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Success Story
Ceramic Fuel Injectors Help
Reduce Diesel Emissions

The electronically actuated fuel
injectors on today’s heavy-duty
diesel engines operate at temperatures
as high as 815˚C and pressures
approaching 20,000 pounds per square
inch (psi). Research has shown that
improving engine efficiency and
lowering emissions always depends on
the engine’s fuel injection system
achieving very high performance.
To meet these exacting requirements, Zirconia fuel injector components are replacing metal ones, eliminating some of the problems
fuel injectors must be machined to associated with the use of low-sulfur diesel fuel.
extremely close tolerances that are
sometimes less than one micrometer.
The harsh environment in which they
ceramics would seem to be ideal A critical feature in the operation of
operate, however, often causes the
construction materials for fuel injector injector plungers is maintenance of
injection plungers to display signs of
plungers because they generally have a minimum clearance to prevent fuel
wear, erosion, and scuffing, depending
very hard surfaces, can be polished leakage. Silicon nitride, a ceramic
on the construction material.
to smooth finishes, are resistant to originally considered a candidate
The introduction of low-sulfur diesel fuel corrosion and erosion, and often material for the new injectors, has a
in 1993 for on-highway vehicles was perform very well in wear and friction coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE)
milestone in the continuous improvement applications. But typical ceramics are much lower than steel (2.6 ppm/˚C vs.
of diesel technology. The new fuel has also very brittle, meaning that they 12 ppm/˚C). Silicon nitride would
five to seven times less sulfur than the could eventually fracture or chip. therefore be unable to maintain the tight
fuel in use prior to 1993, however this clearances required over the entire range
One ceramic material that doesn’t of operating temperatures.
has resulted in lower lubricity and a
fracture in such a demanding application
subsequent increase in scuffing and
is transformation-toughened zirconia
wear for metal plungers in fuel system
(TTZ). This very resilient ceramic resists
injectors. Yttria-stabilized zirconia had a CTE
fracturing and chipping because of a
unique property whereby stress induces closer to that of steel (10.5 ppm/˚C) but
With the assistance of Oak Ridge
changes in its crystal type rather than exhibited a phase transformation and
National Laboratory (ORNL), Cummins,
causing fractures. This material was loss of strength when exposed to water
Inc. (Columbus, Indiana), began
selected for further research under and organic acids in the operating
researching the possibility of using
Cummins’ fuel injector plunger temperature range.
ceramic fuel injection plungers to replace
the metal ones. At first glance, most development program.
Success Story

Magnesia-stabilized zirconia had an Cummins is constantly seeking to

adequate CTE (9 ppm/˚C) and showed improve the performance of its new Sid Diamond
no loss of strength from environmental ceramic injectors. In 2001 a new, higher U.S. Department of Energy
or temperature factors. strength zirconia showing improved FreedomCAR and Vehicle
robustness and closer matching under Technologies Program
Cummins conducted extensive bench and operating conditions was introduced for (202) 586-8032
rig testing of the new timing plunger, and all three applications.
additional engine testing proved its ability
to withstand scuffing and seizing even
with water introduced into the fuel.
A significant barrier to timing plunger Benefits
implementation was the lack of high-
volume centerless grinding capability to • Zirconia injectors resist scuffing and
grind the outer diameter of the plungers wear caused by the reduced lubricity
to sub-micron tolerance levels. Cummins of low-sulfur fuel
has since developed this capability and • Close cooperation among ORNL,
performs the final outer diameter Cummins, and ceramic suppliers
grinding operations in-house. has resulted in the development of
improved zirconia ceramics
• The successful incorporation of
Commercialization zirconia injectors will allow the further
advancement of emission reduction
A zirconia timing plunger was technologies for diesel engines A Strong Energy Portfolio
introduced in 1995 under the CELECTtm
for a Strong America
trademark. Following the success of the
timing plunger, a CELECTtm zirconia
metering plunger was introduced in 1997. Energy efficiency and clean,
This component displayed an increased
renewable energy will mean a
level of complexity requiring sharp
metering edges in two locations. The stronger economy, a cleaner
grinding and handling operations were
improved to maintain these edges. environment, and greater energy

In 1998, Cummins introduced the independence for America. Working

CAPStm common rail fuel system for with a wide array of state, community,
mid-range engines. The new fuel system
contained a zirconia pumping plunger, industry, and university partners, the
and was the first system at Cummins to
U.S. Department of Energy's Office
be introduced into production with a
ceramic component included in the design of Energy Efficiency and Renewable
and development process.
Energy invests in a diverse portfolio
of energy technologies.

January 2004

Printed on recycled paper

For more information contact:

EERE Information Center • 1-877-EERE-INF (1-877-337-3463) •

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