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Name _____________________________________________________ Date ________________________________

Units 1-5 | Reading

1. Read the text. Select True or False.

The Democratization of Music?

The Internet has opened a big door in the evolution of our music experience.
Now, we discover and share new music every day. Things used to be different. In the old days,
spending hours listening to the radio or browsing music stores were the only ways to get to
know new music. Record companies had total control over what we heard and bought, and
only a few megastars made millions. These days, anybody can distribute their music for free
over the Internet. However, the same technology brings piracy of music and, according to the
record companies, a big drop in music sales. But are musicians losing money? In fact, most
artists— - around 75% - —actually benefit from file-sharing, according to a Harvard study. It
is true that an elite group of top artists have seen less sales, but many new artists have had the
opportunity to present themselves to the world and sell their music for the first time. Twenty
years ago, we used to pay for all our music, but today, a lot is available for free online. People
can discover new songs by listening to free music and this often helps sales. File-sharing sites
have become a place to shop for new music. If people like what they sample, they will
probably buy it. In fact, even the big record companies offer free downloads. With the Internet
an artist can reach a mass audience without a record company. We have seen many young
bands become successful in recent years without a record label. The power is moving away
from the big record companies and to the customer and individual artist: is this the
democratization of music?
    T F
1. The writer suggests that music has become more democratic for artists    
and the consumer.
2. People who listen to music for free never buy it after they listen.    
3. A few megastars have seen a decrease in music sales.    
4. Recent research shows that very few musicians benefit from file-sharing.    
5. The distribution of music in the past was limited by record companies.    

1 English ID Level 2  Richmond, 2018


2. Read the text. Match the people and the information.

The Democratization of Music?

The Internet has opened a big door in the evolution of our music experience.
Now, we discover and share new music every day. Things used to be different. In the old days,
spending hours listening to the radio or browsing music stores were the only ways to get to
know new music. Record companies had total control over what we heard and bought, and
only a few megastars made millions. These days, anybody can distribute their music for free
over the Internet. However, the same technology brings piracy of music and, according to the
record companies, a big drop in music sales. But are musicians losing money? In fact, most
artists— - around 75% - —actually benefit from file-sharing, according to a Harvard study. It
is true that an elite group of top artists have seen less sales, but many new artists have had the
opportunity to present themselves to the world and sell their music for the first time. Twenty
years ago, we used to pay for all our music, but today, a lot is available for free online. People
can discover new songs by listening to free music and this often helps sales. File-sharing sites
have become a place to shop for new music. If people like what they sample, they will
probably buy it. In fact, even the big record companies offer free downloads. With the Internet
an artist can reach a mass audience without a record company. We have seen many young
bands become successful in recent years without a record label. The power is moving away
from the big record companies and to the customer and individual artist: is this the
democratization of music?

1. record companies a. have less power

2. customers b. have created more new music

3. artists c. have more choice

4. megastars d. don't have to have record labels

to be successful

5. not mentioned e. have lost money

3. Read the text. Complete the sentences with the correct word.

The Democratization of Music?

The Internet has opened a big door in the evolution of our music experience.
Now, we discover and share new music every day. Things used to be different. In the old days,
spending hours listening to the radio or browsing music stores were the only ways to get to
2 English ID Level 2  Richmond, 2018

know new music. Record companies had total control over what we heard and bought, and
only a few megastars made millions. These days, anybody can distribute their music for free
over the Internet. However, the same technology brings piracy of music and, according to the
record companies, a big drop in music sales. But are musicians losing money? In fact, most
artists— - around 75% - —actually benefit from file-sharing, according to a Harvard study. It
is true that an elite group of top artists have seen less sales, but many new artists have had the
opportunity to present themselves to the world and sell their music for the first time. Twenty
years ago, we used to pay for all our music, but today, a lot is available for free online. People
can discover new songs by listening to free music and this often helps sales. File-sharing sites
have become a place to shop for new music. If people like what they sample, they will
probably buy it. In fact, even the big record companies offer free downloads. With the Internet
an artist can reach a mass audience without a record company. We have seen many young
bands become successful in recent years without a record label. The power is moving away
from the big record companies and to the customer and individual artist: is this the
democratization of music?
1. Free online ___________________ help to sell music.

2. Due to the Internet, a few ___________________ have lost music sales.

3. Record companies used to ___________________ what we bought.

4. People used to discover music on the radio or in ___________________.

5. Customers and musicians have more ___________________ today.

Units 1-5 | Listening

1. Listen to the speaker. Select True or False.

3 English ID Level 2  Richmond, 2018


    T F
1. Akamu is from Hawaii, but he lives in Las Vegas.    
2. Not many people in Hawaii speak the Hawaiian language.    
3. Akamu's grandmother taught him English.    
4. Akamu doesn't know Korean very well.    
5. Akamu thinks people should speak multiple languages in order to get a    
good job.
2. Listen to the speaker. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1. Akamu is from ...

a. Ohio.  
b. Hawaii.  
c. Los Angeles.  

2. Less than ... percent of Hawaiian people speak their native language.

a. 11  
b. 10  
c. 1  

3. Akamu practices the language with his ...

a. neighbors.  
b. grandfather.  
c. grandmother.  

4. Akamu's girlfriend tries not to ... him when he speaks her language.

a. shout at  
b. laugh at  
c. correct  

5. Akamu believes it is good to ...

4 English ID Level 2  Richmond, 2018


a. know at least two languages.  

b. speak a lot of languages.  
c. learn difficult and rare languages.  

3. Listen to the speaker. Complete the sentences with the correct word.

1. Akamu's ___________________ is in Los Angeles.

2. Hawaiian is a ___________________ language.

3. Some of his ___________________ neighbors speak Hawaiian.

4. He's studying ___________________.

5. You can understand other people's ___________________ with even a little knowledge of their

Units 1-5 | Grammar

1. Read the sentences. Select True if the words are correct or False if incorrect.

    T F
1. If you play sports, you'll feel better.    
2. There is too much cars on the road.    
3. You've got to study to pass the exam.    
4. You should to take painkillers for your headache.    
5. Did you used to play any sports in college?    

2. Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1. There ... glasses for the dinner party. I'll buy some more in the supermarket.

5 English ID Level 2  Richmond, 2018


a. aren't enough  
b. are too much  
c. aren't too many  

2. I ... when I ... the tragic news.

a. worked / was hearing  

b. were working / heard  
c. was working / heard  

3. They ... lunch.

a. have had already  

b. have already had  
c. had already have  

4. Swimming classes are very good for your health. ... also great fun.

a. It's  
b. He is  
c. They're  

5. Rice ... pasta.

a. is the most expensive than  

b. is more expensive than  
c. is more expensive as  

3. Match the questions and the answers.

1. How long have you lived here? a. Definitely not.

2. What were you doing last night? b. For six years.

3. Have you ever been to Las Vegas? c. I was playing a computer game.

4. Will there be fast food in the future? d. You need to complete a form.

5. What do I have to do? e. No, I haven't.

6 English ID Level 2  Richmond, 2018


4. Complete the sentences with the correct word.

1. I'll ___________________ the laundry this week.

2. There isn't ___________________ milk to make coffee.

3. Do I have to bring any food? No, you ___________________ have to.

4. We ___________________ walking in the park last Sunday.

5. A: There's someone at the door! B: OK, I ___________________ go.

Units 1-5 | Vocabulary

1. Read the sentences. Select True if the words are correct or False if incorrect.

    T F
1. My university career is physics.    
2. On vacation, I like hitchhiking from one place to the next.    
3. Those eggs smell awful. They're rotten.    
4. Call the doctor. She has a really bad fever.    
5. I read it on the newspaper.    

2. Choose the option that is different.

1. Which option is different?

a. poverty  
b. driving lessons  
c. corruption  

2. Which option is different?

a. travel long distances  

b. climate change  
c. short day trips  

7 English ID Level 2  Richmond, 2018


3. Which option is different?

a. eclipse  
b. earthquake  
c. sour  

4. Which option is different?

a. soft  
b. sociable  
c. hardworking  

5. Which option is different?

a. rough  
b. sweet  
c. flood  

3. Match the words and the definitions.

1. drought a. very dry period without any rain

2. pair work b. the opposite of sweet

3. sour c. something you can study

4. flu d. an illness

5. business e. something you do with a partner

4. Complete the sentences with the correct word.

1. A: What will the weather be like? B: There will be a ___________________ and some lightning
later today.

8 English ID Level 2  Richmond, 2018


2. I am working on my bachelor's degree in ___________________. I'm interested in plants and


3. If you have a ___________________, you should see a dentist.

4. When did you first learn to ___________________ a bike?

5. She is a very ___________________ woman. She always tells the truth.

Score __________________

Teacher’s comments ________________________________________________________________________


Teacher’s signature _______________________________________________________________________

9 English ID Level 2  Richmond, 2018

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