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Cold War Notes

Cold War Notes

● Was a forty-year standoff between America
and the Soviet Union
● Were allies in both World Wars
● Thought they could spread communism all
over the world
● Communism:
● All wealth is distributed evenly towards
● In 1948, the Soviet Union took over Berlin
● Germany split in two
● One side was communist, the other was
● President Harry S. Truman began U.S policy of
containment to stop the spread of
● First there was the Marshall plan which sent
13 billion dollars to help Europe reconstruct
● Second, The U.S followed the Truman Doctrine
● It was a promise to send any economic aid
● Third, The U.S established the NATO (The
North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
● It was a military alliance
● The U.S and Soviet Union had a “race” to see
who had the best nuclear weapons
● In 1950, America had a war with South Korea
to contain communism
● In the 1980’s the Cold War began to end
● In 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed, and broke
up into different countries

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