Scheme of Work. Unit 1 - Bonjour. Appendix 1. Grammar - Skills. Lesson. Objective. Context - Language. National Criteria. Social Conventions

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13 Grids 144-149.


Unit 1: Bonjour
Lesson Objective Context/language Grammar/skills National criteria

1 Greet and say goodbye to Greetings: bonjour (hello), salut (hi), • Social conventions Framework: O3.1, O3.2, O3.3, O3.4, L3.1, L3.2,

someone au revoir (goodbye) L3.3, IU3.1, IU3.2, IU3.3
Attainment levels: AT1.1, AT2.1, AT3.1
Language ladder: Listening: Grade 1; Reading:
Grade 1; Speaking: Grade 1

11:34 am
2 Ask someone’s name and say Greetings: Comment t’appelles-tu? • Ask and answer questions Framework: O3.2, O3.3, O3.4, L3.1, L3.2, L3.3
your own (What’s your name?), Je m’appelle... Attainment levels: AT1.1, AT2.1, AT3.1, AT4.1
(My name is...) Language ladder: Listening: Grade 1; Reading:

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Grade 1; Speaking: Grade 1; Writing: Grade 1
Rigolo 1 Teacher’s Notes © Nelson Thornes Ltd 2006

3 Ask how someone is and Asking and saying how you are: Ça va? • Ask and answer questions Framework: O3.1, O3.2, O3.3, O3.4, L3.1, L3.2,
respond to same question (How are you?), Oui, ça va bien (Yes, I’m L3.3, IU3.3
well), Comme ci comme ça (I’m so-so), Attainment levels: AT1.1–2, AT2.1–2, AT3.1–2,
Non, ça ne va pas (No, I’m not doing AT4.1
well) Language ladder: Listening: Grade 1–2;
Reading: Grade 1–2; Speaking: Grade 1–2;
Writing: Grade 1–2

Scheme of Work
4 Learn some basic nouns Instruments: un tambour (drum), • First notions of gender Framework: O3.1, O3.2, O3.3, O3.4, L3.1, L3.2,
une guitare (guitar), un piano (piano), • Cognates L3.3
une trompette (trumpet), une flûte à Attainment levels: AT1.1, AT2.1, AT3.1, AT4.1
bec (recorder) Language ladder: Listening: Grade 1; Reading:
Miscellaneous: une fille (girl), un garçon Grade 1; Speaking: Grade 1; Writing: Grade 1
(boy), un dragon (dragon)

5 Count numbers 1–10 Numbers 1–10: un, deux, trois, quatre, Framework: O3.1, O3.2, O3.3, O3.4, L3.1, L3.2
cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix Attainment levels: AT1.1, AT2.1, AT3.1
Language ladder: Listening: Grade 1; Reading:
Grade 1; Speaking: Grade 1

Extra • Further practice for Unit 1 Summary of above language Framework: O3.3, L3.1, L3.3, IU 3.3

Appendix 1
• Project work: French Attainment levels: AT2.1, AT3.1, AT4.1
châteaux Language ladder: Speaking: Grade 1; Reading:
Grade 1; Writing: Grade 1
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Unit 2: En classe
Lesson Objective Context/language Grammar/skills National criteria

1 Identify classroom objects Classroom objects: une trousse (pencil • Gender Framework: O3.1, O3.2, O3.3, O3.4, L3.1, L3.2,

case), un stylo (pen), une règle (ruler), • Ask and answer questions L3.3
un crayon (pencil), un cahier (exercise Attainment levels: AT1.1, AT2.1, AT3.1, AT4.1
book), un livre (text book), un sac (bag), Language ladder: Listening: Grade 1; Reading:
une gomme (rubber) Grade 1; Speaking: Grade 1; Writing: Grade 1

11:34 am
2 Identify colours, and describe Colours: rouge (red), rose (pink), bleu • Basic word order Framework: O3.2, O3.3, O3.4, L3.1, L3.2
an object’s colour (blue), jaune (yellow), marron (brown), Attainment levels: AT1.1, AT2.1, AT3.1–2, AT4.1–2
orange (orange). Language ladder: Listening: Grade 1; Reading:

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Revision of classroom objects from Grade 1–2; Speaking: Grade 1;
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Lesson 1. Writing: Grade 1–2

3 Say your age Giving your age: J’ai ... ans • Using context to determine Framework: O3.1, O3.2, O3.3, O3.4, L3.1, L3.2,

Appendix 1: Scheme of Work

meaning L3.3
• Comparing languages Attainment levels: AT1.1–2, AT2.1–2, AT3.1–2,
Language ladder: Listening: Grade 1–2; Reading:
Grade 1–2; Speaking: Grade 1–2; Writing:
Grade 1–2

4 Recognise and repeat Classroom instructions: écoutez, Framework: O3.1, O3.2, O3.3, O3.4, L3.1, L3.2
classroom instructions regardez, lisez, asseyez-vous, levez-vous, Attainment levels: AT1.1, AT2.1, AT3.1
écrivez, chantez Language ladder: Listening: Grade 1; Reading:
Grade 1; Speaking: Grade 1

Extra • Further practice for Unit 2 Summary of above language, and Unit 1 • Recognise how sounds are Framework: O3.2, O3.3, O3.4, L3.1, L3.2, L3.3,
• Project work: Contact with a represented in written IU3.4
French school form Attainment levels: AT1.1–2, AT2.1–2, AT3.1–2,
• Sound/spelling activity for • Practise pronunciation AT4.1–2
Units 1–2 Language ladder: Listening: Grade 1–2; Speaking:
• Assessment for Units 1–2 Grade 1–2; Reading: Grade 1–2; Writing: Grade
13 Grids 144-149.qxd

Unit 3: Mon Corps

Lesson Objective Context/language Grammar/skills National criteria

1 Identify parts of the body Parts of the body: les yeux (eyes), le nez • Gender Framework: O3.1, O3.2, O3.3, O3.4, L3.1, L3.2

(nose), la bouche (mouth), les oreilles • The definite article Attainment levels: AT1.1, AT2.1, AT2.2, AT3.1
(ears), les cheveux (hair), la jambe (leg), Language ladder: Listening: Grade 1; Reading:
le bras (arm), la tête (head) Grade 1; Speaking: Grade 1

11:34 am
2 Describe eyes and hair J’ai les cheveux/les yeux + [adjective] • Simple word order Framework: O3.2, O3.3, O3.4, L3.1, L3.2, L3.3
appearance Parts of the body: les yeux (eyes), • Simple descriptions Attainment levels: AT1.2, AT2.1–2, AT3.2, AT4.2
les cheveux (hair) • Comparing languages Language ladder: Listening: Grade 1–2;
Colours: vert (green), rouge (red), Reading: Grade 1–2; Speaking: Grade 1–2;

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marron (brown), jaune (yellow), bleu Writing: Grade 1–2
Rigolo 1 Teacher’s Notes © Nelson Thornes Ltd 2006

Adjectives: long (long), court (short)

Appendix 1: Scheme of Work

3 Recognise days of the week Days of the week: lundi, mardi, Framework: O3.1, O3.2, O3.3, O3.4, L3.1, L3.2
mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi, Attainment levels: AT1.1, AT2.1, AT3.1–2
dimanche Language ladder: Listening: Grade 1–2;
Reading: Grade 1–2; Speaking: Grade 1

4 Give basic character Adjectives describing character: Je suis… • Basic notion of adjectival Framework: O3.2, O3.3, O3.4, L3.1, L3.2, L3.3
descriptions grand(e), petit(e), timide, bavard(e), agreements (for brighter Attainment levels: AT1.1–2, AT2.1–2, AT3.2,
drôle, sympa pupils) AT4.2
Language ladder: Listening: Grade 2; Speaking:
Summary of above language Grade 1–2; Reading: Grade 2; Writing: Grade 2

Extra • Further practice for Unit 3 Framework: O3.3, L3.1, L3.2, L3.3, IU3.3
• Project work: Famous French Attainment levels: AT2.1–2, AT3.1–2, AT4.1–2
people Language ladder: Speaking: Grade 1–2;
Reading: Grade 1–2; Writing: Grade 1–2
13 Grids 144-149.qxd
Unit 4: Les Animaux
Lesson Objective Context/language Grammar/skills National criteria

1 Identify animals and pets j’ai + [animal] • Genders Framework: O3.1, O3.2, O3.3, O3.4, L3.1, L3.2

je n’ai pas d’animal • Recognise negative form Attainment levels: AT1.1–2, AT2.1–2, AT3.1–2
Animals: un chien (dog), un chat (cat), Language ladder: Listening: Grade 1–2;
une tortue (tortoise), un lapin (rabbit), Speaking: Grade 1–2; Reading: Grade 1–2
un oiseau (bird), une souris (mouse),

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un dragon (dragon)

2 Recognise and use numbers Numbers 11–20: onze, douze, treize, • Counting numbers up to Framework: O3.1, O3.2, O3.3, O3.4, L3.1, L3.2,
11–20 quatorze, quinze, seize, dix–sept, 20 L3.3

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dix–huit, dix–neuf, vingt Attainment levels: AT1.1–2, AT2.1–2, AT3.1–2.
Rigolo 1 Teacher’s Notes © Nelson Thornes Ltd 2006

Language ladder: Listening: Grade 1–2;
Speaking: Grade 1–2; Reading: Grade 1–2;

Appendix 1: Scheme of Work

Writing: Grade 1–2

3 Give someone’s name Il/Elle s’appelle... (S/he’s called…) • Giving names in the third Framework: O3.1, O3.2, O3.3, O3.4, L3.1, L3.2
person (he/she) Attainment levels: AT1.1–2, AT2.1–2, AT3.2
Language ladder: Listening: Grade 1–2;
Speaking: Grade 1–2; Reading: Grade 1–2

4 Describe someone Il/Elle est... (S/he’s …) • Basic notion of adjectival Framework: O3.2, O3.3, O3.4, L3.1, L3.2, L3.3
Adjectives describing character: grand(e) agreements Attainment levels: AT1.2, AT2.1–2, AT3.2, AT4.2
(tall), petit(e) (small), drôle (funny), • Giving descriptions in the Language ladder: Listening: Grade 2; Speaking:
sévère (strict), timide (shy) third person (he/she) Grade 1–2; Reading: Grade 2; Writing: Grade 2

Extra • Further practice for Unit 4 Summary of above language, and Unit 3 • Recognise how sounds are Framework: O3.2, O3.3, O3.4, L3.1, L3.2, L3.3
• Project work: Pets represented in written Attainment levels: AT1.1–2, AT2.1–2, AT3.1–2,
• Sound/spelling activity for form. AT4.1–2
Units 3–4 • Practise pronunciation. Language ladder: Listening: Grade 1–2;
• Assessment for Units 3–4 Speaking: Grade 1–2; Reading: Grade 1–2;
Writing: Grade 1–2
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Unit 5: Ma famille
Lesson Objective Context/language Grammar/skills National criteria

1 Identify family members Family members: ma mère (mother), • Genders Framework: O3.1, O3.2, O3.3, O3.4, L3.1, L3.2

mon père (father), mon frère (brother), Attainment levels: AT1.1–2, AT2.1, AT3.1–2
ma sœur (sister), mes parents (my Language ladder: Listening: Grade 1–2;
parents) Speaking: Grade 1; Reading: Grade 1–2

11:34 am
2 Recognise and spell with letters Letters of the alphabet a–z, plus some • Spell words using the KS2 Framework: O3.1, O3.2, O3.3, O3.4, L3.1,
of the alphabet accented letters French alphabet L3.2
Attainment levels: AT1.1, AT2.1, AT3.1
Language ladder: Listening: Grade 1; Speaking:

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Grade 1; Reading: Grade 1
Rigolo 1 Teacher’s Notes © Nelson Thornes Ltd 2006

3 List household items Household objects: le CD (CD), le lecteur KS2 Framework: O3.1, O3.2, O3.3, O3.4, L3.1,
CD (CD player), l’ordinateur (computer), L3.2, L3.3

Appendix 1: Scheme of Work

le jeu vidéo (video game), le DVD Attainment levels: AT1.1–2, AT2.1, AT3.1–2,
(DVD), la machine (machine), la table AT4.1
(table), la chaise (chair) Language ladder: Listening: Grade 1–2;
Speaking: Grade 1; Reading: Grade 1–2;
Writing: Grade 1

4 Use basic prepositions sur and Le CD est dans le lecteur de CD • Classifying words into KS2 Framework: O3.2, O3.3, O3.4, L3.1, L3.2,
dans to describe position Le jeu vidéo est sur la table different types L3.3
Prepositions: dans (in), sur (on) • Describe position using Attainment levels: AT1.2, AT2.1–2, AT3.1–2,
basic prepositions sur and AT4.1–2
dans and familiar language Language ladder: Listening: Grade 2;
Speaking: Grade 1–2; Reading: Grade 1–2;
Writing: Grade 1–2

Extra! • Further practice for Unit 5 Summary of above language KS2 Framework: O3.3, L3.1, L3.2, L3.3
• Project work: Alphabet chart Attainment levels: AT2.1–2, AT3.1–2, AT4.1–2
Language ladder: Speaking: Grade 1–2;
Reading: Grade 1–2; Writing: Grade 1–2
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Unit 6: Bon anniversaire!
Lesson Objective Context/language Grammar/skills National criteria

1 Recognise and ask for snacks Qu’est–ce que tu veux? • Genders KS2 Framework: O3.1, O3.2, O3.4, L3.1, L3.2, L3.3

Je voudrais... Attainment levels: AT1.1–2, AT2.1, AT3.1–2, AT4.1
Snacks: une pomme (an apple), une Language ladder: Listening: Grade 1–2; Speaking:
banane (a banana), un jus d’orange Grade 1; Reading: Grade 1–2; Writing: Grade 1
(an orange juice), un sandwich

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(a sandwich), une pizza (a pizza),
un gâteau (a cake)

2 Give basic opinions about food Simple opinions (about food): C’est • Understand and reply to KS2 Framework: O3.2, O3.3, O3.4, L3.1, L3.2, L3.3

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délicieux (it’s delicious), C’est bon (it question on food wanted Attainment levels: AT1.1, AT2.1–2, AT3.1–2, AT4.1–2
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tastes nice), Ce n’est pas bon (it doesn't Language ladder: Listening: Grade 1; Speaking: Grade
taste nice), C’est mauvais (it tastes bad) 1–2; Reading: Grade 1–2; Writing: Grade 1–2

Appendix 1: Scheme of Work

3 Use numbers 21–31 Numbers 21–31 • Count numbers up to 31 KS2 Framework: O3.1, O3.2, O3.3, O3.4, L3.1, L3.2,
Attainment levels: AT1.1–2, AT2.1, AT3.1–2, AT4.1
Language ladder: Listening: Grade 1–2; Speaking:
Grade 1; Reading: Grade 1–2; Writing: Grade 1

4 Recognise and use the months Months: janvier (January), février • Use numbers up to 31 KS2 Framework: O3.1, O3.2, O3.3, O3.4, L3.1, L3.2
(February), mars (March), avril (April), together with months to Attainment levels: AT1.1–2, AT2.1–2, AT3.1–2
mai (May), juin (June), juillet (July), août form dates Language ladder: Listening: Grade 1–2; Speaking:
(August), septembre (September), Grade 1–2; Reading: Grade 1–2
octobre (October), novembre
(November), décembre (December)

5 Form dates C’est quand, ton anniversaire? (When is • Question forms KS2 Framework: O3.1, O3.2, O3.3, O3.4, L3.1, L3.2,
your birthday?) L3.3
Dates: [C’est] le…[mars, etc.] ([It’s] Attainment levels: AT1.2, AT2.1–2, AT3.1–2, AT4.1
the… [March, etc.]) Language ladder levels: Listening: Grade 2; Speaking:
Grade 2; Reading: Grade 1–2; Writing: Grade 1

Extra • Further practice for Unit 6 Summary of above language, and Unit 5 • Recognise how sounds are Framework: O3.2, O3.3, O3.4, L3.1, L3.2, L3.3
• Project work: French name days represented in written Attainment levels: AT1.1–2, AT2.1–2, AT3.1–2, AT4.1–2
• Sound/spelling activity for Units form Language ladder: Listening: Grade 1–2; Speaking:
5–6 • Practise pronunciation Grade 1–2; Reading: Grade 1–2; Writing: Grade 1–2
• Assessment for Units 5–6
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Unit 7: Encore!
Lesson Objective Context/language Grammar/skills National criteria

1 Revise ways of describing Descriptive vocabulary: Il/Elle a (He/She’s • Revision of variety of avoir Framework: O4.1, O4.2, O4.3, O4.4, L4.1, L4.2,
people got)… les cheveux courts/longs phrases L4.3
(short/long hair), les yeux bleus (etc.) • Recognise and use third Attainment levels: AT1.2–3, AT2.2, AT3.2–3
(blue eyes, etc.), un chien (a dog), sept person singular (il/elle) Language ladder levels: Listening: Grade 2–3;

11:34 am
ans (is seven), un frère/une sœur with avoir Speaking: Grade 2; Reading: Grade 2–3

2 Revise ways of describing Descriptive vocabulary: Il/Elle a (He/She’s • Revision of variety of avoir Framework: O4.1, O4.2, O4.3, O4.4, L4.1, L4.2,
people got)… les cheveux courts/longs phrases L4.3

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(short/long hair), les yeux bleus (etc.) • Recognise and use third Attainment levels: AT1.2–3, AT2.2, AT3.2–3
(blue eyes, etc.), un chien (a dog), sept person singular (il/elle) Language ladder levels: Listening: Grade 2–3;
ans (is seven), un frère/une sœur with avoir Speaking: Grade 2; Reading: Grade 2–3

Appendix 1: Scheme of Work


3 Describe someone’s nationality Nationalities: français(e) (French), • Use être phrases with Framework: O4.2, O4.3, O4.4, L4.1, L4.2, L4.3,
canadien(ne) (Canadian), britannique adjectives L4.4, IU4.4
(British) • Recognise and use third Attainment levels: AT1.1–3, AT2.2, AT3.1–3,
Il/Elle est (He/She is)… ! nationality person singular (il/elle) AT4.1–2
with être Language ladder levels: Listening: Grade 1–3;
• Recognise different Speaking: Grade 2; Reading: Grade 1–3;
adjective endings Writing: Grade 1–2

4 Describe people using various Adjectives: intelligent(e) (clever), sportif • Use être phrases with Framework: O4.1, O4.2, O4.3, O4.4, L4.1, L4.2,
adjectives (sportive) (sporty), sévère (strict), adjectives L4.3, L4.4
français(e) (French), canadien(ne) • Recognise and use third Attainment levels: AT1.2, AT2.1–2, AT3.1–2,
(Canadian), britannique (British) person singular (il/elle) AT4.2
Il/Elle est (He/She is)… with être Language ladder levels: Listening: Grade 2;
• Recognise different Speaking: Grade 1–2; Reading: Grade 1–2;
adjective endings Writing: Grade 2

Extra! • Further practice for Unit 7 Summary of above language Framework: O4.1, O4.2, O4.3, O4.4, L4.1, L4.3,
• Project work: Describing L4.4
someone Attainment levels: AT2.1–2, AT3.1–3, AT4.1–2
Language ladder: Speaking: Grade 1–2;
Reading: Grade 1–2; Writing: Grade 1–2
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Unit 8: Quelle heure est-il?
Lesson Objective Context/language Grammar/skills National criteria

1 Talk about activities Je regarde (I am watching)… la télé • Use several present tense Framework: O4.2, O4.3, L4.1, L4.2, L4.3

(TV), un DVD (a DVD) verbs to describe activities Attainment levels: AT1.2–3, AT2.2, AT3.1–3
J’écoute (I am listening to)… mes CD • Produce short phrases Language ladder levels: Listening: Grade 2–3;
(my CDs), la radio (the radio) orally Speaking: Grade 1–2; Reading: Grade 1–3
Je joue (I’m playing)… au football

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(football), au tennis (tennis)

2 Talk about activities Je regarde (I am watching)… la télé (TV), • Use several present tense Framework: O4.1, O4.2, O4.4, L4.1, L4.2, L4.3,
un DVD (a DVD) verbs to describe activities L4.4

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J’écoute (I am listening to)… mes CD • Produce short phrases Attainment levels: AT1.2–3, AT2.2, AT3.2–3, AT4.2
(my CDs), la radio (the radio) orally and in writing Language ladder levels: Listening: Grade 2–3;
Je joue (I’m playing)… au football Speaking: Grade 2; Reading: Grade 2–3;

Appendix 1: Scheme of Work

(football), au tennis (tennis) Writing: Grade 2

3 Tell the time Numbers 1–12 • Express the time Framework: O4.1, O4.2, O4.3, O4.4, L4.1, L4.2,
Telling the time L4.3, L4.4
Quelle heure est-il? (What time is it?) Attainment levels: AT1.2–3, AT2.1–2, AT3.2–3,
Il est… [cinq] heures (It’s…[five] o’clock) AT4.2
Language ladder levels: Listening: Grade 1–3;
Speaking: Grade 2; Reading: Grade 1–3;
Writing: Grade 2

4 Talk about what time you do Activities: Je regarde (I’m watching)… la • Use several present tense Framework: O4.2, O4.3, O4.4, L4.1, L4.3, L4.4
activities télé (TV), un DVD (a DVD) verbs to describe activities Attainment levels: AT1.2, AT2.2, AT3.2, AT4.2
J’écoute (I am listening to)… mes CD • Produce short phrases Language ladder levels: Listening: Grade 2;
(my CDs), la radio (the radio) orally and in writing Speaking: Grade 2; Reading: Grade 2;
Je joue (I’m playing)… au football • Express the time separately Writing: Grade 2
(football), au tennis (tennis) and in phrases with other
Times: ...à [trois] heures

Extra! • Further practice for Unit 8 Summary of above language, and Unit 7 Framework: O4.2, O4.3, O4.4, L4.1, L4.3, L4.4,
• Project work: Finding out IU4.2
about famous French people Attainment levels: AT1.1–2, AT2.1–2, AT3.1–2,
• Sound/spelling activity for AT4.1–2
Units 7–8 Language ladder: Speaking: Grade 2; Reading:
• Assessment for Units 7–8 Grade 1–2; Writing: Grade 1–2
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Unit 9: Les fêtes
Lesson Objective Context/language Grammar/skills National criteria

1 Talk about festivals and dates Festivals: le Nouvel An (New Year), la • Give dates for festivals Framework: O4.2, O4.3, O4.4, L4.1, L4.2, L4.3,
Fête des Rois (The Feast of through the year IU4.1

Kings/Epiphany), la Saint-Valentin (St Attainment levels: AT1.1–3, AT2.1–2, AT3.1–3
Valentine’s day), Pâques (Easter), la Fête Language ladder levels: Listening: Grade 1–3;
Nationale (Bastille Day), Noël Speaking: Grade 1–2; Reading: Grade 1–3

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Le [nouvel an], c’est le [premier janvier]
([New Year] is on the [1st January])

2 Talk about presents at festivals Presents: un vélo (bike), un jeu (a game), • Give more dates for Framework: O4.2, O4.3, O4.4, L4.1, L4.3, L4.4

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un livre (a book), un ballon (a ball), un festivals through the year Attainment levels: AT1.1–2, AT2.1–2, AT3.1–2
Père Noël en chocolat (chocolate Father • Ask for various presents Language ladder levels: Listening: Grade 1–2;
Christmas), un œuf de Pâques (Easter Speaking: Grade 1–2; Reading: Grade 1–2;

Appendix 1: Scheme of Work

egg) Writing: Grade 2

Qu’est-ce que tu veux [comme cadeau]?

(What [present] would you like?)
Je voudrais [+ nom]
(I’d like [+ noun])

3 Count from 31–60 Numbers 31–60 • Count up to 60 Framework: O4.2, O4.3, O4.4, L4.1, L4.2, L4.3
Attainment levels: AT1.1–3, AT2.1, AT3.1–3
Language ladder levels: Listening: Grade 1–3;
Speaking: Grade 1; Reading: Grade 1–3

4 Give and understand Instructions: • Understand and give Framework: O4.1, O4.2, O4.3, O4.4, L4.1, L4.2,
instructions touchez le nez/les pieds! (touch your imperative instructions L4.3, L4.4
nose/feet!), comptez! (count!), sautez! • Recognise plural forms Attainment levels: AT1.1–2, AT2.1–2, AT3.1–2,
(jump!), levez les bras! (raise your AT4.1
arms!), tournez! (turn around!) Language ladder levels: Listening: Grade 1–2;
Speaking: Grade 1–2; Reading: Grade 1–2;
Writing: Grade 1

Extra! • Further practice for Unit 9 Summary of above language Framework: O4.2, O4.4, L4.1, L4.3, L4.4, IU4.1
• Project work: Festivals Attainment levels: AT1.2, AT2.1–2, AT3.1–2,
Language ladder: Listening: Grade 2, Speaking:
Grade 1–2; Reading: Grade 1–2; Writing:
Grade 1–2
14 Grids 150-155.qxd
Unit 10: Où vas-tu?
Lesson Objective Context/language Grammar/skills National criteria

1 Talk about going to French Où vas-tu? (Where are you going?) • Recognise various French Framework: O4.2, O4.3, O4.4, L4.1, L4.2, L4.3,
cities Je vais à (I’m going to)… cities IU4.4
Paris/Bordeaux/Strasbourg/Nice/Grenoble • Ask and answer where you Attainment levels: AT1.1–3, AT2.2, AT3.1–3
are going, using je vais à... Language ladder levels: Listening: Grade 1–3;

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Speaking: Grade 2; Reading: Grade 1–3

2 Give and understand basic Directions: tournez à droite (right), • Understand and give Framework: O4.2, O4.3, L4.1, L4.3, IU4.4
directions tournez à gauche (left), allez tout droit imperative instructions for Attainment levels: AT1.1–2, AT2.2, AT3.2
(straight on), arrêtez (stop) directions Language ladder levels: Listening: Grade 1–2;

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Speaking: Grade 2; Reading: Grade 2

3 Talk about the weather Weather: Quel temps fait-il? (What’s the • Form weather expressions Framework: O4.2, O4.3, O4.4, L4.1, L4.2, L4.3,

Appendix 1: Scheme of Work

weather like?) using impersonal il... IU4.4
il fait beau (it’s sunny), il fait froid (it’s expressions Attainment levels: AT1.2–3, AT2.2, AT3.1–3
cold), il fait chaud (it’s hot), il pleut (it’s Language ladder levels: Listening: Grade 2–3;
raining), il neige (it’s snowing) Speaking: Grade 2; Reading: Grade 1–3

4 Talk about the weather and Weather: Quel temps fait-il? (What’s the • Recognise various French Framework: O4.1, O4.2, O4.3, O4.4, L4.1, L4.2,
places in France weather like?) cities L4.3, IU4.4
À Paris/Bordeaux/Strasbourg/Nice/ • Form weather expressions Attainment levels: AT1.2, AT2.2, AT3.2, AT4.2
Grenoble, il fait beau/il fait froid/il fait using impersonal il... Language ladder levels: Listening: Grade 2;
chaud/il pleut/il neige expressions Speaking: Grade 2; Reading: Grade 2;
(In Paris [etc.], it’s sunny/cold/hot/ • Describe the weather in a Writing: Grade 2
raining/snowing) certain location in a short
À [Paris] [il pleut] (It’s [raining] in [Paris])

Extra! • Further practice for Unit 10 Summary of above language, and Unit 9 Framework: O4.2, O4.3, O4.4, L4.1, L4.2, L4.3,
• Project work: Une ville L4.4, IU4.2, IU4.4
française Attainment levels: AT1.1–2, AT2.1–2, AT3.1–2,
• Sound/spelling activity for AT4.1–2
Units 9–10 Language ladder: Listening: Grade 1–2;
• Assessment for Units 9–10 Speaking: Grade 1–2; Reading: Grade 1–2;
Writing: Grade 1–2
14 Grids 150-155.qxd

Unit 11: On mange!

Lesson Objective Context/language Grammar/skills National criteria

1 Go shopping for food Food items: du pain (bread), du fromage • Ask what someone wants Framework: O4.2, O4.3, O4.4, L4.1, L4.2, L4.3,
(cheese), de la limonade (lemonade), de • Say what you want IU4.2

la crème (cream), des fraises • Talk about food using Attainment levels: AT1.2–3, AT2.1–2, AT3.2–3
(strawberries), des tomates (tomatoes) partitive article Language ladder levels: Listening: Grade 2–3;
Speaking: Grade 1–2; Reading: Grade 2–3
Qu’est-ce que tu veux? (What do you

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Je voudrais [du pain] (I’d like [some

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2 Ask how much something Using money: • Ask how much something Framework: O4.1, O4.2, O4.3, O4.4, L4.1, L4.3,
Rigolo 1 Teacher’s Notes © Nelson Thornes Ltd 2006

costs C’est combien? (How much is it?) costs L4.4, IU4.2

C’est [cinq] euros (It’s [five] euros) • Ask what someone wants Attainment levels: AT1.1–2, AT2.1–3, AT3.2,

Appendix 1: Scheme of Work

• Say what you want AT4.2
• Talk about food using Language ladder levels: Listening: Grade 1–2;
partitive article Speaking: Grade 1–2; Reading: Grade 2;
Writing: Grade 2

3 Talk about activities at a party Party activities: • Use on to talk about first- Framework: O4.1, O4.2, O4.3, O4.4, L4.1, L4.2,
on boit (we are drinking), on mange (we person plural activities L4.3, L4.4
are eating), on danse (we are dancing), Attainment levels: AT1.1–3, AT2.1–2, AT3.1–3,
on chante (we are singing), on s’amuse AT4.1
(we are having fun) Language ladder levels: Listening: Grade 1–3;
Speaking: Grade 1–2; Reading: Grade 1–3;
Qu’est-ce qu’on fait pour la fête? (What Writing: Grade 1
are we doing for the party?)
On [danse] (We are [dancing])

4 Give opinions about food and Opinions: c’est chouette (it’s great), • Give basic opinions about Framework: O4.2, O4.3, O4.4; L4.1, L4.3, L4.4
various activities c’est nul (it’s rubbish), c’est bizarre (it’s activities and food Attainment levels: AT1.2, AT2.1–2, AT3.1–2,
weird) AT4.2
Language ladder levels: Listening: Grade 2;
La [fête], c’est [bizarre] (The [party] is Speaking: Grade 1–2; Reading: Grade 1–2;
[weird]) Writing: Grade 2

Extra! • Further practice for Unit 11 Summary of above language Framework: O4.2, O4.4, L4.1, L4.3, L4.4, IU4.2
• Project work: La nourriture Attainment levels: AT2.1–2, AT3.1–2, AT4.1–2
en France Language ladder: Speaking: Grade 1–2;
Reading: Grade 1–2; Writing: Grade 1–2
14 Grids 150-155.qxd
Unit 12: Le cirque
Lesson Objective Context/language Grammar/skills National criteria

1 Discuss francophone countries Francophone countries: la France • Give the names of various Framework: O4.2, O4.3, O4.4, L4.1, L4.2, L4.3,

(France), la Suisse (Switzerland), le French-speaking countries IU4.4
Canada (Canada), la Martinique Attainment levels: AT1.1–3, AT2.1, AT3.1–3
(Martinique), le Maroc (Morocco), le Language ladder levels: Listening: Grade 1–3;

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Sénégal (Senegal) Speaking: Grade 1; Reading: Grade 1–3

C’est [le Maroc] (It’s [Morocco])

2 Discuss the languages we Talking about languages: Je parle • Use positive and negative Framework: O4.2, O4.3, O4.4; L4.1, L4.3, L4.4,

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speak anglais/français (I speak English/French), phrases to talk about IU4.2, IU4.4

Je ne parle pas anglais/français (I don’t speaking languages Attainment levels: AT1.2, AT2.2, AT3.2, AT4.2
speak English/French) Language ladder levels: Listening: Grade 2;

Appendix 1: Scheme of Work

Speaking: Grade 2; Reading: Grade 2;
Writing: Grade 2

3 Identify different items of Clothes: un pantalon (trousers), une • Describe various items of Framework: O4.2, O4.3, O4.4, L4.1, L4.2, L4.3
clothing veste (jacket), une chemise (shirt), un t- clothing Attainment levels: AT1.1–3, AT2.1, AT3.1–3
shirt (t-shirt), un chapeau (hat), une Language ladder levels: Listening: Grade 1–3;
jupe (skirt) Speaking: Grade 1; Reading: Grade 1–3

4 Describe items of clothing Describing colour of clothes: colours • Describe various items of Framework: O4.1, O4.2, O4.3, O4.4, L4.1, L4.2,
met so far, plus blanc(he) (white) and clothing, using colour L4.3, L4.4
noir(e) (black) adjectives Attainment levels: AT1.2, AT2.2, AT3.2, AT4.2
Language ladder levels: Listening: Grade 2;
Noun + adjective: une chemise blanche, Speaking: Grade 2; Reading: Grade 2;
un pantalon noir, etc. Writing: Grade 2

Extra! • Further practice for Unit 12 Summary of above language, and Framework: O4.2, O4.3, O4.4, L4.1, L4.3, L4.4,
• Project work: Un pays Unit 11 IU4.2, IU4.4
francophone Attainment levels: AT1.1, AT2.1–2, AT3.1–3,
• Sound/spelling activity for AT4.1–3
Units 11–12 Language ladder: Speaking: Grade 1–2;
• Assessment for Units 11–12 Reading: Grade 1–3; Writing: Grade 1–3

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