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“ The Only Absolute Way Left For Little Guy To Get Rich On

Exclusive interview with 7 Top Net Marketers Spilling their Guts,

Revealing Absolute Truth about doing business on Internet.

Plus Success Stories and Super Marketing tips.

Lateef Olajide

You are free to distribute this book online. Send it to your friend or subscribers as it is.


You can make money with this report.

To get customization & rebrandable right to this book so you can make money from
about 10 potential affiliate product inside email –
© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 1

My Top Mentors and Marketing Partners

Jim F Straw: -

Paulette Ensign: -http://
Bryan Kumar: -
Jodi Han: http://
Anne Ahira: http://
Denise Ryder: -
Bill Hibber: -
Milana Leshinsky: -
Jason Mangrum: -
Graham Hammer:
Maida Martillano: -
Mike G.: -

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 2

Anne Ahira: http://


Hi, I'm Anne. I'm 24 years old and live in Indonesia. I worked hard in lower school
and was awarded a full scholarship by the government. I graduated from University in
only two and half years, and at the head of my class.

I'm fluent in 8 languages. You'd think I'd be able to get a pretty good job, wouldn't you?

Well, here in my country, the best job I could expect to get was as a teacher. I was paid
the 'whopping' sum of $250 a month. I knew I could do better than this. When I became
ill, ended up in the hospital and lost my job, it was just the push I needed to get me
going in a new direction.

This was at the end of 2001 and this was when I started my very first online business.
I had no idea what I was doing.

I was a complete 'newbie'! I didn’t know anything about hosting, HTML, pop ups, or
any of the many other so important things about running an online business.

I went through a stage when I was very frustrated and thought that only "big dogs" had
the REAL secrets to achieving online wealth! Not to mention the fact that my friends
and family laughed at me.

I come from a very small town, so small in fact that I have the only internet connection
in my town! No one understood what I was trying to accomplish with this 'computer
thing'. But I never quit! I kept searching and searching hoping to find THE right
information and tools to help me be successful online.

After a lot of trial and error I finally did it! I'm now a fulltime internet marketer and this is
a dream come true for me! I can make more money in a month than most people
in my country do in a year.

I can work anytime I want, and vacation whenever, wherever I want! I have friends
and business associates all over the world! ... Not bad for a
little girl from a poor farming town!

If you'll let me, I’d love to share with you some "basic" yet very crucial tips that will
help you to create the kind of online success you've been dreaming about.
© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 3

1. Mental attitude

Every Human Achievement began as a single thought. You and you alone have the
power to decide what you want from life and to make your dreams come true. To put it
another way, you not only choose your destiny, you choose your reality!

Do you want to be a success online? Then make that part of your reality! Believe in
your thoughts! You can’t 'kinda, sorta', want to make money online. You have to really
want it AND be really persistent!

There are going to be times when your dreams are just not coming together the way
you had hoped- your plans aren't working, your ads aren’t pulling, your product isn’t
right. DON'T QUIT! This is only a temporary condition!

The Internet is not a get rich quick scheme. It just doesn't work that way. It takes
times and it takes work. But all the key elements of success are already inside of you!
Remember, If you can dream it, if you can imagine it, if you can believe it, you can
achieve it!

If you have the right mindset, if you have your goals in place, you are already ahead
of 90% of the people online!

2. Know your computer!

What is the one thing, literally, standing in the way between you and online
success? Your Computer!

The internet today offers fantastic opportunities for the average person but very often
people have a problem with one key aspect… their computer! They have limited
knowledge of basic computer skills. They see the opportunity, but they don't know
how to make things happen.

There are so many questions about computer operations that you really need to know!
How do you create a website? What does upload mean? How can I install CGI Script?

It is absolutely imperative that you understand the basic knowledge about your
computer! Don't try to start an online business without having a solid grasp of computer
fundamentals. It is like trying to start a car with no gasoline. You're not going to get
very far!

Your computer is the gateway to wealth and prosperity. To find success in

Network Marketing take the time to learn the skills and techniques needed.

So, those are two basic yet very important elements for your success online;
your thoughts and your computer knowledge!

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 4

Hope my experiences and tips for success will inspire you!

To your success!

Anne Ahira

Editor The BEST Affiliate Newsletter

Author of #1 ‘Best’ FREE Money Making Mentoring Program

Founder The Elite Team Asia

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 5



Update From Jim F Straw


Over the years, I have written well over 300 books, booklets, articles, reports, manuals
and courses about making money and doing business - but - unlike my contemporaries,
I have only written about things I have actually done SUCCESSFULLY.

Until mid-year last year, I only sold MY information products to MY e-

Letter subscribers.

I thought, because my readers bought information about Home Based Businesses,

Stock Market Investing, Finder's Fees, Mailorder, Exporting & Real Estate Options,
they wouldn't buy information about Internet Marketing and other business subjects -
BUT - they do. -- As I had discovered, many, many years ago (but forgot; again) ... an
information buyer is an information buyer. -- SO

I signed-up as an affiliate for some info-products that I had read, reviewed and
found worthy ... "real" good stuff; not the majority of crap.

Guess what? -- Within 3 months, I was making a few thousand extra dollars each week
in affiliate commissions.

Over the past five years ... just as you probably have ... I've downloaded just about every
FREE report, eBook, manual and course I could find about making money on the
Internet - plus - I've
bought upwards of $10,000 worth of the same stuff ... ranging in price from $9.97 to
$997. (Don't ask me why, for some strange reason the Internet Marketers seem to
find some kind of numerological magic in ending their prices with '97.')

Even with all that information in hand ... I still had to figure out how to put it all
together for myself!

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 6

ALL of them were right ... ALL of them were wrong.

For the past couple years, whenever anyone asked me when I was going to write
something about doing business on the Internet, my answer has been ...

"When I have done it SUCCESSFULLY."

Now, I've done it and so can you.

There is absolutely no reason in the world why you can't do the same! -- And ... it
doesn't matter whether you are selling information products or fishing equipment, you
can make your Internet fortune as an Affiliate Marketer.

I've only been doing affiliate marketing for about 8 months and my "annualized"
revenue is already well into the six-figures.

There is absolutely no reason in the world why you can't do the same!

Learn all about my Affiliate Marketintg course at:

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 7

Main Interview With Super Specific Infopreneur

Jim F. Straw

Lateef: Can You tell us about your business background?

Jim: The eldest son of farmer/aircraft worker, born in Oklahoma and reared on farm on
Oklahoma, Missouri, and Kansas, I began my career in business at the age of nine;
when I sold my first cans of Cloverleaf Salve and copies of Girt” newspaper. Even at
that early age, I had the unique talent of recognizing an opportunity implementing a
plan, and making a profit.

My career has progressed through direct selling, services contracting, wholesales

merchandising, entertainment (I was a professional trumpet player, vocalist & radio
announcer), freight forwarding, import/export. Retail merchandising, warehousing,
real estate, electronic manufacturing, finders fees, closeout merchandising, financial
brokerage, business consulting, steel fabrication, gold & cool mining, offshore
banking, mail-order writing, and publishing.

Over the past 30 years, I have written well over 300 books, booklets, manuals, reports,
courses and article about doing business-all based on my own personal hands on
experience. My writing is specific method. Technique and approaches to doing
business that anyone can use to start or expand their business.

As a mail-order marketer with over 700,000 customers worldwide… I have sold over two
hundred & fifty million dollars ($250,000,000) worth of product and service by mail.
Everything from beauty suppliers to heavy equipment… Burglar Alarms to sleeping bags….
Fishing Lures to Women’s’ wig. …Automobile to wheelchairs. Investment opportunity to
seafood…consulting services to “How To” courses… All by mail order.

Lateef: As a person on Internet, how did you get started?

Jim: I set up web site in September 1999, for (really) only one reason… More and more
of my mail order customers where asking where they could find my product on Internet.
I set up the site to give them a place to find (and buy) the stuff they were already buying
by mail.

Since I mail thousands upon thousands of mail order solicitations each month, I put my
web site information on each order coupon, so people could come to my site to buy.

At the same time, I ran announcement in my paper & ink newsletter advising my
reader that they could now find us on the Internet… I even ran ads in the wall street
journal:” Business Investor’s Daily” Wall Reports” and other.

In January 2000, my website became profitable…. I continued my testing.. By

June 2000,my website was responsible for 12% of my gross revenue.

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 8

From June 2000, through June 2001, my Internet revenue grew steadily; jump… not even
when I started out affiliate program in January 2001… Just as steady growth pattern.

I asked myself a question I had asked myself a thousand times in my mail-order

business…. Where are my customers coming from? So… I went back to day one
(September, 1999) and looked at EVERY order we had ever received from my website.
I looked at them all, one by one … it took days - but- when I had finished, I discovered
the real success.

After going through all of the orders ever produces from my website one-by- one I
discovered that. Eighty three percent (83%) of my site order had come from web site
visitors originated by mail order marketing campaigns… Not from my Internet
marketing efforts!

That’s right … all of my Internet Marketing, advertising affiliated program and article
writing produced a paltry 17% of my “buying customers. The other 83% come
directly from my mail order marketing campaigns with email follow-ups, of course.

Today, over 60% of my revenue comes from my email campaigns- but over 80% of
my online orders still come from my direct mail customer.

Lateef: How long have you been in business online:

Jim: Since September 1999.

Lateef: What online business are you involved with?

Jim: Selling the same info-products I have sold by mail order.

Lateef: What have been your major challenges/obstacles so far and how did you get
to learn what it takes to succeed?

Jim: After setting up my website, I said to myself, you now have website, which is
supposed to revolutionize mail order marketing, so why not do some marketing to see
if you can make some of those big bucks everybody is talking about.

To that end, I followed all the advice from each and every one of the Internet gurus I
could find: - Guess what? - The internet marketing b.s is even more pervasive that the
mail order b.s - it didn’t take me long to figure out that most of those who were making
a fortune on the internet were making their fortunes by selling information about “how
to make money on the internet”

As in mailorder, all of the gurus were right but all of the gurus were wrong too. Each of
them can teach you what they have done. In their specific field; with their specific
products or service; to their specific customer list. But they cannot tell you what you
need to do to sell your specific product or service: - you have to learn that for yourself.

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 9

Since I didn’t have a how to money on the Internet product to sell, I began testing,
testing testing and testing some more to find methods that would work for me.

Those things that didn’t work where discarded. The things that worked were
enhanced and multiplied.

Just as I have always done in my mail order business, I slowly, but steadily, built a
stable method/techniques and media that work for me and just did it over and over
multiplying my profit. And even when I seemed to have a full stable, I continued my
testing to continue adding methods, techniques and media that work for me.

Testing is what separates the winners from the wannabes in the mail order business and,
now, the Internet marketing business. but , you gotta do it.. You can’t just use your
tracking methods once and forget it. You have to drop it with every method; techniques
and medium you are … keep good record. Watch every indicator leave nothing chance.

Lateef: What specific types of online marketing tools are you suing successfully and
what have been your best result (income) using tools online?

Jim: My most successful Internet marketing tools is just as it is in mail order

frequent emailing to my own in house email customer list.

Lateef: Did you believe in these 4 words as the basic online success formula?



And can you explain briefly on each in relation to online marketing?

Jim: No I do not. Marketing of any king is not simple - It is just as much as science.
Ain’t anything simple about it and anyone who tells it is either a liar.

You can’t begin to leverage anything until you find at least one \(just one) method or
application that really works for you, your product or service, and method by doing
more and more of the same thing… to bigger and bigger audience.

Before you automate anything you have to be sure that what you are automating won’t
take away from you the ability to stay on top of what is happening in you business. All
too many people automate their business before they even have a business and because
it is automated, they have no way of telling where they are making money and where
they are loosing money.

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 10

Zero times Zero is still zero- if you don’t have a winner, why would you want to
multiply your dismal results?

When you have a proven success, then (and only then) can you multiply you efforts
by employing dealers, distributors, or affiliates.

Lateef: have you always envisioned yourself doing what you are doing now and what
did you want to be when you grew up?

Jim: when I was a kid. growing on the farm… I wanted to find a way to make life for
myself and other people. I fulfilled that desire by finding products and service I could
sell to other people to make their lives easier or better - I made their lives easier and
better and, by so doing made life easier and better too.

AS I have done things during my lifetime, I have kept notes of what I have done and
how I have done it… What the thing that didn’t work. Then about 30 years ago I found
out that people would pay real money to learn what I had learned the hard way, so I
began writing about my success and, in some case my failures.

I set up a company to sell my writings and went ahead doing other business succeeding
in some and filing in some… and writing about what I had done. My writing; since they
were from “personal “experience. Not research, gave me a worldwide following of other
business people who wanted to know how to do some of the things have done.

Today I mostly write about the things I have done - But I am always ready to take on
the next real opportunity when it comes my way.

Hey … I haven’t grown up, yet. I just got older.

Lateef: What is your least favorite part of running your own business and your
favorite part?

Jim: My least favorite task is writing … I hate it. I would much rather be doing than
writing about it - but- I have made it my objective to tell the truth about making money
to those who are constantly bombarded by the b.s put out by people who have never
done it. The truth may sometimes be bard to swallow but it is always the truth.

Of all the things I have done being able to answer business questions for those who
are serious about really doing business is most enjoyable.

Lateef: What important advice or tips would you give to a new online business owner?

Jim: Quit looking for an easy way. - There isn’t one.

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 11

Visit www.businesslyceum for upto date business resources

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 12

Jodi Han: http://

Can you please tell us about your business background?

I began in mail order 25 years ago when I was 17yrs old. I had no successes as I did
all the wrong things i.e. using bad lists, bad sales letters and over saturated products.

Finally, I hit pay dirt in 1995. But after all the hours I put in writing down phone
messages from an 800#, typing addresses on envelopes, stamps, post office runs,
product delivery etc. The profits really werent worth it.

Then I discovered the Internet. By 1997 I discovered a hot new product called "Henna
Tattoos". So I made and sold Henna Tattoo Kits on the Internet with great success. By
this I mean I earn on average of $5,000 to $10,000 per month.

But global product delivery is a hassle. Then I created an information product called
the wealth guide. It exploded and the rest is history.

What online business are you into?

Currently I'm creator and web master of

This is a program where I teach others how to earn money with an email list. Bellow
I've provided a brief description of the member's web site:

Permission email program descriptions:

Out Permission Email Program reveals how to earn $60,000 a year with an opt-in
email list. We offer an instant opt-in email list starting at $85 for 500 subscribers to
$1750 for 10,000 subscribers.

List buyers are provided with a pre-written ezine that they can use to stay in touch
with their email list, access to broadcasting software and autoresponders, plus access
to high demand digital products with proven ads for resell online.

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 13

To joining our email list program you must purchase our minimum priced email list
at $85. As a member you can resell our opt-in email list service and earn up to $125
per email list sale.

What have been your major challenges so far?

Training several thousands people how to earn money online. It's a challenge and I get
a real kick out of it. Especially when I get emails like,” Thank you so much for your
help and information Jodi. Because of you I was able to put my kids through college"

How did you overcome them?

I teach lots of people how to earn money online with an email lists. As members of
my program, they get to use my pre-written newsletter and my products and ads.

I overcome the challenge of helping a large group of people by staying in constant

contact with my members by phone, email and online chats. I try and get to know
as many members as I can and stay in touch.

How did you learn what it takes to succeed?

Trial and error. You must study every new product that comes along. I learn so much
from what other people are doing. I order everything and study it all. The most
successful Internet marketers are always ordering others products, to seminar after
seminar, and study the information they provide.

Also, I talk to a lot of people online, from the members in my group to other
successful Internet marketer. I learn a lot from both.

In fact some of my biggest successes came from information given to me by newbies

in my group. In short, try everything and never, never, never, give up. Real success is
out there, but it generally comes after much trial and error.

What specific type of online tools are you using successfully online?

The best tool ever created is the autoresponder. This allows you to send follow up
letters to people’s email boxes by request. I find people read their email so all my sales
letters go out to peoples email boxes.

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 14

I never try and make a sale from a website unless they've read a sales letter sent to their
email after they have requested it. All my web site homepages are short website that
requested people send for my free report to learn more about what I offer. You see people
read their email but they skim over web sites.

Once they read about my product in their email, I put a link inside so they can then go
to another website to learn a little more and order.

I can't say it enough... never try and sell a product from a website at first. A website should
allow people to get the most interested info on what you have to offer, then direct them to
request more info from your autoresponder. See my website as an example at:

You should then send them a free report that really teaches them something and if
they want more, they can click on the link at the bottom of the report and get taken to
a website where they can order.

What as been your result using this tools?

My best month was $42,000. My average income is $30,000+ a month this is about
to double because of a technique I now use. I describe this powerful technique on
this website:

Did you believe in this four letter word “SLAM”?


1.Simplicity - It must be easy enough a 10 year old can understand.

2. Leverage - Joint venture with others. Invest time in getting others who are
successful to endorse your product.

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 15

3. Automation- Use autoresponders on all your websites. Don’t through up a huge

website and try and get someone to order your product.

Use a small website that points out the best part of your program then request that
more info is available if they send and email using your autoresponder.

4.Multiplication - Have an affiliate program. Let others sell your product on their
web sites.

Have you always envisioned yourself doing what you are doing now and what did
you want to be when you grew up?

I always envisioned myself being independently wealth. I don't feel I'm there yet but
I'm quite comfortable. I wanted to be a doctor ... I studied medicine for a year then I
realized they don't encourage creativity. Too many rules and regulations plus hospitals
depressed me.

What is your least favorite part of running your own business and what’s the
favorite part?

My least favorable part is the loads of emails I have to respond to. My favorite part
is sleeping in on rainy days.

What important advice or tips would you give to a new online business owner?

Order every product online along your interests and study it. Never stop studying
what others are doing and of course never, never, never, never, give up!

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 16

Meet Multi-Millionaire Booklet Publisher and marketer.

Paulette Ensign

Can you please tell us about your background?

My business background has been created by doing rather than by formal business
education. As a first-born, I have always been a trailblazer, starting many businesses
as early as childhood, continuing through to adulthood.

As a person on Internet, how did you get started?

I got started on the Internet because someone told me I could market my offline
business by being online. Marketing is something I have always been drawn to, so those
were the magic words that most appealed to me.

I started by reading and posting messages in some early forums on CompuServe. My

first real business activity on the Internet came in the form of a licensing agreement of a
booklet I wrote.

Someone in Italy posted a message =on a forum, introducing himself and his business.
I read it and contacted him by email, and we created a licensing agreement for him to
translate, edit, produce, market, and distribute my booklet in Italy. That happened
=within the first three days I was ever online, and it's grown from there. That came
from paying attention =and by being proactive.

How long have you been in business online?

Since August 1994, to be exact.

What Online Business are you involved with?

My main business is called Tips Products International, which is at we work with individuals and groups to transform their
knowledge into tips booklets to use for marketing, motivating, and making money.

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 17

What have been your major challenges/obstacles so far?

The biggest challenge is to find the most effective way o approach people online and
to stay in touch with them t the most ideal frequency.

How did you overcome them?

The best way I have found to approach people online is o sometimes pick up the
phone and call them, no matter here they live in the world.

They are usually so surprised by the fact I took that personal initiative that they are
often =more receptive to whatever I have to say to them. The issue of =ideal frequency
is still something I continue testing.

How did you learn what it takes to succeed?

Reading and talking and observing others are a good start. Then I see what pieces of
who they are and what they do best my business and my personality.

It's been a big composite of many life experiences and observations, starting in
childhood, with my Russian-born grandfather’s model of making it in the United
States. He persisted in ways that will always guide me in whatever I do.

What specific types of online marketing tools are you using successfully?

Posting on discussion boards and distributing articles in other people's ezines are two
of the pro-active online marketing tools I use.

I also keep an eye out online for promotional opportunities such as being a guest at
someone’s teleclass, or contributing to someone's book, or being interviewed like
I’m doing here!

Those opportunities are all over the place once you look for them.
There are also lots of opportunities found in reading people's
ezines. When someone makes an announcement about a trend, or a new business
activity, or a new product, I often see that as an opportunity to approach someone to
create business together in some way.

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 18

I created an ebooklet catalog =on my web site to sell other people's booklets, in
addition to the other hard copy and electronic products and services.

That has been a big source of offline sales of products and services as well.

What has been your best result(income) using this tools online?

One of the best results came from posting at someone's discussion board before I had
one on my own site. The result was that I got invited to speak in England at a Super
Conference, all expenses paid plus sales from my products sold.

This experience opened up an entire new and ever-growing distribution channel of

clients in the UK and Europe. Many things have come as a result of that first trip there,
generating substantial revenue.

Additionally, the ebooklet catalog, and personally being an internet presence for almost
a decade have attracted international interest for the products and services at the web
site. The back-end sales have also been substantial.

Did you believe in these 4 words as the basics online success formula-SLAM?





Can you explain briefly on each in relation to online marketing? And how you use
any of them?

Yes, these words are most important with any successful marketing, especially
online marketing.

1.Simplicity - the website must be simple to navigate or people will leave. That's just
how it is. Simplicity makes a site or an email or a discussion board post approachable to
the reader, leaving them feeling good about what you offer and who you are. They want
more of that and vote with their checkbook.

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 19

My site was recently =overhauled for the first time in a number
of years. It now has a huge amount of information and products on it, yet is very =well
organized and simple to navigate.

2.Leverage - this has been the key to my own efforts. I have written one tips booklet
and leveraged it many, many ways. One single manuscript has been produced in 3
different languages,
sold in customized versions to many different corporations, recorded as a 2-tape audio
program, licensed into other proprietary formats, and sold as a downloadable ebooklet.

The tips have been excerpted into articles, to use for marketing. The model of the
booklet has been =taught to thousands of people
Worldwide who have created their own =booklet based on the model.

3.Automation - creating the e-booklet catalog is the most glowing

example of automation in my business, along with taking credit card transactions
for other products in 'real time.' Automation allows for a truly worldwide client
base, responding to people at any time of day or night, in any time zone.

Their orders can be processed at whatever time is most convenient for them. With
digital products, they receive their order immediately. With hard copy products, the
order is filled during the next regular business day, with no further delay. Another form
of automation is the discussion board. It runs itself, with the one exception of a person
having to remove any inappropriate messages.

4.Multiplication - the greatest example of multiplication has been in sharing

information that I have learned and blending it with what others have learned, so that
everyone benefits. Multiplying the successes makes it all easier for everyone.

Have you always envisioned yourself doing what you are doing now?

This business was never on my radar. It showed up and has =grown bit by bit (or byte
by byte!) over time. This is now my third
career as an adult. I may have a couple more in me, I think.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

I'd always wanted to be a teacher of string instruments =in public schools. That was,
in fact, my first career for =a dozen years. It is also the last time (now 20 years ago) I
was employed by someone other than myself.

What is your least favorite part of running your own business?

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 20

The paperwork is the least favorite part of running my own business.

Your favorite part?

The all-time most favorite part of running my business is the freedom. I can have an
idea in the shower and have it implemented by noon. I can shape my own work time
however it works best for me. I can reinvent myself when and, as I want to. I can create
alliances with people without having a payroll.

What important advice or tips would you give to a new online business owner?

Stay alert to opportunities. They are there, sometimes in disguise and sometimes
blatantly. They are always there for the looking. Follow up with people.

One of the biggest and most unnecessary pitfalls any business owner can have is to
not follow up with people who are interested in what is available.

Give good customer service to those who are interested in your products and
services, whether they spend $5.00 or $500,000 with you. You never know what their
next purchase will be, or whom they will tell about you and your business.

Ask for what you want. Sometimes you will get it.
Be willing to reinvent yourself, and to cut your losses.

Be open to possibilities at every turn.


Paulette Ensign

"We help individuals and organizations transform their knowledge into tips
booklets for marketing, motivating, and making money."

Tips Products International

12675 Camino Mira Del Mar, #179 * San Diego, CA 91230

Voice: 858-481-0890 * fax 858-793-0880

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 21

Visit Booklets Discussion Board and E-BOOKLET CATALOG.


© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 22

Bill Hibber Reveals It All!

I’m a marketing fanatic. I love studying marketing, especially Internet marketing. I've
been making my living full-time online for one year. I have a number of websites but
my main site is

Lateef: Can we know about your business background?

Bill Hibbler: My background is in the music industry. I started out

selling vintage guitars to the big name bands that would travel through Houston in
the mid-70's. This started when I was about 15.

Over a 25 year period, I wore a lot of hats. I was a guitar tech, soundman, stage
manager, DJ, club manager, booking agent, driver, road manager, record label owner,
publisher and artist manager.

A lot of this was on a local level but I was the tour manager for the British band
Humble Pie in the early 80's. Later, in the mid 90's, I managed former Deep, Purple
singer Glenn Hughes.

Lateef: How long have you been on internet and what is your area of expertise?

Bill Hibbler: I've been online since around 1990. Early on it was logging on to BBS
systems and then I did a lot of networking on CompuServe. When I worked with
Glenn Hughes, we had an ezine and the label had a web page, Glenn did online chats
with fans but we weren't actually selling anything online then.

In `98, I was teaching a weekend music business seminar and that's when I started
researching putting up my own website. I wanted to sell a recorded version of the
seminar online.

I started out doing things on EBay. I discovered Jay Abraham along the way and that
led to me discovering Corey Rudl. I loved Corey's course and his ideas about
automating your website. I promptly went out and bought everything here commended.
And that turned out to be a mistake.

I used the web designer he recommended, the credit card merchant, Mailloop,
AssocTrac, Ebook pro, the works. Along the way I made some discoveries. First, I found
a way to buy all these products for a significant discount. Second, I discovered that some
of these products and services weren't what I needed at all.

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 23

The web designer couldn't get all the programs to work together in the way I wanted.
And I started to find better programs and services for significantly less money. And one
day it occurred to me that what I'd learned along the way could save people a lot of
money and time.

And that's how the Rudl Report got started. I sat down one afternoon and wrote a sales
letter. Mind you, I hadn't written the report yet. I put the sales letter up on Ebay with a
buy it now offer. I went out for a drive around the lake near my home. When I got back,
I had three sales!

So I sat down that night, wrote the Rudl Report, edited it the next morning and sent them
to my new customers. I used eBay to test headlines, prices, etc. Then I put up and it's been selling well ever since. I update it about once every 6 to 8

Lateef: What has been your best result?

Bill Hibbler: I'd have to say The Rudl Report. My first ebook is an entertainment
related thing that sells for $49.95. It brings in more gross sales than The Rudl Report
but it doesn't have a back end. The Rudl Report generates income from affiliate links;
reprint rights products and other services.

I think the key to success with it has been that even though there are commissions
involved, my readers trust me enough to know that I won't recommend something
unless I've bought and used it myself. There are one or two exceptions but I'll tell the
readers that up front.

Assuming you wake up tomorrow a common man, poor, short of ideas, and even in
debt, how will you manage your way out of the financial mess using power of Internet?

Actually, I don't have to imagine it, I was in pretty dire straits not that long ago. When
I left the music business, I started working with a friend of mine running an executive
sedan service in Houston. We were doing the marketing, booking reservations,
coordinating drivers and driving ourselves. The company started in April of 2001.

We had a small fleet of Lincoln Town cars and the core of our business was
driving corporate execs to and from the airport. It's a 24 hour, 7 day a week high-
overhead business that's very dependent on cash flow.

And 9/11 ended it for me. I certainly didn't face any kind

of tragedy like the people directly involved and their families but it did kill the business.
You may recall that all air travel was suspended for over a week and when it resumed
there were very few passengers. Companies were very reluctant to ask their employees
to start flying again.

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 24

I had a ton of credit card debt and suddenly was out of work
and didn't have a car since I'd been driving a leased Lincoln that I had to turn in.

I already had my first website up by then and was pulling in a few hundred dollars a
month selling things on Ebay. I also had some residual monthly income coming in from
another business so I could put food on the table and keep the utilities on. I'd always
paid my bills on time but now the credit card companies were calling every day. I
needed to come up with a plan fast.

The first thing I did was pick up my copy of Joe Vitale's Spiritual Marketing and
started doing the exercises Joe suggests. And that had an immediate impact. A friend
called out of the blue and when I explained my situation.

She had a company car and offered to lend me her personal car since she wasn't
driving it. A guy I'd met on Ebay called to hire me to write a sales letter and some
follow-up emails for his new website. And there were other similar calls that helped
me keep some money coming in while I developed a plan.

I decided that this was the time to go for it online. I knew I wanted to work for myself
and I knew I didn't want to have employees. Despite the rough economy, I put my
house on the

market and managed to sell it for far more than anyone expected. I paid off my debts,
bought a car and moved to a little town in the Texas Hill country called Wimberley.

It wasn't long after I arrived here that I came up with the idea for the Rudl Report. I
also got to know one of my new neighbors Joe Vitale and he's been a big inspiration. I
also have to mention that I ended up getting hired to re-write some copy for a website
in Russia. The Russian company assigned one of their employees, Elena, that's fluent in

English to be my liaison. We ended up collaborating on

more than the website, Elena and I are now happily married!
Essentially, all I've done online is find niches and sell that information. For my
music business project, I offered a free autoresponder course and used that to
establish my credibility. And I got great testimonials, too.

With the Rudl Report, rather than establishing myself with an ezine or free report, I
went with a low cost product ($9.95) that people were willing to take a chance on.

Another thing I did there was to start on Ebay. See, anyone can come up with testimonials
but on Ebay, there's no way to leave out the bad ones. Even on my website, I include a link
to my eBay feedback page so people can read what every buyer has to say.

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 25

Once the Rudl Report was complete, I had two streams of income and started to build
on that. I have a few small affiliate related sites that provide a small but consistent
income and I continue to add to those all the time.

Lateef: What challenges have you faced as a home based business/net

marketing expert?

Bill Hibbler: Some of that I've already mentioned. Learning to distinguish between the
good and the bad products out there. And learning where to go to get help when I need it.

I paid Corey Rudl's guy almost $2,000 for my first website. The site that I replaced that
one with cost me $100. And it sells a lot more product. Same thing for
I spent $100 to have a header graphic and ebook cover done. I did the HTML myself.
It's not that hard to learn the basics.

The biggest challenge for me was taking the next step after I had a product that was
brining in a few hundred dollars a month. I found the answer with Armand Morin.

Armand was a guy that I was somewhat familiar with because I used and
recommended some of his products. In November of 2002, Armand started promoting
an internet marketing seminar in Dallas called The Big Seminar.

Initially, I didn't plan on going; I didn't think it made sense financially. Armand was
offering a free teleseminar series, though, as part of his promotion efforts so I signed
up. And those calls were fantastic. I tuned in to almost all of them and got lots of great

I started applying some of what I was learning and saw an immediate impact on my
sales. I finally decided that I had to go to this seminar. Fortunately, Armand was
offering something that was unheard of; anyone that attended got resale rights to the
tapes of the seminar. I knew that if I could sell a few tape packages after the seminar, I
could recoup some or all of my expenses.

By the way, you can check out the audios from that seminar


The seminar was great and not just for what I learned from the speakers. I met a lot
of great people, some of which I've done some profitable joint ventures with. Also, I
was able to introduce Joe Vitale to Armand and now Joe's going to speak at the next
Big Seminar in San Francisco.

But that seminar was the turning point in my business. When I started listening in on
those calls, I went from making a four or five hundred a month online to breaking a
thousand a month. And since the seminar, it's over two thousand a month. And that
doesn't count the money I earn from working on other people's sites.

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 26

Now, two thousand dollars isn't a heck of a lot of money but that number is growing
every month. And one of the things I learned from those speakers at the Big Seminar
is that most of them started out in the same way I did. My progress is mirroring what
they experienced. And these are guys that are making at least $10,000 a month online
and in some case a lot more than that.

Right now, I've got two primary income streams and I'm about to add two more. My wife
has written a dessert recipe cookbook that I'm going to be marketing and I've got another
product on the way myself. Once the basic infrastructure is in place (web hosts, merchant
accounts, shopping cart, autoresponders, etc.), it's easy to add another income stream.
You don't have to start from scratch each time.

Lateef: What is your advice for a newbie that knows little or nothing about the
Internet whose goal is making money online?

Bill Hibbler: The first thing I suggest you do is picking up one of the following
Internet Marketing courses:

1.) Marlon Sanders Amazing Formula

(<>). $69. This is a comprehensive

course that will give you a solid foundation in marketing online. The course comes is
delivered electronically so you'll have to either read it on your computer or print it out.

2.) Corey Rudl's Insider Secrets course

( $197. This is the biggest of

the bunch and probably the most well-known. My book the Rudl Report will show you
how to get a $65 discount but it's still a bit pricey. On the other hand, it will pay for
itself very quickly if you apply what you learn.

3.) Terry Dean's Internet X-Factor. $37.

( Although not as extensive as Marlon or Corey's

courses, this is a great place to start if you're not sure if you want to start an online
business or not. Terry gives you a very workable plan, he just doesn't provide as many
examples of sales letters and things as Corey does or get quite as technical as Marlon.

4.) Ken Evoy's Make Your Site Sell 2002.

( $29.95 Evoy's course is huge! In addition to

selling your own products and services online, he explores making money with other
people's affiliate programs in more depth than the other marketer's mentioned here.

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 27

He has a certain format to his books that I personally don't care for. In my mind, he
wastes a lot of time and space on cheesy little clipart which you'll see throughout
the book.

But don't get me wrong; there is a lot of great information here.

So, we've talked about four different courses. Here's where I think a lot of newbies
drop the ball. They order a course, scan it and get drawn to all the little tools like
autoresponders, affiliate systems, ad trackers, website stats programs and so on rather
than taking the initial steps suggested in all these courses of finding a hungry market,
seeing what their problems are and selling solutions.

Or they make the mistake of going into the thing with a product in mind without first
seeing if there's a market for it. That's a common mistake and one I made myself
going in. And knowing that there's a need for your product isn't enough. Needing it
isn't enough; they've got to WANT it. And be willing to pay for it.

But if you take the time to follow the steps suggested in these courses on research,
you'll fare much better. Worry about getting all the bells and whistles after you've done
everything else.

I spend a lot time on Internet marketing forums. And I see so many newbies that want
to believe so bad in the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Every day, they're online
asking 'what do you think about this new multi-level marketing plan everyone's talking
about?’ Or 'I read about that you can make a lot money processing refunds, or doing
medical billing or selling nutritional supplements, etc.'

Sorry but I think that sort of thing is just a load of garbage. There may be a couple of
exceptions but I think you either need your own product, a product that you collaborate
on with someone else or a unique way to package someone else's product.

I don't think you get rich quickly online. You get rich slowly. You build a list
of customers that trust you. Some people say if you can build a list of 10,000
loyal customers, you'll be set for life. I think there's a lot of truth to that.

You're not going to build a list like that by putting up a website given to you by some
program you joined that has five thousand people online with the exact same site. So
give up the get-rich-quick schemes, do your homework and lay a solid foundation for
yourself online.

Yesterday, I drove over to Austin to take my wife to do our grocery shopping. When I got
home, I discovered I'd make $165 in sales while we were gone. That's a great feeling and
it happens all the time.

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 28

It can happen to you, too, if you're willing to do the work. Do the basics, learn from
your mistakes and watch as your online business grows and grows. You'll see the
rewards before long.

Lateef: If I had no money to invest, I'd get some.

Bill Hibbler: Seriously, Lateef, while the 'what would you do if you had no money and
had to start all over again' subject makes for interesting conversation, I don't think
people should be going into business with absolutely nothing to spend.

I'd either get an extra job to raise some money or I I'd go around my house and put together
a list of things I could sell on Ebay. CD's, books, clothes, stereo equipment, etc.

I'd specify Paypal only for those auctions so that I could get money as quick as possible.

Even if I could only raise $200, that would be enough to get me started. First, I'd buy
Terry Dean's X-Factor and study it carefully.

I'd follow Terry's instructions for researching my market for a topic for an ebook.
Total Spent: $37.

Next, I'd go to and pick up the free Good Keywords

software. I'd search for relevant words and phrases to my ebook topic. I'd pick the best
keyword or phrase I could find and see if it is available as a domain name. I'd also
compile a list of as many relevant keywords as I could find using the keyword software.
I'll be using that list of keywords and phrases later. Total Spent: $37.

After carefully selecting my domain name, I'd register it at for $8.95.
Total Spent: $45.95.

If I didn't already have an ebook compiler, I could write my ebook in Word and convert
it to a PDF using Adobe's free online trial of their PDF conversion service. I would also
write a short free report based on my ebook topic that I can give away on my site when
people join my mailing list. Total Spent: $45.95.

Next, I'd use my HTML editor to create my website. If I didn't have an HTML editor,
I'd pick up a copy of Instant Site Maker for $34.97:

With ISM, you can produce your text in Word (or any word processor), paste it into the
program and it creates a sales letter page plus a thank you/download page. It works
especially well with Click bank. Total Spent: $80.92.

I would create an ebook cover graphic using the free 30-day trial version of Real
Draw Pro Spent: $80.92

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 29

I would open a hosting account at Host 4 Profit ( for $24.95.

There are cheaper services out there but these guys are very reliable and if I want to
add more domains, it's only $5 per domain. Plus, they pay $10 monthly commissions.
Total Spent: $105.87.

Next, I'd sign up with One Shopping Cart. I can get order processing, autoresponders, ad
tracking, mailing list, affiliate program and more in one package that I can install on my
website simply by pasting in a link. I can use their pro package free for 30 days here: 30 days, I'll have made enough sales to

cover the payment for the second month. Total Spent: $105.87.

I can get a free account with Paypal initially to use with my cart then sign up with
a program like Paysystems or 2checkout later. Total Spent: $105.87.

Next, I'd sign up for Terry Dean's Netbreakthroughs: This is a $19.95 per month
membership site where you will learn everything you need to know about
advertising online plus how to setup your website, do joint ventures and more.

There are a ton of freebies included when you sign up but the best two features are the
Ad Diary and the Coaching section.

The weekly Ad Diary shows you actual results of various ad campaigns online. Terry
and some of his members show you which ads and traffic generation programs work
and which don't. This saves you a lot of time and money.

The coaching section is a user's forum where you can get your sales letter or website
reviewed, ask any questions about marketing and get advice from Terry as well as
many other expert marketers. It is well worth the money. Total Spent: $125.82

Next, I would go to Google Ad word

purchase keywords and phrases from the list I compiled earlier. I'd use Terry Dean's
guidelines for writing the ads and I'd use One Shopping Cart's ad tracking to assign a
unique URL for each keyword. Google will show me which keywords are generating
traffic but they don't tell me, which are actually generating sales. The tracking URL's
from One Shopping Cart will show me how many people are clicking on the link, how
many are joining my mailing list and how many are actually making a purchase. I
would budget $50 per month for Google.

Total Spent: $175.82.

After setting up Google Ad Words, I'd repeat the process at Personally, I
get much more traffic from Google but Overture is still useful for getting some sales.

I'd budget $25 per month with them to start. Total Spent: $200.82.

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 30

As I started to see traffic come in from Google and Overture, I'd pay close attention to
my ad tracking in One Shopping Cart. What I need to determine is my average value
per visitor. One Shopping Cart actually shows you this in its ad tracking reports.
Basically, you take your total sales and divide it by your total visitors.

Let's say you have a $25 product. Out of 100 visitors, you sold four products. Your total
sales are $100. Divide $100 by 100 visitors and your visitor value is $1. $1 is good.

What you now know is that you can afford to spend up to $1 to bring a new visitor to
your site. That tells you how much you can afford to bid for each keyword. If you
can find a good keyword for 25 cents per click that means your profit will be 75
cents per visitor.

Also, with a $1 visitor value, you'll be able to convince ezine owners to do a joint
venture with you. I'm not going to go into detail about how to do this because Terry
explains it in the X-Factor. But essentially, you're getting an ezine owner whose
publication is targeted to your particular market to run an ad for free in exchange for a
percentage of the profits. Usually, you offer them 50% plus a free copy of your product.

Joint ventures are easy to setup with 1shopping cart through the affiliate module. Even
if you have an affiliate program

That pays, say 30%, you can sign up your joint venture partner and 1 Shopping Cart
allows you to pay a higher percentage or fee to individual affiliates making it easy to
do joint ventures.

So, we spent a total of $200.82 setting things up. With this plan, your monthly
expenses are going as follows:

Hosting: $24.95

1shopping Cart: $69

Google Ad Words: $50

Overture: $25.00

Netbreakthroughs: $19.95

Total: $188.90 per month.

That means you need to sell about $200 worth of product to cover your expenses plus
any credit card or Paypal fees. If you've got a $25 ebook, that's 8 sales per month.
Everything over that goes in your pocket.

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 31

If you were in a pinch, you could go with a system like Clickbank to handle your orders
and affiliate program. You'd pay a one-time $49 setup fee with no monthly charge. But
if you plan to have more than one product, I'd go with the 1shopping cart plan. That way
all your automation is covered, you won't have to hire programmers to make everything
work and you can easily track everything you do.

We really just touched on a few promotion tactics here but you'll learn a lot more in
whichever course you choose. I used X-Factor here because of the tight budget but if
you can manage it, I'd get Marlon Sander's course, which will give you more details on
how to write your sales letter.

All the best,

Bill Hibbler

Save Big Bucks on Corey Rudl Products & More

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 32

Denise Ryder

Lateef: Denise Can you please tell us about your background?

Have been involve in the home business industry for about 10 years now (hey cool,
almost anniversary time, bring out the noise makers and the party hats!) I had just
retired from the Canadian Air Force and wanted to have a business of my own, just
didn't know in what. I had a friend of mine who was a graphic artist and together we
decided to start a business together.

That was when I found that my passion was in marketing. I started eating, breathing, and
talking marketing. Read everything I could get my hands on, took courses and
workshops and finally applied myself and got a Bachelor of Business Administration
Degree in Marketing Management.
As a person on Internet how did you get started?

I started with a business partner back in 1993, we had a Graphic Design and
Publishing Company back then, Micro Grafix Corporation. Actually we really started
out with "Advertising Take-Out." We had 11 video store rental locations and would
go around and sell advertising to the local merchants and place their ads on a sheet
that we would slip into the front of the video cassette boxes.
From there we expanded our graphic design business to include the experience that my
business partner had and that was in design and layout of newspapers, magazines and
we designed Corporate Logos
and "stuff."

We found that we couldn't compete with the "big guys" because financially we just
couldn't afford to advertise where they did. So we figured if we were having this
problem, there must be others like us. From there we set out to create the Alberta
Home Base
Business Directory which in a short period of time grew into a magazine, with it's
own trade show, workshops and seminars.

We took our publication to the internet back in, 1995. Way back when Bulletin
Boards were the "in thing" and I actually think that CompuServe was pretty new as
well. So, I have been involved with business online since then.

How long have you been doing business online?

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 33

Have personally been in business online since 1995.

What Online business are you involve in?

I am busy working on my own eBusiness, which involves being a Marketing Coach

where I help other business owners market their ebusiness, more effectively. My roots
are with the home business industry and I know there are many people out there who
really need help marketing their programs or home businesses, but can't afford a
Marketing Consultant. In most cases they don't even need a consultant, just basically a
Coach who they can talk to about tactics.

So, I work with them to set up a plan and from there they can proceed with putting it
into place. It is much more cost effective for them and of course they have someone who
they can bounce things off of. In addition to online marketing I also incorporate off line
marketing tactics as well I also publish my own eZine Profit Space in addition I have
two other products out on the cyber strip.
One is a weekly Marketing Brief that people can sign up for and use to build their
own opt-in list mailto:
The second tool is Around The Water Cooler and it is a business discussion forum
received via email for the purposes of sharing ideas, tips, concepts and offers, sort of
a cyber networking circle

I am also the Affiliate Manager for an Autoresponder Service. I also

publish an eZine, ProfitSpace and I am working on a few eCourses. I contribute to
the DEMC eMagazine and a few other newsletters on a regular basis.

What have been your major challenges?

I came from a background where I knew when I had to get up, what I was going to wear
and what I was even doing that day. My biggest challenge with being in business for
myself was just determining what I was supposed to do. I mean business doesn't come
to need to go out and snag it and that was a big hurdle for me.

Not knowing how to spread the word about my business was also a major challenge for
me. I was doing a lot of "on-the-job-training" when we first opened the doors...big, big
learning curve. Because of a huge learning curve you tend to get a little overwhelmed
and sometimes second-guess yourself, I went through that for a bit.
How did you overcome them?

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 34

Well with regards to the "routine" I sat down and made a routine for myself. It seems
primitive now when I look at it, but in my day-timer I blocked time off and detailed
what was going to be done in that time period. I made sure that the things I didn't like
to do, were done first so I could get them out of the way. I knew I had the discipline to
run a business...I just didn't have the routine so I just made one.

The "spreading the word," came by reading everything that I could about "How To" do
it. I mean let's face it, we are NOT the "knower of all" when it comes to business. The
things we are weak in, we either, find someone who can do that aspect for us, or we learn
how to do it by reading everything we can on the subject and applying what we have
learned. From there you gain experience and of course your own strategies and tactics as
a result.

How did you learn what it takes to succeed?

Just kept at it, yes there were times when I felt completely defeated and seriously
thought..."I just can't take it any longer." When those times hit I took an afternoon and
went golfing or just did something totally different. I found with that distraction that
ideas would come to me and when I got back at it the next day...all those feelings I
had the day prior where gone.
Having a business of your own is stressful, but it is a different kind of stress. Yes, there
are times when the wind is taken out of your sails and when those times hit, get away
from it...take a break. I have seen so many people who are so close to finally seeing
something good happen and they quit, that is so sad. If they had only just kept at it just
a bit longer they were have seen a fantastic end result.
The bottomline is that you need to be persistent and consistent. Don't give up. If one
approach doesn't work then just keep working at it, modify it and find the right's there, you just need to tap into it.

What specific type of online tools are you using successfully?

Writing articles, leveraging, participating in forums and in groups, just general

building of relationships through my newsletter, and referrals, viral marketing.

What has been your best result using this tools?

I would have to say through the writing of articles and getting them out there has
been the most successful for me.

Also leveraging myself through others has brought me some

great results.

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 35

Did you believe in the following letter words as basic tips to business success?


Hmmm, let me see. I agree with a few of them, but as a formula to become successful, no.
The most important aspect that is missing from that formula is the person themselves.

A system, no matter how simple it is will NOT work without

someone driving it. If that person's heart and dedication isn't in
it...then it doesn't matter how easy it is - it won't amount to "jack"

Can you explain on each and how you use them online?

Simplicity...hmmm. Ok, well, there are many people online who are trying to earn a
residual income that have no idea how to market. They understand that they have to do
it, and do a few things that their affiliate program suggests, however, when it doesn't
work, they fault the program itself. I realize that not everyone has the knowledge and I
use simplicity to explain the general concepts, tactics and how, when applied they can
bring success to them

Leverage is very important to a business, no matter if it is online or off. It is a KEY

marketing strategy and I use it all the time. It is one that many people don't seem to get;
I don't know maybe it is one of those "it is too simple so it must not work concepts." I
create eCourses, Reports and concepts that I "give" to others to use.
Through that "giving" I have now piggy-backed their marketing efforts as well. It
would cost me a fortune to market my "stuff" alone, however, through having many
others use my "stuff" then I am reaching many more people through their marketing
efforts. Again, it is a simple concept that EVERYONE no matter what affiliate program
or business you are in should be using.

With respect to automation, I can't live without it. It saves me a lot of time, in marketing
we refer to that as "opportunity cost." If I had to sit and physically answer the replies for
say one of my eCourses, then that means it is taking me away from doing something else
that needs to be done. Through automating as much as I can then my that time saved
towards other aspects that really do need me personally to look after. I encourage

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 36

everyone to look at their business and if there is something they can automate, like
using autoresponders then take the time and do it. It may cost a little time and effort
upfront, but once that autoresponder is pays off big time for you.

For me, multiplication and leverage are essentially one in the same.
Have you always envision yourself doing what you are doing presently and what did
you hope to be doing as you grow up?

I wanted to be a Doctor when I was very young. As I grew older I wanted to run my own
business but I just didn't know what kind of business that would be.

What is your favorite and least favorite part of running your own business?

Hmmm, as whacked as this may sound the least favorite part of running my own
business is not enough hours in the day, or actually if I were able to clone, I
could really produce the things that are still within me.
Marketing is my passion, so to be able to build a business around a passion; well there
is no better natural high than that. I love working with people, either through my
workshops, seminars through email, face-to-face, I like hearing what people are doing
and I like sitting and working through strategies and tactics with them. Then see their
expressions when they work ;o)

What advice will you give to a new business owner?

Be persistent and consistent. Don't be afraid to try tactics and give them a fair amount of
time to see if they work. If you are weak in a particular aspect then read everything you
can find on the subject and/or talk to others who do know something about it. Break out
of your "bubble" from time to time and take in a workshop/seminar. Get out and
network with
If you have an interest or something that you are really passionate about see if you can
build a business around that passion. It takes a lot of hard work to see your eBusiness
pay off, if you are in something that you don't like or are only in it for the money...then
you are going to grow to hate the business and then it will always seem daunting.
Whereas if you build on where your interests or passions are the hard work doesn't seem
so bad because it is going towards something you are passionate about.
Don't give up!!

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 37

Special Articles From Bryan Kumar

Your Passion!

You see…

Successful people don't have some magic formula...

They are just persistent S.O.B's ;-)

They keep charging forward no matter how many times they encounter failure.

This is why you must start with a burning desire. You must start with passion!
(Which brings us full circle...)

So, before you decide to pick a job, career or business to pursue, you must…

Find Your Passion!

If your goal is to become successful and wealthy, you can really speed up the process
by finding your passion and then doing it.

Many of us pick a job and/or career that we don't really enjoy. Our parents, piers, field
of study, income potential and so on affect our decisions. Very rarely do we pick a
career that we actually enjoy.

When we spend most of our days working on something that we don't really like, we
become off balance. In contrast, when we choose to do what we enjoy, we align
ourselves with the creative forces of our mind, and that of the universe. Things begin to
flow smoothly, without much friction.

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 38

Successful people are not only successful because they have the money, and the
freedom and time to enjoy it. The truly successful people are those who enjoy the work
they do. They have fun doing what they do to earn a living.

Moreover, successful people love doing what they do because it also fulfills them. It
gives them a sense of accomplishment, a sense of contribution, a sense of purpose.

It gives their lives meaning! They actually feel and know that they're making a
difference that they're contributing.

That's ultimate success!

Anyone can read a book on making money, force himself or herself to take massive
action and make a lot of money. But most people who do things this way realize that
they're not really happy. They discover that they hate their jobs and they hate waking
up every morning to go do what they don't enjoy. At the end of the day, if that work
doesn't mean much to them, they'll always feel a void in their lives.

Besides, if you have to wake up every morning dreading the work you have ahead of
you because you don't enjoy doing it, that's not success. That's a job!

It doesn't matter whether you're working for someone else or running your own
business. If you don't love what you're doing, if you don't have a passion for it, it will be
just another job to you.

Successful people go for a satisfying job, a satisfying career… from the get go! They
start right by choosing to a job or business that they're passionate about, that they loving

A successful life is a fulfilling life.

Do what you love and the money will follow.

Some people go for a career that pays the most. That is their only deciding criteria. It's
not the smart way to go. Many of these same people, after having the kind of money
that they want, find out that they're still not happy with their lives. Some of them decide
to change careers at that point and do what they enjoy more. Others simply stay where
they are and continue doing what they don't enjoy.

You don't have to do that. You can save time by simply starting with what you love
to do!

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 39

Successful people know that when they find something they really enjoy doing, the
money will follow. It's a natural law of life. You will need to start believing in this
same law, and trusting it.

When you love what you're doing, you will also often do a much better job than
someone who doesn't enjoy doing that work. As you can imagine, your product will turn
out to be much superior than the other person's. And everyone loves quality.

So, ask yourself another very important question...

“If I had all the money in the world and all the free time to enjoy it, what would I
be doing with my life?”

What career would you choose? How would you contribute? What is the one thing
that you enjoy doing the most? What are you most passionate about?

And don't say that you'll simply eat and sleep all day. As wonderful as that sounds,
you will eventually get bored and become unhappy. (Trust me, I've tried It. ;-)

Just look at all those rich and famous people that had all the money and fame but still
resorted to drugs or alcohol to try to feel good, to find happiness. That clearly shows
that money and free time are not enough!

You need to be doing something you're passionate about, something you enjoy and love.
Something that gives your life meaning and helps you to contribute. You need a purpose!

Find your passion and you will never work a day in your life!

Most of the fears and doubts you have that stops you from “just going for it” will
also fade away when you actually enjoy doing what you’re doing.

To your success!

Bryan Kumar

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 40

Find the Answers

Realize that you may not always have all the answers. Put ego and arrogance aside
and go look for help. Look for the people who are already successful at whatever it is
you want to be successful in. And learn from them.

Whatever it is that you want to do, there’s someone already out there doing
it successfully.

Find people who can show you the shortcuts. This will speed up the process. Plus,
they will often times save you a lot of headache and wasted time/effort by giving you
little gems that they learned along the way by making mistakes. So, you won't have to
make those same mistakes.

Take Action!

This is probably the most important step, and also one of the most ignored one.
Take what you learn and put it to use! Apply what you learn right away, take what
you have learned and turn them into "action steps."

Just reading about it, watching a video, or taking a class won't do it. You have to
actually do it to get results.

Without action, knowledge is just "useless information."

I don't care how great a course you buy or how great a coach/instructor you find, unless
you actually apply the information by “doing it”, you'll never get anywhere. Even with the
best training materials and coaches, there will be a "learning curve" to overcome.

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 41

The only way to overcome the learning curve is to use what you learn, to apply
it. Unfortunately, there's no shortcut around it.

For example, I can give you all the information on "how to drive a car"… all the dos
and don'ts… and all the "secrets" I've learned over the years as a driver. But… none of
it will be of any use to you… even if you read the information 100 times over.

Until you get into the driver's seat, turn the ignition and start driving around on a "real"
road, with "real" traffic signs and "real" drivers around you, you will never learn to
drive well. There are some things that you can only learn by ‘doing.’


Of course, it's always great to find the best teachers and coaches to emulate. It will
save you from making a lot of mistakes.

But… they can't save you from making all the mistakes. Some you'll have to make on
your own in order to move forward. It's like the "driving a car" example I gave above.

Sometimes, people don't take action because they are paralyzed with fear. They are
afraid of making mistakes… of failing… of looking silly in front of others.

What they should realize is that, sometimes, the only way to find the "right" way of
doing it is to "just start doing" and eliminate all the wrong ways of doing it till you get
to the right one. (Learn by doing, remember?)

There is no such thing as "failure." There are only "lessons" you learn as you walk along
the path to success. If something doesn't work out like you planned, don't beat yourself
up over it. Just learn from it and try again, and again, and again, till you find the "right
way" of doing it.

(And as far as "looking silly in front of others" is concerned, remember what I said
earlier. "Normal" people never become successful. It's the ones who are willing to
do things differently that make it. You have to be comfortable with being different
than others. Let's face it; over 95% of the populations are not successful. So, why
would you worry about looking bad in front of them! Forget about them and do
what the other 5% of the successful people are doing!)

Each time you make a mistake, you are one step closer to success!

Here's another article I wrote that would reveal the one real secret successful
people know that most others don't…

To your success!

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 42

Bryan Kumar

© copyright 2004 Lateef Olajide 43

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