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Section 4 Quiz

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. The primary weight-bearing surface of the acetabulum is the:

a. Lunate surface c. Acetabular fossa
b. Acetabular labrum

____ 2. In the newborn, the angle of torsion is approximately ____________________ and dramatically
____________________ over the first 2 years.
a. 20°, increases c. 40°, increases
b. 20°, decreases d. 40°, decreases
____ 3. During hip hiking (a lateral pelvic tilt), the weight-bearing hip moves into a position of
a. abduction c. internal rotation
b. adduction d. external rotation
____ 4. Which muscle is often weak, leading to a lateral pelvic tilt (hip drop)?
a. Gluteus maximus
b. Gluteus medius
c. Piriformis
D.A and B
____ 5. An angle of inclination in the femur of 135° would be termed:
a. Coxa vara c. Anteversion
b. Coxa valga d. Normal
____ 6. The anterior portion of the medial and lateral menisci are connected by the:
a. Medial collateral ligament c. Coronary ligament
b. Anterior cruciate ligament d. Transverse ligament
____ 7. Which muscle(s) should be strengthened in order to counteract an anterior shear force in a knee joint with a
ruptured anterior cruciate ligament?
a. Hamstrings c. Gastrocnemius
b. Quadriceps d. Iliopsoas
____ 8. During closed kinetic chain knee flexion, the menisci are pushed ____________________ by the femoral
condyles and pulled posteriorly by ____________________.
a. posteriorly, semimembranosus and popliteus muscles
b. posteriorly, gracilis and semimembranosus muscle
c. anteriorly, quadriceps expansion and patellofemoral ligament
d. anteriorly, popliteus muscle and coronary ligaments
____ 9. Which structure acts as a knee stabilizer by limiting posterior tibial translation?
a. Anterior cruciate ligament c. Gastrocnemius muscle
b. Hamstring muscle d. Lateral collateral ligament
____ 10. Which structural change will lead to a larger Q-angle at the patellofemoral joint?
a. Coxa valga
b. Tight vastus medialis muscle
c. Femoral retroversion with tibial internal rotation
d. Femoral anteversion with tibial external rotation
____ 11. While playing volleyball, a person rolled onto the inside of his ankle causing a large valgus force. Which
ligament was most likely injured during this motion?
a. Anterior talofibular c. Deltoid
b. Bifurcate d. Long plantar
____ 12. During pronation at the subtalar joint, the axes of the transverse tarsal (midtarsal) joints become
____________________, resulting in greater ____________________ of the foot during gait.
a. convergent, mobility c. parallel, mobility
b. convergent, stability d. parallel, stability
____ 13. During non-weightbearing supination of the foot, the calcaneus ____________________ on the talus.
a. inverts and adducts c. everts and abducts
b. inverts and abducts d. everts and adducts
____ 14. During closed chain pronation of the foot, the distal tibia will ____________________ causing
____________________ at the knee.
a. laterally rotate, extension c. medially rotate, extension
b. laterally rotate, flexion d. medially rotate, flexion
____ 15. The arch of the foot is elevated by ____________________ of the metatarsal-phalangeal joint which causes
the plantar aponeurosis to ____________________.
a. extension, loosen c. flexion, loosen
b. extension, tighten d. flexion, tighten

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