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As we live our day to day life.We encounter different things with different
meaning on it. Everything that we can see in our surroundings can be mathematical
and scientifically explained. Things are made with patterns,shapes and orders. Same
with art, Mathematics and art are closely related. Drawing is a kind of art. Every
artwork tells a story. A artwork that can tell a lot about what we are thinking and want
to express with the used of our work.
But how can we relate mathematics to it? As you can see in my drawing, you will
find out that there are a lot of patterns and shapes included on it. A drawing cannot be
completed without a pattern or shape. Even abstract paintings require it. Pattern is a
fundamental concept in both mathematics and art. It is used and added to my own art.
As you can see, in my output, pattern is one of the main visual element used. Along
with some color, form, lines and texture. Some people may not easily appreciate and
tell that mathematics is related to art. Because both disciplines require spatial
reasoning skills and ability to recognize patterns. Furthermore, looking at my artwork.
I can really say that I created an artwork with the help of my knowledge and the
things I learned in my Mathematics subject. It is not only about numbers and formula.
It is not only about computations and memorizing formula to solve a problem. By
simply using the concept of geometry and it’s basic foundation. You can make a
beautiful artwork with a meaning on it.Geometry is a branch of mathematics that
studies the sizes, shapes, positions angles and dimensions of things. So I can really
relate my artwork to mathematics.
Always remember that Math is the essential part of art. Many ancient artists like
Leonardo Davincci were mathematicians. That's why we can therefore conclude that
art without math was just hard to work with. In creating a wonderful artwork, you
need to consider mathematics.

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