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Freeform Poetry II

Elizabeth Perkins
For Professor Michaels

Let’s forget about appearances

Even if it’s just for a minute
Let out a shout and make it echo
Who cares about style?
Who cares about fashion?
It’s time to have fun
And we’ll do it while looking ugly
Just make sure to make it last
Long enough until the end

Time isn’t endless

So make sure to dance while you can
Our energy peaks several times
As we move everything in our body
It doesn’t matter if you get the moves wrong
It doesn’t matter if you misspell the lyrics
Or if you sing the wrong song

Grab that nervousness and transform it

Turn it into happiness and joy
You’re doing a great job
And you should let everyone know
Even if suddenly everything explodes
Our last moments will be happy
Working too hard without rest
It doesn’t make you thrive
Not turning your switch off is sad
You’ll only overstress
Being diligent is good
But in excess you’ll break

Laugh and play

Work your best
But skip on perfectionism just once
And dance like you’re insane

Burst open from the inside

Let’s all join as one through music
Shake the tension off and run
You’ll get to live another day
Weight off your shoulders

There’s some higher up somewhere

And I’m sure that wherever he is
He wishes he were you right now

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