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Observation Logs

Child Day and Date Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:


Student 1 Thursday- 9/10 ELA- working to identify The student seems excited
letter sounds, beginning about learning. He likes to
sounds, etc. be called on and often
raises his virtual hand.
The student participated This shows me that the
even while muted, identified student might like
letters and sounds correctly. attention from his teachers
He maintained focus and or adults.
attention the entire lesson
and was engaged.

Student 1 Thursday- 9/10 Math- identifying math The student likes to be

vocabulary (plus sign, given positive praise and
sum, etc) and solving gets happy when the
simple addition problems. teacher gives him any
positive feedback.
The student listened
throughout the entire lesson
and followed along with the
teacher. He correctly solved
the given problems on his
white board.

Student 1 Tuesday- 9/15 ELA- working on writing The student does not show
heart words. any difficulty paying
attention at home except
The student followed along for when a sibling or adult
with the teacher as she comes near him. He is
wrote the heart words. The very involved and does all
student kept attention that is asked.
throughout the lesson and
gave the teacher a sentence
using the word “he” when
called on.
Student 1 Tuesday- 9/15 Math- working on The student is a very hard
addition problems. worker. He has good
listening skills and is a
The student answered all leader in the virtual
math problems correctly, classroom.
and helped the teacher when
called on. He worked at the
pace of the teacher and then
independently when he was
told to.

Student 1 Tuesday- 9/22 ELA- reviewing letter and The student was unmuting
vowel sound and naming, his microphone to state the
begging, middle, and answers. Although he did
sounds, and breaking have the right answers, the
apart words. students are supposed to
stay muted until they are
The student was able to called on.
identify all letter and vowel
sounds. He was called upon
to break apart the word
“bed” and he was able to do
so stating /b/ /e/ /d/ without
prompting from the teacher.

Student 1 Tuesday- 9/22 Math- creating and solving The student is able to
math addition problems self-correct which is a
based off of the pictures higher leveled skill that
shown. some students at this age
are not yet able to do. This
The student was able to shows that the student is
correctly identify the plus working hard and also
and equals sign when called paying attention.
on. When asked how many
red foxes were in the picture
he responded with four,
although there were two.
The teacher then went to
correct him but the student
corrected himself and said
“no two foxes then two
more” as there were four

Student 1 Thursday- 10/1 ELA- working on reading The student seems to be

and writing heart words ahead of many of his peers
and sentence writing. when it comes to writing
and spelling.
The student was focused and
following along with the
teacher. He unmuted when it
was another student's turn.
He was able to spell words
phonetically such as store as
“stor.” He was also able to
correctly identify each of the
heart words.

Student 1 Thursday- 10/1 Math- working on ways to The student has shown a
make seven. high level of
understanding in math.
The student was able to Although he sometimes
follow along in the math unmutes as he wants to
workbook and correctly talk or share his answers,
answer the problems he follows other directions
independently. He finished of the virtual classroom
early so sat quietly waiting environment.
for his peers to finish. When
called on, he correctly
explained how he got one of
his answers (4+3=7).

Student 1 Tuesday- 10/6 ELA- working to identify The student shows strong
rhymes and stretching listening skills throughout
words. the day. He seems to
understand whether the
The student read an entire instruction is verbal or
line of ​Mary Had a Little visual.
Lamb ​out loud. He then was
able to correctly identify a
rhyme for the teacher. The
student showed attention the
entire time and was engaged
even when muted.

Student 1 Tuesday- 10/6 Math - learning ways to The student put his virtual
make eight. hand up and down many
times so that he could get
The student followed along called on. This shows that
and listened to the teacher as he likes to participate and
she taught the lesson. The talk in class.
student raised his virtual
hand to answer the teachers
questions, and also raised
his hand to explain why
eight plus zero equals eight.

Student 1 Tuesday- 10/13 ELA- breaking apart and This behavior shows that
reading nonsense words. virtual learning can be
hard for kids at a young
The student participated for age. Although he tries his
the majority of the lesson. best to participate, there
While muted and others are factors that affect his
were being called on, the learning and attention.
student was fidgeting with
something in his hands. The
student was then called on
and switched his attention
back to the lesson. He was
able to correctly break apart
and read the nonsense word.

Student 1 Tuesday- 10/13 Math- learning ways to The student is continuing

make nine. to work hard in class. He
is learning the content and
The student followed along doing well with his work.
in his workbook as the
teacher taught the lesson.
The student was able to
follow directions and
correctly solve the problems
both with the support of the
teacher and independently.

Student 1 Monday- 10/19 ELA- identifying letter The student often spends a
names and sounds, lot of time raising his
identifying beginning, virtual hand and trying to
middle, and ending get called on. Because it is
sounds, creating rhymes, an online setting and not
etc. everyone can be unmuted,
the teachers take turns to
The student was able to call on students. This
answer the questions when sometimes makes it
called upon. He does all difficult for others as they
hand motions for the short feel as though they don’t
vowels, identifying the need to participate when
correct sound. He was able they are not called on.
to give a rhyming word Although the student does
when given the word “pig” well with engagement, he
by stating “dig.” sometimes loses focus.

Student 1 Monday- 10/19 Math- practicing math The student has been
addition problems. losing focus during certain
lessons when waiting for
The student began losing other students to be called
focus as other students were on. This may simply be
being called on. Because the because learning in the
students were using virtual setting is difficult
counting cubes, the student for most of these kids to
began to play with these. focus their attention on
When called on, he was able learning the entire time.
to correctly find the sum of
the math equation given to
him with the help of his
counting cubes.

Student 1 Thursday- 10/29 ELA- reading and echo The student showed strong
reading a passage with the reading skills in
teacher. comparison to his
same-aged peers.
The student was able to read
an entire sentence in the
passage independently. The
student showed the skill of
breaking apart a word to
sound it when reading
“ship,” but was able to
quickly do so. He also
listened as his other
classmates read the story.

Student 1 Thursday- 10/29 Math- working on This student enjoys being

addition with part, part, called on and likes to give
whole. explanations.

The student was focused and

engaged during a majority
of this lesson. He was able
to correctly solve the
problems with the guidance
of the teacher and
independently. When called
on, he correctly found each
part and the whole and
explained to the class how
he did so.

Student 1 Thursday- 11/5 ELA- identifying The student again showed

beginning, middle, and his ability to self-correct.
ending sounds in words, When given another
correlating letter name to example from the teacher,
letter sound, breaking the student was able to do
words into onset and rime. so on his own. This shows
that the student is
The student was focused and responsive to feedback.
raised his virtual hand to get
called on throughout the
lesson. He also worked
while muted. When called
on, the student first
stretched the word instead of
breaking it into its onset and
rime. After the teacher gave
another example, the student
was able to do so on his

Student 1 Thursday- 11/5 Math- practicing This shows that the

subtraction problems. student is very bright and
enjoys learning. Although
The student was engaged he went ahead, he was
and followed along with the able to do his work
teacher throughout the correctly on his own.
lesson. When told to do the
first four problems
independently the student
went on and finished the
entire section. He was able
to correctly subtract and
maintained attention even as
other students were being
called on to give the answer.

Student 2 Thursday- 9/10 ELA- working to identify The student mostly

letter sounds, beginning observed within the lesson
sounds, breaking apart when it was not his turn to
words, etc. be called on.

The student was able to

identify some letter sounds.
When called on to give the
first sound in the word bun,
the student struggled to do
so. With further prompting,
he later gave the teacher the
letter b, who then explained
that b says /b/.

Student 2 Thursday- 9/10 Math- identifying math

vocabulary (plus sign,
sum, etc) and solving
simple addition problems.

The student was able to

correctly identify the word
“sum” when asked and
called upon.

Student 2 Tuesday- 9/15 ELA- working on writing The student does his work
heart words. with support from his
mom. She seems to guide
The student was unable to him through the
maintain focus during this assignments and repeat
time. His mother unmuted to what the teachers ask the
tell the teachers he was students to do. This helps
having a rough time today. him to do what is asked
The student put his head because he is being held
into the chair and began accountable.
crying when asked to do

Student 2 Tuesday- 9/15 Math- working on When the student is able

addition problems. to focus his full attention
in a lesson he is able to do
The student was very well. The student also
engaged in this lesson. He showed that verbal support
was sitting forward in his and praise is something
chair and following along in that he likes and it helps
the math book. The teacher so that he is not as
called on him to answer a frustrated as he is
question and the student completing his work.
answered correctly. He was
then very excited, hugged
his mom, and dabbed.
Student 2 Tuesday- 9/22 ELA- reviewing letter and The student often has
vowel sound and naming, difficulty maintaining
begging, middle, and focus during these lessons
sounds, and breaking as they are long, and it
apart words. takes time for the teacher
to call on the students. The
The student followed along student may benefit more
as the teacher went through from the small group
the letter names and sounds. instruction during
The student was unable to intervention time.
identify the short /i/ sound
and became frustrated for a
short moment. The student
then listened and observed
for the remainder of the
lesson but did not

Student 2 Tuesday- 9/22 Math- creating and solving The student seems to have
math addition problems good days and bad days.
based off of the pictures Although he was not
shown. participating the entire
time, he did not get
The student wrote down the frustrated with himself.
answers in the book as the
teacher displayed them on
the document camera. The
student lost focus a few
times by grabbing his
stuffed animal, sitting back
in his chair, and rocking, but
wrote when the teacher told
the students to.

Student 2 Thursday- 10/1 ELA- working on reading The student seems to

and writing heart words benefit from visuals.
and sentence writing. When the teachers use the
document camera or share
For the beginning of the their screen to show the
lesson the student was work on a paper, the
sitting back in the chair student is able to better
under the blanket. His mom understand what is being
was next to him and was asked.
helping him to write the
words. With guidance from
mom and looking at the
teacher’s shared screen, he
was able to do so correctly.

Student 2 Thursday- 10/1 Math- working on ways to The student seems to get
make seven. frustrated when he is
unable to easily solve a
The student worked with his problem or answer a
mom to answer the question. He also shows
independent questions. As that he relies on his mom a
he was working, he put his great deal.
head down for a moment to
stop. His mom then worked
with him on the rest of the
paper. As the students were
asked to share their answers,
the student sat in his chair
and listened until he was
called on.

Student 2 Tuesday- 10/6 ELA- working to identify The student initially tried
rhymes and stretching to give the teacher the
words. letters for the word rather
than the sounds. This
The student was unable to shows that the student
stretch words independently. struggles with identifying
As the teacher tried to talk this difference.
him through doing so, he
lost focus. The teacher then
redirected the student and
was able to get him to repeat
after her to stretch the word
dog. (d-o-g)
Student 2 Tuesday- 10/6 Math- learning ways to The student gets happy
make eight. when he is called on and
answers a question
The student followed along correctly.
with the teacher as she
taught the lesson. He
worked in his workbook
with his mom next to him,
supporting as needed. When
called on the student
correctly identified that six
plus two equals eight.

Student 2 Tuesday- 10/13 ELA- breaking apart and The student’s mom
reading nonsense words. explained that he often
becomes frustrated when
The student was not focused he has to work and doesn’t
during this time. At first he want to. This shows that
was listening, and then he the student may need
sat back in his chair and sat external motivations in
with his stuffed animal. The order to work sometimes.
student was not called on
during this time, and then
went into a breakout room
with the intervention

Student 2 Tuesday- 10/13 Math- learning ways to Although the student’s

make nine. mom is very helpful; it
may sometimes hinder the
The student correctly student as he is not having
identified that the sum in all to do all that he can and
of the problems had to be should. The student might
nine. He worked in his book benefit from work on
and followed along to the ways to become more
teacher writing his answers independent so that he is
down with the help of his able to do so when he
mom. When working on again attends school in
white boards, his mom drew person.
the lines for him to write the
numbers on.

Student 2 Monday- 10/19 ELA- identifying letter The student often has
names and sounds, difficulty following all of
identifying beginning, the directions that are
middle, and ending given. For example, the
sounds, creating rhymes, teacher asked the student
etc. to do the hand motion with
her and “chop” on the
The student paid attention ending sound; however,
for most of the lesson. He the student did not do so
was playing with a toy at the until the teacher took a
end, though. When called on step back and regained his
to identify the ending sound focus.
in pin, the student gave the
beginning sound. When the
teacher asked the student to
chop on the last sound, he
simply restated /p/. The
teacher then asked the
student to do exactly what
she was doing. After some
time and extra explanation,
the student was able to
identify that the ending
sound was /n/.

Student 2 Monday- 10/19 Math- practicing math The student may benefit
addition problems. from visuals rather than
objects. While the
The student worked with his counting cubes are
mom to use the counting helpful, they can also be
cubes to solve problems. distracting. The student
The student was able to might be better off with
solve all problems correctly, drawing items on his
with what looked like board and counting them
guidance from mom. The all.
student did get distracted by
the cubes a few times and
began to play, but was able
to work when redirected by
both mom and the teachers.

Student 2 Thursday- 10/29 ELA- reading and echo The student seems as
reading a passage with the though he would benefit
teacher. from working at a table.
The student was sitting back The student’s environment
in the chair listening to the may be a distraction to his
story. When the class was to learning, as he sits in a
be echo reading, the student reclining chair (not
was not participating or reclined) that looks to be
focused. The student looked very large and comfy.
to be as if he was listening, While this may be
but he was not engaged pleasing to him, he may
during this time. When benefit from having a
called on, he repeated after more sturdy chair to work
the teacher, in.

Student 2 Thursday- 10/29 Math- working on The student is not getting

addition with part, part, social interaction as usual
whole. since the school is entirely
virtual. In addition, this
The student was not able to observation showed that
stay focused during this the student benefits from
time. When called on, he repetition, especially when
began talking about a game he gets off topic.
he likes to play. As the
teacher tried to redirect him,
he sighed, so the teacher
talked him through the

Student 2 Thursday- 11/5 ELA- identifying This shows that the

beginning, middle, and student may struggle with
ending sounds in words, oral instruction. He is
correlating letter name to sometimes unable to
letter sound, breaking follow directions and keep
words into onset and rime. his attention on the teacher
during these lessons.
The student was listening to
the teacher during this time.
When called on to identify
the beginning sound in the
word “fog” the student said
the letter name. When the
teacher asked the student for
the found the student
responded by saying “I
already said it.” The teacher
then again asked the student
to give the sound it makes
and not the letter, and the
student responded by
making the sound /f/
correctly. He was also doing
most of the hand motions as
others were called on.

Student 2 Thursday- 11/5 Math- practicing The student does well

subtraction problems. when explicit instruction
is given, and he can
The student followed along receive support from
in his math book as the mom. He may benefit
teacher guided the students from step-by-step slow
through the lesson. When instruction, which would
working on the independent be possible in a
problems, the student one-on-one or smaller
received support from his setting.
mom. He was able to solve
all questions correctly and
smiled after his teacher told
him “great job.”

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