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Post gr eSQL - English

Usage Examples Further Information

Development system PostgreSQL (2nd Edition), Korry Douglas,
Sams Publishing, ISBN: 0672327562
A small system just for developing, running on any
supported platform (Unix, Linux, Mac OS, Windows). Beginning Databases with PostgreSQL:From Novice to
This system does not need much system resources. Professional, 2nd Edition, Neil Matthew, Apress,
The result can be exported and used in the production ISBN: 1590594789
system. Beginning PHP and PostgreSQL 8, W. Jason Gilmore,
Apress, ISBN: 1590595475
PostgreSQL 8 for Windows, Richard Blum,
Small to mid-level database server McGraw-Hill Osborne Media, ISBN: 0071485627
A small to mid-level database server has just small
hardware requirements. PostgreSQL is not running ex-
clusive on this system but shares the resources with PostgreSQL homepage:
other services. A webserver (Blog, CMS) with a data- pgAdmin III:
base backend is a good example.
Large database server PostGIS:
A large database server has extensive hardware re- Slony:
quirements and is usually dedicated to a single applic-
ation or project. PostgreSQL can use the full power of
the hardware without the need to share resources.

PostgreSQL 8.3
What is PostgreSQL?
PostgreSQL 8.3, released in early 2008, includes a record
number of new and improved features which will greatly PostgreSQL is an object-relational database management
enhance PostgreSQL for application designers, database system (ORDBMS). It is freely available and usable
administrators, and users, with more than 280 patches by
dozens of PostgreSQL contributors from 18 countries. Space for Advertising without any licencing fee. PostgreSQL was originally de-
veloped at the University of California and uses the
simple BSD licence.
Version 8.3 provides greater consistency of performance
It is a very advanced database system in the open source
than previous versions, ensuring that every user can de-
area. PostgreSQL supports most parts of the SQL2003
pend on the same high performance demonstrated in re-
standards and has a variety of its own extensions.
cent benchmarks for every transaction, whether in peak
hours or not, seven days a week, 52 weeks per year. Ma- Users can extend the system with self-defined data types,
jor enhancements include: operators and functions. Apart from support for referen-
tial integrity and an advanced transaction management,
Heap Only Tuples (HOT) PostgreSQL also offers definition of triggers and rules to
Spread checkpoints control access to database objects.
Automated self-tuning of the background writer
Asynchronous commit option
Synchronized Scans
ANSI-standard SQL/XML support, incl. XML export
Text search: Tsearch2
GSSAPI and SSPI authentication support
New data types: UUIDs, ENUMs and arrays of com-
posite types
SNMP support

© 2008 European PostgreSQL User Group (with help from the Project) – The images are copyright by the PostgreSQL project
Software for PostgreSQL
Why Use PostgreSQL? Scalable System software
Proprietary DBs are expensive with complex pricing SMP scalable to 32 cores, processing up to 25,000 Slony (Replication) – Features: asynchronous mode,
structure - With no licencing costs PostgreSQL transactions per second in some applications single master to multiple slaves, slaves can be cas-
provides a viable alternative without sacrificing signi- caded, uses triggers, replication on table level, no ex-
Easily handles data warehouses up to 6 terabytes
ficant performance or features for a low-TCO, highly clusive locks necessary, can replicate schema changes,
adaptable solution. Runs large, complex, 50-line decision support queries
all tables require a primary keys, all nodes in the net-
Get features without the price tag: PostgreSQL work need to be available at all times, cannot replicate
provides ~80% of features and performance found in Feature-rich large objects, no automatic failover.
the leading proprietary databases.
Offers mature views, schema, triggers and other ad- Administration
Scale as your business grows: PostgreSQL is highly vanced SQL features.
scalable database known to scale up to 6TB of pgAdmin: Graphical tool for administration that should
data ...with no extra licencing costs to move up to big- Stored procedures may be written in any of 12 differ- fulfill nearly all wishes. It stands out with its ease-of-
ger servers. ent programming languages. use and clearly arranged display of the database struc-
Avoid vendor lock in: our liberal BSD licence provides Has unique database extensibility for domain-specific ture.
users freedom to do wide scale deployment. solutions like genetics, GIS and cryptography. phpPgAdmin: A PHP-based web interface that can be
Get peace of mind: PostgreSQL delivers reliability & Drivers available for all major programming lan- used with the browser of any operating system.
security so you never need to worry about losing your guages.
data or security breaches. Coupled with world class Client software for PostgreSQL
24*7 support from several vendors & a highly active Support ERP/CRM: Compiere, SQL-Ledger, TinyERP, Xtuples
community delivers peace of mind unlike other open Connectivity: ODBC/JDBC-driver, Ruby-, Python,
source databases. Support is available from multiple vendors, including:
Command Prompt, credativ, Cybertec, Dalibo, Enter- Perl- and Tcl-Bindings, C/C++-Libraries, Qt-Plugin,
priseDB, Red Hat and Sun Microsystems. Npgsql.NET, PG Win32 Client (pgOleDB and ps-
qlODBC), DBI-Link, Oralink, odbclink, Talend
Reliable The PostgreSQL community is known for its rapid
response to user questions and issues. The Postgr- Stored Languages: pl/Ruby, pl/Python, pl/Perl, pl/Java,
80% of commercial PostgreSQL users never need to pl/PHP, pl/sh, pl/R, pl/scheme
phone for support because PostgreSQL is never down. eSQL Global Development Group is famous for its
fast turnaround on bugs, making PostgreSQL among Groupware: OpenGroupware
Known for “unbreakable” reliability: “It is extremely the most secure and stable database systems available: Office: OpenOffice, StarOffice
common for companies to report that PostgreSQL has "We have normally had a fix within 24 hours.
never crashed in several years of high activity opera- CMS/Shop-Systems: LivingShop, XIST4C, Drupal, Al-
Frankly, the [PostgreSQL community mailing list]
tion. Not even once. It just works.” fresco, eZ Publish
support has been amazing." Kevin Grittner, Wiscon-
Highly standards compliant. sin Court System, USA. Image Software: gPictureBase, Gallery2
Blog Software: Serendipity, DotClear 2
Secure by Default Technical Data Board Software: phpBB3
“By default, PostgreSQL is possibly the most security- Wiki Software: Mediawiki
Parameter Value
aware database available ...” Database Hacker's Bugtracking/CRM: JIRA, Bugzilla
Handbook: Defending Database Servers. Maximum size of database Unlimited
Search: ht://miner, Tsearch2
PostgreSQL provides numerous authentication and Maximum size of table 32 Terabytes Games: Poker Tracker, FlightGear
logging options, and can utilize and extend OS-level
Maximum size of row 400 Gigabytes Backup Software: Bacula
security features like SELinux and Solaris Containers.
Maximum size of field 1 Gigabyte Healthcare: GNUMed, OpenClinica
The lowest bug count of any major database, accord-
ing to reports issued by Coverity about PostgreSQL Telephone: SIP Express Router
Maximum number of rows Unlimited, the file system
version 8.2. in DB is the limiting factor
Maximum number of 250 to 1600, depending on
columns the column type
Maximum size of indices Unlimited
in table

© 2008 European PostgreSQL User Group (with help from the Project) – The images are copyright by the PostgreSQL project

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