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V. Application of Foreign Law; Exceptions Article 816.

The will of an alien who is abroad produces

effect in the Philippines if made with the formalities prescribed
by the law of the place in which he resides, or according to the
Civil Code formalities observed in his country, or in conformity with those
which this Code prescribes. (n)
Article 15. Laws relating to family rights and duties, or to the
status, condition and legal capacity of persons are binding Article 819. Wills, prohibited by the preceding article,
upon citizens of the Philippines, even though living abroad. executed by Filipinos in a foreign country shall not be valid in
(9a) the Philippines, even though authorized by the laws of the
country where they may have been executed. (733a)

Article 16. Real property as well as personal property is Article 829. A revocation done outside the Philippines, by a
subject to the law of the country where it is stipulated. person who does not have his domicile in this country, is valid
However, intestate and testamentary successions, both with when it is done according to the law of the place where the will
respect to the order of succession and to the amount of was made, or according to the law of the place in which the
successional rights and to the intrinsic validity of testamentary testator had his domicile at the time; and if the revocation
provisions, shall be regulated by the national law of the person takes place in this country, when it is in accordance with the
whose succession is under consideration, whatever may be the provisions of this Code. (n)
nature of the property and regardless of the country wherein
said property may be found. (10a)
Article 1039. Capacity to succeed is governed by the law of
the nation of the decedent. (n)

Article 17. The forms and solemnities of contracts, wills, and

other public instruments shall be governed by the laws of the
country in which they are executed. Rules of Court

When the acts referred to are executed before the diplomatic

Rule 132, Sec. 25. Parental and filial privilege. — No person
or consular officials of the Republic of the Philippines in a
may be compelled to testify against his parents, other direct
foreign country, the solemnities established by Philippine laws
ascendants, children or other direct descendants. (20a)
shall be observed in their execution. Prohibitive laws
concerning persons, their acts or property, and those which
Rule 130, Sec. 45. Commercial lists and the like. —
have for their object public order, public policy and good
Evidence of statements of matters of interest to persons
customs shall not be rendered ineffective by laws or judgments
engaged in an occupation contained in a list, register,
promulgated, or by determinations or conventions agreed
periodical, or other published compilation is admissible as
upon in a foreign country. (11a)
tending to prove the truth of any relevant matter so stated if
that compilation is published for use by persons engaged in
Article 71. All marriages performed outside the Philippines in that occupation and is generally used and relied upon by them
accordance with the laws in force in the country where they therein. (39)
were performed, and valid there as such, shall also be valid in
this country, except bigamous, polygamous, or incestuous
marriages as determined by Philippine law. (19a)

A. Proof of Foreign Law

Article 124. If the marriage is between a citizen of the
Philippines and a foreigner, whether celebrated in the
Philippines or abroad, the following rules shall prevail: In Re Estate of Johnson (November 16, 1918) – Street
(1) If the husband is a citizen of the Philippines while the wife is Ebba Ingeborg Johnson, applicant
a foreigner, the provisions of this Code shall govern their Topic: Proof of Foreign Law

(2) If the husband is a foreigner and the wife is a citizen of the Short Summary: Emil Johnson, an American citizen had his
Philippines, the laws of the husband's country shall be will admitted to probate in the Philippines. His daughter with
followed, without prejudice to the provisions of this Code with his ex wife questions the order because she was not afforded
regard to immovable property. (1325a) notice of the said probate. The Supreme Court affirmed the
probate stating that a probate proceeding is a proceeding in
Article 815. When a Filipino is in a foreign country, he is rem.
authorized to make a will in any of the forms established by the
law of the country in which he may be. Such will may be Doctrine: The order admitting the will to probate cannot
probated in the Philippines. (n) be declared null and void merely because the petitioner was

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unavoidably prevented from appearing at the original hearing ! The hearing was set for March 6, 1916 and
upon the matter of the probate of the will. The fact that an heir three weeks publication of notice was made
or other interested party lives so far away as to make it in the “Manila Daily Bulletin.” On the said
impossible for such party to be present at the date appointed date, the witnesses were examined relative to
for the probate of the will does not render the order of the execution of the will, and thereafter
probate void for lack of due process. declared to be legal and was admitted to
TC merely relied on the presentation of Section 1874 ! Three months after the will had been
of the Revised Statutes of Illinois as exhibited in a probated, the attorneys for Ebba Ingeborg
volume of an annotation and assumed that he could take Johnson entered an appearance in her behalf
JN of the laws of Illinois. It was WRONG! Proper rule is to and noted an exception to the order
require proof of the statutes of the States of the American admitting the will to probate. On October 31,
Union whenever their provisions are determinative of the 1916 the attorneys moved that the court vacate the
issues in any action litigated in the Philippine courts. order admitting the will to probate. On February 20,
Regardless, (1) petition does not state any fact from which it 1917, the motion was denied. Hence this appeal.
would appear that the law of Illinois is different from what the
court found (2) petition did not raise any assignment of error Procedural History: TC Admitted the will to probate. Ebba
to question the supposed taking of JN of the court appealed to the Supreme Court. Supreme Court affirmed the
lower court’s order.

Facts: Issue: WON the order admitting the will to probate

! Emil Johnson, a native of Sweden emigrated to was void because it was made without notice to the
Chicago, United States and married Rosalie Ackeson petitioner
and had a daughter named Ebba Ingeborg. He
embarked to the Philippines as a soldier of the US Held: No. The order for probate cannot be declared null
army. After he was discharged from service, he and void merely because the petitioner was unavoidably
continued to live in the Philippines. His wife Rosalie prevented from appearing at the original hearing upon the
was granted a decree of divorce on the ground of matter of the probate of the will.
! In the Philippines, he appears to have entered in to Dispositive: The order appealed from is accordingly
marital relations with Alejandra Ibañez, by whom he affirmed.
had three children Mercedes, Encarnacion and Victor.
He also had two children, Eleonor and Alberto, with Ratio:
Simeona Ibañez. ! RE: order of publication Petitioner contends that
! On February 4, 1916 Emil Johnson died and left a at the time the court made the order of publication, it
holographic will (a will entirely written by hand) dated was aware of the fact that she lived in the United
September 9, 1915 disposing his estate worth States and that as daughter and heir she was
P231,800. This document was signed by himself and necessarily interested in the probate of the will. She
two witnesses only, instead of the three witnesses insists that the court should have appointed a date for
required by law. (Current law: a holographic will need the probate of the will sufficiently far in the future to
not be witnessed, it must only be entirely written, permit the petitioner to be present either in person or
dated and signed by the hand of the testator) by representation; the failure of the court to postpone
! Since the will was not executed in conformity with the the probate of the will constitutes an infringement
law then, it was not probated. A petition was filed on due process.
the ground that Johnson at the time of his death was ! Proceedings for the probate of the will were regular
a citizen of Illinois and that the will was duly executed and that the publication was sufficient to give
in accordance with the laws of that State, and hence the court jurisdiction to entertain the
could properly be probated here pursuant to Sec. proceeding and to allow the will to be
6361 of the Code of Civil Procedure. probated. The proceeding as to the probate
of a will is one in rem, and the state is
allowed a wide latitude in determining the
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! character of the constructive notice to be
A will made within the Philippine Islands by a citizen or subject of given to the world in a proceeding where it
another state or country, which is executed in accordance with the law has absolute possession of the res. A final
of the state or country of which he is a citizen or subject, and which judgment rendered on a petition for the
might be proved and allowed by the law of his own state or country,
probate of a will is binding upon the whole
may be proved, allowed, and recorded in the Philippine Islands, and
shall have the same effect as if executed according to the laws of these
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! Section 113 of the Code of Civil Procedure provides: ! WON will executed in conformity with the
“Upon such terms as may be just the court may State of Illinois. NOT REALLY SURE, BUT THE
relieve a party or his legal representative from a PETITIONER CANNOT DO ANYTHING
judgment, order or other proceeding taken against ABOUT IT. Courts cannot take Judicial Notice
him through his mistake, inadvertence, surprise or (JN) of Foreign laws: TC merely relied on the
excusable neglect; PROVIDED that application presentation of Section 1874 of the Revised
therefor be made within a reasonable time, but in Statutes of Illinois as exhibited in a volume of
no case exceeding six months after such an annotation and assumed that he could take JN
judgment, order, or proceeding was taken.” of the laws of Illinois. But it was WRONG!!! Proper
She filed her motion on October 31, 1916 which is rule is to require proof of the statutes of the States of
seven months after the said judgment. the American Union whenever their provisions are
! The order admitting the will of Johnson to determinative of the issues in any action litigated in
probate cannot be declared null and void the Philippine courts. Regardless, (1) petition does
merely because the petitioner was not state any fact from which it would appear that the
unavoidably prevented from appearing at the law of Illinois is different from what the court found
original hearing. The law supplied a remedy (2)petition did not raise any assignment of error to
by which the petitioner might have gotten a question the supposed taking of JN of the court
hearing and have obtained relief form the
order by which she is supposed to have been
! Where a will is duly probated after publication, the
order admitting the will is, in the absence of fraud,
effective against all persons. The fact that an heir or
other interested party lives so far away as to make it
impossible for such party to be present at the date
appointed for the probate of the will does not render
Miciano v. Brimo, et al. G.R. 22595 – Romualdez, J
the order of probate void for lack of due process.
Appellee: Testate Estate of Joseph Brimo, Juan Miciano,
! RE: Citizenship (not really on topic, just in
case he asks, I HIGHLY doubt though)
Appellant: Andre Brimo
! WON Section 636 of the Code of Civil
Concept: Proof of Foreign Law
Procedure is not applicable to wills of aliens
residing in RP? Section 636: authorizes probate
Doctrine: Although the Civil Code of the Ph itself provides
by our courts of a will made within the Philippine
that the national of the law of the decedent should govern as
Islands by a citizen or subject of another state or
to matters of legal and testamentary successions in respect of
country, when such will is executed in accordance
substantive matters, failure by Brimo to present evidence of
with the law of the state or country of which the
Turkish law on succession triggers the application of the
testator is a citizen of subject, and which might be
doctrine of processual presumption, whereby it is presumed
proved under the law of such state or country. IT IS
that Turkish laws are the same as Ph laws in the absence of
APPLICABLE: the "state" would include US, and the
proof to the contrary.
operation of law is not limited to wills of aliens. If
Johnson was at the time of his death a citizen of US
Short facts: The brother of the decedent-testator opposed
and of the state of Illinois, his will was provable under
the partition submitted by the administrator of the estate, on
this section in the courts of the Philippines, provided
grounds that the will on which said partition was based was
the instrument was so executed as to be admissible
contrary to Turkish law, the latter being the applicable law
to probate under laws of the State of Illinois
since the decedent was a Turkish national. The Court upheld
! WON Decedent a national of Illinois (to
the partition ruling that due to the failure of oppositor to
warrant the application of Illinois law) YES.
present and prove Turkish laws on succession, it is presumed
Proof adduced before TC showed he was indeed a
that these laws are similar to Ph laws on succession.
national of Illinois. Petition merely contests the
residence of the decedent to be in the Philippines,
but not the nationality Why contest residence: US
naturalization laws require residence of at least 5
Joseph Brimo, a Turkish national and decedent in this case, left
years in US and 1 year within the State or territory
a will. One of the will’s provisions contained a condition which
where the court granting the naturalization papers is
required legatees to respect the testator’s intention to
held to grant the certificate of naturalization. Still, no
distribute his estate in accordance with Ph law and not Turkish
other proof to rebut the presumption that he was
law. For this reason, Miciano, the judicial administrator of the
indeed naturalized as a US citizen.
estate of decedent, filed a scheme of partition of this will,

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which Andre Brimo (Brimo), brother of the decedent, opposed not contrary to Ph law, the latter must be complied
on grounds that the will did not comply with Turkish law. with and executed.

The lower court approved the partition, ruling that Turkish laws - Brimo himself acknowledged as much when he assigned
are irrelevant what with the testator having clearly chosen Ph as an error of the court in not having deferred the
law to govern the will’s provisions, and denying Brimo’s approval of the scheme of partition until the receipt of
participation in the inheritance because his opposition certain testimony requested regarding the Turkish laws on
constituted a violation of the above-mentioned condition the matter.
imposed on legatees named in the will. Hence Brimo’s appeal. - The trial court had discretion on whether or not to give
oppositor another chance to prove Turkish laws. Its choice
Brimo argued against the ff: of not granting the deferral is not abuse of discretion on
• the approval of the scheme of partition its part, considering it had already granted Brimo enough
• the denial of his participation in the inheritance opportunity to introduce competence evidence
• the approval of the purchase made by PIetro Lanza of the
decedent’s business, and the deed of transfer of said 2. As to Brimo’s alleged exclusion from the will, such exclusion
business is based on the last part of the second clause of the will3, which
• the declaration by the lower corut that the Turkish laws are subjects the institution of legatees to the condition that the
impertinent to this cause, as well as the failure not to instituted legatees must respect the testator’s will to distribute
postpone the approval of the scheme of partition and the his property in accordance with the laws of the Ph and not
delivery of the decedent’s business to Lanza until the Turkish law. According to the will, failure by a legatee to
receipt of the depositions requested in reference to comply with this condition would bar such person from
Turkish laws receiving his legacy. The condition is void for being
contrary to law, namely Art. 10 of the Civil Code. Art.
Brimo further argues that partition puts into effect 792 of the Civil Code 4 in turn considers as not
provisions of the decedent’s will which are not in imposed those conditions in a will that are contrary
accordance with the laws of his Turkish nationality, to law. Brimo is thus entitled to his legacy.
for which reason they are void for violating Art. 10 2
of the Civil Code. - Why is the condition contrary to law? Art. 10 of the Civil
Code of the Ph makes it mandatory that the testator’s
ISSUE: Which law should apply — Turkish law, or Ph law? national law govern his testamentary dispositions. For
Although the Civil Code of the Ph itself provides that being contrary to the provision, the conditions imposed
the national of the law of the decedent should upon the legatees is null and void.
govern as to matters of legal and testamentary - All the remaining clauses of the will as well as their
successions in respect of substantive matters, failure dispositions and requests remain perfectly valid and
by Brimo to present evidence of Turkish law on effective, the same not appearing to be contrary to the
succession triggers the application of the doctrine of testator’s national laws.
processual presumption, whereby it is presumed that
Turkish laws are the same as Ph laws in the absence HELD: the orders appealed from modified. The distribution of
of proof to the contrary. the estate is directed to be made in a manner that includes
Andre Brimo as one of the legatees and the scheme of
RATIO: partition be submitted by the judicial administrator in all other
1. Brimo failed to prove that the testamentary
dispositions are not in accordance with Turkish laws. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He did not present evidence as to Turkish laws on "Second. I likewise desire to state that although, by law, I am a
succession, and in the absence of evidence on such Turkish citizen, this citizenship having been conferred upon me by
laws, they are presumed to be the same as those of conquest and not by free choice, nor by nationality and, on the other
hand, having resided for a considerable length of time in the Philippine
the Ph. There being no evidence on record that the
Islands where I succeeded in acquiring all of the property that I now
national law of the decedent was violated by his possess, it is my wish that the distribution of my property and
testamentary dispositions, which themselves were everything in connection with this, my will, be made and disposed of in
accordance with the laws in force in the Philippine Islands, requesting
all of my relatives to respect this wish, otherwise, I annul and cancel
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! beforehand whatever disposition found in this will favorable to the
Art. 10 Civil Code: "Nevertheless, legal and testamentary person or persons who fail to comply with this request."
successions, in respect to the order of succession as well as to the
amount of the successional rights and the intrinsic validity of their 4
"Impossible conditions and those contrary to law or good morals
provisions, shall be regulated by the national law of the person whose shall be considered as not imposed and shall not prejudice the heir or
succession is in question, whatever may be the nature of the property legatee in any manner whatsoever, even should the testator otherwise
or the country in which it may be situated." provide.”
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by the testator in the presence of two
competent witnesses, and that these
Fleumer v. Hix (1930), supra witnesses subscribed the will in the presence
of the testator and of each other as the law
FACTS: of West Virginia seems to require.
• A.W. Fleumer, the special administrator of the estate o On the supposition that the witnesses to the
of Edward Randolph Hix, submitted for probate the will reside without the Philippine Islands, it
latter's last will and testament. would then be the duty of Fleumer to prove
• However, the Judge of First Instance denied probate execution by some other means.
on the grounds that: • It was also necessary for Fleumer to prove
o (1) it was not proven that the will was that the testator had his domicile in West
acknowledged by the testator in the Virginia; the recital of such fact in the will to be
presence of two competent witnesses, &; submitted for probate, and Fleumer's bare testimony,
o (2) that these witnesses subscribed to the will is not sufficient to establish that fact.
in the presence of the testator and of each • Also, while the appeal was pending submission in this
other. court, Fleumer presented a petition asking the court
o Hence, this appeal by Fleumer to the to accept as part of the evidence some documents
Supreme Court. o One of these documents discloses that a
• Fleumer asserts that the alleged will was executed by paper writing purporting to be the will of
Hix on November 3, 1925, in Elkins, West Virginia, in Edward Randolph Hix was presented for
accordance with the West Virginia Code. In other probate on June 8, 1929, to the clerk of
words, under West Virginia law, the will was duly Randolph Country, State of West Virginia. It
executed. was duly proven by the oaths of Dana
• To prove West Virginian law, Fleumer submitted a Wamsley and Joseph L. Madden, the
copy of Section 3868 of Act 1882 or the West Virgina subscribing witnesses thereto, and ordered
code which was taken from a book, annotated by a to be recorded and filed.
Charles Hogg. Such book was certified by the o It was also shown by another document that,
Director of National Library. in vacation, on June 8, 1929, the clerk of
court of Randolph Country, West Virginia,
ISSUE: WON the will may be admitted to probate? appointed Claude W. Maxwell as
NO administrator, cum testamento annexo, of
the estate of Edward Randolph Hix.
• The laws of a foreign jurisdiction do not o In this connection, it is to be noted that the
prove themselves in Philippines courts. The application for the probate of the will in the
courts of the Philippine Islands are not authorized to Philippines was filed on February 20, 1929,
take judicial notice of American laws. Such laws while the proceedings in West Virginia
must be proven as facts. appear to have been initiated on June 8,
• Here the foreign laws were not proven. 1929.
o There was no showing that the book, from o Petitioner: These facts are strongly
which the extract of the law offered as indicative of an intention to make the
evidence was taken from, was printed or Philippines the principal administration and
published under the authority of the State of West Virginia the ancillary administration.
West Virginia, as provided in section 300 of • SC: However, if this is the case, no attempt has been
the Code of Civil Procedure. made to comply with the Code of Civil Procedure, for
o Nor was the extract from the law attested by no hearing on the question of the allowance of the
the certificate of the officer having charge of will is said to have been PROVED and ALLOWED in
the original, under the seal of the State of West Virginia.
West Virginia, as provided in section 301 of o Also, there is no showing that the deceased
the Code of Civil Procedure. left any property at any place other than the
o Neither was evidence was introduced to Philippine Islands and no contention that he
show that the extract from the laws of West left any in West Virginia.
Virginia was in force at the time the alleged o Reference has been made by the parties to a
will was executed. divorce purported to have been awarded
• In addition, the due execution of the will was Edward Randolph Hix from Annie Cousins
not established. The only evidence on this point is Hix on October 8, 1925.
to be found in the testimony of Fleumer.
o Aside from this testimony, there was nothing
to indicate that the will was acknowledged DISPOSITIVE: Probate of the will was denied.
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• The testimonies provided in court were either
conflicting or incredible. One witness testified that
In re: Testate Estate of Jose B. Suntay (1954)— Padilla, J. she did not read the whole will but only the
Petitioner: Estate of Jose B. Suntay adjudication and saw only the signature of the
Respondents: Federico Suntay
decedent and of the witnesses. Such testimonial
Concept: Proof of Foreign Law
evidence is therefore unreliable to prove the contents
Foreign Elements: Will of decedent executed in China and
in Chinese characters; alleged to be probated and allowed by of the will.
a Chinese court. • Other testimonies cannot be relied upon as they are
hearsay. The testimony of Go Toh, an alleged witness
Brief Facts: Heirs of Suntay wanted to have the will executed of the will, only came to know the contents of the will
by their father in China admitted in probate here in the from the information given to him by Jose Suntay and
Philippines. They claim that such will has already been allowed
from reading the translation of the draft from Spanish
and admitted into probate by a Chinese Court.
Doctrine: While wills proved and allowed in foreign countries to Chinese.
may be allowed in probate here in the Philippines, such fact of • Thus, granting arguendo that there was a will duly
admission by a competent court must be alleged and duly executed by Jose Suntay and that it was valid before
proved. Such include the competence of the foreign court and his death, the testimonies provided falls short of the
its jurisdiction as a probate court, the rules of procedure of a legal requirement that the “provisions of the lost will
foreign country in probate matters, and the substantive legal
must be clearly and distinctly proved by at least two
requirements for the admission of wills in said country.
credible witnesses.” Credible witnesses mean
Facts competent witnesses and those who testify to
1. Jose B. Suntay, a Filipino resident citizen died in the city of facts from or upon hearsay are neither
Amoy, Fookien in China, leaving real and personal competent nor credible witnesses.
properties in the Philippines. Upon his death, Federico 2. NO. It has not been proved that the will has been
Suntay was appointed administrator of the estate. probated in China
2. His widow filed a petition for the probate of a last will • While wills proved and allowed in foreign countries
claimed to have been executed and signed in the may be allowed in probate here in the Philippines,
Philippines. such fact of admission by a competent court must be
• TC denied because of the loss of said will alleged and duly proved.
after the filing of the petition and before the • In the case at bar, Silvino Suntay failed to do so.
hearing thereof and of the insufficiency of o He failed to prove that the municipal district
the evidence to establish the loss of the said court in Amoy, China is a probate court.
will o The law on Chine on procedure in the
3. After the liberation of the Pacific War, Silvino Suntay filed probate of wills must also be proved.
a petition in the intestate proceedings to probate a will of o The legal requirements for the execution of
his late father, claiming that he had found it among his a valid will in China should also be
files and documents. Said will was in Chinese established by competent evidence.
characters executed and signed by the deceased • The unverified answers to the questions propounded
in China, and recorded and probated in the to the Consul General of the Republic of China are
Amoy district court in China. also inadmissible
o The office of Consul General does not
TC: denied probate qualify and make the person who holds it an
Issue: expert on the Chinese law on procedure in
1. WON the will executed in the Philippines may be probate matters as consuls are appointed to
probated? (NO) attend to trade matters.
2. WON the will executed in China may be admitted in o Reliance on such answers deprives the
probate? (NO) adverse party of his right to confront and
Ruling: cross-examine the witness.
1. NO. The conflicting testimonies of the witnesses
• It seems that the proceedings in the Amoy district
failed to convincingly prove the loss of the said
court were for the purpose of taking the testimony of
two attesting witnesses to the will and not for the

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purpose of probating a will. It could be likened to a Fisher. According to the lower court, in determining the tax net
deposition or to a perpetuation of a testimony. estate of the decedent, ½ of the net estate should be
• In the absence of proof as to the Chinese law of deducted therefrom as the share of the surviving spouse in
accordance with our law on conjugal partnership. CIR contends
procedure in probate matters, it may be presumed
that it is the national law of the decedent husband that should
that the proceedings in the probate of a will in China
govern which provides that all properties acquired during the
are the same as those provided for in our laws on the marriage pertain and belong exclusively to the husband (hence
subject. Being a proceeding in rem and for the the share should not have been deducted to arrive at the tax
validity of such proceedings personal notice or by base). As to the reciprocity issue, the pertinent California law
publication or both to all interested parties must be was proved by respondents however since there is no full
made. Since the evidence shows that no such notice reciprocity in this case, the exemption was not granted.

was received by the interested parties residing in the

Doctrine: Following the nationality rule in the OCC (and even
Philippines, such proceedings could not be held to be
NCC), English law applies since both spouses are foreigners
valid. who just married in the Philippines. English law on this,
however, was not duly proven in the Court so the presumption
Dissenting, J. Paras is that the law of England on this matter is the same as our law
(processual presumption).
• Assuming that the will in China may not be admitted Rules of Court do not exclude the presentation of other
to probate, it may be used as corroborating competent evidence to prove the existence of a foreign law.
evidence as to the provisions of the lost will in view
of the fact of the testimony that the provisions in the Facts:
both wills are the same. • Walter G. Stevenson died on February 22, 1951 in San
Francisco, California, U.S.A. where he and his wife moved
Resolution of the MR: simply affirmed the decision. and established their permanent residence since May 10,
SC still pointed to the failure of the petitioners to 1945.
sufficiently establish the due execution of the lost will and o He was born in the Philippines on August 9, 1874 of
the provisions thereof proved clearly and distinctly by at British parents and married in the Manila on January
least two credible witnesses. 23, 1909 to Beatrice Mauricia Stevenson another
British subject.
Decision: Petition denied • In his will executed in San Francisco and which was duly
probated in the Superior Court of California, Stevenson
instituted his wife Beatrice as his sole heiress to the
following real and personal properties acquired by the
spouses while residing in the Philippines, described and
preliminary assessed as follows:

Gross Estate
Real Property — 2 parcels of land in Baguio P43,500.00

Personal Property
(1) 177 shares of stock of Canacao Estate at
P10.00 each 1,770.00

Collector of Internal Revenue v. Fisher (1961) (2) 210,000 shares of stock of Mindanao
Petitioner: CIR Mother Lode Mines, Inc. at P0.38 per share 79,800.00
Respondents: Douglas Fisher, Bettina Fisher and the CTA (3) Cash credit with Canacao Estate Inc. 4,870.88

Foreign Elements: (4) Cash, with the Chartered Bank of India,

• Deceased and spouse – California, US citizens Australia & China 851.97
and residents Total Gross Assets P130,792.85
• Marriage - in Philippines
• Properties in question – located in Philippines
• Ancillary administration proceedings were instituted in the
CFI of Manila for the settlement of the estate in the
Brief facts:
Philippines. Stevenson's will was duly admitted to probate
Deceased, a US citizen and resident, left several properties
by our court and Ian Murray Statt was appointed ancillary
to his wife as sole heiress. The wife assigned her rights to Sps
administrator of the estate.

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• Statt filed a preliminary estate and inheritance tax return Revenue Code which the ancillary administrator
with the reservation of having the properties declared averred was allowable by way of the reciprocity
therein finally appraised at their values 6 months after the granted by Section 122 of the NIRC, as then held
death of Stevenson. He did this in order to secure the by the Board of Tax Appeals in case No. 71
waiver of the CIR on the inheritance tax due on the entitled "Housman vs. Collector," August 14,
210,000 shares of stock in the Mindanao Mother Lode 1952; and
Mines Inc. which the estate then desired to dispose in the (2) exemption from the imposition of estate
US. and inheritance taxes on the 210,000 shares of
• Acting upon said return, the CIR accepted the stock in the Mindanao Mother Lode Mines, Inc.
valuation of the personal properties declared therein, also pursuant to the reciprocity proviso of Section
but increased the appraisal of the two parcels of land 122 of the NIRC.
located in Baguio City by fixing their fair market value o the estate claimed that it was liable only for the
in the amount of P52.200.00, instead of P43,500.00. amount of P525.34 for estate tax and P238.06 for
• After allowing the deductions claimed by the ancillary inheritance tax and that, as a consequence, it had
administrator for funeral expenses in the amount of overpaid the government. -> It requested a refund
P2,000.00 and for judicial and administration which the collector denied.
expenses in the sum of P5,500.00, the Collector • Spouses Fisher filed a case before the CFI.
assessed the state the amount of P5,147.98 for estate • CFI (in relation to RECIPROCITY): held that the
tax and P10,875,26 or inheritance tax, or a total of intangible personal property belonging to the estate of
P16,023.23. Both of these assessments were paid by said Stevenson is exempt from inheritance tax, pursuant to
the estate on June 6, 1952. the provision of section 122 of the NIRC in relation to the
• On September 27, 1952, the Statt filed in amended California Inheritance Tax Law but not to an exemption of
estate and inheritance tax return pursuant to his P4,000.00 in the computation of the estate tax. The shares
reservation made at the time of filing of the of stock in the Mindanao Mother Lode Mines were not
preliminary return and for the purpose of availing of exempted from estate and inheritance taxes pursuant to
the right granted by section 91 of the National the same reciprocity proviso in Section 122 and were
Internal Revenue Code. instead appraised at 0.38 per share.
• FIRST AMENDED RETURN: • TAX COURT: exempted the Fishers from paying
o the valuation of the 210,000 shares of stock in the inheritance tax on the 210,000 shares of stock in the
Mindanao Mother Lode Mines, Inc. was reduced Mindanao Mother Lode Mines, Inc. in virtue of the
from 0.38 per share, as originally declared, to P0.20 reciprocity proviso of Section 122 of the National Internal
per share, or from a total valuation of P79,800.00 to Revenue Code, in relation to Section 13851 of the
P42,000.00. -> based by the ancillary administrator California Revenue and Taxation Code
on the market notation of the stock obtaining at • Both parties appealed:
the San Francisco California Stock Exchange six • Collector’s arguments:
months from the death of Stevenson o the said proviso of the California Revenue and
o He also made claim for the following deductions: Taxation Code has not been duly proven by the
Funeral expenses ($1,04326 or P2,086.52), Fishers;
Administrator's Fee (P1,204.34), Attorney's Fee (P o the reciprocity exemptions granted by section 122 of
6,000.00), Judicial and Administration expenses as the NIRC can only be availed of by residents of
of August 9, 1952 (P1,400.05), Real Estate Tax for foreign countries and not of residents of a state in
1951 on Baguio real properties (P 652.50), Claims the United States; and
against the estate (P10,000.00), Plus: 4% int. p.a. o there is no "total" reciprocity between the
from Feb. 2 to 22, 1951 (P 22.47) for a TOTAL OF Philippines and the state of California in that while
P21,365.88 the former exempts payment of both estate and
• In the meantime, on December 1, 1952, Beatrice inheritance taxes on intangible personal properties,
Mauricia Stevenson assigned all her rights and the latter only exempts the payment of inheritance
interests in the estate to the spouses, Douglas and tax
Bettina Fisher.
RECIPROCITY): 1. WON Philippine Law on legal partnership between
o declared the same assets of the estate spouses should be applied in this case? Yes but only
stated in the first amended return, except because English law on this was not proved.
that it contained new claims for additional 2. WON the Spouses Fisher can avail of reciprocity in
exemption and deduction to wit: exemption from transfer or death taxes between the State
(1) deduction in the amount of P4,000.00 from of California and the Philippines? NO.
the gross estate of the decedent as provided for 3. WON deductions representing an indebtedness incurred
in Section 861 (4) of the U.S. Federal Internal by decedent during his lifetime should be granted? NO.
B2017 TIMELESS REVIEWERS | PRIL 6 | Prof. Nicky Ty |8
death taxes of any and every character, in the case of the
Ratio: Philippine law, and to legacy, succession, or death taxes of
1. No. English law was not duly proven. any and every character, in the case of the California law.
• Based on Manresa’s view, the law determinative of the Thus, if any of the two states collects or imposes and does
property relation of the Stevensons, married in 1909, not exempt any transfer, death, legacy, or succession tax
would be the English law even if the marriage was of any character, the reciprocity does not work because
celebrated in the Philippines, both of them being such is the underlying principle of the reciprocity clauses
foreigners. But the pertinent English law that allegedly in both laws.
vests in the decedent husband full ownership of the • The SC explained the differences between the laws
properties acquired during the marriage has not been applicable in this case:
proven by petitioner. Except for a mere allegation in his o In the Philippines, upon the death of any citizen or
answer, which is not sufficient, the record is bereft of any resident, or non-resident with properties therein,
evidence as to what English law says on the matter. In the there are imposed upon his estate and its
absence of proof, the Court is justified, therefore, in settlement, both an estate and an inheritance tax.
indulging in what Wharton calls "processual o Under the laws of California, only inheritance tax is
presumption," in presuming that the law of England on imposed.
this matter is the same as our law. o On the other hand, the Federal Internal Revenue
Code imposes an estate tax on non-residents not
2. No, they cannot, as there is no complete and total citizens of the United States, but does not provide
reciprocity between the NIRC and the California Revenue and for any exemption on the basis of reciprocity.
Taxation Code. • The court said that if it applied the aforementioned
• The SC said that in view of the express provisions of both laws in the manner the CTA did will result to the
the Philippine and California laws, exemption would apply following situation:
only if the law of the other grants a total exemption from o a Californian, who is non-resident in the
legacy, succession, or death taxes of every character, there Philippines but has intangible personal
could not be partial reciprocity. properties here, will the subject to the payment
• *To prove the pertinent California law, counsel for of an estate tax, although exempt from the
respondents, testified that as an active member of the payment of the inheritance tax.
California Bar since 1931, he is familiar with the revenue • The SC then posited the following question:
and taxation laws of the State of California. When asked Considering the situation mentioned above, will a
by the lower court to state the pertinent California law as Filipino, non-resident of California, but with intangible
regards exemption of intangible personal properties, the personal properties there, be entitled to the
witness cited article 4, section 13851 (a) and (b) of the exemption clause of the California law, since the
California Internal and Revenue Code as published in Californian has not been exempted from every
Derring's California Code, a publication of the Bancroft- character of legacy, succession, or death tax because
Whitney Company inc. And as part of his testimony, a full he is, under our law, under obligation to pay an estate
quotation of the cited section was offered in evidence as tax?
Exhibits "V-2" by the respondents. o It explained that if we exempt the Californian
• *S ection 41, Rule 123 of our Rules of Court prescribes the from paying the estate tax, we do not thereby
manner of proving foreign laws before our tribunals. entitle a Filipino to be exempt from a similar
However, although we believe it desirable that these laws estate tax in California because under the
be proved in accordance with said rule, we held in the Federal Law, which is equally enforceable in
case of Willamette Iron and Steel Works v. Muzzal, 61 Phil. California he is bound to pay the same, there
471, that "a reading of sections 300 and 301 of our Code being no reciprocity recognized in respect
of Civil Procedure (now section 41, Rule 123) will convince thereto.
one that these sections do not exclude the • Contemplating the various situations that may result,
presentation of other competent evidence to the court concluded that the Filipino citizen is always
prove the existence of a foreign law." In that case, at a disadvantage. -> It said that legislature has not
we considered the testimony of an attorney-at-law of San intended such an unfair situation to the detriment of
Francisco, California who quoted verbatim a section of our own government and people.
California Civil Code and who stated that the same was in • It then noted that it was aware of the ruling in the
force at the time the obligations were contracted, as case of Collector of Internal Revenue vs. Lara
sufficient evidence to establish the existence of said law. exempting the estate of the deceased Hugo H. Miller
In line with this view, we find no error, therefore, on the from payment of the inheritance tax imposed by the
part of the Tax Court in considering the pertinent CIR but it made the following points:
California law as proved by respondents' witness. o the issue of reciprocity between the
• Substantive issue: It is clear from the provisions that the pertinent provisions of Philippine tax law and
reciprocity must be total, that is, with respect to transfer or that of the State of California was not there
B2017 TIMELESS REVIEWERS | PRIL 6 | Prof. Nicky Ty |9
squarely raised, and the ruling therein Dispositive: WHEREFORE, as modified in the manner
cannot control the determination of the case heretofore indicated, the judgment of the lower court is
at bar. hereby affirmed in all other respects not inconsistent herewith.
3. Approval of the Philippine probate court of this particular No costs. So ordered.
indebtedness of the decedent is necessary.
• Respondent: pursuant NIRC, the amount of P10,022.47 PCIB v. Escolin – DODOT
should have been allowed the estate as a deduction,
because it represented an indebtedness of the decedent Board of Commissioners on Immigration and Deportation vs.
incurred during his lifetime. In support thereof, they Dela Rosa
offered in evidence a duly certified claim, presented to the May 31, 1991; Bidin J
probate court in California by the Bank of California
National Association, which it would appear, that while still Summary: The Board (CID) commenced deportation
living, Walter G. Stevenson obtained a loan secured by proceedings against William Gatchalian, an alleged Chinese
pledge on of his shares of stock in the Mindanao Mother citizen, for violation of the Immigration Act. The Board claims
Lode Mines, Inc. that Gatchalian is an alien because the alleged marriage of his
• Approval in Philippine probate court of the indebtedness grandfather, Santiago, a Filipino, to Chu Gim Tee in China, as
is necessary because though it is true that we have here in well as the marriage of his father, Francisco to Ong Chiu Kiok
the Philippines only an ancillary administration in this case, in China, were not supported by any evidence nor was there
the distinction between domiciliary or principal any showing what the laws of China were. The Board claims
administration and ancillary administration serves only to that for the marriages to be valid in the Philippines, it should
distinguish one administration from the other, for the two have been shown that they were valid under the laws of China.
proceedings are separate and independent. There is a Hence, Santiago’s children, including Francisco, followed the
regular administration under the control of the court, citizenship of their mother, having being born outside of a
where claims must be presented and approved, and valid marriage.
expenses of administration allowed before deductions
from the estate can be authorized. Otherwise, we would Doctrine: In the absence of evidence to the contrary, foreign
have the actuations of our own probate court, in the laws on a particular subject are presumed to be the same as
settlement and distribution of the estate situated here, those of the Philippines. The testimonies of Santiago and
subject to the proceedings before the foreign court over Francisco before the Philippine consular regarding their
which our courts have no control. marriages are not self-serving, but are admissible as evidence
• Another reason for the disallowance of this indebtedness as statements regarding family reputation or tradition in
as a deduction, springs from the provisions of NIRC: matters of pedigree. Referring to marriages contracted
(d) Miscellaneous provisions — (1) No deductions shall abroad, Art. 26 of the Family Code provides that all marriages
be allowed in the case of a non-resident not a citizen of performed outside of the Philippines in accordance with the
the Philippines unless the executor, administrator or laws in force in the country where they were performed, and
anyone of the heirs, as the case may be, includes in the valid there as such, shall also be valid in this country. Bearing in
return required to be filed under section ninety-three the mind the processual presumption, he who asserts that
value at the time of his death of that part of the gross marriage is not valid under our law bears the burden of proof
estate of the non-resident not situated in the Philippines." to present the foreign law.
• In the case at bar, no such statement of the gross estate of
the non-resident Stevenson not situated in the Philippines FACTS:
appears in the three returns submitted to the court or to • On July 12, 1960, Santiago Gatchalian, grandfather of
the office of the petitioner Collector of Internal Revenue. William Gatchalian, was recognized by the Bureau of
The purpose of this requirement is to enable the revenue Immigration as a native born Filipino citizen following
officer to determine how much of the indebtedness may the citizenship of his natural mother, Marciana
be allowed to be deducted Gatchalian. Before the Citizenship Evaluation Board,
• In other words, the allowable deduction is only to the Santiago testified that he has five (5) children with his
extent of the portion of the indebtedness which is wife Chu Gim Tee, namely: Jose Gatchalian, Gloria
equivalent to the proportion that the estate in the Gatchalian, Francisco Gatchalian, Elena Gatchalian
Philippines bears to the total estate wherever situated. and Benjamin Gatchalian. Francisco is William’s
Stated differently, if the properties in the Philippines father.
constitute but 1/5 of the entire assets wherever situated, • On June 27, 1961, William Gatchalian, then a twelve-
then only 1/5 of the indebtedness may be deducted. But year old minor, arrived in Manila from Hongkong with
since, as heretofore adverted to, there is no statement of other relatives. They had with them Certificates of
the value of the estate situated outside the Philippines, no Registration and Identity issued by the Philippine
part of the indebtedness can be allowed to be deducted. Consulate in Hongkong based on a cablegram
bearing the signature of the then Secretary of Foreign

B2017 TIMELESS REVIEWERS | PRIL 6 | Prof. Nicky Ty |10

Affairs, Felixberto Serrano, and sought admission as alleged alien, and determine his citizenship. And a
Filipino citizens. mere claim of citizenship cannot operate to divest the
• After investigation, the Board of Special Inquiry Board of its jurisdiction in deportation proceedings
rendered a decision dated July 6, 1961, admitting (Miranda vs. Deportation Board). However, this rule
William Gatchalian and his companions as Filipino admits an exception, at least insofar as deportation is
citizens. concerned. When evidence submitted by a
• On July 6, 1962, the new Board of Commissioners, respondent is conclusive of his citizenship, the right to
after a review motu proprio of the proceedings had in immediate review should also be recognized and the
the Board of Special Inquiry, reversed the decision of courts should promptly enjoin the deportation
the latter and ordered the exclusion of, among proceedings. If he is a citizen and evidence thereof is
others, respondent Gatchalian. A warrant of exlusion satisfactory, there is no justice in allowing the
was issued on the same date. deportation proceedings to continue. (Chua Hiong vs.
• Sometime in 1973, respondent Gatchalian, as well as Deportation Board).
the others covered by the July 6, 1962 warrant of Propriety of remand to the RTC
exclusion, filed a motion for re-hearing with the Board • Petitioners argue that the case should be remanded
of Special Inquiry. to the RTC to determine his citizenship, but the SC
• On March 15, 1973, Acting Commissioner Nituda decided otherwise.
issued an order reaffirming the July 6, 1961 decision • The SC deem it proper to decide the case at this
of the Board of Special Inquiry thereby admitting instance. And this course of action is not without
respondent Gatchalian as a Filipino citizen and precedent for "it is a cherished rule of procedure for
recalled the warrant of arrest issued against him this Court to always strive to settle the entire
• On June 7, 1990, the acting director of the NBI wrote controversy in a single proceeding leaving no root or
the Secretary of Justice recommending that branch to bear the seeds of future litigation.
respondent Gatchalian along with the other Citizenship
applicants covered by the warrant of exclusion dated Petitioners argue that Gatchalian’s alienage has been
July 6, 1962 be charged with violation of the settled by the SC in Arocha and Vivo cases, but the majority
Immigration Act. disagrees. The SC did not squarely pass on the any question of
• In response, Gatchalian filed a petition for certiorari citizentship, much less that of William who was not a party in
and prohibition with the RTC presided by public the said cases.
respondent Dela Rosa. • Neither can it be argued that the Board of
o The Board filed a MTD, which the RTC Commissioners' decision (dated July 6, 1962) finding
denied. Hence, this petition with the SC. respondent's claim to Philippine citizenship not
• Petitioners argue that: 1) the RTC has no jurisdiction satisfactorily proved, constitute res judicata. For one
over the subject matter of the case, appellate thing, said decision did not make any categorical
jurisdiction being vested with the CA; 2) assuming the statement that respondent Gatchalian is a Chinese.
RTC has jurisdiction, it acted with GAD in preempting Secondly, the doctrine of res judicata does not apply
their exercise of authority and jurisdiction to hear and to questions of citizenship (Labo vs. Commission on
determine the deportation case Elections)
• Gatchalian argues the following: 1) petitioners have • In order that the doctrine of res judicata may be
no jurisdiction to proceed with the deportation case applied in cases of citizenship, the following must be
until the courts shall have finally resolved the question present: 1) a person's citizenship must be raised as a
of his citizenship; 2) the grounds for which he is material issue in a controversy where said person is a
sought to be deported has prescribed. party; 2) the Solicitor General or his authorized
representative took active part in the resolution
ISSUE: WON Gatchalian is a Filipino citizen? Yes. thereof, and 3) the finding or citizenship is affirmed by
this Court.
RATIO: • a warrant of arrest issued by the Commissioner of
Jurisdiction Immigration, to be valid, must be for the sole purpose
• BP 129 does not provide that exclusive appellate of executing a final order of deportation. A warrant of
jurisdiction of the CA extends to all quasi-judicial arrest issued by the Commissioner of Immigration for
agencies. The quasi-judicial bodies whose decisions purposes of investigation only, as in the case at bar, is
are exclusively appealable to the Court of Appeals null and void for being unconstitutional.
are those which under the law are specifically • There should be no question that Santiago
appealable to the CA. BP 129 vests the RTC with Gatchalian, grandfather of William Gatchalian, is a
concurrent jurisdiction to issue writs of certiorari, Filipino citizen. As a matter of fact, in the very order of
prohibition, etc. the BOC of July 6, 1962, which reversed the July 6,
• It is true that the Bureau of Immigration has the 1961 BSI order, it is an accepted fact that Santiago
exclusive authority to try and hear cases against an Gatchalian is a Filipino
B2017 TIMELESS REVIEWERS | PRIL 6 | Prof. Nicky Ty |11
o In the sworn statement of Santiago • In Miciano vs. Brimo, this Court held that in the
Gatchalian before the Philippine Consul in absence of evidence to the contrary, foreign laws on a
Hongkong, he reiterated his status as a particular subject are presumed to be the same as
Philippine citizen being the illegitimate child those of the Philippines. In the case at bar, there
of Pablo Pacheco and Marciana Gatchalian, being no proof of Chinese law relating to marriage,
the latter being a Filipino; that he was born there arises the presumption that it is the same as
in Manila on July 25, 1905; and that he was that of Philippine law.
issued Philippine Passport on November 18, • The lack of proof of Chinese law on the matter cannot
1960 by the Department of Foreign Affairs in be blamed on Santiago Gatchalian much more on
Manila. In his affidavit of January 23, 1961, respondent William Gatchalian who was then a
Santiago reiterated his claim of Philippine twelve-year old minor. The fact is, as records indicate,
citizenship as a consequence of his petition Santiago was not pressed by the Citizenship
for cancellation of his alien registry which Investigation Board to prove the laws of China
was granted on February 18, 1960 in C.E.B.; relating to marriage.
and that on July 20, 1960, he was recognized • Neither was Francisco Gatchalian's testimony
by the Bureau of Immigration as a Filipino subjected to the same scrutiny by the Board of
and was issued Certificate No. 1-2123 Special Inquiry.
Important PRIL issue: • Nevertheless, the testimonies of Santiago Gatchalian
• Petitioners, on the other hand, claim that respondent and Francisco Gatchalian before the Philippine
is an alien. In support of their position, petitioners consular and immigration authorities regarding their
point out that Santiago Gatchalian's marriage with marriages, birth and relationship to each other are not
Chu Gim Tee in China as well as the marriage of self-serving but are admissible in evidence as
Francisco (father of William) Gatchalian to Ong Chiu statements or declarations regarding family
Kiok, likewise in China, were not supported by any reputation or tradition in matters of pedigree (Sec. 34,
evidence other than their own self-serving testimony Rule 130).
nor was there any showing what the laws of China • Furtheremore, this salutary rule of evidence finds
were. It is the postulate advanced by petitioners that support in substantive law.
for the said marriages to be valid in this country, it • Philippine law, following the lex loci celebrationis,
should have been shown that they were valid by the adheres to the rule that a marriage formally valid
laws of China wherein the same were contracted. where celebrated is valid everywhere. Referring to
There being none, petitioners conclude that the marriages contracted abroad, (now Art. 26 of the
aforesaid marriages cannot be considered valid. Family Code) provides that "(a)ll marriages performed
Hence, Santiago's children, including Francisco, outside of the Philippines in accordance with the laws
followed the citizenship of their mother, having been in force in the country where they were performed,
born outside of a valid marriage. Similarly, the validity and valid there as such, shall also be valid in this
of the Francisco's marriage not having been country . . ."
demonstrated, William and Johnson followed the • And any doubt as to the validity of the matrimonial
citizenship of their mother, a Chinese national. unity and the extent as to how far the validity of such
• Since his admission as a Filipino citizen in 1961, marriage may be extended to the consequences of
respondent William Gatchalian has continuously the coverture is answered by Art. 220 of the Civil
resided in the Philippines. He married Ting Dee Hua Code in this manner: "In case of doubt, all
on July 1, 1973 with whom he has (4) minor children. presumptions favor the solidarity of the family.
The marriage contract shows that said respondent is a Thus, every intendment of law or facts leans toward
Filipino. He holds passports and earlier passports as a the validity of marriage, the indissolubility of the
Filipino He is a registered voter of Valenzuela, Metro marriage bonds, the legitimacy of children, the
Manila where he has long resided and exercised his community of property during marriage, the authority
right of suffrage. He engaged in business in the of parents over their children, and the validity of
Philippines since 1973 and is the director/officer of defense for any member of the family in case of
the International Polymer Corp. and Ropeman unlawful aggression." Bearing in mind the
International Corp. as a Filipino. He is a taxpayer. "processual presumption" enunciated inMiciano and
Respondent claims that the companies he runs and in other cases, he who asserts that the marriage is not
which he has a controlling investment provides valid under our law bears the burden of proof to
livelihood to 4,000 employees and approximately present the foreign law.
25,000 dependents. He continuously enjoyed the • Having declared the assailed marriages as valid,
status of Filipino citizenship and discharged his respondent William Gatchalian follows the citizenship
responsibility as such until petitioners initiated the of his father Francisco, a Filipino, as a legitimate child
deportation proceedings against him. of the latter. Francisco, in turn is likewise a Filipino
being the legitimate child of Santiago Gatchalian who
B2017 TIMELESS REVIEWERS | PRIL 6 | Prof. Nicky Ty |12
(the latter) is admittedly a Filipino citizen whose a valid foreign marriage must prove not
Philippine citizenship was recognized by the Bureau only the foreign law on marriage and
of Immigration in an order dated July 12, 1960. the fact of compliance with the
• William Gatchalian belongs to the class of Filipino requisites of such law, but also the
citizens contemplated under Sec. 1, Article IV of the fact of the marriage itself.
Constitution, which provides:Sec. 1. The following are c. In the instant case, there was absolutely no
citizens of the Philippines:(1) Those who are citizens of proof other than Santiago's bare assertion
the Philippines at the time of the adoption of this that a marriage ceremony between Santiago
Constitution. and Chua Gim Tee had taken place in China
in accordance with Chinese law. The
Dissenting Opinion of J. Felicano: contents of the relevant Chinese law on
The claim of William Gatchalian to Philippine citizenship marriage at the time of the supposed
rests upon three (3) premises, to wit: marriage, was similarly not shown. Should it
a. that Santiago Gatchalian was a Philippine citizen; be assumed simply that the requirements of
b. the supposed filiation of Francisco Gatchalian as a the 1926 Chinese law on marriage are
legitimate son of Santiago Gatchalian, which leads to the identical with the requirements of the
intermediate conclusion that Francisco was a Philippine citizen; Philippine law on marriage, it must be
and pointed out that neither Santiago nor
c. the supposed filiation of William Gatchalian as a Francisco Gatchalian submitted proof
legitimate son of Francisco Gatchalian leading to the final that any of the requirements of a
conclusion that William Gatchalian is a Philippine citizen valid marriage under Philippine law
had been complied with.
1. the Supposed Philippine citizenship of Santiago: d. The reliance in the majority opinion upon our
a. the basic claim of Santiago was that his conflicts rule on marriage embodied in
mother Maricana Gatchalian was a Philippine Article 71 of the Civil Code (now Article 26 of
citizen and she was not lawfully married to the Family Code; then Section 19 of Act No.
Pablo Pacheco. Consequently, Santiago was 3630) is unwarranted. The rule that a foreign
an illegitimate son of Marciana. marriage valid in accordance with the law of
b. The Order granting the cancellation of the place where it was performed shall be
Santiago’s ACR failed to give any weight to valid also in the Philippines, cannot begin to
the presumption in law in favor of marriage, operate until after the marriage performed
a presumption significantly reinforced by the abroad and its compliane with the
parental consent given by Maxima requirements for validity under the marriage
Gatchalian to the marriage of her daughter law of the place where performed, are first
Marciana Gatchalian to one Pablo C. shown as factual matters. There is, in other
Pacheco. A related presumption is that in words, no factual basis for a presumption
favor of the legitimacy of offspring born of a that a lawful marriage under Chinese law had
man and woman comporting themselves as taken place in 1926 in China between
husband and wife. Santiago Gatchalian and Chua Gim Tee.
2. The claim that Francisco was the legitimate son of 3. The supposed filiation of William as legitimate son of
Santiago, therefore followed the Philippine citizenship Francisco, which resulted in William’s following the
of Santiago. This premise as in fact two (2) parts: (a) citizenship of Francisco:
the physical filiation of Francisco Gatchalian as the a. Here again, just in the case of Francisco,
son of Santiago Gatchalian; and (b) that Santiago there is complete absence of documentary
Gatchalian was lawfully married to the Chinese evidence of the supposed filiation of William
mother of Francisco Gatchalian. as a legitimate son of Francisco. The only
a. Santiago Gatchalian claimed to have been support presented consisted of merely oral
married in China in 1926 to a Chinese statements of Santiago, Francisco and
woman, Chua Gim Tee, out of which William.
marriage Francisco was allegedly born. No
documentary proof of such marriage in
China, whether primary or secondary, was Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co. v. Guerrero
ever submitted. Neither was there ever Petitioners: Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co. and/or
presented any proof of the contents of the Chemical Bank (the Bank)
Chinese law on marriage in 1926 and of Respondent: Rafael Ma. Guerrero
compliance with its requirements. Topic: Proof of Foreign Law
b. It is firmly settled in our jurisdiction that he Foreign Element/s: The bank account is governed by New
who asserts and relies upon the existence of York law per stipulation.
B2017 TIMELESS REVIEWERS | PRIL 6 | Prof. Nicky Ty |13
summary judgment in its favour) that would
Brief Facts: Guerrero filed a complaint for damages against prove the lack of genuine issue between the
the Bank. The Bank answered that by stipulation New York law parties. The Bank must still comply with the
governs the bank account and New York law does not permit procedure to prove foreign law.
Guerrero’s claims except actual damages. The Bank moved for
Partial Summary Judgment contending that the trial should be ISSUES/RATIO
limited to the issue of actual damages. An affidavit of a New 1. W/N Summary Judgment is proper – NO
York attorney, authenticated by the Philippine Consular Office, a. The parties’ pleadings show that there are
supported the Motion. RTC denied the Motion and CA genuine issues of fact that necessitate formal
sustained the denial. SC affirmed. trial. Facts are asserted in Guerrero’s complaint
while specific denials and affirmative defences
Doctrine: There can be no summary judgment where are set out in the Bank’s answer.
questions of fact are in issue or where material allegations of b. The Bank’s motion for partial summary judgment
the pleadings are in dispute. The resolution of whether a as supported by the affidavit does not
foreign law allows only the recovery of actual damages is a demonstrate that Guerrero’s claims are sham,
question of fact since foreign laws do not prove themselves in fictitious, or contrived. On the contrary, the
our courts. Foreign laws are not a matter of judicial notice. Like affidavit shows that the facts and material
any other fact, they must be alleged and proven. allegation as pleaded by the parties are disputed
and there are substantial triable issues
FACTS necessitating a formal trial.
• Guerrero filed a complaint for damages against the c. There can be no summary judgment where
Bank seeking payment of damages allegedly for (1) questions of fact are in issue or where material
illegally withheld taxes charged against interests on allegations of the pleadings are in dispute. The
his checking account with the Bank; (2) a returned resolution of whether a foreign law allows only
check worth $18,000 due to signature verification the recovery of actual damages is a question of
problems; and (3) unauthorized conversion of his fact since foreign laws do not prove themselves
account. in our courts. Foreign laws are not a matter of
• The Bank filed its Answer alleging, inter alia, that by judicial notice. Like any other fact, they must be
stipulation Guerrero’s account is governed by New alleged and proven. The conflicting allegations
York law and this law does not permit any of as to whether New York law or Philippine law
Guerrero’s claims except actual damages. applies to Guerrero’s claims present a clear
• The Bank filed a Motion for Partial Summary dispute on material allegations which can be
Judgment seeking the dismissal of Guerrero’s claims resolved only by a trial on the merits.
for consequential, nominal, temperate, moral,
exemplary damages, and attorney’s fees, and 2. W/N the affidavit may be used to prove that New York law
contending that the trial should be limited to the bars the claims for damages other than actual – NO
issue of actual damages. a. Under Rule 132, Section 24, the record of public
o The affidavit of Alyssa Walden, a New York documents of a sovereign authority or tribunal
attorney, supported the Motion. It stated may be proved by (1) an official publication
that Guerrero’s New York bank account thereof or (2) a copy attested by the officer
stipulated that the governing law is New having the legal custody thereof. It must be
York law and that this law bars all of accompanied, if the record is not kept in the
Guerrero’s claims except actual damages. Philippines, with a certificate that the attesting
The Philippine Consular Office in New York officer has the legal custody thereof. The
authenticated the affidavit. certificate may be issued by any of the authorized
o Guerrero opposed the motion. Philippine embassy or consular officials stationed
• RTC Manila denied the Motion for Partial Summary in the foreign country in which the record is kept,
Judgment. and authenticated by the seal of his office. The
• CA sustained the RTC and ruled that the affidavit attestation must state, in substance, that the
does not serve as proof of the New York law and copy is a correct copy of the original, or a specific
jurisprudence. It considered the New York law and part thereof, and must be under the official seal
jurisprudence as public documents (Rule 132, Section of the attesting officer.
19), and must be proved following the procedure in b. The Bank cannot rely on the exception in
Rule 132, Section 24. Willamette Iron v. Muzzal or CIR v. Fisher. These
o CA clarified that the affidavit is not the cases involved attorneys testifying in open court
supporting affidavit referred to in (old) Rule during trial in the Philippines and quoting the
34, Section 2 (which would allow the Bank to particular foreign laws sought to be established.
move with the supporting affidavit for partial On the other hand, the affidavit in this case was
B2017 TIMELESS REVIEWERS | PRIL 6 | Prof. Nicky Ty |14
taken abroad ex parte and the affiant never truck owned by AAOC, driven by one of its employees.
testified in open court. It cannot be considered This took place in Saudi Arabia. Walton was there
as proof of New York law not only because it is temporarily.
self-serving but also because it does not state the 2. AAOC was incorporated in Delaware, licensed to do
specific New York law on damages. business in New York, and engaged in extensive business
c. The affidavit states conclusions from the affiant’s activities in Saudi Arabia.
personal interpretation and opinion of the facts 3. Walton's complaint did not allege pertinent Saudi Arabian
of the case vis-à-vis the alleged laws and law, nor did he prove or offer to prove it in at the trial.
jurisprudence without citing any law in particular. 4. But under well-established NY decisions, AAOC was
The citations of various US decisions do not negligent and therefore liable.
constitute proof of the official records or 5. The trial judge, saying he would not take judicial notice of
decisions of the US courts. The attached copies Saudi Arabian law, ruled in favor of AAOC.
of the US court decisions do not comply with
Rule 132, Section 24 on proof of official records ISSUE: Should the judge have taken judicial notice of Saudi
or decisions of foreign courts. The Bank has only Arabian law? (NO)
alleged, but has not proved, what New York law
and jurisprudence are on the matters at issue.
3. W/N Guerrero failed to show the need for a trial on his − In NY decisions, the substantive law applicable to an
claims – NO alleged tort is the law of the place where the alleged tort
a. Rule 35, Section 3 of the old Rules did not make occurred. To hold otherwise would be to interfere with the
the submission of an opposing affidavit authority of the foreign sovereign.
mandatory: “x x x The adverse party prior to the − Where suit is brought in an American court by an
day of hearing may serve opposing affidavits. x x American plaintiff against an American defendant,
x” complaining of alleged tortious conduct by the defendant
b. The Bank had the burden of proving New York in a foreign country, and that conduct is tortious according
law and jurisprudence even if Guerrero did not to the rules of the forum, the court, in some
present an opposing affidavit. As the party circumstances, should apply the forum's tort rules.
moving for summary judgment, the Bank has the − “Mechanical jurisprudence” - the invariable reference to
burden of clearly demonstrating the absence of the law of the place where the alleged tort happened
any genuine issue of fact and that any doubt as − A court, particularly with reference to torts, where conduct
to the existence of such issue is resolved against in reliance on precedents is ordinarily absent, should not
the movant. perpetuate a doctrine which, upon re-examination, shows
c. Guerrero need not file an opposing affidavit up as unwise and unjust.
because his complaint itself controverts the − The general federal rule is that the law of a foreign country
matters set forth in the Bank’s motion and is a fact which must be proved. However, under Federal
affidavit. A party should not be made to deny Rules of Civ Pro, a federal court must receive evidence if it
matters already averred in his complaint. is admissible according to the rules of evidence of the
state in which the court sits.
− But where comprehension of foreign law is, to say the
Walton v. Arabian American Oil Company – Frank, Circuit least, not easy, then according to the “somewhat narrow
Judge interpretation” of the NY statute by the NY courts, a court
Petitioner: Leo Walton "abuses" its discretion under that statute perhaps if it
Respondent: Arabian American Oil Company takes judicial notice of foreign "law" when it is not
Concept: Proof of foreign law pleaded,and surely does so unless the party, who would
Digest by Kat otherwise have had the burden of proving that "law," has
in some way adequately assisted the court in judicially
Brief Facts: Walton, an American citizen, was injured in Saudi learning it.
Arabia, where he was a transient. He sued Arabian American − Walton: The case involves rudimentary tort principles that
Oil Company in America but did not allege Saudi law in his the judge should have presumed that these were
complaint or prove it during trial. TC ruled against him. recognized in Saudi Arabia.
− Court: In countries where the common law does
Doctrine: The burden was on Walton to allege and prove not prevail, our doctrines relative to negligence, and
Saudi law, not on AAOC. to a master's liability for his servant's acts, may well
not exist or be vastly different. Walton had the
FACTS: burden to prove Saudi Arabian law.
1. Walton, a citizen and resident of Arkansas was seriously − This conclusion seems unjust (parties are Americans,
injured when an automobile he was driving collided with a Walton was only a transient, AAOC has extensive
B2017 TIMELESS REVIEWERS | PRIL 6 | Prof. Nicky Ty |15
operations in Saudi and is in a far better position to attempting to sell tractors for the Franam
find out about the law there) but under the NY Corporation.
decisions, Walton has the burden, which he did not 2. Prior to the trip in Europe, Gledhill had corresponded
discharge. with the plaintiff with reference to an investment in
− Walton: Saudi has no law or legal system and no courts, the Franam Corporation. Their correspondence
only a dictatorial monarch. It's basically “uncivilized”. The resulted in the Leary purchasing $1,000 worth of stock
lex loci does not apply "where a tort is committed in an when the Gledhill went to see him in Germany.
uncivilized country" or in one "having no law that civilized 3. Gledhill had left the United States with $500 in his
countries would recognize as adequate." possession and after arriving in Europe had been in
− If such were the case, the NY courts should apply the constant need of money to meet his expenses. In
substantive law of the country which is most closely 1949, Leary visited Gledhill in Paris where Leary was
connected with the parties and their conduct, which would told that that Gledhill needed about $4,000 and that
be American law, but Walton has not offered any data he could raise about $2,000 by selling his Cadillac car.
showing that Saudi is “uncivilized”. Gledhill asked Leary to help him, but there was no
− At the pre-trial hearings, the question of proving Saudi law mention about selling to Leary the shares of stock.
was discussed. When the case came on for trial, Judge 4. After returning to his base in Germany, Leary mailed a
Bicks said that Walton had the burden of proving foreign check payable to the Gledhill's order for $1,500
law. When Walton's counsel said he was not prepared, without indicating on the check or in the
Judge Bicks proposed to adjourn long enough to allow accompanying letter what the money was for. Gledhill
Walton to prepare such proof. endorsed the check and converted it into traveller’s
− When the hearing resumed, Walton's counsel did not wish check.
to prove the foreign law and wanted no adjournment. He 5. Parties did not see each other again. Leary had made
chose to rely on the applicability of the NY law. many attempts to see Gledhill after they both had
− Since Walton deliberately refrained from establishing an returned to the US, seeking him at his home and
essential element of his case, the complaint was properly calling him on the telephone at various times, but
dismissed. always without success.
− It is inappropriate to remand the case for Walton to have a 6. The plaintiff instituted this suit against the defendant
chance because he already had ample opportunity to on two counts, the first for $1,000 and the second for
prove Saudi law. $1,500. The first count was voluntarily dismissed.
a. At the trial the plaintiff testified that the
DISPOSITIVE: Affirmed. check for $1,500 was a personal loan to the
defendant but this the defendant denied,
contending that he had never borrowed any
LEARY v. GLEDHILL - Vanderbilt, C.J. (Supreme Court of New money from the plaintiff.
Jersey) b. Gledhill moved to dismiss on the ground
Appellant: Thomas Leary that the plaintiff's proofs were insufficient,
Respondents: William Gledhill there being no promise to repay, no
demand for repayment, and no pleading or
Brief Facts: Leary and Gledhill are US citizens. While in proof of the law of France where the
France, Gledhill told Leary that he needed money. After transaction occurred. This motion was
returning to his base in Germany, Leary mailed a check denied.
payable to the Gledhill's order without indicating the purpose 7. TC held that it would not take judicial notice of the
of the money. Gledhill never paid Leary. TC ruled in favor of law of France. Hence, trial proceeded, first, on the
Leary. presumption that the law involving loans is the same
there as in other civilized countries, and, secondly, on
Doctrine: Courts do not dismiss an action for a failure to the ground that the issue with respect to the law of
plead and prove the applicable foreign law as they would have France had not been set forth in the pretrial order.
dismissed it for a failure to prove other material facts necessary The jury returned a verdict in favor of the plaintiff in
to establish a cause of action. It was deemed an issue of fact to the sum of $1,500, and from the judgment entered
be pleaded and proved as other material facts had to be. thereon the defendant took this appeal.

1. Leary and Gledhill were friends who had become 1. WON the rules of law for a foreign country must be
acquainted while in the military service. They met in pleaded and proved as facts along with the other
1943. They corresponded but did not meet again until elements of a cause of action to enable a Leary to recover
1948, when the defendant visited the plaintiff in against the Gledhill? Yes.
Germany where he was stationed. Gledhill was no
longer in the military service but was in Europe
B2017 TIMELESS REVIEWERS | PRIL 6 | Prof. Nicky Ty |16
2. WON the rules of law of a foreign country are a question prove the foreign law acquiesce in the application of the law of
of fact to be determined by the jury? No. It is to be the forum as the only law before the court.
determined by the court. In the instant case the transaction occurred in France. New
Jersey Courts may properly take judicial knowledge that
RATIO: France is not a common law, but rather a civil jurisdiction. It
1. Under the common law of England as adopted in this would, therefore, be inappropriate and indeed contrary to
country this common law rule had two great disadvantages; it elementary knowledge to presume that the principles of the
made every jury pass on questions of law quite beyond its common law prevail there. This does not mean, however, that
competence and the decision of the jury as to the foreign law the plaintiff must fail in his cause of action because of the
was unappealable at common law as were its findings on all absence of any proof at the trial as to the applicable law of
questions of fact. France. In these circumstances any one of the other three
Courts do not dismiss an action for a failure to plead and presumptions may be indulged in5.
prove the applicable foreign law as they would have dismissed The court below based its decision upon the presumption
it for a failure to prove other material facts necessary to that the law of France in common with that of other civilized
establish a cause of action. It was deemed an issue of fact to countries recognizes a liability to make repayment under the
be pleaded and proved as other material facts had to be. facts here present, and its decision is not without substantial
Accordingly, the courts frequently indulged in one or another merit in reason and support in the authorities. The utilization of
of several presumptions: this presumption has decided limitations, however, for in many
a. that the common law prevails in the foreign jurisdiction; cases it would be difficult to determine whether or not the
b. that the law of the foreign jurisdiction is the same as the law question presented was of such a fundamental nature as
of the forum, be it common law or statute; reasonably to warrant the assumption that it would be similarly
c. that certain fundamental principles of the law exist in all treated by the laws of all civilized countries. The
civilized countries. presumption that in the absence of proof the parties acquiesce
d. As a fourth alternative, instead of indulging in any in the application of the law of the forum, be it statutory law or
presumption as to the law of the foreign jurisdiction, the courts common law, does not present any such difficulties for it may
would merely apply the law of the forum as the only law before be universally applied regardless of the nature of the
the court on the assumption that by failing to prove the foreign controversy. In the instant case, the rights of the parties are to
law the parties acquiesce in having their controversy be determined by the law of New Jersey which unquestionably
determined by reference to the law of the forum, be it permits recovery on the facts proven.
statutory or common law. In certain cases, there might be present factors which
By the application of these various presumptions the courts would make it unreasonable for the court to indulge in any
have in effect treated the common law rule that foreign law presumption and where the court in the exercise of its sound
could not be noticed but must be pleaded and proved as if it discretion might require proof of applicable foreign law to be
were a matter of fact merely as a permissive rule whereby laid before the court, but such is certainly not the situation
either party could, if it were to his advantage, plead and prove here. The defendant is in no way prejudiced by the application
the foreign law. Thus the failure to plead and prove the foreign of the law of this State. If he had desired to raise an issue as to
law has not generally been considered as fatal. the foreign law, he might have done so in his answer or at the
In New Jersey, in the absence of proof as to the applicable pretrial conference or, with permission of the court, at the trial
foreign law, the courts have frequently applied the itself, and himself have introduced proof as to the law of
presumption that the common law exists in the foreign France.
jurisdiction. The presumption as to the existence of the
common law in a foreign jurisdiction is equally applicable in 2. This contention is without merit here, for in all cases in which
cases involving other common law countries such as England in the court, in the absence of proof, indulges in a presumption
the absence of proof to the contrary. as to the applicable foreign law the question is perforce one
While the application of the presumption that the common for the court rather than for the jury.
law exists in the foreign jurisdiction works well in many cases, it
does not produce sound results in a case where the common DISPOSITIVE: Petition is denied.
law on the subject involved has been substantially changed by Digest by: Kiko del Valle
statute here and in the foreign state. If a case involved the
capacity of a married woman to contract or to hold and convey
property, resort to the common law to decide the case might B. Judicial Notice and Foreign Law
well result in a decision contrary to long established statutory
enactments here and in the foreign jurisdiction altering the !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
common law rule. In a proper case, consideration might well , i.e., that the law of France is the same as the law of the forum;
be given to rejecting it in favor of the presumption that the that the law of France, like all civilized countries, recognizes certain
fundamental principles, as, e.g., that the taking of a loan creates an
foreign law is the same as the law of the forum, be it statutory
obligation upon the borrower to make repayment; that the parties by
or common law, or even more preferable, in favor of the
failing to prove the law of France have acquiesced in having their
presumption that the parties by their failure to plead and dispute determined by the law of the forum.
B2017 TIMELESS REVIEWERS | PRIL 6 | Prof. Nicky Ty |17
o Nellie partly studied in Hong Kong and
In the matter of the petition of Yee Bo Mann for Philippine partyl in Cebu (St. Theresa’s College, private
citizenship (1949) – Reyes, J. school)
Petitioner: Yee Bo Mann o Philip studied in a public school in Cebu
Oppositor: Republic of the Philippines • In his petition for naturalization, he stated that he
wanted to become a Filipino citizen because “I have
Brief facts: Yee Bo Mann was born in China of Chinese been here so long, I was educated here, I have so
parents, but resided and had his family in Cebu, Philippines. many Filipino friends and I love them and they love
He studied, worked, and had his business in the Philippines. me too. Also, he has decided to spend the rest of his
Also, his children who are still in secondary education are life in the Philippines.
enrolled in schools located in Cebu. When asked why he • CFI granted his petition.
wanted to become a Filipino citizen, he said that he already • Government filed an appeal raising the following
stayed in the country for so long, had many Filipino friends arguments:
who he loves and love him back. CFI granted his petition but o Petitioner has failed to declare his intention
an appeal was filed by the Government on the allegation that to become a Filipino citizen one year before
he has failed to declare his intention to become Filipino citizen the filing of his petition
one year before is filing of petition. Also, the Government o Failure to prove at the trial that the laws of
raised the argument that petitioner has failed to prove at the China permit Filipinos to naturalize in that
trial that the laws of China permit Filipinos to naturalize in that country
country. The SC granted his petition, his case falling under the
exception from the one year requirement stated above – this is Issue: WON petitioner shall be naturalized (Yes)
because Yee Bo Mann’s children are enrilled in Philippine
schools. Also, admitted in evidence is a copy of the Chinese Ratio: Case at bar falls under the exception from the
Naturalization law as certified by the proper consulate. requirement stated in Sec. 5 Revised Naturalization Law
• General rule: Sec. 5 – requires an applicant for
Doctrine: Applicants for naturalization who have resided naturalization to declare his intention to become a
continuously in the Philippines for 30 years or more before the Filipino citizen one year before the application
filing of their petition are exempted from the requirement to • Exception: Sec. 6
declare their intention to become Filipino citizens one year o Those who have resided continuously in the
before the applcation, provided that they have given primary Philippines for 30 years or more before the
and secondary education to all their children in the public filing of their application, provided that the
schools or in private schools recognized by the Government applicant has given primary and secondary
and not limited to any race or nationality. education to all his children in the public
schools or in private schools recognized by
Foreign elements: the Government and not limited to any race
• Born in China or nationality
• With Chinese parents who had become naturalized o SC explained, as already stated in Rafael Roa
US citizens Yrostorza vs RP, that not both primary and
• Married to an Amerizan citizen born in Hawaii secondary edication by all children are
• Daughter partly studied in Hong Kong and partly in required; enrollment in the proper school is
Cebu sufficient compliance already.
• Chinese naturalization law o The case at bar comes within the same
ruling, since his children are actually studying
Facts: in school albeit they have not yet finished
• Yee Bo Mann secondary education.
o Born in China with Chinese parents, who • Also, petitioner has presented in evidence a
became naturalized US citizens translation of the Chinese naturalization law certified
• Immigrated to the Philippines in 1915 and resided in to be correct by the Chinese Consulate General in
Cebu since then. In Cebu, Yee Bo Man attended Manila. Also, the SC has already accepted it as a fact
school, finished commerce, worked as a public in previous naturalization cases that the laws of China
accountant and is a general merchant and purchasing permit Filipinos to naturalize in that country.
agent. Also, he speaks and writes in English and in the
Visayan dialect. He was never charged with a crime Disposition: Appealed decision is affirmed.
involving moral turpitude
• He then married Helen Leu, an American citizen. They
had two children, Nellie and Philip. Delgado v. Republic
Appellee: Luis Delgado
Appellant: Republic of the Philippines
B2017 TIMELESS REVIEWERS | PRIL 6 | Prof. Nicky Ty |18
Topic: Judicial Notice and Foreign Law ISSUE:
WON the Testimonial of the Consul-General of Spain is
Brief facts: A Spanish citizen Delgado who has resided in the competent evidence as proof of foreign legislation (YES)
PH for more than 10 years was admitted to PH citizenship by
CFI Iloilo. The Government appeals saying that the evidence RATIO:
presented by Delgado was not competent proof of foreign YES. SC has taken cognizance of Spanish Law, the
legislation. Spanish Civil Code and allied legislation. Looking
into the statutes indicated, the Court finds that the
Doctrine: Since SC has taken cognizance of Spanish law, provisions of the Decrees quoted are exactly as
Spanish Civil Code and allied legislation, they only determined transcribed in the certificate.
WON the quoted provisions are the same as was written in the - First contention cannot be sustained since it was not
testimonial given by the Spanish consul. When SC determined raised in the trial court and it is not shown how the non-
they were the same, the SC held that the testimonial was publication prejudiced the Government
competent evidence. - To prove that according to Spanish laws Filipinos may
become Spanish citizens, Delgado submitted a Certificate of
FACTS: the Consul-General of Spain in Manila which states that under
1. Luis Gutierrez Delgado (Spaniard), residing in PH since the laws of Spain he has the authority to accomplish
1927 was admitted to PH citizenship by Judge Tacinco (Iloilo certifications as to Spanish legislation and that;
CFI) by proper application - According to Spanish legislation and Arts. 17 & 25 of the
2. This case is the appeal of the Government Spanish Civil Code, Arts. 102 & 110 of the Civil Registration Act
3. At the hearing of application, the fiscal objected because decree of April 19, 1931 and order of March 9, 1939, there are
Delgado had not submitted his "Declaration of Intention" one two means of acquiring Spanish citizenship:
year before and failed to demonstrate that the Spanish laws - a: Obtaining naturalization
permit the naturalization of PH citizens - b: By winning (obtaining) a permanent neighborhood
4. CFI overruled the objection and made findings that: (residence) in any town in the Kingdom of Spain. This acts as a
a. Delgado came from Azules, Spain where he was born in direct government grant, without limitation of time and special
1908 and arrived in Manila in Oct 12, 1927 via the 'Blas de conditions
Lezo'. - The acquisition of nationality by (b) provides that:
b. Delgado settled in Visayas Islands became a clerk in a 1. A foreigner wins/ obtains a neighborhood (residence) by
hacienda in Negros, then a mechanic for the newsprint 'La the declaration and justification of the neighborhood where
Editorial' in Iloilo City and later on as manager of the 'National the applicant established his residence as provided for under
Press' Art. 17 of the Spanish Civil Code according to the rules and
c. Ten years later, in Oct 1937, Delgado married Paz conditions set out in the April 19, 1931 decree.
Gonzales and had 3 children: Maria, Carmen and Jose Luis (the 2. A foreigner who has resided for ten years in Spanish
first two are studying at Colegio de la Asuncion in Iloilo City) territory is considered to have won a neighborhood (residence)
d. For 21 years of staying in the PH, Delgado only went in Spain which may be attested to by any means set forth in
abroad once in March 1947 on a business trip to Spain and law.
returned 2 months after 3. Foreigners who have resided for more than 5 years in
e. Delgado speaks and writes Castillian, English and Illongo Spain are also considered to have won a neighborhood if he
and conducted himself beyond reproach in his entire time of meets these additional conditions:
residence in the country. - a. married a Spanish woman
f. that Delgado is willing to absolutely give up his fidelity to - b. introduced or developed in Spain an industry or
any country especially Spain an invention of importance not previously implemented
g. Delgado is not practicing polygamy, nor affiliated in any - c. owns or is a director of any agricultural, industrial
association that inculcates doctrines contrary to Government, exploitation or commercial establishment
nor advocates violence, nor was convicted of a crime involving - d. has provided distinguished services to Spanish
moral turpitude, nor suffers from insanity or a contagious and art, culture or national economy, or has markedly favored
incurable disease. Spanish interests
h. Delgado's social relations with Filipinos shows his desire - SC found that the provisions of the decrees quoted are
to embrace the culture and ideals of the country exactly as transcribed in the Certificate, and that in accordance
i. Delgado is a member of the Spanish Casino, the Rotary therewith Filipinos may become Spanish citizens
Club of Iloilo and director of YMCA
5. SolGen contends that the court has (1) no sufficient DISPOSITIVE: Appealed decision affirmed.
evidence to show that the petition for naturalization was
published in the Official Gazette as required by law; and (2) Testate Estate of Bohanan v Bohanan, et al (1960) – Labrador, J
evidence submitted by Delgado to prove Spanish Appellees: Testate Estate of Bohanan, and Philippine Trust
naturalization laws does not conform with PH rules Co.

B2017 TIMELESS REVIEWERS | PRIL 6 | Prof. Nicky Ty |19

Appellants: Magdalena C. Bohanan, Edward C. Bohanan, marriage was subsisting at the time of the death of the
and Mary Lydia Bohanan testator.
Topic: Application of Foreign Law e. Since no right to share in the inheritance in favor of a
divorced wife exists in the State of Nevada and since the
FACTS: court below had already found that there was no conjugal
1. The CFI of Manila admitted to probate a last will and property, Magdalena can have no legal claim.
testament of Bohanan. In the said order the court found 2. The two children were not deprived of their
that the testator selected Nevada as his domicile, and legitime.
therefore at the time of his death, he was a citizen of that a. The old Civil Code, which is applicable to this case
State. Thus, his will and testament, executed in because the testator died in 1944, expressly provides that
accordance with the laws of the State of Nevada, must be successional rights to personal property are to be
admitted to probate. governed by the national law of the person whose
2. It does not appear that the order granting probate was succession is in question.
ever questioned. Thus the executor, Philippine Trust Co., b. In the proceedings for the probate of the will, it was found
filed a project of partition. Out of the total estate, the out and it was decided that the testator was a citizen of
testator gave his grandson P90,819.67 and one-half of all the State of Nevada because he had selected this as his
shares of stock of several mining companies, and to his domicile and his permanent residence.
brother and sister the same amount. To his children, he c. It is not disputed that the laws of Nevada allow a testator
gave a legacy of only P6,000 each. to dispose of all his properties by will. However, the law of
3. In this case, the wife Magdalena Bohanan and her two Nevada, being a foreign law, can only be proved in our
children question the validity of the testamentary courts in the form and manner provided for by our Rules.6
provisions disposing of the estate in the manner above d. We have, however, consulted the records of the case in
indicated, claiming that they have been deprived of their the court below and we have found that the foreign law in
legitime. question was introduced as evidence by appellants’
counsel. Also, the said law was presented by counsel for
ISSUES: the executor and admitted by the Court during the
1. WON Magdalena Bohanan was deprived of her legitime hearing of the case. In addition, the other appellants, the
(NO) children of the testator, do not dispute the laws of the
2. WON the two children were deprived of their legitime State of Nevada.
(NO) e. Thus, the law of Nevada can be taken judicial notice of by
us, without proof of such law having been offered at the
RATIO: hearing of the project of partition.
1. Magdalena was not deprived of her legitime.
a. The will has not given her any share in the estate. It is
argued that it was error for the TC to have recognized the Zalamea v. Court of Appeals (1993) – Nocon, J
Reno divorce secured by the testator from his Filipino Petitioner: Spouses Cesar & Suthira Zalamea and Liana
wife, and that said divorce should be declared a nullity in Zalamea
this jurisdiction. Respondents: Transworld Airlines
b. The court below refused to recognize the claim of the Concept: Judicial Notice and Foreign Law
widow on the ground that the laws of Nevada, of which Digest by: Joyce Gamonnac
the deceased was a citizen, allow him to dispose of all his
properties without requiring him to leave any portion of Doctrine:
his estate to his wife. The U.S. law or regulation allegedly authorizing overbooking
c. Besides, the right of Magdalena to a share had already has never been proved. Foreign laws do not prove themselves
been passed upon adversely against her in an order which nor can the courts take judicial notice of them. Like any other
had become final, as Magdalena does not appear to have fact, they must be alleged and proved. Written law may be
appealed therefrom. evidenced by an official publication thereof or by a copy
a. The said former wife filed a motion to withdraw attested by the officer having the legal custody of the record,
P20k from the funds of the estate, chargeable or by his deputy, and accompanied with a certificate that such
against her share in the conjugal property, and officer has custody. The certificate may be made by a secretary
the court in its said order found that there exists of an embassy or legation, consul general, consul, vice-consul,
no community property owned by the decedent
and his former wife at the time of the decree of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
divorce was issued. Sec. 41. Proof of public or official record. – An official record or
b. This decision of the court had become final. entry therein, when admissible for any purpose, may be evidenced by
an official publication thereof or by a copy attested by the officer
d. Moreover, the court below had found that the testator and
having the legal custody of the record, or by his deputy, and
Magdalena were married, and divorced 13 years after.
accompanied, if the record is not kept in the Philippines, with a
After 3 years, Magdalena married Carl Aaron, and this certificate that such officer has the custody. (Rule 123)
B2017 TIMELESS REVIEWERS | PRIL 6 | Prof. Nicky Ty |20
or consular agent or by any officer in the foreign service of the a. Foreign laws do not prove themselves nor can
Philippines stationed in the foreign country in which the record the court take judicial notice of them. Like any
is kept, and authenticated by the seal of his office. other fact, they must be alleged and proved.
b. Written law may be evidenced by an official
FACTS: publication thereof or by a copy attested by the
1. Spouses Cesar and Suthira Zalamea, and their officers having legal custody of the record, or by
daughter, Liana Zalamea, purchased three (3) airline his deputy and accompanied with a certificate
tickets from the Manila agent of respondent that such officer has custody.
TransWorld Airlines, Inc. (TWA) for a flight from New c. The certificate may be made by a secretary of an
York to Los Angeles on June 6, 1984. The tickets of embassy or legation, consul-general, consul, vice-
the spouses were purchased at a discount of 75% consul, or consular agent or by any officer in the
while that of their daughter was a full fare ticket. foreign service of the Phil. stationed in the
2. All three tickets were confirmed in Manila and re- foreign country in which the record is kept and
confirmed in New York authenticated by the seal of his office.
3. While in New York, on June 4, 1984, the spouses 3. IN THE CAB: TWA relied solely on the testimony of
Zalamea and their daughter received a notice of its customer service agent in her deposition that the
reconfirmation of their reservations for said flight. Code of Federal Regulations of the Civil Aeronautics
4. On the appointed date, however, the spouses Board allows overbooking.
Zalamea and their daughter checked in at 10:00 am, a. Aside from said statement, no official publication
an hour earlier than the scheduled flight at 11:00 am of said code was presented as evidence. Thus,
but were placed on the wait-list because all the seats the CA’s finding that overbooking is specifically
were taken. allowed by the US Code of Federal Regulations
5. Mr. Zalamea was allowed to board the plane since he has no basis in fact.
was the one holding the full fare ticket. Mrs. Zalamea b. That there was fraud or bad faith on the part of
and her daughter were constrained to purchase respondent airline when it did not allow
tickets from another airline for their trip back to petitioners to board their flight for Los Angeles in
Manila. spite of confirmed tickets cannot be disputed.
6. Upon their arrival in the Philippines, the spouses 4. Even if the claimed U.S. Code of Federal Regulations
Zalamea filed an action for damages based on breach does exist, the same is not applicable to the case at
of contract of air carriage before the RTC of Makati bar in accordance with the principle of lex loci
which rendered a decision in their favor ordering the contractus which require that the law of the place
TWA to pay the price of the tickets bought from where the airline ticket was issued should be applied
American Airlines together with moral damages and by the court where the passengers are residents and
attorney’s fees. nationals of the forum and the ticket is issued in such
7. On appeal, the CA held that moral damages are State by the defendant airline. Since the tickets were
recoverable in a damage suit predicated upon a sold and issued in the Philippines, the applicable law
breach of contract of carriage ONLY where there is in this case would be Philippine law.
fraud or bad faith. Since it is a matter of record that 5. Existing jurisprudence explicitly states that
overbooking of flights is a common and accepted overbooking amounts to bad faith, entitling the
practice of airlines in the United States and is passengers concerned to an award of moral
specifically allowed under the Code of Federal damages. Where an airline had deliberately
Regulations by the Civil Aeronautics Board, neither overbooked, it took the risk of having to deprive
fraud nor bad faith could be imputed on some passengers of their seats in case all of them
TWA. would show up for check in.
a. For the indignity and inconvenience of being
ISSUE: WON the CA erred in accepting the finding that refused a confirmed seat on the last minute, said
overbooking is specifically allowed by the US Code of Federal passenger is entitled to an award of moral
Regulations and in holding that there was no fraud or bad faith damages.
on the part of TWA? YES the CA was in error b. This is so, for a contract of carriage generates a
relation attended with public duty --- a duty to
RATIO: provide public service and convenience to its
1. There was fraud or bad faith on the part of TWA when passengers which must be paramount to self-
it did not allow Mrs. Zalamea and her daughter to interest or enrichment.
board their flight for Los Angeles in spite of 6. Even on the assumption that overbooking is allowed,
confirmed tickets. TWA is still guilty of bad faith in not informing its
2. The US law or regulation allegedly passengers beforehand that it could breach the
authorizing overbooking has never been contract of carriage even if they have confirmed
proved. tickets if there was overbooking.
B2017 TIMELESS REVIEWERS | PRIL 6 | Prof. Nicky Ty |21
7. Moreover, TWA was also guilty of not informing its requiring the presentation of what otherwise would
passengers of its alleged policy of giving less priority be the competent evidence on the point.”
to discounted tickets. − In the case at bar, no such evidence were present in
8. Evidently, TWA placed self-interest over the rights of the records and from the contentions of the parties.
the spouses Zalamea and their daughter under their
contract of carriage. Such conscious disregard make Wildvalley v. CA – Buena, J.
respondent TWA liable for moral damages. And to Petitioner: Wildvalley Shipping Co., Ltd.
deter breach of contracts by TWA in similar fashion in Respondent: Court of Appeals and Phil. President Lines Inc.
the future, the SC adjudged TWA liable for exemplary Concept: Choice of law
damages, as well. Digest by Kat

DISPOSITIVE: Brief Facts: A vessel owned by Phil. President Lines was in

WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby GRANTED and the the Orinoco River in Venezuela when it ran aground. Because
decision of the respondent Court of Appeals is hereby of that, a vessel owned by Wildvalley could not sail out.
MODIFIED to the extent of adjudging respondent TransWorld Wildvalley filed a suit with the RTC of Manila, where it won, but
Airlines to pay damages to petitioners in the following the CA reversed the judgment.
amounts, to wit:
Doctrine: Foreign laws do not prove themselves in our
jurisdiction and our courts are not authorized to take judicial
PCIB Escolin supra – RON notice of them. They must be alleged and proved according to
the Rules of Court.
PCIB v. Escolin
Petitioner: FACTS:
Respondent: 1. The Philippine Roxas, a vessel owned by Philippine
Concept: Judicial Notice and Foreign Law President Lines, arrived in Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela, to
load iron ore.
Brief Facts: 2. Upon completion and when the vessel was ready to leave
port, Ezzar del Valle Solarzano Vasquez, an official pilot of
ISSUE: Venezuela, was designated by the harbor authorities in
WON evidence of Texas Law was still needed (NO) Puerto Odaz to navigate the PR through the Orinoco River
(150 miles long, takes 12 hours to navigate out of it).
RATIO: 3. The master of the PR, Capt. Nicandro Colon, was at the
1. NO. Evidence of foreign law is not required bridge with Vasquez, the vessel's third mate (officer on
where there is no controversy among the parties watch) and a helmsman when the PR left the port at 1:40
as to its contents and application. AM. Colon left the bridge.
− The general rule is that our courts cannot take judicial 4. The PR experienced vibrations when it entered the San
notice of foreign laws. They must be proven as a fact Roque Channel but the pilot just said that the vibration
with competent and relevant evidence. was due to the shallowness of the channel.
− The exception is when “he said laws are already 5. At 4:12 AM, the vessel experienced vibrations again. The
within the actual knowledge of the court, such as watch officer called the master to the bridge.
when they are well and generally known or they have 6. Colon checked the position of the vessel; it was in the
been actually ruled upon in other cases before it and middle of the channel. He ordered Simplicio Monis, Chief
none of the parties concerned do not claim Officer of the PR, to check all the double bottom tanks.
otherwise.” 7. At 4:35 AM, the PR ran aground, obstructing the ingress
− However, in In Re Estate of Johnson, it was held that and egress of vessels. Because of that, the Malandrinon, a
even if the trial court proceeds to mistakenly take vessel owned by Wildvalley, was unable to sail out of
judicial notice of a foreign law, such cannot be Puerto Ordaz.
overturned if, in the first place, there was no fact 8. Wildvalley filed a suit with the RTC Manila against PPL and
stated in the pleadings submitted from which it would Pioneer Insurance, underwriter/insurer of the PR for
appear that the foreign law in question is different damages amounting to $400k. The complaint against
from what the court found. Pioneer was dismissed.
− “It is implicit in the above ruling that when, with 9. Wildvalley had also filed a case in Middleburg, Holland,
respect to certain aspects of the foreign laws which was related to the case in Manila, and caused the
concerned, the parties in a given case do not have arrest of the Philippine Collier, owned by the PPL. No
any controversy or are more or less in agreement, the security for Wildvalley's clam was not given until after the
Court may take it for granted for the purposes of the PC was arrested.
particular case before it that the said laws are as such 10. The RTC ruled in favor of Wildvalley. Both parties
virtual agreement indicates, without the need of appealed; Wildvalley contested the non-award of interest.
B2017 TIMELESS REVIEWERS | PRIL 6 | Prof. Nicky Ty |22
11. CA reversed the judgment. b. It must be accompanied by a certificate by a
secretary of the embassy or legation, consul
ISSUES: general, consul, vice consular or consular agent
1. Is Venezuelan law applicable to the case? (YES) or foreign service officer, and with the seal of
2. Was there negligence on the part of PPL that would warrant his office.
damages? (NO) − The latter requisite is intended to justify the giving of
full faith and credit to the genuineness of a document
RATIO: in a foreign country.
2. Foreign laws do not prove themselves in our jurisdiction − Capt. Monzon, who attested the documents, should be
and our courts are not authorized to take judicial notice of the officer who had legal custody of those records. No
them. They must be alleged and proved. such certificate could be found.
− Proving a written law falls under Rule 132, Sec. 247. An − With respect to proof of written laws, parol proof is
unwritten law may be proved through the oral objectionable. Written law itself is the best evidence –
testimony of expert witnesses, printed and published a duly authenticated copy of the statute.
books of reports of decisions of the courts of the − The Venezuelan law was not pleaded before the lower
country if proved to be commonly admitted in such court according to the complaint. A foreign law is
courts. considered to be pleaded if there is an allegation in
− The court has interpreted Sec. 24 to include the pleading about the existence of the foreign law, its
competent evidence like the testimony of a witness to import and legal consequence on the event or
prove the existence of a written foreign law. transaction in issue.
− Williamette Iron & Steel Works v. Muzzal: The foreign
law is a matter of fact. You ask the witness what the (relevant part ends here)
law is; he may, from his recollection, or on producing
and referring to books, say what it is. 3. There being no contractual obligation, PPL is obliged to
− Capt. Oscar Leon Monzon, Assistant Harbor Master give only the diligence required of a good father of a
and Chief of Pilots at Puerto Ordaz has held said family in accordance with the provisions of Art. 11738 of
posts for 8 years and is in charge of designating pilots the Civil Code.
for maneuvering and navigating the Orinoco River. He − The diligence of a good father of a family requires
is also in charge of the documents in the office of the only that diligence which an ordinary prudent man
harbor masters. His competency in testifying on the would exercise with regard to his own property.
existence of the Reglamento General de la Ley de − PPL exercised such diligence when the vessel sailed
Pilotaje (pilotage law of Venezuela) and the only after the "main engine, machineries, and other
Reglamento Para la Zona de Pilotaje No 1 del auxiliaries" were checked and found to be in good
Orinoco (rules governing the navigation of the running condition, the master left the officer on watch
Orinoco River) is not disputed. with an experienced pilot, and when the master
− However, the written laws were not proven in the ordered the inspection of the vessel's double bottom
manner provided by Sec. 24. tanks when the vibrations occurred anew.
− The Reglamento General de la Ley de Pilotaje was − The master remains the overall commander of the
published in the Gaceta Oficial and the Reglamento vessel even when there is a pilot on board. He
Para la Zona de Pilotaje No 1 del Orinoco published remains in control of the ship as he can still perform
in a book issued by the Ministerio de the duties conferred upon him by law despite the
Comunicaciones, but only photocopies were presence of a pilot who is temporarily in charge of the
presented. Both are considered public documents. vessel. It is not required of him to be on the bridge
− For a copy of a foreign public document to be while the vessel is being navigated by a pilot. (Code
admissible: of Commerice and PPA Admin Order 03-85)
a. It must be attested by the officer having legal − The Orinoco River being a compulsory pilotage
custody of the records or by his deputy. channel necessitated the engaging of a pilot who was
presumed to be knowledgeable of every shoal, bank,
7 Sec. 24. Proof of official record. -- The record of public
deep and shallow ends of the river.
documents referred to in paragraph (a) of Section 19, when admissible !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
for any purpose, may be evidenced by an official publication thereof or 8 Art. 1173. The fault or negligence of the obligor consists in
by a copy attested by the officer having the legal custody of the the omission of that diligence which is required by the nature of the
record, or by his deputy, and accompanied, if the record is not kept in obligation and corresponds with the circumstances of the persons, of
the Philippines, with a certificate that such officer has the custody. If the time and of the place. When negligence shows bad faith, the
the office in which the record is kept is in a foreign country, the provisions of articles 1171 and 2201, paragraph 2, shall apply.
certificate may be made by a secretary of the embassy or legation,
consul general, consul, vice consul, or consular agent or by any officer If the law or contract does not state the diligence which is to
in the foreign service of the Philippines stationed in the foreign country be observed in the performance, that which is expected of a good
in which the record is kept, and authenticated by the seal of his office. father of a family shall be required.
B2017 TIMELESS REVIEWERS | PRIL 6 | Prof. Nicky Ty |23
− In his deposition, Vasquez testified that he is an
official pilot in the harbor at Port Ordaz and he had DISPOSITIVE: Petition denied. CA decision affirmed.
been a pilot for 12 years, with experience in
navigating the Orinoco River.
− The law provides that the master can overrule the C. Exceptions to the Application of Foreign Law
order or command of the harbor pilot on board. The
master of the PR deemed it best not to order the pilot a. Foreign Law is contrary to an important
to stop maybe because the latter had assured him public policy of the forum
that they were navigating normally before the Pakistan International Airlines v. Ople (1990) – Feliciano, J.
grounding. Petitioner: Pakistan International Airlines Corporation (“PIA”)
− Licensed pilots, enjoying the emoluments of Respondents: Ethelynne Farrales and Maria Mamasig
compulsory pilotage, are in a different class from (Private Respondents); Min. of Labor Ople and Dep. Min.
ordinary employees, for they assume to have a skill Leogardo (Public Respondents)
and a knowledge of navigation in the particular waters Concept: Exceptions to the Application of Foreign Law >
over which their licenses extend superior to that of Foreign Law is Contrary to an Important Public Policy of the
the master; pilots are bound to use due diligence and Forum
reasonable care and skill.
− The character of the skill and knowledge required of a PIA and the private respondents entered into an employment
pilot in charge of a vessel on the rivers of a country is contract in which it was agreed that the period of employment
very different from that which enables a navigator to was for a fixed period of 3 years and that employment may be
carry a vessel safely in the ocean. the pilot of a river terminated by PIA either a month before the intended
vessel, like the harbor pilot, is selected for the termination or payment of one month’s salary in lieu thereof. It
individual's personal knowledge of the topography was also agreed the laws of Pakistan would apply and that the
through which the vessel is steered. The pilot of a courts of Karachi, Pakistan would be the sole venue for the
river vessel is selected for the individual's personal settlement of disputes between the parties. The SC held that
knowledge of the topography through which the these provisions were contrary to Philippine law for violating
vessel is steered. security of tenure and for ousting Philippine agencies and
− The grounding of the vessel is attributable to the courts of the jurisdiction vested upon them by Philippine law.
pilot. When the vibrations were first felt, Vasquez said
that they were in the middle of the channel and that Doctrine: Parties may not contract away applicable provisions
the vibration was a result of the shallowness of the of law especially peremptory provisions dealing with matters
channel. heavily impressed with public interest. The law relating to
− If it is compulsive upon the master to take a pilot, labor and employment is clearly such an area and parties are
and, a fortiori, if he is bound to do so under penalty, not at liberty to insulate themselves and their relationships
then, and in such case, neither he nor the owner will from the impact of labor laws and regulations by simply
be liable for injuries occasioned by the negligence of contracting with each other.
the pilot.
− The doctrine of res ipsa loquitur does not apply to the Foreign Elements:
case at bar because the circumstances surrounding There was partial performance of the contract abroad and it
the injury do not clearly indicate negligence on the was agreed in the employment contract that the laws of
part of PPL. Pakistan would apply and that the courts of Karachi, Pakistan
o The accident was of such character as to would be the sole venue for the settlement of disputes
warrant an inference that it would not have between the parties
happened except for defendant's
negligence. b. It must have been caused by However, note that the employment contracts were executed
an agency or instrumentality within the and partially performed in the Philippines, that the private
exclusive management or control of the respondents are Philippine citizens and residents, that they
person charged with the negligence. were based in the Philippines in between their assigned flights
o It must not have been due to any voluntary to the Middle East and Europe, and that PIA is a foreign
action or contribution on the part of the corporation, but is licensed to do business (and actually doing
person injured. business) and hence resident in the Philippines.
- There was no negligence and the ship was not controlled
by the master or the owner, so the first two requisites are FACTS:
absent. 1. Pakistan International Airlines ("PIA"), a foreign
- The Lloyds Register of Shipping confirmed that the vessel corporation licensed to do business in the Philippines,
was seaworthy in a Confirmation of Class. It is not required executed in Manila two (2) separate contracts of
that the vessel be perfect, as in this case where the top employment with Farrales and Mamasig as flight
side tank needed repairs. attendants. The terms of the contract are as follows:
B2017 TIMELESS REVIEWERS | PRIL 6 | Prof. Nicky Ty |24
a. DURATION OF EMPLOYMENT AND PENALTY - illegal and entitled private respondents to
Three (3) years, but can be extended by the reinstatement with full backwages.
mutual consent of the parties 6. MOLE Deputy Minister – Affirmed the Regional
b. TERMINATION - PIA reserves the right to Director save for the portion thereof giving PIA the option,
terminate this agreement at any time by giving in lieu of reinstatement, to pay the private respondents
the EMPLOYEE notice in writing in advance one their salaries corresponding to the unexpired portion of
month before the intended termination OR in the contracts
lieu thereof, by paying the EMPLOYEE wages
equivalent to one month's salary. ISSUES:
c. APPLICABLE LAW - This agreement shall be WON MOLE has jurisdiction over the subject matter (YES)
construed and governed under and by the laws WON petitioner's right to due process was violated (NO)
of Pakistan, and only the Courts of Karachi, WON the relationship between the parties was governed by
Pakistan shall have the jurisdiction to consider their contract rather than by the Labor Code (NO)
any matter arising out of or under this
agreement. RATIO:
2. Farrales and Mamasig began training in Pakistan. YES. THE MOLE HAS JURISDICTION.
Aftewards, they began working as flight attendants, with " PIA’s Argument: Jurisdiction over the subject matter is
base station in Manila and flying assignments to different lodged in the Arbitration Branch of the NLRC.
parts of the Middle East and Europe. SC:
3. One (1) year and four (4) months prior to the expiration of " At the time the complaint was initiated, the Regional
the contracts of employment, PIA through Benares, Director had jurisdiction because Article 278 of the Labor
counsel/official of the local branch of PIA, sent letters to Code, as it then existed, forbade the termination of the
Farrales and Mamasig advising both that their services as services of employees with at least one (1) year of service
flight stewardesses would be terminated pursuant to the without prior clearance from the Department of Labor and
TERMINATION clause in their contracts. Employment:
4. Farrales and Mamasig filed a complaint for illegal " Rule XIV, Book No. 5 of the IRR, made clear that in case of
dismissal and non-payment of company benefits and a termination without the necessary clearance, the
bonuses, against PIA with the then-Ministry of Labor and Regional Director was authorized to order the
Employment (“MOLE”). reinstatement of the employee concerned and the
a. In PIA’s position paper, it was alleged that payment of backwages; necessarily, therefore, the
both private respondents were habitual Regional Director must have been given jurisdiction over
absentees; that both were in the habit of such termination cases.
bringing in from abroad sizeable quantities o Sec. 2 IRR: “Shutdown or dismissal without
of "personal effects"; and that PIA personnel clearance. -- Any shutdown or dismissal without
at the Manila International Airport had been prior clearance shall be conclusively presumed to
discreetly warned by customs officials to be termination of employment without a just
advise private respondents to discontinue cause. The Regional Director shall, in such case,
that practice. PIA further claimed that the order the immediate reinstatement of the
services of both private respondents were employee and the payment of his wages from the
terminated pursuant to the provisions of the time of the shutdown or dismissal until the time
employment contract. of reinstatement."
b. PIA did not submit any evidence to
substantiate its allegations. NO. PIA’S RIGHT TO DUE PROCESS WAS NOT
5. MOLE Regional Director - Ordered the reinstatement VIOLATED.
with full backwages or, in the alternative, the payment to " Petitioner was ordered by the Regional Director to submit
them of the amounts equivalent to their salaries for the its position paper and evidence. Petitioner opted to rely
remainder of the fixed three-year period of their solely upon its position paper; thus it is assumed it had no
employment contracts evidence to sustain its assertions. Thus, even if no formal
a. Private respondents had attained the status or oral hearing was conducted, it had ample opportunity
of regular employees after they had to explain its side.
rendered more than a year of continued " Petitioner PIA was also able to appeal his case to the
service; that the stipulation limiting the MOLE.
period of the employment contract to three " At the time the complaint was filed by private respondents
(3) years was null and void as violative of the and at the time the Regional Director issued his
provisions of the Labor Code and IRR on questioned order, applicable regulation, as noted above,
regular and casual employment; and that the specified that a "dismissal without prior clearance shall be
dismissal, having been carried out without conclusively presumed to be termination of employment
the requisite clearance from the MOLE, was without a just cause", and the Regional Director was
B2017 TIMELESS REVIEWERS | PRIL 6 | Prof. Nicky Ty |25
required in such case to "order the immediate whether such service is continuous or
reinstatement of the employee and the payment of his broken, shall be considered as regular
wages from the time of the shutdown or dismissal until x x employee with respect to the activity in which
x reinstatement". he is employed and his employment shall
o Under the then applicable rule, the Regional continue which such actually exists.”
Director did not even have to require submission
of position papers by the parties in view of the " A contract providing for employment with a fixed period is
conclusive (juris et de jure) character of the not necessarily unlawful. The critical consideration is the
presumption created by such applicable law and presence or absence of a substantial indication
regulation. that the period specified in an employment
agreement was designed to circumvent the
NO. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE PARTIES IS security of tenure of regular employees which is
GOVERNED BY THE LABOR CODE. provided for in Articles 280 and 281 of the Labor Code.
" A contract freely entered into should be respected since a (Brent School v. Zamora)
contract is the law between the parties. The principle of o This indication must ordinarily rest upon some
party autonomy in contracts is not, however, an absolute aspect of the agreement other than the mere
principle. specification of a fixed term of the employment
o The rule in Article 1306, of our Civil Code is that agreement, or upon evidence aliunde of the
the contracting parties may establish such intent to evade.
stipulations as they may deem convenient
"provided they are not contrary to law, morals, " When the DURATION OF EMPLOYMENT AND PENALTY
good customs, public order or public policy". and TERMINATION clauses are read together, the fixed
" Counter-balancing the principle of autonomy of period of three (3) years will be seen to have been
contracting parties is the equally general rule that effectively neutralized by the provisions of TERMINATION
provisions of applicable law, especially provisions clause of that agreement.
relating to matters affected with public policy, o The TERMINATION clause took back from the
are deemed written into the contract. employee the fixed three (3)-year period
" The governing principle is that parties may not ostensibly granted by rendering such period in
contract away applicable provisions of law effect a facultative one at the option of the
especially peremptory provisions dealing with matters employer PIA.
heavily impressed with public interest. The law relating to o The net effect of the said clauses is to render the
labor and employment is clearly such an area and parties employment of private basically employment at
are not at liberty to insulate themselves and their the pleasure of PIA. They were intended to
relationships from the impact of labor laws and regulations prevent any security of tenure from accruing in
by simply contracting with each other. favor of private respondents even during the
The contractual provisions invoked by petitioner PIA are limited period of three (3) years.
inconsistent with applicable Philippine law and regulations.
Re: DURATION OF EMPLOYMENT AND PENALTY and " The first part of cannot be invoked to prevent the
TERMINATION clauses application of Philippine labor laws and regulations to the
" The DURATION OF EMPLOYMENT AND PENALTY clause subject matter of this case, i.e., the employer-employee
is inconsistent with Articles 280 and 281 of the Labor Code relationship between PIA and the private respondents.
as they existed at the time the contract of employment o Their relationship is much affected with public
was entered into. interest and that the otherwise applicable
o Art. 280: “Security of Tenure. -- In cases of Philippine laws and regulations cannot be
regular employment, the employer shall not rendered illusory by the parties agreeing upon
terminate the services of an employee except for some other law to govern their relationship.
a just cause or when authorized by this Title. An " The second part, specifying the Karachi courts as the sole
employee who is unjustly dismissed from work venue for the settlement of disputes between the
shall be entitled to reinstatement without loss of contracting parties, cannot be invoked as well.
seniority rights and to his backwages computed o Even a cursory scrutiny of the relevant
from the time his compensation was withheld circumstances of this case will show the
from him up to the time his reinstatement.” multiple and substantive contacts
o Art. 281: “Regular and Casual Employment. – between Philippine law and Philippine
“xxx An employment shall be deemed to be courts, on the one hand, and the relationship
casual if it is not covered by the proceeding between the parties, upon the other show
paragraph: provided, that, any employee who that:
has rendered at least one year of service,
B2017 TIMELESS REVIEWERS | PRIL 6 | Prof. Nicky Ty |26
! The contract was not only executed in
the Philippines, it was also performed
here, at least partially
! Private respondents are Philippine
citizens and residents
! Petitioner, although a foreign
corporation, is licensed to do business
(and actually doing business) and hence
resident in the Philippines
! Private respondents were based in the
Philippines in between their assigned
flights to the Middle East and Europe.
o All the above contacts point to the Philippine
courts and administrative agencies as a proper
forum for the resolution of contractual disputes
between the parties. Under these circumstances,
the APPLICABLE LAW clause of the employment
agreement cannot be given effect so as to oust
Philippine agencies and courts of the jurisdiction
vested upon them by Philippine law.
o PIA also did not undertake to plead and prove
the contents of Pakistan law on the matter; it
must therefore be presumed that the applicable
provisions of the law of Pakistan are the same as
the applicable provisions of Philippine law.


b. Foreign law is procedural in nature

c. Issues are related to property (Lex Situs)
d. Foreign law pertains to revenue
e. Foreign law is penal in character
f. Foreign law is contrary to good morals
(contra bonus mores)
g. Application of the foreign law will work
injustice to the citizens of the forum
h. Application of the foreign law might
endanger the vital interests of the state
of the forum

B2017 TIMELESS REVIEWERS | PRIL 6 | Prof. Nicky Ty |27


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