Dodge The Broken Barrier of Enforced Silence

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William Dodge

Junior Division

Historical Paper

Paper Length: 1581



The United States of America, the figurative promise land for almost all who yearn for

democracy and independence, a place where the determined can prosper and make a name for

themselves. These magnificent traits which are tied to America solely exist from people who

sacrificed their lives for the promises and blessings of liberty. Many individuals all across the

globe crave our blessed country and will lose their lives just like our ancestors for the chance of

living in such a beautiful country. Tiananmen is a beautiful yet terrific example of people losing

their lives for even the chance at democracy; fortunately, those lives lost made a difference

setting off a chain reaction leading to current day Hong Kong. Adults and students alike stood

hand in hand protesting the mere existence of the communist-led economy during Tiananmen.

Ultimately, China’s ignorant government prevailed for the moment, yet the actions committed

that day, woke up the world breaking the barrier of enforced silence and has ultimately started a

fire beneath the Chinese government. Present-day, that fire and yearns for independence and is

relevant; people today, this very moment, are fighting for independence from the Chinese

government, yet this time another Tiananmen isn’t going to silence the people.


The Chinese government is painstakingly communistic although, self-proclaimed to be

less communistic their only improvements have been it’s bilateral economic growth with the

United States’ aid (“China's Economic Rise” 2019). The Chinese government's population has

steadily increased recently over the last 39 years now peaking a 59% increase since 1960

(“Demographics of China” 2019). China’s Hong Kong sits at a 7.44 million population and an

overwhelming estimated 70% are anti-communistic reforms and yearn and are willing to fight
for independence (“Tiananmen Incident '' 2019). This is relevant due to the never-ending

opposition the Chinese government seems to face by their people. It apparently isn’t a

generational ideal nor a unique trait of a certain group yet the demand of those citizens of China.

Those willing to protest are considered extremist and China’s ignorant behavior towards what

the people of Hong Kong want has been publicly known for the previous 30 years demonstrated

in their brash actions committed June 4th 1989, the Tiananmen Square incident which took an

estimated ten thousand lives (He, “China Continues” 2019). China refuses to accept the

responsibility of Tiananmen Square and still proceeds to deny information to the public as well

they refuse to atone for their actions. China’s government is fundamentally corrupt due to its

historical communist origins and their ignorance towards what the public desires. (He,”China

Continues” 2019). Due to their anti-humanitarian system and their rampant tyrannical actions,

the Chinese government is forcing their people to be silent about their governments corrupt

nature. Only building up a barrier to be broken down by those who shine brighter than their

governments tyrannical shadow.


Tiananmen Square is a landmark within Hong Kong, which holds both historical and

religious significance. This landmark still holds such significance yet has been tainted with

unarmed citizen blood such that the massacre being Tiananmen Square. In the spring of 1989,

the death of Hu Yaobang occurred causing a surge in political motivation all of which formed

peacefully. Hu Yaobang is unlike the rest of all CCP leaders, being much more progressive and

for the people with less communistic ideals (He, China Continues 2019). Naturally, a former

general secretary leader’s death that was truly supporting the people sparked emotions amongst

the people and a peaceful protest began April 15th, 1989 the same day of Yaobang’s death
(“Tiananmen Square Incident'' 2019). The protests corralled within the metaphorical heart of the

nation beginning a hunger strike and those protesting demanded that the Chinese government

speak openly with what the people desire. These protests were correlated to a group of students

known as the 89’ Democracy movement, a group of students which spread anti-communist

practice opposing the current Chinese governemnt pushing for total reform (“Timeline: China's

Student” 2009). The peaceful protests continued until June 4th where the Chinese used an

immoral and irrefutable amount of military force to end the Tiananmen Square protests. Shortly

after China declared martial law within Hong Kong Chinese soldiers flooded the square armed

with automatic weapons and tanks, unarmed civilian protestors were killed without remorse.


As previously established on June 4th 1989, Tiananmen Square is arguably the date of

one of the worst mass shootings orchestrated by a government responsible for killing an

estimated ten thousand civilians disregarding their passive behavior. If not enough, this brave

protest, which commemorated an individual who was unlike the other CCP leaders which ended

in a massacre received, one of the most dishonorable disgusting cover-ups by a government.

Once the massacre concluded and those who fled succeeded the Chinese government didn’t quit,

almost immediately “Black hands” (Those supposed manipulators of the movement) were

arrested. In one of the most corrupt hearings, their verdict was given before an actual trial

(“Tiananmen Incident” 2019). Students and intellectuals were given less severe punishments

compared to workers and more common folk as a bare minimum of 10 were executed days after

their trial began (“Tiananmen Incident” 2019). Amongst those imprisoned a minimum of eight

were sent to prison on life sentences and those students and intellectuals were forced to attend

political classes supporting Deng Xiaoping (Calhoun page 49). The imprisoning of those who
protested was not all, a figurative blackout was put into effect. The CCP took grasp and silenced

several news media outlets reporting on Tiananmen that sympathized towards those killed and

imprisoned (“Tiananmen Incident” 2019). The current minister (General Wei Fenghe) at the time

of Tiananmen responded to a reporter's question calling the protests a “political turbulence”

stating “the central government took measures to stop the turbulence” ("China Minister

Defends"). Fenghe goes on to say it was the correct policy and that China has undergone “Major

Changes” continuing to defend the massacre.


As established the 89’ Democracy movement is a majority student-led organization

supporting liberty and more democratic reforms within communist China. January 1st of 1987 a

conglomerate of roughly 2000 students protested a regulation restricting public demonstrations

("China's Student Democracy”). China from this point spreads anti-democracy information

calling such protests “bourgeois liberalization,” which is considered the “capitalist road” within

China (CPCCHINA 2010.) Though threatened those of the 89’ Democracy movement do not

falter still attempting to have a say as citizens within their own country another protest is staged

within Tiananmen 1988 June 3rd to June 12th. From this point, with all of the opposition to

Chinese government regulations and laws, the CCP releases a policy opposing any economic

reforms slowing it to an essential halt. Amongst all of China’s politically led protests and

demonstrations, George W. Bush speaks of it within China during a meeting and is told by Zhao

Ziyang to stay out of China's internal affairs ("China's Student Democracy"). Two months after

George Bush’s meeting Hu Yaobang previously established as a positive figure dies at the age of

73 and a massive influx of mourners fill Tiananmen Square. Hu’s death single-handedly creates

protests in multiple cities leading to city-wide supporting protesting for democracy and freedom
of the press, hunger strikes ensue and martial law is declared. And from this point, the massacre

occurs resulting in the death of innocent civilians stoking a fire underneath China. Although

China has a history of ignoring, imprisoning and deporting people who oppose their government

decisions and political choices, no one thought live rounds would be fired. A foreign news

reporter was capturing a story at Tiananmen, reporting the protests and what those brave souls

wanted he wrote that he “never expected live ammunition” (“Brown, Adrian.”1989). China’s

immoral compass is sprung solely from its political decision making and the reason we as

Americans are capable of knowing these things is because of the barrier the Chinese people

broke at Tiananmen Square.


Tiananmen Square is a massacre that’s revealed the CCP as the monsters they are

opposing any sort of reform for the betterment of the people more interested in making their lives

much more enjoyable than any other. Unfortunately, Tiananmen Square had to happen, the

actions made so benign and immoral alerted the world to China’s behaviors. Although many

voices were silenced after such disgusting immoral acts done by China, the amount of people

who needed change now know that people outside of China are on their side. Mothers who lost

their children know it wasn’t for nothing as to this very day brave students, fathers and mothers

alike stand hand in hand fighting for liberty and democracy. Due to the continuous attempt to

quell and silence those citizens of China opposing the CCP, more protests pursue, currently due

to an attempt to enforce extradition laws on fugitives of other foreign countries requiring them to

return to Hong Kong seeking different legal repercussions. Although current day protests are

much more violent than 1989, it’s a side effect of years of ignorance and mistreatment (“Hong

Kong Police”). Much like before in Tiananmen live rounds have been fired during present day
protests yet those fighting haven’t stepped down. Those brave souls fighting for their freedom

deserve liberty and democracy and it's to the thanks of the actions of the 89’ Democracy

Movement for the option to even have a voice today as their actions woke up a nation and broke

the barrier of enforced silence.

Annotated Bibliography
Primary Sources

He, Rowena Xiaoqing. “1989 Tiananmen Movement and Its Aftermath - Oxford Research
Encyclopedia of Asian History.” 1989 Tiananmen Movement and Its Aftermath - Oxford
Research Encyclopedia of Asian History,
This timeline supplied by Oxford University is a complete entire timeline documenting
the repercussions and experiences faced by the pro chinese people and their government.
This timeline is a secondary source due to it being from a different time period and it’s
encyclopedic formation; disregarding it’s secondary source behavior it’s contents lead to
information detailing a complete historical timeline. This helps me create a complete
concurrent timeline based on the Chinese government actions and the response given to
those actions by the people and the world. I will use this piece to explain the entire
timeline of Tiananmen Square.

“Timeline: China's Student Democracy Movement.” CNN, Cable News Network,
This article is a timeline produced by CNN detailing the history of the 89’ Democracy
movement and their contributions to making a difference in China. This source is a
secondary source due to it only detailing the 89’ Democracy Movement actions. I’m
going to use this piece to explain the constant refusal of democratic policies and the
needed extremist actions. This helps me understand the struggle students undergo trying
to achieve a difference.

“Tiananmen Square: China Minister Defends 1989 Crackdown.” BBC News, BBC,
This article is information documenting the Chinese governments corrupt actions and
their removal of documents and video footage of Tiananmen square. This source is
secondary once again due to the destruction of information produced by the 89’
democracy movement. I’m going to use this to inform the reader of China's rampant
censorship and ignorance towards social democratic reforms. This piece allowed me to
understand China’s refusal of responsibilities and understanding of what their people

He, Rowena Xiaoqing. “China Continues to Deny Tiananmen, but We Won't Let the World
Forget | Rowena Xiaoqing He.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media,
This source given to the public by The Guardian is a primary source due to it being
created within Tiananmens occurrence. The Guardian provides statistics and accurate
historical information as well as photos of Tiananmen during the protests. I’m using this
source as a way to gather statistical information and the actions done by the people of
China yearning for democracy. This source allowed me to understand the actual impacts
and numbers of the situation as well continues to provide more information on China’s

“Human Rights Activism in Post-Tiananmen China.” Human Rights Watch,
This piece produced by Human Rights Watch is a primary source offering several first
person sources about the atrocities that happened at Tiananmen Square. This piece allows
me to pull out several people who had first hand experiences during the protests and what
has happened to them. This allows me to understand the lifestyle of those who wanted to
make a difference.

Jian, Ma. “Surviving Tiananmen: 'I Might Have Been One of the Hundreds or Thousands Who
Lost Their Lives'.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media,
This piece is a first hand account of civilians and protestors who witnessed and lived in
Tiananmen square. This piece of course being a primary source allows me to use personal
testimony of those survivors and the horrific events that occurred during Tiananmen. This
will allow me to push China’s unbelievable ignorant and outright inhumane actions
during and after the Tiananmen Square Massacre.

Brown, Adrian. “Reporting from Tiananmen Square in 1989: 'I Saw a Lot I Will Never Forget'.”
| Al Jazeera, Al Jazeera,
This piece is an individual news reporter which reported the events at Tiananmen Square.
This peculiar article is primary offering several first person accounts and his own
experiences during Tiananmen. I will use this source as a first hand account by a foreign
news reporter which details the events in visceral detail. This source led me to
understanding what happened entirely at Tiananmen Square and it’s horrid outcomes.

“China's Economic Rise: History, Trends, Challenges, and Implications for the United States.”, Congressional Research Service,

“Demographics of China.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation,

“CPCCHINA>Theories>Classic Works.” Bourgeois Liberalization Means Taking the Capitalist

Annotated Bibliography
Secondary Sources

“Tiananmen Square Incident.” The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. Encyclopædia

Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.,
This source is secondary providing options and information about Tiananmen Square yet
focuses more on the aftermath of the events that happened. I’m going to use this source to
provide evidence of Chinese censorship and their blatant disregard towards what their
people want. This allowed me to understand the actions and situations after Tiananmen
and Chinas increase in anti-democratic activities.

Cjr. “What International Coverage of Tiananmen Got Wrong.” Columbia Journalism Review,
This article supported by Watchdog a news source explains common misconceptions of
Tiananmen Square this source is a secondary source due to it not bringing much
information yet disproving other information. This source allows me to provide better
context and have a fact check on the information provided by other sources. This piece
allowed me to understand any untrue facts which I may have not caught onto.

Elaine Yu, Mike Ives and Edward Wong. “Hong Kong Police Shoot Protester Amid Clashes.”
The New York Times. The New York Times, November 13, 2019.

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