What's Important?: Good Bad

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5. What’s important?

Good Bad

Early Late

Right wrong


Easy difficult
Beautiful ugly

Fast Slow

New Old

Cheap Expensive

Young Old



A. Match the adjectives to pictures A – N

1 new old
2 good bad
3 cheap expensive
4 beautiful ugly
5 easy difficult
6 big small
7 early late
8 fast slow
9 young old
10 right wrong
11 nice
12 great
13 important
14 favourite
B. READ AND LISTEN TO Alan and his grandmother, Mary. What things are important to each

It´s not fast car
It´s got all my frieds´ number
It has got
I haven´t got laptop

I´ve got an old computer

I´ve got a big TV

An expensive watch
A new bicycle
A diary
A beautiful cat

C. Look at the table and guess which things Alan and Mary have got. Put a ( ) or a
cross (x) in the guess columns.

Alan Mary
PRODUCT Guess Answer guess answer
Laptop  I haven´t got a  Yes, she has
Camera  Alan hasn´t  Mary´s got a
got camera. camera.
MP3 player  Alan´s got a  Mary´s hasn’t
MP3 player. got a MP3 player
Radio  Alan hasn´t  Mary´s got a
got radio. radio.
DVD player  Alan´s got a  Mary´s got a
DVD player. DVD player.

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