proceedings of conciliation provisions critically.
Shimran Financ
1 Zaman e 52 Kinds of ADR

Self Origin, Introduction and Types
Shafaq Financ of ADR
1 Zooni e 49 Exploring the scope of online ADR in India (resultant)
In this Assignment I will cover the Concept of Alternate Dispute Resolution with proceed. Focus on mediation
SELF - thorough description of Mediation And Conciliation like the History, Concept, and conciliation and include
Ayush FINAN Mediation And Conciliation in Procedure, etc. I will also cover the difference between them and different types of provisions of CPC and case
1 Choudhary CE 10 India organisations that are made for them. laws
In international trade, arbitration is the preferred method of dispute resolution rather
than litigation since, it is easier to enforce an arbitral award than a court decision in a Proceed. It would be better if
Foreign Arbitral Awards and foreign State. This paper will try to bring out the legal framework for the enforcement you alter the title and make it
Md Maaz Regula the Indian Courts: The of foreign arbitral awards keeping in consideration different treaties and case laws specific to New york and
1 Alam r 32 enforcement uncertainties and how there can be conflicts between courts and the foreign awards. Geneva Convention
T Name Course Roll No. Proposed Topic Brief Description/outline of the Assignment Suggestion/(s)
Alternate Dispute Resolution is the procedure through which cases are resolved
outside the formal court. The judiciary is overburden with the cases and it takes year
after year to resolve the issue. So the recourse is the ADR, where parties issues are
resolved by the arbitration, mediation and conciliation. Section 89 of the civil
procedure code provides the settlement of disputes outside the court.

Against other mode of arbitrartion such as concilaition, mediation there is no option

for appeal but Arbitration and Conciliation act of 1996 provides specific order of court
and Arbitral Tribunals against which appeal can be filled.This paper will analyis the
Mudassir Regula Apellate Jurisdiction against section 37 of arbitration and Conciliation act of 1996, Determination forum of
1 Hasan r 40 Alternate Dispute Resolution Appealte Court, Maintability of secind Appeal so on and so forth. Proceed. Good Approach.
Proceed. Modift the title,
Aditya Regula make it suggestive of
1 Singh r 4 Conciliation Nature and scope of conciliation direction of the work.
Md Ameer Financ Assignment will deal with the process of evolution of ADR with its historical
1 Hamza e 27 ADR : Evolution and History perspective
(h) - 1996, Difficult to understand the kind
Sarah regular IN INDIA of work you want to do. No
1 Kosar batch 52 Amendments, 2015 and 2019 and a specific concept description too.
In this project, I would cover the following key points related to ADR:
1. Introduction
2. Forms of ADR
3.Alternative Means of Dispute Resolution in India
4.Arbitration Agreement, Composition and Conduct of Arbitral
MOHD Self-Fi Concept and scope of ADR In tribunal, etc
1 AQIB nance 32 the present legal system.
ADR is a process of resolving dispute outside court. What is the origin of ADR
Self summary and analysis of system in India? What is the scope of ADR? What are the advantages and
khushbu Financ Alternative Dispute Resolution disadvantages of ADR? What are the various alternative methods of dispute
1 gupta e 23 in India resolution? How judiciary has played its role towards ADR in India?
Gufran Financ Alternate Dispute Resolution The Arbitration Act 1940 ‘ History of Alternate Dispute Resolution ‘ Role of judiciary
1 Khan e 17 summary and analysis of ADR in dispute resolution
Kumar Regula
1 Shukla r 21 Conciliation Nature, Scope and proceedings of conciliation
Mehraan Arbitral award and termination
1 Ahmed Sf 29 of proceeding
Dispute is an indispensable part of societal interactions. With the objective of
settlement of disputes in a more justifiable manner, most nations have established
numerous institutions. Alternative dispute mechanisms are those mechanisms that
connotes to settlement of disputes by using mechanisms other than the court and
the administrative tribunal.
The paper discusses various forms of ADR namely arbitration, mediation,
negotiation, and conciliation. However, the major part of the paper would cover
special reference to the mechanism of conciliation which is a mechanism of dispute
VARIOUS FORMS OF ADR resolution in which conciliator helps the parties to find a mutual solution. Discussion
Regula WITH SPECIAL EMPHASIS has also been done about the scenario of conciliation in India and the need to uplift
1 Nabil Iqbal r 41 TO CONCILIATION conciliation.
T Name Course Roll No. Proposed Topic Brief Description/outline of the Assignment Suggestion/(s)
The project will focus upon the recourses available for challenging and setting aside
domestic as well as foreign arbitral awards. This shall be done by taking into account
the statutory amendments made in the Arbitration & Conciliation Act over the years
and the impact of the UNCITRAL Model Law. Further, the scope of judicial
Self- interference and the grounds specified under Section 34 (for domestic awards) read
Farsana Financ Challenging Domestic & with Section 5, and Section 48 (for foreign awards) of the 1996 Act will be discussed
1 Sadiq e 15 Foreign Arbitral Awards in detail with reference to case laws.
Detailed Analysis on In the assignment I will be focusing and exploring the process of Arbitration
Self Arbitration Agreement, agreement, how it's made and what all constitutes it, further I will be dealing with the
Reda Financ Composition and conduct of composition of Arbitral tribunal, the various stages of selection process and
1 Tayyaba e 42 Arbitral tribunal. requirements etc. and how the proceedings are conducted in the tribunal.
Self Arbitration agreement, In this assignment i would be dealing with constitution of the Arbitration Agreement,
Mayank Financ Composition and conduct of Composition and conduct of the Arbitral tribunal according to the Arbitration and
1 Yadav e 25 Arbitral tribunal Conciliation act, 1996.
Concept of arbitration
Historical background
MD AL Self Arbitral award
FAHAD Financ Enforcement
1 ALI e 26 Arbitration Types of arbitration
Sazid .B(Hon
Safiqur s) (Self The assignment will be centred around a comprehensive discussion upon the
Rahman Financ concept and scope of Alternative Dispute Resolution taking under its gamut, its
1 Shah e) 48 Concept & Scope of ADR inception and development over the period of time.
Regula The Effectiveness of Legal Aid Concept of lok adalat and legal aid, its effectiveness and current scenario in India,
1 Sarah Ali r 51 and Lok Adalat in India benefits stated and derived, scope for improvement and better implementation
Zeeshan Regula I'll discuss the origin and scope of ADR in India along with its contemporary
1 Ahmad r 65 Origin and Scope of ADR mechanisms in detail.
Dispute is an indispensable part of societal interactions. With the objective of
settlement of disputes in a more justifiable manner, most nations have established
numerous institutions. Alternative dispute mechanisms are those mechanisms that
connotes to settlement of disputes by using mechanisms other than the court and
the administrative tribunal.
The paper discusses various forms of ADR namely arbitration, mediation,
negotiation, and conciliation. However, the major part of the paper would cover
special reference to the mechanism of conciliation which is a mechanism of dispute
VARIOUS FORMS OF ADR resolution in which conciliator helps the parties to find a mutual solution. Discussion
Regula WITH SPECIAL EMPHASIS has also been done about the scenario of conciliation in India and the need to uplift
1 Nabil Iqbal r 41 TO CONCILIATION conciliation.
In India, its a tradition and history of such methods being practiced in the society at
Self grass roots level. These are called panchayat and in the legal terminology, these are
Mohamma Financ called arbitration. These are widely used in India for resolution of disputes – both
1 d Aazam e 30 Dispute resolution mechanism commercial and non-commercial.
Taiyeba Self
Noor Financ Dispute Resolution
1 Fatima e 55 Mechanism .
T Name Course Roll No. Proposed Topic Brief Description/outline of the Assignment Suggestion/(s)
In this assignment all things related to Alternative Dispute Settlement will be
covered, as there is Arbitration, Mediation, Conciliation, Lok Adalats, Sharia Adalats
to settle the disputes out of the courts , there attributes will be discussed. Laws
related to Alternative Dispute Settlement will be dealt with. A brief history of
alternative dispute settlement as how it came into existence ? Since when , the
civilizations were settling there disputes out of the court. Modern piece of
international law 'UNCITRAL' will come into consideration to get the idea of what
'Arbitration and Conciliation Act of 1996 ' was brought forth for. And the enforciablities
Analysis of Alternative of the settlements through ADR. After reading the report on 'Analysis of Alternative
Dispute Settlement, Dispute Settlement,
Alternative Dispute Settlement Alternative Dispute Settlement Machineries and there attributes, with brief history of
Self Machineries and there ADR' the reader will get the common understanding for what purpose ADR exist for
Saquib Financ Attributes, with brief history of in this world when there is already a traditional court system in most of the
1 Hussain e 46 ADR'. Civilizations of the World.
-Introduction to ADR practices and its evolution
-Nature of ADR and its meaning
-Scope of ADR
Kapil Regula Concept, Nature and Meaning -Objectives of ADR
1 Sehrawat r 27 of Arbitration -Different methods and kinds of Arbitration
Self Grounds and Procedure for
Gyaanesh Financ Challenge the appointment of A brief description of section 12 & 13 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act with
1 war Joshi e 18 Arbitrator explanation of some recent case laws.
(Hons.) The assignment will cover the history of Lok Adalat, how it came into existence and
Self its role up till now. With the coronavirus pandemic, how E-Lok Adalat has proven to
Farheen Financ be a great success. We will look into the role of Lok Adalat providing justice to
1 Khan e 14 System of Lok Adalat in India. people and the recommendation to improve the existing system.
Lok Adalat has emerged as one of the best alternative redressal mechanism for
solving pending cases. In this assignment I would be going through its historical
Gautam Regula Lok Adalat - as an Alternative background, efficacy , Bindingness of the judgment and how it achieved the sucess
1 Raj r 23 Redressal mechanism over the years.
Till 2018, the judicial position regarding the seat and venue of arbitration used to run
into conflict especially when the Agreement was silent regarding the seat of
Arbitration. The Courts over the period of time passed conflicting judgments which
further stretched the issue. It was then the Supreme Court in 2018, passed a
The Conundrum of Seat v. judgment namely Union of India v. Hardy Exploration and Production (India) Inc.
Self Venue of Arbitration under the wherein this issue was dealt with at length and eventually settled the debate. This
Shantanu Financ Arbitration and Conciliation assignment will briefly analyse the position by comparing the judgments delivered by
1 Sharma e 50 Act, 1996. various courts and critically appraise the Hardy Exploration judgment of 2018. Proceed. Good Approach.
Alternative dispute resolution is an alternative to traditional mechanisms of dispute
resolution through Courts. They are a set of practices to resolve disputes outside
courts. There are various mechanisms of ADR namely Arbitration, Meditation,
Conciliation, Negotiation, etc.

CONCILIATION AS A MEANS The paper emphasises upon Conciliation as a means of disputes resolution.
OF DISPUTE RESOLUTION: Basically, conciliation refers to a process in which an independent person
NATURE & SCOPE, WITH ‘Conciliator’ helps the parties to bring about a settlement of their disputes. Special
Syeda SPECIAL REFERENCE TO reference has been given to the conciliation mechanism in India, especially in Delhi
Mehar Self-fin CONCILIATION IN INDIA where conciliation is frequently resorted to at pre-litigant stage. The paper also
1 Ejaz ance 54 (DELHI) discusses various issues pertaining to conciliation.
Self Alternate Dispute Resolution How Arbitration seems to be the necessity after Globalization and how Arbitration
Rachit Financ Mechanism in Reshaping and Conciliation Act, 1996 has changed the scenario of dispute settlement in the
1 Gupta e 39 Indian Legal System commercial field.
T Name Course Roll No. Proposed Topic Brief Description/outline of the Assignment Suggestion/(s)
Conciliation in simple is the process to bring mediation between the disputed parties.
With the time, the out of court settlement has become the need of an hour. Various
additional dispute resolution has emerged and conciliation is one among them which
Syed Self strives to settle dispute in quick time without any court procedures.
Saad Financ The main objective to undertake the topic is to shed light upon the process of
1 Anwar e 53 Proceeding of Conciliation conciliation which is becoming the essential part of out legal system.
Conciliation in simple is the process to bring mediation between the disputed parties.
With the time, the out of court settlement has become the need of an hour. Various
additional dispute resolution has emerged and conciliation is one among them which
Syed Self strives to settle dispute in quick time without any court procedures.
Saad Financ The main objective to undertake the topic is to shed light upon the process of
1 Anwar e 53 Proceeding of Conciliation conciliation which is becoming the essential part of out legal system.
Various modes of ADR -
Tanvi Regula arbitration, mediation and Assignmen will consist of meaning, scope, objects and other areas related to
1 agrawal r 61 conciliation arbitration, conciliation and mediation.
B.A. Development of Arbitration law I am going to explain arbitration topic in my assignment as Issue with regard to
LLB. in India And scope of Development of Arbitration law in India And scope of arbitration law in India in
Akash self arbitration and it’s present and future time and it’s contemporary relevance and various challenges and
1 Bharti finance 05 contemporary relevance why we need of arbitration in India.
The report shall analyze the nature, scope and effectiveness of the ADR system in
India and to look into the various modes of settlement of disputes and also compare
the legality of the existing statutes. It shall cover an overview of different ADR
processes widely used viz. negotiation, conciliation, arbitration, mediation, etc and a
comparison between them all. It shall highlight majorly the process of arbitration in
B.A. India, need to resort to arbitration instead of litigation and the application of
LL.B. Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 in International Commercial Arbitration. The
(Self report shall also include the implementation of Section 89 of the Civil Procedure
Priyamvad Financ Alternate Dispute Redressal Code, 1908 for popularizing court-annexed ADR and suggestions to build an efficient
1 a Yadav e) 38 Mechanism in India ADR mechanism in India.
The assignment will deal with the issues and challenges that exist in India with
regard to the recognition, enforcement, and execution of arbitral awards, especially
the foreign arbitral awards. The assignment will first lay down a detailed explanation
of ADR, in general, and arbitration, in particular, and then discuss the term 'arbitral
award'. The law on the point, as it exists now, will be discussed and the existing
deficiencies in it, which are there either due to legislative shortcomings or judicial
interpretations will be pointed out, along with the practical aspects of the same. The
Albab Regula Recognition and Enforcement assignment will also discuss the measures which should be undertaken in this
1 Alam r of Arbitral Awards in India regard.
Utkarsh Financ Arbitration and Government
In aforementioned project, i elaborated concept of arbitration and it's impact and
1 Dwivedi e 57 Contract. implementation upon government contracts. Proceed. Rephrase the title
The concise objectives of this research are to ascertain, examine and analyze the
concept and
law relating to ADR, to further ascertain, examine and analyze the framework,
practices and procedures relating to ADR and more specifically relating to four
DISPUTE RESOLUTION processes namely Mediation, Conciliation, Lok Adalats & Permanent Lok Adalats
Saif ul Self EVOLUTION IN THE Arbitration with reference to Delhi and to further ascertain and analyze their
1 Islam finance 44 INDIAN LEGAL FRATERNITY necessity.
T Name Course Roll No. Proposed Topic Brief Description/outline of the Assignment Suggestion/(s)
The project examines the issue of finality of arbitral awards in India in detail. An
arbitral award which is otherwise thought of as final in jurisprudence terms, is subject
to the domestic courts in India, which ultimately makes the court as the last decisive
authority on the validity of the award. The project critically analyzes the provisions
which make this phenomenon possible and deliberates upon its merits and the
demerits plaguing it. Additionally, a survey of the judgments of the courts further
Ismat Regula Finality of Arbitral Awards in sheds light on the issue. At the end, corrective measures already proposed, and
1 Hena r 26 India suggestions inspired from practices adopted by other jurisdictions are put forward.
Arbitral tribunal, also know as arbitration tribunal is a panel of one or more than one
adjudicator which is formed to resolve any dispute by means of arbitration. With the
passage of time the problem of delayed trials have given rise to the mechanism of
addition dispute resolution which is an out of court settlement by various means in
order to settle disputes in quick manner and arbitration is one among such.
Self Thus the main objective to deal with the topic is to shed light on the working
Aziz Financ Competence and Jurisdiction mechanism of the arbitration tribunal, and to understand the functional aspect and
1 Sayeeda e 11 of Arbitral Tribunal. competency of it.
The 1999 amendment to the CPC, 1908 is latest Parliamentary effort at making
litigation in the country more effective and speedy. The Act of 1999 has introduced a
new provision , section 89 where the court may by itself, proactively refer a dispute
for ADR methods if it appears that elements of settlement, which may be acceptable
to the parties to the dispute. This provision section 89 compels and encourages
ANANYA How inclusive is ADR settlement of disputes out of the court in case, where it appears to the court that
SINGH REGU mechanism under the Civil there exists an element of a settlement which may be acceptable to the
1 THAKUR LAR 13 Procedure Code. parties by using ADR mechanisms. Proceed. Rephrase the title.
The project would explain ADR and its different methods along with their comparative
analysis. It will then focus on mediation as an effective tool that assists the parties
Anamta Regula Mediation As An Effective to a dispute in reaching a mutually agreed settlement with special reference relating
1 Ibrahim r 12 mode of ADR in India to family and matrimonial conflicts. Proceed.
My assignment deals with, The doctrine of competence-competence, which has
become a prominent characteristic of the arbitration regime. It has been recognized
by the arbitration legislations of many countries. The doctrine means that the
arbitration tribunal has the power to decide its own jurisdiction. This also includes the
power of the arbitration tribunal to decide any objections on the existence or validity
of an arbitration agreement. The doctrine is related to the rules pertaining to the issue
of jurisdiction between the arbitral tribunals and national courts and to the timing of
challenges that may be raised to the arbitral tribunal's jurisdiction. In India, the
Doctrine of discussion pertains to the scope of this doctrine and the characteristic feature of Proceed. You may discuss it
Shaima Regula Konpetenz-Kompetenz: Indian minimum court intervention in arbitration. in comparative mode from any
1 Masood r 55 Perspective. other country too.
Sunidhi Regula Arbitration Agreement and The paper will discuss about the Arbitration Agreement and the arbitral tribunal- its
1 Sachdeva r 58 Arbitral Tribunal composition, jurisdiction and mode of conduct of proceedings.
The issue of jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal raises questions such as, who decides
whether the arbitral tribunal can determine its own jurisdiction and at what stage of
the arbitral process should judicial intervention, if any, occur. There are divergent
approaches taken by courts to these questions. My project includes a comparative
analysis of jurisdictional approaches to providing priority to the arbitral tribunal to rule
on its own jurisdiction. Whether the Arbitral tribunal has the competence to decide on
Shreya Regula Competence and Jurisdiction its own jurisdiction and whether the Arbitral tribunal will lose jurisdiction if the contract
1 bhat r 57 of Arbitral Tribunal. in which the arbitration agreement or clause is inserted is declared void.
I will discuss conceptual and methodological foundations of a new public law or mode
towards the settlement of disputes with the help of arbitration.

Further, I will elaborate various terms, processes, advantages, disadvantages

including present challenges, major amendments in Arbitration act, and recent
developments like patent illegal issue.
The Proliferation of Climate of
Mohd Regula Arbitration in The World's Besides, I will compare India's arbitration approach with international arbitration
1 Altmash r 37 Largest Democracy approach.
T Name Course Roll No. Proposed Topic Brief Description/outline of the Assignment Suggestion/(s)
46 Will highlight prevailing ADR mechanism in India, Historical perspective,
Raghib Regula (17BLW0 Alternative Dispute Constitutional Provisions, Difference between Judicial Process and various ADR
1 Naushad r 42) Mechanism in India processes, etc.
Through this assignment, I intend to look into the scope of enforceability of domestic
as well as foreign arbitral awards in different jurisdictions. I would look into the history
Self Analysing the Scope of relating to the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards. Further, discuss about
Aarish Financ Recognition and Enforcement the recognition of foreign arbitral awards in India. Moreover, look into the settlement
1 Khan e 3 of Arbitral Awards of international commercial disputes through arbitration.
The paper will exhaustively analyze following sub-topics:
• Analysis of the concept of mediation and its salient features;
• Mediation as an effective method for alternative dispute resolution;
• legal framework pertaining to mediation;
• Mediation in India: existing position;
• Recent trends in India in respect of mediation;
• Problems in the present framework;
• Steps taken by the government and other authorities;
• Way ahead;
• suggestions/recommendations to strengthen mediation in India.
Mediation in India: Current • Conclusion.
Masoom Regula Jurisprudence And The Path
1 Reza r 30 Ahead
Kamlesh Financ
1 Rai e 21 Composition of arbitral tribunal Number and appointment of arbitrator, ground for challenge and challenge procedure
My project talks about what is ADR and how ADR helps in speedy disposal of cases
through conciliation, mediation and it is speedy,fairy and satisfactory in nature.
ADR is low cost method as compare judicial process and its best way is through
Mohamma Regula Concept, Scope and various mediation
1 d Abdullah r 34 forms of ADR There are various forms of ADR which will be in detail in my project.
B.A. Development of Arbitration law I am going to explain arbitration topic in my assignment as Issue with regard to
LLB. in India And scope of Development of Arbitration law in India And scope of arbitration law in India in
Akash self arbitration and it’s present and future time and it’s contemporary relevance and various challenges and
1 Bharti finance 05 contemporary relevance why we need of arbitration in India.
To get out of this maze of litigation, courts and lawyers’ chambers; most of the
countries encourage alternative methods of dispute resolution. India has a long
tradition and history of such methods being practiced in the society at grass roots
level. These are called panchayat and in the legal terminology, these are called
arbitration. These are widely used in India for resolution of disputes – both
Dispute Resolution commercial and non-commercial. Other alternative methods being used are Lok
Mechanism at grass root level Adalat (People’s Court), where justice is dispensed summarily without too much
Piyush Regula such as Lok Adalat, Nyaya emphasis on legal technicalities. Methods like negotiation, mediation and conciliation
1 Dwivedi r 44 Panchayat and Legal Aid are being increasingly used to resolve disputes instead of going for litigation.
The issue of jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal raises questions such as, who decides
whether the arbitral tribunal can determine its own jurisdiction and at what stage of
the arbitral process should judicial intervention, if any, occur. There are divergent
approaches taken by courts to these questions. My project includes a comparative
analysis of jurisdictional approaches to providing priority to the arbitral tribunal to rule
on its own jurisdiction. Whether the Arbitral tribunal has the competence to decide on
Shreya Regula Competence and Jurisdiction its own jurisdiction and whether the Arbitral tribunal will lose jurisdiction if the contract
1 bhat r 57 of Arbitral Tribunal. in which the arbitration agreement or clause is inserted is declared void.
T Name Course Roll No. Proposed Topic Brief Description/outline of the Assignment Suggestion/(s)
A lawyer’s profession is meant to be a divine or sacred profession by all means. In
every profession, there are certain professional ethics that need to be followed by
every person who is into such a profession. But there is the fact that professional
misconduct is a common aspect, not only in other professions but also in advocacy
also. In simple terms, it means certain acts done by the persons which seem to be
unfit for the profession as well as which are against certain ethics in this field. The
term has been clearly defined in Black’s Dictionary as, the transgression of some
established and definite rule of action, a forbidden act, a dereliction of duty, unlawful
Sharjeel Self Disciplinary proceedings behavior, improper or wrong behavior. Its synonyms are a misdemeanour,
1 Ahmad finance 54 against lawyers impropriety, mismanagement, offense, but not negligence or carelessness.
The project will throw light on different types of Alternate Dispute resolution
Apoorva Regula Forms of Alternate Dispute mechanisms available. Their features and how they are different from each other will
1 Bhatnagar r 17 Resolution be discussed.
The disputants want a decision, and that too as quickly as possible. As the problem
of overburdened Courts has been faced all over the world, new solutions were
searched. Various Tribunals were the answer to the search. In India, we have a
number of Tribunals. However, the fact of the matter is that even after the formation
of so many Tribunals, the administration of justice has not become speedy. Thus, it
can be safely said that the solution lies somewhere else. All over the globe the
recent trend is to shift from litigation towards Alternative Dispute Resolution. It is a
Alternative Dispute Resolution very practical suggestion, which if implemented, can reduce the workload of Civil
in India Courts by half. Thus, it becomes the bounden duty of the Bar to take this onerous
A study on concepts, task of implementing ADR on itself so as to get matters settled without going into the
techniques, provisions, labyrinth of judicial procedures and technicalities. The Bar should be supported by
Shashank Regula problems in implementation the Bench in this herculean task so that no one is denied justice because of delay.
1 Shekhar r BLW052 and solutions
DISPUTE RESOLUTION AT In this assignment i wil try to reasech about how disputes resolution as a subsitute to
Prajjwal Regula GRASS ROUTE LEVEL IN judicial proceeding is being developed in india and how effecfive it has been in
1 Singh r 42 INDIA. delivery justice.
Dispute resolution is the process of deciding a dispute or a conflict that has arisen
between transacting parties. The decision can be arrived at either in an amicable
manner or adversarial manner, either by the parties themselves or a neutral third
party. The need to evolve alternative mechanisms to reduce the burden of the Courts
Dilshad Regula Alternative Dispute Resolution and provide speedy access to justice alongwith the revival and strengthening of
1 Ahmed r 22 in India traditional systems of dispute resolution in India.

Mohit B.A.LL 17BLWS Explained: Nuances of ADR The nitty-gritty Alternative Dispute Resolution Law in India and it's impact on disposal
1 Kumar .B (SF) 139 Law in India of disputes

since we know that the proceedings initiated in the court take a much long time and
much resources of the aggrieved as well as the victim. so my project proposes to
Aarushi Self Alternative means of dispute portray different means through which the dispute can be settled outside the court
1 pandita finance 4 resolution in india and it includes arbitration mediation conciliation and mini trial.
Pratap Self
1 Singh finance 3 Arbitration Arbitration in india and its effect.
1 Saif ali finance 43 ADR Information about ADR
Ilsa Regula How Arbitration was introduced in India and how it has evolved from 1998, current
1 Mukhtar r 25 Evolution of Arbitration in India situation of Arbitration.
Zeeshan Regula I'll discuss the origin and scope of ADR in India along with its contemporary
1 Ahmad r 65 Origin and Scope of ADR mechanisms in detail.
T Name Course Roll No. Proposed Topic Brief Description/outline of the Assignment Suggestion/(s)
My assignment is about concept and holistic introduction of ADR. I intend to deal
with historical development of ADR and it’s brief analysis. It also includes
introduction of mediation, arbitration and conciliation. It also covers issues and
Aafreen Regula challenges pertaining to ADR in India, emerging trends in ADR and suggestions for
1 khan r 1 Concept of ADR reforms.
The paper will be drawn out on the lines of ADR's origin and development from primal
to contemporary Indian social structures, its nuanced nitty-gritties caliberating to the
Owais Regula The progressive evolution of changing nature of the 'dispute' itself and the veracity in the mechanism's potential to
1 Ashraf r 42 ADR in India withstand the challenges it was laid out to moderate.
Mazhar Regula Forms of Alternative Dispute I shall be discussing about the various forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution which
1 Alavi r 32 Resolution include arbitration, conciliation, mediation and negotiation.
Shadab Regula Arbitral awards and Recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in India and the termination of arbitral
1 Praveen r 53 termination of proceedings proceedings in India
Timestam Name Course Roll No. Proposed Topic Brief Description/outline of the Assignment Suggestion/(s)
The concept of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanism is competent to
provide an alternative to the traditional methods of resolving disputes. ADR offers to
settle all type of matters including civil, commercial, industrial and family etc., where
peoplearen't able to start any type of negotiation and reach the settlement. Mostly,
ADR uses nonpartisan third party who helps the parties to communicate and discuss
the differences and resolve the dispute. It is a method which allows individuals and
groups to maintain co-operation, social order and provides opportunity to reduce
hostility. ADR provides various modes of settlement including- arbitration,
conciliation, mediation, negotiation and lok Adalat. Here, negotiation means
self-counseling between the parties to resolve their dispute. ADR is usually less Proceed. Too broad a topic,
formal, less expensive, and less time-consuming than a trial. ADR can also give you may limit the area by
people more opportunity to determine when and how their dispute will be resolved. specifiying it to the analysis of
any one technique and then
In India, the traditional dispute resolution method or litigation (as its commonly modify the title accordingly.
called) refers to the proceedings before an appropriate court of law according to the the description suggests your
established procedure, these alternative methods are way more relaxed and work would be inclined
party-centric. New hybrid-methods, have also come across now. As the name towards Arbitration so you
suggests, they are a cross-over between two alternative methods of dispute may choose For eg:
resolution. The need to advance the alternative mechanisms are to reduce the significance/relevance/
burden of the Courts and provide speedy access to justice alongwith the regeneration contribution of Arbitration in
and strengthening of traditional systems of dispute resolution. This prompted the India where you may explain it
introduction of ‘Section 89’ in the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. Then finally, the with the analysis of the
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 came into existence, it's been amended a few relevant provisions and case
Afreen times since then, the latest amendment was done in 2019. The former opened the laws that it helped in speedy
Afshar Regula Alternative Means of Dispute passage of statutory reference to ADR, either by the Courts or the parties justice and reduced the
1 10/12/2020Alam r 5 Resolution in India themselves. burden of courts.
Ilsa Regula How Arbitration was introduced in India and how it has evolved from 1998, current
2 10/12/2020Mukhtar r 25 Evolution of Arbitration in India situation of Arbitration. Proceed
Proceed. The description
suggests an explanatory write
up, make it analytical by
analysing the significance of
these forms of ADR and
situations in which they are
best applicable. Relate it with
present day legal problems
where cumbersome legal
processes are causing delays
and these forms may be
applied for better results.
Once you explore the content
think of modifying the title too,
Asma Regula The project is about various forms of ADR that include negotiation, mediation, present title doesnt suggest
3 10/13/2020Shuaib r 19 Various forms of ADR conciliation, arbitration, mini trial etc. any direction.
Proceed. The effectiveness of
the modes have to be
Alternative Dispute substantiated with case laws
Resolution: A comparative and other practical examples.
study of its various modes I will discuss the various prevalent forms of the alternative dispute resolution. The You may take a cue from
Arisha Self with special reference to their primary objective of this research is to compare the various modes of ADR while commercial arbitration in this
4 10/15/2020Nusrat finance 08 effectiveness. giving a special reference to the effectiveness of each mode in contemporary times. regard.
Proceed. You may approach it
in a comparative mode, that
how the amendments have
made it better but still there is
a scope for betterment.
Mention various forms but
focus on application of
arbitration in various legal
Anshuman Regula Understanding the concept of My assignment will deal with the basic concepts of ADR mechanism, focussing on domains as against traditional
5 10/15/2020Srivastava r 15 Alternative Dispute Resolution the meaning, origin, scope, methods and developments in the field of ADR legal system.
Proceed. Your work should be
case laws based, reflecting
Rahul Regula History of ADR and it's various In this assignment, I discussed how ADR evolved in India and also mentioned it's role of judiciary in making
6 10/15/2020Gupta r 47 forms various forms and also discussed how these forms worked in India. ADR effective.
Proceed.Title may be
Alternative Dispute Resolution rephrased as ADR in India:
in India: A study on concepts, ADR is a mechanism which gives people relief either by way of Problems and Prospects,
AAMIR techniques, provisions, conciliation,arbitration or mediation and helps the needy and poor people by giving focus on how it furthers the
rAZA REGU 17BLWO problems in implementation free legal aid, speedy trial and try to resolve the issue and helps the courts from aim of free legal aid as per
7 10/15/2020KHAN LAR O2 and solutions overburdening of the petty cases. Constitution.
Proceed. Too broad a topic,
Alternative Dispute Resolution was as an alternative to the traditional dispute choose one mechanism.
resolution mechanism, litigation, which had become costly, time consuming, did not Preferably Conciliation and
Self ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE give the parties control over the outcome of their disputes and was generally then explain its significance
Arifa Financ RESOLUTION SYSTEM IN cumbersome. ADR refers to a variety of techniques for resolving disputes without with the help of relevant
8 10/15/2020Diwan e 7 INDIA resort to litigation in the courts. provisions and case laws.
What is arbitration or the concept of arbitration. What is the Historical background of Proceed. The title is too broad
arbitration in India and and description should match
What are the types of arbitration? or have nexus with it. Make it
How the process of arbitration is done? specific. You may focus on
What are arbitral award and how are they enforceable? exploring arbitral awards, their
Self Merits of arbitration enforcement and relevant
Mehwish Financ 17BLWS And the case laws related to arbitration process case laws related to Arbitral
9 10/16/2020Khalil e 133 Arbitration awards
Proceed. Change the
perspective, instead of
explaining ADR in India
discuss out of court
Self The assignment seeks to discuss the mechanism of alternative means of resolution settlement; trends in India.
Raghav Financ Alternative Means of Dispute of disputes and the means of redressal of disputes in India and how it can help to Include panchayats and fats
10 10/16/2020sharma e 41 Resolution in India decrease the burden of the judicial system . track courts
B.A. Evolution of Arbitration in Proceed. Focus only on
LL.B. India: A comparative study of This paper would review the evolution of arbitration in India since the Arbitration Act, Amendments, remove
(Hons.) Arbitration Act, 1940, 1940. It would review the evolution from both, legislative as well as judicial evolution from the title, just do
- Arbitration and Conciliation perspectives. The paper intends to compare the concepts of earlier legislation to the a comparative study.
Rupal Regula Act, 1996 and the recent new concepts that were introduced through the Act of 1996 as well as through recent Evolution will eventually be a
11 10/16/2020Gupta r 48 amendments. amendments, i.e., in 2005, 2015, etc. part of it.
The concise objectives of this research are to ascertain, examine and analyze the
concept and law relating to ADR, to further ascertain, examine and analyze the
framework, avenues, practices and procedures relating to ADR and more specifically
relating to four individual ADR processes namely Mediation, Conciliation, Lok Adalats
& Permanent Lok Adalats and Arbitration and to further ascertain and analyze their
necessity, advantages and shortcomings and further to evaluate their efficacy and
accomplishments again and to further formulate plausible remedial measures for
overcoming the shortcomings and propose suggestions for their better and more Proceed. Focus on online
Daniya Regula Concept and Scope of effective implementation and progress. ADR and its effectiveness and
12 10/16/2020Khan r 20 Alternate Dispute Resolution modify the title accordingly.
The most conventional form of dispute resolution in India is in the court of law but
Self there are other forms which much more flexible such as mediation, conciliation,
Iman Financ Alternate means of Dispute negotiation and arbitration. These topics are are what I am going to discuss with their
13 10/16/2020Khan e 20 Resolution in India position in India.
My project on ADR is going to deal with the growth of consent based resolution
mechanism , historical importance of ADR , current picture of ADR in India - statutes
governing it, forms of ADR currently prevailing in India , Benefits of having ADR
mechanisms and issues faced by ADR mechanisms in India.

AMIT Regula Evolution , concept and scope In short , i will try to provide a detailed and informative picture of Alternative Dispute
14 10/16/2020RAWLANI r 11 of ADR. Redressal in India.
Ashish Understanding Alternative
Suryavans Regula means of Dispute Resolution It will be of the concept, nature, process, working and the various forms of the ADR
15 10/16/2020hi r 18 in India in India.
Shimran Financ
16 10/16/2020Zaman e 52 Kinds of ADR
Self Origin, Introduction and Types
Shafaq Financ of ADR
17 10/16/2020Zooni e 49
Md Ameer Financ Assignment will deal with the process of evolution of ADR with its historical
18 10/16/2020Hamza e 27 ADR : Evolution and History perspective
In this project, I would cover the following key points related to ADR:
1. Introduction
2. Forms of ADR
3.Alternative Means of Dispute Resolution in India
4.Arbitration Agreement, Composition and Conduct of Arbitral
MOHD Self-Fi Concept and scope of ADR In tribunal, etc
19 10/16/2020AQIB nance 32 the present legal system.
ADR is a process of resolving dispute outside court. What is the origin of ADR
Self summary and analysis of system in India? What is the scope of ADR? What are the advantages and
khushbu Financ Alternative Dispute Resolution disadvantages of ADR? What are the various alternative methods of dispute
20 10/16/2020gupta e 23 in India resolution? How judiciary has played its role towards ADR in India?
Gufran Financ Alternate Dispute Resolution The Arbitration Act 1940 ‘ History of Alternate Dispute Resolution ‘ Role of judiciary
21 10/16/2020Khan e 17 summary and analysis of ADR in dispute resolution
Concept of arbitration
Historical background
MD AL Self Arbitral award
FAHAD Financ Enforcement
22 10/16/2020ALI e 26 Arbitration Types of arbitration
Sazid .B(Hon
Safiqur s) (Self The assignment will be centred around a comprehensive discussion upon the
Rahman Financ concept and scope of Alternative Dispute Resolution taking under its gamut, its
23 10/16/2020Shah e) 48 Concept & Scope of ADR inception and development over the period of time.
Zeeshan Regula I'll discuss the origin and scope of ADR in India along with its contemporary
24 10/16/2020Ahmad r 65 Origin and Scope of ADR mechanisms in detail.
Dispute is an indispensable part of societal interactions. With the objective of
settlement of disputes in a more justifiable manner, most nations have established
numerous institutions. Alternative dispute mechanisms are those mechanisms that
connotes to settlement of disputes by using mechanisms other than the court and
the administrative tribunal.
The paper discusses various forms of ADR namely arbitration, mediation,
negotiation, and conciliation. However, the major part of the paper would cover
special reference to the mechanism of conciliation which is a mechanism of dispute
VARIOUS FORMS OF ADR resolution in which conciliator helps the parties to find a mutual solution. Discussion
Regula WITH SPECIAL EMPHASIS has also been done about the scenario of conciliation in India and the need to uplift
25 10/16/2020Nabil Iqbal r 41 TO CONCILIATION conciliation.
In India, its a tradition and history of such methods being practiced in the society at
Self grass roots level. These are called panchayat and in the legal terminology, these are
Mohamma Financ called arbitration. These are widely used in India for resolution of disputes – both
26 10/16/2020d Aazam e 30 Dispute resolution mechanism commercial and non-commercial.
Taiyeba Self
Noor Financ Dispute Resolution
27 10/16/2020Fatima e 55 Mechanism .
In this assignment all things related to Alternative Dispute Settlement will be
covered, as there is Arbitration, Mediation, Conciliation, Lok Adalats, Sharia Adalats
to settle the disputes out of the courts , there attributes will be discussed. Laws
related to Alternative Dispute Settlement will be dealt with. A brief history of
alternative dispute settlement as how it came into existence ? Since when , the
civilizations were settling there disputes out of the court. Modern piece of
international law 'UNCITRAL' will come into consideration to get the idea of what
'Arbitration and Conciliation Act of 1996 ' was brought forth for. And the enforciablities
Analysis of Alternative of the settlements through ADR. After reading the report on 'Analysis of Alternative
Dispute Settlement, Dispute Settlement,
Alternative Dispute Settlement Alternative Dispute Settlement Machineries and there attributes, with brief history of
Self Machineries and there ADR' the reader will get the common understanding for what purpose ADR exist for
Saquib Financ Attributes, with brief history of in this world when there is already a traditional court system in most of the
28 10/16/2020Hussain e 46 ADR'. Civilizations of the World.
-Introduction to ADR practices and its evolution
-Nature of ADR and its meaning
-Scope of ADR
Kapil Regula Concept, Nature and Meaning -Objectives of ADR
29 10/16/2020Sehrawat r 27 of Arbitration -Different methods and kinds of Arbitration
Various modes of ADR -
Tanvi Regula arbitration, mediation and Assignmen will consist of meaning, scope, objects and other areas related to
30 10/16/2020agrawal r 61 conciliation arbitration, conciliation and mediation.
B.A. Development of Arbitration law I am going to explain arbitration topic in my assignment as Issue with regard to
LLB. in India And scope of Development of Arbitration law in India And scope of arbitration law in India in
Akash self arbitration and it’s present and future time and it’s contemporary relevance and various challenges and
31 10/16/2020Bharti finance 05 contemporary relevance why we need of arbitration in India.
The report shall analyze the nature, scope and effectiveness of the ADR system in
India and to look into the various modes of settlement of disputes and also compare
the legality of the existing statutes. It shall cover an overview of different ADR
processes widely used viz. negotiation, conciliation, arbitration, mediation, etc and a
comparison between them all. It shall highlight majorly the process of arbitration in
B.A. India, need to resort to arbitration instead of litigation and the application of
LL.B. Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 in International Commercial Arbitration. The
(Self report shall also include the implementation of Section 89 of the Civil Procedure
Priyamvad Financ Alternate Dispute Redressal Code, 1908 for popularizing court-annexed ADR and suggestions to build an efficient
32 10/16/2020a Yadav e) 38 Mechanism in India ADR mechanism in India.
The concise objectives of this research are to ascertain, examine and analyze the
concept and
law relating to ADR, to further ascertain, examine and analyze the framework,
practices and procedures relating to ADR and more specifically relating to four
DISPUTE RESOLUTION processes namely Mediation, Conciliation, Lok Adalats & Permanent Lok Adalats
Saif ul Self EVOLUTION IN THE Arbitration with reference to Delhi and to further ascertain and analyze their
33 10/16/2020Islam finance 44 INDIAN LEGAL FRATERNITY necessity.
46 Will highlight prevailing ADR mechanism in India, Historical perspective,
Raghib Regula (17BLW0 Alternative Dispute Constitutional Provisions, Difference between Judicial Process and various ADR
34 10/17/2020Naushad r 42) Mechanism in India processes, etc.
My project talks about what is ADR and how ADR helps in speedy disposal of cases
through conciliation, mediation and it is speedy,fairy and satisfactory in nature.
ADR is low cost method as compare judicial process and its best way is through
Mohamma Regula Concept, Scope and various mediation
35 10/17/2020d Abdullah r 34 forms of ADR There are various forms of ADR which will be in detail in my project.
B.A. Development of Arbitration law I am going to explain arbitration topic in my assignment as Issue with regard to
LLB. in India And scope of Development of Arbitration law in India And scope of arbitration law in India in
Akash self arbitration and it’s present and future time and it’s contemporary relevance and various challenges and
36 10/17/2020Bharti finance 05 contemporary relevance why we need of arbitration in India.
The project will throw light on different types of Alternate Dispute resolution
Apoorva Regula Forms of Alternate Dispute mechanisms available. Their features and how they are different from each other will
37 10/17/2020Bhatnagar r 17 Resolution be discussed.
Dispute resolution is the process of deciding a dispute or a conflict that has arisen
between transacting parties. The decision can be arrived at either in an amicable
manner or adversarial manner, either by the parties themselves or a neutral third
party. The need to evolve alternative mechanisms to reduce the burden of the Courts
Dilshad Regula Alternative Dispute Resolution and provide speedy access to justice alongwith the revival and strengthening of
38 10/18/2020Ahmed r 22 in India traditional systems of dispute resolution in India.

Mohit B.A.LL 17BLWS Explained: Nuances of ADR The nitty-gritty Alternative Dispute Resolution Law in India and it's impact on disposal
39 10/18/2020Kumar .B (SF) 139 Law in India of disputes
since we know that the proceedings initiated in the court take a much long time and
much resources of the aggrieved as well as the victim. so my project proposes to
Aarushi Self Alternative means of dispute portray different means through which the dispute can be settled outside the court
40 10/19/2020pandita finance 4 resolution in india and it includes arbitration mediation conciliation and mini trial.
Pratap Self
41 10/19/2020Singh finance 3 Arbitration Arbitration in india and its effect.
42 10/19/2020Saif ali finance 43 ADR Information about ADR
Ilsa Regula How Arbitration was introduced in India and how it has evolved from 1998, current
43 10/19/2020Mukhtar r 25 Evolution of Arbitration in India situation of Arbitration.
Zeeshan Regula I'll discuss the origin and scope of ADR in India along with its contemporary
44 10/19/2020Ahmad r 65 Origin and Scope of ADR mechanisms in detail.
My assignment is about concept and holistic introduction of ADR. I intend to deal
with historical development of ADR and it’s brief analysis. It also includes
introduction of mediation, arbitration and conciliation. It also covers issues and
Aafreen Regula challenges pertaining to ADR in India, emerging trends in ADR and suggestions for
45 10/19/2020khan r 1 Concept of ADR reforms.
The paper will be drawn out on the lines of ADR's origin and development from primal
to contemporary Indian social structures, its nuanced nitty-gritties caliberating to the
Owais Regula The progressive evolution of changing nature of the 'dispute' itself and the veracity in the mechanism's potential to
46 10/19/2020Ashraf r 42 ADR in India withstand the challenges it was laid out to moderate.
Mazhar Regula Forms of Alternative Dispute I shall be discussing about the various forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution which
47 10/20/2020Alavi r 32 Resolution include arbitration, conciliation, mediation and negotiation.
T Name Course Roll No. Proposed Topic Brief Description/outline of the Assignment Suggestion/(s)
The concept of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanism is competent to
provide an alternative to the traditional methods of resolving disputes. ADR offers to
settle all type of matters including civil, commercial, industrial and family etc., where
peoplearen't able to start any type of negotiation and reach the settlement. Mostly,
ADR uses nonpartisan third party who helps the parties to communicate and discuss
the differences and resolve the dispute. It is a method which allows individuals and
groups to maintain co-operation, social order and provides opportunity to reduce
hostility. ADR provides various modes of settlement including- arbitration,
conciliation, mediation, negotiation and lok Adalat. Here, negotiation means
self-counseling between the parties to resolve their dispute. ADR is usually less Proceed. Too broad a topic,
formal, less expensive, and less time-consuming than a trial. ADR can also give you may limit the area by
people more opportunity to determine when and how their dispute will be resolved. specifiying it to the analysis of
any one technique and then
In India, the traditional dispute resolution method or litigation (as its commonly modify the title accordingly.
called) refers to the proceedings before an appropriate court of law according to the the description suggests your
established procedure, these alternative methods are way more relaxed and work would be inclined
party-centric. New hybrid-methods, have also come across now. As the name towards Arbitration so you
suggests, they are a cross-over between two alternative methods of dispute may choose For eg:
resolution. The need to advance the alternative mechanisms are to reduce the significance/relevance/
burden of the Courts and provide speedy access to justice alongwith the regeneration contribution of Arbitration in
and strengthening of traditional systems of dispute resolution. This prompted the India where you may explain it
introduction of ‘Section 89’ in the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. Then finally, the with the analysis of the
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 came into existence, it's been amended a few relevant provisions and case
Afreen times since then, the latest amendment was done in 2019. The former opened the laws that it helped in speedy
Afshar Regula Alternative Means of Dispute passage of statutory reference to ADR, either by the Courts or the parties justice and reduced the
1 Alam r 5 Resolution in India themselves. burden of courts.
Proceed. Once you start
exploring content try to make
The proposed paper shall aim to discuss lok adalats as a means to deliver justice at Title a bit catchy, since your
the grassroot level. Component areas of the paper shall include the evolution, focus would be on
Mohamma function and jurisdiction, etc of the lok adalats. Also focus will be on lok adalats Constitution, if this is reflected
d Haris Regula 17BLW0 giving effect to the values envisioned in the constitution and how they play a key role in the title too it will be really
1 Mir r 30 Lok adalats in India in enforcing the fundamental right of justice for all. good.
Ilsa Regula How Arbitration was introduced in India and how it has evolved from 1998, current
1 Mukhtar r 25 Evolution of Arbitration in India situation of Arbitration. Proceed
The Draft Code of Conduct for This project will discuss the recently proposed Draft Code of Conduct for
Adjudicators in ISDS: A step Adjudicators in Investor-State Dispute Settlement. It will focus on the provisions of
Mohit towards reforming the the Code, on their strengths and limitations, and on the question whether or not or it
Kumar Regula International Investment is a good enough step towards regulating the arbitrators' conduct in the largely
1 Tanwar r 40 Arbitration system unregulated ISDS system. Proceed.
Proceed. The description
suggests an explanatory write
up, make it analytical by
analysing the significance of
these forms of ADR and
situations in which they are
best applicable. Relate it with
present day legal problems
where cumbersome legal
processes are causing delays
and these forms may be
applied for better results.
Once you explore the content
think of modifying the title too,
Asma Regula The project is about various forms of ADR that include negotiation, mediation, present title doesnt suggest
1 Shuaib r 19 Various forms of ADR conciliation, arbitration, mini trial etc. any direction.
Proceed. Your assignment
should reflect the role of
Arbitral tribunal in Arbitration
and in this context
composition and conduct
should be explained. Analyse
the relevant provisions and
case laws and then modify the
BALLB Arbitration Agreement, In this assignment, the Concept of arbitration will be discussed along with the title accordingly. Present title
Zene (Hons) Composition and conduct of detailed description of Composition and Conduct of the Arbitral tribunal, The is not suggestive of the flow
1 Qamar SF 58 Arbitral tribunal advantages and disadvantages of Arbitration. of your work.
Proceed. Do mention the
genesis of these awards and
Talat Regula Enforcement of foreign arbitral The project tells about how foreign awards become a part of current system of ADR enforcement in India then
1 Chaudhary r 60 awards in India and how they are enforced and implemented relate to present laws.
In this project I will cover the key differences between institutional arbitration and ad
hoc arbitration which would include the commencement of proceedings, appointment Proceed. Do relate it with the
of arbitrators, flexibility on procedure and supervision, costs and enforcement. My latest amendment 2019 that
project will also provides comparisons between rules and practices in two we have in India and you may
institutions, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) on one hand and ad hoc also compare it with a Country
Mariya Adhoc Arbitration v Institution arbitration under the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law if it doesn’t exceed the page
1 Shahab SF 24 Arbitration - A critical analysis (UNCITRAL) arbitration rules on the other hand. limit.
Proceed. The effectiveness of
the modes have to be
Alternative Dispute substantiated with case laws
Resolution: A comparative and other practical examples.
study of its various modes I will discuss the various prevalent forms of the alternative dispute resolution. The You may take a cue from
Arisha Self with special reference to their primary objective of this research is to compare the various modes of ADR while commercial arbitration in this
1 Nusrat finance 08 effectiveness. giving a special reference to the effectiveness of each mode in contemporary times. regard.
Proceed. In the title you may
“LEGAL SERVICES use Analysis instead of study
AUTHORITIES ACT, 1987: A since study is very in dept
CRITICAL STUDY ON THE and after semi colon it could
BACKGROUND, be " A critical analysis of the
SALIENT FEATURES, The Assignment focuses on the legal service act- 1987, it's relevancy with efficacy of the Act" even this
Sanyam Regula DEVELOPMENT AND Alternative mechanisms of dispute settlement especially in form of Lok Adalat, will reflect inclusion of salient
1 Mishra r 50 EFFICACY OF THE ACT” Nyaya Panchayat and Legal aid . features and development.
Proceed. You may approach it
in a comparative mode, that
how the amendments have
made it better but still there is
a scope for betterment.
Mention various forms but
focus on application of
arbitration in various legal
Anshuman Regula Understanding the concept of My assignment will deal with the basic concepts of ADR mechanism, focussing on domains as against traditional
1 Srivastava r 15 Alternative Dispute Resolution the meaning, origin, scope, methods and developments in the field of ADR legal system.
Proceed. Your work should be
case laws based, reflecting
Rahul Regula History of ADR and it's various In this assignment, I discussed how ADR evolved in India and also mentioned it's role of judiciary in making
1 Gupta r 47 forms various forms and also discussed how these forms worked in India. ADR effective.
Proceed.Title may be
Alternative Dispute Resolution rephrased as ADR in India:
in India: A study on concepts, ADR is a mechanism which gives people relief either by way of Problems and Prospects,
AAMIR techniques, provisions, conciliation,arbitration or mediation and helps the needy and poor people by giving focus on how it furthers the
rAZA REGU 17BLWO problems in implementation free legal aid, speedy trial and try to resolve the issue and helps the courts from aim of free legal aid as per
1 KHAN LAR O2 and solutions overburdening of the petty cases. Constitution.
Proceed.Title to be
rephrased.Along with
description of International
Arbitration, analyse the
Self application of Arbitration Act
Faisal Financ International arbitration helps resolve disputes in a final and binding manner without 1996 in it. RelevantCase laws
1 Hassan e 13 International Arbitration formalities of legal system. to be referred.
Proceed. Too broad a topic,
Alternative Dispute Resolution was as an alternative to the traditional dispute choose one mechanism.
resolution mechanism, litigation, which had become costly, time consuming, did not Preferably Conciliation and
Self ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE give the parties control over the outcome of their disputes and was generally then explain its significance
Arifa Financ RESOLUTION SYSTEM IN cumbersome. ADR refers to a variety of techniques for resolving disputes without with the help of relevant
1 Diwan e 7 INDIA resort to litigation in the courts. provisions and case laws.
Proceed. Your description
suggests you want to explain
the significance of Arbitration
as a mode of ADR in resolving
commercial disputes bearing
International character. In line
with this try to find reason of
preferance od Arbitartion and
Modes of Alternative Dispute I plan to discuss the history and evolution of ADR in India along with special focus the possibilities of application
Anvita Regula Resolution and International on international commercial arbitration and the enforcement of domestic and foreign of other modes or mixed
1 Goel r 16 Commercial Arbitration awards. modes in such processes.
What is arbitration or the concept of arbitration. What is the Historical background of Proceed. The title is too broad
arbitration in India and and description should match
What are the types of arbitration? or have nexus with it. Make it
How the process of arbitration is done? specific. You may focus on
What are arbitral award and how are they enforceable? exploring arbitral awards, their
Self Merits of arbitration enforcement and relevant
Mehwish Financ 17BLWS And the case laws related to arbitration process case laws related to Arbitral
1 Khalil e 133 Arbitration awards
Proceed. Change the
perspective, instead of
explaining ADR in India
discuss out of court
Self The assignment seeks to discuss the mechanism of alternative means of resolution settlement; trends in India.
Raghav Financ Alternative Means of Dispute of disputes and the means of redressal of disputes in India and how it can help to Include panchayats and fats
1 sharma e 41 Resolution in India decrease the burden of the judicial system . track courts
Proceed. Rephrase the title, it
should reflect conceptual
Anas Regula Lok Adalat under Legal understanding as well as
1 Khan r 14 services authority act 1987 Critical appraisal about lok Adalat problems of implementation.
B.A. Evolution of Arbitration in Proceed. Focus only on
LL.B. India: A comparative study of This paper would review the evolution of arbitration in India since the Arbitration Act, Amendments, remove
(Hons.) Arbitration Act, 1940, 1940. It would review the evolution from both, legislative as well as judicial evolution from the title, just do
- Arbitration and Conciliation perspectives. The paper intends to compare the concepts of earlier legislation to the a comparative study.
Rupal Regula Act, 1996 and the recent new concepts that were introduced through the Act of 1996 as well as through recent Evolution will eventually be a
1 Gupta r 48 amendments. amendments, i.e., in 2005, 2015, etc. part of it.
.B. In this particular topic, researcher would like to discuss about the scope of Section-5 Proceed. Good approach, try
(Hons), of Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996, and how it altered the intervention of to discuss in detail relevant
regular, judiciary in the matters of Arbitration and Conciliation and how ironically in plethora of case laws, explaining courts
Kumail 7th 17BLW0 Extent of judicial intervention judgements courts have upheld the intervention by interpreting that section-5 is not approach rather than simply
1 Fatima sem. 23 in case of arbitration. talking about the absolute restriction but reduces intervention. mentioning the ratio.
The concise objectives of this research are to ascertain, examine and analyze the
concept and law relating to ADR, to further ascertain, examine and analyze the
framework, avenues, practices and procedures relating to ADR and more specifically
relating to four individual ADR processes namely Mediation, Conciliation, Lok Adalats
& Permanent Lok Adalats and Arbitration and to further ascertain and analyze their
necessity, advantages and shortcomings and further to evaluate their efficacy and
accomplishments again and to further formulate plausible remedial measures for
overcoming the shortcomings and propose suggestions for their better and more Proceed. Focus on online
Daniya Regula Concept and Scope of effective implementation and progress. ADR and its effectiveness and
1 Khan r 20 Alternate Dispute Resolution modify the title accordingly.
This assignment will include some of the significant areas of Arbitration such as the
validity of the Arbitration Agreement, its enforcement and multi-party agreement. In
addition to this conduct and composition of the Arbitral tribunal will be discussed
BA Arbitration Agreement, which will include its condition, criteria, restrictions, disqualification, jurisdiction,
Shazia LLB(H) Composition and conduct of power and obligation of an arbitrator. Along with this the selection and appointment of
1 Sameen (SF) 51 Arbitral tribunal an arbitrator(according to UNCITRAL Model) will also be included. Proceed. Rephrase the title.
Proceed. Mention case laws
and try to ascertain its
Pranav significance by comparing the
shrivastav self Role of ADR in matrimonial resolution of similar disputes
1a finance dispute under traditional system.
The most conventional form of dispute resolution in India is in the court of law but
Self there are other forms which much more flexible such as mediation, conciliation,
Iman Financ Alternate means of Dispute negotiation and arbitration. These topics are are what I am going to discuss with their
1 Khan e 20 Resolution in India position in India.
My project on ADR is going to deal with the growth of consent based resolution
mechanism , historical importance of ADR , current picture of ADR in India - statutes
governing it, forms of ADR currently prevailing in India , Benefits of having ADR
mechanisms and issues faced by ADR mechanisms in India.

AMIT Regula Evolution , concept and scope In short , i will try to provide a detailed and informative picture of Alternative Dispute
1 RAWLANI r 11 of ADR. Redressal in India.
Recourse against Arbitral This assignment will cover options available to the parties to a dispute who are not Proceed. Title to be rephrased
Nishant Awards, Finality & satisfied with the outcome of arbitration proceedings. It will also explore the suggesting direction and do
1 Bhardwaj SF 35 Enforcement of Awards enforcement procedure of such awards. analyse relevant case laws
Proceed. Title to be rephrased
Muskan Self suggesting direction and do
1 Sharma finance 34 Arbitral Tribunal Composition of Arbitral Tribunal analyse relevant case laws
Ashish Understanding Alternative
Suryavans Regula means of Dispute Resolution It will be of the concept, nature, process, working and the various forms of the ADR
1 hi r 18 in India in India.
Self Recourse against Arbitral Proceed. Title to be
Arsalan Financ Awards, Finality & rephrased. focus on finality,
1 Ahmad e 09 Enforcement of Awards enforcement and challenge.
Proceed. modify the title. Try
to explain the merits of
Devesh conciliation with case laws
Kumar Regula and analyse the relevant
1 Shukla r 21 Conciliation Nature, Scope and proceedings of conciliation provisions critically.
Shimran Financ
1 Zaman e 52 Kinds of ADR

Self Origin, Introduction and Types
Shafaq Financ of ADR
1 Zooni e 49
In this Assignment I will cover the Concept of Alternate Dispute Resolution with proceed. Focus on mediation
SELF - thorough description of Mediation And Conciliation like the History, Concept, and conciliation and include
Ayush FINAN Mediation And Conciliation in Procedure, etc. I will also cover the difference between them and different types of provisions of CPC and case
1 Choudhary CE 10 India organisations that are made for them. laws
In international trade, arbitration is the preferred method of dispute resolution rather
than litigation since, it is easier to enforce an arbitral award than a court decision in a Proceed. It would be better if
Foreign Arbitral Awards and foreign State. This paper will try to bring out the legal framework for the enforcement you alter the title and make it
Md Maaz Regula the Indian Courts: The of foreign arbitral awards keeping in consideration different treaties and case laws specific to New yor and
1 Alam r 32 enforcement uncertainties and how there can be conflicts between courts and the foreign awards. Geneva Convention
Alternate Dispute Resolution is the procedure through which cases are resolved
outside the formal court. The judiciary is overburden with the cases and it takes year
after year to resolve the issue. So the recourse is the ADR, where parties issues are
resolved by the arbitration, mediation and conciliation. Section 89 of the civil
procedure code provides the settlement of disputes outside the court.

Against other mode of arbitrartion such as concilaition, mediation there is no option

for appeal but Arbitration and Conciliation act of 1996 provides specific order of court
and Arbitral Tribunals against which appeal can be filled.This paper will analyis the
Mudassir Regula Apellate Jurisdiction against section 37 of arbitration and Conciliation act of 1996, Determination forum of
1 Hasan r 40 Alternate Dispute Resolution Appealte Court, Maintability of secind Appeal so on and so forth. Proceed. Good Approach.
Proceed. Modift the title,
Aditya Regula make it suggestive of
1 Singh r 4 Conciliation Nature and scope of conciliation direction of the work.
Md Ameer Financ Assignment will deal with the process of evolution of ADR with its historical
1 Hamza e 27 ADR : Evolution and History perspective
(h) - 1996, Difficult to understand the kind
Sarah regular IN INDIA of work you want to do. No
1 Kosar batch 52 description too.
In this project, I would cover the following key points related to ADR:
1. Introduction
2. Forms of ADR
3.Alternative Means of Dispute Resolution in India
4.Arbitration Agreement, Composition and Conduct of Arbitral
MOHD Self-Fi Concept and scope of ADR In tribunal, etc
1 AQIB nance 32 the present legal system.
ADR is a process of resolving dispute outside court. What is the origin of ADR
Self summary and analysis of system in India? What is the scope of ADR? What are the advantages and
khushbu Financ Alternative Dispute Resolution disadvantages of ADR? What are the various alternative methods of dispute
1 gupta e 23 in India resolution? How judiciary has played its role towards ADR in India?
Gufran Financ Alternate Dispute Resolution The Arbitration Act 1940 ‘ History of Alternate Dispute Resolution ‘ Role of judiciary
1 Khan e 17 summary and analysis of ADR in dispute resolution
Kumar Regula
1 Shukla r 21 Conciliation Nature, Scope and proceedings of conciliation
Mehraan Arbitral award and termination
1 Ahmed Sf 29 of proceeding
Dispute is an indispensable part of societal interactions. With the objective of
settlement of disputes in a more justifiable manner, most nations have established
numerous institutions. Alternative dispute mechanisms are those mechanisms that
connotes to settlement of disputes by using mechanisms other than the court and
the administrative tribunal.
The paper discusses various forms of ADR namely arbitration, mediation,
negotiation, and conciliation. However, the major part of the paper would cover
special reference to the mechanism of conciliation which is a mechanism of dispute
VARIOUS FORMS OF ADR resolution in which conciliator helps the parties to find a mutual solution. Discussion
Regula WITH SPECIAL EMPHASIS has also been done about the scenario of conciliation in India and the need to uplift
1 Nabil Iqbal r 41 TO CONCILIATION conciliation.
The project will focus upon the recourses available for challenging and setting aside
domestic as well as foreign arbitral awards. This shall be done by taking into account
the statutory amendments made in the Arbitration & Conciliation Act over the years
and the impact of the UNCITRAL Model Law. Further, the scope of judicial
Self- interference and the grounds specified under Section 34 (for domestic awards) read
Farsana Financ Challenging Domestic & with Section 5, and Section 48 (for foreign awards) of the 1996 Act will be discussed
1 Sadiq e 15 Foreign Arbitral Awards in detail with reference to case laws.
Detailed Analysis on In the assignment I will be focusing and exploring the process of Arbitration
Self Arbitration Agreement, agreement, how it's made and what all constitutes it, further I will be dealing with the
Reda Financ Composition and conduct of composition of Arbitral tribunal, the various stages of selection process and
1 Tayyaba e 42 Arbitral tribunal. requirements etc. and how the proceedings are conducted in the tribunal.
Self Arbitration agreement, In this assignment i would be dealing with constitution of the Arbitration Agreement,
Mayank Financ Composition and conduct of Composition and conduct of the Arbitral tribunal according to the Arbitration and
1 Yadav e 25 Arbitral tribunal Conciliation act, 1996.
Concept of arbitration
Historical background
MD AL Self Arbitral award
FAHAD Financ Enforcement
1 ALI e 26 Arbitration Types of arbitration
Sazid .B(Hon
Safiqur s) (Self The assignment will be centred around a comprehensive discussion upon the
Rahman Financ concept and scope of Alternative Dispute Resolution taking under its gamut, its
1 Shah e) 48 Concept & Scope of ADR inception and development over the period of time.
Regula The Effectiveness of Legal Aid Concept of lok adalat and legal aid, its effectiveness and current scenario in India,
1 Sarah Ali r 51 and Lok Adalat in India benefits stated and derived, scope for improvement and better implementation
Zeeshan Regula I'll discuss the origin and scope of ADR in India along with its contemporary
1 Ahmad r 65 Origin and Scope of ADR mechanisms in detail.
Dispute is an indispensable part of societal interactions. With the objective of
settlement of disputes in a more justifiable manner, most nations have established
numerous institutions. Alternative dispute mechanisms are those mechanisms that
connotes to settlement of disputes by using mechanisms other than the court and
the administrative tribunal.
The paper discusses various forms of ADR namely arbitration, mediation,
negotiation, and conciliation. However, the major part of the paper would cover
special reference to the mechanism of conciliation which is a mechanism of dispute
VARIOUS FORMS OF ADR resolution in which conciliator helps the parties to find a mutual solution. Discussion
Regula WITH SPECIAL EMPHASIS has also been done about the scenario of conciliation in India and the need to uplift
1 Nabil Iqbal r 41 TO CONCILIATION conciliation.
In India, its a tradition and history of such methods being practiced in the society at
Self grass roots level. These are called panchayat and in the legal terminology, these are
Mohamma Financ called arbitration. These are widely used in India for resolution of disputes – both
1 d Aazam e 30 Dispute resolution mechanism commercial and non-commercial.
Taiyeba Self
Noor Financ Dispute Resolution
1 Fatima e 55 Mechanism .
In this assignment all things related to Alternative Dispute Settlement will be
covered, as there is Arbitration, Mediation, Conciliation, Lok Adalats, Sharia Adalats
to settle the disputes out of the courts , there attributes will be discussed. Laws
related to Alternative Dispute Settlement will be dealt with. A brief history of
alternative dispute settlement as how it came into existence ? Since when , the
civilizations were settling there disputes out of the court. Modern piece of
international law 'UNCITRAL' will come into consideration to get the idea of what
'Arbitration and Conciliation Act of 1996 ' was brought forth for. And the enforciablities
Analysis of Alternative of the settlements through ADR. After reading the report on 'Analysis of Alternative
Dispute Settlement, Dispute Settlement,
Alternative Dispute Settlement Alternative Dispute Settlement Machineries and there attributes, with brief history of
Self Machineries and there ADR' the reader will get the common understanding for what purpose ADR exist for
Saquib Financ Attributes, with brief history of in this world when there is already a traditional court system in most of the
1 Hussain e 46 ADR'. Civilizations of the World.
-Introduction to ADR practices and its evolution
-Nature of ADR and its meaning
-Scope of ADR
Kapil Regula Concept, Nature and Meaning -Objectives of ADR
1 Sehrawat r 27 of Arbitration -Different methods and kinds of Arbitration
Self Grounds and Procedure for
Gyaanesh Financ Challenge the appointment of A brief description of section 12 & 13 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act with
1 war Joshi e 18 Arbitrator explanation of some recent case laws.
(Hons.) The assignment will cover the history of Lok Adalat, how it came into existence and
Self its role up till now. With the coronavirus pandemic, how E-Lok Adalat has proven to
Farheen Financ be a great success. We will look into the role of Lok Adalat providing justice to
1 Khan e 14 System of Lok Adalat in India. people and the recommendation to improve the existing system.
Lok Adalat has emerged as one of the best alternative redressal mechanism for
solving pending cases. In this assignment I would be going through its historical
Gautam Regula Lok Adalat - as an Alternative background, efficacy , Bindingness of the judgment and how it achieved the sucess
1 Raj r 23 Redressal mechanism over the years.
Till 2018, the judicial position regarding the seat and venue of arbitration used to run
into conflict especially when the Agreement was silent regarding the seat of
Arbitration. The Courts over the period of time passed conflicting judgments which
further stretched the issue. It was then the Supreme Court in 2018, passed a
The Conundrum of Seat v. judgment namely Union of India v. Hardy Exploration and Production (India) Inc.
Self Venue of Arbitration under the wherein this issue was dealt with at length and eventually settled the debate. This
Shantanu Financ Arbitration and Conciliation assignment will briefly analyse the position by comparing the judgments delivered by
1 Sharma e 50 Act, 1996. various courts and critically appraise the Hardy Exploration judgment of 2018. Proceed. Good Approach.
Alternative dispute resolution is an alternative to traditional mechanisms of dispute
resolution through Courts. They are a set of practices to resolve disputes outside
courts. There are various mechanisms of ADR namely Arbitration, Meditation,
Conciliation, Negotiation, etc.

CONCILIATION AS A MEANS The paper emphasises upon Conciliation as a means of disputes resolution.
OF DISPUTE RESOLUTION: Basically, conciliation refers to a process in which an independent person
NATURE & SCOPE, WITH ‘Conciliator’ helps the parties to bring about a settlement of their disputes. Special
Syeda SPECIAL REFERENCE TO reference has been given to the conciliation mechanism in India, especially in Delhi
Mehar Self-fin CONCILIATION IN INDIA where conciliation is frequently resorted to at pre-litigant stage. The paper also
1 Ejaz ance 54 (DELHI) discusses various issues pertaining to conciliation.
Self Alternate Dispute Resolution How Arbitration seems to be the necessity after Globalization and how Arbitration
Rachit Financ Mechanism in Reshaping and Conciliation Act, 1996 has changed the scenario of dispute settlement in the
1 Gupta e 39 Indian Legal System commercial field.
Conciliation in simple is the process to bring mediation between the disputed parties.
With the time, the out of court settlement has become the need of an hour. Various
additional dispute resolution has emerged and conciliation is one among them which
Syed Self strives to settle dispute in quick time without any court procedures.
Saad Financ The main objective to undertake the topic is to shed light upon the process of
1 Anwar e 53 Proceeding of Conciliation conciliation which is becoming the essential part of out legal system.
Conciliation in simple is the process to bring mediation between the disputed parties.
With the time, the out of court settlement has become the need of an hour. Various
additional dispute resolution has emerged and conciliation is one among them which
Syed Self strives to settle dispute in quick time without any court procedures.
Saad Financ The main objective to undertake the topic is to shed light upon the process of
1 Anwar e 53 Proceeding of Conciliation conciliation which is becoming the essential part of out legal system.
Various modes of ADR -
Tanvi Regula arbitration, mediation and Assignmen will consist of meaning, scope, objects and other areas related to
1 agrawal r 61 conciliation arbitration, conciliation and mediation.
B.A. Development of Arbitration law I am going to explain arbitration topic in my assignment as Issue with regard to
LLB. in India And scope of Development of Arbitration law in India And scope of arbitration law in India in
Akash self arbitration and it’s present and future time and it’s contemporary relevance and various challenges and
1 Bharti finance 05 contemporary relevance why we need of arbitration in India.
The report shall analyze the nature, scope and effectiveness of the ADR system in
India and to look into the various modes of settlement of disputes and also compare
the legality of the existing statutes. It shall cover an overview of different ADR
processes widely used viz. negotiation, conciliation, arbitration, mediation, etc and a
comparison between them all. It shall highlight majorly the process of arbitration in
B.A. India, need to resort to arbitration instead of litigation and the application of
LL.B. Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 in International Commercial Arbitration. The
(Self report shall also include the implementation of Section 89 of the Civil Procedure
Priyamvad Financ Alternate Dispute Redressal Code, 1908 for popularizing court-annexed ADR and suggestions to build an efficient
1 a Yadav e) 38 Mechanism in India ADR mechanism in India.
The assignment will deal with the issues and challenges that exist in India with
regard to the recognition, enforcement, and execution of arbitral awards, especially
the foreign arbitral awards. The assignment will first lay down a detailed explanation
of ADR, in general, and arbitration, in particular, and then discuss the term 'arbitral
award'. The law on the point, as it exists now, will be discussed and the existing
deficiencies in it, which are there either due to legislative shortcomings or judicial
interpretations will be pointed out, along with the practical aspects of the same. The
Albab Regula Recognition and Enforcement assignment will also discuss the measures which should be undertaken in this
1 Alam r of Arbitral Awards in India regard.
Utkarsh Financ Arbitration and Government In aforementioned project, i elaborated concept of arbitration and it's impact and
1 Dwivedi e 57 Contract. implementation upon government contracts. Proceed. Rephrase the title
The concise objectives of this research are to ascertain, examine and analyze the
concept and
law relating to ADR, to further ascertain, examine and analyze the framework,
practices and procedures relating to ADR and more specifically relating to four
DISPUTE RESOLUTION processes namely Mediation, Conciliation, Lok Adalats & Permanent Lok Adalats
Saif ul Self EVOLUTION IN THE Arbitration with reference to Delhi and to further ascertain and analyze their
1 Islam finance 44 INDIAN LEGAL FRATERNITY necessity.
The project examines the issue of finality of arbitral awards in India in detail. An
arbitral award which is otherwise thought of as final in jurisprudence terms, is subject
to the domestic courts in India, which ultimately makes the court as the last decisive
authority on the validity of the award. The project critically analyzes the provisions
which make this phenomenon possible and deliberates upon its merits and the
demerits plaguing it. Additionally, a survey of the judgments of the courts further
Ismat Regula Finality of Arbitral Awards in sheds light on the issue. At the end, corrective measures already proposed, and
1 Hena r 26 India suggestions inspired from practices adopted by other jurisdictions are put forward.
Arbitral tribunal, also know as arbitration tribunal is a panel of one or more than one
adjudicator which is formed to resolve any dispute by means of arbitration. With the
passage of time the problem of delayed trials have given rise to the mechanism of
addition dispute resolution which is an out of court settlement by various means in
order to settle disputes in quick manner and arbitration is one among such.
Self Thus the main objective to deal with the topic is to shed light on the working
Aziz Financ Competence and Jurisdiction mechanism of the arbitration tribunal, and to understand the functional aspect and
1 Sayeeda e 11 of Arbitral Tribunal. competency of it.
The 1999 amendment to the CPC, 1908 is latest Parliamentary effort at making
litigation in the country more effective and speedy. The Act of 1999 has introduced a
new provision , section 89 where the court may by itself, proactively refer a dispute
for ADR methods if it appears that elements of settlement, which may be acceptable
to the parties to the dispute. This provision section 89 compels and encourages
ANANYA How inclusive is ADR settlement of disputes out of the court in case, where it appears to the court that
SINGH REGU mechanism under the Civil there exists an element of a settlement which may be acceptable to the
1 THAKUR LAR 13 Procedure Code. parties by using ADR mechanisms. Proceed. Rephrase the title.
The project would explain ADR and its different methods along with their comparative
analysis. It will then focus on mediation as an effective tool that assists the parties
Anamta Regula Mediation As An Effective to a dispute in reaching a mutually agreed settlement with special reference relating
1 Ibrahim r 12 mode of ADR in India to family and matrimonial conflicts. Proceed.
My assignment deals with, The doctrine of competence-competence, which has
become a prominent characteristic of the arbitration regime. It has been recognized
by the arbitration legislations of many countries. The doctrine means that the
arbitration tribunal has the power to decide its own jurisdiction. This also includes the
power of the arbitration tribunal to decide any objections on the existence or validity
of an arbitration agreement. The doctrine is related to the rules pertaining to the issue
of jurisdiction between the arbitral tribunals and national courts and to the timing of
challenges that may be raised to the arbitral tribunal's jurisdiction. In India, the
Doctrine of discussion pertains to the scope of this doctrine and the characteristic feature of Proceed. You may discuss it
Shaima Regula Konpetenz-Kompetenz: Indian minimum court intervention in arbitration. in comparative mode from any
1 Masood r 55 Perspective. other country too.
Sunidhi Regula Arbitration Agreement and The paper will discuss about the Arbitration Agreement and the arbitral tribunal- its
1 Sachdeva r 58 Arbitral Tribunal composition, jurisdiction and mode of conduct of proceedings.
The issue of jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal raises questions such as, who decides
whether the arbitral tribunal can determine its own jurisdiction and at what stage of
the arbitral process should judicial intervention, if any, occur. There are divergent
approaches taken by courts to these questions. My project includes a comparative
analysis of jurisdictional approaches to providing priority to the arbitral tribunal to rule
on its own jurisdiction. Whether the Arbitral tribunal has the competence to decide on
Shreya Regula Competence and Jurisdiction its own jurisdiction and whether the Arbitral tribunal will lose jurisdiction if the contract
1 bhat r 57 of Arbitral Tribunal. in which the arbitration agreement or clause is inserted is declared void.
I will discuss conceptual and methodological foundations of a new public law or mode
towards the settlement of disputes with the help of arbitration.

Further, I will elaborate various terms, processes, advantages, disadvantages

including present challenges, major amendments in Arbitration act, and recent
developments like patent illegal issue.
The Proliferation of Climate of
Mohd Regula Arbitration in The World's Besides, I will compare India's arbitration approach with international arbitration
1 Altmash r 37 Largest Democracy approach.
46 Will highlight prevailing ADR mechanism in India, Historical perspective,
Raghib Regula (17BLW0 Alternative Dispute Constitutional Provisions, Difference between Judicial Process and various ADR
1 Naushad r 42) Mechanism in India processes, etc.
Through this assignment, I intend to look into the scope of enforceability of domestic
as well as foreign arbitral awards in different jurisdictions. I would look into the history
Self Analysing the Scope of relating to the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards. Further, discuss about
Aarish Financ Recognition and Enforcement the recognition of foreign arbitral awards in India. Moreover, look into the settlement
1 Khan e 3 of Arbitral Awards of international commercial disputes through arbitration.
The paper will exhaustively analyze following sub-topics:
• Analysis of the concept of mediation and its salient features;
• Mediation as an effective method for alternative dispute resolution;
• legal framework pertaining to mediation;
• Mediation in India: existing position;
• Recent trends in India in respect of mediation;
• Problems in the present framework;
• Steps taken by the government and other authorities;
• Way ahead;
• suggestions/recommendations to strengthen mediation in India.
Mediation in India: Current • Conclusion.
Masoom Regula Jurisprudence And The Path
1 Reza r 30 Ahead
Kamlesh Financ
1 Rai e 21 Composition of arbitral tribunal Number and appointment of arbitrator, ground for challenge and challenge procedure
My project talks about what is ADR and how ADR helps in speedy disposal of cases
through conciliation, mediation and it is speedy,fairy and satisfactory in nature.
ADR is low cost method as compare judicial process and its best way is through
Mohamma Regula Concept, Scope and various mediation
1 d Abdullah r 34 forms of ADR There are various forms of ADR which will be in detail in my project.
B.A. Development of Arbitration law I am going to explain arbitration topic in my assignment as Issue with regard to
LLB. in India And scope of Development of Arbitration law in India And scope of arbitration law in India in
Akash self arbitration and it’s present and future time and it’s contemporary relevance and various challenges and
1 Bharti finance 05 contemporary relevance why we need of arbitration in India.
To get out of this maze of litigation, courts and lawyers’ chambers; most of the
countries encourage alternative methods of dispute resolution. India has a long
tradition and history of such methods being practiced in the society at grass roots
level. These are called panchayat and in the legal terminology, these are called
arbitration. These are widely used in India for resolution of disputes – both
Dispute Resolution commercial and non-commercial. Other alternative methods being used are Lok
Mechanism at grass root level Adalat (People’s Court), where justice is dispensed summarily without too much
Piyush Regula such as Lok Adalat, Nyaya emphasis on legal technicalities. Methods like negotiation, mediation and conciliation
1 Dwivedi r 44 Panchayat and Legal Aid are being increasingly used to resolve disputes instead of going for litigation.
The issue of jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal raises questions such as, who decides
whether the arbitral tribunal can determine its own jurisdiction and at what stage of
the arbitral process should judicial intervention, if any, occur. There are divergent
approaches taken by courts to these questions. My project includes a comparative
analysis of jurisdictional approaches to providing priority to the arbitral tribunal to rule
on its own jurisdiction. Whether the Arbitral tribunal has the competence to decide on
Shreya Regula Competence and Jurisdiction its own jurisdiction and whether the Arbitral tribunal will lose jurisdiction if the contract
1 bhat r 57 of Arbitral Tribunal. in which the arbitration agreement or clause is inserted is declared void.
A lawyer’s profession is meant to be a divine or sacred profession by all means. In
every profession, there are certain professional ethics that need to be followed by
every person who is into such a profession. But there is the fact that professional
misconduct is a common aspect, not only in other professions but also in advocacy
also. In simple terms, it means certain acts done by the persons which seem to be
unfit for the profession as well as which are against certain ethics in this field. The
term has been clearly defined in Black’s Dictionary as, the transgression of some
established and definite rule of action, a forbidden act, a dereliction of duty, unlawful
Sharjeel Self Disciplinary proceedings behavior, improper or wrong behavior. Its synonyms are a misdemeanour,
1 Ahmad finance 54 against lawyers impropriety, mismanagement, offense, but not negligence or carelessness.
The project will throw light on different types of Alternate Dispute resolution
Apoorva Regula Forms of Alternate Dispute mechanisms available. Their features and how they are different from each other will
1 Bhatnagar r 17 Resolution be discussed.
The disputants want a decision, and that too as quickly as possible. As the problem
of overburdened Courts has been faced all over the world, new solutions were
searched. Various Tribunals were the answer to the search. In India, we have a
number of Tribunals. However, the fact of the matter is that even after the formation
of so many Tribunals, the administration of justice has not become speedy. Thus, it
can be safely said that the solution lies somewhere else. All over the globe the
recent trend is to shift from litigation towards Alternative Dispute Resolution. It is a
Alternative Dispute Resolution very practical suggestion, which if implemented, can reduce the workload of Civil
in India Courts by half. Thus, it becomes the bounden duty of the Bar to take this onerous
A study on concepts, task of implementing ADR on itself so as to get matters settled without going into the
techniques, provisions, labyrinth of judicial procedures and technicalities. The Bar should be supported by
Shashank Regula problems in implementation the Bench in this herculean task so that no one is denied justice because of delay.
1 Shekhar r BLW052 and solutions
DISPUTE RESOLUTION AT In this assignment i wil try to reasech about how disputes resolution as a subsitute to
Prajjwal Regula GRASS ROUTE LEVEL IN judicial proceeding is being developed in india and how effecfive it has been in
1 Singh r 42 INDIA. delivery justice.
Dispute resolution is the process of deciding a dispute or a conflict that has arisen
between transacting parties. The decision can be arrived at either in an amicable
manner or adversarial manner, either by the parties themselves or a neutral third
party. The need to evolve alternative mechanisms to reduce the burden of the Courts
Dilshad Regula Alternative Dispute Resolution and provide speedy access to justice alongwith the revival and strengthening of
1 Ahmed r 22 in India traditional systems of dispute resolution in India.

Mohit B.A.LL 17BLWS Explained: Nuances of ADR The nitty-gritty Alternative Dispute Resolution Law in India and it's impact on disposal
1 Kumar .B (SF) 139 Law in India of disputes

since we know that the proceedings initiated in the court take a much long time and
much resources of the aggrieved as well as the victim. so my project proposes to
Aarushi Self Alternative means of dispute portray different means through which the dispute can be settled outside the court
1 pandita finance 4 resolution in india and it includes arbitration mediation conciliation and mini trial.
Pratap Self
1 Singh finance 3 Arbitration Arbitration in india and its effect.
1 Saif ali finance 43 ADR Information about ADR
Ilsa Regula How Arbitration was introduced in India and how it has evolved from 1998, current
1 Mukhtar r 25 Evolution of Arbitration in India situation of Arbitration.
Zeeshan Regula I'll discuss the origin and scope of ADR in India along with its contemporary
1 Ahmad r 65 Origin and Scope of ADR mechanisms in detail.
My assignment is about concept and holistic introduction of ADR. I intend to deal
with historical development of ADR and it’s brief analysis. It also includes
introduction of mediation, arbitration and conciliation. It also covers issues and
Aafreen Regula challenges pertaining to ADR in India, emerging trends in ADR and suggestions for
1 khan r 1 Concept of ADR reforms.
The paper will be drawn out on the lines of ADR's origin and development from primal
to contemporary Indian social structures, its nuanced nitty-gritties caliberating to the
Owais Regula The progressive evolution of changing nature of the 'dispute' itself and the veracity in the mechanism's potential to
1 Ashraf r 42 ADR in India withstand the challenges it was laid out to moderate.
Mazhar Regula Forms of Alternative Dispute I shall be discussing about the various forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution which
1 Alavi r 32 Resolution include arbitration, conciliation, mediation and negotiation.
Shadab Regula Arbitral awards and Recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in India and the termination of arbitral
1 Praveen r 53 termination of proceedings proceedings in India

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