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Delany Adams

SIOP Lesson Plan

Grade 1 Level 1

SUBJECT: Science
UNIT FOCUS: Measuring Weather

Lesson # 1 Length of lesson 40 min


Standard - 3.3.1.A5
Become familiar with weather instruments. Collect, describe, and record basic information
about weather over time.

LESSON TOPIC: Measuring Weather


Language Students will:

 Identify new vocabulary words orally and through drawing pictures

Content students will:

 Identify the different types of tools used to measure weather.

 Investigate how these tools are used to measure water.

KEY VOCABULARY: thermometer, rain gauge, anemometer

MATERIALS: rain gauge, thermometer, anemometer, weather chart, video, book


1. Have YouTube video ready to play

2. Have book ready to read
3. Have three weather tools ready to measure


**Post, read, and explain the content and language objectives of this lesson to the students.
“Let’s look at our language objectives for today. Students will (read language objectives above).
Now let’s look at our content objectives for today. Students will (read content objectives above)”
Explain the objectives.
Warm Up/Building Background: (15 min)

 The teacher will activate the student’s prior knowledge by asking about all the different
types of weather they know. The students will come up to the board when called on and
draw an example of a type of weather. The teacher will expand by asking the students
who figures out the weather, and how do they do it?
 After discussing the types of weather, the teacher will tell the students that they are going
to be weathermen today because we are going to learn how to measure types of weather.
 The teacher will introduce the new vocabulary words for the day, “thermometer, rain
gauge, and anemometers” and have students think, pair, share with their neighbor about
what these words may mean or if anyone has ever heard of them.
 The teacher will play the “Weather Instruments” song on YouTube and the students will
dance and sing along. After the video, the teacher will ask the students what new
vocabulary words they learned.

Scripted Directions:
 “Good Morning friends, today we are going to be talking about weather and measuring
weather! Can I have a few volunteers raise their hand and tell me a type of weather that
you know?”
 *Student says a type of weather, for example, rain*
 “Great job! Rain is a great example of a type of weather. Can you come up and draw rain
on the board?”
 *Continue until multiple types of weather are listed*
 “So boys and girls, here we talked about all different types of weather. (Repeat them and
point to them on the board.) Now, does anyone know, who predicts the weather? And
how do they do it? Talk with your shoulder partners about what you know about
predicting weather.” *Students share*
 Great job everyone! Today, we are all going to be weathermen and weatherwomen. We
are going to learn how to measure different types of weather. Our new vocabulary words
for today are thermometer, rain gauge, and anemometer. I want you to talk with your
shoulder partners about what these words might mean.” *students share*
 “Great job! Now to learn a bit about our new vocabulary words, we are going to listen to
a song about weather instruments. I want everyone to stand up tall and follow along to
the movements of the song. You can watch me as I do them!” *dance and sing to song*
 “Great job class, you did so good with our new song! Now, can anyone tell me any new
words they heard in our song? Did anyone hear any of our new vocabulary words in our

PRESENTATION: (10 minutes)

 Teacher will read the story “The Meteorologist in Me” aloud to the students. The teacher
will continuously check for comprehension and stop when we reach a vocabulary word in
the story and identify the definition of this vocabulary word and observe how it is used in


 The teacher and students will go outside and use the tools they learned about to measure
the weather. When outside, the teacher will first hold up the thermometer and tell the
students which instrument it is, and then the teacher will have the students reflect on the
vocabulary word and ask them what this tool measures. The teacher will pass around the
tool for each student to have a chance to hold it.
 The teacher will model how to use a thermometer to get an accurate reading and how to
read a thermometer. The students will record the temperature reading in their journals.
 The teacher will then introduce the anemometer and ask the students what this tool
measures. The teacher will model how to use an anemometer, then will help the students
measure together and then have the students try and measure the wind speed
independently and record their results.
 The teacher will introduce the rain gauge and ask the students what this tool measures.
The teacher will demonstrate how to use this tool, use it together with the student, and
then have the students measure the rain independently, if there is rain outside. If there is
no rain the students will just practice measuring with this tool and will still record their
 After measuring with the three tools, the teacher will reflect on the vocabulary by asking
the students which tool is which.


 The student will be given a weather measurement chart and will fill out the measurements
they recorded outside with each instrument.
 Review objectives. “Let’s see if we met our language objectives for today. Students will
(read language objectives above). Now let’s see if we met our content objectives for
today. Students will (read content objectives above).” Discuss if met or not and why/how.

 The first strategy I used was think pair share. I used this in the beginning of the lesson
when activating student’s prior knowledge about their new vocabulary words. I did this to
have students talk about their new vocabulary words and if anyone is familiar with them
or any ideas about what they might mean. I think this is very beneficial for students to
share and brainstorm with their peers about these new vocabulary words and what they
might mean rather than me just telling them the definitions right away.

 The second strategy I used was I do, we do, you do in the Practice/Application section.
When the class is outside measuring the weather with the tools, I used this strategy when
measuring with the instruments. First, the teacher introduces the instrument and
demonstrates how to use it, then the teacher practices using it with the child to give them
support, and then the teacher lets the child try measuring independently. I think this
strategy is very beneficial in this section because rather than the teacher just measuring
the weather and having the students write it down, the students are getting actively
engaged and are getting to touch and experiment with these tools, increasing their interest
and understanding of the tools.

 The third strategy I used was teacher questioning. Throughout the whole lesson, the
teacher is always activating students’ knowledge by asking questions. The teacher asks
questions after the weather song about what words the students learned, during the book
also about the new vocabulary, and when measuring the weather outside. Teacher
questioning is very important in a lesson because it gets students to think about the
material and reflect on what they’re learning.

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