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All Groups – What is Public Sanitation?

Group 1/6 – Sanitation of Water.

How does water get contaminated?

Effects of contaminated water on health and environment.

How can water contamination be prevented?

Write a Pledge to maintain cleanliness of water.

Group 2 /7- Sanitation in Rural areas.

Causes of poor sanitation.

Effect of poor sanitation on health and environment.

Measures to prevent poor sanitary conditions in rural areas.

Write a Pledge to maintain clean surroundings.

Group 3/8 – Sanitation in Urban areas

Causes of poor sanitation in cities.

Effect of poor sanitation on health and surroundings.

Measures to prevent poor sanitary conditions in cities.

Write a Pledge to maintain clean surroundings.

Group 4/9 – Sanitation in Public places

Causes of poor sanitation in Public places.

Effect of poor sanitation in these places.

Measures to prevent poor sanitation in such places.

Write pledge to maintain cleanliness at Public places.

Group 5/10 – Sanitation in Places of Tourist Interest.

Causes of poor sanitation in such places.

Importance of maintaining cleanliness in such places.

Measures to prevent poor sanitation in such places.

Write a Pledge to maintain cleanliness in places of Tourist


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