Fallout Index 1.0

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Includes information the basic Fallout Pnp, the

Brotherhood of Steel sourcebook, the Enclave

sourcebook, the Russian Weapons List, The
Tennessee Sourcebook and the Great Book of
Random Encounters.

TRAITS 2 Ammo 70
Ordinance 73
PERKS 9 Ammo Mods 74
Brotherhood Perks 21
Eastern Brotherhood Perks 21 ARMOR 77
Enclave Perks 22 Helmets 83
Western Brotherhood Perks 23
WEAPONS 25 Chems 89
Unarmed 25
Melee 27
Primitive Missile 32

Small Guns 32
Pistols 33
Shotguns 38
Submachine Guns 40
Rifles 43
Assault Rifles 47
Big Guns 51
Machine Guns 51
Grenade Launchers and Mortars 54
Anti-Tank Weapons 55
Flamethrowers 56
Artillery 57

Energy Weapons 59
Pistols 59
Rifles 60
Big Energy Weapons 61
Artillery 62

Throwing 62

Melee Weapon Mods 66

Ranged Weapon Mods 67
Weapon Accessories 68

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TRAITS: kill them any faster or slower, but when they
Traits are an optional part of the character do die, it will be dramatic. Just how dramatic
creation process. They simply describe an is up to the Gamemaster.
aspect of the character's personality or
physical description, and permanently affect Born Loser
things like Skills, Primary Statistics, and You are on a mission. Your relatives are
Secondary Statistics. Some traits are not having a party - they at last get rid of you, the
available to every race, and some traits are one who can damage even a solid metal ball…
only available to robots or animal races. Everything bad happens to you - all failures
A character can pick two traits, one trait, or are critical ones and you must add 2 to your
no traits at all. A character can never have roll on the critical failure table. Everything
more than two traits. involving you just tends to happen somehow
badly - you always take minimum possible
Absolute Direction damage from hits, radiation, poisons etc.
You can always tell where north is no matter Traps may break down instead of harming
what happens. Also it’s almost impossible for you, mines will be dud… If someone wants to
you to get lost. backstab you with a knife he will probably fall
and cut himself. On the other hand a falling
Bad Natured meteor will surely land near you, and when
School never interested you. You preferred you don’t have 100,000 of matches better do
action. Skills of Small Guns, Big Guns, not even think of making a bonfire… It
Energy Weapons, Unarmed and Melee get a involves only you e.g. a burst from minigun
25% bonus but all others suffer 10% penalty. may hit 3 persons but only you get minimum
Ghouls, mutants and humans only. damage from each bullet (in this case 6 -> 5
from minigun and only one from usual 1d8
Bad Sight caused by 5mm ammo).
Something is wrong with your eyes - if you You cannot have the Jinxed trait if you chose
are not wearing glasses (and in the wasteland this one.
it’s hard to find some) your PE is down by 2
for purpose of sight. You also cannot take any Bruiser
sight related perks, e.g. awareness (even with A little slower, but a little bigger. You may
glasses). On the positive side your PE is up by not hit as often, but they will feel it when you
2 for smell, taste and hearing. do! Your total action points are lowered, but
your Strength is increased. You get a 2 point
Beta Software bonus to Strength, but loose 2 Action Points.
You have been equipped with an experimental Ghouls cannot choose this trait.
operating system and peripherals. You get 1
extra Tag Skill, but whenever using ANY tag Chem Reliant
skill, you must roll against Luck or suffer an You are more easily addicted to chems. Your
automatic failure and, in combat, a loss chance to be addicted is twice normal, but you
of all APs for that round. recover in half the time from their ill effects.
Only Robots can choose this trait. Robots cannot choose this trait.

Bloody Mess Chem Resistant Chems only effect you half as

By some strange twist of fate, people around long as normal, but your chance to be addicted
you die violently. You always see the worst is only 50% the normal amount.
way a person can die. This does not mean you Robots cannot choose this trait.

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Combat Frenzy modifiers should be applied. On the other hand
You like blood and killing so much that you when somebody chases you into a corner your
just can’t stop and no one is safe from you. combat skills, basic damage resistance (if any)
Each time you kill something or someone you and melee damage are doubled (but your AP is
must roll for your INT if you fail you go into a normal).
frenzy – all actions cost you only half (round Robots cannot take this perk.
up) action points but you may not take aim
and must use burst fire if possible with current Destiny
weapon and if not the character must draw You have a goal of some kind that you are
such a weapon (unless there he/she has no going to achieve during your life if you want it
such weapon in inventory). After you kill or not… Maybe you’ll become The Saver of
someone you may test at your Int -1 to see if The Earth or The Most Evil Character Ever?
your frenzy passed. You may test once more Who knows? When you choose this perk GM
after another kill, this time at Int -2 and so on. should determine what your destiny it but he
If none of the rolls succeeds, you fall mustn’t inform you about it. Then during
unconscious as soon as your Int reaches 0 campaign he should add adventures that will
(this will never happen if you have Int of 3 or eventually lead to your destiny – whatever
less it will fall to 1, and this will be your shall it be…
chance to stop attacking everyone). You’ll Robots cannot take this perk.
attack enemies first, but when they are dead
your allies will also become targets. Domesticated
Robots cannot take this trait. You have undergone extensive house training
and have developed an above-average
Combat Instinct Intelligence. Your IN is raised by 2, but not
You know what your opponent is going to do above the racial maximum, but you get a –2
next. You don’t know how does it work - you penalty to Melee Damage.
just know. Your modified (with what you Only Deathclaws can choose this trait.
wear) armour class is doubled. You must see
your enemy for this trait to work. On the other Doubled Vital Equipment
hand you always assume a defensive position You have two sets of vital internal machinery.
and allow your opponents to act first (you This makes you able to sustain more damage
always act last in the combat, regardless of but makes you less agile. Your HP gained per
sequence). level is doubled but your agility is lowered by
Robots and dogs cannot take this trait. 1 and your carry weight is lowered by 25.
Robots only.
You don’t think it’s worth dying in a combat. EMP Shielding
It’s better to run for your life. Whenever your You have a dedicated EMP shielding system.
HP fall to 1/3 of maximum you must escape It takes you 2 AP to move 1 hex because of
from combat – you may do so at double your your heavy equipment, but you have a 30%
AP, but you can do nothing except running Resistance to all forms of EMP attack.
and you drop anything you were carrying in Only Robots can choose this trait.
your hands (or even your backpack if it’s
particularly heavy). Also in all situation that Empath
require bravery (e.g. entering a dark cave), Due to radiation that twisted your mind you
you will rather do something else. If forced to are able to feel other people feeling much
do something that scares you negative better than others. You instantly gain Empathy

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perk but lose 1 point of intelligence. you that you do many task other people would
Robots and dogs cannot take this trait. have failed. You may re-roll 3 dice rolls a day:
in combat, using skills etc. If somebody shares
Eastern Brotherhood Birthright your beliefs you get +2 bonus on reaction roll.
All characters who have been born and bred in Humans, ghouls, mutants and Grey Tribe
the eastern brotherhood have to take this trait, Deathclaws only.
though they may still take two additional
traits. You have spent your entire life within Fast Metabolism
the eastern brotherhood, and are therefore Your metabolic rate is twice normal. This
considered a valuable resource to it. You are means that you are much less resistant to
treated betted than recruits from the outside. radiation and poison, but your body heals
Due to the years of indoctrination you are faster. You get a 2 point bonus to Healing
totally loyal to the brotherhood. You have Rate, but your Radiation and Poison
also received a good quality education. You Resistance start at 0% (racial modifiers are
get +10% bonus to your Science skill. You added later).
have been carefully indoctrinated in to the Robots and Ghouls cannot choose this trait.
brotherhood and are completely loyal to it.
You can therefore not knowingly ever do Fast Shot
anything that would harm the brotherhood. You don't have time for a targeted attack,
See the BOS Guide for further details on the because you attack faster than normal people.
Eastern Brotherhood. It costs you one less action point to use a
weapon. You cannot perform targeted shots,
Enclave Citizen but all weapons take one less action point to
You were born in the Enclave. You must take use. Note that the Fast Shot trait has no effect
this trait in order to play an Enclave character. on HtH or Melee attacks.
Your outdoorsman skill is 10% less, you are Animals cannot choose this trait.
prohibited to show anything that would
somehow reveal the existence of the Enclave Fear the Reaper
to “outsiders” and all high tech equipment is You have cheated death! You gain perks as if
familiar to you so even with low science you you were a human, but you are now on
are able to operate a computer or repair a death’s short list. This means that once a
robot (of course as long as malfunction is not month, you must roll against Luck or else
too complicated – you won’t be able to repair drop dead.
a robot’s mainframe with science of 30%). Only Ghouls can choose this trait.
See the Playing Enclave Characters chapter in
the Enclave Guide for details. Finesse
Humans only. Your attacks show a lot of finesse. You don't
do as much damage, but you cause more
Faith critical hits. All of your attacks lose 30% of
You believe strongly in something – Whether their damage (after reductions are made for
it’s God or something else, it’s up to you. This Damage Resistance, etc.) but you gain a 10%
faith may cause some people to dislike you (-1 bonus to Critical Chance.
to reaction roll, -2 in case of somebody that Super-Mutants cannot choose this trait.
has totally different beliefs, -5 in case of
characters with Faith trait but different beliefs) Genius
but on the other hand you believe so strongly Learning never was a problem for you, even
in something/someone supernatural helping more – you love it. You can choose two

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additional tag skills at the beginning, but you Heavy Handed
can’t take this trait unless your INT is at 10 You swing harder, not better. Your attacks
(or racial maximum) and you get perks every are very brutal, but lack finesse. You rarely
4 levels and cannot take Tag! perk. cause a good critical hit, but you always do
Humans, ghouls, mutants and Grey Tribe more melee damage. You get a 4 point bonus
Deathclaws only. to Melee Damage, but your critical hits do
30% less damage, and are 30% less likely to
Gifted cripple a limb or cause unconsciousness.
You have more innate abilities than most, so Ghouls cannot choose this trait.
you have not spent as much time honing your
skills. Your statistics are better than the Hideous Appearance
average person, but your skills are lacking. All You are awful - most normal people can’t
Stats get a 1- point bonus, but all skills get a look at you without feeling sick but you are
10% penalty and you receive 5 less Skill also much more terrifying in combat. And,
Points per level. oh… Forget having a girl/boy friend… No one
Robots cannot choose this trait. will initially react at you better than “neutral”
but your enemies have –20% to hit you in
Glowing One close combat due to your appearance. This
Extreme radiation exposure has left you applies only to creatures of your race and
glowing in the dark. Your glow eliminates species.
modifiers from light in combat for both you
and your enemies. In addition, you gain a Jinxed
+50% bonus to Radiation Resistance, but The good thing is that everyone around you
everyone has more critical failures in combat. The bad
around you takes 10 rads per hour (see thing is: so do you! If you, a member of your
Radiation under Damage and Death, below). party, or a non-player character have a failure
Only Ghouls can choose this trait. in combat, there is a greater likelihood the
failure will be upgraded (downgraded?) to a
Good Natured critical failure. Critical failures are bad:
You studied less-combative skills as you were weapons explode, you may hit the wrong
growing up. Your combat skills start at a target, you could lose part of your turn, or any
lower level, but First Aid, Doctor, Speech, number of bad things. Failures are 50% more
and Barter are substantially improved. Those likely to become critical failures around the
skills get a 20% bonus. You get a 10% penalty character or anyone else in combat.
to starting combat skills (Small Guns, Big
Guns, Energy Weapons, Unarmed, and Melee Kamikaze
Weapons). This is a one-time bonus. By not paying attention to any threats, you can
Animals and robots cannot choose this trait. act a lot faster in a turn. This lowers your
Armor Class to just what you are wearing, but
Ham Fisted you sequence much faster in a combat turn.
Genetic engineering – or dumb luck – has You have no natural Armor Class (Armor
endowed you with huge hands. You get a Class is therefore 0 regardless of Agility). You
“free” tag skill in Unarmed, but you suffer a must wear armor to get an Armor Class. Your
-20% penalty to Small Guns, First Aid, sequence gets a 5 point bonus.
Doctor, Repair, Science, and Lockpick Skills
(these numbers cannot go below 0%). Mathematical Abilities
Only Mutants can choose this trait. You can count faster than others. And you do

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it with little risk of mistake. It’s easy to say for Dogs cannot choose this trait.
you that there is a group of 176 brahmins
standing over there. How have you done this? Personal Enemy
Easily! Just counted their legs and divided by Someone did something very bad to you:
4. . killed your loved one or something even
Dogs and deathclaws (except Grey Tribe) worse. You hate him and all that is related to
cannot take this perk. him, you would do anything to avenge your
lose. Each time you deal with that person or
Merchant do something in order to find him/her all your
Bartering is in your blood. You always know primary stats go up to 10 and all skills go up
what to say to get the best price. Your barter to 100% (unless they
skill is up by 40% but your steal and lockpick are higher). After you finish that someone off,
skills are lowered by 20% as you don’t this trait gives nothing but still you cannot
consider stealing as a way to claim something chose another one instead. When something is
– everything can be bought… It’s a one-time linked with your enemy is up to GM. GM
bonus. should create a separate character as your
Humans, mutants and ghouls only. enemy.

Mounted Weapon Rabid

You have a built-in weapon (assault rifle of You are a half-crazed, feral killing machine.
your choice) with a internal ammo store You are not affected by crippled limbs
(twice the maximum amount for particular (blindness still affects
weapon). This gives you +10 modifier to you normally), and every time you kill an
sequence but on the other hand it makes you a opponent in combat, you get 5 more APs that
bit heavier reducing your action points by one. round. Chems, including
Robots only. stimpaks, have no effect on you.
Only Deathclaws can choose this trait.
Night Person
As a night-time person, you are more awake Radiated!
when the sun goes down. Your Intelligence Well you were born “a bit radiated”, but you
and Perception are improved at night but are are not a ghoul (however you are still far from
dulled during the day. You get a 1 point being beautiful). All of your primary statistics
penalty to these Statistics from 0601 to 1800, are down by 1. You don’t acquire any more
and a 1 point bonus to these Stats from 1801 radiation and every enemy hit by you in close
to 0600. Robots cannot choose this trait. Note combat acquires 5 rads. Additionally your
that the bonus cannot take IN and PE above healing rate is increased by 3. In addition
the character’s racial maximum or below the those two things, radiation has somehow
character’s racial minimum. affected your brain and you learn 50% faster
Robots cannot choose this trait. than “prime normals” (+50% skill points per
level and +50% skill points from books –
One Hander round up).
One of your hands is very dominant. You Humans only (except for Enclave Citizens and
excel with single-handed weapons, but Vault dwellers).
two-handed weapons cause a problem. You
have a 40% penalty to hit with twohanded Rambo
weapons, but get a 20% bonus to hit with Somehow bullets miss you. Even when you
weapons that only require one hand. stand in front of a horde of super mutants with

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miniguns they probably per new experience level, and a one-time
won’t hit you. Anyone shooting at you can get bonus of +10% to your skills when you begin
a maximum chance of 30% to hit with the game.
firearms, no matter what. The bad side of this Dogs cannot choose this trait.
is that your INT can’t go over 3 (even when
using drugs or medical IQ enhancing, you Small Frame
cannot take Gain Intelligence perk). Though You are not quite as big as everyone else, but
luck. that never slowed you down. You can't carry
Humans, ghouls and mutants only. as much, but you are more agile. You get a 1
point bonus to Agility, but your Carry Weight
Regeneration is only 15 lbs X Strength.
The radiation has somehow affected your Super-Mutants cannot choose this trait.
healing processes, which proceed much faster
than they should. You regenerate 1 hit point a Sympathetic
turn even if not resting up to your maximum You just can’t look at other people’s poverty,
hit points. However when your hit points sick animals etc. You will never refuse an aid
reach zero you are still dead… The bad side of for help and will always help someone or
this is that your normal ghoul’s radiation something that needs attention. Your karma
resistance is gone grows twice faster than normal.
(RR of 10% only). Damage form fire, acid or Dogs and robots cannot take this trait.
energy weapons cannot be regenerated.
Ghouls only. Talented
You are a talented artist (choose any art you
Sex Appeal want). It may help to do a living, but
This trait increases your chances of having a remember, there are no art galleries on the
good reaction with members of the opposite desert. Dogs and deathclaws (also except
sex. Unfortunately, this trait tends to annoy Grey Tribe) cannot take this trait.
members of your sex. Jealous twits. When
interacting with members of the opposite sex, Targeting Computer
you gain a 1 point bonus to Charisma for You have been programmed with an onboard
reactions only. When making Speech and targeting computer. All attacks cost 1 extra
Barter rolls, you gain a 40% bonus for each. AP to perform, but you can always add +15%
When interacting with members of the same to your chance to-hit.
sex, you have a 1 point penalty to Charisma Only Robots can choose this trait.
for reactions only and have a 40% penalty to
both Speech and Barter rolls. Tech Wizard
Only humans can choose this trait. You spent your formative years hunched over
a bench learning all about the way things
Skilled work. The trouble is that you’ve ruined your
Since you spend more time improving your eyes! You get a +15% bonus to Science,
skills than a normal person, you gain more Repair, and Lockpick skills, but you lose 1
skill points. The tradeoff is that you do not Perception.
gain as many extra abilities. You will gain a Only Ghouls can choose this trait.
perk at one level higher than normal. For
example, if you normally gained a perk every 4 Tight Nuts
levels, you would now gain a perk every 5 This robot was built to take the knocks. You
levels. You will get an additional 5 skill points get +5 Damage Threshold to any attack, but

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you gain only half the Hit Points back from
Only Robots can choose this trait.

You always loved to walk. This is more than
just a hobby- it's your lifestyle. You get +1 to
Endurance and a free Outdoorsman Tag skill,
but all skills except Outdoorsman suffer a -5%
penalty and you can choose only
Outdoorsman, and Random Encounters,
related perks.

Vat Skin
Other people find you hideous to behold and
disgusting to smell after your “dip” in the FEV
vats. The good news is that you gain a +10
bonus to your Armor Class thanks to your
extra-tough skin. The bad news is that
everyone within ten hexes of your location,
friend and foe, suffers a 1-point penalty to
Perception (you are naffected).
Only Mutants can choose this trait.

Western Brotherhood Citizen

Western brotherhood characters must take this
trait, though they may still take two additional
traits. You were born and raised in the Lost
Hills bunker, and have received a far better
education than most people in the Wasteland,
which gives you +20% bonus to your Science
skill. As the Brotherhood uses no money, and
its citizens do not have to buy or steal
anything, your Barter and Steal skills are
reduced by 10%. You have been carefully
indoctrinated in to the brotherhood and are
completely loyal to it. You can therefore not
knowingly ever do
anything that would harm the brotherhood.
See the BOS Guide for further details on the
Western Brotherhood.

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Every few levels, characters gain a perk. Perks Animal Friend
represent knowledge they've acquired Your character spends a lot of time with
traveling through the wasteland. Perks can animals. A LOT of time. Animals will not
affect stats, skills, secondary stats, and attack one of their friends, unless the animal is
sometimes just do strange things. Some will threatened or attacked first.
require a creative Gamemaster to implement. Ranks: 1
Perks do have level and statistic requirements Requirements: 5 Intelligence, 25%
at times. Some perks can be added more than Outdoorsman, Level 9
once; they have "ranks." A perk with 2 ranks
can only be chosen twice. A complete list of Assassinate!
perks is below. Occasionally, there are perks You can deal x2.5 damage with the first attack
one can earn that are not on this list. These are in combat as long as you were sneaking your
special perks, and should not be treated enemy or some other ability to make surprise
lightly! Remember that robots never get Perks, attack (like a sniper shot)
even special ones. Ranks: 1
Requirements: Sneak 70% Level 9
Alpha Male
You are dominant male in your pack – others Awareness
will be afraid of you and will follow your You know exactly what is going on in combat.
orders. You have bigger chance to reproduce This perk gives you more information when
than other pack members. On the other hand you examine a critter. You can see their exact
you must be aware that others may wish to number of hit points and the weapon they are
challenge you as they grow in strength armed with, if any.
themselves. You may gain this perk only by Ranks: 1
defeating previous alpha male. Requirements: Perception 5, Level 3
Ranks: 1
Requirements: Level 12 STR 7 END 7 AG 7, Bend the Rules
deathclaws and dogs only. With this perk, the next time your character
gets to choose a perk, they can ignore all
Action Boy (or Girl) restrictions except for race. You rule!
Your character knows how to make the most Ranks: 1
out of every moment. For each rank of this Requirements: Luck 6, Level 16
perk, the character gets an additional Action
Point each combat turn. Better Criticals
Ranks: 2 Your shots somehow hurt more than usual.
Requirements: Agility 5, Level 12 The critical hits you cause in combat are more
devastating. When you do a critical hit that
Adrenaline Rush does not kill outright, your hit does 150%
You have a fear of death that allows you to normal damage (in addition to any damage
fight harder when you are wounded. When bonuses already gained). In addition, your
your character's HP drop below 50% of their chance to cause damage to a limb is increased
maximum, your character gains a +1 Strength by 50%. If you critically hit for 40 points of
bonus, but cannot go above the racial damage, for instance, you would instead deal a
maximum. whopping 60 points. OUCH!
Ranks: 1 Mutants cannot choose this perk.
Requirements: Strength 1-9, Level 6 Ranks: 1

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Requirements: Perception 6, Luck 6, Agility 4, Bonus Move
Level 9 You have learned to take longer strides in
combat. For each level of this perk, your
Bluff Master character can move 2 more hexes in combat.
You are the king or queen of smooth talking. The first two hexes a character moves do no
Whenever you are caught stealing, your cost any APs.
character can automatically talk his or her way Ranks: 2
out of the situation. Requirements: Agility 5, Level 6
Ranks: 1
Requirements: Charisma 3, Level 8 Bonus Ranged Damage
You know just where to hit to make it hurt
Bone Head more. Every bullet that successfully hits the
You have a very thick skull, just like your target does +2 damage for each rank of this
mother always told you. With the first rank of perk.
this perk, you get a 50% chance to avoid Deathclaws and Dogs cannot choose this perk.
being knocked unconscious. With the second Ranks: 2
rank, that chance increases to 75%. Requirements: Agility 6, Luck 6, Level 6
Ranks: 2
Requirements: Strength 7, Level 7 Bonus Rate of Fire
Your trigger finger is a little faster than
Bonsai normal. Each ranged weapon attack costs one
Through careful nurturing, you have a small less AP to perform.
fruit tree growing out of your head. Now you Deathclaws and Dogs cannot choose this
have a steady supply of fruit! perk.
Ranks: 1 Ranks: 1
Requirements: Outdoorsman 50%, Science Requirements: Agility 7, Intelligence 6,
40%, Level 12, Ghoul Perception 6, Level 15

Bonus HtH Attacks Bracing

Your character has watched Jackie Chan and You know how to brace large weapons while
Bruce Lee and managed to learn a thing or you are standing. When applicable, you get a
two. Your character can make more bonus for using a tripod just by holding a
hand-to-hand or melee style attacks per weapon in your hands. Deathclaws and Dogs
combat turn with this perk. The AP cost to cannot choose this perk.
use a HtH or Melee attack is reduced by 1. Ranks: 1
Ranks: 1 Requirements: Strength 7, Big Guns 80%,
Requirements: Agility 6, Level 15 Level 4.

Bonus HtH Damage Break the Rules

You have learned a special technique to deal When you choose this perk, you may choose
more damage with your fists and melee any perk next time, regardless of requirements
weapons. Your character gains a +2 bonus to or race.
Melee Damage for each level of this perk. Ranks: 1
Ranks: 3 Requirements: Luck 6, Level 20
Requirements: Agility 6, Strength 6, Level 3
Brown Noser
You’ve learned how to suck up to your

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superiors. You get +1 Charisma for reaction to his CtH when you are covered behind
roles when dealing with authority figures for something and your move will be first always
each rank of this perk. (in spite of
Dogs and Deathclaws cannot brownnose. sequence).
Ranks: 2 Ranks:1
Requirements: Charisma 5, Intelligence 6, Requirements: Level 18
Level 2
Brutish Hulk Looks like all those study skills courses paid
With this perk, you gain double the normal hit off. With this perk, your character gains 50%
points when you go up a level. to the number of skill points earned when
Ranks: 1 reading educational books. Books that
Requirements: Strength 7, Endurance 5, Level normally give you 10 skill points now give you
8, Deathclaw 15.
Dogs cannot choose this perk.
Cancerous Growth Ranks: 1
The radiation has mutated you so badly that Requirements: Intelligence 6, Level 3
you thrive in the wastes. You gain a +2 bonus
to your healing rate, and can regenerate a Crazy Bomber
crippled limb in 48 hours. Your luck with explosives is legendary.
Ranks: 1 Characters with this perk who fail to set an
Requirements: Strength < 7, Level 6, Ghoul explosive properly will know immediately, and
that explosive will not go off or detonate – it
Cautious Nature will be reset, so the Bomber can try again.
Your character has learned to be wary of the Dogs and Deathclaws cannot choose this perk.
world around him. His Perception is increased Ranks: 1
by +3 when determining where he begins in Requirements: Traps 60%, Intelligence 6,
random encounters. Level 9.
Ranks: 1
Requirements: Perception 6, Level 3 Cult of Personality
Everybody likes your character.
Cheater EVERYBODY. Instead of getting a negative
You have learned how to cheat in cards and modifier for the "wrong" kind of karma, you
other gambling games. You can add +40% to get a positive modifier. Bad people like good
your gambling if you wish to use this ability characters, and good people like bad
but if you roll failure it means somebody saw characters. Good still likes good and bad still
you cheating. Oops… This super mutant you likes bad. Go figure.
were playing with may not like it… Ranks: 1
Ranks: 1 Requirements: Charisma 10, Level 12
Requirements: LK 7 Gambling 40% Level 6
Death Sense
City Hunter Your senses are very well developed. You
You are hunter. The city is your stone jungle. gain a +2 bonus to Perception in the dark, and
When wandering cities you get +1 to penalties for light levels are reduced by 50%.
Perception, +15% to your chance to hit, +20% You also gain a 25% bonus to detecting
to sneak, +20 to Traps, +30% to pilot +50% enemies who are sneaking around.
to Outdoorsman, your enemy will suffer –30% Ranks: 1

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Requirements: Intelligence 5, Level 4, Ranks: 1
Deathclaw Requirements: Level 18, AG 9

Deathclaw’s Roar Demolition Expert

You can roar in order to frighten your foes. Your character has learned how to handle
All enemies within 8 hexes must roll for CH if explosives like a pro. For characters that like
their roll is failed then they will take all their to blow things up, there is nothing better than
statistics drop by 1 and they make all skill rolls this perk.
with -10 modifier. If roll was a critical failure Explosives set by this character do 50% more
(10 was rolled) then they will run from combat damage and will always detonate on time.
dropping everything that might hamper their Deathclaws and Dogs cannot choose this perk.
escape. Ranks: 1
Deathclaw’s roar has no effect on another Requirements: Agility 4, Traps 90%, Level 9
deathclaw, robot or any creature with
charisma of ten or more. Mutants get +2 Die Hard
modifier to charisma and dogs get +1 when You won’t go down without a fight! When
rolling against the effect of deathclaws roar. your hit points drop below 20% of your
Ranks: 1 maximum, you get an additional 10% Damage
Requirements: Level 16, deathclaws only Resistance to all types of damage.
Ranks: 1
Defensive Mode Requirements: First Aid 40%, Endurance 6,
You can take a “wait & ambush” action Level 2
during combat (costs 1 AP). You do nothing
after taking that action but you can spend any Divine Favor
remaining AP’s in opponents turn. An A higher power has taken a liking to you.
example: your aim is blocked by a corner of a Anytime a roll fails, you have the option of
building and if you move there you will be out re-rolling, but you must accept the results of
of AP’s and in front of an enemy so instead the re-roll (you cannot re-roll a re-roll). You
you wait & ambush him, and when you get a can only invoke your higher power once in a
clear shot while he is moving you can shoot, 24-hour period.
as long as you roll for your PE [you may Ranks: 1
re-roll after each enemy action point (or points Requirements: Charisma 8, Level 14
if single action takes more than one) he/she/it
spends]. If you take manoeuvre you don’t add Dodger
remaining AP to your armour class even if you Your character has developed into a slippery
have no chance to use them in opponents turn. little rat. This perk will lower your character's
GM note: if this makes combat to become chances to be hit in combat. Armor class
static just allow this manoeuvre once a increases by +5 for each rank.
combat. Deathclaws can gain this perk at level Ranks: 2
4. Requirements: Agility 6, Level 9
Ranks: 1
Requirements: Level 6, PE 6 AG 7 Driver
You get a 15% one-time bonus to driving.
Delayed Action Ranks: 1
You can transfer your action points for next Requirements: Level 6 humans, mutants and
round of combat, but not more than 10 AP ghouls only.
each combat (adding up all transfers).

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Driving City Style Requirements: Level 9
Your character has picked up some aggressive
driving techniques. She gets a onetime 30% Fast Weapon Draw
bonus to Pilot skill, and any rolls against stats You add +6 to your sequence in first round of
made while behind the wheel get a +2 bonus. combat when using firearms.
Deathclaws and Dogs cannot choose this perk. Ranks: 1
Ranks: 1 Requirements: Level 6, AG 7, deathclaws and
Requirements: Perception 6, Agility 5, Level 9 dogs cannot take this perk.

Drunken Master Faster Healing

As a “child of the bottle,” you fight better Characters with faster healing just plain heal
when you are drunk. You receive a 20% faster. For each rank of this perk, your
bonus to your Unarmed skill when under the character gains a +2 to the Healing Rate
influence of alcohol. statistic.
Ranks: 1 Ranks: 3
Requirements: Unarmed 60%, Level 3 Requirements: Endurance 6, Level 3

Earlier Sequence Favourite Weapon

Your character will be more likely to move You can choose a weapon to which you will
before other characters and critters in combat have a 20% bonus when using it.
with this perk. Each rank of this perk increases When taking second rank of this perk you
a character's Sequence by +2. must chose another weapon.
Ranks: 3 Ranks: 2
Requirements: Perception 6, Level 3 Requirements: Level 6, robots, deathclaws
and dogs cannot take this perk.
Every rank of this perk will add +2 skill points Fire At Will!
when your character gains a level. You are trained to fire your weapon
Ranks: 3 accurately regardless of conditions.
Requirements: Intelligence 6, Level 6 Targeted shots cost you one action point less.
Ranks: 1
Empathy Requirements: Level 12, small guns and/or
You get a better idea of what to say to an energy weapons 110%
NPC with this perk. The GM must warn you
when dialogue will be interpreted the wrong Flexible
way. Years of exercise have made you very supple.
Ranks: 1 It only takes you 1 AP to change your stance
Requirements: Perception 7, Intelligence 5, in combat.
Level 6 Ranks: 1
Requirements: Sneak 60%, Agility 6, Level 4
This perk will make it more likely that your Flower Child
character will find those strange and With this perk, you are much less likely to be
interesting encounters and items. It is up to addicted to chems (50% less likely, actually)
the GM to decide what those items and and suffer ½ the withdrawal time as a normal
encounters are. person.
Ranks: 1 Ranks: 1

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Requirements: 5 Endurance, Level 9 Gain Strength
Increases your Strength by +1 permanently.
Fortune Finder Ranks: 1
Random encounters yield more money. Of Requirements: Strength below racial max,
course, you have to take it off the cold, dead Level 12
bodies of your opponents.
How much money is up to the GM. Gambler
Ranks: 1 This perk adds a one-time +20% to the
Requirements: Luck 8, Level 6 Gambling skill.
Ranks: 1
Gain Agility Requirements: Gambling 50, Level 6
Increases your Agility by +1 permanently.
Ranks: 1 Gecko Skinning
Requirements: Agility below racial max, Level You learned how to skin Geckos! You can sell
12 these skins- it’s up to GM how much it is
Gain Charisma Ranks: 1
Increases your Charisma by +1 permanently. Requirements: lev. 3, AG 6, Outdoorsman
Ranks: 1 40%.
Requirements: Charisma below racial max,
Level 12 Ghost
In areas of darkness, or at night, characters
Gain Endurance with this perk gain +20% to their Sneak skill.
Increases your Endurance by +1 permanently. Ranks: 1
Ranks: 1 Requirements: Sneak 60%, Level 6
Requirements: Endurance below racial max,
Level 12 Guide
You know a desert like your own pocket. It
Gain Intelligence has no secrets before you. You gain +10% to
Increases your Intelligence by +1 permanently. all skills, +2 to Perception and Intelligence and
Ranks: 1 +2 to Sequence, Armor Class and Critical
Requirements: Intelligence below racial max, Chance in the desert.
Level 12 Ranks: 1
Requirements: Lev. 9, INT 7, 75%
Gain Luck Outdoorsman
Increases your Luck by +1 permanently.
Ranks: 1 Gunner
Requirements: Luck below racial max, Level You have become an expert at firing from a
12 moving vehicle. You do not suffer the normal
10% penalty when firing from a vehicle in
Gain Perception motion.
Increases your Perception by +1 permanently. Ranks: 1
Ranks: 1 Requirements: Small Guns 40%, Agility 6,
Requirements: Perception below racial max, Level 3
Level 12
Your character's innocent demeanor makes

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stealing from people a little easier. This perk shrapnel.
grants a +20% bonus to Steal. Ranks: 1
Deathclaws cannot choose this perk. Requirements: Agility 6, Level 4
Ranks: 1
Requirements: Steal 50%, Karma > 49, Level HtH Evade
6 If your character is not carrying any weapons
in either hand, at the end of a combat turn, the
Healer character gains 3 points of AC instead of the
Each rank of this perk will increase the normal 1 for each unused Action Point.
number of Hit Points healed by the use of First Ranks: 1
Aid or Doctor skills by 4-10 points (1d6 +4). Requirements: Unarmed 75%, Level 12
The second rank adds +8-20 (2 X (1d6 +4)).
Ranks: 2 Innocent Appearance
Requirements: Perception 7, Agility 6, No one can expect you to do something bad,
Intelligence 5, First Aid 40%, Level 3 you just look so innocent. You can approach
most foes (not robots or animals) with little
Heave Ho! risk of attack and you act as first in first round
For purposes of determining the maximum of combat. It doesn’t mean you would be let
range of thrown weapons only, this perk will into a guarded place, you just can approach
increase Strength by +2 for each rank. the guards without being shot at sight. Your
Ranks: 3 enemies must be able to see your well so you
Requirements: Level 6 can’t wear anything more than leather armour
and must not carry any visible weapons (who
Here and Now would consider a person with minigun as
With this perk, your character immediately innocent?). This trait works only one time you
gains enough experience points to go up to the cannot fool the same guy again and again…
next level. If a character chose this perk at Ranks: 1
level 9, they would gain enough experience Requirements: Level 15, CH 9, humans and
points to go to level 10, placing them at a total ghouls only.
of 45,001 experience points.
Ranks: 1 Kama Sutra Master
Requirements: Level 9 This perk confers great stamina and skill when
doing the dirty.
Hide of Scars Ranks: 1
Your battle-weary flesh has hardened into an Requirements: Endurance 5, Agility 5, Level 3
armor of its own. You gain +15% to all
resistances except for fire. Karma Beacon
Ranks: 2 Your Karma ran over someone's Dogma.
Requirements: Endurance 6, Level 10, Karma is doubled for the purposes of reaction.
Deathclaw Ranks: 1
Requirements: Charisma 6, Level 9
Hit the Deck!
You react very quickly to the sound of an Leadfoot
explosive coming your way. You only take ½ Your reflexes have developed to make you a
damage from ranged explosive weapons by very fast driver. Of course, that doesn’t
increasing your Explosive DR by 50%. This necessarily mean you are any safer. Characters
includes damage from concussion and with this perk can make a vehicle go 25%

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faster than the vehicle’s maximum speed. Living Anatomy
Ranks: 1 This perk confers a +10% bonus to Doctor.
Requirements: Pilot 60%, Perception 6, Since characters with this perk have greater
Agility 6, Level 3 knowledge of anatomy, they also do +5 points
of damage with every
Leader attack to living creatures.
You have some natural leadership abilities and Ranks: 1
have managed to cultivate them. Any party Requirements: Doctor 60%, Level 12
member within 10 hexes of you gains +1 to
their Agility, up to their racial max, and +5 to Loner
their Armor Class. You do not get these You always were a little different, but now
benefits – that’s the price of being a leader. you’ve learned how to use those differences to
Ranks: 1 your advantage.
Requirements: Charisma 6, Level 4 Characters with this perk gain +10% to all
skill rolls when at least 10 hexes away from all
Liar of the other members of the party.
You can lie to someone direct in their face Ranks: 1
without him noticing (roll for CH + 1, +2 with Requirements: Outdoorsman 50%, Charisma
2nd rank and +3 with 3rd rank). < 5, Level 4
Ranks: 3
Requirements: Level 12, Speech 50% CH 6 Master Thief
LK 6, humans and ghouls only. This perk gives a one-time bonus of 15 points
to both the Lockpick and Steal skills.
Lifegiver Deathclaws and Dogs cannot choose this perk.
Every time your character gains a level, he or Ranks: 1
she gains an additional 4 HP for each level of Requirements: Lockpick 50%, Steal 50%,
this perk. With two ranks, that's +8 HP per Level 12
Ranks: 2 Master Trader
Requirements: Endurance 4, Level 12 This perk confers a one-time 30% bonus to
your Barter skill.
Light Step Deathclaws and Dogs cannot choose this perk.
Characters with this perk are much less likely Ranks: 1
to set off traps. For purposes of triggering a Requirements: Charisma 7, Barter 60%, Level
trap, they gain a +4 bonus to Agility. 9
Ranks: 1
Requirements: Agility 5, Luck 5, Level 9 Medic
This perk gives a one-time bonus of 10% to
Lip Reading First Aid and Doctor.
You can read out of someone’s lips (roll Ranks: 1
perception/2 +1/per rank). Chance to properly Requirements: First Aid OR Doctor 40%,
read is modified with distance (modifiers are Level 12
applied like as in case of weapon with range of
5). Mental Block
Ranks: 3 Mental Block is the ability to tune out any
Requirements: Level 9, INT 7 PE 6 outside mental interference. You must have
learned this talent from a passing guru, or

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from a really late night at the bar. For Night Vision
purposes of determining range in combat Your character can see better in darkness
AND finding traps ONLY, your character’s when you select this perk. Negative modifiers
Perception is raised by 1, up to the racial for dark conditions are reduced by 50%. Must
maximum. be all the carrots you ate..
Ranks: 1 Ranks: 1
Requirements: Level 15 Requirements: Perception 6, Level 3

More Criticals Pack Rat

Characters with this perk cause more critical Each rank of this Perk adds +10 lbs. to your
hits in combat. Each rank adds +5% to the character's Carry Weight statistic.
Critical Chance statistic. Ranks: 2
Mutants cannot choose this perk. Requirements: Level 6
Ranks: 3
Requirements: Luck 6, Level 6 Pathfinder
This perk reduces travel time by 25%. You
Mr. (or Ms.) Fixit just have a knack for finding those old trails
This perk gives a one-time bonus of 10% to and roads.
both the Repair and Science skills. Ranks: 1
Deathclaws and Dogs cannot choose this perk. Requirements: Endurance 6, Outdoorsman
Ranks: 1 60%, Level 6
Requirements: Repair 40% OR Science 40%,
Level 12 Pickpocket
Mutate! Characters with this perk gain a 25% bonus to
Picking this perk will also make you select one their Steal skill for the purposes of stealing
of your current Traits to remove. You then from other characters or NPCs.
get a chance to pick another Trait. Weird, eh? Deathclaws and Dogs cannot choose this perk.
Ranks: 1 Ranks: 1
Requirements: Level 9 Requirements: Agility 8, Steal 80%, Level 15

Mysterious Stranger Presence

When you select this perk, there is a chance You gain a +1 bonus to your Charisma for
(30% + (2 X LK)) that your character will reaction rolls for each rank of this perk.
gain a temporary ally, but only in random Ranks: 3
encounters. The GM will choose that ally. Requirements: Charisma 6, Level 6
Ranks: 1
Requirements: Luck 4, Level 9 Psychotic
Your body has adapted to the use of the
Negotiator stimulant Psycho. Positive effects of Psycho
This perk gives a one-time bonus of 10% to are doubled, and the addiction rate for this
Speech and Barter. Deathclaws and Dogs drug is halved.
cannot choose this perk. Ranks: 1
Ranks: 1 Requirements: Endurance 5, Level 8, Mutant
Requirements: Barter 50%, Speech 50%, or Half-mutant
Level 6
This perk will make your character do horrible

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things with fire - to other people. He or she Requirements: Perception 6, Level 6
does +5 points of damage with fire-based
weapons such as flamethrowers, molotov Road Warrior
cocktails, napalm, and so forth. Mad Max doesn’t have a thing on you. You
Ranks: 1 have learned how to drive and shoot at the
Requirements: Big Guns 75%, Level 9 same time. You do not suffer any penalties
when driving vehicles and making attacks at
Quick Pockets the same time.
It only takes two action points instead of four Deathclaws and Dogs cannot choose this
to swap equipment in combat. perk.
Ranks: 1 Ranks: 1
Requirements: Agility 5, Level 3 Requirements: Pilot 60%, Intelligence 6, Level
Quick Recovery
It only costs you one AP to stand up after Salesman
being knocked down. Your character becomes a better salesman
Ranks: 1 with this perk. +20% to the Barter skill.
Requirements: Agility 5, Level 6 Deathclaws and Dogs cannot be salesmen.
Ranks: 1
Race Driver Requirements: Barter 50%, Level 6
Your travelling speed with a car is increased
by 20% whit unchanged fuel consumption. Sandspeaker
Ranks: 1 You know how to talk to people encountered
Requirements: Driving 75% Level 6, humans, in the desert.
mutants and ghouls only. +2 to Charisma, +20% to Speech and Barter
in random encounters only.
Rad Child Ranks: 1
You do not take damage from radiation – in Requirements: Level 6, Charisma 6, Speech
fact, it heals you. You gain an extra +5 to and Barter 30%
your Healing Rate when in a source of
radiation that gives out 10 or more rads an Scout
hour. Your character can see further in the
Ranks: 1 wilderness. Maps are easier to read.
Requirements: Endurance 6, Level 3, Ghoul It is up to the GM to determine exactly how
this works. Special encounters and items are a
Rad Resistance little easier to find with this skill as well.
Each rank of this perk increases the Radiation Ranks: 1
Resistance of your character by 15%. Requirements: Perception 7, Level 3
Ranks: 2
Requirements: Endurance 6, Intelligence 4, Scrounger
Level 6 You can find more ammo than the normal
post-nuclear survivor. You always find double
Ranger the normal ammunition in random encounters.
This perk adds +15% to Outdoorsman. It also Ranks: 1
makes finding those special encounters and Requirements: Luck 8, Level 9
items a little easier.
Ranks: 1

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Sharpshooter will do a critical hit with successful roll against
With each rank of this perk, Perception Luck and this perk.
increases by +2 for the purposes of Deathclaws and Dogs cannot choose this perk.
determining the modifiers for range in combat. Ranks: 1
Ranks: 1 Requirements: Agility 8, Perception 8, Small
Requirements: Perception 7, Intelligence 6, Guns 80%, Level 24
Level 9
Silent Death This perk gives a one-time bonus of 20% to
While sneaking successfully, characters with the Speech skill. Deathclaws and Dogs cannot
this perk do double damage using HtH or choose this perk.
melee attacks if they can hit their opponent in Ranks: 1
the back (backstab!) Requirements: Speech 50%, Level 9
Ranks: 1
Requirements: Agility 10, Sneak 80%, Stat!
Unarmed 80%, Level 18 You can heal people must faster than the usual
wasteland doctor in combat. When attempting
Silent Running to help a fallen comrade, it only takes 5 APs
This perk allows characters to run and sneak to use your skill.
at the same time. Ranks: 1
Ranks: 1 Requirements: First Aid 75%, Doctor 50%,
Requirements: Agility 6, Sneak 50%, Level 6 Agility 6, Level 3

Slayer Steady Arm

The slayer walks the earth! In HtH or melee Due to your massive size, burst attacks cost 1
combat, characters with this Perk do a critical less AP.
hit with a successful roll against Luck! Ranks: 1
Ranks: 1 Requirements: Strength 6, Level 4, Mutant
Requirements: Agility 8, Strength 8, Unarmed
80%, Level 24 Stonewall
If your character is about to be knocked down
Smooth Talker in combat, he can roll a percentile dice and has
Each rank of this perk will increase your a 50% chance to avoid that fate.
Intelligence by +1 for rolls against that Stat Ranks: 1
when attempting to smooth-talk NPCs. Dogs Requirements: Strength 6, Level 3
cannot choose this perk, since dogs cannot
talk. Strike To Stun
Ranks: 3 You can strike the enemy in order to stun not
Requirements: Intelligence 4, Level 3 to kill him. Roll for enemy’s END to see if
you have succeeded (you must roll higher than
Snakeater enemy endurance). This attack is made with a
This perk adds +25% to Poison Resistance. 20% penalty to hit. Deathclaws and robots
Ranks: 1 cannot be stunned by this attack, nor can
Requirements: Endurance 3, Level 6 anyone wearing a helmet.
Ranks: 1
Sniper Requirements: Unarmed 75% STR 6 Level 9,
When using a ranged weapon, your character dogs cannot take this perk.

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Strong Back Team Player
Each Rank of this perk increases Carry Weight You have learned the basic skills of teamwork
by 50 lbs. and sharing. Good for you!
Ranks: 2 Whenever all members of the party are within
Requirements: Strength 6, Endurance 6, Level 10 hexes of your character, he or she gains
3 +10% to all skills.
Ranks: 1
Stunt Devil Requirements: Charisma 4, Level 12
You know how to bounce when you hit the
ground! You take 25% less damage from Thief
falling and from vehicle wrecks. In addition, This perk confers a one-time bonus of +10%
you get a 10% bonus to your Pilot skill. to Sneak, Lockpick, Steal, and Traps. Dogs
Alas, there are no stunt dogs in the Fallout and Deathclaws cannot
universe. choose this perk.
Ranks: 2 Ranks: 1
Requirements: Strength 6, Endurance 6, Requirements: Level 3
Agility 6, Level 6
Tough Hide
Survivalist Exposure to radiation and the harsh wastes
Gain a +25% bonus to the Outdoorsman skill has hardened you against the elements. You
with this perk. gain +15 to your Armor Class and a +10%
Ranks: 3 bonus to all resistances.
Requirements: Endurance 6, Intelligence 6, Ranks: 2
Outdoorsman 40%, Level 3 Requirements: Endurance < 8, Level 12,
Swift Learner
Each rank of this perk adds an additional 5% Toughness
(round up) to your character's experience This perk confers a +10% to Damage
points when he earns them. For example, Resistance to all types of damage.
Jack's character Garfield kills a Rad Rat (50 Ranks: 1
XP). He would earn 53 XP instead of the Requirements: Endurance 6, Luck 6, Level 3
normal 50 at the first rank of this perk.
Ranks: 3 Tunnel Rat
Requirements: Intelligence 4, Level 3 You crawl like a baby. Well, you crawl like a
very fast baby. You can move at your normal
Tag! rate (1 AP per hex) while crouching or prone.
Pick an additional Tag Skill. Ranks: 1
Ranks: 1 Requirements: Sneak 60%, Agility 6, Level 4
Requirements: Level 12
Way of the Fruit
Talon of Fear You have learned about the mystical healing
Venom has seeped into your claws. All of effects of eating fruit. For 24 hours after
your unarmed attacks carry a Type B poison. eating a piece of fruit, your character gains +1
Ranks: 1 to Perception and Agility.
Requirements: Unarmed 60%, Strength 6, Deathclaws and Dogs cannot grasp the
Level 12, Deathclaw mysteries of the fruit.

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Ranks: 1 First Aid +5%
Requirements: Charisma 6, Level 6 Doctor +15%
Requirements: Level 12, 6 IN, 4-month
Weapon Handling instruction, Scribe rank
This perk adds +3 Strength for the purposes
of strength requirements for handling and
firing weapons. EASTERN BROTHERHOOD PERKS – you
Ranks: 1 must be a member of the eastern brotherhood
Requirements: Agility 5, Level 12 in order to take these perks.

Brotherhood Warfare Training (BWT)

Rank 1
BROTHERHOOD PERKS – you must be Small Guns +10%
member of either the Western Brotherhood or Big Guns +10%
the Eastern Brotherhood to take any of this Energy Weapons +5%
perks. Melee Weapons +10%
Requirements: Level 6, 3-month instruction,
Initiate Combat Training (ICT) Squire rank
This training covers the most basic of the Rank 2
combat tactics, strategy and weapon handling. Small Guns +5%
Small Guns +10% Big Guns +15%
Unarmed +10% Energy Weapons +10%
Melee Weapons +10% Pilot +10%
Requirements: Level 3, 3-month instruction Requirements: Level 12, 4-month instruction,
Junior Knight rank
Initiate Science Training (IST) Rank 3
This training covers the most basic of the Big Guns +15%
scientific skills. Character with this perk Energy Weapons +15%
doesn’t have to make any Science rolls when Traps +10%
using any Brotherhood computers. Requirements: Level 15, 5-month instruction,
Science +10% Knight rank
Repair +5% Rank 4
Requirements: Level 3, 5 IN, 3-month Big Guns +10%
instruction Energy Weapons +10%
Requirements: Level 18, 6-month instruction,
Brotherhood Medical Training (BMT) Junior Paladin rank
Rank 1
First Aid +10% Scribe Technical Training (STT)
Doctor +5% Rank 1
Requirements: Level 6, 5 IN, 3-month Science +10%
instruction Repair +10%
Rank 2 Requirements: Level 6, 5 IN, 3-month
First Aid +10% instruction, Junior Scribe rank
Doctor +10% Rank 2
Requirements: Level 9, 6 IN, 4-month Science +5%
instruction, Junior Scribe rank Repair +15%
Rank 3 Requirements: Level 9, 6 IN, 4-month

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instruction, Junior Scribe rank that are sent into the wasteland with some
Rank 3 secret assignments.
Science +15% Requires completing an 8-month long
Repair +5% instruction in The Enclave War Academy.
Requirements: Level 12, 7 IN, 6-month Unarmed +30
instruction, Scribe rank Outdoorsman +25
Traps + 20
Squad Leadership Training (SLT) Speech +20
Speech + 15% Repair +10
First aid +10% Lockpick +10
Outdoorsman +5% Ranks: 1
Requirements: member of Enclave Special
Paladin Leadership Training (PLT) Forces
Speech +20%
First aid +10% Enclave Science Training
Outdoorsman +5% Training in Enclave high tech equipment
maintenance – computers, robots etc.
Training usually takes about 5 months.
ENCLAVE PERKS – you must have Enclave Gives +2/+20% to any roll where high tech
Citizen trait to take any of this perks. equipment is involved – let it be repairing a
robot or hacking into a computer or even
Enclave Combat Training picking an electronic lock.
Training in combat tactics, strategy as well as Ranks: 1
weapon handling. Requires completing a Requirements: INT 7 Level 9
3-month instruction (4 months for rank 2 and
6 months for rank 3) in the Enclave War Enclave Airborne Training
Academy. No minimal requirements are Learns to fly one type of Vertibird. You are
necessary as long as you are in Enclave Army. familiar with other types but your piloting skill
Rank1: is lowered by 10 if flying different type than
Small guns + 15 your selected one. If attempting to pilot
Big guns +15 Vertibird without this perk your piloting is
Rank2: lowered by 50%.
Small guns + 5 Training in Enclave Aviation Academy lasts
Big guns +5 for 8 months and teaches also all skills
Energy weapons + 10 necessary for airborne assault troops – such as
Traps + 15 parachuting, leaving the Vertibird under fire,
Requirements: Sergeant Vertibird operations tactics etc. All Enclave
Rank3: airborne troops have completed this course
Big guns +5 but only the best of best are given chance to
Energy weapons + 5 pilot Vertibird.
Traps + 5 Rank 2 of this perk gives ability to pilot
INT +1 up to racial maximum RAH-88 Inca (-100% if you wish to pilot Inca
Requirements: Lieutenant without this perk). You must have at least 5
years of experience in piloting Assault or
Enclave Covert Operations Training Recon Vertibird to become Inca pilot, course
Teaches the art of behind-the-lines operations lasts for 8 months. Achieving rank 2 raises
as well as spying. Very useful to all soldiers your karma in Enclave by 100.

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Rank1: Requirements: 2 years of study
Requirements: Piloting 75%, PE 7 Has knowledge about wound treatment and
Rank2: many illnesses but it’s mainly theoretical
Requirements: Piloting 125%, PE 8, INT 8, knowledge.
END 6 Rank3:
Enclave BioLab Training Field Medic
A four-year long instruction in Enclave First Aid: +5
BioLab teaches advanced chemistry, quantum Doctor: +10
physics molecular biology, Science +5
genetic engineering and all familiar subjects. Can perform simple field surgeries, but serious
Gives +80% bonus to science whenever wounds require attention from better trained
something connected with biology, chemistry doctor.
or physics is involved. Requirements: 3 years of study
Ranks: 1 Rank4:
Requirements: INT 10 Medic
Doctor: +10
Enclave Survival Training Science: +10
2-month instruction in Enclave War Academy, Requirements: 4 years of study
given to all soldiers who perform first line Can perform surgeries if necessary.
duty. This training raises their chances of Rank5:
surviving teaching basic survival techniques. Doctor
Outdoorsman rises by 10 per rank. First Aid: +5
Ranks: 3 Doctor: +10
Requirements: none Science: +10
Requirements: 5 years of study
Enclave Medical Training Rank6
A medical training in The Enclave Medical First Aid: +5
Academy (EMA) that takes up to 6 years. Doctor: +5
Even though the training is mainly for army Science: +5
proposes, it also gives knowledge for civilian Modifiers are doubled for purpose of his/hers
doctors. Each rank can be gained after 1 year specialization Specialist doctor (e.g. surgeon,
of instruction and you can finish EMA optometric,
whenever you want - only a few complete all cardiologist etc.):
six years. Modifiers are cumulative e.g. a Requirements: 6 years of study
paramedic has +25 to first aid.
First Aid +15 must have the Western Brotherhood Citizen
Requirements: 1 year of study trait to take any of these perks.
Only basic training, mainly for purpose of
helping other doctors and carrying wounded Knight Combat Training (KCT)
out of first line without doing any additional Small Guns +15%
harm to them. Big Guns +10%
Rank2: Energy Weapons +5%
Paramedic Requirements: Level 6, 4-month instruction,
First Aid: +10 Junior Knight rank
Doctor: +5 Knight Technical Training (KTT)

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Rank 1 Requirements: Level 15, 8-month instruction,
Science +10% Paladin rank
Repair +10%
Requirements: Level 6, 5 IN, 3-month
instruction, Junior Knight rank
Rank 2
Science +5%
Repair +15%
Requirements: Level 9, 6 IN, 4-month
instruction, Junior Knight rank
Rank 3
Repair +20%
Requirements: Level 12, 6 IN, 6-month
instruction, Knight rank

Scribe Science Training (SST)

Rank 1
Science +10%
Repair +10%
Requirements: Level 6, 6 IN, 3-month
instruction, Junior Scribe rank
Rank 2
Science +15%
Repair +5%
Requirements: Level 9, 7 IN, 4-month
instruction, Junior Scribe rank
Rank 3
Science +20%
Requirements: Level 12, 8 IN, 6-month
instruction, Scribe rank

Paladin Combat Training (PCT)

Rank 1
Small Guns +10%
Big Guns +10%
Energy Weapons +10%
Requirements: Level 9, 4-month instruction,
Junior Paladin rank
Rank 2
Small Guns +5%
Big Guns +15%
Energy Weapons +10%
Requirements: Level 12, 6-month instruction,
Junior Paladin rank
Rank 3
Big Guns +15%
Energy Weapons +15%

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WEAPONS Boxing Gloves
Abbreviations: Value: 250
Dmg = Damage (note that damage for guns is One can still find practitioners of "the sweet
determined by the type of ammunition used, science" in the wastes. If your character is
and any bonuses the gun adds) thinking of becoming the next Balboa, these
S = Single are essential. Boxing gloves are gloves with
T = Targeted some kind of pad over and around the fist, so
B = Burst (see the rules under Attacking: that the wearer does not damage his or her
Burst Mode in Combat: Attacking for details) hand, and the person getting punched doesn’t
Rng = Range in meters. In standard combat, get cut.
one hex is 1 meter in diameter. Numbers in ( ) Min ST: 1 W: 5 lbs Dmg: 1d4 + MD Rng: 1
indicate range with a tripod where applicable. AP S: 3 T: 4 B: N/A
W = Weight
MD = Melee Damage Brass Knuckles
(R) = From the Russian Weapon List. This Value: 40
means that you might not have them in a A device that fits around the knuckles of a
campaign set in America. fighter, making punches hurt a lot more. It
distributes the force of the blow evenly over
the puncher’s hand, allowing them to avoid
UNARMED SKILL WEAPONS breaking their fingers.
This skill covers the good oldfashioned Min. ST: 1 W: 1 lb Dmg: 1d10 + MD Rng: 1
method of beating people up with your bare AP S: 3 T: 4 B: N/A
fists, and weapons that compliment this
method. Impact Glove
Value: 900
Fists and Feet A Brotherhood of Steel invention, the impact
Value: N/A glove uses a unique piston device similar to
Unless your character is missing a limb or two, ones used by the much more powerful Big
they have these weapons with them at all Frigger line of power fists. The difference is
times. The most basic of weapons. that the impact glove uses a smaller energy
Min. ST: 1 W: N/A Dmg: 1d4 + MD Rng: 1 cell that does not need to be recharged, and is
AP S: 3 T: 4 B: N/A significantly less powerful. It is still a decent
weapon, and can enhance anyone’s
Adamantine Claws hand-to-hand fighting experience.
Value: 1000 Min. ST: 1 w: 9 lbs. Dmg: (1d10+8) + MD
Named not because they are made from a Rng: 1 AP S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A
mystical alloy, but because they resemble the
claws of a 20th Century comic-book Lacerators
character, these gloves feature extendible Value: 100
blades that are designed to slash and This nasty little glove represents some of the
disembowel even the strongest critters. The finest innovations raiders and tribals have
user can control the claws’ action through a made since the war. Gloves covered with
trigger in the glove. razor blades, lacerators will rip flesh into fine
Min. ST: 1 W: 2 lbs. Dmg: (3d6+3) + MD pieces with a simple swipe of the hand.
Rng: 1 AP: S 3 T 4 B N/A Min. ST: 1 W: 2 lbs. Dmg: (1d8+2) + MD
Rng: 1 AP S: 3 T: 4 B: N/A

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Mace Glove Punch Dagger
Value: 150 Value: 300
The mace glove is a large, weighted, spiked The punch dagger certainly isn’t a subtle
metal ball attached to a glove, so the user can weapon; it is a large, serrated combat knife
beat unsuspecting critters or raiders with more attached to a glove, combining the force of a
effectiveness. Certainly not an elegant punch with the tearing action of a toothed
weapon, but an efficient one. blade. Expect to get kicked out of the boxing
Min. ST: 1 W: 4 lbs. Dmg: (1d6+4) + MD ring for using this unorthodox piece of
Rng: 1 AP: S 4 T 5 B N/A equipment.
Min. ST: 1 W: 4 lbs. Dmg: (1d10+2) + MD
Mega Power Fist Rng: 1 AP S: 3 T:4 B: N/A
Value: 2200
A more powerful version of the "Big Frigger." Punch Gun
This one has upgraded power servos for Value: 600
increased strength. The Mega Power Fist This unusual weapon is a glove with a trigger
holds 25 charges of Small Energy Cells. Like in the thumb, allowing the user to fire a single
the smaller version, it uses a charge every time shotgun shell at the same time a punch is
a punch is thrown, even if it doesn’t connect. thrown. The damage from the shotgun ammo
Min. ST: 1 W: 10 lbs. Dmg: (3d10+20) + MD is added to the effects of the punch and melee
Rng: 1 AP S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A damage.
Although they are somewhat awkward, as the
Plated Boxing Gloves must be reloaded after every use, an
Value: 300 enterprising individual could do quite well
Where one finds practitioners of "the sweet with one of these tools during a surprise
science," one finds cheaters as well. Someone attack. The punch gun holds 1 shotgun shell.
"accidentally" put metal plates into these Note that the incredibly short barrel on the
boxing gloves. gun renders this weapon ineffective at all but
Min ST: 1 W: 10 lbs Dmg: (1d4+5) + MD the closest ranges.
Rng: 1 AP S: 3 T: 4 B: N/A Min. ST: 2 W: 7 lbs. Dmg: (1d4 + Ammo) +
MD) Rng: 1 AP S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A
Power Fist
Value: 1800 Sapper
The "Big Frigger" Power Fist from BeatCo. Value: 80
Considered by many to be the ultimate Essentially a normal glove with weights
weapon to use in unarmed combat. A Power attached, the sapper is designed to help you hit
Fist is a metal glove that fits over the hand and harder. Like a melee sap (see below), the
uses small motors to enhance the power of a primary use of this weapon is to knock an
punch. It holds 25 charges, and uses Small opponent unconscious from a sneaky blow to
Energy Cells to recharge. The glove will the head. Head shots with this glove have a
“sense” when the user throws a punch and 75% chance of knocking the target
automatically adjusts for greater damage, unconscious for 1d10 rounds.
using energy even if the punch doesn’t Min. ST: 3 W: 4 lbs. Dmg: 1d6 + MD Rng: 1
connect. AP S: 3 T: 4 B: N/A
Min. ST: 1 W: 10 lbs. Dmg: (2d8+10) + MD
Rng: 1 AP S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A Shredders
Value: 90
Shredders are gloves that have small, sharp

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claws attached to the fingers, allowing the by other races (even normal – meaning not
user to scratch an opponent. Not very useful Grey Tribe - Deathclaws cannot use it as they
as a melee weapon, but coated with the right are too dumb).
kind of poison, shredders can be extremely Min. ST: 6 W: 8 Dmg: d20 + MD Rng: 2 AP
dangerous. S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A
Min. ST: 1 W: 1 lbs. Dmg: (1d4+2) + MD
Rng: 1 AP S: 3 T: 4 B: N/A Ax
Value: 45
Spiked Knuckles This is a basic hatchet. Good for breaking
Value: 250 down wooden doors, or sinking into that nuke
An improved version of the classic brass pooch. Another common weapon that can be
knuckles, the spiked knuckles do more constructed from a piece of wood and any
damage, tearing into the flesh of your hunk of sharp metal or rock, axes are
opponent in unarmed combat. Like the brass anywhere from 30 cm to 90 cm in length.
knuckles, they distribute damage evenly across Min. ST: 3 W: 2 lbs. Dmg: 1d8+MD Rng: 1
the puncher’s fingers. AP S: 3 T: 4 B: N/A
Min ST: 1 W: 1 lb Dmg: (1d10+4) + MD
Rng: 1 AP S: 3 T: 4 B: N/A Battle pitchfork (R)
Value: 95
Tiger Claw Old simple melee weapon. Easy to made.
Value: 75 Long-long ago it was used by russian peasants
A glove that fits over a portion of the in all ancient revolts. Gooood piercing ability.
knuckles and fingers, concealing sharp “claws” 50% chance to knock down.
in the palm. A simple weapon, often used for Min. ST: 4 W: 5 lbs. Dmg: (1d12+5) + MD
ritualistic tribal combat rather than serious Rng: 2 AP S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A
fighting. Assassins like to dip tiger claws in
poison to make an easily concealable – and Bayonet
deadly – weapon. Value: 70
Min. ST: 1 W: 1 lb Dmg: 1d2 + MD Rng: 1 A very useful “tool” which has seen lots of
AP S: 3 T: 4 B: N/A wars. Can be added to most assault rifles.
Min. ST: 2 W: 0,2 Dmg: 1d10 + MD Rng: 1
AP S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A
These weapons are held in the hand and make Bayonet-knife "Universum" (R)
contact with whatever their user is trying to Value: 250
damage. You can add bayonet-knife to any AK
(without underbarrel grenade launcher), to
“Arghan-Usarr” (“Battle Pole”) SVD, AN-94, OC-14. Combined with it`s
Value: 500 sheath it transforms to nippers or pliers.
This unique weapon, constructed by Grey Min. ST: 2 W: 1 lb. Dmg 1d8 + MD Rng: 5
Tribe Deathclaws, is designed to be a AP S: 3 T: 4 B: N/A
Deathclaw melee weapon. Basically it’s a
metal pole but it’s made of carbon polymers Broken Bottle
that increase attack strength and equipped Value: 2
with special handles to make it easier for a The weapon of choice for barfights, broken
Deathclaw to use it. It is made by Deathclaws bottles will do in a pinch when the bouncer
for Deathclaws so it cannot be effectively used took your guns and you just took some large

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raider’s girlfriend. Contrary to popular belief, Claw Hammer
smashing a bottle on the bar to break it won’t Value: 40
give you a handy weapon. Instead, it’ll tear Either way you use this tool, it’s bound to
holes in your hand. You’ll just have to pick cause some pain and damage. Also useful for
one of these up off the floor. non-combative purposes.
Min. ST: 1 W: 1 lb. Dmg: 1d6 + MD AP S: 3 Min. ST: 5 W: 3 lbs. Dmg: (1d8+2) + MD
T: 4 B: N/A Rng: 1 AP: S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A

Butcher’s Cleaver Club

Value: 110 Value: 30
This kitchen implement was specifically A police-issue club used for subduing
designed and balanced to ease the task of criminals, or making sure they never commit a
cutting meat off of living or dead creatures. crime again. This weapon is about 70 cm long
Made of a rust-resistant graphite compound, and made out of a rod of metal, with a handle
this weapon stays sharp longer and hacks perpendicular to the shaft, allowing the
harder than the common knife. vibrations from contact to diffuse before they
Min. ST: 4 W: 1 lbs. Dmg: (1d8+10) + MD travel up the user’s arm. A relatively easy
Rng: 1 AP S: 3 T: 4 B: N/A weapon to make from pieces of scrap metal.
Min. ST: 3 W: 3 lbs. Dmg: 1d10 + MD Rng: 1
Cattle Prod AP S: 3 T: 4 B: N/A
Value: 600
Since this weapon is designed to knock a cow "Cobra" (R)
unconscious, imagine what it can do to a Value: 300
human. The cattle prod looks a little like an Just a perfect battle knife. Even a anti-knife
overgrown tuning fork, except that an arc of protective vest cant save you from this 170mm
electricity passes between the prongs on the of pure death.
end whenever the user presses the button. Any Min. ST: 3 W: 2 lb. Dmg 1d10 + MD Rng: 5
biological critter hit with a cattle prod has a AP S: 3 T: 4
50% chance of being knocked unconscious.
Each time an attack is made, successful or not, Combat Knife
the Prod uses one charge. The Cattle Prod Value: 165
holds 25 charges of Small Energy Cell. A military-issued knife designed for melee
Min. ST: 4 W: 5 lbs. Dmg: (2d6+10) + MD combat. The serrated edges tend to tear
Rng: 1 AP S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A instead of cut, and wounds from this blade are
a lot more painful than normal knife wounds.
Chainsaw See also Throwing Weapons. Combat knives
Value: 3000 were constructed from a carbon-based
A leftover from the pre-War days, a chainsaw compound instead of a metal, making them
is probably the ultimate melee weapon. more durable, less prone to dulling, and lighter
Although it runs on gasoline, surely there must than a normal knife. They are usually 15 to 25
be a tank or two of ethanol left in the wastes cm long.
somewhere. A character could graft Min. ST: 2 W: 2 lbs. Dmg: (1d12+3) + MD
one of these to an arm for some added fun. Rng: 1 AP S: 3 T: 4 B: N/A
Min. ST: 4 W: 10 lbs. Dmg (3d10+20) + MD
Rng: 1 AP S: 5 T: N/A B: N/A Crowbar
Value: 65
A very solid and heavy piece of metal specially

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designed to exert leverage - or pound heads. Value: 180
Crowbars are fashioned from a piece of solid "Morning star" ,flail, bludgeon. Heavy spiked
metal, twisted so that the user can exert force ball on chain. Original russian weapon. Good
on an object and pry it upwards. They are for squashing your opponent’s head.
usually about 35 cm in length. Destructive toy.
Min. ST: 5 W: 5 lbs. Dmg: (1d12+3) + MD Min. ST: 6 AG: 6 W: 12 lbs. Dmg: 3d6 + MD
Rng: 1 AP S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A Rng: 2 AP S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A

Deco-Filament Knife
Value: 2000 Value: 40
The deco-filament is an unusual weapon A basic knife for cutting things. Or critters. Or
favored by assassins and Yakuza. It is a people. See also Throwing Weapons. Knives
razor-sharp, super thin, extra-strong wire are about 15-25 cm long. The best are made
strung between two handles. The user can from metal alloys; the most primitive are
then whip the wire at a target, lopping off carved from pieces of rock such as flint.
flesh and limbs. It can be used as a garrote to Min. ST: 2 W: 1 lb. Dmg 1d10 + MD Rng: 1
cleanly lop a head from a neck. AP S: 3 T: 4 B: N/A
Min. ST: 1 W: 1 lb. Dmg: (4d10) + MD Rng:
2 AP S: 3 T: 4 B: N/A Louisville Slugger
Value: 250
Drill Glove This all-American, hardwood baseball bat will
Value: 25,000 knock anything right out of the park. A true
A large "glove" it consists of a cone with no classic. Don’t settle for aluminum ripoffs.
points, but rather a hole you slip one hand into Min. ST: 4 W: 4 lbs. Dmg: (1d10+2) + MD
and firmly secure around your wrist. On the Rng: 2 AP S: 3 T: 4 B: N/A
other end is a 1,5 foot cone-shaped drill-bit.
The trigger to activate it is inside the Machete
handhole. The Drill Glove can pierce even the Value: 100
hardest materials. It is a rare and valuable find. Hack your way through all manner of flora
Min. ST: 6 W: 15 lbs. Dmg: (4d8+20) + MD and fauna with this handy gardening
Rng: 1 AP S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A implement. The weapon of choice for the
intrepid jungle explorer, or the novice
EMP prod. (R) backyard weedwhacker.
Value:700 Min. ST: 4 W: 1 lb. Dmg: (1d10+7) + MD
The prototype for this toy was cattle prod. Rng: 1 AP S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A
Instead an electricity it uses small flash-like
EMP generator at the end. Any robot hit with Metal Pipe
a EMP prod has a 50% chance of being Value: 10
knocked down. Each time an attack is made, Either iron or lead, this old section of
successful or not, the Prod uses one charge. plumbing makes a fine tool for breaking bones
The Cattle Prod holds 25 charges of Small and beating heads. Although heavy and
Energy Cell. somewhat awkward, a piece of pipe hurts just
Damages robots only. as badly as a club. Colonel Mustard agrees.
Min. ST: 4 W: 5 lbs. Dmg: (2d8+10) + MD Min. ST: 5 W: 10 lbs. Dmg: 1d10 + MD Rng:
Rng: 1 AP S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A 1 AP S: 5 T: 5 B: N/A

Kisten (R) Micro Sledgehammer

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Value: 900 Rock
A Brotherhood of Steel specialty, the Micro Value: N/A
Sledgehammer is the dream of any child who Your basic, run of the mill rock. There are
ever wanted to misuse a croquet mallet. only several trillion of them lying around the
Originally designed to make construction wastes. See also Throwing Weapons.
more efficient, the Brotherhood’s piston Min. ST: 1 W: 1 lb. Dmg: 1d4 + MD Rng: 1
technology means this small sledge hits with AP S: 3 T: 4 B: N/A
maximum effect.
Min. ST: 5 W: 3 lbs. Dmg: (1d20+12) + MD Sap
Rng: 1 AP: S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A Value: 1
A sap is a simple weapon designed to knock
someone unconscious. It is usually just a rock
Plunger or some packed sand inside of an old tube of
Value: 10 cloth, like a sock. Saps do not actually
Bludgeoning, thrusting or sucking, take your damage a target, and are only effective when
pick with this trusty weapon. targeting someone’s head (treat this as a
Min ST: 4 W: 2 lbs. Dmg: 1d4 + MD Rng: 2 targeted shot to the eyes). A successful hit
AP: S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A causes the target to lose consciousness for
1d10 rounds.
Proton Ax Min ST: 5 W: 1 lb. Dmg: None Rng: 1 AP S:
Value: 3500 N/A T: 5 B: N/A
The proton ax is a nasty little tool. A
doublebladed ax, much like what Gimli the Scalpel
Dwarf would be wielding, covered with Value: 140
depleted Uranium, allowing it to pass through The standard instrument for performing
almost anything. Proton Axes are made surgeries, this surgical-stainless steel knife is
exclusively by the Guardians, and are very small but incredibly sharp. Not the best tool
rare. They are about 150 cm from handle to for a melee fight, but it will do in a pinch. See
tip and the axhead is 50 cm long and almost also Equipment.
80 cm across. Min. ST: 1 W: 1 lb. Dmg: (1d8+3) + MD
Min. ST: 5 W: 15 lbs. Dmg: (3d10+10) + MD Rng: 1 AP S: 3 T: 4 B: N/A
Rng: 1 AP S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A
Sharpened Pole
Ripper Value: 5
Value: 1000 A basic piece of wood with a sharpened end,
Basically a knife-sized chainsaw, without the about 2 meters long. See also Throwing
noisy motor. Rippers were common among Weapons.
gangs and thugs before the war, and are Min. ST: 3 W: 3 lbs. Dmg: (1d4+1) + MD
common among criminals and lowlifes after Rng: 2 AP S: 3 T: 4 B: N/A
the war. It's called a ripper for a reason; it
tears flesh and organs to pieces. Every time an Shiv
attack is made, successful or not, the Ripper Value: 2
uses one charge. The Ripper holds 25 charges A homemade knife that resembles an ice pick.
of Small Energy Cell. A shiv is undetectable if your character is
Min. ST: 4 W: 5 lbs. Dmg: (1d10+15) + MD holding it; however, it does not get a bonus
Rng: 1 S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A for melee damage. Shivs can be constructed
from the simplest of materials, are often used

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as basic assassination weapons, as they can be The Super Sledgehammer is manufactured
jabbed into an ear of an unsuspecting target to exclusively by the Brotherhood of Steel using
cause nearly instant death. the finest weapons technology available. At
Min. ST: 1 W: 1 lb Dmg: 1d4 Rng: 1 AP S: 3 first glance, this nifty little tool is
T: 4 B: N/A indistinguishable from a regular
sledgehammer, except for the small bundle of
Shovel machinery at the base of the head. It includes a
Value: 30 kinetic energy storage device to increase
Can you dig this, daddy-o? knock back. The Super Sledge is a
Min. ST: 5 W: 15 lbs. Dmg: 1d12 + MD Rng: two-handed weapon.
2 AP S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A Min. ST: 5 W: 12 lbs Dmg: (3d10+15) + MD
Rng: 2 AP S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A
Value: 120 Switchblade
A pole with a heavy metal chunk on the end, Value: 50
designed to crumble bones and damage vital The blade of this small knife is held by a
organs. Sledgehammers are about 70 cm long, spring. When a button on the handle is
and require two hands to use properly.. pressed, the blade shoots out with a satisfying
Min. ST: 6 W: 12 lbs. Dmg: 3d4 + MD Rng: 2 "Sssshk" sound. Constructing one of these
AP S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A takes some skill with both metalworking and
machinery, and they are usually found in the
Spear possession of gangs in larger cities.
Value: 80 Min. ST: 1 W: 1 lb. Dmg: 1d6 + MD Rng: 1
Your basic polearm. A wooden pole with a AP S: 3 T: 4 B: N/A
sharpened piece of metal on the end. See also
Throwing Weapons. Spears Sword
are simple weapons to construct, being a long Value: 100
(2 meter) wooden pole with some kind of The Scimitar, Katana, Falchion, Claymore,
metal or stone head tied to one end. Broadsword and everything else. Swords are
Min. ST: 4 W: 4 lbs. Dmg: (1d12+3) + MD essentially a long blade attached to a handle.
Rng: 2 AP S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A They come in all shapes and sizes, but are
basically the same.
Super Cattle Prod Min. ST: 4 W: 5 lb. Dmg: (1d12+4) + MD
Value: 1800 Rng: 1 AP S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A
An upgraded cattle prod. Any biological
critter hit with this tool has a 75% chance of Wakizashi Blade
being knocked unconscious. The Super Cattle Value: 200
Prod requires two hands to use. Every time an A futuristic RPG would not be complete
attack is made, regardless of the attack’s without the Yakuza (Japanese mafia) and the
success, the Super Prod uses one charge. This Fallout universe is no exception. In fact, the
weapon holds 25 charges of Small Energy only way a non-Yakuza member will get one
Cell. of these swords is to take it off the body of a
Min. ST: 4 W: 5 lbs Dmg: (2d8+20) + MD Yakuza. The Wakizashi looks like a smaller
Rng: 1 AP S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A Katana. Because these blades are so difficult
to make, it is highly doubtful that anyone
Super Sledgehammer makes these weapons in the wastes, and they
Value: 3750 are most likely tourist-store ripoffs from

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pre-War times. Of course, there are always This is the weapon of my homeland and
exceptions. The Wakizashi is about 60 cm hometown ancient knights - Zaporizhyean
long, and slightly curved. Cossacks. Since 1480 (aprox.) until 1775 in
Min ST: 2 W: 2 lbs. Dmg: (1d12+4) + MD my Zaporozhye city were established their
Rng: 1 AP S: 3 T: 4 B: N/A biggest fortified war camp (military base if you
want. Play "Cossacks: European Wars" to
"Werewolf" (R) know more :). This yataghan-kind saber was
Value: 300 their main HtH weapon. Excellent "bulat"
Surviving knife. Includes: saw, metal (damask) steel.
hack-saw, nippers, pliers, screwdrivers of Min ST: 4 W: 4 lbs. Dmg: (1d14+3) + MD
different kinds, awl, wrench, detonator Rng: 1 AP S: 3 T: 4 B: N/A
wringing tool, file, scissors and of course a
KNIFE. This battle version can sustain
150kgpushing action to the blade. Blade SMALL GUNS SKILL WEAPONS
length - 130mm
Min. ST: 2 W: 1 lb. Dmg 1d9 + MD Rng: 5 PRIMITIVE MISSILE WEAPONS
AP S: 3 T: 4 One of the oldest “firearms” is the bow.
Traces of these weapons have been found
Wooden Club among excavations of the most primitive
Value: 20 settlements, and Neanderthals used them over
Humans have used these tools to kill prey and 30,000 years ago. The bow family of weapons
bash each other since we came down from the is suddenly very popular in a world where they
trees. It is nothing more than a stick with are easy to make and are better than a knife or
some sharp points on it, or maybe a rusty nail sharpened stick. Bows all require two hands to
or two driven through it to cause more pain use. Other kinds of primitive missile weapons
and suffering to anyone unlucky enough to get are popular among tribals again as well, as
hit with it. Chair legs, wooden sticks, pool they are far easier to construct and maintain
cues, and other wooden implements that might than 100-year-old firearms.
be lying around can easily be substituted as a
club in a pinch. Blowgun
Min. ST: 4 W: 5 Dmg: 1d12 + MD Rng: 2 AP Value: 30
S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A A blowgun is a hollow tube that the user
blows a strong burst of air through, launching
Wrench a small, feathered dart at an enemy. They can
Value: 65 be made from anything hollow, including old
This is probably far more useful for repairing metal pipes, reeds, and drinking straws. The
things, unless you are Col. Mustard and darts that a blowgun fires don’t do an
happen to be standing in the Dining Room. extraordinary amount of damage, but many
Wrenches are pieces of solid metal that can are coated with poisons. A favorite weapon of
double as clubs. The wrenches that are assassins, since it makes very little noise. A
effective in combat are anywhere from 40 to blowgun holds 1 blowgun dart.
80 cm in length. See also Equipment. Min. ST: 1 W: 1 lb. Dmg: +0 Rng: 20 AP A: 3
Min. ST: 3 W: 4 lbs. Dmg: (1d6+2) + MD T: 4 B: N/A
Rng: 1 AP S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A
Composite Hunting Bow
Zaporizhyean Cossacks saber (R) Value: 600
Value: 750 This pre-War relic can still be found in some

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parts of the wastes. A system of wheels and a Crossbows were part of every army on earth
longer string was added, and the bow from their invention in the late middle ages
constructed from a carbon compound, adding until the First World War. After that, they
accuracy and distance. Single shot only. became popular hunting weapons. Crossbows
Composite hunting bows hold one arrow. are wooden bows laid across a plank or
Min. ST: 5 W: 8 lbs. DMG: +5 Rng: 60 AP S: flat surface, or even the stock of a rifle. They
5 T: 6 B: N/A have a wheel that winds the string tight, and a
trigger mechanism that releases tension on the
Composite Hunting Crossbow string, shooting the bolt at high velocity.
Value: 900 Because the tension on the string is no longer
These were rare before the war, and are even limited by human strength, crossbows can
harder to find now. Composite hunting shoot projectiles much farther, and with a far
crossbows work on the same principles greater degree of accuracy, than a bow. Single
composite bows do. Composite crossbows shot only. Crossbows hold one bolt.
hold one bolt. Min. ST: 4 W: 10 lbs. DMG: +4 Rng: 50 AP
Min. ST: 4 W: 12 lbs. DMG: +6 Rng: 70 AP S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A
S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A

Value: 20 The smallest of the Small Arms weapons,
Not a bow, but a similar ancient weapon, pistols are generally hand-held, low damage
slings have been around almost as long. A weapons.
leather pouch attached to some long leather
cords, slings are designed to hurl rocks farther .22 Pistol
and more accurately than one can do by hand. Value: 300
The user spins the sling around in the air, Produced in the 20th Century as an
gathering momentum, and then flicks his or inexpensive solution to gun ownership, the
her wrist to release the rock at the target. tiny .22 pistol fires the relatively small .22
Note that slings do not require two hands to caliber slug. These guns simply don’t have the
use. Single shot only. Slings hold one rock. stopping power of larger pistols, and a shot
Min. ST: 5 W: 2 lbs. Dmg: 1d10 Rng: 10 S: 5 from one is more likely to upset the target
T: 6 B: N/A than cause massive amounts of damage. Single
shot only. The clip holds 10 rounds of .22
Wooden Bow caliber ammunition.
Value: 50 Min. ST: 3 W: 4 lbs. Dmg: +4 Rng: 12 AP S:
Made from a cut piece of wood, bent into a 5 T: 6 B: N/A
“C” shape, with a length of string or animal
sinew stretched between the ends to provide .223 Pistol
tension, bows are some of the simplest ranged Value: 3500
weapons to construct. They can be unwieldy, This pistol began its days as a .223 rifle and
however, and can hurt the inexperienced user. has since been modified. These are rather
Single shot only. Bows hold one arrow. unique, and are made with love and skill.
Min. ST: 5 W: 2 lbs. DMG: +3 Rng: 40 AP S: Single shot only. The magazine holds 5 shots
5 T: 6 B: N/A of .223 caliber ammunition.
Min. ST: 5 W: 7 lbs. Dmg: +20 Rng: 30 AP S:
Wooden Crossbow 5 T: 6 B: N/A
Value: 300

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.357 Magnum Revolver magazine holds 8 shots of 9mm Ball
Value: 450 ammunition.
Although not as powerful as its big brother, Min. ST: 3 W: 5 lbs Dmg: +4 Rng: 17 AP S: 5
the .357 sports a longer barrel and is therefore T: 6 B: N/A
more accurate at longer ranges. One of the
oldest revolvers, Smith and Wesson made the APS (Automatic Stechkin pistol) (R)
first .357 Magnums in the late 1800s, although Value:900
the name “Magnum” (Latin for “Big”) was Automatic Stechkin pistol was added to
around for at least 10 years before. Single shot Soviet Army armory in 1951 y. It was very
only. The revolver chamber holds 6 shots of popular among tanks and artillery crew
.357 caliber Magnum ammunition. members. It were very popular because it`s
Min. ST: 5 W: 6 lbs Dmg: +8 Rng: 19 AP S: 4 large magazine capacity and for BURST
T: 5 B: N/A MODE! Many weapon experts noticed, that
APS was called pistol only by mistake (yeah, it
.38 Special Snubnose Revolver look`s like SMG more) .9mm PM
Value: 375 ammunition, 20 shots in magazine. Three
The .38 Special was the longtime favorite of shots in the burst (YES! IT IS A BURST!
police forces until the advent of newer NOT TRIPLE!) Fire mode switching costs 1
automatic weapons. It has existed in one form AP. Burst fire range is only 13!
or another since the early 20th century, and Min. ST: 4 W: 6 lbs. Dmg: +10 Rng: 20 AP S:
although different companies manufactured it, 4 T: 5 B: 5 (after switching)
the .38 Special is one of the most universal
guns available.
The short barrel length makes it ineffective Browning HP Pistol
except for very close range combat. Single Value: 650
shot only. The revolver chamber holds six The Belgian-made Browning high-powered
shots of .38 caliber ammunition. pistol became a popular handgun in North
Min. ST: 3 W: 4 lbs. Dmg: +7 Rng: 10 AP S: America in the early part of the 21 st century.
4 T: 5 B: N/A Single shot only. The Browning HP uses 9mm
ammunition, and the clip holds 12 rounds.
.44 Magnum Revolver Min. ST: 3 W: 6 lbs. Dmg: +6 Rng: 22 AP S:
Value: 600 5 T: 6 B: N/A
Being that this is the most powerful handgun
in the world, you've got to ask yourself one Calico M-950
question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do 'ya, punk? Value: 900
Single shot only. The revolver chamber holds Although not a powerful weapon, the Calico’s
6 shots of .44 Magnum ammunition. unique helical feed system allows it to carry an
Min. ST: 5 W: 6 lbs. Dmg: +11 Rng: 6 AP S: amazing amount of ammunition. Single shot
4 T: 5 B: N/A only. The Calico M-950 uses 9mm
ammunition, and the massive clip holds 50
9mm Mauser rounds.
Value: 1500 Min. ST: 4 W: 6 lbs. Dmg: +6 Rng: 22 AP S:
The Mauser is an oldie but goodie, the 5 T: 6 B: N/A
favorite handgun of outlaws and gangster
bosses. This weapon does not use the Casull Revolver
traditional 9mm ammunition, but instead fires Value: 1050
nasty 9mm balls. Single shot only. The This variation on the .44 magnum,

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rechambered to use the .45 ammo is even sidearm. Single shot only. Magazine holds 10
better than the original. These guns were fairly shots of .44 magnum ammunition.
rare before the War. Single shot only. The Min. ST: 4 W: 6 Dmg: +12 Rng: 20 AP S: 5
revolver chamber holds 6 shots of .45 T: 6 B: N/A
magnum ammunition.
Min. ST: 4 W: 8 lbs. Dmg: +13 Rng: 15 AP: S Enclave Arms Electro Shocker
4 T 5 B N/A Value: 1300
This weapon fires an electric shock in order to
Colt .45 M1911A1 Pistol stun enemy or disable a electronic device
Value: 425 (robots are usually shielded from this attack).
The M1911A1 was a popular military sidearm Any successful hit has 100% - (targets
before the War. Not a unique pistol, but a endurance x 5) chance of successfully stunning
powerful one. The M1911A1 is the other the target. Electro Shocker holds 3 charges
standard-issue Desert Ranger weapon. Single and uses 6 SEC to recharge. T51b, T67, Tesla
shot only. The clip holds 7 shots of .45 caliber Armour and Pseudo Chitin Armour protect
ammunition. from being stunned by this weapon.
Min. ST: 3 W: 4 lbs. Dmg: +7 Rng: 17 AP S: Min. ST: 3 W: 12 Dmg: Special Rng: 8 AP S:
5 T: 6 B: N/A 5 T: N/A B: N/A

Colt 6520 10mm Pistol Flamer Pistol

Value: 250 Value: 3000
An outloading pistol, each pull of the trigger This modification of Flambe 450 flamethrower
will automatically reload the firearm until the was an interesting but slightly misconceived
magazine is empty. One of the simplest and weapon. Attempting to make a portable
most inexpensive semiautomatics available. flamethrower, the designer of this unique
Single shot only. The clip holds 12 shots of piece of equipment failed to take into account
10mm ammunition. that flamers need the propelling power that
Min. ST: 3 W: 4 lbs. Dmg: +6 Rng: 19 AP S: larger models provide. Single shot only. The
5 T: 6 B: N/A Flamer Pistol has a small chamber that holds 3
“shots” of flamethrower fuel. The Flamer
Desert Eagle 44 Pistol cannot be targeted.
Value: 800 Min. ST: 4 W: 8 lbs. Dmg: Varies Rng: 7 m
The Israeli-made Desert Eagle pistol became AP S: 4 T: N/A B: N/A
popular near the end of the 20th Century, due
largely to its portrayal in movies of the time. Fort-14 (R)
Plus, it looks really cool when your character Value:900
plugs someone with it gangsta' style. Single This pistol was constructed by the Ukrainian
shot only. The clip holds 8 shots of .44 weapon designers to replace an antiquated
Magnum ammunition. PM. Very popular pre-war weapon. Easy toy,
Min. ST: 4 W: 5 lbs. Dmg: +10 Rng: 19 AP S: 15 shots of 9mm PM ammo.
5 T: 6 B: N/A Min. ST: 3 W: 3 lbs. Dmg: +8 Rng: 13 AP S:
5 T: 6 B: N/A
Enclave Arms Desert Viper (Desert Eagle II)
Pistol Gurza/Vector SR-1 (R)
Value: 1000 Value:2600
A remake of an IMI Desert Eagle, even better Special assignment gun. This model was
than the original. Main Enclave soldier’s constructed for hitting armored targets - 2 or

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3-rd class protective vests, vehicles and inject a serum that causes a severe reaction in
others. At the 100-meters distance it pierces the surrounding skin. Of course, there may
30 layers of kevlar or 2.8 mm titanium plate. It very well be slugs that inject all sorts of other
was used by Russian special forces. 18 shots nasty things out there. Single shot only. The
of special sniper SP-10 or SP-21 ammo. chamber holds 8 shots of HN Needler
Min. ST: 3 W: 4 lbs. Dmg: +9 Rng: 19 AP S:5 ammunition.
T:6 B: N/A Min. ST: 3 W: 5 lbs. Dmg: +0 Rng: 24 AP S:
4 T: 5 B: N/A
M-243 “Nazgaroth” Heavy Pistol
Value: 2600 PM (Makarov Pistol) (R)
A heavy pistol designed as a “last chance Value:500
weapon”. It has devastating power but lacks PM was constructed like personal defense
finesse, accuracy and it’s too cumbersome. weapon (PDW) for army officers and militia.
Therefore it has never been too popular. Compact, cheap, but not powerful. Although,
Single shot only. Magazine holds 6 shots of the PM appears to be military weapon, it
.223 FMJ/AP ammunition. should be compared with Walther PPK, but
Min. ST: 6 W: 6 lbs. Dmg: +25 Rng: 8 AP: S: not SigSauer P226 or Beretta-92. The
6 T: 7 B: N/A magazine holds 8 shots of casual 9mm PM
ammo. VERY widespread gun. Since it's
M-78 Grenade Launcher construction, 9x18 mm ammo received the
Value: 5000 "PM" label.
A heavily modified flare gun, the M-78 Min. ST: 3 W: 4 lbs. Dmg: +5 Rng: 13 AP S:
grenade pistol is the only small arms skill 4 T: 5 B: N/A
weapon that can lob an explosive. Its range PPK-12 Gauss Pistol
isn’t all that great, but in the hands of a Value: 5250
cyborg, it could certainly blow open a few Praised for its range and stopping power, the
doors. The chamber holds 1 40mm grenade. PPK-12 Gauss Pistol is of German design.
Min. ST: 6 W: 8 lbs. Dmg: Varies Rng: 12 AP This "Lil' Railgun" uses an electromagnetic
S: 5 T: N/A B: N/A field to propel slugs at tremendous speed and
power through a target, any armor, and just
Nagan revolver. (1895 y. model) (R) about everything else. The PPK-12 looks like
Value:400 a normal automatic pistol, except for the
This "3-lined" revolver of the Nagan system is unusual electromagnetic fins along the barrel.
just an old damn destructive piece of work. When fired, the Gauss Pistol leaves an
Regular weapon of the "chekists" and Russian unmistakable spiral trail of ionized particles
army officers at the beginning of the 20-th through the air. Single shot only. The
century. It`s a Russian version of original magazine holds 12 shots of 2mm EC.
Belgium Nagan. Uses 7.62mm ammo. Seven Min. ST: 4 W: 5 Dmg: +22 Rng: 30 AP S: 4
shots. T: 5 B: N/A
Min. ST: 5 W: 5 lbs. Dmg: +8 Rng: 10 AP S:
5 T: 6 B: N/A PSA “Berdishe” (R)
Needler Pistol Automatic “brother” of RSA. MVD forces
Value: 2200 regular pistol at the end of 20th century. Also
One of the most interesting pieces of prewar was exported to other counties. Reliable gun.
tech, the Needler pistol actually fires small 15 shots of 7.62mm ammunition.
hypodermic needles into the target, which Min. ST: 3 W: 4 lbs. Dmg: +8 Rng: 25 AP S:5

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T:6 B: N/A Min. ST: 3 W: 4 lbs. Dmg: +6 Rng: 24 S: 5 T:
6 B: N/A
RSA (Stechkin-Abramov revolver) (R)
Value:450 Spasm Gun
In the end of the 20th century appeared the Value: 1500
need of weapons that could satisfy all requests An adaptation of a stun gun, a small personal
of the MVD agents. Having analyzed foreign defense tool, the spasm gun is an energy
police forces equipment, specialists decided to weapon that fires an electric burst at a target,
put back in the service some revolvers. RSA - overwhelming the target’s nervous system and
is the product of cooperation of two famous rendering them immobile as well as causing
experts. But the weak 9mm PM ammo massive internal damage. And target hit with
"limited" this gun's popularity. 6 shots of the spasm gun will be unconscious for 1d10
9mmm PM ammo. rounds he, she, or it twitches helplessly on the
Min. ST: 3 W: 4 lbs. Dmg: +8 Rng: 18 AP S: ground. The chamber holds 10 charges of
4 T: 5 B: N/A small energy cell.
Min. ST: 4 W: 6 lbs. Dmg: 1d6+6 Rng: 30 AP
Scorpio VZ61 Machine Pistol S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A
Value: 3400
Although relatively ineffectual as a sub TT
machinegun, the Scorpio VZ61 nonetheless Value:680
enjoys a place among assassins and gangsters Tokarev pistol is an imitation of the Browning
who find that its small size and concealability Hi-Power construction. Created in 30-th years
makes up for its lack of power, range, and it passed through World War II and so far
magazine. Fires single shot or a 3-round burst. holds in respect for the powerful ammo and
The magazine holds 32 shots of 9mm good piercing ability. The magazine holds 8
ammunition. shots of 7.62mm ammunition.
Min. ST: 4 W: 6 lbs. Dmg: +9 Rng: 20 AP S: Min. ST: 4 W: 5 lbs. Dmg: +9 Rng: 19 AP S:
5 T: 6 B: N/A 5 T: 6 B: N/A

Sig-Sauer 14mm Pistol VP91Z (M9-FS) 9mm Beretta Pistol

Value: 1100 Value: 400
The Sig-Sauer 14mm automatic pistol fires the A good semiautomatic pistol for hunting
large 14mm slug. These pistols are known for wabbits and other things. The VP91Z was a
their excellent craftsmanship, although ammo standard-issue military sidearm, and is one of
is fairly scarce. Single shot only. The magazine the two guns issued to Desert Rangers. Single
holds 6 shots of 14mm ammunition. shot only. The clip holds 18 shots
Min. ST: 4 W: 5 lbs. Dmg: +12 Rng: 18 AP S: of 9mm ammunition.
5 T: 6 B: N/A Min. ST: 3 W: 4 lbs. Dmg: +6 Rng: 17 AP S:
5 T: 6 B: N/A
Sig-Sauer P220 9mm
Value: 1000 Walther PPK
The 9mm Sig-Sauer P220 was developed by Value: 3000
the Swiss in the late 20th Century. It fires the The weapon of a true spy. The Walther PPK
smaller 9mm bullet and does less damage than (Polizei Pistolen Kriminal) was originally
a normal semi-automatic, but it is smaller and made for plainclothes and undercover police
lighter, making it a little easier to conceal. The officers. It since became the favorite weapon
magazine holds 9 shots of 9mm ammunition. of spies. The PPK is most effective with a

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silencer. Single shot only. The magazine holds correctly. Shotguns fire either buckshot or
8 shots of 7.65mm ammunition. slugs; buckshot is a shell full of little metal
Min. ST: 2 W: 4 lbs. Dmg: +8 Rng: 20 AP S: balls that isn’t as accurate as a bullet, because
3 T: 4 B: N/A the balls will begin to come apart in flight, and
shells are large slugs, designed for hitting
XS-3 Hand Attached Dart Thrower things as longer ranges and hurting them more
Value: 500 than a pistol does. Although shotguns can be
A very small dart thrower that is attached by fired with one hand, they are usually
leather straps to users arm. The darts are fired two-handed weapons. Note that using slug
whenever wrist is bent. Although the darts do ammunition in a shotgun increases the range
very little damage they can be poisoned - see by 5 hexes, and firing a double shot (both
main rulebook for poison rules. Weapon holds barrels) decreases range by 3 hexes.
up to ten 3 cm long darts.
Min. ST: - W: 0,5 lbs. Dmg: d3 Rng: 8 AP: S: Beretta 470 Silverhawk
6 T: 7 B: N/A Value: 1000
An inexpensive Italian-made shotgun, the
XS-4 Hand Attached Rocket Launcher Silverhawk was second only to the Benelli
Value: 2500 among law enforcement officials before the
An extension of previous weapon. This time War. It was fairly common in the United
darts are bigger (about 7 cm), heavier and States, and many of them can still be found,
carry small amount of explosive devices. thanks to its reliability. Single or double shot.
Although this weapon also does relatively little The chamber holds 2 rounds of 12-guage
damage it can be quite useful in close combat. ammunition.
Works like above. The XS-4 holds up to 6 Min. S: 4 W: 5 lbs. Dmg: +12 Rng: 14 AP S:
darts. 5 T: 6 B: N/A
Min. ST: - W: 0,75 lbs. Dmg: d10+1 Rng: 5
AP: S: 6 T: 7 B: N/A Enclave Arms M-28 Azoghar Shotgun
Value: 1200
Zip Gun This 4-barrelled shotgun is one of the most
Value: 275 devastating weapons ever. It fires four
The zip gun is a single-shot, handmade pistol. 12-gauge shotgun shells at one time. Negative
Crafted from spare parts, zip guns are rather side of this is that recoil from this weapon can
unreliable and shoot almost any kind of easily break the user’s arm (consider it when
handgun ammunition. They have a very small critical failure is rolled or user is under
range, and are prone to jamming and breaking minimal strength). This weapon is rarely used
easily. The chamber holds 1 shot of either .22, without Powered Armour. Each shot fires all 4
9mm, 10mm or .45 caliber ammunition, barrels and there are no other fire modes.
depending on the gun. Azoghar holds up to 20 12ga shotgun shells (5
Min. ST: 3 W: 5 lbs. Dmg: +4 Rng: 15 AP S: salvos).
5 T: 6 B: N/A Min. ST: 7 W: 12 Dmg: +5 but damage from
all barrels is cumulative (so damage is (1d10 +
5) *4 Rng: 15 AP S: 7 T: 8 B: N/A
Shotguns use 12-guage ammunition and Enclave Neostead Combat Shotgun
usually fire buckshot as opposed to a single Value: 5500
bullet. They hurt a lot. They look a bit like Modified version of Brotherhood of Steel
rifles, and often take two hands to fire weapon. An automatic, 12 gauge military

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shotgun. This is the best weapon for close One of dozens of shotguns that were common
quarters, except for a flamethrower. Weapon the world over before the war, a pump-action
fires a six round burst and stores up to 18 shotgun is a single-shot, semiautomatic
12-gauge shotgun shells. weapon where the next shell is loaded into the
Min. ST: 6 W: 10 Dmg: +15 Rng: 20 AP: S: 5 chamber by pumping a mechanism along the
T: 6 B: 6 bottom of the barrel. Many makes and models
exist, but they are all almost the same. Single
H&K CAWS shot only. The pump-action holds 5 rounds of
Value: 4750 12-guage ammunition.
The CAWS, short for Close Assault Weapons Min. ST: 4 W: 5 lbs. Dmg: +3 Rng: 14 AP S:
System, is a useful tool for short-range 5 T: N/A B: N/A
combat. An improvement over the Winchester
Combat Shotgun, the CAWS’ bullpup layout RMB-93 (R)
gives the weapon a short, easily handleable Value:1000
length while still retaining enough barrel Classic shotgun for personal defense and
length for its high velocity shells. Fires single militia purposes. 7 shots of classic 12 gauge
shots and a 5-shot burst. The magazine holds ammo types. Good old pump action and short
10 12-guage shotgun shells. barrel. Two handed.
Min. ST: 6 W: 6 lbs. Dmg: +15 Rng: 30 AP S: Min. ST: 5 W: 7 lbs. Dmg: +13 Rng: 14 AP S:
6 T: 6 B: 6 5 T: 6 B:N/A Reload:3

Neostead Combat Shotgun Saiga 12K (R)

Value: 2700 Value :2300
An automatic, 12 gauge military shotgun. It This auto-shotgun was constructed by
was a standard combat shotgun in the US Kalashnikov and Ukrainian weapon designers
Army during the War. Modified version of this specially for hunters. This "girl" uses
shotgun is also widely used in the Enclave. world-famous 12 gauge shots. 8 in magazine.
Weapon fires a three round burst and stores No burst, but very “fast” fire.
up to 12 12-gauge shotgun shells. Min. ST: 6 W: 8 lbs. Dmg: +15 Rng: 16 AP S:
Min. ST: 6 W: 10 Dmg: +14 Rng: 22 AP S: 5 4 T: 5 B:N/A
T: 6 B: 6
Saiga-2 M-2004 (R)
Pancor "Jackhammer" Value :2900
Value: 5500 Next generation in Saiga family. Extended
The Jackhammer, despite its name, is an easy magazine and burst mode were added. This
to control shotgun, even when fired on full auto-shotgun was constructed by Kalashnikov
automatic. and Ukrainian weapon designers specially for
The popular bullpup design, which places the hunters of the third century. This "girl" uses
magazine behind the trigger, makes the good-old 12 gauge shots. 10 in magazine. 4
weapon well balanced and easy to control. shots in burst.
Fires single shots or up to a 5-shot burst. The Min. ST: 6 W: 8 lbs. Dmg: +14 Rng: 17 AP S:
magazine holds 10 12-guage shotgun shells. 5 T: 6 B:6
Min. ST: 5 W: 12 lbs. Dmg: +19 Rng: 35 AP
S: 5 T: 6 B: 6 Winchester 12-Guage Shotgun
Value: 800
Pump-Action Shotgun The Winchester "Widowmaker"
Value: 600 doublebarreled shotgun. Has a short barrel

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with a mahogany grip. century. Happily, most submachine guns are
Considering these were mass-produced and small enough to use as one-handed weapons.
sold at discount stores all over the United
States before the war, they are quite common. 9A-91 (R)
Single or double shot. The chamber holds 2 Value:3800
rounds of 12-gauge ammunition. New word in the PDW technologies. This
Min ST: 4 W: 5 Dmg: +12 Rng: 14 AP S: 5 T: small-sized ASSAULT RIFLE (!) was
6 B: N/A invented specially for SS-bullets. You can
attach silencer or even 40mm underbarrel
Winchester Combat Shotgun grenade launcher! If you will use special sniper
Value: 2750 set "Nightflame",
The Winchester 12-guage Combat Shotgun 9A-91 will transform to VSK-94 sniper rifle -
with a bullpup variant. Combat shotguns are analogue of VSS. It also can be used with
all-metal weapons designed to deliver the PBSI. 20-shots of SP-5, SP-6, SP-16 or
stopping power of a shotgun without the PAB-9 ammo, five shots in burst.
inconvenience of having to reload every two Min. ST: 5 W: 7 lbs Dmg: +10 Rng: 25 AP S:
shots. These 5 T: 6 B: 6
include the Desert Warfare environmental
sealant modification for extra durability. AEK-919K “Kashtan” (R)
Combat shotguns were common in almost (name means “chestnut” in English)
every army and police force before the war. Value:1500
Thanks to their pump-action mechanism, This SMG primordialy was designed for
Combat Shotguns fire single shots and a Russian Federation Special forces only. It was
3-shot burst. The magazine holds 12 rounds of famous for it long-range fire (among SMG`s).
12-guage shotgun shells. Medium power weapon. For more fire
Min. ST: 5 W: 11 lbs. Dmg: +15 Rng: 22 AP comfort it has a sliding stock. 9mm PM caliber
S: 5 T: 6 B: 6 30 shots in magazine, 10 in burst.
Min. ST: 3 W: 4 lbs. Dmg: +9 Rng: 39 AP S:
Winchester Sawed-Off Shotgun 5 T: 6 B: 6
Value: 800
A sawed off version of the "Widowmaker." "Bison-2" (R)
Not exactly designed for sniping, but will turn Value:1300
someone to ground round at short range. Very simple and effective regular SMG. 9mm
Single or double shot. The chamber holds 2 PM caliber, "shneck" magazine - - 64 bullets.
rounds of 12-guage ammunition. 12 shots in burst. Someone called it “Russian
Min. ST: 4 W: 5 Dmg: +14 Rng: 7 AP S: 5 T: FN P90”. Two-handed.
6 B: N/A Min. ST: 4 W: 10 lbs. Dmg: +8 Rng: 18 AP S:
5 T: 6 B: 6

SUBMACHINE GUNS Calico Liberty 100

MGs can fire single shots as well as bursts of Value: 2000
bullets. Submachine guns were designed to A truly remarkable piece of equipment, the
put the stopping and suppressive power of Calico Liberty 100 has a reasonable rate of fire
early machine guns like the Gatling gun into and holds a ludicrous amount of ammunition.
the hands of infantry soldiers. Used as early as A version of the popular Calico line. Fires
late World War I, submachine guns soon either a single shot or up to a 5-
changed the face or warfare in the 20th round burst. The enormous magazine holds

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100 rounds of 9mm ammunition. easy to control. The durable P90c is prized for
Min. ST: 6 W: 22 lbs. Dmg: +8 Rng: 20 AP S: its reliability and high firepower in a ruggedly
5 T: 6 B: 6 compact package. Fires single shots or up to a
12-shot burst. The clip holds 24 shots of
FN P90c 10mm ammunition.
Value: 2800 Min. ST: 4 W: 9 lbs Dmg: +12 Rng: 30 AP S:
The Fabrique Nationale P90c was one of the 4 T: 5 B: 5
best submachine guns from before the War. It
was also copied by Heckler & Koch, who "Klin" (R)
created a cheaper 10mm version of P90c. It Value:1400
resulted in a long trial between FN and H&K, This SMG was constructed in the end of 20th
which came to an end only due to the bombs. century for MVD the special forces by the
Fires single shots or up to a 5-shot burst. The same reasons as RSA. Very compatible and
clip holds 50 shots of 9mm ammunition. comfortable it gained high popularity showing
Min. ST: 4 W: 8 lbs Dmg: +15 Rng: 22 AP S: excellent results in CQB. 9mm PM, 30 shots,
5 T: 6 B: 6 10
in burst. Silencer is attachable.
H&K MP-5 Min. ST: 3 W: 4 lbs. Dmg: +8 Rng: 30 AP S:
Value: 1100 4 T: 5 B: 5
An unusual design for a submachine gun, the
MP-5 fires from a closed bolt and can have MAC 17 SMG (M-17)
one more round than the magazine capacity in Value: 1050
the chamber. It is more accurate at single An advanced version of the MAC-10, and a
shots, tending to overheat in fully automatic popular weapon in films if not real life, the
fire. This gun can fire a single shot or a up to a MAC 17 is a small submachine gun used
10 shot burst. The magazine holds 30 shots of primarily by terrorist organizations in fast
9mm ammunition. assaults. This weapon can fire single shots as
Min. ST: 4 W: 7 lbs. Dmg: +9 Rng: 20 AP S: well as up to a 10 shot burst. The clip holds 30
5 T: 6 B: 6 rounds of .45 caliber ammunition.
Min. ST: 4 W: 6 lbs. Dmg: +7 Rng: 25 AP S:
H&K MP-9 10mm SMG 5 T: 6 B: 6
Value: 1000
A medium-sized submachine gun. An M3A1 "Grease Gun" SMG
inexpensive variant on the classic MP-5, the Value: 1750
MP-9 uses the slightly larger 10mm The "Grease Gun" filled National Guard
ammunition and has a slightly smaller range. armories after the Army replaced it with
This weapon can fire a single shot as well as newer weapons. An old submahine gun, one of
up to a 10 shot burst. The clip holds 30 rounds the variants on the MAC-10, “Grease Guns”
of 10mm ammunition. got their name from the large amount of oil it
Min ST: 4 W: 7 lbs. Dmg: +6 Rng: 25 AP S: 5 took to maintain them. They are not
T: 6 B: 6 uncommon in the post-War world, largely
because there were armories full of them all
H&K P90c over the United States, and most weapons
Value: 2500 storage facilities that housed more modern
The Heckler and Koch P90c was just coming weapons also happened to be at ground zero
into use at the time of the War. The weapon's or closeby. The “Grease Gun” fires a single
bullpup layout and compact design make it shot or up to a 10-shot burst. The clip holds

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30 shots of .45 caliber ammunition. bulletproof jackets, personal armours and
Min. ST: 4 W: 10 lbs Dmg: +10 Rng: 20 AP some thinner walls. The weapon’s main
S: 4 T: 5 B: 5 weakness is its recoil that causes the burst
mode to be a waste of ammo (cumulative
MP-38 penalty of -10 for each bullet after the 1st).
Value: 1650 Weapon uses the .74 HEAP or .74 AP ammo.
The Schmeisser MP-38 was an early variant of “Thunder” can fire 5 shot burst, magazine
the standard MP-40 submachine gun used by holds 8 bullets.
Nazi forces in World War II. Many of them Min. ST: 7 W: 8 lbs. Dmg: +14 Rng: 8 AP: S:
are in poor shape and are often prone to 6 T: 7 B: 7
jamming. Valued more as a collectors item
than an effective weapon. Fires either a single Shpagin SMG (R)
shot or a 3-shot burst. The magazine holds 30 Value: 990
rounds of 9mm ammunition. This SMG was invented in the first days of
Min. ST: 4 W: 7 Dmg: +10 Rng: 20 AP S: 5 WW-II. Heavy but simple and accurate. Big
T: 6 B: 6 drum for 71 shots of 7.62 caliber. 6 in burst.
Two handed.
RG-063 "Baksan" (R) Min. ST: 6 W: 13 lbs. Dmg: +4 Rng: 26 AP S:
Value:1500 5 T: 6 B: 6
This SMG was constructed to decide most
widespread SMG`s problems - rate of fire not SP-3 "Whirlwind" (R)
lower than 450-600 shots per minute and Value:2300
avoiding large dispersion. To make it real the Small-sized assault rifle - an excellent PDW.
inventors created the "dynamic deceleration" 20 bullets in magazine. Because of large size
system. In this reason "Baksan" uses only of bullets almost all 9x39mm guns suffering
SP-10 (9x21 mm), SP-21 SMG, and 9mm PM for small magazine size. This SMG/Small
bullets. SP bullets: 20 in magazine, 6in burst. assault rifle designed to be the PDW, and in
9mm PM: 30 in magazine, 10 in burst. this case it`s weakness became it`s strength.
Min. ST: 4 W: 12 lbs. Dmg: +9 Rng: 20 AP S: "Whirlwind" was constructed for hitting live
5 T: 6 B: 6 targets in the 3rd or 4th-class protective vests
and non-armored vehicles on 200/300 meters
Ruger AC556F distance. Uses SP-5, SP-6, SP-16 or PAB-9
Value: 1400 ammo. 6 shots per burst. Two handed. 20 in
The Ruger AC556F is a different version of magazine, 6 in burst.
the popular Mini 14 assault rifle. Used mostly Min. ST: 6 W: 10 lbs. Dmg: +9 Rng: 25 AP S:
by police forces, the AC556F was also 4 T: 5 B: 5
popular in the open market among survivalists
and homeowners. It can fire single shots or a Sten Gun
3-shot burst. The magazine holds 20 shots of Value: 1500
5.56mm ammunition. Developed by the British during World War II
Min. ST: 5 W: 8 Dmg: +15 Rng: 20 AP S: 5 as a cheaper alternative to the Thompson, the
T: 6 B: 6 Sten Gun continued to be a popular weapon
throughout the 20th Century due to its
Sherman .74 “Thunder” Assault Pistol versatility and reliability. The Sten Gun’s
Value: 1800 hardy craftsmanship allows it to operate well
“Thunder” is a small SMG made for combat under adverse weather conditions, and it
inside buildings. It was designed to penetrate generally requires fewer repairs than other

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weapons. The Sten Gun fires a single shot or a ammunition drum holds 50 shots of .45 caliber
3-shot burst. The magazine holds 30 rounds of ammunition. You dirty rat.
9mm ammunition. Min. ST: 6 W: 12 lbs Dmg: +2 Rng: 32 AP S:
Min. ST: 6 W: 15 lbs. Dmg: +9 Rng: 24 AP S: 5 T: 6 B: 6
5 T: 6 B: 6
Uzi Mark 27 SMG
Steyr AUG Value: 1200
Value: 2300 Originally designed for the Israeli armies, Uzis
The Austrian-made AUG (Army Universal found their way into the hands of many
Gun) was one of the most widely used terrorist organizations. The Uzi has a larger
submachine guns before the War. The bullpup magazine than other submachine guns, and
design, large clip, and lightweight and portable therefore makes a good weapon for the
design made it extremely popular among ammoconscious.
armies, police, and criminals alike. The AUG The Uzi fires single shots or up to a 10 shot
fires a single shot or a 10 shot burst, and the burst. The clip holds 40 rounds of 9mm
clip holds 40 shots of 5.56 ammo. ammunition.
Min. ST: 5 W: 7 lbs. Dmg: +8 Rng: 28 AP S: Min. ST: 4 W: 7 lbs. Dmg: +5 Rng: 20 AP S:
5 T: 6 B: N/A 5 T: 6 B: 6

Super Soaker Uzi Mark 34 SMG

Value: 1900 Value: 1300
This brightly-colored squirt gun hides the fact Variation of the Mark 27 version, Uzi Mark
that some enterprising individual coated the 34 was a classic amongst drug runners and
tank with ceramic, allowing it to fire squirts of elderly folk during the early stages of the 21st
acid. And you thought peeing into a squirt gun century. It is cheap, light and jams only
was devious. Single shot only. The tank holds occasionally. Mark 34 has greater firepower
15 squirts of acid. The Super Soaker cannot than its predecessor, though it has smaller
be targeted. magazine, which holds 25 shots of 9mm
Min. ST: 2 W: 15 lbs. Dmg: Varies Rng: 10 ammunition. Fires single shot or up to 5-round
AP S: 5 T: N/A B: N/A burst.
Min. ST: 4 W: 7 Dmg: +9 Rng: 20 AP S: 5 T:
Thompson M1928 SMG 6 B: 6
Value: 1200
The "Tommy Gun" submachine gun is a Walther MPL
sinister looking weapon. When your character Value: 1800
holds this gun, he or she experiences a strange The Walther MPL is a medium submachine
sensation to wear a fedora hat and crack his or gun, popular among police and guard forces
her knuckles. Originally designed by General before the war. Private investigators,
John Thompson after the first World War, the bodyguards, and police all used this reliable
Tommy Gun became the staple of law weapon. The MPL fires a single shot or a
enforcement officers as well as organized 10-shot burst. The clip holds 30 shots of 9mm
crime and the IRA. Instead of a clip, the ammuntition.
Thompson loads its unusual .45 caliber Min. ST: 4 W: 8 lbs. Dmg: +8 Rng: 40 AP S:
ammunition from a drum under the barrel. 5 T: 6 B: N/A
Note that the Thompson must be used as a
two-handed weapon. The Tommy Gun fires
single shots or up to a 10-shot burst. The RIFLES

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Rifles are two-handed weapons designed to hit below). Single shot only. The magazine holds
targets at long distances. A long barrel is 6 shots of .223 caliber ammunition.
connected to a metal or wooden stock, Min. ST: 5 W: 10 lbs Dmg: +14 Rng: 50 AP
allowing for a greater degree of accuracy over S: 6 T: 7 B: N/A
longer distances. Rifles are usually fired from
the shoulder, with the shooter looking down Elephant Hunting Rifle
the barrel to aim. Value: 800
This clumsy but powerful weapon was used
.22 Caliber Hunting Rifle before the war to hunt elephants, but provides
Value: 300 to be a good weapon in manhunt also. Often
Used for squirrel and bunny hunting before the comes with a scope. Weapon uses 14mm
war, .22 rifles are common guns because they ammo. Single shot only.
were so inexpensive and prevalent. Every Boy Min. ST: 6 W: 14 lbs. Dmg: +10 Rng: 60 AP:
Scout used one of these bolt-action weapons S: 6 T: 7 B: N/A
at summer camp. Single shot only. The
chamber holds 1 .22 caliber bullet. Enclave Arms Rail Gun
Min. ST: 3 W: 8 lbs. Dmg: +4 Rng: 30 AP S: Value: 22500
5 T: 6 B: N/A This rail accelerator fires neutrons speeded to
near light speed causing massive damage to
BB Gun any substance. This weapon can crush almost
Value: 150 anything. The Rail Gun can fire a ten shot
A basic air-powered gun that shoots little burst but then there is a 10% chance of
round balls called BBs. Not exactly known for overheating which causes the weapon to break
dealing astronomical amounts of damage, but down – it cannot be used before major repairs
good for scaring off the neighbor’s cat. Single (in this case it loses all of remaining condition
shot only. The chamber holds 100 BBs. points, but even if weapon didn’t break down
Min ST: 1 W: 15 lbs Dmg: +0 Rng: 25 AP S: it loses one condition point when burst is
5 T: 6 B: N/A fired). This weapon uses micro fusion cells
and takes 30 of them to fully recharge (10
Colt Hunting Rifle shots). Normal armour DT/DR used against
Value: 1000 this attack. Any humanoid hit must roll for AG
A Colt “Rangemaster” semi-automatic rifle in to avoid falling down when hit by a Rail Gun.
various calibers. Designed for hunting cows Min. ST: 5 W: 15 Dmg: 3d20 + 40 Rng: 30
and cute, furry bunnies. Single shot only. The AP S: 6 T: 7 B: 7
magazine holds 10
shots of .223 caliber or 7.62mm ammunition. G3 Battle Rifle
Min. ST: 5 W: 11 lbs Dmg: +9 Rng: 40 AP S: Value: 2600
5 T: 6 B: N/A American soldiers trained on these in basic for
nearly half a century. The G3 is a perfect
DKS-501 Sniper Rifle mixture between rifle and assault rifle, capable
Value: 2200 of firing a short burst without sacrificing
An excellent long-range projectile weapon, accuracy. Fires single shots or up to a 5 shot
and one of the first all-metal sniper rifles. burst. The clip holds 20 shots of 7.62mm
Originally a .308, these guns were ammunition.
rechambered to accommodate the more Min. ST: 6 W: 13 lbs. Dmg: 2d10+5 Rng: 45
common .223. The DKS-501 comes equipped AP S: 5 T: 6 B: 6
with a Scope (see Weapon Enhancements,

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Jet Harpoon capabilities, but much greater portability – and
Value: 50 concealability. Used for home defense before
This weapon was initially made for underwater the war. Single shot only. The magazine holds
hunting but it also works on the surface. It 10 shots of 7.62mm ammunition.
lacks penetrating force so it’s unsuccessful Min. ST: 4 W: 7 lbs. Dmg: +9 Rng: 20 AP S:
even against simple bullet proof jacket, but it 5 T: 6 B: N/A
produces almost no noise so if used properly
can be quite potent stealthly weapon. Single M19 Rifle
shot only. It can hold one jet harpoon bolt and Value: 1100
requires 5 AP The M19 is an improved version of the
to reload. M17-A, sacrificing concealability and
Min. ST: - W: 4 lbs. Dmg: + 4 Rng: 15 AP: S: portability for range and accuracy. Single shot
4 T: 5 B: N/A only. The magazine holds 8 shots of 7.62mm
M1 Garand Rifle Min. ST: 5 W: 11 lbs. Dmg: +8 Rng: 35 AP S:
Value: 800 5 T: 6 B: N/A
There are certainly better guns out there, but
the M1 Garand is one of the most common M4 “Firefly” Recoilless Gun
carbines in existence. The bolt-action M1 can Value: 1100
trace its roots back to Winchesters used in the A simple recoilless gun firing HEAT or TSAT
American Civil War, and was the rounds – very popular among soldiers before
standard-issue weapon for doughboys after the War thanks to its low weight and high
World War I. Later, it became very popular reliability.
among civilians due to its low price and decent Min. ST: - W: 10 lbs. Dmg: varies Rng: 45
range. Single shot only. The clip holds 8 30.06 AP: S: 5 T: 6 B: N/A
Min. ST: 4 W: 6 lbs. Dmg: +12 Rng: 40 AP S: M72 Gauss Rifle
5 T: 6 B: N/A Value: 8250
The final product of endless research in
M1A5 Carbine railgun technology, the M72 Gauss Rifle
Value: 1900 comes from the laboratories of old Germany.
Another an upgraded WWII weapon. Much It uses an electromagnetic field to propel
like original M1A1 carbine, the M1A5 was rounds at tremendous speed. A shot can go
designed to be used as the second weapon for through just about any material, including
heavy weapons teams (artillery, mortars) - it’s flesh. Stone, concrete, rock and thick metal
light and portable although its penetrating are just about the only things that can stop a
power isn’t impressive. It can fire single shots shot from this gun. There is a telltale spiral
or 5-shot bursts, and its magazine contains 15 trail of ionized particles visible for a couple
bullets of 5.56 mm ammo. seconds after this gun is fired. Single shot
Min. ST: 3 W: 5 lbs. Dmg: +6 Rng: 25 AP: S: only. The magazine holds 20 shots of 2mm EC
5 T: 6 B: 6 ammunition.
Min ST: 6 W: 10 lbs Dmg: +33 Rng: 50 AP S:
M17-A Carbine 5 T: 6 B: N/A
Value: 500
The M-17A is not related to the popular M-16 Mosin rifle (Model 1891/1930 y.) (R)
assault rifle, but rather the M1 carbine. The Value:450
shorter barrel means less range and damage This museum exhibit was widespread in

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almost all Russian wars of the first part of SGR-1 "Elizabeth" (R)
20-th century. Very rare. HIGH accuracy. Value: 14,000
You can cut it`s barrel with the saw. It will This secret rifle was designed as an anti-tank
decrease rifle`s weight to 4 lbs, range to 12, gun, but Russian command decided to remake
and AP shot time. Five shots of 7.62 ammo in it to loooooong range sniper rifle. It can hit
mag. any target at 4 km`s range!!! At the War
Min. ST: 4 W: 7 lbs. Dmg: +8 Rng: 30 AP S: Russian Special Sniper Platoon used SGR to
5 T: 6 B: N/A Reload:3 curtail enemy commanders number. There
Cutted: Min. ST: 4 W: 4 lbs. Dmg: +8 Rng: weren't many of this rifles since it were
12 AP S: 4 T: N/A B: N/A Reload:3 invented in the February of 2077th... Ten
shots of special 6mm EC ammo. It can be
Pipe Rife equipped only with PSK-2016 scope (without
Value: 200 this scope and tripod targeted shot is
A handmade rifle, crafted from a heavily unavailable).
modified 10mm pistol and a long piece of Min ST: 7 W: 13 lbs Dmg: +40 Rng: 4 km`s
pipe. These simply weapons are commong (2.5 miles). AP S: 5 T: 7 B: N/A
among tribals with some technical skills.
Single shot only. The chamber only holds one Spear Gun
10mm bullet, unfortunately. Value: 1400
Min. ST: 5 W: 11 lbs Dmg: +6 Rng: 20 AP S: Before the war, these strange guns were used
5 T: 6 B: N/A to hunt for fish and other game. Because the
mechanism relies only on tension to operate,
and the special spears fired from these
PSG1 Sniper Rifle weapons are relatively easy to make, they are
Value: 2500 very popular in lower-technology areas. Single
The PSG1 is perhaps the ultimate single shot shot only. The spear gun holds 1 spear bolt.
sniper’s weapon. The semiautomatic Min. ST: 4 W: 10 lbs. Dmg: None Rng: 30 AP
mechanism means more shots off per minute, S: 5 T: 6 B: N/A
and the range is nearly unequaled. The PSG1
comes with a built-in Scope (see Weapon SR XII “Invader” Sniper Rifle
Enhancements, below). Single shot only. The Value: 25,000
magazine holds 20 shots of 7.62mm This weapon is astounding in almost every
ammunition. way. A product of European Rifle
Min. ST: 5 W: 15 lbs. Dmg: +14 Rng: 120 AP Corporation for needs of the EANU special
S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A forces - only a few of these were ever shipped
into the States. This low calibre (7,62 mm)
Red Ryder LE BB Gun gun is especially designed to destroy heavy
Value: 3500 armoured targets like light tanks or heavily
The ultimate name in BB guns, there are only armoured soldiers. The weapon uses special
a few Red Ryders left in existence. rocket powered ammo – its small “engine”
Rumor has it that Red Ryder himself protects starts working after the bullet leaves the
children armed with this gun. Of course, that barrel. In addition to that, a line accelerator is
could just be a myth. Single shot only. The built into the barrel, so bullet speed when
chamber holds 100 little stinging BBs. exiting the barrel is something about 2000
Min. ST: 5 W: 15 lbs Dmg: +25 Rng: 32 AP m/s. Its rocket propulsion accelerates it further
S: 5 T: 6 B: N/A to about 3500 m/s (12,600 km/h – 13,786
yards/h!). The Invader’s minimum range is 50

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yards as this is the minimum range for bullet The SVD-4000 was the precursor to the
engines to start work. The bullets are about 10 PSG1, and is a fine weapon in its own right.
cm long (with the engine) and constructed Unfortunately, a design flaw rendered a great
from the thickest carbon polymers. A shot deal of these guns inoperable, so a working
from SRXII will penetrate any armour up to version can usually only be found in the hands
150 DT (DR does not count at all!), however of a serious collector. Because of the flaw,
drawback of this that that shot will also these guns were never widely issued to armed
penetrate target thus not dealing much damage forces in the developed world. Single shot
(but when firing to a group, a single shot may only. The magazine holds 10 shots of 7.62mm
hit many foes). Despite all its features weapon ammunition.
looks quite ordinary, as all electronic parts and Min. ST: 5 W: 15 lbs. Dmg: +14 Rng: 75 AP
line accelerator are miniaturized and almost S: 5 T: 6 B: N/A
unnoticeable. SRXII is equipped with an
advanced targeting scope with night vision, SVU-AS (R)
low-light and ITTS features (+50% bonus to Value: 3900
hit). Despite being a sniper rifle it’s also a This sniper rifle was invented by the initiative
successful assault rifle. Each magazine of "Vimpel" ("The Pennon") special team and
contains 15 bullets (no price is given as this was accepted by all of the Russian special
ammo is no longer produced and extremely forces. This SVD replace also uses 7.62mm
rare) and the weapon is capable of 4-shot ammo. With 20-shots magazine it has an
burst fire. The SRXII is capable of targeted automatic mode (6 shots in burst). You can
burst fire, as it has a recoil compensation attach silencer to it. Excellent weapon.
system. 5 SEC are required for every 100 Min. ST: 5 W: 13 lbs. Dmg: +14 Rng: 100 AP
shots in order to power up the accelerator and S: 5 T: 6 B: 6
GM note: this weapon and ammo for it are V-94 (R)
UNIQUE, only a few of those existed in Value: 8000
pre-War America. Handle with care. This "sniper howitzer" is a one of the first
Min. ST: 6 W: 14 lbs. Dmg: penetrates up to Russian large-caliber toys. At the end of 20th
150 DT, 3d6 damage Rng: 10 - 100 AP: S: 6 century 12.7
T: 8 B: 7 TB: 9 mm caliber was VERY popular all over the
world, and Russian weapon designers decided
SVD (Dragunov sniper rifle) (R) not to remain behind the progress.
Value: 2100 Outstanding weapon for executing enemy life
In the 1963 SVD was added to Soviet Army force and light-armored vehicles. This
armory. Very cheap and strong it was very "Russian Barret" is able to reach targets on the
popular in 20th century. Almost excellent city 2-km distance. TRIPOD ONLY!!!
sniper`s choice. It`s not traditional sniper rifle. Min. ST: 7 W: 19 lbs. Dmg: +25 Rng: 300 AP
It was invented to raise efficacy and distance S: 6 T: 7 B: 7 RELOAD:3
of small-soldier groups. The main defects are
LOUD sound and BIG and decamouflaging VSK-94 (R)
barrel flame. Ten shots of 7.62mm ammo. Value:----- (9A-91 + Sniper Set "Night")
Min. ST: 6 W: 14 lbs. Dmg: +13 Rng: 110 AP Sniper complex, based on 9A-91 small-sized
S: 6 T: 7 B: N/A assault rifle and S-Set "Nightflame". Almost
similar to "Vintorez". Shots in burst : 5.
SVD-4000 Magazine: 20.
Value: 2400 Min ST: 5 W: 9 lbs Dmg: +15 Rng: 100 AP S:

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5 T: 6 B: 6 Value: 1600
A tweak on the Sovietera AK series, the
VSS "Vintorez" (R) AK-74 is also known as the “terrorist’s hot
Value:4300 dog” because every terrorist organization in
VSS (in english it sounds like SSR - Special the late 20th Century and early 21st Century
Sniper Rifle) or BSK (Silent Sniper Complex) seemed to own a version of these guns,
was created for holding of special operations, regardless of where they came from and what
demanding silent weapons. Appeared in 1987 the gun was made of. Fires a single shot or up
it became VERY popular but VERY rare and to a 5 shot burst. The clip holds 30 shots of
expensive. It has an integrated silencer on she 5.45mm ammunition.
short barrel and it uses "special sniper" bullets Min. ST: 5 W: 14 lbs. Dmg: +10 Rng: 45 AP
(SP-5, SP-6, SP-16 or PAB-9). VSS pierces S: 5 T: 6 B: 6
5mm titanium/8mm steel plates and vests of
2nd-4th protection classes (200 m distance) or AK-97 Assault Rifle
any kevlar vest on 400m distance. It also has Value: 1400
an automatic fire mode for emergency Created in the image of the legendary AK-47,
situations (5 shots in burst). Magazine: 10 the AK-97 is a predecessor of AK-112. It was
shots. created for the Russian army in 2036, but saw
Min ST: 5 W: 8 lbs Dmg: +15 Rng: 100 AP S: large distribution throughout the world before
5 T: 6 B: 6 the war and was widely used in battles against
NATO and Chinese forces. This highly
respected weapon is fairly commonplace. Fires
single shots or up to 8-shot burst. The
ASSAULT RIFLES magazine holds 30 rounds of 7.62
Assault rifles are smaller machine guns ammunition.
designed to put the portability of a submachine Min. ST: 5 W: 12 lbs. Dmg: +10 Rng: 45 AP
gun and the range of a rifle into one neat S:5 T:6 B:6
package. Assault rifles are all twohanded
weapons. AK-103 (R)
Value: 2000
AK-47 Assault Rifle Back for good... It`s a returning of good old
Value: 1000 7.62 mm ammo in AK series. It was caused by
The older rifle in the AK line, the AK-47 is revelation of weak sides of 5.45mm ammo in
possible the most famous, most reliable, and the last 2oth cent. wars. Possessing more great
best-built assault rifle ever. Originally used by power than AK-74 this assault rifle uses a lot
the Soviets and their Warsaw Pact allies, the of new technologies. How`s always - 30 in
AK-47 was copied by manufacturers in almost magazine, ten per burst.
every country on earth. These duplicates were Min ST: 5 W: 13 lbs Dmg: +12 Rng: 50 AP S:
often of inferior quality, however, and it is 5 T: 6 B: 6
recommended that the discriminating shooter
only use a Soviet model. The AK-47 fires AK-107 (R)
single shots or a 5 shot burst. The magazine Value: 3100
holds 24 rounds of 7.62mm ammunition. The main difference of AK-107/108 from
Min. ST: 5 W: 7 Dmg: +14 Rng: 35 AP S: 5 other series is balanced unaccented system. In
T: 6 B: 6 short - two gas pistons compensating recoil of
the shot. This system transforms firing with
AK-74 this weapon great in to the pleasure. It uses

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standard 5.45 mm ammo - 30 in magazine, Ukrainian and Russian police officers in the
fifteen per burst. Also AK-107 is famous for end of 20th century were armed with it. Like
it`s great firing range. an AKS-74 it "feeding" with 5.45 mm bullets.
Min ST: 3 W: 14 lbs Dmg: +11 Rng: 100 AP 30 in magazine, ten per burst. AND! It`s a
S: 4 T: 5 B: 5 very "fragile" weapon - after every 70th shots
the barrel is getting hot and widening and
AK-108 (R) weapon gets two "condition" points.
Value: 3100 Magazine: 30. Burst: 10 shots.
The same as AK-107, but uses 5.56mm ammo. Min ST: 6 W: 6 lbs Dmg: +7 Rng: 26 AP S: 4
Magazine: 30. Burst: 15 shots. T: 5 B: 5
Min ST: 4 W: 14 lbs Dmg: +11 Rng: 110 AP
S: 4 T: 5 B: 5 AN-94 (R)
Value: 1200
AK-112 Assault Rifle Nikonov assault rifle surpassed AK-74 with
Value: 1300 some indexes. But for some reasons it wasn`t
An old military model, out of use around the so popular. For the most part - AN-94
time of the war. Fires single shots or up to a couldn`t "use" “Squall” (see grenade
12 shot burst. The magazine holds 24 shots of launchers). 5x45 ammo. In magazine:30, per
5mm ammunition. burst :10.
Min. ST: 5 W: 8 lbs. Dmg: +8 Rng: 45 AP S: Min ST: 5 W: 13 lbs Dmg: +11 Rng: 46 AP S:
5 T: 6 B: 6 5 T: 6 B: 6

AKS-74 (R) AS "VAL" (R)

Value: 1600 Value: 3800
AK-74 is a child of the AK-47 and AKM. This silent assault rifle was created on the base
Following to world fashion for small-caliber of VSS. The main difference is a folding steel
and small-impulse ammo, M.T. Kalashnikov stock. SP-5, SP-6, SP-16 or PAB-9 ammo .
"remade" AK for the new 5.45x39mm caliber. Professional`s choice. You can attach scope to
In comparison with M16A2, AK-74 shows a it. 20 shots in magazine, 6 per burst.
bit smaller grouping and accuracy of shots, but Min ST: 5 W: 7 lbs Dmg: +13 Rng: 70 AP S:
much larger reliability and smaller care 5 T: 6 B: 6
demands (especially in battle conditions). The
letter "S" in this model`s name means Browning Automatic Rifle
"STEEL". There`s a steel stock in this assault Value: 1000
rifle.30 deadly brothers in magazine, 10 per Bulky and sporting a rather small clip, the
burst. BAR was originally designed as a squad-level
Min ST: 5 W: 14 lbs Dmg: +10 Rng: 40 AP S: support weapon. The 30.06 caliber ammo is
5 T: 6 B: 6 uses can be hard to come by in the wastes.
Fires a single shot or a 3 shot burst. The clip
AKS-74U (R) holds 20 rounds of 30.06 ammo.
Value: 1200 Min. ST: 6 W: 25 lbs. Dmg: +12 Rng: 35 AP
This “shorty” was constructed like SMG`s S: 5 T: 6 B: 6
replace. Sometimes called "spitty", AKS-74U
shows medium grouping and accuracy of Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR) v. 3.8
shots. It`s not very good PDW for police Value: 2200
needs, but without regard to it almost all of An extension of the WWII BAR. V.3.8 was

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used in US army from year 2075 – it has States Armed Forces before the Second World
almost all the advantages of its precursor – War, the M14 was the predecessor to the
high penetrating power, reliability under legendary M16. Featuring a smaller magazine
adverse conditions and selectable mode of fire and slower rate of fire, the M14 was still
although its caliber has been changed. It can popular among collectors and homeowners
use M16 compatible weapons when necessary. before the War because of its wide availability
On the other hand, the weapon is a bit too and low price. Fires a single shot or a 8-round
cumbersome and has strong recoil. The BAR burst. The magazine holds 20 rounds of .303
can fire in 4 modes: single, semiautomatic caliber ammunition.
(3-shot bursts), slow automatic (6-shot bursts) Min. ST: 8 W: 7 lbs. Dmg: +8 Rng: 40 AP S:
or fast automatic (12-shot bursts). Magazine 5 T: 6 B: 6
contains 36 5.56 mm bullets. The weapon is
equipped with bipod that must be used when M16A1
firing. Value: 2000
Min. ST: 6 W: 18 lbs. Dmg: +20 Rng: 40 AP: M16A1 Rifle. The chief rifle used by the US
S: 3 T: N/A B: 4/5/6 army during the middle part of the 20th
century. Composed of durable aluminum alloy
FN FAL and hardy plastic. Very rare, since A2 version
Value: 1500 is more common. Fires a single shot or a 12
The FN FAL has been more widely used by shot burst. The magazine holds 24 shots of
armed forces than any other rifle in history. 5.56mm ammunition.
It’s a reliable weapon for any terrain or Min. ST: 6 W: 15 lbs. Dmg: +6 Rng: 35 AP S:
situation, and its fine construction of only the 5 T: 6 B: 6
best materials ensures a working weapon M16A2
every time. Fires a single shot or up to a 10 Value: 1700
shot burst. The magazine holds 20 shots of An oldie but goodie, the M16A2 is a modified
7.62mm ammunition. version of a gun used in Vietnamera America.
Min. ST: 5 W: 11 lbs. Dmg: +8 Rng: 35 AP S: Its value mainly comes from its rarity. Fires a
5 T: 6 B: 6 single shot or a 3 shot burst. The magazine
holds 18 shots of 5.56mm ammunition.
H&K G11 (E) Min. ST: 6 W: 15 lbs. Dmg: +6 Rng: 40 AP S:
Value: 8000 6 T: 7 B: 7
The H&K G11 and the H&K G11E
revolutionized assault weapon design. This M-16C “Double Dragon” Light Assault Rifle
gun fires a caseless cartridge consisting of a Value: 2800
block of propellant with a bullet buried inside. An interesting construction indeed. It does not
The resultant weight and space savings allow vary much from standard M16 rifle in
this weapon to have a very high magazine appearance but has a different caliber (9 mm).
capacity. Fires single shots or up to a 10 shot Its most distinguishing feature are the two
burst. The magazine holds a block of 50 shots magazines that are mounted side by side into
of 4.7mm Caseless ammunition. this weapon – bullets are taken alternately
Min. ST: 4 W: 9 lbs. Dmg: +12 Rng: 35 AP S: form both of them and there is the possibility
5 T: 6 B: 6 to fire both JHP and AP ammo at the same
time! Regretfully, this reduces weapons rate of
M14 fire – it can fire up to 4 shots a round only. It
Value: 1000 has room for two 20 shot magazines of 9mm
The first assault rifle issued to the United JHP/AP ammo.

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Min. ST: 5 W: 12 lbs. Dmg: +8 Rng: 20 AP: Big guns are just that – big guns. They always
S: 5 T: 6 B: 6 require two hands and do massive amounts of
Value: 1800 MACHINE GUNS
The M1989A1 is big brother to the original These are weapons designed to hurl enormous
M16A1 and A2. It was rechambered to accept volumes of bullets at a target or targets. They
the 7.62mm ammo so troops could all require two hands to use, and many of
use captured Russian ammo. Although assault them need a tripod for any degree of accuracy.
rifle users greatly preferred the American
ammo for its damage capabilities, the military Avenger Minigun
implemented this change in anticipation of Value: 5500
front-line ammo shortages. With Rockwell designed the Avenger as the
this arrangement, a soldier could kill an enemy replacement for their aging CZ-53 Personal
and replenish his supply at the same time. Minigun. The Avenger’s design improvements
Fires single shots or up to 10-shot burst. The include improved gel-fin cooling and
magazine holds 35 rounds of 7.62 chromium-plated barrel-bores. This gives it a
ammunition. greater range and lethality. The Avenger fires
Min. ST: 6 W: 12 Dmg: +7 Rng: 45 AP S: 5 a 40 shot burst only. The magazine holds 120
T:6 B:6 shots of 5mm ammunition.
Min. ST: 7 W: 31 lbs. Dmg: +10 Rng: 40 AP
OC-14 "The Stom" (R) S: N/A T: N/A B: 6
Value: 3200
OC-14 was creating for special forces of Bozar
MVD. This babe feeds SP-5, SP-6, SP-16 or Value: 5250
PAB-9 ammo. The using of bullpup system The Bozar is the ultimate refinement of the
was very comfortable. It also provides to use sniper’s art. Although somewhat finicky and
underbarrel grenade launcher (or also can add prone to jamming if not kept scrupulously
silencer and scope to it - it transforms OC-14 clean, the big weapon’s accuracy more than
in to the "sniper assault rifle"). 30 shots in makes up for its extra maintenance
magazine, 8 in burst. requirements. This gun looks like a large
Min. ST: 5 W: 9 lbs. Dmg: +9 Rng: 35 AP S: sniper rifle, and was originally designed for
5 T: 6 B: 6 SEALs and special Forces to take out small
vehicles like tanks. Bozars fire 15 shot bursts
XL70E3 only. The magazines holds 30 .223 bullets.
Value: 3000 Min. ST: 6 W: 22 lbs. Dmg: +25 Rng: 75 AP
This was an experimental weapon before the S: N/A T: N/A B: 6
war, and is pretty rare. Rumors are that it was
issued to the Royal Bren Gun
Canadian Mounted Police. Fires single shots Value: 3500
or up to an 8 shot burst. The chamber holds This British adaptation of a Czech design
24 shots of 5mm ammunition. served the Queen’s forces through much of
Min. ST: 5 W: 9 lbs. Dmg: +12 Rng: 35 AP S: World War II and beyond. It uses an unusual
5 T: 6 B: 6 top-fed firing mechanism, and is terribly
inaccurate if not fired from a tripod. The Bren
Gun fires 15 shot bursts only. The clip holds
BIG GUNS SKILL WEAPONS 30 rounds of .303 ammo.

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Min. ST: 7 W: 26 lbs. Dmg: +20 Rng: 45 Ni-i-ice birthday present! Anti-air, anti-tank
(100) AP S: N/A T: N/A B: 6 ant anti-infantry instrument. How`s always –
only the strongest… 50 shots in chain.10-shot
Browning M2 Minigun burst only
Value: 3000 Min. ST: 9 W: 40 lbs. Dmg: +10 Rng: 30 AP
Originally designed as a tripod-mounted S: N/A T: N/A B: 6
weapon in the last stages of World War I, the
Browning was later adapted for infantry use as Lewis MK II
the first true minigun. The fact that it uses a Value: 3400
belt makes it somewhat awkward, and the The Cal Lewis MK II was a tweak on an
weight makes it unwieldy if not fired from a American design adopted by the British at the
stand. These guns were so well made that tail end of World War I. Used up until the
many were serviceable 100 years after 1940s, it offers considerable stopping power
manufacture. The M2 was horded by and a large ammo drum. Fires a 10 shot burst
survivalists before the War. Fires a 10-shot only. The Lewis’ drum holds 47 shots of .303
burst only. The ammo belt holds 50 rounds of caliber ammunition.
.50 ammunition. Min. ST: 7 W: 30 lbs. Dmg: +20 Rng: 45 (90)
Min. ST: 7 W: 40 lbs. Dmg: +8 Rng: 20 (70) AP S: N/A T: N/A B: 6
AP S: N/A T: N/A B: 7
Light Support Weapon
CZ-53 Minigun Value: 4750
Value: 3800 This squad-level support weapon has a
The Rockwell CZ-53 Personal Minigun is a bullpup design, making it difficult to use while
multi-barreled chaingun firing 5mm lying down. Because of this it was remanded
ammunition at over 60,000 rounds per minute. to National Guard units. However, it earned a
Ouch. Fires a 20 shot burst only. The reputation as a reliable weapon that packs a
magazine holds 120 shots of 5mm lot of punch for its size. The LSW gains some
ammunition. accuracy when attached to a tripod. The light
Min. ST: 7 W: 31 lbs. Dmg: +5 Rng: 35 AP S: support weapon fires 10 shot bursts only, and
N/A T: N/A B: 6 its ammo belt holds 30 shots of .223
D.SH.K. (R) Min. ST: 6 W: 22 lbs. Dmg: +20 Rng: 40
Value: 5000 (130) AP S: N/A T: N/A B: 6
1938 y. Model, originally designed as
tripod-mounted weapon it was used in M249 SAW
WW-II, Afghanistan and a lot of other war Value: 4000
conflicts of 20th century. It uses huge The Belgian-made FN Minimi, also called
12.7x108mm caliber. Only the strongest can M249 Squad Automatic Weapon saw wide
use it without tripod. On 500m distance it use before and during the War. The M249 is
pierces 16mm of armor. 50 shots in best used on a tripod in a situation where the
chain.10-shot burst only gunner can strafe bullets over a wide range.
Min. ST: 10 W: 50 lbs. Dmg: +9 Rng: 46 (!!!) Fires a 10 shot burst only. The ammo belt
AP S: N/A T: N/A B: 6 holds 30 shots of 5.56mm or 7.62mm
ammunition (depending on the version).
“Kord” (R) Min. ST: 6 W: 21 lbs. Dmg: +20 Rng: 40 (80)
Value:5300 AP S: N/A T: N/A B: 6
New generation of 12.7mm machineguns.

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M2HB nests in World War II, where it was employed
Value: 7500 by both Axis and Allied forces, the MG3 is the
The M2HB is perhaps the most powerful world’s most popular infantry machinegun.
infantry weapon available. It uses the unique Later models were made more portable, but
.50 BMG ammunition; bullets designed to the MG3 is nearly uncontrollable if not used
pierce the armor of tanks and to down on a tripod. The MG3 fires 10 shot bursts
helicopters. It can only be fired from a tripod only. The ammo belt holds 50 shots of
because of its extreme kickback. The M2HB is 7.62mm ammunition.
not designed to be a mobile weapon; instead, Min. ST: 7 W: 30 lbs. Dmg: +15 Rng: 10
it is often found in a semipermanent (110) AP S: N/A T: N/A B: 6
machinegun nest or attached to a vehicle. The
M2HB fires a 25 shot burst only. The ammo “Pecheneg” (R)
belt holds 100 shots of .50 BMG ammunition. Value:4000
Min. ST: 6 W: 60 lbs. Dmg: +20 Rng: N/A More modern version of PKM. The barrel is
(140) AP S: N/A T: N/A B: 7 much massive and effective. Better cooling
system. Tripod is attaching at the end of barrel
M60 so it makes gun more steady. 100 shots in one
Value: 3500 chain-box. 17 shots in burst
A belt-fed machine gun that is usually Min. ST: 7 W: 35 lbs. Dmg: +14 Rng: 29 AP
mounted on a tripod, although one can carry it S: N/A T: N/A B: 6
around, too. The M60 was prized by militaries
for its high rate of fire. It can also be attached PK Infantry Support Gun
to vehicles. Fires 10 shot bursts only. The Value: 5000
ammo belt holds 50 shots of 7.62mm The PK Infantry Support Gun is a high
ammunition. powered machine gun designed to fire over
Min. ST: 7 W: 26 lbs. Dmg: +18 Rng: 35 the heads of entrenched infantry during
(120) AP S: N/A T: N/A B: 6 assaults. The PK ISG comes with a tripod
attached, making it unsuitable for up close
MEC Gauss Minigun attacks. The PK ISG fires 10 shots only per
Value: 18000 burst. The ammo belt holds 50 shots of
Developed in secret by the Chinese Army in 7.62mm ammunition.
the last days of the War, the MEC Gauss Min. ST: 7 W: 35 lbs. Dmg: +18 Rng: N/A
Minigun is an experimental weapon of great (100) AP S: N/A T: N/A B: 7
destruction. It usually did so much damage
that the Chinese questioned the ethics PKM (Modernized Kalashnikov Machinegun)
involved in issuing such a device to battlefield (R)
troops. The MEC’s shots have the telltale Value: 3500
spiral of ionized gas that is the trademark of Work principle is almost same as the RPK`s,
other railguns. The MEC fires a 20 round but there are some differences. It has a
burst only. The magazine holds 80 shots of chain-"feeding", flag-type safety device. 100
2mm EC ammunition. shots in one chain-box. This "executor" was
Min. ST: 6 W: 30 lbs. Dmg: +50 Rng: 35 AP very popular in Chechnya war conflicts. You
S: N/A T: N/A B: 6 can add tripod and even scope to it. 20 shots
in burst. 7.62 ammo.
MG3 Min. ST: 7 W: 30 lbs. Dmg: +12 Rng: 25 AP
Value: 3600 S: N/A T: N/A B: 6
Originally developed for use in machinegun

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RPK (Kalashnkov hand machinegun) (R) see the Ammunition section. Note that
Value: 3000 grenades and mortars cannot be targeted.
Kalashnkov hand machinegun was designed Ranges for mortars are given in KM, and
on AKM base. Huge "horn" for 75 shots of damage is discussed under the different kinds
7.62mm ammo provides long and dense of Ammunition for these devices in that
covering fire. But, after 5000th shot the section. Grenade launchers and personal
grooves in rifling begin to erase. So after mortars take two hands to use.
every gun repair "condition" reduces for one
point... forever. When cond=6 you can throw 40mm Underbarrel grenade launcher "Squall
RPK out. 15 shots in burst. 2004" (R)
Min. ST: 7 W: 30 lbs. Dmg: +10 Rng: 25 AP Value: 3000
S: N/A T: N/A B: 6 This universal grenade launcher was invented
to replace all of it 40mm "brothers". You can
RPK-74 (R) add it to any AK or any regular gun.
Value: 3300 Min. ST: Weapons ST +1 W: 4 lbs. Dmg:
This upgraded RPK uses 5.45mm ammo and Varies Rng: 17 AP S: 5 T: N/A B: N/A
only 45 shots in magazine. 15 in burst.
Min. ST: 7 W: 28 lbs. Dmg: +11 Rng: 27 AP AGS-17 Grenade Launcher
S: N/A T: N/A B: 6 Value: 10500
The AGS-17 is an improved version of the
Vindicator Minigun MK-19, with a better computer for increased
Value: 15250 accuracy. The AGS-17 model was in wide
The German Rheinmetal AG Company created distribution before and during the war. Again,
the Vindicator, the ultimate minigun. The a tripod-mounted device. Single shot only.
Vindicator throws 90,000 caseless shells per The AGS-17 holds 5 40mm grenades.
minute down its 6 carbonpolymer barrels. As Min. ST: 5 W: 30 lbs. Dmg: Varies Rng:
the pinnacle of Teutonic engineering, it is the (170) AP S: 6 T: N/A B: N/A
ultimate hand-held weapon. 25 shot burst
only. The Vindicator’s magazine holds 100 AK222 Grenade Thrower
4.7mm caseless bullets. Value: 2250
Min. ST: 7 W: 30 lbs. Dmg: +14 Rng: 30 AP A Russian design – simple and reliable, widely
S: N/A T: N/A B: 6 used in EANU army. It uses pressurized air to
launch hand grenades for large distances.
Single shot only - needs to be reloaded after
GRENADE LAUNCHERS AND MORTARS each shot. Uses 1 SEC for each 25 shots to
Grenade launchers sling small explosive power up air compressors.
rounds at a target. Often, they look a good Min. ST: 4 W: 12 lbs. Dmg: as from grenade
deal like rifles, or even machineguns. Mortars Rng: 30 AP: S: 5 T: N/A B: N/A
fire explosive ordinance over much longer
ranges. They are usually just tubes with a BG-1 Grenade Launcher
firing mechanism attached. Mortars aren’t Value: 2100
suitable for close-range combat, as they Although slightly smaller than the M203, the
explode over a wide area, and are primarily BG-1 looks more like a large shotgun than a
used for longrange (.5 KM or more) combat grenade launcher. Single shot only. The
between squads and light vehicles. There are MK-19 holds 2 40mm grenades.
several types of grenades and mortar Min. ST: 5 W: 10 lbs. Dmg: Varies Rng: 15
ordinance available to shoot; for more details, (25) AP S: 5 T: N/A B: N/A

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M203 MK-19 Personal Artillery Device
Value: 2000 Value: 7000
The M203 is a basic grenade launcher, The MK-19 is a tripod-mounted grenade
essentially a modified M16A1 rifle fitted with launcher designed to throw explosives
a device to sling grenades a short distance. accurately over long distances. A small
Single shot only. The M203 holds 1 40mm computer helps compensate for wind, terrain,
grenade. and other factors. Single shot only. The
Min. ST: 5 W: 16 lbs. Dmg: Varies Rng: 20 MK-19 holds 1 40mm grenade.
AP S: 5 T: N/A B: N/A Min. ST: 5 W: 25 lbs. Dmg: Varies Rng:
(140) AP S: 6 T: N/A B: N/A
M-21 “Nijmrod” Grenade Launcher
Value: 3500 PS-22 51mm Mortar
An advanced 40mm grenade launcher. It was Value: 15000
very popular in almost all armies of the world An older model mortar, the PS-22 was used
before the War. It most astounding feature is heavily in operations in Vietnam and Colombia
its unique rate of fire – weapon can launch up (the “drug wars”). The PS-22 uses the unusual
to 3 (!) 40mm grenades a round and it can 51mm shells, and ammunition can be difficult
store up to 8 grenades. Even with such high to find. Its range and accuracy is slightly less
achievements it has reasonable weight and than the M2.
tolerable recoil. Min. ST: 5 W: 45 lbs. Dmg: Varies Rng: .5
Min. ST: 6 W: 16 lbs. Dmg: varies Rng: 40 KM AP S: 5 T: N/A B: N/A
AP: S: 5 T: 6 B: 6
RG-6 (R)
M2 60mm Portable Mortar Value: 6500
Value: 14000 Last and the best word in 40mm grenade
The M2 was widely used by UN forces in the launchers. This a 6-shots revolver-type
Gulf War, and is one of the most common weapon. Expensive but effective.
portable artillery devices. Although it has Min. ST: 6 W: 13 lbs. Dmg: Varies Rng: 27
nowhere near the range of a tank or howitzer, AP S: 5 T: N/A B: N/A
its primary use was to bombard infantry with
artillery, demoralizing them. It can also fire TKB-0218 "Avalanche" (R)
different kinds of chemical warefare, but we Value: 2500
know the US would never do that. The M2 This is a cheap single shot grenade launcher. It
holds one 60mm mortar, and must be set up was constructed by the mountaineers like an
on a tripod, on the ground (not on the back of anti-avalanche gun. It uses standard 40mm
a vehicle). grenades. In Chechnya it was used like an
Min. ST: 5 W: 40 lbs. Dmg: Varies Rng: .7 "anti-sniper device". Uncomfortable and
KM AP S: 5 T: N/A B: N/A fragile construction.
M79 Grenade Rifle Min. ST: 5 W: 7 lbs. Dmg: Varies Rng: 17 AP
Value: 3000 S: 5 T: N/A B: N/A
The M79 is an improved version of the MK-1,
with better range and lighter weight. It can be
fired with one hand, if necessary. Single shot ANTI-TANK WEAPONS
only. The M79 holds 1 40mm grenade. These are rocket launchers designed to
Min. ST: 5 W: 8 lbs. Dmg: Varies Rng: 20 AP destroy tanks, jeeps, cars, trucks, and other
S: 5 T: N/A B: N/A land-based vehicles. Using these on critters

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and other people can be fun, for the truly Value: 1700
sadistic. Rocket launchers all require two Actually it`s a TOW. You can shot it only one
hands. time. Hollow-charge projectile, light and
compact. All infantry used it since 1973. For
IATTP (Infantry Anti Tank Tesla Projector) hitting light armored vehicles.
Value: 8000 Min. ST: 6 W: 7 lbs. Dmg: 6d8+20 Rng: 60
This weapon uses electricity to attack and stun AP S: 6 T: N/A B: N/A
or kill armoured vehicle crew. Unlike EMP
weapons, it does not disable the target RPG-27 "Tavolga" (R)
(however this may happen sometimes) but Value: 2200
attacks the vehicle with “lightning” that The same case. Powerful non-permanent
electrocutes crew. Weapon can also be used TOW 1986 year model. For hitting light and
against infantry. An interesting effect of this medium armored vehicles.
weapon is that if target is well insulated it Min. ST: 6 W: 16 lbs. Dmg: 6d8+30 Rng: 65
won’t be damaged by the attack but it will be AP S: 6 T: N/A B: N/A
“charged” and the hit will take effect when
target is grounded. Only living beings are RPG-102 "Demiurge" (R)
affected. After target is hit there is 65% Value: 4000
chance that weapon will work properly and all This world-famous toy was used by Russian
living beings hit will take d100 damage, army only in the War. This is a unique plasma
otherwise there is no effect. The IATTP will anti-tank TOW. Developed in secret since
affect anyone closer than 5 meters from the 2010 it was a great surprise for everyone. You
initial target then anybody closer than 5 meters can "make a present" with 3 plasma shots.
from the those targets and so forth, thus the Non-reloadable.
weapon can harm numerous foes if they stand Min. ST: 6 W: 20 lbs. Dmg: 2d30+30 Rng: 40
close by. Weapon takes 10 MFC to charge, AP S: 6 T: N/A B: N/A
single shot only. Weapon was forbidden by
London Arms Pact in 2076 but US Army Rockwell L-72 Rocket Launcher
hadn’t have enough time to dispose of it so it Value: 2300
can be found in most pre-War military A basic rocket launcher, and one of the few
installations. shoulder-fired models that can be reloaded.
Min. ST: - W: 65 lbs. Dmg: d100 Rng: 20 AP: The L-72 holds one Rocket.
S: 7 T: N/A B: N/A Min. ST: 6 W: 15 lbs. Dmg: Varies Rng: 50
AP S: 6 T: N/A B: N/A
LAW-80 Rocket Launcher
Value: 1900 TOW-II Missile Defense System
LAW stands for Light Antivehicle Weapon. Value: 15000
Although the LAW rocket is relatively weak The TOW-II MDS is simply the most
and can only be fired once, it packs quite a bit powerful anti-tank device available. It can only
of a punch. Single shot only. The LAW-80 be fired from a tripod and will generally
cannot be reloaded and comes with one destroy any small vehicle it hits. The rockets
LAW-80 rocket. the TOW-II fires are covered with a small
Min. ST: 6 W: 14 lbs. Dmg: 6d8+30 Rng: 60 amount of uranium, designed to melt through
AP S: 6 T: N/A B: N/A armor to reach the vulnerable parts
underneath. Because of its pre-programmed
RPG-18 "The Fly" (Hand anti-tank grenade firing computer, the TOW-II cannot target
launcher) (R) anything other than vehicles. Not that you

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would want to. Of course, someone out there New word in infantry hand flamers.
could probably re-program it. Single shot Shot-effect of this “rocket-capsule” can be
only. The TOW-II holds 1 TOW-II rocket. compared with explosion of 122-mm tank or
Min. ST: 6 W: 65 lbs. Dmg: 10d10+200 Rng: 120-mm mortar shell. Explosion range is 2
150 AP S: 8 T: N/A B: N/A hexes. Then during 5 rounds this land burns,
dealing 2d8+fire damage.
Min. ST: 6 W: 15 lbs. Dmg: Varies Rng: 30
Flamethrowers are fairly selfexplanatory; they
fire a hightemperature substance called fire at
targets to damage said target. Flamethrowers ARTILLERY
can also be re-fitted with different kinds of Artillery are the BIG big guns. Weither
ammunition tanks, so they can shoot things cannons, howitzers or some other kind of
other than fire. Very, very nasty things. It goes weapons, this category holds those big guns
without saying that flamethrowers are too large to be carried around by a character.
two-handed weapons.
20mm ADEN Defensive Cannon (ADC20)
Flambe 450 Flamethrower Value: 30000
Designed as a squad support weapon, the This automated defensive pod was a common
Flambe 450 was employed during the war to pre-War security array. This compact cannon,
take out nests of machineguns and to torch shielded by massive tungsten alloy armoured
civilian villages as a form of terrorism. Its light plates, comes with a semi-AI computer that is
weight and increased range make it a responsible for all of its advanced functions.
formidable weapon. The cannon is capable of IFF and will not
Min. ST: 6 W: 20 lbs. Dmg: Varies Rng: 23 shoot at anyone who is pre-programmed as
AP S: 6 T: N/A B: N/A ally (as it possesses various sensors, from IR
to smell identification, risk of misfire is very
M9E1-7 Flamethrower low, even in poor weather conditions or at
Value: 2000 night) or will shot at anyone who is
Your basic flamethrower. A nozzle with a preprogrammed as enemy (e.g. anyone
gun-like trigger is attached to a hose which is carrying a weapon) - second mode being more
in turn attached to a special backpack useful in situations where the risk of someone
containing fuel. Useful for taking out large unexpected, but non-hostile, coming is high
groups of people. Flamethrower fuel is not (e.g. a city). The cannon can fire 20 mm
always the only thing a flamethrower can HEAT, MPAT, HE and ATP shells (basic cost
spew. For rules about damage from 25 per one) and has a 100-shot magazine. The
flamethrowers and fire, see the weapon is capable of 3-shot burst fire.
Non-Conventional Weapons section under Min. ST: - W: 300 lbs. Dmg: 6d10 + 40 Rng:
Combat Step Two: Damage. Single shot only. 60 AP: S: 6 T: 7 B: 7
The flamer’s backpack holds a tank of Action Points: 12 Skill: 110% XP value: 500
ammunition, and the number of “shots” varies
from tank to tank. AGM-223 “Pandora” Laser Guided
Min. ST: 6 W: 28 lbs. Dmg: Varies Rng: 20 Bomb
AP S: 6 T: N/A B: N/A Value: 5000
This is a free fall bomb with small fins used to
RPO (R) change its falling trajectory and extend range.
Value: 7000 It must be used with laser targeting system as

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it needs target to be illuminated by a laser Weight: 700 kg (1550 lbs.) Dmg: 10d8 x 20
beam (from the bombing craft or another R: 110 km Velocity: 650 kts. (1203 km/h) AP:
source, e.g. a common usage of those bombs a few rounds of targeting Warhead skill: 120%
was that commando teams used laser markers
to allow planes make a successful attack). The BIN-21 “Inferno” Napalm Bomb
aircraft computer makes all the necessary Value: 250
calculations regarding when the bomb should This is a simple napalm canister, with a scatter
be released to hit the marked target. After the explosive device, used to attack any kind of
drop, the bomb acts like a normal freefall target and able to deal massive damage
bomb except to the fact that due to its wings it especially to unarmoured targets. Napalm
can be dropped from a few miles away from bombs are often dropped in packs of 6-10 in
the target and it can make some necessary order to cover greater area with flames. As the
adjustments to stay on the preprogrammed flaming substance was especially designed it’s
course (but still, this is not a homing missile). extremely hard to be extinguished and sticks
After the release of the bomb, the targeting to almost any substance substances. Each
laser can be turned off. The aircraft cannot be bomb covers area of about 50 square meters.
making any manoeuvres during the release W: 15 gallon (57 litres) = 132 lbs. (60 kg)
process. Dmg: 2d10 + 50 damage points each round
Weight: 800 kg (1800 lbs.) Dmg: 10d6 x 30 for d20 + 5 rounds
(HE) R: defined by craft’s speed AP: a few
rounds of targeting Enclave Arms 130 mm Tank Cannon
One of the most powerful cannons available.
AGM-229 “Minotaur” AT (Anti Tank) Missile The 130mm canon combines range and
Launcher destruction power. Single shot
Value: 8000 + 1000 per HEAT missile, 3000 only.
for ATP missile and 10000 per TSAT missile W: 3500 lbs. Dmg: (4d10 + 3) x 10to
This is a “fire-and-forget” anti-tank missile everything within 25 meters and 1d6
launcher with various warheads designed to concussion to everything within 10 meters
destroy tanks and other armoured vehicles. Rng: 5 KM AP S: 5 T: N/A B: N/A
Each launcher consists of 5 tubes with one
missile each. Range is approximately 7 km. Free Fall Bomb
Weight: 550 kg (1215 lbs.) with 5 missiles A Vertibird (or RAH-88) weapon with
Dmg: 10d6 x 10 (HEAT) or 10d6 x 100 absolutely no guidance system, simply falling
(TSAT) or ATP R: 7 km AP: S: N/A T: all down after being released with the speed and
AP’s B: N/A trajectory of the flying vehicle. In order to hit
with it, use ¼ of your vehicle skill. Probably
ASM-56 “Harpoon II” Anti Ship Missile one of the most devastating weapons in the
Value: 20000 Enclave arsenal, as it’s a simple container
This long-range cruise missile was an ultimate filled with high explosives. All damage is given
anti-shipping weapon before the War. Because for HE bombs, but AP (treat those as
of its long range it does not carry much APFSDS) also exist, but they were mainly
explosives, but it is designed to penetrate ship made to destroy warships, bunkers and other
armour so it explodes internally, dealing highly armoured targets that are not common
massive structural damage. A larger version in wasteland. Bombs may be mounted in packs
with extended range (250 km) and larger of 1, 2 or 3 on each hardpoint (if craft is able
warhead was used by strategic bombers and to carry their weight).
warships. W: 150 lbs. (67 kg) Dmg: 10d6 Value: 600

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W: 745 lbs. (337 kg) Dmg: 10d6 x 10 V: 1000 An advanced medium range missile, equipped
W: 1100 lbs. (500 kg) Dmg: 10d6 x 20 V: with 3 types of homing devices: Infra Red,
1850 Heat Seeker and Radar
W: 2000 lbs. (900 kg) Dmg: 10d6 x 35 V: Guidance. Fire and forget.
2400 Weight: 90 kg (200 lbs.) Dmg: 6d10 + 10 R:
Rng: free fall AP: S: 2 T: N/A B: 2 (more than 25 km Velocity: 2000 kts. (3704 km/h) AP: a
one bomb at a time) few rounds of targeting Warhead skill: 90%

Intel Corp. ED-234 Electronic Counter “Swallow” ALRAAM (Advanced Long Range
Measures (ECM) Pod Air-Air Missile)
Value: 3000 An advanced long-range radar guided missile.
This complex electronic warfare system may In the first phase of flight, the missile is guided
be used for to jam any radar detector. The by the aircraft’s radar and then, just a few
ECM sends strong signals, so it’s very easy to miles away from the target the missile turns on
detect that something is coming, but it’s its own radar and homes in on the target.
almost impossible to determine the specific Requires target to be marked by firing craft
location of target and therefore make a “lock” radar.
on the target necessary for radar-guided Weight: 150 kg (331 lbs.) Dmg: 8d8 + 20 R:
missile firing. This system should only be used 95 km Velocity: 680 kts. (1259 km/h) in the
after the aircraft has been detected by radar. first phase, 1800 kts. (3333 km/h) in the final
phase AP: a few rounds of targeting. Warhead
M217 Super Hydra 70mm Rocket Launcher skill: 80%
Value: 1500
This is more advanced version of Hydra ENERGY WEAPONS SKILL WEAPONS
rocket currently used by US Army (e.g. by Energy weapons were developed in the early
AH64 Apache). It contains 42 unguided 21st century, and almost every major
rockets with AP warheads (no other types are government employed them in their armed
supplied). Rockets can be fired one at a time, forces at the time of the war. Pistols do not
in 6-rocket salvo or all at the same time. require two hands to use, all other energy
Min. ST: Vehicle weapon W: 300 lbs. Dmg: weapons do. There are two main kinds of
6d6 (each rocket), DR - 20 Rng: 800 yards energy weapons: laser and plasma. Lasers are
AP: computer-fired highly concentrated beams of light that melt
through pretty much anything. Plasma is
“Owl” ASRAAM (Advanced Short Range superheated, ionized gas that melts through
Air-Air Missile) pretty much anything. There are other kinds of
Value: 2600 energy weapons as well. Note that damage
An advanced short-range missile, equipped from energy weapons is weapon-dependant,
with 3 types of guidance systems: Infra Red, not ammodependant. Energy pistols are
Heat Seeker and Radar Guidance. Fire and onehanded weapons, but energy rifles and big
forget. energy weapons require two hands.
Weight: 50 kg (110 lbs.) Dmg: 8d10 R: 8 km
Velocity: 2700 kts. (5000 km/h) AP: a few
rounds of targeting Warhead skill: 100% PISTOLS
The simplest energy weapons, and usually the
“Raven” AMRAAM (Advanced Medium weakest, are pistols. They are however, good
Range Air-Air Missile) for concealing and scaring people who have
Value: 3000 not dealt with energy weapons before.

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AP S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A
Alien Blaster
Value: 10000 UR-2 Sonic pulse pistol (R)
No one is sure where this weapon comes Value: 5000
from, and there have been several unconfirmed Designed by Ukrainian Weapon Tec`s
reports from nomads that they fell from the Research Center in first war days of War, this
skies inside of large metal disks; disks that toy was an absolutely surprise for everyone.
also contained the bodies of something not There weren`t any armor, that could stop such
human. Single shot only. The Alien Blaster a powerful sonic wave. It just passed through
holds 10 charges, and uses the Small Energy it and turned all life substance into the bloody
Cell to recharge. mess. The solution was found. It was... liquid
Min. ST: 3 W: 29 lbs. Dmg: 5d10+30 Rng: 10 silicon rubber. Ten mm`s of rubber defused
AP S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A beam`s destructive effect (or 10 meters of
stone). Since it they added rubber-kind
EMP-wand "Calmative" (R) substance into all types of Power Armors. Any
Value: 8000 other armors are nothing!
This small "wand" was designed by Russian Ignores all "simple" armors. Extremely rare
Federal Security Agency in 2004 for spies. toy.
You can turn off any robot or old pre-war Min. ST: 3 W: 5 lbs. Dmg: 1d10+20 Rng: 12
computer with one second. One "shot" AP S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A
requires 20 MFC`s (by the way, there one shot
only :) - then reload. Wattz 1000 Laser Pistol
Min. ST: 3 W: 5 Dmg: N/A Rng: 5 AP S: 7 T: Value: 1200
N/A B: N/A The civilian model of the W-1600 pistol, The
W-1000 is slightly weaker and has a shorter
Glock 86 Plasma Pistol range. There are still a few of these lying
Value: 2750 around the wastes, although they tend to be in
Designed by the Gaston Glock Laboratories, pretty bad shape. The W-1000 holds 10
this small gun shoots a small bolt of charges, and uses Small Energy Cells to
superheated plasma. Single shot only. The recharge.
Plasma Pistol holds 16 charges, and uses the Min. ST: 3 W: 6 lbs. Dmg: 1d8+10 Rng: 25
Small Energy Cell to recharge. AP S: 5 T: 6 B: N/A
Min. ST: 4 W: 8 lbs. Dmg: 1d20+10 Rng: 20
AP S: 5 T: 6 B: N/A Wattz 1600 Laser Pistol
Value: 1400
Solar Scorcher The Laser Pistol is perhaps the simplest of the
Value: 2000 energy weapons. It fires concentrated light at
The Solar Scorcher is not named because it a target, exciting the molecules at the point of
can actually damage the sun, but instead of impact and causing considerable damage.
ammo it uses the sun’s rays to recharge. Favored by assassins and gangsters because of
Unfortunately, this makes its use in caves, its relatively inexpensive price and small size.
buildings, and at night somewhat limited. It Single shot only. The Laser Pistol holds 12
recharges in about 30 seconds, but must be in charges, and uses the Small Energy Cell to
direct sunlight to do so. Single shot only. The recharge.
Solar Scorcher holds 6 charges, and uses Min. ST: 3 W: 7 lbs. Dmg: 1d12+10 Rng: 35
direct sunlight to recharge. AP S: 5 T: 6 B: N/A
Min. ST: 4 W: 10 lbs. Dmg: 4d10+20 Rng: 20

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YK32 Pulse Pistol Rifle, this model features an advanced cooling
Value: 12500 system for increased range and accuracy. The
A weapon that fires high energy pulses of light Turbo Plasma Rifle holds 10 charges and uses
and sound at an opponent, causing them to Micro Fusion Cells to recharge.
begin to disintegrate at the molecular level. Min. ST: 6 W: 17 lns. Dmg: 2d20+30 Rng: 35
Fun and educational for the kiddies. It looks a AP S: 5 T: 6 B: N/A
little like a Buck Rogers gun. Single shot only.
The Pulse Pistol holds 10 charges, and uses Wattz 2500 Laser Rifle
the Small Energy Cell to recharge. Value: 4500
Min. ST: 3 W: 5 lbs. Dmg: 1d12+32 Rng: 15 An early model Laser Rifle, the L-2500 was
AP S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A never put into mass production because it was
soon replaced by better weapons. The W-2500
holds 12 charges and uses Micro Fusion Cells
RIFLES to recharge.
The weapons of the elite military at the time of Min. ST: 5 W: 12 Dmg: 3d8+22 Rng: 45 AP
the war, these rifles are the backbone of the S: 5 T: 6 B: N/A
energy arsenal.
Wattz 3120b Laser Rifle
H&K 31415 Laser Carbine Value: 5000
Value: 3500 The Laser Rifle is a refinement of the pistol,
A laser rifle with a shorter barrel and limited with a longer barrel for increased accuracy as
range, this weapon is about halfway between a well as the space for a larger, hotter energy
laser pistol and laser rifle. Not widely beam. Single shot only. The Laser Rifle holds
distributed, these weapons are fairly rare. 20 charges, and uses the Micro Fusion Cell to
Single shot only. The Laser Carbine holds 20 recharge.
charges and uses Micro Fusion Cells to Min. ST: 4 W: 7 lbs. Dmg: 2d12+23 Rng: 35
recharge. AP S: 5 T: 6 B: N/A
Min. ST: 6 W: 13 lbs. Dmg: 2d12+18 Rng: 20
AP S: 5 T: 6 B: N/A Winchester Model P94 Plasma Rifle
Value: 4000
Sherman “Lightning“ Plasma Rifle An industrial-grade energy weapon that fires
Value: 20,000 superheated bolts of plasma down a
The last step in plasma weapons before the superconducting barrel. Single shot only. The
War. Unlike other plasma rifles that can fire Plasma Rifle holds 10 charges and uses Micro
only single shots, the Lightning has much Fusion Cells to recharge.
better barrel cooling system and therefore it Min. ST: 6 W: 17 lbs. Dmg: 2d20+25 Rng: 25
can fire in burst mode. It’s also smaller and AP S: 5 T: 6 B: N/A
lighter than other plasma weapons. The only
drawback is its high price. Weapon can fire 8 YK42b Pulse Rifle
shot bursts and it holds 24 charges from Micro Value: 17500
Fusion Cells. This is a version of the Pulse Pistol, in rifle
Min. ST: 5 W: 10 lbs. Dmg: 2d20+20 Rng: 35 form, meaning longer range and more damage.
AP: S: 5 T: 6 B: 6 What more could
you ask for from a weapon? Single shot only.
Turbo Plasma Rifle The Pulse Rifle holds 15 charges, and uses the
Value: 10000 Micro Fusion Cell to recharge.
An upgraded version of the Model P94 Plasma Min. ST: 3 W: 14 lbs. Dmg: 2d12+54 Rng: 30

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AP S: 5 T: 6 B: N/A MESONs, which are made up of two quarks –
a quark and an antiquark. Since normal
protons are made up of three quarks, the
BIG ENERGY WEAPONS addition of a MESON into a normal proton
These weapons were mostly in the causes the atom to begin exploding at close to
developmental stage at the beginning of the the speed of light, leaving nothing but quarks.
war, and are very rare. These are, without a Note that the MESON Cannon cannot be
doubt, the most valuable weapons in the targeted. Single shot only. The MESON
wastes. Cannon holds 10 charges, and uses Micro
Fusion Cells to recharge.
Gatling Laser Min. ST: 6 W: 30 lbs. Dmg: 5d10+100 Rng:
Value: 7500 50 AP S: 6 T: N/A B: N/A
The H&K L30 Gatling Laser is the only
energy weapon capable of firing in burst
mode. Designed specifically for military use, ARTILLERY
these were in the prototype stage at the Artillery are the BIG big guns. Weither
beginning of the war. Multiple barrels allow plasmacannons, lasers or some other kind of
longer firing before overheating. The Gatling weapons, this category holds those energy
Laser only fires a 10-shot burst. The Gatling weapons too large to be carried around by a
Laser holds 30 charges, and uses Micro character.
Fusion Cells to recharge.
Min. ST: 6 W: 29 lbs. Dmg: 1d20+20 Rng: 40 Enclave Arms Heavy Plasma Tank Cannon
AP S: N/A T: N/A B: 6 A devastating and accurate heavy tank
Ion Beamer weapon. Each shot requires 7 MFC, and
Value: 14000 cannon can be supplied with 70 MFC at a
This was an experimental weapon at the time. Single shot only.
beginning of the war. Kind of awkward, as it W: 2400 4 KM Dmg: (3d12+2) x 10 AP S: 6
looks a good deal like the Ghostbusters’ T:7 B: N/A
proton packs, the Ion Beamer is a subatomic
particle-spewing hose attached to a backpack Gatling Eye-Targeted Laser Cannon
with a nuclear accelerator. The Ion Beamer The main weapon of the RAH-88 Inca. It can
showers a target with skindamaging ionized fire a burst up to 20 shots. Takes 500 MFC to
gas. The ions cause the atoms in the target’s fully reload (500 shots).
body to start losing or gaining electrons, W: 200 Dmg: 3d20 + 30 AP: S: 4 T: 5 B: 5
eventually leading to the target’s
disintegration. Note that the Ion Beamer Mining Laser
cannot be targeted. Single shot only. The Ion Value: 10000
Beamer holds 20 charges, and uses Micro This is not a weapon, however it might be
Fusion Cells to recharge. used to deal damage. The mining laser is a
Min. ST: 5 W: 30 lbs. Dmg: 3d12+60 Rng: 30 high-energy beam laser used to extract
AP S: 5 T: N/A B: N/A minerals. It can deal unimaginable amounts of
damage but it’s too heavy to be man-portable
MESON Cannon and its range is very short.
Value: 16000 Min. ST: 6 W: 800 Dmg: 2d20x100 Rng: 5
Another experimental weapon, the MESON AP S: 7 T: N/A B: N/A
Cannon is a shoulder-fired weapon of
incredible destructive power. It shoots

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These are weapons that the user chucks with Boomerang
good old-fashioned muscle power. AP Value: 15
numbers reflect necessary action points when Although boomerangs are commonly
throwing the weapon. Note that grenades and associated with Australian aborigines, similar
other thrown explosives cannot be targeted. devices have been found among indigenous
peoples the world over. Contrary to popular
Acid Grenade belief, hunting boomerangs (the kind that hurt)
Value: 300 do not return to the user.
A nasty weapon, acid grenades were designed Min ST: 1 W: 8 lb. Dmg: 1d4+3 + MD Rng:
to demoralize soldiers by permanently 15 AP S: 3 T: 4 B: N/A
disfiguring them. When they explode, acid
grenades release a spray of acid that coats Chakram
everything in a 2 hex radius. In addition, Value: 25
everything within two hexes of the explosion The chakram is a ring of metal filed to a
is subject to 1d6 points of concussion damage. razor-sharp edge. An inexpensive, light, and
Min. ST: 4 W: 1 lb. Dmg: Varies Rng: 15 AP nasty weapon based on innovations from
S: 5 T: N/A B: N/A practical experience and Hong Kong action
Bola Min. ST: 1 W: 10 lb. Dmg: 1d4+2 Rng: 15 AP
Value: 10 S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A
Originally designed by native peoples in
Europe and the Americas, and adopted as
recently as 100 years ago by ranchers in Combat Knife
Argentina, a bola is a rope with two or three Value: 165
rocks tied to the ends. One uses a bola by A military-issued knife designed for melee
swinging it over their head and tossing it at the combat. The serrated edges tend to tear
target; if successful, the bola will wrap around instead of cut, and are a lot more painful than
the target, knocking it off its feet and a normal knife. See also Melee Weapons.
rendering it immobile. Bolas do not actually Min. ST: 2 W: 2 lbs. Dmg: (1d12+3) + MD
do damage, but are a favorite weapon of Rng: 7 AP S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A
slavers who do not wish their goods harmed.
Anything hit with a bola is automatically CS88 Gas Canister
knocked down and immobile until freed; a Value: 200
successful roll against Strength allows the These grenades were also used by SWAT
target to break out. teams before the war. They contain tear gas
Min ST: 4 W: 5 lbs. Dmg: N/A Rng: 30 S: 4 that blinds foes. Reduces enemies PE to 1.
T: N/A B: N/A There is no saving throw from this attack as
long target is not wearing a gas mask or ABC
Boom Bugs armour both of which eliminate effects of that
Value: 200 grenade.
A giant mutant strain of Lady Bird with Min. ST: x W: 0,5 Dmg: special Rng: 15 AP
unstable body chemistry. Explodes when S: 5 T: N/A B: N/A
agitated, disturbed, angry or bored. Often
used as "grenades". Dart
Min. ST: 4 Dmg: d8+6 Rng: 15 AP S: 5 T: Value: 10
N/A B: N/A A simple weapon constructed from anything

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from wood to plastic to metal, a dart is a tiny ! – This is a special, “magical” weapon, don’t
object thrown into the flesh of a target. They give it to players unless it fits in your
aren’t known for causing excessive amounts campaigning background. And remember it’s
of damage, but when coated with the right UNIQUE weapon.
substance, darts make a great poisoner’s Value: ?
weapon. The Holy Grenades of Antioch were once
Min. ST: 1 W: 1 lbs. Dmg: 1d2 Rng: 8 AP S: made for crusaders to crush the pagans. How
3 T: 4 B: N/A many of them remain to this day is unknown.
Also the way these grenades function remains
Flash Grenade unknown… It must be thrown with words
Value: 300 “Hallelujah” spoken otherwise it won’t work.
The flash grenade, known as the “flashbang” Min. ST: 4 W: 2 Dmg: 300 +2d100 Rng: 18
among counter-terrorist units, doesn’t explode AP S: 5 T: N/A B: N/A
like a normal grenade but instead emits a
bright flash of light. Anyone facing a flash Incendiary Grenade
grenade who doesn’t know to look away will Value: 300
suffer blindness for 1d10 rounds after it Essentially an improved Molotov cocktail, the
explodes. Anything within two hexes is also incendiary grenade combines the explosive
subject to 1d6 of concussion damage. effects of a frag grenade with burning
Min. ST: 4 W: 1 Dmg: Special Rng: 15 AP S: phosphorus. Ouch. Anything in a hex adjacent
5 T: N/A B: N/A to the point of explosion is subject to 1d6
points of frag damage, and anything within 2
hexes suffers 1d6 points of concussion
Fragmentation Grenade damage. Anything within 3 hexes of the
Value: 150 explosion is covered with burning phosphorus
A small explosive device that one throws and and begins taking fire damage. Note that fire
then explodes at the base of a target. Frag grenades do not need to be lit, unlike a
grenades are designed to shatter upon impact, Molotov Cocktail.
peppering anything nearby with small Min. ST: 4 W: 1 lbs. Dmg: 1d12+22 (+ fire)
fragments of metal. Anything in a hex adjacent Rng: 15 AP S: 5 T: N/A B: N/A
to the grenade’s point of explosion is subject
to 1d6 points of frag damage. Anything within Intel Corp. XG-23 Smart Grenade
two hexes of the explosion suffers 1d6 points Value: 350
of concussion damage. This is one of the first smart grenades ever
Min. ST: 3 W: 1 lb. Dmg: 1d12+22 Rng: 15 made, although a successful one. It’s equipped
AP S: 5 T: N/A B: N/A with several small rocket engines that allow it
to fly rather than be thrown. The grenade
Gas Grenade homes for heat source but it will always seek
Value: 300 target in the direction opposite to its thrower
This grenade doesn’t actually explode, but (there were many accidents with the early
releases a cloud of gas in a radius of 6 hexes versions when the grenade began spinning
from the point of after being thrown and then targeted its user
“detonation.” rather than the intended target). Unfortunately
Min. ST: 4 W: 1 lb. Dmg: Varies Rng: 15 AP the grenade has very little explosive inside so
S: 5 T: N/T B: N/A it doesn’t deal much damage.
Min. ST: - W: 4 lbs. Dmg: 2d6 + 2 Rng: 50
The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch yards AP: S: 5 T: N/A B: N/A

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run out of fuel and it cannot be defused after
Intel Corp. XN-2 Nano Grenade activation. It should be handled with maximum
Value: 3500 caution in order not to throw it improperly
This grenade is filled with hundreds of millions (e.g. in a way that it will hit a solid object near
of nanomachines that will “attack” any the thrower and fall much closer than 200
electronic device in radius of 3 metres from yards). Using this weapon without full ABC
the impact point. There is an 80% chance that warfare armour may result in user being killed
any electronic or mechanic device within that by high radiation that is emitted after blast.
radius will be broken beyond repair within 2d4 Damage is not specified, as there may be many
rounds. Nanomachines will damage almost forms of damage (form heat wave to falling
anything that has at least some mechanisms walls) and should be determined by GM (but
inside, be it a clock, a battlemech or even a generally everyone within 25 meters radius
suit of power armour. Robots shielded from should be slain without any rolls).
EMP shock are not resistant against this type Min. ST: - W: 40 lbs. Dmg: Special Rng: ST +
of attack. 220 yards AP: S: 7 T: N/A B: N/A
Min. ST: -W: 0,5 Dmg: special Rng: 15 AP S:
5 T: N/A B: N/A Molotov Cocktail
Value: 50
Knife The simplest grenade, a molotov cocktail is a
Value: 40 bottle full of gasoline, oil, or some other
A basic knife for cutting things, critters, or flammable substance, with an oilsoaked rag as
people. See also Melee Weapons. a fuse. Any target hit with a molotov cocktail
Min. ST: 2 W: 1 lb. Dmg 1d10 + MD Rng: 5 is subject to fire damage. You have to light
AP S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A one with a fire source before you toss it.
Min. ST: 3 W: 1 lb. Dmg: 1d12+8 Rng: 12 AP
Magnatech H13 “Building Buster” Elastic S: 5 T: N/A B: N/A
Value: 2000 Phantasm (Fantasy) Ball
This is something like a thrown version of Value: 200
plastic explosives. When thrown, it will stick At first glance, this appears to be a solid metal
to most surfaces and then explode (it has 2 sphere about the size of a baseball. When
second fuse that is activated after impact). enough centrifugal force is applied – say, from
This kind of grenade was especially designed throwing it or rolling it on the ground – metal
to destroy bunkers and buildings. spikes pop out of the ball, turning it into a
Min. ST: 3 W: 8 lbs. Dmg: 2d10+5 (buildings sharp, deadly object. Its damage is relatively
take quadrupled damage of [2d10 +5]*4) Rng: low, so phantasm balls are best used in
ST + 0 yards AP: S: 6 T: 7 B: N/A conjunction with poison, as an assassin’s tool,
or as a caltrop to cause damage to a car tire.
Magnatech H666 “Hellbringer” Nuclear Min. ST: 3 W: 3 lbs. Dmg: (1d12+5) + MD
Grenade Rng: STR*2 AP S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A
Value: 15,000
This small nuclear grenade (equivalent of 500 Plasma Grenade
tons of TNT) is equipped with its own Value: 300
propulsion system that is activated after the The plasma grenade explodes and propels a
grenade is thrown and extends the range by large amount of superheated plasma into the
approximately 200 meters (219 yards). The surrounding area. Anything in a hex adjacent
grenade will explode 20 seconds after it has to the grenade’s point of explosion is subject

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to 1/3 of the damage from the plasma. from the grenade’s “detonation” point. The
Anything within two hexes of the explosion is smoke causes blindness for 1d10 rounds to
subject to 1d6 of concussion damage. any biological critter within it.
Min. ST: 4 W: 1 lb. Dmg: 5d10+40 Rng: 15 Min. ST: 4 W: 1 lb. Dmg: None Rng: STR*2
AP S: 5 T: N/A B: N/A AP S: 4 T: N/A B: N/A

Powder Bag Spear

Value: 3 Value: 80
A tribal invention, a powder bag is a small Your basic polearm. A wooden pole with a
sack willed with a fungal powder that causes a sharpened piece of metal on the end. See also
severe allergic reaction in a human target. Any Melee Weapons.
human target successfully hit with a powder Min. ST: 4 W: 4 lbs. Dmg: (1d12+3) + MD
bag must roll against Endurance or else be Rng: 5 AP S: 5 T: 6 B: N/A
overcome by blindness for 1d10 rounds.
Min. ST: 1 W: 1 lb. Dmg: None Rng: 10 S: 4 Tangle Grenade
T: N/A B: N/A Value: 300
Another diabolical toy, the tangle grenade
Pulse Grenade doesn’t explode, but instead sprays a
Value: 300 quick-drying liquid polymer than entangles any
This grenade does not explode, but rather critter, character, or NPC in a three-hex radius
emits a neutron burst that heavily damages of the explosion. A successful roll against
electronic equipment. Useful against tanks, Strength is required to break free of this
cyborgs, robots, and rooms full of computers. chemical compound. Anything within two
Does not affect biological critters. hexes also suffers 1d6 of concussion damage.
Min. ST: 4 W: 1 lb. Dmg: 5d10+100 Rng: 15 Min. ST: 4 W: 1 lbs. Dmg: None Rng: 15 AP
AP S: 5 T: N/A B: N/A S: 5 T: N/A B: N/A

Rock Throwing Knife

Value: N/A Value: 100
Your basic, run of the mill rock. There are A knife specifically designed for throwing. It
only several trillion of them lying around the has a hole cut out of the middle of it to make
wastes. See also Melee Weapons. it hurt more when
Min. ST: 1 W: 1 lb. Dmg: 1d4 + MD Rng: 10 removed from flesh.
AP S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A Min. ST: 2 W: 1 lb. Dmg: 1d6+MD Rng:
ST*2 AP S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A
Sharpened Pole
Value: 5 Throwing Stars
A basic piece of wood with a sharpened end. Value: 30
See also Melee Weapons. These small, sharp pieces of metal are used
Min. ST: 3 W: 3 lbs. Dmg: (1d4+1) + MD primarily by Yakuza as assassination tools.
Rng: 10 AP S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A Some tribals use similar devices to hunt small
game – and for self defense. An enterprising
Smoke Grenade individual could coat them with poison to
Value: 140 make them more painful.
The smoke grenade doesn’t actually explode, Min. ST: 1 W: 1 lb. Dmg: 1d6 Rng: 15 AP S:
but a chemical reaction causes a cloud of 3 T: 4 B: N/A
smoke to be released in a radius of 5 hexes

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VX3 Nerve Gas Canister gangrenous and, if not removed, the target
Value: 300 dies in another 1d10 days.
A gas grenade filled with very dangerous VX3
nerve gas. Anyone who is inside 5 metres Poison
radius (or more inside buildings) from impact One of the most common enhancements is the
point must make a successful roll for half of addition of poison to a blade or needle. Only
his HT (round down) or be paralysed for 2d20 useful on weapons that pierce the skin, poison
rounds. In addition the gas deals 2d20 damage makes things die faster.
to anyone (halved if roll is successful) hit. This
is a very potent weapon and must be used with Serrated Edge
maximum caution. Serrating the blade of a slashing weapon
Min. ST: x W: 0,5 Dmg: 2d20 (or 2d10) + greatly increases the surface area of the
paralyse Rng: 15 AP S: 5 T: N/A B: N/A cutting edge, causing more damage and
tearing flesh like a saw. Serrating a blade adds
+4 to a weapon’s damage.
Since the War, firearms have become much Sharpened Blade
more scarce, and intelligent people have begun An enhancement for bladed weapons only, a
to innovate ways to make melee weapons sharpened blade represents a weapon that has
more effective in combat. Below are some been meticulously filed with a sharpening
examples of melee weapon enhancements, stone or fine piece of flint. This process adds
along with the kinds of melee weapons that +4 to a weapon’s damage.
can be upgraded by each improvement.
Barbs are pieces of twisted metal that hook a Specifically designed for firearms, these
weapon inside of the target, like a fishhook. additions will enhance the statistic of nearly
The target must then run around with a every gun. Note that not all modifications will
weapon sticking out of their body unless they work with all guns: putting a stock on a rifle,
take another 3d4 of damage to pull the for instance, is redundant.
weapon out. Very useful when hunting large
game that needs to be worn down, or when Barrel Cooling Device
making an example of a tough enemy. Value: 350
Additional radiators attached to weapons
Dynamite barrel that allow it to fire faster without risk of
Tying an explosive to a pole sure sounds like a overheating. Can only be added to
good idea, right? The explosive detonates as machineguns (except miniguns) and increases
normal. their rate of fire by 5. Every time a weapon
with barrel cooling device loses condition
Festering Tip points it loses two instead of one.
Smearing a piercing weapon with feces or a
rotting carcass is an old idea, and one that is Expanded Magazine
useful if you aren’t interested in killing Value: 5000
something right away. If the target fails a roll Some rifles and assault rifles can have their
against Endurance with a –5 penalty for each magazines expanded by a knowledgeable
successful hit with a festering weapon, they weaponsmith. The volume of the expanded
become ill in 1d10 days. In 1d10 days after magazine varies from gun to gun and
that, the flesh around the wound becomes weaponsmith to weaponsmith.

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sneaking up on people, or when you are
Laser Sight shooting and don’t want everyone in town to
Value: 3000 know about it.
A small device that attaches directly under the
barrel of a gun, the laser sight allows you to Sniper’s Scope
target areas of the body without taking Value: 3000
penalties. Targeted rolls are made as a normal, The sniper’s scope allows a person to easily
single roll, and there are no penalties for examine a target and effectively increases the
targeting smaller body parts. range of the gun. Note that sniper rifles are
already assumed to have sniper scopes. A
Night Sight scope increases the range of the weapon by 20
Value: 2000 meters, but all rolls to hit must be made as if
This is a scope attached to the top of the gun the shooter were making a targeted attack,
that shows the world in heatwaves (thermal) whether the shooter is or not.
rather than normal light. When a weapon has a
night sight, darkness modifiers are ignored. Speed Loader
Value: 3000
Rifled Barrel A speed loader is an enhancement designed
Value: 1000 only for a revolver. When a speed loader is
Rifled barrels are barrel extensions for pistols attached, the pistol only takes 1 AP to reload.
and submachine guns only. By increasing the
length of the barrel, the gun becomes much Stock
more accurate by reducing outside influences Value: 500
on the first critical moments of the bullet’s Stocks attach to pistols and submachine guns
path. Unfortunately, they also make the bullet only (rifles and assault rifles already have
travel slower. A rifled barrel will increase a stocks) and allow the shooter to place the gun
gun’s range by a full 20 meters, but will firmly in the shoulder, allowing him or her to
reduce the amount of damage the weapon hold the weapon a little steadier. Pistols and
does by 4. SMGs with a stock have an increased range of
5 meters. Stocks can either be fixed pieces of
Sawing-off wood or metal that screw onto the gun, or a
Most famous and simple enhancement. It can collapsible metal construction that folds up for
make any large rifle very compact. -40% to easy carriage.
weapon`s weight and -50% to it`s range. You
need a saw to make this enhancement. Not for Weapon Link
all weapons of course (for gamemaster`s Value: 500
choice). This device is attached to a gun making it 4
pounds heavier. It contains a laser targeting
Silencer and infrared data transmitter. It’s prepared to
Value: 500 co-operate with the T67 and send targeting
One of the simplest modifications, a silencer data (like range, wind strength etc.) that are
fits over the end of the barrel of almost any displayed on the HUD and coordinated with
weapon. Guns are loud because of the air that the ITTS displays.
is suddenly pushed out of the way when a
bullet fires, and silencers help the air escape as
the bullet leaves the gun, effectively reducing WEAPON ACCESSORIES
or eliminating the loud “bang.” Good for

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Snipeset "Elven eye" Second military sniper set which consists of
Value: 10000 sniper scopes of different types.
Weight: 4 lbs In this suitcase you can find scopes for most
There is only one scope in it. popular Russian weapons of the end of
PSK-2016 4x-24x. It`s a computer scope. 20th/first part of 21st century.
Modes: infrared, day/night. Weight: 10 lbs
Includes laying system. 1 SEC per hour. Night scopes:
You can add it to ANY rifle (EVEN NPSU-3 (VSS, SVU, VSK-94) 4x (1 SEC in
GAUSS!!!) thanks to liquid polymorph clutch. 24h)
Handle with care! Extremely fragile! Day:
The case is bullet-proof and has an PSO-1 (VSS, SVU, VSK-94) 4x 6x -
EMP-defense. This is a real treasure for ”SCOPE RULE” IS NOT A NECESSARILY
Snipeset "Eye-1" Laser pointers:
Value: 6000 LPP-23 - Laser pointer for ANY pistol. Three
Military sniper set which consists of sniper items with different types of fastening.
scopes of different types. LP-24 - Laser pointer for different kinds of
In this suitcase you can find scopes for most firearms (all SMG`s, AK`s...)
popular Russian weapons of the end of 20th Three items with different types of fastening.
century. UZ-2 - Recharging device for all kind of LP`s.
It consists of: LP`s are able to work without recharge about
Night scopes: 48 hours. Anyway, 48 hours after charging
"Wild boar-6" 4-x 6-x increacing * have passed and you have to recharge it again
NPSU-4 12x (Universal night sniper scope)* (whatever have you use it or not). 1 SEC for
RPGSN-2 (RPK only) 3.5x two recharging. You can recharge two
Day scopes: pointers in one sitting.
PSU-2 4x-6x (Universal sniper scope)* - The case is bullet-proof and has an
”MAIN BOOK”) Snipeset "Nightflame"
PSUD-6 12•-16• * Value: 5000
Night scopes need feeding of 1 small energy This special set is able to transform 9A-91 in
cell (SEC) in 24 hours. to VSK-94 sniper rifle!
Scopes marked with "*" you can use with all It consists of:
AK`s (except AKS-74U), PK, RPK, SVD, and 1. Handle with constant stock
other rifles (except VSS, VSK-94, SVU-AS). 2. Integrated silencer PBSI2A-91
Set`s weight is 15 lbs. 3. Scopes:
To the V-94 you can add only NPSU-4 12x Day:
and PSUD-6 12•-16•. PSO2A-1 4x-6x - ”SCOPE RULE” IS NOT A
The case is bullet-proof and has an NECESSARILY FOR THIS SCOPE (SEE
Weight:5 lbs. The case is bullet-proof and has
Snipeset "Eye-2" an EMP-defense.
Value: 5000

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Special "Crypt" set. AP = Armor Piercing
Value:4000 JHP = Jacketed Hollow Point (also known as
Weight:9 lbs. “cop killer” bullets)
In this set you can find all types of silencers: Dmg = How much base damage the ammo
PBSU-1 type does
For any pistol (except Nagan, RSA and APS).
Three items. Ammunition for Guns
For any SMG (except Bison and 9A-91). .22
Three items. Value: 150
PBSU-3 AC: 0 DR: 0 Vol: 50 Dmg: 1d6
For any AK + RPK, SVU, Whirlwind, OC-14.
Two items. .223 AP
PBSU-4 Value: 400
For any rifle after 1950 y. (except VSS and AC: -15 DR: 0 Ignores DT Vol: 20 Dmg: 1d6
12.7mm`s). Two items.
For VSS "Vintorez" or 9A-91. Two items. Value: 400
The case is bullet-proof. AC: 0 DR: -10 Vol: 20 Dmg: 1d10

Tripod .223 JHP

Value: 500 Value: 350
This isn’t a modification per se, but a AC: 0 DR: -20 Vol. 20 Dmg: 1d8
collapsible device used to balance and support .303
larger weapons. If a weapon can benefit from Value: 300
a tripod, the weapon’s description will include AC 0 DR 0 Vol. 50 Dmg: 1d10
the statistics for improved range.
W: 7 lbs. .308
Value: 400
Tripod set "The Hold" AC: -15 DR: -20 Vol: 50 Dmg: 1d10
Value: 4000
Includes three light, but solid universal .357 Magnum
tripods. Value: 150
You can tune it for ANY weapon (sniper rifles AC: -10 DR: -10 Vol: 50 Dmg: 1d6
and machineguns).
Weight: 10 lbs .38 Caliber
Value: 100
AC: 0 DR: 0 Vol: 10 Dmg: 1d6
Abbreviations: .44 Magnum AP
AC = Armor Class Modifier (Modifies the Value: 250
target’s AC) AC: - 10 DR: 0 Ignores DT Vol: 20 Dmg: 1d6
DR = Damage Resistance Modifier (Modifies
the target’s DR under the “normal” category) .44 Magnum Ball
Vol = Volume. How many rounds come in a Value: 150
box AC: 0 DR: 0 Vol. 20 Dmg: 1d8
FMJ: Full Metal Jacket

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.44 Magnum FMJ AC: -20 DR: -20 Vol: 20 Dmg: 1d10
Value: 250
AC: 0 DR: 0 Vol: 20 Dmg: 1d10 30.06
Value: 400
.44 Magnum JHP AC 0 DR 0 Vol. 50 Dmg: 1d12
Value: 200
AC: 0 DR: - 10 Vol: 20 Dmg: 1d8 4.7mm Caseless
Value: 1000
AC: -10 DR: -10 Vol: 20 Dmg: 1d10
.45 Caliber
Value: 150 5mm AP
AC: 0 DR: -5 Vol: 50 Dmg: 1d6 Value: 500
AC: -10 DR 0 Ignores DT Vol: 50 Dmg: 1d4
Value: 800 5mm FMJ
AC: -10 DR: -10 Vol: 100 Dmg: 1d8 Value: 500
AC: 0 DR: 0 Vol: 50 Dmg: 1d8
.50 BMG
Value: 1000 5mm JHP
AC: -10 DR: -20 Vol: 100 Dmg: 1d6 Value: 400
AC: 0 DR: -10 Vol: 50 Dmg: 1d6

.50 UC (Uranium Coated) 5.45x39mm

Value: 1600 Value: 550
AC: -30 DR: -50 Vol: 100 Dmg: 1d8 AC: 0 DR: -25 Vol: 40 Dmg: 1d8

12 Gauge Shotgun Shells (Buckshot) 5.56mm

Value: 150 Value: 600
AC: 0 DR: 0 Vol: 20 Dmg: 1d10 AC: 0 DR: -20 Vol: 50 Dmg: 1d8

12 Gauge Shotgun Shells (EMP) 6mm EC

Value: 500 Value: 2200
AC: 0 DR: 0 Vol: 20 Dmg: 2d20 AC: -30 DR: -30 Ignores DT Vol: 10 Dmg:
(nonbiological 1d14
.74 AP
12 Gauge Shotgun Shells (Rubber) Value: 1500
Value: 100 AC: -25 DR: 0 Vol: 20 Dmg: 1d10
AC: 0 DR: 0 Vol: 20 Dmg: 1d4
.74 HEAP
12 Gauge Shotgun Shells (Slugs) Value: 4500
Value: 150 AC: -20 DR: 0 Vol: 20 Dmg: 1d10 + 10 (if
AC: 0 DR: 0 Vol: 20 Dmg: 1d8 shot penetrated armour)

2mm EC 7.62mm
Value: 2000 Value: 300

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AC: 0 DR: 0 Vol: 50 Dmg: 1d10 9x21mm SP-10 SMG
Value: 400
7.62 mm Rocket Powered SRXII Ammo AC:-10 DR:-10 Vol:20 Dmg:ld9
Value: unique May only be used for SMGs
AC: 0 DR: penetrates armour with DT up to
150, ignores DR Vol: 1 Dmg: 3d6; 9x39mm PAB-9 AP (special sniper)
Value: 900
7.65mm AC:-30 DR:0 Ignores DT Vol:20 Dmg:ld9
Value: 300
AC: 0 DR: 0 Vol: 50 Dmg: 1d8 9x39mm SP-5 FMJ Casual
Value: 700
9mm AP AC:-25 DR:0 Ignores DT Vol:20 Dmg:ld9
Value: 250 It`s a reborn of 9mm ammo!
AC: -10 DR: 0 Ignores DT Vol: 20 Dmg: 1d4
9x39mm SP-6 AP (special sniper anti-armor)
9mm Ball Value: 850
Value: 150 AC:-25 DR:0 Ignores DT Vol:20 Dmg:ld10
AC: 0 DR: 0 Vol. 20 Dmg: 1d6
9x39mm SP-16 JHP
9mm FMJ Value: 800
Value: 250 AC:0 DR:-25 Vol:20 Dmg:ld9
AC: 0 DR: 0 Vol. 20 Dmg: 1d8

9mm JHP 9x39mm SP-17 PS (special sniper pre-sound

Value: 200 bullet speed)
AC: 0 DR: -10 Vol: 20 Dmg: 1d6 Value: 900
AC:0 DR:-20 Ignores DT Vol:20 Dmg:ld9
9x18mm PBM
Value: 550 10mm AP
This anti-armor bullets were use only by Value: 350
special forces. They could pierce ANY armor AC: -10 DR: 0 Ignores DT Vol: 20 Dmg: 1d4
at the end of 20/begining of the 21st cent. Any
gun, which feeding 9mm PM can use `em. 10mm FMJ
AC: -15 DR: 0 Ignores DT Vol: 20 Dmg: 1d5 Value: 350
AC: 0 DR: 0 Vol. 20 Dmg: 1d8
9x19mm PM
Value: 200 10mm JHP
AC: 0 DR: -10 Vol: 20 Dmg: 1d6 Value: 300
They are extremely widespread in all AC: 0 DR: -10 Vol: 20 Dmg: 1d6
post-soviet and European countries.
Popular almost like as 5.56 (.223) in USA. 12.7x108mm
Value: 1000
9x21mm SP-21 SMG (explosive) Russian version of .50 – original .50 is
Value: 1500 12.7x99mm.
AC:-20 DR:-25 Ignores DT Vol:20 Dmg:ld9 AC: -30 DR: -50 Vol: 80 Dmg: 1d8
May only be used for SMGs
14mm AP

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Value: 1200 completely Vol: 1 Dmg: 4d20
AC: -20 DR: 0 Ignores DT Vol: 20 Dmg: 1d8
M4 TSAT Projectile
14mm FMJ Value: 2000
Value: 1200 AC: 0 DR: 0 Vol: 1 Dmg: 2d100
AC: 0 DR: -10 Vol. 20 Dmg: 1d10
Speargun Bolt
14mm JHP Value: 5
Value: 1000 AC: -10 DR: 0 Vol: 1 Dmg: 3d4
AC: 0 DR: -20 Vol: 20 Dmg: 1d10

HN Needler (Normal)
Arrow Value: 1500
Value: 5 AC: 0 DR: 0 Vol: 10 Dmg: 3d10
AC: 0 DR: 0 Vol: 5 Dmg: 1d4 HN Needler AP (Normal)
Value: 2000
BBs AC: 0 DR: 0 Ignores DT Vol: 10 Dmg: 2d8
Value: 100
AC: 0 DR: 0 Vol: 100 Dmg: 1d4

Value: 5
AC: 0 DR: 0 Vol: 5 Dmg: 1d3
Dart (Exploding) ORDINANCE (Ammunition for Grenade
Value: 500 Launchers, Mortars, Rockets, and Artillery
AC: 0 DR: 0 Vol: 5 Dmg: d10+1 Pieces)

Bolt 40mm Fragmentation Grenade

Value: 5 Value: 1000
AC: 0 DR: 0 Vol: 5 Dmg: 1d6 AC: 0 DR: 0 Vol: 5 Dmg: 1d12+22 (1d6
Conc., 1d6 Frag.)
HN Needler Biotoxin
Value: 4000 40mm Plasma Grenade
AC: 0 DR: 0 Vol: 10 Dmg: 1d10 per round, Value: 2000
for 10 rounds AC: 0 DR: 0 Vol: 5 Dmg: 5d10+40 (1d6
HN Needler Poison
Value: 2300 40mm Pulse Grenade
AC: 0 DR: 0 Vol: 10 Dmg: Poison Type G Value: 2000
AC: 0 DR: 0 Vol: 5 Dmg: 5d10+100
Jet Harpoon Bolt (Nonbiological only)
Value: 4
AC: 0 DR: 0 Vol: 10 Dmg: 1d4 51mm Explosive Mortar Shell
Value: 4000
M4 HEAT Projectile AC: 0 DR: 0 Vol: 5 Dmg: 10d10 to
Value: 400 everything within 20 meters of explosion; 1d6
AC: 0 DR: 0 80% chance for ignoring armour concussion to all within 50 meters

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AC: 0 DR: 0 Vol: 10 Dmg: 6d8
51mm Gas Mortar Shell
Value: 6000 TOW-II Rocket
AC: 0 DR: 0 Vol: 5 Dmg: 7d10 and Value: 5000
unconsciousness to all within 100 meters of AC: -20 DR: -20 Ignores DT Vol: 5

60mm Explosive Mortar Shell Flamethrower Ammunition

Value: 3000
AC: 0 DR: 0 Vol: 5 Dmg: 10d10 to Flamer Fire Pack (10 shots)
everything within 20 meters of explosion; 1d6 Value: 2000
concussion to all within 50 meters. AC: 0 DR: -10 Vol: 10 Dmg: 3d8 plus fire

60mm Plasma Mortar Shell Flamer Plasma Pack (10 Shots)

Value: 5000 Value: 3000
AC: 0 DR: 0 Vol: 5 Dmg: 10d20 to AC: -10 DR: -10 Vol: 10 Dmg: 5d10+40
everything within 20 meters of explosion.
Flamer Poison Gas Pack
60mm Pulse Mortar Shell Value: 5000
Value: 7000 AC: N/A DR: N/A Vol: 5 Dmg: Poison Type
AC: 0 DR: 0 Vol: 5 Dmg: 20d20 to all F to all non-protected critters in 4 hexes of
non-biological things within 20 meters of stream
70mm AP Rocket Cells for Energy Weapon
Value: 120
AC: 0 DR: -20 Vol: 1 Dmg: 6d6 Small Energy Cell
Value: 2000
70mm APT Rocket AC: N/A DR: N/A Vol: 20
Value: 140
AC: 0 DR: -20 Vol: 1 Dmg: 6d6 +1 Micro Fusion Cell
Value: 2000
70mm Incendiary Rocket AC: N/A DR: N/A Vol: 20
Value: 320
AC: 0 DR: 0 Vol: 1 Dmg: 7d6 anything within
4 hexes is set aflame AMMO MODIFICATIONS

Rocket (AP) APERS (Anti Personnel)

Value: 2500 Ammo: Shells only
AC: -10 DR: 0 Ignores DT Vol: 10 Dmg: 6d6 Price: x1.5
Damage: high fragmentation
Rocket (EMP) This type of ammo is designed to destroy
Value: 3000 non-armoured living targets. Even though the
AC: 0 DR: 0 Vol: 10 Dmg: 3d20 blast rate is not high, the explosion generates
(nonbiological only) hundreds of small fragments that are likely to
hit anyone within 15 meters (in case of 81mm
Rocket (Explosive) ammo, range is extended with higher calibre
Value: 2000 shells) apart from explosion centre (damage is

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2d10). Useless even against lightly armoured Price: x3
targets. Damage: +d10 when damage is dealt
This ammo is designed to combine the
APFSDS (Armour Piercing Fin Stabilised penetrating power of standard AP ammunition
Discarded Sabot) with the devastating power of HE ammo.
Ammo: Shells only Additional damage is dealt only if the shot
Price: x2.5 penetrates armour, otherwise it explodes
Damage: only half of armour DR and DT is harmlessly.
This arrow-like metal projectile is usually HEAT (High Explosive Anti Tank)
made of advanced compounds (often with Ammo: Rockets, missiles and shells only
depleted uranium) and is designed to penetrate Price: x4
tank armour. This ammo will not fragment, as Damage: 80% chance for successfully
it’s just a solid piece of metal. penetrating armour
HEAT projectiles will burn through most
ATP (Anti Tank Pulse) kinds of armour and deal massive damage to
Ammo: Rockets, missiles, shells and grenades the crew inside. One of the most deadly kinds
only of attack, but some types of armour are
Price: x3 invulnerable to it.
Damage: 80% chance for critical shutdown
Any electronic device that is not shielded from HEI (High Explosive Incendiary)
EMP shocks has 80% chance to shut down Ammo: Any
after ATP ammo hit. The problem is that most Price: x2.5
of modern fighting vehicles and robots are Damage: 75% chance of setting target aflame
shielded from EMP shocks, so this ammo is of This ammo is usually covered (or contains)
little use. It’s mainly used in artillery shells phosphorus that sets the target aflame. Every
against enemy’s communications centres, as it turn, additional 2d10 damage (2d4 for a
doesn’t have to hit directly. handgun) is dealt to any target hit (4d20 if a
living creature is hit, provided it has no
HE (High Explosive) armour and no natural fire DT/DR; 3d4 for
Ammo: any handgun). Fire will burn out after d6 turns
Price: x1.5 (unless something flammable was hit) and is
Damage: x2, but armour DT and DR are extremely difficult to extinguish.
tripled (if DR goes to or over 100% treat this
as 99%) HESH (High Explosive Squash Head)
This is a shell or bullet full of explosive Ammo: Rockets, missiles and shells only
materials that makes vast damage to any target Price: x3
that has no armour, but is useless against other Damage: 2d10 x 4 additional damage to
targets (note it still will destroy external vehicle crew
vehicle sensors, provided that the blast force is This is a special kind of plastic explosive that
strong enough, e.g. a 7,62 mm bullet won’t sticks to a surface and explodes. This causes
make any real harm while 155 mm shell will bits of the inner surface to tear off and
destroy most external “stuff” but won’t ricochet inside the vehicle thus killing the
seriously damage an armoured target). crew. It also damages the outside vehicle
sensors and all other external stuff (mortars,
HEAP (High Explosive Armour Piercing) periscopes, antennas, laser rangefinders etc.)
Ammo: Hand firearm only

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MPAT (Multi Purpose Anti Tank)
Ammo: Shells only
Price: x1
Damage: x1
This is the standard shell used by most guns
against armoured targets. It’s cheap and able
to destroy most of lightly armoured vehicles.

T (Tracer)
Ammo: Any (e.g. APT –armour piercing
tracer or HET or HEAPT etc.)
Price: x1
Damage: glows in flight
Usually every 3rd or 4th bullet in each HMG
belt is a tracer in order to make aiming easier.
The drawback is that enemy can determine
where the weapon user is. +10% to hit.
Opponents get +10% to hit shooter in the
same round.

TSAT (Temperature Shock Anti Tank)

Ammo: Rockets, missiles, shells and grenades
Price: x12
Damage: x10
Contains chamber with liquid nitrogen and
liquid oxygen. Anything hit (let it be a living
creature or concrete) is rapidly frozen and
then warmed up, which causes massive
damage, and can destroy all but most
advanced armours. Causes severe wounds and
even when someone was hit for only 1 point of
damage treat this as serious wound. This type
of ammo was rare even before the war.

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ARMOR Science due to the clunky nature of
This section deals with the various methods of the suit. W: 30 lbs. AC: 10 N: 5/40 L: 5/55 F:
protecting oneself in the wastes. The divided 4/40 P: 5/55 E: 6/40
modifiers are Damage Threshold / Damage
Resistance. Note that armor effects CAN take Brotherhood Environmental Armor MK II
stats above and below racial maximums and Value: 10000
minimums. An advanced version of the Brotherhood’s
Abbreviations: Environmental Armor. It gives a 90%
W = Weight Radiation Resist bonus, a 100/100 Gas
AC = Armor Class Modifier Resistance bonus, and a 75% Poison
N = Normal Damage Modifier Resistance bonus. This suit of armor has a
L = Laser Damage Modifier helmet. Wearing this armor confers a –1
F = Fire Damage Modifier Penalty to Perception; a 50% penalty to
P = Plasma Damage Modifier Sneak; an 11% penalty to Doctor and
E = Explosion Damage Modifier Lockpick; a 10% penalty to Repair and Steal;
a 7% penalty to First Aid; a 5% penalty to
Brotherhood Combat Armor Science; and a 2% penalty to Pilot. Such is the
Value: 4800 price of decent protection. Needless to say,
This combat armor is standard-issue for only the highest ranking officers in the
combat-members in the Brotherhood of Steel. Brotherhood have access to this kind of
This is an advanced version of the Combat armor.
Armor, and can occasionally be found for sale W: 35 lbs. AC: 10 N: 6/40 L: 6/60 F: 5/42 P:
in large cities. This suit of armor already has a 6/60 E: 9/45
helmet. Wearing combat armor gives the user
a +20% Radiation Resistance bonus. Brotherhood Leather Armor
W: 25 lbs. AC: 20 N: 8/40 L: 8/70 F: 7/50 P: Value: 900
7/60 E: 8/40 The standard leather armor issued to members
of the Brotherhood of Steel. If a non-member
Brotherhood Environmental Armor is caught wearing this by a member of the
Value: 9000 Brotherhood, expect a rigorous questioning –
The Brotherhood of Steel developed this if the Knight bothers to ask questions at all
advanced Hostile Environment suit for before shooting.
operatives in special situations. Combining the W: 10 lbs. AC: 15 N: 2/25 L: 0/25 F: 0/15 P:
protection of a radiation suit with the 0/25 E: 0/20
gas-filtration system of power armors, this
armor also offers the user some protection Brotherhood Leather Armor MK II
against attacks. Perfect for the Knight fighting Value: 1100
off ghouls – or the adventurer who killed the An improved version of the Brotherhood’s
Knight and is now fighting off ghouls. This Leather Armor.
armor filters all gas attacks (gas resist W: 10 lbs. AC: 20 N: 3/25 L: 1/30 F: 1/17 P:
100/100) and offers the user a 60% bonus to 1/30 E: 1/25
Radiation Resistance and a 50% bonus to
Poison Resistance. This suit of armor already Brotherhood Metal Armor
has a helmet. When wearing Environmental Value: 1500
Armor, the user gains a 50% penalty to sneak; The standard suit of metal armor issued to
a 10% penalty to Doctor, Lockpick, Steal, and members of the Brotherhood of Steel. Even
Repair; and a 5% penalty to First Aid and more rare than the Brotherhood’s leather

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armor, this finely made suit will keep the P: 17/55 E: 10/50
wearer safe from many different attacks.
Wearing this armor reduces your Sneak skill Brotherhood Robe
by 25%. Value: 120
W: 35 lbs. AC: 15 N: 4/30 L: 3/37 F: 4/15 P: This heavy robe is worn only by the
3/37 E: 4/25 Brotherhood of Steel Elders and Scribes,
though many scribes prefer metal armors
Brotherhood Metal Armor MK II (especially Tesla).
Value: 2100 W: 11 lbs. AC: 6 N: 1/20 L: 0/25 F: 0/10 P:
An advanced version of the Brotherhood of 0/20 E: 0/20
Steel’s Metal Armor. Wearing this armor
reduces your Sneak skill by 20%. Brotherhood Tesla Armor
W: 35 lbs. AC: 15 N: 4/35 L: 4/45 F: 4/20 P: Value: 4800
4/45 E: 4/30 The Brotherhood of Steel manufactured this
improved version of the Tesla Armor. It is
Brotherhood Power Armor usually only worn by Brotherhood technicians.
Value: 17000 Wearing this armor reduces your Sneak skill
This suit of power armor was manufactured by by 20%.
the Brotherhood of Steel for its Paladins after W: 35 lbs. AC: 15 N: 4/20 L: 15/85 F: 7/45 P:
the War. It is amazingly resilient, and fairly 15/85 E: 4/20
stylish, too. It offers a 30% Radiation Resist
bonus and a 100/100 Gas Resistance with a Bullet-proof Shirt
15% Poison Resistance bonus. This fancy suit Value: 800
of armor comes with a helmet. When wearing A simple “shirt” made of carbon polymers that
Brotherhood Power Armor, the user has a can stop some low velocity rounds fired at
75% penalty to Sneak and a 10% penalty to character. It can be worn under casual clothes
First Aid, Doctor, Lockpick, Steal, Science, without anyone noticing.
and Repair. The wearer also gains a +3 bonus W: 10 AC: 10 N: 3/30 L: 0/20 F: 0/15 P: 0/10
to Strength, but takes a –1 penalty to E: 0/20
W: 42 lbs. AC: 30 N: 13/50 L: 16/70 F: 13/60 Combat Armor
P: 16/70 E: 20/60 Value: 6500
The standard military-issue armor for ground
Brotherhood Power Armor, Advanced troops before the war, there are still quite a
Value: 20000 few suits of combat armor lying around. Most
An advanced form of the Brotherhood’s own are used by police forces in large cities, or by
power armor. This armor gives a 60% gangsters with lots of money. This suit of
Radiation Resist bonus and a 100/100 Gas armor already has a helmet, and confers a
Resist bonus with a 20% Poison Resist bonus. +20% Radiation Resistance bonus.
It also comes with a helmet. Wearing this W: 20 lbs. AC: 20 N: 5/40 L: 8/60 F: 4/30 P:
armor gives the user a +4 bonus to Strength, 4/50 E: 6/40
but a –2 penalty to Perception. When wearing
Advanced Power Armor, the user has a 75% Combat Armor MK II
penalty to Sneak and a 10% penalty to First Value: 8000
Aid, Doctor, Lockpick, Steal, Science, and An advanced version of the Combat Armor,
Repair. this offers far better protection. Originally
W: 50 lbs. AC: 35 N: 18/60 L: 17/55 F: 15/65 issued to soldiers in the advanced stages of the

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war. This suit of armor already has a helmet. due to T67’s excessive costs is still quite
Wearing this protection gives you an extra popular. Armour gives a 25% radiation
+20% radiation resist bonus. resistance bonus.
W: 20 lbs. AC: 25 N: 6/40 L: 6/65 F: 5/35 P: W: 25 AC: 20 N: 8/40 L: 8/65 F: 7/60 P: 7/65
5/50 E: 9/45 E: 8/45

Combat Leather Jacket Enclave Arms T67 Advanced Power Armour

Value: 1000 and T67b Advanced Power Armour Mk. II
This leather jacket has been padded and (Enclave Powered Armour Mk. I & Mk. II)
reinforced for better protection. You just can’t Value: 35,000 / 40,000
find anything more fashionable in the The final word in exoskeleton body
post-nuclear world. protection. This armour is successor to the
W: 7 lbs. AC: 20 N: 2/30 L: 0/20 F: 2/25 T51b Powered Armour and upgraded
P:0/10 E: 0/20 version of the T67 Advanced Powered
Armour adapted from the Guardians. At first
Combat Shield T67 was used by the Enclave without any
Value: 300 modifications but then Enclave Arms factories
Those are usually pre-War police riot fighting modified it to be even better and that is how
shields but The Enclave also makes some. Enclave T67 came into being. Covered with
They are made of plastic polymers and take more advanced composite alloy can withstand
one hand to use. They provide no protection much more than normal T51b. All Enclave
when user is a target of a firearm attack as T67’s have been made by the Enclave after the
long as he didn’t said he/she is hiding behind war and are especially designed to match
the shield the previous turn. Statistic may vary post-nuclear conditions and they are an
depending on shield - those given are for a pre upgraded version of standard Advanced
War police shield. Powered Armour (former Enclave Armour
W: 25 AC: +10 N: +4/+10 L: +1/+5 F: +0/+0 now obsolete). Armour Mk. II has the same
P: +0/+2 E: +0/+2 options but is slightly more resistant due to
different composite used. The Mk. II is a
Deathclaw Hide Armor recent construction and not many of those are
Value: 1100 used. Current research in the Enclave is
This armor has been made of tanned progressing towards full exoskeleton body
Deathclaw hide. It is not an usual view, since armour or T70 but those are just in
you have to take it off from the Deathclaw experimental phase. Some normal,
first. It is worn mostly by leaders of the non-Enclave – T67 also can be found among
Beastlords, a cannibal tribe with a unique Enclave soldiers. Standard piece of Enclave
power – control over animal minds. T67 Advanced Powered Armour contains:
Unfortunately, it does not protect against fire, - A HUD display inside the helmet that
and I don’t want to be in your place if a displays: outside radiation, temperature,
Deathclaw sees you in this armor. humidity, air composition etc. Low Light
W: 15 lbs. AC: 15 N: 5/20 L: 3/20 F: 0/0 P: Amplification (see low light amplification
3/20 E: 2/20 goggles) and Night Vision (see night vision
goggles) in the helmet
Enclave Arms T38 Combat Armour - Short range communicator
Value: 5800 - ITTS (Intelligent Target Tracking System) -
Standard Enclave army issue that right now is displays a point on the HUD where a shot
being replaced by the more advanced T67 but should be aimed, adds +20% to any shot but

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works only with weapons linked with armour protection.
(second point is displayed where the weapon W: 20 lbs. AC: 16 N: 4/20 L: 0/20 F: 0/20 P:
is currently aimed) 0/10 E: 3/20
- Full Life Support system and ABC
environment survival system (radiation shield Ghoul Armor
– adds 75% to radiation resistance, waste Value: 1300
reclamation, air filters - fully protects from all A small set of armor designed for and by
gases) ghouls. It is light, and provides only the most
- Voice transmission module basic protection. Only ghouls and very small
- Motivator – helps user to wear such a heavy humans can wear this armor.
armour (STR +4) W: 10 lbs. AC: 10 N: 0/20 L: 0/25 F: 0/10 P:
- Micro Fusion Reactor with energy reserves 0/25 E: 0/20
for 200 years The drawback of this armour is
that it’s cumbersome and it’s hard to sneak in Ghoul Armor, Superior
it (sneak –75%) and perform some tasks that Value: 1400
require precision (First Aid, Doctor, Leather and metal strips held together by
Lockpick, Steal, Science and Repair are rubber straps. This light armor provides
lowered by 10%) decent protection. Only ghouls and very small
T67 W: 50 AC: 35 N: 16/55 L: 20/90 F: 17/75 humans can wear this armor. W: 10 lbs. AC:
P: 16/65 E: 20/70 20 N: 3/15 L: 1/25 F: 1/15 P: 1/25 E: 1/20
T67b W: 55 AC: 40 N: 19/65 L: 20/95 F:
18/75 P: 18/75 E: 20/75 Greater Banding
Value: 2200
Flak Jacket Manufactured by the Reavers, this excellent
Value: 850 banding is made of metal and Kevlar encased
A long trenchcoat with bits of armor sewn in in canvas and leather. Economical and sturdy,
between the fabric. Commonly used by it is one of the finest armor money can buy in
gangsters and militias in the twenty-first the wastes. Wearing this armor reduces your
century. Sneak skill by 15%.
W: 30 lbs. AC: 18 N: 5/20 L: 0/20 F: 0/20 P: W: 18 lbs. AC: 25 N: 4/35 L: 4/45 F: 4/20 P:
0/10 E: 5/20 4/45 E: 4/30

Football Armor Kevlar Suit

Value: 500 Value: 3200
Old football gear padded with flak and bits of Full Kevlar body armour. However it does not
metal. A real easy to protect yourself in the provide much protection from high velocity
wastes. weapons (rifles, machine guns) it doesn’t limit
W: 15 lbs. AC: 10 N: 1/20 L: 0/20 F: 0/20 P: wearer movements.
0/10 E: 2/20 W: 20 lbs. AC: 20 N: 4/40 L: 3/20 F: 4/20 P:
1/20 E: 4/30
Football Armor, Improved
Value: 700 Kevlar Vest
A more thourough form of protection, it has a Value: 1200
chain shirt underneath along with the flak, and Almost the same as above but made of a
a padded undershirt to prevent chaffing. It has thicker layer of Kevlar and thus it can be
thick metal strips placed evenly at certain noticed even if under other clothes.
points. A definite winner for cost and W: 20 AC: 15 N: 4/30 L: 2/20 F: 4/20 P: 1/20

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E: 3/30 to make than normal leather jacket, though it
is more expensive, as it requires more leather
Leather Armor to create.
Value: 700 W: 12 lbs. AC: 8 N: 0/20 L: 0/20 F: 0/10 P:
A shirt made of leather and padded for extra 0/10 E: 0/20
W: 8 lbs. AC: 15 N: 2/25 L: 0/20 F: 0/20 P: Mutant Plate Armor
0/10 E: 0/20 Value: 3000
One of the few suits of armor a mutant can
Leather Armor MK II wear, this “suit” consists mostly of strips of
Value: 1000 leather and metal that form a crude protective
Reinforced leather armor that covers the arms covering. Only mutants can wear this armor.
and groin as well as the torso. W: 40 lbs. AC: 10 N: 4/30 L: 3/37 F: 4/15 P:
W: 10 lbs. AC: 20 N: 3/25 L: 1/30 F: 1/17 P: 3/37 E: 4/25
1/30 E: 1/25
Mutant Plate Armor, Spiked
Leather Jacket Value: 4200
Value: 250 An improvement on normal mutant plate
A snappy addition to any ensemble, the leather armor, this suit offers better protection, better
jacket is the most basic protection you can craftsmanship, and weights a lot more. Only
use. And it looks pretty cool, too. Why? mutants can wear this armor.
Simple: the Fonz wore a leather jacket. W: 50 lbs. AC: 15 N: 4/35 L: 4/45 F: 4/20 P:
What’s the Fonz like? He’s cool. 4/45 E: 4/30
W: 5 lbs. AC: 8 N: 0/20 L: 0/20 F: 0/10 P:
0/10 E: 0/20 Power Armor
Value: 12500
Metal Armor This is a metal suit of body armor enhanced
Value: 1100 with various powered features. Power armor
A jacket of armor made from pieces of scrap is often the final word in personal protection
metal welded together. Wearing this armor in the wastes, and is usually only worn by
reduces your sneak skill by 25%. Knights of the Brotherhood of Steel, and other
W: 35 lbs. AC: 10 N: 4/30 L: 6/75 F: 4/10 P: organizations with access to prewar tech. The
4/20 E: 4/25 power of the armor adds +3 Strength to the
wearer. This armor offers 100/100 gas
Metal Armor MK II resistance and gives the user a 30% bonus to
Value: 1900 Radiation Resistance and a +15% bonus to
This is a truly fine suit of armor, crafted by a Poison Resistance. This body suit already
skilled metalworker. Usually only found in includes a helmet. When wearing Power
highly populated areas. Wearing this armor Armor, the user has a 75% penalty to Sneak
reduces your Sneak skill by 20%. and a 10% penalty to First Aid, Doctor,
W: 35 lbs. AC: 15 N: 4/35 L: 7/80 F: 4/15 P: Lockpick, Steal, Science, and Repair.
4/25 E: 4/30 W: 35 AC: 25 N: 12/40 L: 18/80 F: 12/60 P:
10/40 E: 20/50
Mutant Leather Jacket
Value: 500 Power Armor, Advanced
This leather jacket has been tailored to match Value: 20000
the size of Super-mutant. It isn’t much harder Advanced Power Armor is an improvement on

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normal Power Armor, made mostly by Strength of the wearer by 3 points, and offers
technicians after the war. It is extremely rare a 30% bonus to Radiation Resistance as well
and can only be found in organizations that as 100/100 gas resistance and a 15% bonus to
can trace their roots back to the American Poison Resistance. This armor already has a
Armed Services, such as the Enclave. This helmet. When wearing Hardened Power
armor enhances the Strength of the wearer by Armor, the user has a 75% penalty to Sneak
4 points. It also gives the wearer a 60% bonus and a 10% penalty to First Aid, Doctor,
to Radiation Resistance, a 20% bonus to Lockpick, Steal, Science, and Repair.
Poison Resist, and filters 100/100 of gas W: 50 AC: 25 N: 13/50 L: 19/90 F: 14/70 P:
attacks. This armor already has a helmet. 13/50 E: 20/60
Advanced power armor has a built-in night
vision system, so any negative modifiers from Pseudo-Chitin Armor
light are ignored. When wearing Advanced Value: 10000
Power Armor, the user has a 75% penalty to This experimental armor was made using
Sneak and a 10% penalty to First Aid, Doctor, genetic engineering. Basically, this armor
Lockpick, Steal, Science, and Repair. affords its wearer a complete biological
W: 30 AC: 30 N: 15/55 L: 19/90 F: 16/70 P: exoskeleton, protecting against a good deal of
15/60 E: 20/65 normal attacks. It also affords the user a 20%
bonus to Radiation Resistance. You cannot
Power Armor, Advanced MK II wear a helmet with this strange suit of armor.
Value: 35000 W: 20 lbs. AC: 30 N: 10/50 L: 4/20 F: 10/60
An improved version of the Advanced Power P: 4/20 E: 5/50
Armor, the MK II model offers slightly better
protection in addition to the 100/100 gas Radiation Suit
filtration and +4 Strength enhancements that Value: 5000
earlier Advanced Power Armors did. The only A radiation suit is necessary if someone is
group known to have this armor is the going to do any prolonged activity in an
Enclave. This armor also gives the user a 75% irradiated area. While wearing a radiation suit,
bonus to Radiation Resistance, a 100/100 a person is protected from all the harmful
bonus to Gas Resistance, and a 40% bonus to effects of radioactivity and radioactive
Poison Resistance. Since this is the final word materials (100% Radiation Resistance).
in armor, it already has a helmet. This suit also Another added bonus is that these suits give
has a built-in night vision system, so any 100/100 gas resist as well. Needless to say,
negative modifiers from light are ignored. these suits are rare – and valuable. You cannot
When wearing the ultimate suit of Power wear a helmet with a radiation suit. Wearing a
Armor, the user has a 75% penalty to Sneak rad suit reduces your chances to Sneak by
and a 10% penalty to First Aid, Doctor, 30%.
Lockpick, Steal, Science, and Repair. W: 20 lbs. AC: 15 N: 4/30 L: 0/30 F: 10/60 P:
W: 50 AC: 35 N: 18/60 L: 19/90 F: 16/70 P: 0/20 E: 4/40
18/60 E: 20/70
Raider Armor
Power Armor, Hardened Value: 700
Value: 15000 Named because of the groups that wear it,
There is a chemical process that makes normal raider armors is a collection of leather and
Brotherhood Power Armor harder and better, metal plates connected with metal wires,
and this is the result of that process. Like the forming a loose-fitting banding. Not the best
normal Power Armor, this suit enhances the protection available, but it’ll do in a pinch,

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especially when materials are short. Kevlar.
W: 10 lbs. AC: 8 N: 2/25 L: 0/25 F: 0/15 P: W: 25 lbs. AC: 15 N: 3/25 L: 1/30 F: 1/17 P:
0/25 E: 0/20 1/30 E: 1/25

Reaver Banding XS200 Personal Forcefield Emitter

Value: 1200 Value: 2500
Manufactured by the Reavers, this armor is This small device is powered by 10 small
banded together from cloth and metal. energy cells (SEC) for 10 minutes and
W: 10 lbs. AC: 20 N: 3/25 L: 2/30 F: 3/17 P: generates a force shield in front of its wearer
2/30 E: 3/25 providing +10/+15 additional damage
resistances towards any attack. Those are
Robe quite unreliable and tends to break down
Value: 90 (there is a 20% possibility that it will get
A robe made from fine material. Although this additional 2d6 dots in condition chart with
garment can be awkward to fight in, it offers each use or after every 5 minutes of usage -
some basic protection against some kinds of not necessarily constant).
attacks. More of a fashion statement than an
actual effective piece of armor.
W: 10 lbs. AC: 5 N: 0/20 L: 0/25 F: 0/10 P: HELMETS
0/10 E: 0/10 Helmets can be worn independently of armor.
Many of them are already part of a suit;
Slick Threads combat helmets go with combat armor, and so
Value: 2000 forth. Damage Resistance and Damage
The most stylish thing out there, it can be a Treshold from helmets are used only in
combination of Fur, Silk, Leather and targeted attacks in the head. Explode DT/DR
Feathers, but will always have a hat and some is not included, since explosion attacks cannot
platform shoes. A must for any pimp! be targeted. If a helmet doesn’t provide eye
Adds +2 to charisma. protection, DR and DT for targeted shots in
W: 12 lbs. AC: 8 N: 0/20 L: 0/20 F: 0/10 P: the head are always 0/0.
0/10 E: 0/20
Combat Helmet
Tesla Armor Value: 500
Value: 4500 Part of a suit of combat armor, this helmet is
This metal suit of armor is enhanced with made of Kevlar and reinforced plastics. It
electromagnetic coils to aid in protection provides also eye protection.
against energy attacks. W: 5 lbs. AC: 9 N: 5/40 L: 8/60 F: 4/30 P:
Usually found only in high-tech areas. 4/50 E: 6/40
Wearing this special armor reduces your
Sneak skill by 20%. Combat Helmet MK II
W: 35 lbs. AC: 15 N: 4/20 L: 19/90 F: 4/10 P: Value: 700
10/80 E: 4/20 Advanced version of the Combat Helmet. It
provides eye protection and is part of Combat
Vandal Armor Armor MK II and Brotherhood Combat
Value: 800 Armor suit.
An improved version of the raider’s W: 5 lbs. AC: 10 N: 7/40 L: 8/70 F: 5/35 P:
hodgepodge banding, vandal armor is thick 5/50
leather strips reinforced with metal and a little

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Deathclaw Skull Helmet
Value: 250 Metal Helmet
Helmet made of skull of hunted Deathclaw, Value: 200
worn by Beastlord leaders. A metallic helmet that provides some
W: 4 lbs. AC: 5 N: 5/30 L: 3/10 F: 0/10 P: protection to the head and face. These can be
3/20 crafted from almost any kind of metal, but can
be dangerous if not made and worn properly.
Environmental Helmet W: 5 lbs. AC: 6 N: 4/30 L: 6/75 F: 4/10 P:
Value: 900 3/35
Part of a suit of environmental armor, this
helmet provides a minimum amount of Metal Helmet MK II
protection but is key in filtering out gasses. Value: 250
Environmental Helmet provides also eye Finely crafted metal helmet, made of good
protection. Will not work without the quality metal.
corresponding suit. W: 5 lbs. AC: 6 N: 4/35 L: 7/80 F: 4/20 P:
W: 7 lbs. AC: 11 N: 5/30 L: 5/55 F: 4/40 P: 4/25
5/55 GR: 100/10
Mutant Horned Helmet
Hardened Leather Cap Value: 350
Value: 120 This helmet made of thick metal can be worn
Cap made of padded and reinforced Brahmin only by super-mutants. It is part of mutant
hide. plate armor suit.
W: 2 lbs. AC: 4 N: 2/30 L: 1/30 F: 1/20 P: W: 10 lbs. AC: 6 N: 4/30 L: 4/45 F: 4/20 P:
1/30 3/35

Head Banding Power Armor Helmet

Value: 300 Value: 1500
Strips of cloth and metal worn by Reavers, They come in many shapes and sizes, but
covering whole head. It is part of reaver power armor helmets are some of the most
banding suit. It provides also eye protection. easily recognized headgears in the wastes.
W: 4 lbs. AC: 7 N: 4/30 L: 3/40 F: 1/40 P: Power Armor Helmet provides also eye
3/20 E: 3/30 protection. Will not work without the suit.
W: 10 lbs. AC: 13 N: 12/40 L: 16/70 F: 12/60
Kevlar Derby P: 16/70 GR: 100/20
Value: 350
This Kevlar hat provides good protection Power Armor Helmet, Advanced
against low velocity weapons and is part of Value: 2000
Kevlar suit. This is superior version of the basic Power
W: 4 lbs. AC: 7 N: 4/30 L: 3/20 F: 4/20 P: Armor Helmet and is a part of more advanced
1/20 power armor versions. Advanced Power
Armor Helmet provides also eye protection.
Leather Cap W: 10 lbs. AC: 15 N: 15/55 L: 17/75 F: 15/65
Value: 90 P: 15/60
A simple cap, made from tanned Brahmin
hide. Raider Helmet
W: 1 lbs. AC: 3 N: 1/25 L: 0/20 F: 0/20 P: Value: 100
0/10 Helmet made of leather and metal plates, worn

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usually by raiders. It is part of Vandal Armor
W: 4 lbs. AC: 3 N: 3/25 L: 0/25 F: 1/15 P:

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Equipment is any item that is not a Value: 40
weapon, ammunition, armor, or A useful implement, the claw hammer can
weapon enhancement. These are pound nails into things, or remove nails from
common (or semi-common), useful items in things. Use it to hang all those velvet Elvis’
the wastes. you find in the wastes.
W: 4 lbs.
Barbed Wire
Value: 5 per one meter Communication Scrambler
Just as the name says - an oldie but goodie Value: 800
thing which comes form XIX century. Anyone A coding device attached to radio in order to
who tries to cross barbed wire takes d10 cipher the transmission and disallow any
damage and will get stuck in it for d8 turns unauthorized listeners to eavesdrop. The
unless he rolls for AG/3 (round up) - d10 transmission receiver must also be equipped
damage is dealt each turn if person is stuck in with a scrambler to decode the message.
it. The only way to safely cross barbed wire is Requires one SEC for 10 hours of working.
either to crawl under it, jump over it (if there
is possibility) or just cut it. Barbed wire is Communication Jammer
ineffective against Deathclaws their skin is too Value: 1100
thick), robots and characters in exoskeleton Can jam any radio transmissions or bugs in
armour or any metal armour that covers whole radius of 30 meters. Requires one SEC for 5
body (combat armour but not metal armour). hours of working.

Blood Unit Defusal kit

Value: 300 Value:150
A container with blood that may be needed Kit of an excellent tools for disarming traps
during surgeries. Remember that person must and all kind of bombs. +25% to your "Traps"
take blood with group and Rh accepted by skill.
his/hers organism. Adds +30 to doctor skill
and heals additional d10 damage (or deals Doctor’s Bag
3d10 + 10 if improper blood is used). Blood Value: 450
units are very rare and can only be found The Doctor’s Bag contains various sawbones
carried by Enclave or Brotherhood of Steel instruments for diagnosing and treating
medics. It cannot be stored for longer than 6 various maladies. If a character has a Doctor’s
months regardless of conditions and is useless Bag, it effectively raises the Doctor skill by
after 12 hours if not stored in refrigerator. 15% for the purposes of treating crippled
Note that vampiric wolves can use this blood limbs and blindness only.
as food. W: 10 lbs.

Boots Dragon’s Teeth

Value: 80 Value: N/A
A set of reinforced rubber and Kevlar boots. Dragon’s Teeth, unlike their name, have
They will protect the wearer from harsh nothing in common with dragons. Those are
chemicals for a short time, although they tend anti tank obstacles made of concrete that are
to wear out easily. positioned near strongpoints to make advance
W: 5 lbs. for tanks difficult or impossible. Dragon teeth
are no longer produced in post nuclear world

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however many can be found in pre War computer. It stores almost all of human
facilities, but the problem is that they weigh knowledge on its bio-HDs and will provide all
several hundred kilograms and might be necessary wisdom to reintroduce civilization
difficult to transport… from pottery to quantum physics. The GECK
is thought to be user friendly (it’s equipped
Dynamite with voice module, in case its users couldn’t
Value: 275 read, and holographic display) and therefore
An explosive device consisting of several can help even those who have never heard of
sticks of dynamite, a detonator, and a timer to “technology”. It’s designed to teach
set it off. Setting dynamite takes a successful knowledge of democracy and create the user’s
roll against the Traps skill; an unsuccessful roll society in order to match the pre-War
means the timer was not set correctly, and will American society. The initial project said that
not go off on time (in other words, you might as many GECK’s as possible should be
not be able to run fast enough). Dynamite created and dispatched all along the country,
does 1d20+30 points of damage to anything in to reduce the risk that all of them will be lost.
its hex and all adjacent hexes when it goes off, Because the War broke faster than many have
and 1d6 points of concussion damage to thought not much of GECKs have ever been
anything within 4 hexes of the explosion. created and of those even less is still
operational, but where they are stored no one
Fake Gun knows.
Value: 50 Enclave will surely investigate any rumours of
A piece of wood, shaped like a pistol (or other a GECK as they are aware that if they ever
weapon but pistols are most common as they got into the wasteland, new technological
are easy to recreate). Those are produced empires would rise, being a threat to The
mainly by settlements that know what firearms Enclave.
are but have no technological abilities to The GECK is powered by a micro fusion
create them. They are of no use in combat but reactor with energy supplies for 300 years of
can be used to threaten somebody with. usage (a flashlight is also included in the
GECK set).
Value: 10 Gas Mask
A chemical-packed stick that, when ignited, Value: 150
will provide light for about an hour. This mask protects against harmful gas by
W: 1 lb. conferring a 100/0 Gas Resistance bonus to
the wearer. Useful when someone lobs a
Flashlight mustard gas shell at the party. Note that it
Value: 15 does not block radiation.
A small flashlight (torch) that runs off of a W: 3 lbs.
special energy cell. Usually provides about 30
hours of light before going out. Geiger Counter
W: 1 lb. Value: 300
This useful little device not only detects how
Garden of Eden Creation Kit much radiation is in a person, it can detect
Value: 75,000 harmful radiation in the surrounding area.
Unlike many think, the Garden of Eden Useful when you are wondering if that big
Creation Kit (GECK) is not a terraforming glowing crater in the ground is dangerous.
device but just a sophisticated semi-AI W: 5 lbs.

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This valuable device is required to open
Gyrostabiliser Harness electronic locks. It is crafted to overload or
Value: 400 override the computer security on electronic
A very rare pre-War piece of equipment that doors. They are usually only available from
consists of a harness with jib for a weapon. thieves’ guilds.
Any machine gun might be attached there and W: 3 lbs.
used without tripod or bipod with -10
negative modifier only. Lockpick, Electronic, Mark II
Value: 500
Knowledge Block An improved Electronic Lockpick, used by
Value: 6000 per block phreakers, hackers, criminals, and CIA
This is a little memory block, which could be operatives before the War. With this tool, not
added to your PIP-boy. It can be either a only can a character open any electronic lock,
Medical, Weaponry, Martial Arts, Repair, but it contains a variety of interfaces for other
Map Collection or Scientific block. electronic devices like mainframe computers,
After adding equal block you`ll get: ATMs, and pocket calculators.
Map Collection: +80% to Survival for the W: 5 lbs.
purpose of navigation
Martial arts: +30% to Unarmed and Melee if Lockpick Set, Expanded
the PIP is connected to some sort of Value: 150
body-enhancing cyberware (cyberarm, This little kit contains everything the aspiring
cyberleg or something like that) thief needs to break into just about anything
Medical: +40% to Doctor and first aid if protected by a traditional lock. Gives a +70%
referencing to the PIP during the procedure. bonus to the Lockpicking skill when used.
Repair: + 40% to Repair if referencing to the W: 1 lb.
PIP during the repair
Scientific: + 40% to Science if referencing to Low Light Amplification Goggles / Binoculars
the PIP during the science check Value: 2000/1100
Weaponry: +40% to every guns skill if the PIP A device designed to eliminate the negative
is connected via a weapon link. effect effects of darkness on a soldier’s range
of view. Uses advanced spectrum filters and a
Lighter CPU to allow seeing objects as if in daylight,
Value: 10 regardless of lightning conditions. Requires a
When you need to get that molotov cocktail minimal amount of light (moonlight is
going, or burn that particular bridge. sufficient) and eliminates all negative modifiers
W: 1 lb. from darkness. Cannot be blinded by strong
light sources or thermal isolation but can be by
Lockpick fog or smoke. Requires one SEC for 6 hours
Value: 40 of working.
Gives the user a +50% bonus to Lockpick
ability for the purposes of picking basic locks. Medical Kit
Some locks require one of these (or a key) to Value: 300
open. A first-aid kit that, when used, acts like one
W: 1 lb. successful use of the First Aid skill, healing
1d10 points of damage in 1d10 minutes. Can
Lockpick, Electronic only be used once.
Value: 250 W: 4 lbs.

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stealth (however noise will still give users
Mine Detector position away) and anyone who wants to see
Value: 300 such a person must roll for (PE – 6) and all
A simple device of Polish origin – a hand held attacks against that person are made with –25
“broom-like” detector with a very basic CPU modifier. Stealth boy also provides 20/95%
and headphones in which a sound can be heard protection against energy weapon hits.
when mine (or other piece of metal) is Requires one SEC for each 10 minutes of
underground. Note that some modern mines work.
might be made form carbon polymers and will
not be detected by this device. Mines can be Personal Information Panel (PIP Boy)
detected using mine detector but disarming Value: 3000
them is another task.. Object deeper than 0,50 A small scanner and computer that stores
m underground will not be found. Requires useful information about journey and provides
one SEC for 12 hours of working. scanning of the neighbourhood of its user.

Motion Scanner Plastique (C-14 Plastic Explosive)

Value: 500 Value: 400
Detects any moving objects at the of distance C-14 is an improved version of the classic C-4
up to 25 metres. Works like the one seen in plastic explosive. A gummylike substance that
the Alien movies. Beep, beep… Unlike the can be rigged to detonate, plastique is useful
one that comes with the PIP Boy this one can because it can be molded to any shape, to
be mounted on an assault rifle’s barrel. detonate in a concentrated area or spread
along a wider surface. C- 14 is a white or gray
Night Vision Goggles/Binoculars substance that looks and feels a lot like Silly
Value: 1200 / 700 Putty™. Setting it takes a successful roll
A passive infrared detector. Allows one to see against Traps; like dynamite, if the roll fails,
any infrared emitting object. Can work even in the timer is not set correctly, and will blow at
complete darkness. It’s more efficient when the wrong time, or not at all. Plastique does
there are high temperature differences creating 2d20+30 damage to anything within the hex in
better contrast. Night vision might be blinded which it detonates, half damage to everything
by strong heat source like flare, fire etc. or in adjacent hexes, and 1d6 concussion damage
might be fooled if target is well insulated (e.g. to anything within 4 hexes of the explosion.
in anti-radiation suit). Powered armour can be C-14 can be compounded on itself to make
detected as it has its own propulsion that bigger bombs, too.
makes it hotter. Even if working properly W: 2 lbs.
night allows the seeing of the outlines of
objects only. Night vision goggles / binoculars PNV-23 SC "Cat eye"
require one SEC for 10 hours of working. Value: 6000
This is an outstanding night-vision device.
Personal Cloaking Device (Stealth Boy) Rare toy! It provides great vision in the dark.
Value: 10000 You can forget about all light penalties.
An advanced pre-War construction that Except the "absolute darkness" (-200%) -
generates a phase distraction field in radius of there only -30% for it. One SEC per hour.
about 1 meter. Anyone within that field will You can switch it to infrared mode if you
become much harder to spot as the Stealth want (you`ll able to see bodies warm). The
Boy refracts light rays that that fall on it. case is bullet-proof and has an EMP-defense.
Person using stealth boy gains +120 bonus to

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Rope inside it (deals 2d20 damage to anyone within
Value: 25 5 meters).
What role playing game would be complete
without a rope? Perhaps one of the most "The Landscape" camouflage kit
useful items in the world. Consider this to be Value: 3000
about 10 meters long. With this kit you can transform yourself in to
W: 10 lbs. the piece of landscape for 3 hours. You can
use it three times. Also it decreases you bodies
Safecracking Kit warmth. +60% to stealth. 30 minutes to lay it
Value: 200 on.
The use of this kit is required to open most
safes, and gives the user a +20% bonus to Tool Set
their Lockpicking skill when trying to open a Value: 50
safe. A set of basic tools, such as small wrenches,
W: 5 lbs. pliers, some screwdrivers, and a hammer. For
basic repairs.
Scalpel W: 15 lbs.
Value: 140
The standard instrument for performing Vehicle Repair Kit
surgeries, this surgical-stainless steel knife is Value: 500
small but incredibly sharp. Not the best tool A toolbox containing some necessary
for a melee fight, but it will do in a pinch. If a equipment for repairing a vehicle (actually, it
character has a scalpel, it adds +10% to his can be used on any complex mechanical
Doctor skill. See also Melee Weapons. device). Contains a computer for interfacing
W: 1 lb. with the vehicle to analyze the problem and a
lot of repair tools.
Shovel W: 20 lbs.
Value: 30
Can you dig this, daddy-o? CHEMS (DRUGS)
W: 15 lbs. There are plenty of ways to chemically alter
one’s body in the wastes, and not all of them
"Softstep" compound. are entirely beneficial. Chems always have
Value:3000 some kind of effect on a person. Sometimes, a
This "magic" stuff were designed with using chem is not easily identifiable, so when you
such popular in Russia xenoliquid bio-tec`s. come across a big crate of syringes and want
When you`ll use it on your boots sole, it will to know what they are, there is no choice but
make your steps almost unhearable. This to shoot one and see what it does.
compound also can be used for climbing - it NOTE: The creator of this game does not
"founds" smallest ledges to "stick" your legs. recommend this course of action in the real
It will be active in one hour. Then it "dies". world.
+40% to stealth. Other properties are for Note: All chems can change a character’s stats
GM`s choice. above and below racial limits. When a drug’s
Teddy Bear positive effects have worn off, stats return to
Value: 5 / 600 normal and are then effected by the negative
A nice, lovely, furry, cuddly toy. Something effects.
that every child would want to have. A teddy
bear costs 600 when there is a bomb planted Advanced Antidote

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Value: 200 increasing mitochondrial activity in muscles
This antidote is produced by more for a brief period of time. Unfortunately, these
technologically advanced people, like same chemicals also impair brain function.
Brotherhood of Steel, the Enclave, or the Taking this drug is fine so long as you are
NCR. It comes in small syringes and removes about to slug it out in a boxing ring, but not
two levels of poisoning. Not addictive. recommended for operating a tank in combat.
When swallowed, Buffout increases the user’s
After Burner Gum Strength by 2, Agility by 2, and Endurance by
Value: 350 3. The effects last one-half (round down) of
After Burner was an attempt to legalize a 1d10 hours. After the effects wear off, the
“safe” form of meth in the early 21st century. user loses 3 Strength, 3 Agility, and 2
Tiny methamphetamine crystals were mixed in Endurance for 1d10 hours. Buffout carries a
with chewing gum by some enterprising 30% chance of addiction.
corporation. The result was a moderate dose
of the drug that lasted for only a few minutes, Healing Powder
but produced an intense high in that time. Value: 50
Chewing After Burner gives the user a +1 This is a simple healing powder that, when
bonus to Strength and Perception, and raises ingested, helps ease pain from minor wounds.
the user’s Action Points by 2, for 1d10 It heals 1d10+5 HP when eaten, and causes
minutes. After that time, the user loses 1 point the user to lose 1 Perception for 1 hour after
of Strength and 2 points of Perception for 1 consumption. Not addictive. The negative
hour. After Burner is 30% addictive. effects of this powder are cumulative.

Antidote Jet
Value: 150 Value: 25
Made from a variety of distilled poisons and Jet is the new street drug of the postnuclear
antibodies, each dose of Antidote removes one world. No one knows exactly how it was
level of poisoning. Antidote tastes and looks made, except there are rumors that a mafia
like cough syrup, and comes in little bottles. boss had it manufactured to aid in controlling
There is no official Antidote company in the large numbers of people. Considering that Jet
wastes, and it is often something that country is addictive from the first dose, that is not
doctors and traveling quacks will sell for far difficult to imagine. Jet comes in an inhaler,
more than it’s worth. Not much like asthma medicine. After inhalation,
addictive. the user gains +2 Action Points (up to 13), +1
Strength, and +1 Perception for 1d10 hours.
Brotherhood of Steel Trauma Pack After this time, the character loses two Action
Value: 600 Points, 3 Strength, and 3 Perception. Jet is
A chemical concoction made by the 80% addictive, although it is rumored that an
Brotherhood for use in battle, Trauma Packs antidote exists for the addiction – somewhere.
send the cellular reproduction process into
overdrive, healing 6d10+60 hit points Mentats
instantly, but causing 2d10+30 points of Value: 280
damage after 1 hour. Not addictive. Mentats increase the user’s awareness for a
short period of time, but are dangerous
Buffout because of the intense aftereffects and high
Value: 200 addiction rate. An
Buffout is a kind of temporary steroid, experimental drug for the military at one time,

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these pills became popular in the prewar the user loses 25 rads. 2 days after use, the
streets because of the intense high. When user loses another 25 rads. Radaway,
Mentats are swallowed, the user’s Perception unfortunately, has an
increases by 2, Intelligence increases by 2, and addiction rate of 20%.
Charisma increases by 1 (everyone’s more
attractive when under the influence!). The Rad-X
effects last 1 hour, after which time the user’s Value: 2000
Perception and Intelligence are decreased by 4 An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of
and Charisma is decreased by 3 for 1d10 cure, and that was the idea behind these drugs.
hours. Mentats have a 60% chance of Although they were never marketed for
addiction. consumer use before the war, enough were
made for militaries so that they are not
Mutie unknown in the postwar world. Rad-X is a pill
Value: 700 that increases the user’s Radiation Resistance
Mutie is a chemical that reproduces the effects by 50% for 1d10 hours after ingestion by
of the Forced Evolutionary Virus for a short creating a kind of radiation “anti-body” in the
time. After injecting this drug, the user gains user. Not addictive.
+4 to Strength, + 4 to Perception, -4 to
Charisma, and –4 to Intelligence for 1d10 Stimpak
hours. After that time, the user must make a Value: 150
successful roll against Endurance; if the roll Stimpaks are small syringes with healing
fails, they take 4d10 points of damage. Note chems that ease pain and encourage cellular
that super-mutants will experience no effects mitosis, helping cells restore themselves at an
from taking Mutie. Mutie is 20% addictive. increased rate. Quite common before the war,
they can be found, in one form or another,
Psycho almost everywhere. When injected, the
Value: 400 stimpak heals 1d10+10 HP. Not addictive.
Psycho is a drug that is much like a
combination between Mentats and speed. This Super Stimpak
chemical cocktail is highly addictive and has Value: 500
horrible side effects, but the high it produces is This is an incredible melange of healing chems
worth it to many users. After injecting Psycho, designed to aid wounded soldiers on the
the user’s Agility increases by 3, and their battlefield in crucial moments of combat.
Intelligence is reduced by 3. The effects of Super stimpaks come in a large clamp that fit
Psycho last 1d10 hours, after which time the around the arm and inject the chemicals into
user loses 3 points to ALL Stats except Luck the user at various times, maximizing the
for 1d10 hours. Psycho is 50% addictive. effects of the chemicals. The whole injection
process still takes less than a second. Super
Radaway stimpaks heal 5d10+50 HP, but the user loses
Value: 1500 1d10 HP after an hour from the aftershock. It
Radaway, an obscure drug from prewar times, is a good idea to get some other form of
became one of the most useful after the bombs healing should the user’s HP drop to
went off. It comes in an IV bag and must be dangerous levels again. Not addictive.
taken through a drip IV over the period of
about an hour. The Radaway works in the "Third eye"
user’s system to bond with radioactive Value:260
particles and wash them out. 1 day after use, This pills were designed for military scouts

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and snipers. This pills will increase your
perception by 3 for two hours. Then it will be
decreased by 4 for 1d10 hours.

Ultra Stimpack
Value: 1000
The most powerful healing substance on the
planet, Ultra Stimpacks turn cellular
reproduction into a frenzy of activity, healing
10d10+50 HP immediately upon injection. In
1d10 hours, the user must make a roll against
Endurance. If that roll fails, they lose every hit
point the Ultra Stimpack healed; if the roll
succeeds, the user loses half of those hit
points. Ultra Stimpacks are only available in
technology-rich organizations like the
Brotherhood of Steel or the Enclave.

Value: 50
A tribal concoction made from parts of dead
critters (yummy!) Eating this powder makes
someone feel invincible. For 30 minutes,
Voodoo confers a +2 bonus to Agility, a +3
bonus to Luck, and a 20% bonus to Damage
Resistance for Normal attacks only. After a
half-hour, the user feels depressed and loses 2
Agility, 3 Luck, and all Damage Resistance
from Normal attacks. Voodoo is 20%

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