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(Pokhara University Affiliate)


Level: Bachelor (Spring Semester) Year: 2020
Programme: BBA Full Marks: 100
Semester: II Pass Marks: 45
Course: General Psychology Time: 3 hrs.
Candidates are expected to answer the question in their own words as far as
practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Instructions to students:
 Read the questions carefully and confine your responses to an analysis of the
questions as written.
 You have 3 hours to complete your exam and 2 hour to submit your scanned
answer sheets in College MIS system in PDF Format.
 The answer script should be handwritten by the examinee himself/herself. If
found to be written by others, typed on a computer, carbon copied, copied
from a book, or any other method used, such answer sheets will be
automatically discarded
 The scanned size of the answer sheet should not exceed more than 20 MB and
should be compulsorily in pdf format
 Upload your scanned answers in College MIS system in respective subject.
 Write page numbers on each pages of your answer sheets.
 Write your name/ semester or Trimester/ and roll number on each answer
 Please leave 1 inch margin on both left side as well as right side of your
answer sheets.
 This is timebound open book examination therefore candidates have to
submit the answer sheets on defined time frame.

Section A
Descriptive Answer Questions
Attempt any FOUR questions. (4×15 = 60)
1. Critically explain the historical development of psychology with its
nature and goals.
2. Elaborate the structure, division and functions of central nervous
3. How Social cognition and behavior influences human behavior in
organization? Illustrate an example of Conformity and obedience.
4. Briefly explain the classical conditional learning theory with its
5. What is a Insightful learning theory? Write the importance of learning
theories in organizational settings.

Section B
Analytical answer questions.
6. Read the following case carefully and answer the following questions.
( 4x10=40 )
Hari is a friendly and cooperative person. He always helps other person and
has many good friends. He is well liked in his friend circle. One day he
became ill and went to hospital for check up. Doctors referred him to take
several tests and finally test reports suggested that he has suffered from
corona positive. When he came back to his office he told his friends about his
illness and from that point his friends tried to avoid him and left him alone all
the time and stigmatize him. If he wanted to talk to them, they refused to talk
with him. Even his very best friends are also reluctant to interact with him and
tried to stay away from him. Hari cannot understand what’s going on. He
never hurt anyone but no one likes him anymore. Finally, Hari experiences
guilt, self blame, worthless and ideation of self-harm.
Case Questions:
a) How do you explain the behavior of Hari’s friends?
b) How discrimination does is different from prejudice?
c) How can you help Hari to cope in that changed condition?
d) Suggest some ways to reduce such discrimination and prejudice
in organizational setting.

Faculty Name: Padam Raj Joshi

Mobile No.: 9851038207

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