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CHRISTIANITY evangelizing mission of Jesus Christ.

Moreover, it is also sacred because

Introduction Christians believed that God is the
Christianity is the world’s largest primary author of it while the secondary
religion, with about 2.4 billion followers. authors are the sacred writers who are
inspired by the Holy Spirit.
This religion traces its roots to Judaism,
and its followers, which is known as CHRISTIANITY'S CORE BELIEFS
Christians, consider the emergence and AND DOCTRINES
development of Christianity as a
fulfillment of the plan of salvation which BELIEF IN THE TRIUNE GOD
God had promised Abraham. This It is the most fundamental and
promise includes the prophecies of a central doctrine of Christian faith. It is a
Saviour being born to Abraham’s belief in one living God, existing as three
descendants (Corral & Kupang, p. 71). divine persons: God the Father, Jesus
And that promise is fulfilled through the Christ, the Son of God, and the Holy
mystery of incarnation, ie., when the son Spirit. It is based on scripture passages,
of God, Jesus Christ became one with and one of which is the gospel account
humanity except in sin. It is during that of Matthew 28:19 that says, “Go
time that the history of Christianity therefore and make disciples of all
began. nations, baptizing them in the name of
the Father, and of the Son, and of the
It is a monotheistic faith based on BELIEF IN THE RESURRECTION:
the life, works & teachings of Jesus
Christ. The adherents of Christianity are The belief in the resurrection of
called CHRISTIANS, a term which was Jesus is the crowning truth of the
first used to refer to Jesus’ disciples Christian faith. It means that without
Jesus Christ resurrection there could be
when they were preaching in Antioch
no Christian Faith at all. It also
(Acts 11:26). Christians believe that the represents the fulfillment of God’s
relationship between God and man is promise of salvation for all, and confirms
mediated by the person Jesus Christ, Christ divinity, and conquest of death
and that Christ’s life, actions, and and sin. As St. Paul in his 1st
teachings embody God’s plan for the Corinthians 15:14 states, “If Christ has
salvation of mankind (Corral & Kupang, not been raised, then our preaching is in
p. 71) vain and your faith is in vain.”
& Kupang, p. 81)
It is the Sacred Text of
Christianity that consists of the It is the source and summit of
WRITTEN WORD OF GOD and Christian Life (CCC 1324-1327). It is the
accounts of believers of their encounters highest form of Prayer for it is in the
and experiences with the saving love of Eucharist that the “re-presentation” of
God. The text of the Bible was taken the paschal mystery of Jesus Christ
from ORAL HISTORIES, TRADITION, takes place, ie. the passion, death, and
TESTIMONIES, and its books were resurrection of Jesus is really and truly
written down and compiled over the present.
centuries. It is divided into THE OLD CHRISTIAN MORALITY
The former reveals prophecies PRINCIPLE OF THE INVIOLABILITY
regarding the coming of the savior of the OF LIFE
world. And the latter narrates the
fulfillment through the life and This principle springs from the
essential belief that life, any human life,
is of infinite value as it is a sacred and
precious gift from God.


This principle springs from the

essential belief that all life comes from
God, the supreme creator and maker of
all. Thus, no human being has the sole
authority to do whatever he wants to
anything that is in the world and that of
his/her own body.

The Christian Spirituality is

always Christ-centered. It centers on
having FAITH in Jesus Christ. In
Christianity, having faith involves 3
elements namely believing, trusting, and
doing and these elements must be
imbibed by a Christian. As a Christian,
one must follow the teachings of Jesus
Christ especially that of the 2 greatest
commandments such as Loving God CROSS
and Loving one's neighbor (Mt. 22:37- ICHTHYS
40). The commandment about loving
God can be expressed by a Christian by The first Christian symbol is known as
primarily believing and trusting in Him. ICHTHYS (Greek: ΙΧΘΥΣ; also
While the commandment about loving transliterated and Latinized as,
one's neighbor can be showed by a ICHTHUS) which means Jesus Christ
Christian through actualizing ones faith God’s Son Saviour. It is an Ancient and
through his/her loving service to others Classical Greek word for “FISH”
as an expression of love for God. As
Jesus says, "Whatsoever You Do to CHI & RHO
the Least of My Brothers You Do unto
Me (Mat. 25:31-46)." Thus, a Christian The second important symbol in
who has faith, in a christian sense of the Christianity is known as CHI & RHO. It
word, and is able to express that faith is based on the memoir of the Roman
through faithful obedience to the emperor that EUSEBIUS wrote after
commandments of God will surely live a Constantine's death (On the Life of
life of holiness and eventually, by God's Constantine), a miraculous appearance
grace, will be saved. is said to have come in Gaul long before
the Battle of the Milvian Bridge. "Τούτῳ
Νίκα!" which means “In this sign you
will conquer!”.
The third is the cross which is the main
symbol of Christianity. It reminds
Christians that out of Jesus' great love
for humanity, he allowed himself to die under the guidance of his uncle who
on the cross to save them from was a trader. Through the influence of
sins. Thus, the cross is a symbol of his uncle, he became known to be a
God's love. generous, honest, truthful, & sincere
man. Later on, he was regarded by the
affluent traders in Arabian Peninsula as
The religion called Islam is the
most widespread monotheistic religion In 595 CE: Muhammad met
next to Christianity and it has more than KHADIJAH, an older and wealthy
1 billion followers. Islam originated in widow. He was hired by Khadijah as a
Arabia and has spread all over the “CARAVAN MANAGER” and eventually
world. It gives emphasis on the married her and they had SIX
message of God revealed from the CHILDREN. In 610 CE: ANGEL JIBRIL
Abrahamic tradition from which Judaism appeared to Muhammad inside the cave
and Christianity came from. Thus, Islam of Mt. Hira and then revealed to him the
seems to be the third and final first revelations of QUR’AN and told him
that he is the prophet of God. He was
revelation of the Abrahamic Tradition
chosen to be the prophet since at that
and it constitutes the third and major time, the people in Mecca desacralized
branch of monotheism. the shrine (Ka’aba) was located and
UNDERSTANDING ISLAMIC gradually embraced a polytheistic
RELIGION religion by believing in gods and
In 622 CE: Muhammad and his
The name ISLAM was given by followers migrated from Mecca to
Allah when He addressed the Muslims YATHRIB or MEDINA. This journey was
during Mohammad’s “farewell called ‘THE HEGIRA’ and was
pilgrimage” to Mecca. According to considered by Muslims to be the special
(QURAN 5.3b),“Today I have perfected beginning of the Islamic Calendar. In
your system of belief and bestowed my 630 CE: Muhammad, together with
favours upon you in full, and have thousands of his followers gained
chosen Islam as the creed for control in Mecca and rededicated the
you.” Moreover, ISLAM is an Arabic Kaaba to Allah by destroying the idols
term which means “OBEDIENCE or from the Shrine. And that journey to
SUBMISSION.” Thus, it designates that Mecca is called ‘HAJJ’.
religious surrender by which human
beings submit to God and devote SPREAD OF ISLAM
themselves totally to the fulfillment of
The persons who are responsible in
the will of God (Allah) and the MUSLIM
spreading Islam throughout the world is
is the “ONE WHO SUBMITS” to Allah’s
called RASHIDUN, who were the first
will by accepting Islamic Religion and by
four successors of prophet Muhammad.
observing its laws & practices.
The first successor is ABU BAKR: it was
BRIEF HISTORY OF ISLAM during his rule that the bonds among
tribes (within Arabian Peninsula) were
The religion Islam was founded by Allah strengthened. The second is UMAR: It
himself through the instrumentality of his was during his rule that the campaign
Messenger named Muhammad. In 570 for expansion began and brought Islam
CE: The prophet of Allah was born into outside the Arabian Peninsula. (Egypt,
the QURAYSH TRIBE in MECCA Syria, Palestine, etc.) The third is
(Arabia). His complete name is “Abu al- UTHMAN: He expanded the Islamic
Qasim Muhammad ibn Abd Allah ibn influence into Libya, Armenia,
Abd ad-Muttalib ibn Hashim ibn Abd Afghanistan & Cyprus. And the fourth
Manaf ibn Qusai ibn Kilab.” He grew up were ALI IBN ABI TALIB and
MUAWIYYAH who created a conflict can assume any form they like. They do
and division among the followers of not eat and drink like human beings nor
Islam. The former started the (Shia do they sleep. They are free from carnal
Islam) and the latter started the (Sunni desires and the disturbances of anger.
Islam). They are ever obedient to the will and
commands of Allah. They are created in
different forms and provided with
different powers.

THE QURAN is known to be the
It means that Allah revealed
KITAB AL-ALLAH or (book of God). It is
Commandments (SUHUF) and Code of
believed to be the LITERAL WORD OF
religions (KUTUB) to different Prophets
ALLAH or Earthly Replica of the
at different stages of history for the
Heavenly Quran. It consists of 114
guidance of mankind. These sacred
surahs (chapters) and each composed
books are the the following: TAURAH
of ayahs (verses). Hence, Muslims
(Torah as revealed to Moses), ZABOOR
revere the Quran as the supreme
(Psalms as revealed to David), INJEEL
authority for regulating Islamic Belief &
(Gospels as revealed to Jesus), QURAN
Behavior for they know that the Quran is
(as revealed to Muhammad)
God’s perfect, definitive, & ultimate
A Prophet is a servant and
This sacred text refers to the
messenger of Allah. He is a model for
reports regarding the sayings and
mankind and teaches mankind the
actions of the prophet Muhammad. It is
Commands of Allah, himself acting in
considered to be an important guide in
accordance with his own teachings.
understanding the revelation in the
Prophets were sent by Allah to all
Quran and has a significant influence in
nations at all stages of history to warn
Islamic Law, second only to the Quran.
them against their sins and to lead them
along the right path. Principally, the
6 ARTICLES OF ISLAMIC FAITH prophet taught mankind to worship and
BELIEF IN ONE GOD (AL IIMAANU fear Allah and to be obedient to all His
BILLAAH) Commands.

It means that Allah is One, that there is BELIEF IN FATE

none like Him, He has no partner, He It is a belief that Allah already
neither begets nor is He begotten, He is knows what will happen. But it does not
indivisible in person. He is the creator of stop human beings in making free
the heavens and the earth and all that is choices. THUS, ALLAH WILLS THAT
between them and the creator of all EVERY HUMAN BEINGS WILL BE
things; the sole and sovereign ruler of ONE WITH HIM IN ETERNITY
the universe. And He is everywhere.
That day is called “Qiyaamah”
The Angels are the spiritual creatures of (The Last Day). On this day, all the
Allah created of light and endower with human beings who had lived in the
life, speech and reason. They are world since its inception will be restored
neither male nor female, they have no to life and will be presented before God
sex. They have no material body and who will sit in court on that day. This is
called “Hashar” (resurrection). Then the It is a declaration of faith that is
entire record of every man and woman, considered to be the foundation of all
their doings and misdoings will be other beliefs and practices of Islam.
presented before God for final judgment. Their declaration is this, “la’ ilaha, illa-
Those who committed sins but died with llah, mu’ammadur-rasulu-llah” which
Iman (faith) will be temporarily punished means “there is no god but Allah (s.w.t.);
in Hell and will ultimately be sent to Muhammad is His Messenger.” In
Paradise through the pleading (shafaa- addition, the (s.w.t.) affixed to the name
ah) of the Prophet Muhammad. of Allah is “Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala”
SPIRITUALITY OF ISLAM which means “Glory to Him, the
Exalted.” Thus, it is an expression of
The spirituality of Islam is oriented respect to the holy name of Allah.
towards the achievement of
the promise of peace by ALLAH (swt). SALAH
In (Quran 39.73) Allah promises them:
“Those who were mindful of their duty to It is an obligation of Prayer which
the Lord will be driven in groups to is a direct link between the believer and
paradise, till they reach it and its gates God. Muslims pray five times a day
are opened, and its keepers say to (dawn, midday, late afternoon, sunset,
them: ‘PEACE BE UPON; YOU ARE nightfall). One of the reasons why they
JOYOUS. SO ENTER HERE TO LIVE do it for five times because it is an
FOREVER!’” No wonder why, Muslims exhortation of the Muhammaed himself
have there own Islamic that says, “If one of you had a river right
Salutations such as, “al- Salamu by his door and he bathed in it five times
‘alaykum” which means “peace be upon a day, do you think that there would be
you!”; “wa- ‘alaykum al- Salam which any dirt left on him? They said, ‘No, not
means “and upon you, a trace.’ He said, ‘that is how it is with
peace!”; and “alayhi ‘salam” which the five prayers; by means of them God
means “peace be upon him” wipes away all sins (MM 565,
B&M).” Thus, Muslims pray 5 times daily
In order to achieve Allah’s because they are hoping for the
promise of peace, the Muslims will live FORGIVENESS OF THEIR SINS.
out their spirituality, ie. “Straight path of
submission to Allah (swt).” In submitting SAWM
themselves to Allah (swt), they have to
This practice is one of the
develop and cultivate in themselves the
methods of self purification which
crowning Islamic Virtue called:
involves fasting and self control during
“TAQWA” which means “piety or
the Holy Month of Ramadan. Fasting
holiness”. The MUSLIMS recognized
from food, drink, & sensual pleasures
that the sole measure of their stature
from dawn to dusk. This practice is
before God is not earthly prestige,
meant to embolden Muslims to pursue
material wealth or social stature but
intimacy with Allah, to be patient, and to
learn & appreciate the hardships by the
the (QURAN 2.148) states, “so strive
poor and the needy. And BY FASTING,
towards piety and excel the others: God
will bring you all together wherever you
be.” Moreover, In the pursuit of
cultivating TAQWA, the Muslims must
do these following obligations: they must ZAKAT
faithfully obey everything that were
stipulated in the Quran, will of Allah and It is known as
must faithfully observe the five pillars of CHARITY/ALMSGIVING. Islam teaches
Islam. that all things belong to God and wealth
is held in trust by human beings. In this
5 PILLARS OF ISLAM: sense, Muslims realize that those who
do not fulfill the duty of almsgiving are
SHAHADA liable to God's severe punishment. As
the (QURAN 3.180) states, “let not It is the “DAY OF SACRIFICES”, a four-
those who are niggardly of the things day festival observed by the Muslims to
that God has given them… in fact, it is commemorate the event of Allah
worse, for what they grudged will be appearing to Ibrahim (Abraham) in a
hung around their necks on the day of dream, commanding him to sacrifice his
resurrection.” Muhammad also teaches son Ishmael to show his devotion to
that in order to avoid hell when one has Allah.
nothing to give due to poverty, he said,
“Avoid hell by giving Charity, even if it RAMADAN
means sharing your last date, & if you
It is a holy month of fasting,
have nothing at all, by SPEAKING A
introspection and prayer for Muslims,
the followers of Islam. It is celebrated as
the month during which Muhammad
received the initial revelations of the
HAJJ Quran, the holy book for Muslims. Each
day during Ramadan, Muslims do not
It is a pilgrimage to Mecca which eat or drink from sunrise to sunset. They
must be performed by Muslims at least are also supposed to avoid impure
one in their lifetime. ONLY THOSE thoughts and bad behavior.
TO PERFORM IT. This pilgrimage is a
reminder that all human beings are It is a “FESTIVAL OF THE BREAKING
equal before God, and it creates unity OF THE FAST”. It is a three day
and fraternity bet. members of Islamic celebration that marks the end of
community (umma). Ramadan, which is a month of prayer &
fasting.Muslims attend communal
Having mentioned all those things that worship, listen to khutma (sermon) and
are necessary to achieve the Allah’s give zakat al-fitr (charity in the form of
promise of peace, Muslims strive to do it food).
because they have the overarching
principle that they imbibed in ISLAMIC PRACTICES AND
themselves. This principle is called TRADITIONS
JIHAD; It is does not mean a HOLY
WAR, but it actually means “TO HALAL PRACTICES
EFFORT” Thus, Muslims are enjoined It means “ritually correct” and
to engage JIHAD in various aspects particularly refers to food
of their lives like that of struggling preparations and consumption.
against evil inclinations or vices and to
undertake the struggle to improve the Muslims utter first a prayer before
quality of life in society. slaughtering an animal (except for
pigs) in order to make the food halal.
ISLAMIC MODE OF WORSHIP The prayer goes like this,
means, “In the name of Allah, Allah is
It is a sacred time for Muslims to
pray as one community (umma) inside the Greatest.”
the mosque every friday. Before
entering the Mosque, they perform the HAVING MORE WIVES
RITUAL ABLUTION (wudu) in order to
purify their body and spirit before It is allowed for Muslim men to
meeting Allah (swt). have more wives. As the (Surah Al
Nisa 4.3) states, “And if you fear that
you will not deal justly with the
orphan girls, then marry those that possess, or male servants free of
please you of [other] women, TWO OR physical needs, or small children who
THREE OR FOUR. But if YOU FEAR have no sense of the shame of sex,
THAT YOU WILL NOT BE JUST, THEN and that they should not strike their
MARRY ONLY ONE. That is more feet in order to draw attention to their
suitable that you may not incline [to hidden ornaments. And O you
injustice].” Believers, turn you all together
towards Allah, that you may attain
For Muslims, any liquid excreted by
the dog is extremely naajis (impure)
espc. its saliva. In this sense, the The taqiyah is a short,
dog's saliva will make them unclean. rounded skullcap. They are often
That is why, Muslims prefer cats as worn for religious purposes
their pets rather than dogs. especially during the five daily
According to Abu Hurayrah: The prayers. They wear this because they
Messenger of Allah said, “The way to believe that Muhammad used to
purify the vessel of any one of you if a cover his head and so, it is their way
dog has licked it is to wash it seven of emulating their prophet. Moreover,
times.”  However, FOR MUSLIMS, IT it is also known as a sign of peace,
IS STILL PERMITTED TO KEEP A mourning, renewal or protection of

Muslim women wear this
Hinduism is the world’s oldest
clothing that covers their head as religion, according to many scholars,
part of their tradition. The very with roots and customs dating back
purpose of it is for modesty’s sake more than 4,000 years. Today, with
which was clearly stipulated in about 900 million followers, Hinduism is
the third-largest religion behind
(Quran 24:31), “And say to the Christianity and Islam. Roughly 95
believing women that they should percent of the world’s Hindus live in
lower their gaze and  guard their India. Because the religion has no
modesty; that they should not display specific founder, it’s difficult to trace its
origins and history. Hinduism is unique
their beauty and ornaments except in that it’s not a single religion but a
what must ordinarily appear therof; compilation of many traditions and
that they should draw their veils over philosophies.
their bosoms and not display their SPIRITUALITY OF HINDUISM
beauty except to their husbands, their ULTIMATE GOAL
fathers, their husbands' fathers, their
The ultimate goal of Hindus is to
sons, their husbands' sons, their
achieve moksha (salvation), that is to
brothers, or their brothers' sons or make their atman (soul) to be in
their sisters' sons, or their women or communion with their ultimate god
the servants whom their right hands called Brahman. Hindus believed that
“being one with the Brahman, means
one’s soul (atman) is freed from the even one’s mental activities such as
CYCLE OF REBIRTH (Samsara).” ideation, judgment, and discursive
reasoning in order to attain the
In order to achieve this ultimate tranquility that precedes the super
end, ie. freeing one’s soul from rebirth consciousness of Brahman alone
and union with the Brahman, Hindus (Laurent, p. 188). In this sense, Hindus
believed that they have to live out their strive to pursue moksha or to liberate
spirituality. It is a spirituality of living life their atman from all the distracting
according to ‘Dharma’. In Hinduism, it images, passions, memories, and ideas
means duty, virtue, or morality that that intrude upon their consciousness by
would help the individuals to become applying the exercise of yoga.
moral people or rather gives humans
the opportunity to act virtuously. Hence, KARMA MARGA (WAY
Dharma is a way of life or practical OF ACTION)
guide on how to live life as a faithful
ACTION. In Hinduism, doing good
Living a life according to Dharma actions means two essential things:
entails fulfilling the duty that prescribes First, it means being faithful to regular
not only those norms that Hindus are worship of the Godhead called
ethically obliged to observe but also Brahman. It is done by doing the typical
those duties that Hindus must fulfill in forms of prayer such as public liturgy
their struggle to wear down their karmic and private dialogue, mental reflection
bonds and escape samsara or cycle of and vocal mantras, petition and
rebirth (Laurent, p. 168). In this sense, adoration, congregational chanting or
Hindus must live according to Dharma hymnody and night vigils of recited
by obeying and observing faithfully all praise (Laurent, p. 189). Second, it
that are stipulated in their sacred text means doing good by fulfilling every
called VEDAS, and above all, by duty that Dharma requires, and by
pursuing MOKSHA, ie., by liberating having the motivation of selfless
their atman (soul) from the cycle of altruism. It means that the motivation in
rebirth in order to become in doing good must not be oriented
communion with the Brahman. towards the reward but it is the good
thing to be done.
In Hinduism, there are three
major approaches for completing the
human journey to moksha; (1) Jnana
Marga, (2) Karma Marga, (3) Bhakti BHAKTI MARGA (WAY OF
Marga (Laurent, p. 186). Most religious DEVOTION)
people prefer to reach their final goal by
adopting one of these approaches.
JNANA MARGA (WAY OF is, in every act of worship, it must be
KNOWLEDGE) propelled by love for God. In this
approach, the Bhaktas (those who
-IT MEANS FREEING ONESELF follow bhakti marga) transform their
FROM “IGNORANCE”. Ignorance here emotions and direct them to the
is understood as a way of looking at life Godhead (Brahman). They seek
as simply about satisfying one’s gradually to perfect their devotion until
physical self. Jnana Marga is done by love permeates every aspect of their
renouncing oneself from self- lives. Some bhaktas worship their
centeredness (impatience, unkindness, god/goddesses with the erotic and
insensitivity, greed), sensual pleasures passionate love that people feel for their
and material goods. Hence, in this sweethearts and spouses. Other
approach, one must control one’s bodily bhaktas choose to surrender
functions, gradually subordinate their themselves to their chosen divinity with
senses and emotions to the rule of the the submissive love that people offer to
mind and then proceed to eliminate their masters (Laurent, p. 192). Hence,
bhakti marga is ultimately a matter of our being born into this World, Disability
loving God, pure and simple. of Old Age, the Aches & Pains of our
Diseases and our death. While the
BUDDHISM emotional sufferings include our Union
with the Unpleasant, Separation with the
Buddhism is another major world
Pleasant, Feeling of Disappointment
religion which originated in India. Its
brought by failure of not having one’s
followers are spread throughout various
desire, Fear of losing what one
countries in Asia, including Thailand,
possesses (Laurent, p. 145). Thus,
Japan, and China. The principles of
every human being is subjected by this
Buddhism were first propagated by
life’s condition, ie. Suffering is a reality
Buddha named Siddharta Gautama, the
in Life.
founder of the religion. Buddhism is a
religion that is centered on ending THE TRUTH OF SAMUDAYA (Source
suffering through renouncing material of Suffering)
desires and attaining enlightenment
(Corral & Kupang, p. 144). The second truth, meanwhile,
points to the cause of suffering.
SPIRITUALITY OF BUDDHISM Buddhists believe that one of the
The spirituality of the Buddhists is primary origins of suffering is the
centered on pursuing their ultimate goal TANHA (craving/desire). This desire
in life which is to become like their springs from one’s egocentric self which
founder, SIDDHARTA GAUTAMA, who becomes the reason why one has the
is a BUDDAH (enlightened one) in order tendency to be self-centered and
to put an end to suffering, also known as narcissistic (I, Me, Mine, Myself). As
samsara. The state of being free from Gautama warns, “Selfish desires are
suffering in Buddhism is known as dangerous for it will surely affect one’s
NIRVANA or eternal peace and relationship with others, which
happiness. In achieving this ultimate eventually leads to MANIPULATION OF
goal, the followers of Buddhism are OTHER PEOPLE just to achieve one’s
expected to live their lives according to end.” In Buddhism, this desire is
Buddha’s Dharma. It includes the manifested in the craving for pleasure,
realization of the Four Noble Truths and material wealth and eternal life. Since
fulfilling the Eight-fold path, and five these are the things that can never be
precepts. fully attained, yearning for them
naturally causes dissatisfaction,
frustration, and suffering (Laurent, p.
145). Moreover, since the Buddhists
believe in the law of impermanence
(anicca), which emphasizes that
The Four Noble Truths are part of everything is in flux, and thus nothing
the core spirit of Buddhist spirituality, would last long. Hence, in view of this
they focus on suffering as an inevitable law of impermanence, suffering can be
part of life. They also identify the reason stopped.
behind suffering and the possible
solution to it. Hence, the Buddhists must
of Suffering)
come to realize these 4 Noble Truths in
order to reach the state of The third truth states that there is
enlightenment. an end of suffering either in one's
earthly or spiritual life. The spiritual
freedom from suffering can be achieved
The first truth recognizes the through the attainment of nirvana or the
existence of suffering and thus, it is part state of eternal peace and happiness
of every human condition. In Buddhism, (Laurent, p. 145). Hence, this truth
there are two types of suffering such as encourages to get rid of ignorance, ie.
physical and emotional suffering. The by viewing life simply as fulfilling one's
physical sufferings include the shock of selfish desires.
leading to the End of Suffering)
- It means being aware of the different
The fourth truth outlines the aspects of one’s existence, including the
means by which one can attain nirvana physical body, thoughts, and emotions.
and reach an end of suffering. This
means is referred to as the Noble 7.RIGHT CONCENTRATION
Eightfold Path.
- It means being able to steer oneself
NOBLE 8-FOLD PATH away from distractions and seeing
clearly one’s mind.
(Laurent, p. 146)
The Noble 8-fold Path is
regarded in Buddhism as the way to - It means avoiding evil acts, those
reach enlightenment and freedom from against the five precepts in Buddhism.
suffering. It gives a concrete guide for
ethical and mental development, with
the objective of freeing man from Aside from the Eightfold Path, the Five
delusion and attachment. Its aspects precepts serve as a guide to Buddhists
involve the application of virtues and the on how to lead life of virtue and morality.
performance of actions that are in All Buddhists are expected to subscribe
accordance to the teachings of Buddha. to these principles, whether they are a
monk, a nun, or an ordinary Buddhist
- It means perceiving life and the world
1.The precept to abstain from destroying
in their true state, and the correct
living beings (killing).
knowledge of the Four Noble Truths.
2.The precept to abstain from taking
things not given (stealing).
- It means preventing oneself from
3.The precept to abstain from sexual
thinking of immoral and harmful ideas
misconduct (fornication)
and instead of filling one’s mind with
thoughts of compassion and 4.The precept to abstain from false
abandonment of material possessions. speech (lying).
3.RIGHT SPEECH 5.The precept to abstain from anything
that causes intoxication (getting drunk or
- It means practicing honesty and
using illegal drugs.)
kindness in one’s words and abstaining
from gossip and meaningless talk.

4.RIGHT LIVELIHOOD Thus, if a Buddhist is faithful in living

out the 8 fold path, Then, one will
- It means renouncing ways of earning
surely become an enlightened one
income which can harm oneself and put
(buddha). And eventually put an end to
the lives of others in danger.
suffering (nirvana). However, Gautama
5.RIGHT EFFORT also highlights that when one lives
his/her Life according to dharma, one
- It means preventing the possible must always seek the guidance Of
emergence of immoral thoughts, “sangha” (a monastic order founded by
abandoning immoral thoughts which Buddha that preserves his teachings
have already surfaced, creating positive throughout generations). This is to
thoughts, and making sure that these emphasize the communitarian
positive thoughts are sustained and dimension of living one’s life espc. In
shared to other people. achieving enlightenment and salvation.
No wonder why Buddhists would can only give the idea of what it is and
always recite their 3 JEWELS in their at the very least it can only be shown or
morning prayer for 3 times: demonstrated through certain acts In
other words, the Tao is inexplicable yet
“I GO TO BUDDHA FOR REFUGE. I ever present. Hence, the Taoists are
GO TO DHARMA FOR REFUGE. I expected to be keen in observing and
GO TO following the natural order of the
universe in order to achieve oneness
with the Tao.
YIN AND YANG (Corral & Kupang, p.
Taoism, also known as Daoism, 184)
is an indigenous Chinese religion as
This concept of Yin and Yang
well as an ancient nature philosophy
refers to the perspective of the Taoists
that is deeply rooted in Chinese
about the reality. In Taoism, the reality is
customs and worldview. This religion is
viewed in a holistic manner. In essence,
said to have been founded by Lao Tzu,
everything in reality is one and the
a naturalistic philosopher-sage and the
same. Hence, it refers to a concept of
first taosit philosopher in Ancient China.
universal oneness.
It focuses on understanding the Tao or
the ‘way’ and emphasizes the need for a Yin translates to ‘dark or
relationship [ between nature, humanity, shaded,’ while Yang translates to ‘bright
and the divine. or sunny.’ The alternating black and
white colors in the circle represents the
duality and opposition existing in natural
The Taoist spirituality is centered phenomena. Examples include male
on the question, “what is the best way to and female, life and death, day and
live?” Hence, the ultimate concern of the night, etc. The opposing forces of
adherence of Taoism is to strive to live nature, however, are not seen as
their lives at its best. In order to fulfill separate but form complementing
their ultimate end, the Taoists believe halves of the same phenomenon or
that the best way to live is to live in principle. The interactions between
harmony with the Tao. Living in oneness opposing forces require continuous
with the Tao entails an awareness and interaction and exchange, as suggested
understanding of the concept of Yin by the rotating colors between yin and
Yang and the application of the principle yang. Thus, this concept to the reality of
of Wu-wei. opposites that do not contradict but
complement each other And thereby,
THE TAO (Corral & Kupang, p. 184) creates harmony and balance. As Lao
Tzu puts it, “Yin and Yang is like the
Taoism’s principal belief is in the Tao or reality of breathing; breathing in and out
the Way as an origin of all beings, the allows us human beings to continue
law and the natural order of the cosmos, living.”
the basic principle of the universe, and
the course or pattern of all things. As the WU-WEI (Corral & Kupang, p. 186)
Tao is the origin of everything , all
creatures in the universe are The principle of Wu-wei is the
interconnected, interrelated, and heart of what it means to follow THE
interdependent. it serves as the guiding WAY. It literally means “non-action” or
law within every being. However, “without action.” As Lao Tzu puts it,“The
Taoists do not consider the Tao as God; Way never acts, yet nothing is left
rather it is an invisible and powerful undone.” However, the principle of Wu-
energy that cannot be perceived but can wei does not mean “doing nothing” per
be observed and experienced in the se which implies laziness or mediocrity.
things of the world. Since the Tao is an Rather it means to act naturally and let
invisible energy it cannot be sufficiently things run in its natural course. In other
described in words. Human language words, Wu-wei means “effortless acting”
by being at peace while doing a
particular task intelligently

Living in the principle of Wu-wei

also entails resiliency; like that of the
Bamboo that bends when the wind
blows. Thus, it is about learning to
adjust always in every situation espc.
when unexpected occurrences come
into play. It also entails SPONTANEITY/
GOING WITH THE FLOW : like that of
the WATER in the river that naturally
flows towards the sea. Thus, it means
navigating through the natural flow of
the river instead of trying to control it
and swim against its current. It also
implies living a simple lifestyle, avoiding
excesses, being unattached to the
things of the world, and being content
with what one has.

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