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Dodge 1

William Dodge


Advanced English II/Period Two

24 April 2019

The Border Wall

The United States government operates under capitalism, to follow the idea of using

money, taxes, and to be responsible by protecting its people. These are the blessings of liberty,

the rights given to a citizen of the United States. Immigration has always benefited the economy

in America, more consumers mean more jobs, which means better business. To fund a

government the people pay money and in their purchase, a portion of the money goes to the

government. Every documented citizen and immigrant of the United States does so. Those of

illegal entry begin to avoid taxes that the average American citizen pays. With this in mind, the

United States should construct a border wall successfully securing the swift removal and

cancelation of the illegal immigrant influx. Therefore, the border wall will secure the blessings of

liberty and the protection of its citizens by removing the financial burden of illegal immigration.

American taxpayers are stuck paying for the costs of Illegal Immigration. The cost for

that Immigration is nothing to glance over. Illegal Immigrants cost the United States taxpayer

116 billion dollars annually. As taxes continue to increase due to illegal immigrants an impact

occurs, effecting the average American citizen those issues being an increase in taxes. The tax

increase forces the average American worker to work harder. These taxes adhere to more local

levels supplying the taxpayers with more local advancements. “Taxpayers not only pay the

[$116] billion dollars but as well [$89] billion dollars in taxes to the state and local level.” (“The

Cost of Illegal immigration to taxpayers is growing” 2019). As the government acquires the rest
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of the money, the government fails to properly address the problem causing such costs.

“American taxpayers are forced to bear the costs of the federal government's failure to secure our

borders every time they pay school taxes, local tolls, sales and excise taxes” (“The Cost of Illegal

immigration to taxpayers is growing” 2019). With such high taxes, an assumption is made of the

government and their decision to spend the money which is misguided. The current foundation

ICE, which runs immigration customs is under funded by congress. It requires more distribution

of the tax money to solve illegal immigration problem that is plaguing the American taxpayer. Of

the $116 billion dollars the taxpayer pays only 7.6 billion is put into ICE. “Congress provides

ICE with only enough money to deport about 400,000 people a year” ("ICE migrant" 2019).

Therefore, due to the failure to fund ICE, the failure to appropriately distribute taxes and the poor

judgement of the American economy, a border wall is needed to decrease and stop the influx of

illegal immigrants.

Inherently illegal immigrants are not terrible people. They are of course not evil in every

attribute as they seek a better life and career by breaking into America. That in mind illegal

immigrants are breaking laws, the term illegal immigrant indicates that of crime. A percentage of

illegals do commit crimes and are often held accountable. “900 of every 100,000 illegal

immigrants are convicted of crimes, including about 2.5 of every 100,000 who are convicted of

homicide” (“Why a higher wall will lower crime" 2019). Many situations of corrupt horrible

people harming and abusing women are during an attempt to enter the United States illegally.

According to the New York Times, a testimony of an immigrant and victim stated, “For weeks in

that locked room, the men she had paid to get her safely to the United States drugged her with

pills and cocaine, refusing to let her out even to bathe” (“Braving heat and Coyotes to be raped at

the border” 2019). Rapists and murderers are responsible for causing atrocities against women
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and children while they undergo an attempt to acquire entry to the United States. “She said.

''They raped us so many times they didn't see us as human beings anymore.”(“Braving heat and

coyotes to be raped at the border” 2019). Though a corruption of police and border control

officers is impossible to avoid. A more successful border will reduce human trafficking and

provide a voice to those who have been raped but are fearful of the consequence. According to

an article written by Fernandez Manny, “Migrant women and girls are the victims of sexual

assaults that most often go uninvestigated” (“Braving Heat and Coyotes to be Raped at the

border” 2019). Due to such a struggle sharing their stories, immigrant rape and abuse statistics

are certainly higher then what's reported. “Experts say the actual number of sexual assaults is

almost certainly much higher than those documented by prosecutors and the police, because most

attacks are never reported.”(“Braving heat and coyotes to be raped at the border ” 2019).

Although anti-border enthusiasts are using the argument of it being inhumane to remove people

from a country and create a wall their arguments don't address the problems at hand. Regardless,

this belief the creation of the border will still save and protect more lives then the current open

border situations. The United States is to protect and serve. To keep the people of America safe

and from a humanitarian point of view the lives and well being of those immigrants both legal

and illegal should not be subjected to such horrible situations.

The institution of an immigration ban is not a brand new idea to the American people

such a thing has happened before. Illegal immigration is illegal apparently enough of course.

Therefore, the goals of the Obama anti-illegal immigration service which only removed

immigrants with criminal backgrounds. “Under President Barack Obama, Immigration and

Customs Enforcement agents focused their efforts on arresting undocumented immigrants who

had been convicted of crimes” ("Why a higher wall will lower crime" 2019). In other words, this
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service won’t address the issues happening now. During the month of October ICE officials are

struggling with financial issues when it comes to the influx of illegal immigrants within the

United States. “Since October, U.S. border agents have encountered at least 70 large groups of

100 or more migrants” (“U.S. says massive smuggling effort is speeding immigrants across the

border” (2019). Through the Civil Rights In America Act many other laws are established

opposing the entry illegally these things abide to all those who enter the united states illegally.

According to the Immigration Reform and Control act Aliens (illegal immigrants) there are

twelve major clauses and situations in illegal immigrant deportations and every clause results in

said illegal immigrant being deported. “Statue A Deportable Aliens. (1), (A), (B), (C) (i) (ii) (D)

(E) (G) (ii, 2) (A) All pieces 1 through A2 are in depth about the legal repercussions including

the removal of Alien.” (“Civil Rights In America” 1999). With such information being a

concrete staple in the United States government, we as citizens must respect this. Including our

government must do whatever they can to keep these laws in check. Therefore the entry of any

illegal immigrant should be dealt with appropriately resulting in their removal. Including the

swift construction of the border wall separating The United States and Mexico.

To secure the prosperity of being an American citizen, to preserve the blessings of

liberty, a border splitting The United States and Mexico is mandatory. Due to the illegal

immigrants that cross into America from Mexico unlawfully the American people have been

relied on to pay for the faulty border security through taxes. As taxes year by year increase the

average American worker begins to struggle supporting their family. It is the responsibility of the

United States government responsibility to properly address the issue at hand. That issue being

illegal migration by not only building the wall but by increasing funding for ICE and revoking

privileges to those who are not a documented citizen of the United States. To create a nation our
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ancestors will be proud of, our forefathers wills smile upon and the economy to flourish better

illegal immigration security is a necessity.

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Works Cited

Fernandez, Manny. "Braving Heat and Coyotes To Be Raped at the Border." New York Times, 4
Mar. 2019, p. A1(L). Student Resources In Context,
Accessed 22 Mar. 2019.
This source is a secondary source detailing the experiences of illegal immigrants. They
being raped and abused while entering the United States illegally and a detailing of a
corrupt security officer abusing his authority. This piece harbors many questions, an
apparent question being. Is there a way to prove that these events truly happened? Other
then the case against a border security agent the majority of cases in this article are
dropped by the victim to obtain a visa to enter the United States. This piece documents
the dangers a illegal immigrant may experience while unlawfully entering the United
States, this is used in defense to address the homeland security question from the
Immigration Act.

Fink, Sheri, and Caitlin Dickerson. "Fevers, Fractures and Meager Care at the Border." New
York Times, 5 Mar. 2019, p. A1(L). Student Resources In Context,
Accessed 22 Mar. 2019.

"ICE migrant arrests show shift." USA Today, 22 Mar. 2019, p. 01A. Student Resources In
u=san49095&sid=SUIC&xid=b6e258b3. Accessed 25 Mar. 2019.
This piece is a primary source detailing how America's anti illegal immigration
service ICE. With evidence supporting that it’s incapable of removing all immigrants due
to the lack of funding received by congress. Hard percentages are given to document how
the cost of illegal immigration heavily affects the American economy. Other percentages
are shown documenting crime rates, statistics and a percentage of those being deported.
Questions may arise about how Trump and Obama perform the deporting differently.
Most likely questioning the action of deporting illegal immigrants that are only guilty of
the one crime, I’ll be using this piece to defend the action of deporting illegals. That ICE
is allowed to remove all illegal immigrants as they are all criminals.
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Congress, U.S. "Immigration Act." Civil Rights in America, Primary Source Media, 1999.
American Journey. Student Resources In Context,
u=san49095&sid=SUIC&xid=361fae95. Accessed 25 Mar. 2019.
This source is a primary source due to it being the law of the United States regardless if
it’s older than five years. Using this resource as an easy way to prove that living in the
United States as an illegal alien is a crime so regardless the deporting of illegal
immigrants with backgrounds in violent crimes all removal of aliens are lawful.
Questions may arise from this concerning that it may be outdated and or improper that it
may interrupt how our governments Homeland Security deals with issues. This piece
accurately addresses many examples opposing the border wall and supports the action of
a secure border.

Raley, Spencer. "The cost of illegal immigration to taxpayers is growing at an unsustainable

pace." Hill, 28 Sept. 2017, p. 17. Opposing Viewpoints in Context,
u=san49095&sid=OVIC&xid=f3c86087. Accessed 25 Mar. 2019.
This piece is a primary source giving evidence opposing the cost of illegal
immigration and the unfair treatment given to illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants in
America flock towards sanctuary cities to remove the threat of ICE catching, jailing and
deporting illegal immigrants. Immigrants only pay a fraction of the cost of their illegal
immigration as often the American taxpayer is stuck footing the bill of the unlawful
entry. This paper will help me format an argument opposing benefits for illegal
immigrants. Including opposing the existence of sanctuary cities and aiding the existence
and creation of the border wall. The plausible questions that may rise up are how to
remove a sanctuary city, how to handle all deporting and how much would it cost to
remove all illegal immigrants from sanctuary cities.

Miroff, Nick. "US says massive smuggling effort is speeding immigrants across the southern
border." Washington Post, 15 Mar. 2019. Student Resources In Context,
Accessed 22 Mar. 2019.
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Abernathy, Gary. "Why a higher wall will lower crime." Washington Post, 27 Feb. 2019. Student
Resources In Context,
u=san49095&sid=SUIC&xid=369d2656. Accessed 22 Mar. 2019

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