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Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, Vol. 43, No. 8, pp.

661–670, 2010 Research Paper

Kinetic Study of Methanolysis of Jatropha Curcas-Waste Food Oil Mixture

and Takayuki TAKARADA
Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering,
Gunma University, 1-5-1, Tenjin-cho, Kiryu-shi,
Gunma 376-8515, Japan

Keywords: Kinetic, Methanolysis, Waste Food Oil, Jatropha Curcas Oil, Free Fatty Acids

Methanolysis of a Jatropha curcas-waste food oil mixture that contained 1 wt% of free fatty acids was carried
out in the presence of a KOH catalyst in a batch reactor at various methanol-to-oil molar ratios; the reaction
temperature was varied from 25 to 60°C; the catalyst concentration was varied from 0.5 to 2.0 wt% of oil; the
mixing speed was fixed at 900 rpm and the reaction time was 2 h. Samples were collected during the reaction
time and analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) to determine the weight percentages of the reaction constituents
on glycerol-free basis. The experiments revealed that the reaction conditions (mixing level, reaction temperature,
catalyst concentration, and methanol-to-oil molar ratio) have a significant effect on the hydroxide catalyzed
methanolysis reaction of the Jatropha curcas-waste food oil mixture. The conversion rate of the oil mixture and
the methyl ester production rate increased with the mixing speed, reaction temperature, catalyst concentration
and methanol-to-oil molar ratio. A second-order kinetic model with the reaction rate constants obtained in the
experiment provided a satisfactory mechanism for the methanolysis reactions. The kinetic model was able to de-
scribe the experimental data, and the average relative average difference (RAD) was 4.7%. The simulation and
experiments also indicated that although the methanolysis reaction consisted of three stepwise and reversible re-
actions, the forward reactions were the most important. Activation energy analysis showed that the methanolysis
reactions of the Jatropha curcas-waste food oil mixture were sensitive to reaction temperature changes.

available and do not compete with food oils. Some re-

searchers have reported that the methaholysis of J. cur-
Biodiesel fuel, which is widely accepted, is an alter- cas oil yields a product that has characteristics similar to
native to petroleum diesel fuel due to the technical, envi- those of biodiesel fuel (Gubitz et al., 1999; Berchmans
ronmental and strategic advantages that it offers. and Hirata, 2008; Tapanes et al., 2008). A report on the
However, due to the high production cost, biodiesel is methanolysis of waste food oil has also shown that the
usually more expensive than petroleum diesel fuel when oil can be used an effective feedstock to produce
it is produced from fresh vegetable oils or animal fats biodiesel that meets the EN 14214 standard (Felizardo et
(Leung and Guo, 2006). It has been reported that ap- al., 2006). The use of a mixture of J. curcas oil and
proximately 70 to 95% of the total cost of biodiesel is waste food oil as a feedstock for biodiesel production
accounted for by the cost of feedstock, that is, vegetable can also reduce the production cost. However, the main
oils or animal fats (Zhang et al., 2003). Therefore, it is problem faced in using these oils in the alkali-based cat-
necessary to find ways to produce cheaper biodiesel fuel. alyzed alcoholysis process is their free fatty acid (FFA)
Reduction of biodiesel production cost through the use content (Achten et al., 2008; Berchmans and Hirata,
of more effective and efficient production technology 2008).
and the utilization of inexpensive vegetable oils is now Besides identifying inexpensive feedstock, re-
becoming the main focus of biodiesel researches. searchers are focusing on minimizing the production
Reducing of biodiesel production cost by using in- cost by improving the production technology. One of the
expensive feedstock such as inedible vegetable oils, lines of research involves maximizing the yield of the al-
waste animal fats, waste food oil and mixtures of such coholysis reaction by controlling the reaction parameters
feedstock is more practical because inedible vegetable that affect the reaction rate and mechanism. A kinetic
oils such as Jatropha curcas (J. curcas) oil are readily study of alkali-catalyzed alcoholysis can indicate the re-
action mechanism and provide the reaction parameters
that can be used to predict the compositions and concen-
Received on February 22, 2010; accepted on April 24, 2010 tration of the reaction mixture at any time under various
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to
T. Takarada (E-mail address:
reaction conditions. There are a number of kinetic stud-

Copyright © 2010 The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan 661

ies on vegetable oil alcoholysis in the literature Table 1 Fatty acid composition of J. curcas oil and waste
(Freedman et al., 1986; Noureddini and Zhu, 1997; food oil
Komers et al., 2002; Vicente et al., 2005; Bambase et
J. curcas oil Waste food oil
al., 2007). However, most of them report the kinetic Fatty acid
[wt%] [wt%]
mechanism of the alcoholysis of edible vegetable oil
only. Ever since the present study started, no paper has Lauric 0.14 —
presented data related to second-order kinetic alcoholy- Myristic 0.15 0.16
sis of J. curcas oil, waste food oil, or their mixtures; Palmitic 15.95 9.91
these oils are very important biodiesel feedstock for fu- Palmitoleic 0.99 0.32
ture biodiesel production. Waste food oil has many un- Stearic 4.24 2.24
desirable compounds such as polymers, FFA, and many Oleic 39.28 44.62
other chemicals that are formed during frying, which are Linoleic 38.75 36.37
a major concern during methanolysis. Therefore, it is Linolenic 0.49 6.38
necessary to investigate the kinetic reaction mechanism
of those important oils. A kinetic study of J. curcas-
waste food oil mixtures can provide detailed information
on the behavior of these oils during hydroxide methanol- was equipped with a mechanical stirrer, digital ther-
ysis. This information is very useful for biodiesel pro- mometer, and sampling port. The reactor was immersed
ducers for producing biodiesel efficiently with such oils. in a constant-temperature water bath. Inside the glass
This paper presents a kinetic study of the methanol- water bath, there were a 100 V, 500 W electric heaters
ysis of a J. curcas-waste food oil mixture, in which and a shielded K-type thermocouple probe. A voltage
potassium hydroxide is used as a catalyst. Using the re- regulator controlled the temperature level and heat sup-
sults of this kinetic study, the extent to which the ply.
methanolysis reaction has progressed at any time under 1.3 Procedures
various reaction conditions can be simulated and esti- The batch reactor was initially charged with 150 g
mated accurately. The FFA content of the oil mixture of a J. curcas-waste food oil mixture. It was then heated
would certainly affect the reaction kinetics. Although, for 2 h at atmospheric pressure, various temperatures
FFA content can be limited to approximately 1 wt% by (25, 30, 40, 50 and 60°C), with the molar ratio of
fixing up the mass mixing ratio of J. curcas oil to waste methanol-to-oil varying from 6 : 1 to 15 : 1 and the mass
food oil, it is necessary to investigate of the effect of ratio of KOH to oil varying from 0.5 to 2.0 wt%. To ver-
this compound on the kinetics of hydroxide-catalyzed ify the effect of mass transport on the reaction kinetics,
methanolysis. experiments were carried out at mixing speeds from 400
to 1200 rpm. The mechanical stirrer was started as soon
as possible as the reaction was timed. After 2 h of reac-
1. Experimental
tion, the mixture was allowed to settle down overnight
1.1 Materials before separating the glycerol. The top layer containing a
J. curcas oil used in this experimental study was methyl ester fraction was removed in bottles and
supplied by B2TE-BPP Teknologi, Kawasan Puspiptek weighed. The methyl ester in the bottles was washed
Serpong. Waste food oil was obtained from the Gunma with hot water several times to remove impurities. For
Prefecture area in Japan. The FFA content of the oils was moisture removal, the ester was heated in a furnace at
5.53 wt% for J. curcas oil and 0.45 wt% for waste food 107°C under nitrogen flow at 200 mL/min for 1 h.
oil. The mass ratio of J. curcas oil to waste food oil in 1.4 Sampling and analysis
the oil mixture was 1 : 9. At this mass ratio, the FFA con- To analyze the effect of the reaction time on the
tent of the mixture was about 1 wt%. The fatty acid com- methanolysis reaction products, approximately 2 mL of
position of the oils is given in Table 1. Methyl heptade- the samples was withdrawn at pre-specified intervals
canoate, which was used as an analytical internal stan- (0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 25, 30, 40, 90, and
dard for fatty acid methyl ester (FAME), was obtained 120 min); at the beginning of the reaction, frequent sam-
from Sigma-Aldrich Inc. FAME standards, methanol of pling was required. Each sample was collected in a
99.8% purity (certified), 99.0% heptane, and potassium 3.5 mL glass vial and was quenched immediately with
hydroxide were purchased from Wako Pure Chemical 1 mL of 0.5 N hydrochloric acid. All the sample mixtures
Industries, Ltd. Standard test kit for glycerol and glyc- were centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 30 min. The organic
erides was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Inc. phase of the mixture was separated, dried, and evapo-
1.2 Apparatus rated. The samples were then analyzed by a gas chro-
Reactions were carried out in a 500 mL necked matograph (GC-2010, Shimadzu Corp.) equipped with a
batch reactor, where the total volume of reaction mixture flame ionization detector and a capillary column con-
was 224 mL. The reactor was tightly sealed with a sili- taining 95% dimethylpolysiloxane (ZB-5HT Inferno,
con rubber cap that retained any vaporized mixture and 15 m  0.32 mm  0.10 μm). The GC oven was initially


heated at 50°C for 1 min; it was then heated at 15°C/min
up to 180°C, at 7°C/min up to 230°C, at 10°C/min up to
380°C, and then it was held at 380°C for 5 min. The total
analysis time was 36 min. The carrier gas was helium
(1.3 mL/min). The analysis of a sample by GC was car-
ried out by injecting 1 μL of the sample solution into the Fig. 1 Overall scheme of triglyceride methanolysis
gas chromatograph. The glycerol and glycerides formed
were identified by comparing their retention time with
the retention time of standard glycerol and glycerides
derivative. Quantitative analysis of the weight percent-
age of the glycerol and glycerides produced was carried
out by using butanetriol and tricaprin as the internal
standard. The methyl ester formed was identified by
comparing its retention time to the retention time of
standard FAME. Quantitative analysis of the weight per-
centage of the FAME produced was carried out by using
methyl heptadecanoate as the internal standard. Standard
methods (American Standards for Testing of Materials
International, 2008) were used to determine the concen-
tration of triglyceride, diglyceride, monoglyceride, glyc-
erol, and ester in the samples.
1.5 Kinetic modeling
1.5.1 Chemistry of the reaction The overall reaction
scheme for the methanolysis of triglyceride (TG) is pre-
sented in Figure 1 (Vicente et al., 2005). The stoichiom- Fig. 2 Triglyceride methanolysis reaction scheme
etry of the reaction requires 3 mol of methanol (M) and
1 mol of TG to produce 3 mol of FAME (E) and 1 mol of
glycerol (G). This reaction consists of three consecutive d[TG]
and reversible reactions (Cao et al., 2008). TG is con- k1[TG][M]  k2 [DG][E]
verted stepwise to diglyceride (DG), monoglyceride
(MG), and finally G and E as shown in Figure 2. In this d[DG]
 k1[TG][M]  k2 [DG][E]  k3 [DG][M]
figure, variables k1 to k6 denote reaction constants. dt
In this study, the J. curcas-waste food oil mixture k4 [MG][E]
consisted of not only TG but also DG, MG, FFA,
and water (W). The initial oil mixture consisted of d[MG]
 k3 [DG][M]  k4 [MG][E]  k5 [MG][A]
89.9 wt% TG, 6.6 wt% DG, 2.4 wt% MG, 1.0 wt% FFA, dt
and 0.1 wt% W. The mole concentration of TG, DG, k6 [G][E]
MG, E, and G in the oil mixture was calibrated by using
the experimental weight percentages of the reaction con-  k1[TG][M]  k2 [DG][E]  k3 [DG][M] (1)
stituents, their molecular weights, and the mechanism of dt
stepwise reactions. The calibration was based on the k4 [MG][E]  k5 [DG][M]  k6 [G][E]
conservation of mass of the reaction mixture and the d[M] d[E]
conservation of the number of moles of glycerol mole-  k1[TG][M]  k2 [DG][E]
cule. The molecular weights of TG, DG, MG, and E dt dt
were calculated from the known fatty acid composition k3 [DG][M]  k4 [MG][E]  k5 [DG][M]
of J. curcas oil and waste food oil, which is given k6 [G][E]
in Table 1, and they were 857.4, 602.3, 347.2, and
291.1 kg kmol1 respectively. d[G]
1.5.2 Initial assumptions For the purpose of reac-  k5 [MG][M]  k6 [G][E]
tion kinetic modeling, the following assumptions were
made: 1.5.3 Mathematical analysis By using the assump-
(i) The effect of the FFA on the saponification reaction tions above and the mass action law, the governing set of
was insignificant because the FFA content of the J. equations for the stepwise reactions in the methanolysis
curcas-waste food oil mixture was small, limited to of TG are formulated as in Eq. (1). In the equation, vari-
1 wt%. ables k1 to k6 represent reaction rate constants
(ii) The effect of glycerides (TG, DG, and MG) and E [L mol1 min1]; [TG], [DG], [MG], [G], [M], and [E]
on saponification reaction was also neglected. denote molar concentrations of TG, DG, DG, G, M, and

VOL. 43 NO. 8 2010 663

E in the reaction mixture [molL-1]. The chemical theory
predicts that the reaction rate constant should be temper-
ature dependent. The effect of the reaction temperature
on the reaction rate is also studied from Arrhenius law,
which is given below:
k  k0 ⋅ eEa / RT (2)
where k0 is a constant called the frequency factor, Ea
[cal mol1] is the activation energy of the reaction, T [K]
is absolute temperature, and R [cal mol K1] is the uni-
versal gas constant. The activation energy and the fre-
quency factor for each consecutive reaction can be ob-
tained by plotting the logarithm of the calculated rate Fig. 3 Effect of mixing speed on oil conversion yield in the
constants for the methanolysis reaction versus the recip- methanolysis of the J. curcas-waste food oil mixture
rocal of absolute temperature. at a reaction temperature of 50°C, methanol-to-oil
The linear equation system comprising differential molar ratio of 6 : 1, and catalyst concentration of
kinetic equations (Eq. (1)) cannot be solved by the inte- 1.0 wt%
gration method. Thus, a differential method of analysis
must be used to directly solve the differential rate equa-
tions by evaluating all the terms in the equations, includ-
2. Results and Discussion
ing the derivative of concentration with respect to time.
Hence, the equations solving must be solved numerically 2.1 Effect of mixing speed
by using a computer. The Runge–Kutta fourth-order Mixing is very important in the methanolysis reac-
method was selected. However, as is the case with all tion because the J. curcas-waste food oil mixture and
numerical techniques, different initial guesses of the rate potassium methoxide solution are immiscible. No reac-
constants were required and the best initial guesses pro- tion is feasible without mixing. When potassium
vided a convergent result. The numerical solutions of methoxide solution was added to the oil mixture without
Eq. (1) provide the set of forward and reverse rate con- stirring, the mixture formed two layers. The top layer
stants. was potassium methoxide solution and the bottom layer
1.5.4 Evaluation A computer code was written for was the oil mixture. The two layers had to be broken up
applying the Runge–Kutta fourth-order method to the and mixed by either stirring for along time or at high
differential equations of the second-order kinetic model; speed.
the code was written in Visual Basic of Excel. This code Six different mixing levels were used to investigate
was then applied to all obtained experimental data. To the effect of mixing on the methanolysis reaction of the
verify the accuracy of kinetic model and the obtained J. curcas-waste food oil mixture. The mixing speeds
rate constants, it is necessary to compare simulation and were set by adjusting the rotational speed of the mag-
experimental results. The simulation result for the netic stirrer, which was set at 400, 600, 700, 900, 1000,
species concentration in the product was compared with and 1200 rpm. Figure 3 shows the effect of the mixing
the experimental result and the difference was quantified speeds and reaction time on the oil conversion rate at a
using the relative average difference RAD, which is ex- reaction temperature of 50°C, a methanol-to-oil molar
pressed in percentage. RAD is an objective parameter for ratio of 6 : 1, and a catalyst concentration of 1.0 wt%. At
evaluating the correctness of the second-order kinetic the lowest stirring speed of 400 rpm, the oil conversion
model (Komers et al., 2002). It is given by following ex- yield was the lowest during the first 100 min of the reac-
pression. tion. Upon increasing the stirring speed to 1200 rpm, the
oil conversion yield increased significantly, to more than
RAD [%] 
95 wt%, and accelerated the methanolysis reaction dur-
⎛ m t ⎞
∑ ∑ y (t )
ing the first 10 min of the reaction. It was observed that
100 / n ⎜ i exp
 yi (t )cal / yi (t )exp ⎟ (3)
⎝ ⎠ higher mixing speeds resulted in the formation of
i 0
smaller oil droplet in the potassium methoxide solution;
In Eq. (3), n is the number of measurements in the inter- thus, high mixing speeds led to an increase the interfa-
val (0: t), m is the number of reactants, yi (t) is the con- cial area between reactants, which increased the rate of
centration of component i at time t; exp and cal denote methanolysis reaction considerably. A previous study on
the experimental and calculated values respectively. methanolysis reported that the size of oil droplets at the
Hence, RAD indicates the average relative difference be- beginning of the rotation of the stirrer is inversely pro-
tween all experimental and relevant calculated concen- portional to the mixing speed (Ma and Hanna, 1999).
trations of all the identified species in the given experi- In this study, it was observed that experimental data
ment. on the methanolysis reaction indicate a sigmoid pattern


Fig. 4 Effect of reaction temperature on the rate of methanolysis of the J. curcas-waste food oil mixture at a mixing speed of
900 rpm, methanol-to-oil molar ratio of 6 : 1, and catalyst concentration of 1.0 wt%: (a) TG, (b) DG, (c) MG, (d) E, (e) M
and (f) G (, 25°C; , 30°C; , 40°C; , 50°C; , 60°C). The solid lines denote simulation curves.

(S-shape) because there were three regions with different ture became the dominant factor influencing the rate of
reaction rates. These regions were clearly visible when reaction and oil conversion. It was observed that the
the mixing speed was lower than 700 rpm. The first re- temperature affected the reaction rate and conversion of
gion, where E started to form, was the low rate region. oil into E and G. Figures 4(a) and (b) show the signifi-
The second region was the region where there was cant increase in the TG and DG conversion rates as the
a sudden surge in E production after the low rate region. reaction temperature was increased from 25 to 60°C.
The third region was the region where the reaction pro- Figures 4(d) and (f) also show that increasing the rate
ceeded towards equilibrium. A number of researchers conversion of TG and DG led to an increase in the pro-
(Noureddini and Zhu, 1997; Stamenkovic et al., 2007) duction rate of E and G. In a previous kinetic study, it
have reported a similar sigmoid pattern for the alcoholy- was reported that the temperature dependence of the
sis of vegetable oils at low mixing speeds. They have re- overall reaction rate was similar to its dependence on the
vealed that the mass transfer controls the methanolysis mixing speed (Noureddini and Zhu, 1997). As shown in
reaction in the initial stage of the reaction and that the Figure 4(d), the production rate of E at low temperatures
low rate region is a function of the mixing speed in the (25 and 30°C) follows a sigmoid curve. This suggests
initial stage of the reaction at a constant temperature. In that the mass transfer limitation becomes more impor-
Figure 3, it can be seen that the duration of the initial tant at low reaction temperatures. This is due to the rapid
low-conversion part, which is the low-rate region, of an decrease in the droplet size of the dispersed phase of oil
imaginary curve passing through the data points for a with the progress of the methanolysis reaction and the
particular mixing speed decreased as the mixing speed increase in the rate of reduction in the droplet size with
increased and that it reached a constant value of about the reaction temperature, despite the mixing speed being
less than 1 min at a mixing level greater than 600 rpm. constant. Therefore, when the reaction temperature was
Thus, the process of oil conversion was speeded up increased to 50°C, the duration of the low-rate region
when the mixing speed increase from 400 to 1200 rpm, decreased and the sigmoid pattern was lost. In order to
which indicated that the importance of mass transfer control the rate of the methanolysis reaction by varying
control decreased at high mixing speeds. It was observed the solubility of the reactants, a higher temperature or
hat at the mixing speed of 900 rpm, the conversion yield high thermal energy was required.
was more than 90 wt% after the first 5 min of the reac- 2.3 Change in reaction composition with time
tion time. The reaction mixture composition during the potas-
2.2 Effect of temperature sium hydroxide-catalyzed methanolysis of the J. curcas-
Figure 4 depicts experimental data points and sim- waste food oil mixture at a methanol-to-oil molar ratio
ulation curves showing the effect of the reaction temper- of 6 : 1, a reaction temperature of 50°C, a catalyst con-
ature on the reaction rate. At the mixing speed of centration of 1.0 wt% of oil, and a mixing speed of
900 rpm, the mass transfer control on the methanolysis 900 rpm is presented in Figure 5. In this study, a second-
reaction became less dominant and the reaction tempera- order mechanism is found to provide a reasonable fit to

VOL. 43 NO. 8 2010 665

erides in the reaction mixture should be low for the pro-
duction of high-quality biodiesel fuel. For a catalyst con-
centration of 1.0 wt%, the final concentrations of TG,
DG and MG were 0.004, 0.006, and 0.014 mol L1
respectively. These values were fairly close to the
maximum limit for glycerides concentration in pure
biodiesel (American Standards for Testing of Materials
International, 2008). Therefore, it was not necessary to
increase the catalyst concentration to more than 1.0 wt%.
With 2.0 wt% of the catalyst, the final concentrations of
DG and MG were 1.2 and 1.4 times higher than those in
the case of 1.0 wt% of catalyst. It was reported that an
Fig. 5 Experimental data and simulation curves for the con- optimum KOH concentration of 1.26 wt% of oil was re-
centration of glycerides (TG, DG and MG), E and G quired to produce 93.2 % E by methanolysis of olive oil
during the initial 1 h of the methanolysis of the J. cur- with a methanol-to-oil molar ration of 4 : 1 and at reac-
cas-waste food oil mixture; methanolysis was carried tion temperature of 50°C (Dorado et al., 2004). Further
out at mixing speed of 900 rpm, methanol-to-oil it was observed that increasing the KOH concentration
molar ratio of 6 : 1, catalyst concentration of 1 wt%, to a value greater than the optimum value resulted in
and temperature 50°C (, TG; , DG; , MG; , E; smaller E yield due to the presence of soaps. Soaps were
, G). The solid lines are simulation curves. produced from the saponification of glycerides and E. A
KOH concentration of 1.0 wt% was selected as the opti-
mum catalyst concentration in the methanolysis of waste
the experimental data for all conditions considered. The food oil at a methanol-to-oil molar ratio of 6 : 1 and a re-
average RAD value of all experiments is 4.7%. Figure 5 action temperature of 65°C (Encinar et al., 2005). Other
also shows that the mixing speed of 900 rpm is sufficient experiments on the methanolysis of other vegetable oils
to make the reaction homogeneous without the mass have reported different optimum concentrations (Vicente
transfer effect in the initial stage of the reaction. The et al., 2005; Bambase et al., 2007, Berchmans and
maximum concentration of the intermediate products Hirata, 2008). Thus, different vegetable oils require dif-
DG and MG is attained during the first minute. Their ferent optimum catalyst concentrations. Furthermore,
levels then decrease and reach equilibrium in less than vegetable oil methanolysis depends on the reaction con-
20 min. At this point, TG disappears, but a small amount ditions, methanol-to-oil molar ratio, and the oil composi-
of DG and MG still remains. tion. In this study, 1.0 wt% of oil was selected as the op-
2.4 Effect of catalyst concentration timum catalyst concentration because it led to the pro-
Figure 6 shows the effect of catalyst concentration duction of E with the maximum concentration and with
on the methanolysis of the J. curcas-waste food oil mix- relatively low glycerides concentration. Figures 6(d) and
ture at a mixing speed of 900 rpm, methanol-to-oil molar (f) show that although the catalyst concentration affected
ratio of 6 : 1, and reaction temperature of 50°C. Under the production rate of E and G, the final concentration of
these conditions the conversion rate of glycerides (TG, these products did not change significantly. A high con-
DG and MG) and the production rate of E and G in- centration of the catalyst accelerated the production of
crease linearly as the catalyst concentration increases only E and G. The experimental data in Figure 7 indi-
from 0.5 to 2.0 wt% of oil (see Figures 6(a), (b), (c), (d) cate that E production at various reaction temperatures
and (f)). was influenced by the catalyst concentration. However,
However, Figures 6(b) and (c) also show that an in- the effect was significant only at a low reaction tempera-
crease in the catalyst concentration causes an increase in ture (25°C). At reaction temperatures from 50 to 60°C,
the final concentration of DG and MG. The final concen- the production of E gradually decreased with an increase
tration is the reactant concentration at the end of the re- in the catalyst concentration to 2.0 wt% of oil.
action time or under equilibrium conditions. In this 2.5 Effect of methanol-to-oil molar ratio
study, it was assumed that all methanolysis reactions Stoichiometrically, the methanol-to-TG molar ratio
reached equilibrium after reaction time of 2 h. For all re- required in the methanolysis reaction is 3 : 1. However,
actions, under equilibrium conditions, the MG concen- in practice, this molar ratio is insufficient to complete
tration was typically higher than the TG and DG concen- the conversion of vegetable oils to E. A higher molar
trations. The presence of glycerides high concentration ratio is required to shift the methanolysis reaction to-
in the final reaction mixture must be avoided because it wards the maximum production of E at a higher rate.
causes difficulties in and increases the cost of the refin- Thus, the amount of methanol is one of important fac-
ing process. Moreover, the presence of high amount of tors that affect the yield of the methanolysis reaction,
glycerides in biodiesel fuel causes serious problems in completeness of the reaction, and production cost of
engines using the fuel. The final concentration of glyc- biodiesel. Figure 8 shows that while a higher methanol-


Fig. 6 Effect of KOH concentration (wt% of oil) on the methanolysis reaction of J. curcas-waste food oil mixture for a mixing
speed of 900 rpm, methanol-to-oil molar ratio of 6 : 1, and a reaction temperature 50°C: (a) TG, (b) DG, (c) MG, (d) E,
(e) M and (f) G (, 0.5%; , 0.7%; , 1.0%; , 1.5%; , 2.0%). Solid lines represent simulation curves.

Fig. 7 Effect of KOH concentration on the methyl ester con- Fig. 8 Effect of methanol-to-oil molar ratio on methyl ester
centration at various reaction temperatures in the concentration in the methanolysis the of J. curcas-
methanolysis of the J. curcas-waste food oil mixture; waste food oil mixture (900 rpm, 50°C, and 1.0 wt%
the mixing speed was 900 rpm and the methanol-to- KOH) (, molar ratio of 6 : 1; , molar ratio of 8 : 1;
oil molar ratio was 6 : 1 (, 25°C; , 30°C; , 40°C; , molar ratio of 10 : 1; , molar ratio of 15 : 1)
, 50°C; , 60°C)

tages, e.g. they require a high amount of energy (long-

to-oil molar ratio increased the rate of E production sig- term heating of the whole or ester phase of the reaction
nificantly, it improved the yield of E only slightly. mixture at the distillation or extraction temperature) and
Increasing the molar ratio from 6 : 1 to 15 : 1 accelerated relatively complicated apparatus (vacuum distillation or
the production of E significantly in the first min of the extraction columns) and the demethanolization time
reaction time from 91.4 to 97.5 wt%. At the end of the which accounts for a substantial part of the time taken
reaction time (2 h), the yield of E slightly increased from for the whole transesterification process is long; further,
98.0 wt% at a molar ratio of 6 : 1 to 98.9 wt% at molar the formation of emulsion during the extraction of the
ratio of 15 : 1. Therefore, it was clear that a higher ester phase with water poses problems (Skopal et al.,
methanol-to-oil molar ratio shifted the methanolysis re- 1997). Furthermore, the high concentration of methanol
action towards increased production of E and caused the in the biodiesel tends to decrease the density, viscosity
reaction mixture to reach equilibrium sooner. However, and flash point of the biodiesel (resulting in problems
it was undesirable to use excessive methanol because un- pertaining to transport, storage, and use). Other re-
reacted methanol in the reaction mixture would cause searchers (Freedman et al., 1986; Vicente et al., 2005;
difficulties in the biodiesel demethanolization process. Bambase et al., 2007) have reported the molar ratio of
Almost all methods of demethanolization have disadvan- 6 : 1 to be the optimum for the methanolysis of vegetable

VOL. 43 NO. 8 2010 667

Table 2 Values the kinetic rate constants

Reaction condition Rate constant [mol1 L min1]

Temperature KOH Methanol to oil [%]
rpm k1 k2 k3 k4 k5 k6
[°C] [wt%] molar ratio

50 900 1.0 6:1 0.0730 0.0528 0.3347 0.1655 0.3869 0.0080 3.766
50 900 1.0 8:1 0.0666 0.0452 0.2064 0.1341 0.3310 0.0066 4.455
50 900 1.0 10 : 1 0.0602 0.0376 0.0780 0.1028 0.2750 0.0047 5.938
50 900 1.0 15 : 1 0.0280 0.0202 0.1283 0.0634 0.1483 0.0046 5.874
25 900 1.0 6:1 0.0051 0.0026 0.0055 0.0018 0.1888 0.0010 5.412
25 900 2.0 6:1 0.0111 0.0047 0.0100 0.0062 0.4237 0.0029 5.612
30 900 1.0 6:1 0.0135 0.0083 0.0391 0.0221 0.2373 0.0015 5.592
30 900 2.0 6:1 0.0238 0.0180 0.1037 0.0464 0.5302 0.0039 5.444
40 900 1.0 6:1 0.0245 0.0176 0.1105 0.0717 0.2781 0.0040 3.190
40 900 2.0 6:1 0.0471 0.0405 0.2411 0.1110 0.6245 0.0141 3.678
50 900 0.5 6:1 0.0361 0.0370 0.1643 0.1173 0.2336 0.0006 1.757
50 900 1.5 6:1 0.1149 0.0644 0.4754 0.2086 0.5205 0.0140 3.569
50 900 2.0 6:1 0.1567 0.0761 0.6161 0.2517 0.6541 0.0189 2.298
60 900 1.0 6:1 0.1434 0.1411 0.5199 0.4175 0.4327 0.0153 5.311
60 900 1.5 6:1 0.1891 0.1608 0.8811 0.4622 0.5845 0.0179 5.396
60 900 2.0 6:1 0.2348 0.1805 1.2423 0.5068 0.7364 0.0200 4.209

oils. In the present study, the optimum reaction condi- increase the TG conversion. Table 2 shows that when the
tions for the methanolysis reaction of the J. curcas-waste reaction temperature was increased to 50°C, the forward
food oil mixture were as follows: a reaction time of rate constant values (k1, k3, and k5) also increased signifi-
2 h, mixing speed of 900–1000 rpm, reaction tempera- cantly. However, it is suggested that the maximum reac-
ture of 50°C, methanol-to-oil molar ratio of 6 : 1, and a tion temperature should not exceed the boiling point
catalyst concentration of 1.0 wt%. Under these condi- temperature of methanol in a batch reactor at atmos-
tions, the yield of the methanolysis reaction was between pheric pressure. Table 2 shows that the k1 values were
97.5 wt% and 98.0 wt%. the smallest among the forward rate constant values (k3
2.6 Activation energy analysis and k5). This indicates that TG methanolysis was the
The reaction rate constants of the methanolysis re- slowest step because TG has large molecular size and a
actions were calculated by the mathematical procedure crowded molecular structure that led to steric hindrance
described in Section 1.5. The reaction rate constants ob- during the reaction (Bambase et al., 2007). On the other
tained for various reaction conditions at 900 rpm and the hand, in all methanolysis reactions, except in the reac-
corresponding RAD are shown in Table 2. In this table, tion at the temperature of 60°C, the values of the reac-
it can be seen that despite the methanolysis of TG with tion rate constant k5 were the highest. This strongly indi-
methanol involving three stepwise and reversible reac- cated that MG was the most unstable intermediate
tions, all the forward reaction rate constants are much species because it transformed to G rapidly. It also im-
greater than those reverse reactions. It implies that the plied that below 60°C, the rate determining reaction was
methanolysis reaction experiments were carried out the reaction that converted MG to G. However, when the
properly because the reactions were directed towards reaction temperature was increased to 60°C, the rate de-
maximum production of E. The rate constant data also termining reaction changed to the reaction that con-
indicate that the product formation of the methanolysis verted DG to MG. Figure 4(c) reveals that the final con-
reaction was controlled by the reaction temperature, cat- centration of MG is the highest at 60°C. Therefore, it is
alyst concentration, and methanol-to-oil molar ratio. The not necessary to increase the reaction temperature to
k1 value was the lowest for the forward reaction at a low 60°C because this only increases the final concentration
temperature (25°C) which was the first forward reaction. of glycerides.
This implies that at low temperatures, the reaction from The temperature dependence of the methanolysis
TG to DG was the reaction that controlled the three step- reaction of the J. curcas-waste food oil mixture was also
wise methanolysis reactions. This was due to the effect determined by considering the activation energy and re-
of mass transfer resistance in the initial stage of the reac- action temperature. Activation energy is defined as the
tion. The mass transfer resistance effect increased be- minimum energy that is required in order for a chemical
cause of the increase in the oil viscosity at low tempera- reaction to occur. The activation energy of the methanol-
tures. Thus, a high reaction temperature was required to ysis reaction was estimated by taking the logarithm of


Table 3 Activation energy of the methanolysis reactions that yield TG, DG, MG, and G

This works* Ea [J mol1]

Reaction Freedman Noureddini Darnoko Vicente Bambase

Ea r2 et al. and Zhu and Cheryan et al. et al.
(1986) (1997) (2000) (2005) (2007)

TG → DG 16,377 0.984 16,062 13,145 14,700 25,039 14,040

DG → TG 19,202 0.991 15,843 9,932 — 16,964 10,739
DG → MG 17,867 0.979 17,247 19,860 14,200 22,092 16,049
MG → DG 19,383 0.997 13,571 14,639 — 16,887 13,907
MG → G 4,282 0.967 — 6,421 6,400 2,873 7,173
G → MG 15,302 0.994 — 9,588 — — 10,997

*At reaction temperatures from 30 to 60°C, mixing speed of 900 rpm, methanol-to-oil molar ratio of 6 : 1, and catalyst concentration
of 1.0 wt% of oil

only 1.0 wt% of FFA, yet the FFA could reduce the cata-
lyst concentration significantly in the early stage of the
reaction by consuming it through the saponification re-
action. If the saponification reaction had occurred, then a
larger amount of more thermal energy would have been
required to produce E for a fixed final concentration and
fixed reaction conditions. Furthermore, the calculated
activation energies show that the activation energies for
the forward conversion of glycerides are lower than
those for the reverse conversion of glycerides. Therefore,
it is also possible that FFA influence the activation ener-
gies. However, further studies are necessary to confirm
Fig. 9 Arrhenius plot of reaction rate constants versus reac- this influence in the methanolysis reaction. Among the
tion temperatures from 30 to 60°C, (mixing speed of forward reactions, the reaction converting DG to MG
900 rpm, methanol-to-oil molar ratio of 6 : 1, and cat- was the most sensitive to the reaction temperatures. This
alyst concentration of at 1.0 wt%) (, k1; , k2; , k3; strongly indicates that under the reaction considered in
, k4; , k5; , k6)
the present study, the oil methanolysis reactions favor
the formation of E and G.

the Arrhenius equation in Eq. (3). From the k-values ob-

tained at different temperatures, a plot of 1/T versus
ln (k) was plotted, as shown in Figure 9. The slopes Reaction conditions (mixing level, reaction temper-
(Ea / R) are the corresponding activation energies, and ature, catalyst concentration, and methanol-to-oil molar
the y-intercepts are the frequency factors. The calculated ratio) have a significant effect on the hydroxide
activation energies are shown in Table 3. The values are methanolysis reaction of the J. curcas-waste food oil
compared to those presented in other papers. The activa- mixture. The conversion rate of the oil mixture and the
tion energy values of the three stepwise reactions that production rate of E increase with the as mixing speed,
were obtained in the present study were slightly higher reaction temperature, catalyst concentration, and
than those obtained in other studies. This indicates that methanol-to-oil molar ratio. The obtained reaction rate
the methanolysis reaction of the J. curcas-waste food oil constants and the average RAD (4.7%) indicate that the
mixture was more sensitive to the temperature than the second-order kinetic model provides a satisfactory
methanolysis reaction of the Soybean oil (Noureddini mechanism for the methanolysis of the J. curcas-waste
and Zhu, 1997), palm oil (Darnoko and Cheryan, 2000) food oil mixture under the given reaction conditions.
and sunflower oil (Vicente et al., 2005). If it is assumed Values of the activation energies, which were calculated
that most of these previous kinetic studies used fresh re- in this study, suggest that the methanolysis reaction of
fined vegetable oils with low FFA content, then it is pos- the oil mixture is highly temperature sensitive. It is pos-
sible that the higher activation energy of the methanoly- sible the FFA content at 1 wt% in the oil mixture is the
sis the J. curcas-waste food oil mixture was because of cause of the high temperature sensitivity. However, fur-
the concentration of FFA. Although the oil contained ther studies are required to confirm this.

VOL. 43 NO. 8 2010 669

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